a. Include a photo of your printed part here.
Here are the iterations I made for my arm. The left was the first protoype, and the final product is attached on the motor.
b. Include .stl
or .svg
files for your bopper, if 3d-printing.
First iteration of booper file
b. Include a photo of your box here.
c. Upload code & a photo of your electronic circuit here.
Include here:
- Your Arduino code.
#include <Servo.h>
// Sweeper is a simple wrapper class for Servo that toggles a servo between two predetermined positions.
class Sweeper
Servo servo;
static const int closedPos = 180;
static const int openPos = 90;
// constructor
Sweeper() {}
// Tell us the pin number is the servo control wire attached to.
// Attach will set the pin to OUTPUT for pwm control of a servo.
void Attach(int pin)
void Detach()
// reset the servo position to our initial state
void Reset()
// set the servo to its "open box" position. this should move the attached
// servo arm enough to open the box and trigger the toggle switch back to off,
// which will tell our servo to return to its initial postion.
void Activate()
Sweeper myServo;
//volatile bool switchChanged = false; // this flag is used to send switch state info to the serial port
volatile int previousSwitchState = LOW;
void setup()
//Serial.println("Useless Box Lab 5");
pinMode(2, INPUT);
// this line causes the ToggleSwitch() interrupt service routine to be called if the state of pin 2 changes
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2), ToggleSwitch, CHANGE);
// this is called when the input on pin 2 changes (LOW to HIGH *or* HIGH to LOW)
void ToggleSwitch()
int switchState = digitalRead(2);
if (switchState != previousSwitchState)
//switchChanged = true; // look for this flag in loop() in order to send state info to the serial port.
if (switchState == HIGH)
previousSwitchState = switchState; // remember that the switch state has changed
void loop()