React Native wrapper for Lookback.
yarn add react-native-lookback
Run the following:
react-native link react-native-lookback
Then, add the following to your Podfile:
pod "LookbackSafe", "~> 1.4.1"
Then run:
pod install
You're done! 🎉
NOTE: I'm working on using the podspec within this project to automatically link the LookbackSafe framework. Currently talking with the Lookback team to support this use case!
PRs welcome!
// Import the module:
import Lookback from 'react-native-lookback';
// Initialize using your appToken.
// Start Recording
showPreview: true, // When true, will show the Lookback interface for the user to watch / upload the recording.
cameraEnabled: true, // When true, will record the user using the front facing camera.
microphoneEnabled: true, // When true, will record audio with the recording.
// Stop Recording
// Toggle Show the Feedback Bubble.
// Toggle shake to record.
// Toggle the Introduction Dialogs.
// Open the ViewController with the list of uploads pending / completed.
// NOTE: This currently is presented using the rootViewController and does not have a back / done button to close it :(
// Track entering a custom view.
// Track exiting a custom view.
// Check if Lookback is recording.
Lookback.getIsRecording().then((isRecording) => {
// isRecording is true if lookback is recording, false if not.
If a method is missing from the official SDK, please send a PR!