Open source code for DrawGlycan-SNFG (version 2)
This is a fully functional version of DrawGlycan-SNFG (version 2). To use it:
- Copy these files to a folder
- Open MATLAB and navigate to the folder
- Then draw the glycan using a command like:
to draw Glucose
>> drawglycan('Glc')
to draw a LacNAc chain etc.
>> drawglycan('Gal(b4)GlcNAc(b?)')
to draw multiple glycans in a single window
>> drawglycanTile({'Gal(b3)GalNAc','Gal(b3)GlcNAc','Gal','Gal(b4)GlcNAc'})
There are many more examples of IUPAC strings you can use at - To deploy DrawGlycan-SNFG in PYTHON environment, use the matlab.engine API:
- To get help, please see the documentation at
or simply write
>> help drawglycan