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Copy pathescena_ppal.tscn
57 lines (43 loc) · 9.7 KB
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polygons = [ PoolIntArray( 2, 1, 0 ), PoolIntArray( 4, 3, 5 ), PoolIntArray( 5, 3, 6 ), PoolIntArray( 7, 12, 8 ), PoolIntArray( 8, 12, 9 ), PoolIntArray( 9, 12, 10 ), PoolIntArray( 10, 12, 11 ), PoolIntArray( 15, 14, 16 ), PoolIntArray( 16, 14, 13 ), PoolIntArray( 18, 17, 19 ), PoolIntArray( 19, 17, 20 ), PoolIntArray( 22, 21, 23 ), PoolIntArray( 23, 21, 24 ), PoolIntArray( 25, 27, 26 ), PoolIntArray( 30, 29, 28 ), PoolIntArray( 33, 32, 31 ), PoolIntArray( 36, 35, 34 ), PoolIntArray( 39, 38, 37 ), PoolIntArray( 42, 41, 40 ), PoolIntArray( 44, 43, 45 ), PoolIntArray( 45, 43, 46 ), PoolIntArray( 47, 49, 48 ), PoolIntArray( 50, 52, 51 ), PoolIntArray( 55, 54, 53 ), PoolIntArray( 58, 57, 56 ), PoolIntArray( 60, 59, 61 ), PoolIntArray( 61, 59, 62 ), PoolIntArray( 65, 64, 63 ), PoolIntArray( 68, 67, 66 ), PoolIntArray( 71, 70, 69 ), PoolIntArray( 74, 73, 72 ), PoolIntArray( 76, 75, 77 ), PoolIntArray( 77, 75, 78 ), PoolIntArray( 83, 82, 84 ), PoolIntArray( 84, 82, 79 ), PoolIntArray( 79, 82, 81 ), PoolIntArray( 79, 81, 80 ), PoolIntArray( 87, 86, 85 ), PoolIntArray( 90, 89, 88 ), PoolIntArray( 94, 93, 95 ), PoolIntArray( 95, 93, 91 ), PoolIntArray( 91, 93, 92 ), PoolIntArray( 96, 98, 97 ), PoolIntArray( 102, 101, 99 ), PoolIntArray( 99, 101, 100 ), PoolIntArray( 105, 104, 103 ), PoolIntArray( 108, 107, 106 ), PoolIntArray( 110, 109, 111 ), PoolIntArray( 111, 109, 113 ), PoolIntArray( 111, 113, 112 ), PoolIntArray( 115, 114, 116 ), PoolIntArray( 116, 114, 117 ), PoolIntArray( 117, 114, 118 ), PoolIntArray( 121, 120, 119 ), PoolIntArray( 124, 123, 122 ), PoolIntArray( 127, 126, 128 ), PoolIntArray( 128, 126, 125 ), PoolIntArray( 128, 125, 129 ) ]
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[node name="SelectionBox" type="Control" parent="CamBase"]
margin_right = 40.0
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script = ExtResource( 6 )
[node name="Navigation" type="Navigation" parent="."]
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mesh_library = ExtResource( 4 )
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__meta__ = {
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[node name="MeshInstance" type="MeshInstance" parent="Navigation/NavigationMeshInstance"]
transform = Transform( 4, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1.61983, 1.2235, -0.0606833 )
mesh = SubResource( 23 )
material/0 = null
[node name="Enemy" parent="Navigation" instance=ExtResource( 3 )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 6.8004, 2.71043, 0 )
[node name="Warrior" parent="Navigation" instance=ExtResource( 2 )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -11.5803, 2.53762, 4.90679 )