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374 lines (252 loc) · 20.5 KB

File metadata and controls

374 lines (252 loc) · 20.5 KB


Below is a list of all available components in the @mux/mux-uploader package. For many cases, you can simply use <mux-uploader> for both upload state management and UI. For more advanced use cases, you may use the subcomponents directly, using <mux-uploader> for upload state management or partial UI. See each component section below for details.

Component name Description
<mux-uploader> A fully-featured UI component. Also manages the uploading state. Required
<mux-uploader-drop> Enables drag-and-drop functionality for handling file input.
<mux-uploader-file-select> Displays the system file-select dialog when clicked.
<mux-uploader-pause> Displays a pause/resume button (with a disabled 'Pausing...' while a requested pause is pending completion of the current chunk upload)
<mux-uploader-progress> Displays a progress indicator showing how much of your file has been uploaded.
<mux-uploader-retry> Renders a "retry" button if the upload fails.
<mux-uploader-status> Displays the upload status (e.g. completed or error statuses).

Check out the mux-uploader-modal.html example application to see a real-world example of how these components can be used individually.


The main, "batteries included" component. Can be used as a full-featured UI or simply for chunked upload state and functional management. To use for uploading state management only, you can style <mux-uploader> with a display: none;.


In addition to the attributes listed below, <mux-uploader> supports standard HTMLElement attributes such as style and class.

Attribute Type Description Default
endpoint string (URL) The authenticated URL that your file will be uploaded to. Required. undefined
no-drop boolean Hide/remove the drag & drop UI false
no-progress boolean Hide/remove the upload progress UI (percentage and bar) false
no-status boolean Hide/remove the upload status UI (errors, completion, offline) false
no-retry boolean Hide/remove the retry UI button (shown if an upload fails before completion) false
pausable boolean Show the optional pause upload UI button (allows users to pause and resume uploads) false
type "percentage" | "bar" | "radial" (Experimental) Show a different upload progress UI instead of a progress bar undefined
chunk-size number (kB, integer) Specifies the size of each upload chunk, with the exception of the final chunk which may be smaller. This parameter must be in multiples of 256. undefined
dynamic-chunk-size boolean Automatically adapt upload chunk size larger or smaller based on estimated available throughput. false
max-file-size number (kB, integer) Set a maximum file size allowed for upload. undefined
paused boolean Set to pause an in-progress upload. Get to check the paused state (see pausable, above). Cannot use before upload has begun. false
use-large-file-workaround boolean Enables a less memory efficient way of loading and chunking files for environments that don't reliably handle ReadableStream for large files. This can occur on e.g. Safari browsers with files >= 4GB. false
file-ready Read only boolean Indicates that the file has been selected. See the "file-ready" event, below false
upload-complete Read only boolean Indicates that all chunks have been successfully uploaded. false
upload-error Read only boolean Indicates that an error occurred while attempting to upload. false
upload-in-progress Read only boolean Indicates that the file has begun uploading. false


Prop Type Description Default
endpoint string | () => Promise Either a) the authenticated URL that your file will be uploaded to or b) an async function that yields a promise that resolves to that url. Check out the direct uploads docs. Required. undefined
noDrop boolean Hide/remove the drag & drop UI false
noProgress boolean Hide/remove the upload progress UI (percentage and bar) false
noStatus boolean Hide/remove the upload status UI (errors, completion, offline) false
noRetry boolean Hide/remove the retry UI button (shown if an upload fails before completion) false
pausable boolean Show the optional pause upload UI button (allows users to pause and resume uploads) false
type "percentage" | "bar" | "radial" (Experimental) Show a different upload progress UI instead of a progress bar undefined
chunkSize number (kB, integer) Specifies the size of each upload chunk, with the exception of the final chunk which may be smaller. This parameter must be in multiples of 256. undefined
dynamicChunkSize boolean Automatically adapt upload chunk size larger or smaller based on estimated available throughput. false
maxFileSize number (kB, integer) Set a maximum file size allowed for upload. undefined
paused boolean Set to pause an in-progress upload. Get to check the paused state (see pausable, above). Cannot use before upload has begun. Note that pausing will wait until the currently uploading chunk finishes. false
useLargeFileWorkaround boolean Enables a less memory-efficient way of loading and chunking files for environments that don't reliably handle ReadableStream for large files. This can occur on e.g. Safari browsers with files >= 4GB. false


<mux-uploader> has a number of events for media uploading state, progress, and user interactions. Listen to these events using addEventListener(). All events related to chunk uploading match the events dispatched by Upchunk under the hood.

Event Detail Description
file-ready The media File Dispatched when the media file to upload has been retrieved from the file system, either from drag & drop or file selection, which will cause uploading to begin. As such, manually dispatching this event on <mux-uploader> will also initiate uploading with whatever file you provide in the event.
chunkattempt { chunkNumber: number; chunkSize: number; } Dispatched before a chunk upload is attempted. Provides the chunk number and size of the about-to-be-attempted chunk.
chunksuccess { chunk: number; attempts: number; response: XhrResponse } Dispatched when a chunk upload finishes successfully. Provides the chunk (number), number of attempts made to upload the chunk, and the response from the server.
offline N/A Dispatched when internet connection is lost.
online detail type Dispatched when internet connection is regained.
pausedchange boolean paused state Dispatched when the paused upload state changes. Note that pausing will wait until the currently uploading chunk finishes.
progress The number percent Dispatched whenever the chunked upload progress changes, including mid-chunk. Provides the percent of the file uploaded thus far.
reset N/A Dispatched to notify that the uploader's UI and state should be reset, e.g. when a user clicks "retry". As such, manually dispatching this event on <mux-uploader> will also prompt a reset (though you should only do this if an upload has failed).
success null Dispatched when all chunks have been successfully uploaded.
uploadstart { file: File; chunkSize: number; } Dispatched when uploading the file begins.
uploaderror { message: string; chunkNumber: number; attempts: number; } Dispatched when an error occurs while attempting to upload. Provides the number of (failed) attempts to upload a chunk, the chunk number, and the corresponding error message as a detail.


<mux-uploader> exposes the following slots for customization:

Name Description
file-select Allows you to override the default <button> element displayed for file selection. For more, see the <mux-uploader-file-select> reference, below.

CSS Variables

<mux-uploader> exposes the following CSS variables for customization:

Name CSS Property Default Value Description
--progress-bar-fill-color background black Background "fill" color for progress bar, which visually indicates progress
--progress-bar-height height 4px Height for the progress bar.
--progress-radial-fill-color stroke black Stroke color for radial progress type (Experimental)
--progress-percentage-display display block Display value for percentage progress. Set to none to hide.

CSS Parts

<mux-uploader> exposes the follwing CSS shadow parts for customization:

Name Description
file-select Selector for the <mux-uploader-file-select> component. Note that this is the parent of the file-select slottable element discussed above. For more, see the <mux-uploader-file-select> reference, below.
pause Selector for the optional <mux-uploader-pause> component. For more on using this component, see pausable attribute or property, above.
progress Generic selector for all <mux-uploader-progress> components (e.g. percentage and bar).
progress-percentage Selector for the <mux-uploader-progress> component of type="percentage".
progress-bar Selector for the <mux-uploader-progress> component of type="bar" (default).
status Selector for the <mux-uploader-status> component.
retry Selector for the <mux-uploader-retry> component.


A "container" element that lets you drag & drop files for uploading via <mux-uploader>. Is the root component of <mux-uploader> by default.


In addition to the attributes listed below, <mux-uploader-drop> supports standard HTMLElement attributes such as style and class.

Attribute Type Description Default
overlay boolean Toggles showing an overlay on dragover. false
overlay-text string Optional text to display on dragover when overlay is on. ''
mux-uploader string (id) Associates the component with the <mux-uploader> instance via its id. Required. undefined
active Read only boolean Indicates that a file is currently dragged over the component. false
file-ready Read only boolean Indicates that the file has been selected. See the "file-ready" event, below. false
upload-complete Read only boolean Indicates that all chunks have been successfully uploaded. false
upload-in-progress Read only boolean Indicates that the file has begun uploading. false





NOTE: Although <mux-uploader-drop> does not dispatch any custom events directly, it does rely on drag and drop API events to track drag and drop behaviors and translate into Mux Uploader-specific notifications or state changes, such as toggling the active attribute on <mux-uploader-drop> based on dragenter/dragleave (See attributes, above) or <mux-uploader>'s file-ready event on drop.


<mux-uploader-drop> exposes the following slots for customization:

Name Description
heading Allows you to override the default element to display the container heading.
separator Allows you to override the default element to display the container heading separator (which shows the text "or").

CSS Variables

<mux-uploader-drop> exposes the following CSS variables for customization:

Name CSS Property Default Value Description
--overlay-background-color background rgba(226, 253, 255, 0.95) Background color for the optional drag overlay, if used. See attributes, above.

CSS Parts

<mux-uploader-drop> exposes the follwing CSS shadow parts for customization:

Name Description
heading Selector for root <slot> element used to render the heading. Useful for things like hiding (display: none;), font styling, and the like.
separator Selector for root <slot> element used to render the separator. Useful for things like hiding (display: none;), font styling, and the like.


A component element that owns the UI to request browsing for a media file for uploading via <mux-uploader>. Displayed before file selection in <mux-uploader> by default.


In addition to the attributes listed below, <mux-uploader-file-select> supports standard HTMLElement attributes such as style and class.

Attribute Type Description Default
mux-uploader string (id) Associates the component with the <mux-uploader> instance via its id. Required. undefined
file-ready Read only boolean Indicates that the file has been selected. See the "file-ready" event, below. false
upload-complete Read only boolean Indicates that all chunks have been successfully uploaded. false
upload-in-progress Read only boolean Indicates that the file has begun uploading. false





NOTE: Although <mux-uploader-file-select> does not dispatch any custom events directly, it triggers file browsing on <mux-uploader> based on a click event on the slotted (or default slotted) file-select element.


<mux-uploader-file-select> exposes the following slots for customization:

Name Description
(none) Default slot for overriding the default button UI and text for file selection.

CSS Variables


CSS Parts

<mux-uploader-file-select> exposes the follwing CSS shadow parts for customization:

Name Description
file-select-button Selector for the default slotted file selection button element. NOTE: not available if you slot your own element (See slots, above)


An element that owns the UI to request pausing and resuming uploading via <mux-uploader>. Optionally displayed during uploading on <mux-uploader> by default (See its pausable attribute, above).


In addition to the attributes listed below, <mux-uploader-pause> supports standard HTMLElement attributes such as style and class.

Attribute Type Description Default
mux-uploader string (id) Associates the component with the <mux-uploader> instance via its id. Required. undefined
upload-complete Read only boolean Indicates that all chunks have been successfully uploaded. false
upload-error Read only boolean Indicates that an error occurred while attempting to upload. false
upload-in-progress Read only boolean Indicates that the file has begun uploading. false







CSS Variables


CSS Parts



A component element for rendering the current upload progress. Displayed in two permutations during file upload <mux-uploader> by default, both as a type="percentage" and type="bar" (see Attributes, below).


In addition to the attributes listed below, <mux-uploader-progress> supports standard HTMLElement attributes such as style and class.

Attribute Type Description Default
mux-uploader string (id) Associates the component with the <mux-uploader> instance via its id. Required. undefined
type "percentage" | "bar" | "radial" Render progress as either a numeric percentage, a progress bar, or a radial/circular progress (Experimental) undefined
upload-complete Read only boolean Indicates that all chunks have been successfully uploaded. false
upload-error Read only boolean Indicates that an error occurred while attempting to upload. false
upload-in-progress Read only boolean Indicates that the file has begun uploading. false







CSS Variables

<mux-uploader-progress> exposes the following CSS variables for customization:

Name CSS Property Default Value Description
--progress-bar-fill-color background black Background "fill" color for progress bar, which visually indicates progress
--progress-bar-height height 4px Height for the progress bar.
--progress-radial-fill-color stroke black Stroke color for radial progress type (Experimental)
--progress-percentage-display display block Display value for percentage progress. Set to none to hide.

CSS Parts



An element that owns the UI to request retrying a failed upload via <mux-uploader>. Displayed when an error occurred during upload on <mux-uploader> by default.


In addition to the attributes listed below, <mux-uploader-retry> supports standard HTMLElement attributes such as style and class.

Attribute Type Description Default
mux-uploader string (id) Associates the component with the <mux-uploader> instance via its id. Required. undefined
upload-error Read only boolean Indicates that an error occurred while attempting to upload. false







CSS Variables


CSS Parts



An element that renders the uploader status (completed, error, or offline) as human-readable text.


In addition to the attributes listed below, <mux-uploader-status> supports standard HTMLElement attributes such as style and class.

Attribute Type Description Default
mux-uploader string (id) Associates the component with the <mux-uploader> instance via its id. Required. undefined
upload-complete Read only boolean Indicates that all chunks have been successfully uploaded. false
upload-error Read only boolean Indicates that an error occurred while attempting to upload. false
upload-in-progress Read only boolean Indicates that the file has begun uploading. false







CSS Variables


CSS Parts
