Final Fantasy VIII field/worldmap archive editor (Forum).
If you are a developer and you want to build this software, follow the instructions below.
- CMake
- Qt 6.5+
- LZ4
- Download the online installer from ( remember to click the Download button )
- Install Qt with these items checked:
- Packages categories:
Latest supported releases
- Components: Uncheck everything and pick
Qt/Qt 6.*.*/MSVC 20?? 64-bit
- [Optional] To open the project with Qt Creator (easier), check
Developer and Designer Tools/Qt Creator
andDeveloper and Designer Tools/CMake
- Packages categories:
- Download the the latest Visual Studio Community installer (2019 or 2022 depending of what you checked when installing Qt)
- Run the installer, check "Desktop developement C++", or per component, at least:
Compiler/MSVC C++ x64/86
(last version)- [Optional] To open the project with Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code, check
Compiler/CMake C++ Tools for Windows
,Dev/Base C++ features
Open the project (File
> Open File or Project...
> CMakeLists.txt
) and setup Qt. Select Debug or Release build and then run the project (CTRL + R
To deploy the project with Qt dependencies you can add an extra "cmake install" step in "Run settings" of the project.
Open this repository as a folder and click the build button.
To execute the project you need Qt dependencies where the exe is created. You can do (replace {QT_DIR}
by where Qt is installed):
{QT_DIR}/*/msvc2019_64/bin/windeployqt --no-quick-import -xml --translations en {build_dir}
- Download and install the latest Visual Studio Code release
- Install the following extensions:
- Open this repository as a folder in Visual Studio code
- Choose as build profile in the status bar
CMake: [Release]
( or one of the aforementioned profiles ) - Click the button on the status bar
To execute the project, follow the instructions from "Optional: Visual Studio" section.
In order to continue please make sure you have brew
installed. See for instructions.
$ brew install cmake
$ brew install qt6
Close and reopen your terminal.
Please note: You can choose other build profiles if you want. See for more information.
$ mkdir -p .dist/build .dist/install
$ cmake -S . -B .dist/build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.dist/install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
$ cmake --build .dist/build --config Debug
$ apt-get install build-essential cmake qt6-default qttools6-dev
$ pacman -S --needed base-devel cmake qt6
Please note: You can choose other build profiles if you want. See for more information.
$ mkdir -p .dist/build .dist/install
$ cmake -S . -B .dist/build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.dist/install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
$ cmake --build .dist/build --config Debug
Pull requests are welcome on GitHub.