This plugin is no longer actively maintained, you can still use it but issues will not be resolved. If you want the npm name, you can contact me by email.
Offline support for AngularJS applications.
npm install angular-offline
bower install angular-offline (offline, $http) {
$http.get('/test.json', {offline: true})
Puting the offline flag to true in $http config will have for effect to activate the angular cache for this request and to add offline behaviour to the request.
Start or stop debug mode. It adds a lot of additional logs to understand how offline works.
module.config(function (offlineProvider) {
Start offline with the requester ($http). Usually you will call this method in .run
of your application. (offline, $http) {
Specify a cache to use to stack requests (POST, PUT, DELETE...). (offline, $cacheFactory) {
offline.stackCache = $cacheFactory('custom-cache');
Test if the navigator is online. (connectionStatus, $log) {
if (connectionStatus.isOnline())
$'We have internet!');
Listen "online" and "offline" events to get notified when the navigator become "online" or "offline". A $rootScope.$apply
is automatically done. (connectionStatus) {
connectionStatus.$on('online', function () {
$'We are now online');
connectionStatus.$on('offline', function () {
$'We are now offline');
If you want to build an application completely offline, you will need a cache that can be stored in the localStorage. To do that, the recommended method is to use angular-cache.
You must use maxAge to specify your TTL. If you specify deleteOnExpire to "none", the cache will be served even if your TTL is exceeded. ($http, CacheFactory) {
$http.get('/test.json', {
offline: true,
cache: CacheFactory.createCache('bookCache', {
deleteOnExpire: 'none',
maxAge: 60000,
storageMode: 'localStorage'
To get more details about this, you can read the official documentation. ($http, CacheFactory) {
$http.defaults.cache = CacheFactory.createCache('bookCache', {
deleteOnExpire: 'none',
maxAge: 60000,
storageMode: 'localStorage'
You can specify the storageMode to "localStorage" to have a persistent storage for the stack. ($http, CacheFactory) {
offline.stackCache = CacheFactory.createCache('offlineStack', {
storageMode: 'localStorage'
To play with the example, you can start it using the command npm run example
, then opening the console and try.
- Request GET
-> interceptor.request
-> has offline flag and is online
-> clean cache
- Other requests
-> interceptor.request
-> has offline flag and is offline
-> push request in stack
-> reject
- "online" event
-> process stack
This library require the online status feature activated, you can refer to caniuse to see exactly what browsers are supported.