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Gallo: Python based radiation transport code.

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Gallo is a 2D, finite element, radiation transport simulation code.


Gallo requires three input files and one run file to run a problem. An example problem setup is given in 'experiments/example-no-scattering'

Node Files

This file stores all nodal information for the geometry and has the extension '.node'. Example node files were generated with Triangle. A sample poly input for triangle is available in 'docs/sample_inputs'.

Element File

This file stores all element information for the geometry and has the extension '.ele'. Example ele files were generated with Triangle. If you are generating element files with Triangle for use in multimaterial problems, be sure to specify regional attributes to indicate the placement of materials.

Material File

This file stores cross-sections and other material data and has the extension '.mat'. A sample material file is available in 'docs/sample_inputs'.

Run File

This file gathers problem details and excutes solution. The user must specify the paths for all input files, an equation type (supported types are 'NDA', 'TGNDA', 'SAAF', and 'Diffusion'), a source, and a problem name. The run command will output a numpy array and plots of scalar flux data.


gallo architecture diagram