A grand Team Chess Tournament will be held at your University. Two teams, smarties
and cleveries
, will clash to determine whose chess skills are better. The teams have the same number of members, and the i^th^
member of smarties
will play against the i^th^
member of cleveries
in the i^th^
game for each valid i
Given the names of the players of both smarties
and cleveries
, return the games in the order they will be played.
For smarties = ["Jane", "Bob", "Peter"]
cleveries = ["Oscar", "Lidia", "Ann"]
, the output should be
solution(smarties, cleveries) = [["Jane", "Oscar"],
["Bob", "Lidia"],
["Peter", "Ann"]]
[execution time limit] 4 seconds (py3)
[input] array.string smarties
Array of strings, where each string is the name of the member of
.Guaranteed constraints:
0 ≤ smarties.length ≤ 10
2 ≤ smarties[i].length ≤ 10
. -
[input] array.string cleveries
Members of
in the same format assmarties
.Guaranteed constraints:
cleveries.length = smarties.length
2 ≤ cleveries[i].length ≤ 10
. -
[output] array.array.string
The games in the following format:
[game~0~, game~1~, ..., game~smarties.length - 1~]
wheregame~i~ = [smarty~i~, clevery~i~]
def solution(smarties, cleveries):
return list(zip(smarties,cleveries))