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File metadata and controls

221 lines (172 loc) · 7.12 KB

A versatile command line tool to deal with streams, with a (mostly point-free) functional approach.

State of Development

State: working and usable but I want to 'compile', that is, down to a linear sequence of instructions. Current way of interpreting is very wasteful.

Also see the 'wip and such' below.


Similarly to commands such as awk or sed, sel takes a script to apply to its standard input to produce its standard output.

In its most basic form, the script given to sel is a series of functions separated by , (comma). See the complete syntax bellow. In this way, each function transforms its input and passes its output to the next one (- is the function that returns the input stream):

$ printf 12-42-27 | sel -, split :-:, map [add 1], join :-:
$ printf abc | sel -, codepoints # same as 'sel codepoint -'

When the first argument names a file starting with #! the file is read and parsed first. Any additional arguments are also parsed in continuation of the script.

$ cat pred.sel
#!/usr/bin/env sel
sub 1
$ sel pred.sel 5



  • lists: {0b1, 0o2, 0x3, 4.2}, strings: :hi how you:
  • my-func first-arg [add 1 2] third-arg
  • f, g is g(f(..)) (or pipe f g or [flip compose] g f)

Special characters and keywords: , : = [ ] def let use { }

3 special forms:

  • def name :description: value will define a new name that essentially replaces by value where it is used;
  • use :some/file: f will 'import' all the defined names from the file as f-<name> (or as is if using _);
  • let pattern result fallback will make a function of one argument that computes result if pattern matches, pattern can introduces names (eg let {a, b,, rest} [add a b] 0, the ,, rest matches the rest of the list), if pattern is irrefutable then there is no fallback.

Here is the complete syntax:

top ::= {'use' <bytes> <word> ','} {'def' <word> <bytes> <value> ','} [<script>]
script ::= <apply> {',' <apply>}

apply ::= <binding> | <value> {<value>}
value ::= <atom> | <subscr> | <list> | <pair>

binding ::= 'let' (<irrefut> <value> | <pattern> <value> <value>)
irrefut ::= <word> | <irrefut> '=' <irrefut>
pattern ::= <atom> | <patlist> | <patpair>
patlist ::= '{' [<pattern> {',' <pattern>} [',' [',' <word>]]] '}'
patpair ::= (<atom> | <patlist>) '=' <pattern>

atom ::= <word> | <bytes> | <number>
subscr ::= '[' <script> ']'
list ::= '{' [<apply> {',' <apply>} [',']] '}'
pair ::= (<atom> | <subscr> | <list>) '=' <value>

word ::= /[-a-z]+/ | '_'
bytes ::= /:([^:]|::)*:/
number ::= /0b[01]+/ | /0o[0-7]+/ | /0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+/ | /[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?/

comment ::= '#' /.*/ '\n'

The objective here was to make it possible to type the script plainly in any (most?) shell without worrying about quoting much if at all:

  • the script can span multiple arguments, they are joined naturally with a single space
  • the single and double quotes are not used, so to feel safer the whole script can be quoted

One case which can cause problem is lists ({ .. }) which can be interpreted as glob if not containing a space. For that reason, it is highly recommended to keep the space after the , separating items.


Type notations are inspired by Haskell:

  • number and bytestring: Num and Str;
  • list: [a];
  • function: a -> b, when b is itself a function it will be a -> x -> y, but when a is a function then it is (x -> y) -> b;
  • pair: (a, b).

Lists and bytestring can take a + suffix (eg. Str+ and [Num]+) which represent a potentially unbounded object (simplest example is repeat 1 :: [Num]+, an infinite list of 1s).

The item type of a literal list is inferred as the list is parsed:

  • {1, 2, 3, :soleil:} not ok because inferred as [Num]
  • {repeat 1, {1}} :: [[Num]+] ok because {1} can 'lose' its bounded charateristic safely
  • {{1}, repeat 1} not ok because inferred as [[Num]] at the first item and repeat 1 can never 'lose' its unbounded charateristic safely

The CLI -t option will give the type of the expression.

"Auto Coercion"

When a direct function argument doesn't match the parameter, one of these function is automatically inserted:

wanted true type inserted
Num Str+ , tonum,
Str Num , tostr,
[Num]+ Str+ , codepoints,
[Str]+ Str+ , graphemes,
Str+ [Str+]+ , ungraphemes,
Str+ [Num]+ , uncodepoints,

There is also a for now temporary behavior on the output depending on the type:

  • Num: printed with a newline
  • (a, b): printed with a tabulation between the two and a newline
  • Str: printed as is
  • [a]: printed with a newline after each entries

Builtins and Prelude

The existing functions can be queried with -l:

$ sel -l
[... list of every functions ...]
$ sel -l map add
map :: (a -> b) -> [a]+ -> [b]+
	make a new list by applying an unary operation to each value from a list
add :: Num -> Num -> Num
	add two numbers
$ sel -l :: 'a -> Num'
[... list of matching functions ...]

There is also an undocumented word that completely aborts the parsing: fatal.

Ack & Unrelated

Python, Haskell, Rust, jq, tree-sitter, dt, Helix

(wip and such)


  • try to free indices that are not used
  • polish for cases such as 2 as being distinct
  • ex of inf type (a -> a) -> a <- (b -> Num) -> b
  • something about pseudo syntaxes in named type ('paramof', 'returnof', 'a=b', also '?' and '?abc')


something like $PYTHONSTARTUP, between prelude and user script

process description of defs (eg. markdown-ish?) maybe name for var types in there

regarding coercion:

  • {1, 2, 3}, map ln could tostr in map
  • split :-:, map [add1] could tonum in map
  • add 1, tonum could tostr in between

compile to linear sequence of instructions

  • constant folding; because pure, identify what is not compile-time known:

    • can fold: literal (numbers, bytestrings), a list if all items can be folded, a call if all arguments are provided and can be folded
    • cannot fold: input, infinite sources cannot be turned into a finite structure but can still be expressed statically, 'control-point' functions and/or functions with side effects if ever
  • continuation-passing style (CPS) (IR?)

  • thunks? but I'm wondering if there is a way to even more directly put the instruction at the location at c-time rather than packing them at r-time

  • lifetime tracking, or maybe 'duplication tracking'

  • linear type system

  • escape analysis

  • random lecture

  • random esopwheverthatmeans

the GitHub "Need inspiration?" bit was "super-spoon"