Install your native toolchain and NativeScript as described in the docs
Review NativeScript plugins documentation for more details on plugins development
For local development we recommend using the npm commands provided in the package.json
To run and develop using TypeScript demo:
$ cd @nativescript-community/ui-image
$ npm run demo.ng.android
Now using that method you won't see live changes to src
To see live changes, run this command instead
$ cd @nativescript-community/ui-image
$ npm run demo.ng.android.watch
After all the changes are done make sure to test them in all the demo apps.
Be careful this is derived workflow from the one in NativeScript plugins documentation. I had issues with the default workflow:
- sources files (ts) and product files end up in the same place which is never good. When you npm link or use file:/../src you end up with a webpack installation which does not know what file to use. Already took me days to find bugs because of that.
- src folder contains a package.json which has dev dependencies which can create bad consequences when used with npm link or file:/../src
- it is easier to clean when sources are separated from product.