You can use Workers to run a continues process outside of the Server. They are
located in ./workers
. The loader for worker is ./workers/
, it
passes the config, helpers, a log function and the models to the Worker.
The filename of the worker is also the name of the worker, for example lets
assume you have a worker ./workers/
module.exports = class ExampleWorker
constructor: (@config, @helpers, @log, @models, @doneCb) ->
@log 'info', 'Keep on... working?'
@doneCb() # if it only needs to run once, call this to exit process
The interval in which the Worker is executed must be defined if you don't only
run it --once
(see below), in ./server/
(where all the other
configs for the Worker are also located):
intervals: # in minutes
example: 15
Then you would start it with:
coffee workers --worker=example
# or with forever on the production server
If the Worker has its own interval cycle or only needs to be run once, pass the
flag like this:
coffee worker --worker=example --once
The Worker is initialized with a @doneCB
function. Call this function to exit
the process and disconnect the Worker from the database.