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Code Style

This document specifies the code style to use in the nearcore repository. The primary goal here is to achieve consistency, maintain it over time, and cut down on the mental overhead related to style choices.

Right now, nearcore codebase is not perfectly consistent, and the style acknowledges this. It guides newly written code and serves as a tie breaker for decisions. Rewriting existing code to conform 100% to the style is not a goal. Local consistency is more important: if new code is added to a specific file, it's more important to be consistent with the file rather than with this style guide.

This is a live document, which intentionally starts in a minimal case. When doing code-reviews, consider if some recurring advice you give could be moved into this document.


Use rustfmt for minor code formatting decisions. This rule is enforced by CI

Rationale: rustfmt style is almost always good enough, even if not always perfect. The amount of bikeshedding saved by rustfmt far outweighs any imperfections.

Idiomatic Rust

While the most important thing is to solve the problem at hand, we strive to implement the solution in idiomatic Rust, if possible. To learn what is considered idiomatic Rust, a good start are the Rust API guidelines (but keep in mind that nearcore is not a library with public API, not all advice applies literally).

When in doubt, ask question in the Rust 🦀 Zulip stream or during code review.


  • Consistency: there's usually only one idiomatic solution amidst many non-idiomatic ones.
  • Predictability: you can use the APIs without consulting documentation.
  • Performance, ergonomics and correctness: language idioms usually reflect learned truths, which might not be immediately obvious.


This section documents all micro-rules which are not otherwise enforced by rustfmt.

Avoid AsRef::as_ref

When you have some concrete type, prefer .as_str, .as_bytes, .as_path over generic .as_ref. Only use .as_ref when the type in question is a generic T: AsRef<U>.

fn log_validator(account_id: AccountId) {

// BAD
fn log_validator(account_id: AccountId) {

Note that Option::as_ref, Result::as_ref are great, do use them!

Rationale: Readability and churn-resistance. There might be more than one AsRef<U> implementation for a given type (with different Us). If a new implementation is added, some of the .as_ref() calls might break. See also this issue.

Avoid references to Copy-types

Various generic APIs in Rust often return references to data (&T). When T is a small Copy type like i32, you end up with &i32 while many API expect i32, so dereference has to happen somewhere. Prefer dereferencing as early as possible, typically in a pattern:

fn compute(map: HashMap<&'str, i32>) {
    if let Some(&value) = map.get("key") {
fn process(value: i32) { ... }

// BAD
fn compute(map: HashMap<&'str, i32>) {
    if let Some(value) = map.get("key") {
fn process(value: i32) { ... }

Rationale: If the value is used multiple times, dereferencing in the pattern saves keystrokes. If the value is used exactly once, we just want to be consistent. Additional benefit of early deref is reduced scope of borrow.

Note that for some big Copy types, notably CryptoHash, we sometimes use references for performance reasons. As a rule of thumb, T is considered big if size_of::<T>() > 2 * size_of::<usize>().

Prefer for loops over for_each and try_for_each methods

Iterators offer for_each and try_for_each methods which allow executing a closure over all items of the iterator. This is similar to using a for loop but comes with various complications and may lead to less readable code. Prefer using a loop rather than those methods, for example:

for outcome_with_id in result? {
    *total_gas_burnt =
        safe_add_gas(*total_gas_burnt, outcome_with_id.outcome.gas_burnt)?;

// BAD
    |outcome_with_id: ExecutionOutcomeWithId| -> Result<(), RuntimeError> {
        *total_gas_burnt =
            safe_add_gas(*total_gas_burnt, outcome_with_id.outcome.gas_burnt)?;

Rationale: The for_each and try_for_each method don’t play nice with break and continue statements nor do they mesh well with async IO (since .await inside of the closure isn’t possible). And while try_for_each allows for the use of question mark operator, one may end up having to uses it twice: once inside the closure and second time outside the call to try_for_each. Furthermore, usage of the functions often introduce some minor syntax noise.

There are situations when those methods may lead to more readable code. Common example are long call chains. Even then such code may evolve with the closure growing and leading to less readable code. If advantages of using the methods aren’t clear cut, it’s usually better to err on side of more imperative style.

Lastly, anecdotally the methods (e.g. when used with chain or flat_map) may lead to faster code. This intuitively makes sense but it’s worth to keep in mind that compilers are pretty good at optimising and in practice may generate optimal code anyway. Furthermore, optimising code for readability may be more important (especially outside of hot path) than small performance gains.

Prefer to_string to format!("{}")

Prefer calling to_string method on an object rather than passing it through format!("{}") if all you’re doing is converting it to a String.

let hash = block_hash.to_string();
let msg = format!("{}: failed to open", path.display());

// BAD
let hash = format!("{block_hash}");
let msg = path.display() + ": failed to open";

Rationale: to_string is shorter to type and also faster.

Import Granularity

Group imports by module, but not deeper:

use std::collections::{hash_map, BTreeSet};
use std::sync::Arc;

// BAD - nested groups.
use std::{
    collections::{hash_map, BTreeSet},

// BAD - not grouped together.
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::collections::hash_map;
use std::sync::Arc;

This corresponds to "": "module" setting in rust-analyzer (docs).

Rationale: Consistency, matches existing practice.

Import Blocks

Do not separate imports into groups with blank lines. Write a single block of imports and rely on rustfmt to sort them.

use crate::types::KnownPeerState;
use borsh::BorshSerialize;
use near_primitives::utils::to_timestamp;
use near_store::{DBCol::Peers, Store};
use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::net::SocketAddr;

// BAD -- several groups of imports
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::net::SocketAddr;

use borsh::BorshSerialize;
use rand::seq::SliceRandom;

use near_primitives::utils::to_timestamp;
use near_store::{DBCol::Peers, Store};

use crate::types::KnownPeerState;

Rationale: Consistency, ease of automatic enforcement. Today, stable rustfmt can't split imports into groups automatically, and doing that manually consistently is a chore.


When deriving an implementation of a trait, specify a full path to the traits provided by the external libraries:

#[derive(Copy, Clone, serde::Serialize, thiserror::Error, strum::Display)]
struct Grapefruit;

// BAD
use serde::Serialize;
use thiserror::Error;
use strum::Display;

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Serialize, Error, Display)]
struct Banana;

As an exception to this rule, it is okay to use either style when the derived trait already includes the name of the library (as would be the case for borsh::BorshSerialize.)

Rationale: Specifying a full path to the externally provided derivations here makes it straightforward to differentiate between the built-in derivations and those provided by the external crates. The surprise factor for derivations sharing a name with the standard library traits (Display) is reduced and it also acts as natural mechanism to tell apart names prone to collision (Serialize), all without needing to look up the list of imports.

Arithmetic integer operations

Use methods with an appropriate overflow handling over plain arithmetic operators (+-*/%) when dealing with integers.

d.widening_mul(3);   // NB: unstable at the time of writing

// BAD
a + b
c - 2
d * 3
e / 5
f % 7

If you’re confident the arithmetic operation cannot fail, x.checked_[add|sub|mul|div](y).expect("explanation why the operation is safe") is a great alternative, as it neatly documents not just the infallibility, but also why that is the case.

This convention may be enforced by the clippy::arithmetic_side_effects and clippy::integer_arithmetic lints.

Rationale: By default the outcome of an overflowing computation in Rust depends on a few factors, most notably the compilation flags used. The quick explanation is that in debug mode the computations may panic (cause side effects) if the result has overflowed, and when built with optimizations enabled, these computations will wrap-around instead.

For nearcore and neard we have opted to enable the panicking behaviour regardless of the optimization level. By doing it this we hope to prevent accidental stabilization of protocol mis-features that depend on incorrect handling of these overflows or similarly scary silent bugs. The downside to this approach is that any such arithmetic operation now may cause a node to crash, much like indexing a vector with a[idx] may cause a crash when idx is out-of-bounds. Unlike indexing, however, developers and reviewers are not used to treating integer arithmetic operations with the due suspicion. Having to make a choice, and explicitly spell out, how an overflow case ought to be handled will result in an easier to review and understand code and a more resilient project overall.

Standard Naming

  • Use - rather than _ in crate names and in corresponding folder names.
  • Avoid single-letter variable names especially in long functions. Common i, j etc. loop variables are somewhat of an exception but since Rust encourages use of iterators those cases aren’t that common anyway.
  • Follow standard Rust naming patterns such as:
    • Don’t use get_ prefix for getter methods. A getter method is one which returns (a reference to) a field of an object.
    • Use set_ prefix for setter methods. An exception are builder objects which may use different a naming style.
    • Use into_ prefix for methods which consume self and to_ prefix for methods which don’t.
  • Use get_block_header rather than get_header for methods which return a block header.
  • Don’t use _by_hash suffix for methods which lookup chain objects (blocks, chunks, block headers etc.) by their hash (i.e. their primary identifier).
  • Use _by_height and similar suffixes for methods which lookup chain objects (blocks, chunks, block headers etc.) by their height or other property which is not their hash.

Rationale: Consistency.


When writing documentation in .md files, wrap lines at approximately 80 columns.

<!-- GOOD -->
Manually reflowing paragraphs is tedious. Luckily, most editors have this
functionality built in or available via extensions. For example, in Emacs you
can use `fill-paragraph` (<kbd>M-q</kbd>), (neo)vim allows rewrapping with `gq`,
and VS Code has `stkb.rewrap` extension.

<!-- BAD -->
One sentence per-line is also occasionally used for technical writing.
We avoid that format though.
While convenient for editing, it may be poorly legible in unrendered form

<!-- BAD -->
Definitely don't use soft-wrapping. While markdown mostly ignores source level line breaks, relying on soft wrap makes the source completely unreadable, especially on modern wide displays.

When emitting events and spans with tracing prefer adding variable data via tracing's field mechanism.

    target: "client",
    validator_id = self.client.validator_signer.get().map(|vs| {
    "block.previous_hash" = %block.header().prev_hash(),
    "block.height" = block.header().height(),
    "Received block",

Most apparent violation of this rule will be when the event message utilizes any form of formatting, as seen in the following example:

// BAD
    target: "client",
    "{:?} Received block {} <- {} at {} from {}, requested: {}",
    self.client.validator_signer.get().map(|vs| vs.validator_id()),

Always specify the target explicitly. A good default value to use is the crate name, or the module path (e.g. chain::client) so that events and spans common to a topic can be grouped together. This grouping can later be used for customizing which events to output.

Rationale: This makes the events structured – one of the major value add propositions of the tracing ecosystem. Structured events allow for immediately actionable data without additional post-processing, especially when using some of the more advanced tracing subscribers. Of particular interest would be those that output events as JSON, or those that publish data to distributed event collection systems such as opentelemetry. Maintaining this rule will also usually result in faster execution (when logs at the relevant level are enabled.)


Use the spans to introduce context and grouping to and between events instead of manually adding such information as part of the events themselves. Most of the subscribers ingesting spans also provide a built-in timing facility, so prefer using spans for measuring the amount of time a section of code needs to execute.

Give spans simple names that make them both easy to trace back to code, and to find a particular span in logs or other tools ingesting the span data. If a span begins at the top of a function, prefer giving it a name of that function, otherwise prefer a snake_case name.

When instrumenting asynchronous functions the #[tracing::instrument] macro or the Future::instrument is required. Using Span::entered or a similar method that is not aware of yield points will result in incorrect span data and could lead to difficult to troubleshoot issues such as stack overflows.

Always explicitly specify the level, target, and skip_all options and do not rely on the default values. skip_all avoids adding all function arguments as span fields which can lead recording potentially unnecessary and expensive information. Carefully consider which information needs recording and the cost of recording the information when using the fields option.

    level = "trace",
    target = "network",
async fn handle_sync_routing_table(
    clock: &time::Clock,
    network_state: &Arc<NetworkState>,
    conn: Arc<connection::Connection>,
    rtu: RoutingTableUpdate,
) {

In regular synchronous code it is fine to use the regular span API if you need to instrument portions of a function without affecting the code structure:

fn compile_and_serialize_wasmer(code: &[u8]) -> Result<wasmer::Module> {
    // Some code...
        let _span = tracing::debug_span!(target: "vm", "compile_wasmer").entered();
        // ...
        // _span will be dropped when this scope ends, terminating the span created above.
        // You can also `drop` it manually, to end the span early with `drop(_span)`.
    // Some more code...

Rationale: Much as with events, this makes the information provided by spans structured and contextual. This information can then be output to tooling in an industry standard format, and can be interpreted by an extensive ecosystem of tracing subscribers.

Event and span levels

The INFO level is enabled by default, use it for information useful for node operators. The DEBUG level is enabled on the canary nodes, use it for information useful in debugging testnet failures. The TRACE level is not generally enabled, use it for arbitrary debug output.


Consider adding metrics to new functionality. For example, how often each type of error was triggered, how often each message type was processed.

Rationale: Metrics are cheap to increment, and they often provide a significant insight into operation of the code, almost as much as logging. But unlike logging metrics don't incur a significant runtime cost.


Prefix all nearcore metrics with near_. Follow the Prometheus naming convention for new metrics.

Rationale: The near_ prefix makes it trivial to separate metrics exported by nearcore from other metrics, such as metrics about the state of the machine that runs neard.


In most cases incrementing a metric is cheap enough never to give it a second thought. However accessing a metric with labels on a hot path needs to be done carefully.

If a label is based on an integer, use a faster way of converting an integer to the label, such as the itoa crate.

For hot code paths, re-use results of with_label_values() as much as possible.

Rationale: We've encountered issues caused by the runtime costs of incrementing metrics before. Avoid runtime costs of incrementing metrics too often.