Signature augmentation is a process of adding material to go from one signature class to another. Signature augmentation is used for extending the validity of a signature in order to allow its long-term validation.
To augment a signature to levels BASELINE-T
you shall indicate to the service the TSA source, which delivers for each Timestamp Request a Timestamp Response (RFC 3161 (cf. [R08])) containing tokens.
See chapter [RequestingTimestampToken] for more details.
To augment a signature to level BASELINE-LT
you need to configure revocation sources.
See chapter [RevocationDataManagement] for more information.
The CertificateVerifier
and its implementation CommonCertificateVerifier
determines how DSS accesses the external resources and how it should react in some occasions. This configuration is used in both augmentation and validation mode.
See section [certificateVerifier] for more information.
level contains immutable signed attributes. Once this level is created, these attributes cannot be changed.
The levels BASELINE-T/-LT/-LTA
add unsigned attributes to the signature. This means that the attributes of these levels could be added afterwards to any AdES signature. These unsigned attributes help protect the signature so that it can be validated over a longer period of time. Refer to section [SignatureClasses] for more information on the four signature levels.
The augmentation of the signature is incremental, i.e. when augmenting the signature to the BASELINE-LT
level, the lower level BASELINE-T
will also be added.
The whole augmentation process is implemented by reusing components from signature creation. To augment a signature we proceed in the same way as in the case of a signature creation, except that you have to call the function "extendDocument" instead of the "sign" function.
When a document is signed with several signatures, all the signatures are augmented. Augmenting a set of selected signatures is not supported in DSS. |
is a signature for which there exists a trusted time associated to the signature (cf. [SignatureClasses]). It provides the initial steps towards providing long term validity and more specifically it provides a protection against repudiation. This extension of the signature can be created during the signature creation process as well as during the signature augmentation process.
form must be built on an AdES-BASELINE-B
form. The DSS framework allows augmenting the old -BES
and -EPES
profiles "as if" they were baseline profiles. The added components/attributes are the same, but the created signature is different (e.g. no claimed signing time). Moreover, there is some more support for XAdES extended profiles where the user can select the target augmentation profile.
The framework adds the timestamp only if there is no timestamp yet or there is one but the creation of a new augmentation of the level BASELINE-T
is deliberate (using another TSA). It is not possible to augment a signature to the BASELINE-T
level if it already incorporates a higher level, i.e. BASELINE-LT
. In theory, it would be possible to add another BASELINE-T
level when the signature has already reached level BASELINE-LT
but the framework prevents this operation.
Below is the source code that creates a XAdES-BASELINE-T
signature. For our example, we need to initialize an instance of OnlineTSPSource
(that has already been configured).
Here is the result of adding a new extension of type BASELINE-T
to an already existing BASELINE-T
level signature (for XAdES):
profile implements the signature class Signature with Long-Term Validation Material (cf. [SignatureClasses]). Augmenting to the AdES-BASELINE-LT
will add the CertificateValues
and RevocationValues
unsigned qualifying properties to the signature.
element contains the full set of certificates that have been used to validate the electronic signature, including the signer’s certificate. However, it is not necessary to include one of those certificates if it is already present in theds:KeyInfo
element (in case of XAdES, or within an alternative element for another format) of the signature. -
element includes the sources of CRL and/or OCSP.
In order to find a list of all the certificates and the list of all revocation data, an automatic process of signature validation is executed. To carry out this process an object called CertificateVerifier
must be passed to the service. The implementer must set some of its properties (e.g. a source of trusted certificates). Please refer to the [certificateVerifier] section for further information.
The code below shows how to use the default parameters with the CertificateVerifier
object and how to implement the BASELINE-LT
level of signature:
The following XML segment will be added to the signature qualified and unsigned properties (for XAdES):
The use of online sources can significantly increase the execution time of the signing process. For testing purpose you can create your own source of data. |
In the previous code example, the CommonsDataLoader
is used to provide the communication layer for various protocols (e.g. HTTP, HTTPS, LDAP, LDAPS). Each source that requires to go through the network to retrieve data needs to have this component set.
profile implements the signature class Signature providing Long Term Availability and Integrity of Validation Material (cf. [SignatureClasses]). In practice, the augmentation to BASELINE-LTA
level is made by adding timestamps and optionally additional validation data to protect all the validation data incorporated at BASELINE-LT
level. For example, this augmentation should happen before one of the certificates arrives to its expiration date or when there is a risk of cryptographic obsolescence of the algorithms and parameters used.
level adds the ArchiveTimeStamp
element within the UnsignedSignatureProperties
and may contain several EncapsulatedTimeStamp
Below is an example of the implementation of this level of signature:
The following XML segment will be added to the signature qualified and unsigned properties (for XAdES):
The time-stamping process may be repeated every time the protection used becomes weak. A new time-stamp needs to be affixed before either the signing certificate of the TSA is expired or the algorithms used by the TSA of the previous time-stamp have become obsolete. The new timestamp and validation material are added into the existing BASELINE-LTA
This concept of BASELINE-LTA
repetition is illustrated in the following schema.
The common process is a creation of a -B
level signature and then augmenting it, when necessary, with superior levels. However, the framework allows signing directly with any level.
Thus, a direct signature creation to BASELINE-T
level can benefit the signer with providing a best-signature-time (and a proof of existence of the signature, respectively) as close as possible to the claimed signing time.
Let’s see an example of signing with the level BASELINE-T
The timestamp source shall be defined for BASELINE-T and BASELINE-LTA levels creation.
The SignatureTimeStamp
mandated by the XAdES-BASELINE-T
form appears as an unsigned property within the QualifyingProperties
For signature creation, it is recommended to use a BASELINE-T
level in order to provide the proof of existence (POE) to the signature with a signature time-stamp. This will ensure that the signature has been made during the validity period of the signing-certificate. The BASELINE-B
level should not be used for signatures that need to be valid over a longer period of time because it does not contain a timestamp to prove the time of signing.
It is not recommended using BASELINE-LT
or higher level on signature creation. The BASELINE-LT
level should be added to a signature only after a revocation data update, so that revocation’s thisUpdate
parameter value will be after the best-signing-time provided by the signature time-stamp on BASELINE-T
level. This is a requirement of a revocation freshness constraint defined in ETSI EN 319 102-1 (cf. [R09]) and enforced by TS 119 172-4 (cf. [R10]) with a value '0'.
Since the lower levels are also added when the signature is augmented to a certain level, the BASELINE-LTA
level should not be used for signature creation either as it would add BASELINE-LT
trusted time indications should be created before the signing certificate has been revoked or expired and close to the time that the AdES signature was produced.
If the signing certificate has expired before the trusted time indications have been added, it will not be possible to validate the signature anymore. This is why the timestamp should be created before the expiration of the signing certificate.
While the expiration date is known since the moment of the creation of the certificate, a certificate can be revoked at any time. To avoid that the certificate gets revoked before the creation of the timestamp, it is important to create the timestamp close to the time that the AdES signature was created.
After the revocation data update, satisfying the revocation freshness constraint, the BASELINE-LT
level can be incorporated to the signature, providing the information about validity of the used certificate chains. In order to prove the existence of the revocation data, the BASELINE-LTA
level should be added after. The BASELINE-LTA
level will prove the existence of the incorporated revocation data, so it can be trusted by the validators even after its expiration, as well as the timestamp will provide a POE for cryptographic constraints and all the previous certificate chains, including the ones used for timestamp creation.
As each timestamp has its own validity range, it is important to preserve timestamp validity with another following BASELINE-LTA
level, before expiration of the timestamp’s certificate.
It can be beneficial to use timestamps from different TSAs approach in order to avoid signature validity expiration in case one of the timestamps becomes unexpectedly invalid by one or another reason (e.g. revocation of a timestamp’s certificate). |