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File metadata and controls

221 lines (136 loc) · 7.58 KB

Principium Build Status Dependencies

A Simple Text Editor

Define Basic Features

  • New Text "File" (record)
  • Input Text in textarea
  • Save Text on Client Side (pushes to server)
  • Save Text Server Side to FS/Data Store
  • Display confirmation in Browser with URL of record

App Should Accept HTTP Connections

A GET request to / (root url) should return the default ("home") page.

Display a Record

When navigating to the url corresponding to a existing record we should see that record displayed in the editor.


Which Template Engine/Language Should We Use?

While Jade (the Express.js default engine) is very elegant, it has several glaring issues:

  • (Steep) Learning Curve for New Developers (new syntax to learn)
  • Slower than alternatives (see:
  • Server Only (not designed for use in client-side)

In a previous project we used ECT but it allows too much "logic in views" (which should be avoided) and does not have any unit tests so we can't rely on it to not break...

A list of express-compatible templating/redering engines is available at:

I tried rendering views with underscore templates. It works. see: caseywebdev/underscore-express#1 But I'm stubornly pursuing dust.js because it looks more elegant... ;-)

Found this overview on the LinkedIn engineering blog:

Based on LinkedIn & PayPal's use of dust I was tempted to use it, but... the current node (express) module has no unit tests! (LinkedIn are not using dust with Node...)

I could work on retrospectively writing unit tests for express-dust or try and implement my own render engine using dust core ...

Decided to fork and try to improve it.

Which 3rd Party Modules Can/Should We Use?

As appealing as it is to build everything from scratch, it makes sense to use a selection of 3rd party modules that already cover many of our use cases.

We need an agreed process for selecting 3rd party modules.

  • Is the module writtten in JavaScript (can we read the source)?
  • Does the module have 100% unit test coverage?
  • Is it stable (e.g. Travis build passing)?
  • Actively developed or collecting dust?

Is it worth doing a flow/decision diagram for this...?

Which Test Should We Write First?

Terminology - For simplicity I refer to the Text data as a "record". (we could call it a "File" or "Document" but I want to keep it generic)

Lets start with server-side creating the new file/record (if a filename/record is not specified)

At the simplest level we need to save the record to the filesystem (FS).
Not all PAAS allow direct fs access. (Erm, cough! @heroku!) So the first we need to test if fs (write) is available!

Basic FS Tests:

  • read from the current working directory
  • read specific (predefined) file
  • write/update specific file
  • create ./test/tmp (temporary directory) ()
  • create a new file and write to it

Travis gives error: Uncaught Error: ENOENT, open see:

Spent ages trying to solve it. Decided to try a domain:

But Travis does not like the idea of creating a new file...


What if we simplify the test...? Create the (temporary file in the current working directory) __dirname

Test passes but temporary file does not get deleted... Submitted issue to Mocha: mochajs/mocha#1058

Got a reply to my issue on GitHub. travisjeffery recommended using the done() method in my last test.

Tried it. temporary file still present. :-(

Turns out problem was because files were being created in CWD not script dir. fixed by changing __dirname to process.cwd()


Which Testing Framework?

I would love to have time to write my own unit testing framework...! I've used all the major Node.js testing frameworks and found all lacking! :-(

Features of a Unit Testing Framework

A few features of a Unit Tesing Framework:

  • Generic (test any code regardless of platform)
  • Run in the Command Line or Browser (same results for both)
  • Easy to Write Tests (I want non-technical people to write tests!)
  • Easy to Read Tests (Anyone can read the test name and results)
  • Timer for Each Test (to detect if things are slowing down when refactoring)
  • Display Progress over time
  • Show Code Coverage on feature/functional basis and as a whole

Some of these features already exist, others not yet ...

In the interest of getting started I'm going to use Mocha because it allows us to use Istanbul code coverage. This is rudimentary (IMO) but its the best we have till we build a better solution....

If you don't know Mocha, see:


Project Name

if you're wondering why I called this project "Valens" see:

Which FONT for Programming?

How much detail is too much detail...?

To Grid or Not to Grid?

Text Area Highlight

Node Assert

Self Documenting Code

My biggest annoyance with JSDoc is that it requires Java! :-( Why can't we just parse the .js file to find comments and