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Rest GET API usage

You can easily retrieve the information stored in Galileo Extension (Employees, Research Teams, Research Projects, Directorates, Services and the relationships with each other) by using the Rest GET API. The format retrieved by default (and currently the only one) is JSON. The following examples demonstrate the different possible uses:


To get the list of employees who are still in activity type the following url:

To get the whole list of employees - active and non active type the following url:

To get the list of employees who are not in activity anymore type the following url:

Employees by Name

There's a possibility to retrieve the list of employees by a sub string present in the combination first name and last name. For instance we have a Arianna (first name) Acrona (last name) in the database. Typing this url will retrieve it...:

... but will also retrieve any entries where the first name or the last name contains ari:


Employee by ID

There's a possibility to retrieve a precise employee by its identifier in the database.

For instance, this url: will retrieve the user with id 119:


Research projects

To get the list of projects who are still in activity type the following url:

To get the whole list of projects - active and non active type the following url:

To get the list of projects who are not in activity anymore type the following url:

Getting research projects follow the same logic as getting employees... So please refer to the Employees section and replace the parameter people by projects.

Research teams

To get the list of teams who are still in activity type the following url:

To get the whole list of teams - active and non active type the following url:

To get the list of teams who are not in activity anymore type the following url:

Getting research teams follow the same logic as getting employees... So please refer to the Employees section and replace the parameter people by teams.


To get the list of directorates who are still in activity type the following url:

To get the whole list of directorates - active and non active type the following url:

To get the list of directorates who are not in activity anymore type the following url:

Getting research directorates follow the same logic as getting employees... So please refer to the Employees section and replace the parameter people by directorates.

Sections / Services

To get the list of services who are still in activity type the following url:

To get the whole list of services - active and non active type the following url:

To get the list of services who are not in activity anymore type the following url:

Getting research services follow the same logic as getting employees... So please refer to the Employees section and replace the parameter people by services.

Query parameters for filtering

A series of parameters can help filtering the list of entries (Employee(s), Research Teams, Research Projects,...) retrieved by one of the previous method/url.

Multiple values can be used for a parameter, each one separated by a comma. The combination of values represent an OR.

Multiple parameters can be used, each one separated by an ampersand (&). The combination of parameters represents an AND.

Active parameter

As presented at the beginning of the documentation, by default, the list of entries retrieved concern only the ones which are still in activity.

The parameter active can receive one value amongst multiple options for the same purpose:

  • false, 0, inactive or no can be used to retrieve entries which are no more in activity
  • all or -1 can be used to retrieve all the entries, still in activity or not
  • All other value for this parameter is considered as a wish to retrieve only the entries still in activity

Samaccountname(s) parameter

The samaccountname parameter concerns only the Employees. It offers a possibility to filter on the unique identifier of the employee in the Active Directory. Multiple entries have to be separated by a comma. For instance, this url:,Sbrakus retrieves two Employees having respectively the samaccountname fields set to Jadams and Sbrakus:


Identifier(s) parameter

With this parameter, you can select a precise list by identifiers - for instance, this url:,78 will retrieve exactly two services with their identifiers: 73 and 78:

        "name_en":"ATECO - Aquatic & Terrestrial Ecology",
        "name_nl":"ATECO - Aquatische en Terrestrische Ecologie",
        "name_fr":"ATECO - Ecologie Aquatique et Terrestre",

Name(s) parameter

With this parameter, you can select a precise list by part of the (full) name - for instance, this url:,ent will retrieve exactly two services with part of their names: Acq and ent:

        "name_en":"BEDIC - Biodiversity & Ecosystems Data & Information centre",
        "name_nl":"BEDIC - Data en informatiecentrum voor biodiversiteit en ecosystemen",
        "name_fr":"BEDIC - Centre de données et d’informations pour la biodiversité et les écosystèmes",
        "name_en":"Scientific collections & archives",
        "name_nl":"Wetenschappelijke collecties en archieven",
        "name_fr":"Collections scientifiques et archives",

Directorates identifiers parameter

With this parameter, you can filter a list by the relationship the element you retrieve has with directorates.

For instance, if you want to retrieve all the employees who are working for the Earth and History of Life Directorate (id 69) service, the url will be: The result would be something like this:


Services identifiers parameter

With this parameter, you can filter a list by the relationship the element you retrieve has with services.

For instance, if you want to retrieve all the employees who are working for the BEDIC (id 81) service, the url will be: The result would be something like this:


Research Projects identifiers parameter

With this parameter, you can filter a list by the relationship the element you retrieve has with research projects.

For instance to retrieve all teams working on a project named Antabif (id 70), you would wait for the result of this url:

Research Teams identifiers parameter

With this parameter, you can filter a list by the relationship the element you retrieve has with research projects.

For instance to retrieve all projects a given team (Diggers - id 74) is working on, you would wait for the result of this url:

Combination of parameters

With the following url, you would get all people (active and non active) who worked for Monitoring (id 61) OR Taxonomists (id 73) teams AND also on Ibisca (id 72) OR Monilog (id 69) projects:,73&projects=69,72

Case of No Results

When no results are found, a 404 JSON object is returned:

        "message":"Not Found"