I saw Chris Holmes' repo (https://github.com/cj-holmes/photos-on-spirals) of cool effects on pictures and I thought I would try and make a python version of it. Then I thought it would be practical to make a webapp for it. You can check it out here: https://ncerutti-spyroglyph-welcome-bpdyzh.streamlit.app/
I just started, so if anybody wants to improve it go ahead, feel free to hit me up and/or open a pull request! I might work on it myself in the near future too.
There's plenty to do: the implementation is probably not the quickest, nor the most elegant. Not all options for the double spiral are added. The output could be nicer, especially if we look beside the pure spiral (the defaults could be changed, perhaps?), and some more personalisation wouldn't hurt.
Also, I definitely want to add some more nice effects. An easy start perhaps would be to just make it out of vertical or horizontal lines.