diff --git a/dev/mei-CMN.rng b/dev/mei-CMN.rng index 3e1ceb8..4881677 100644 --- a/dev/mei-CMN.rng +++ b/dev/mei-CMN.rng @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes" ns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei"> @@ -20110,11 +20110,13 @@ Suggested values include: 1] byte; 2] char; 3] cm; 4] deg; 5] in; 6] issue; 7] f + a:defaultValue="5.0+CMN"> Specifies a generic MEI version label. - 5.0.0-dev - Development version of MEI 5.0.0 + 5.0 + MEI 5.0 + 5.0+CMN + MEI 5.0+CMN diff --git a/dev/mei-CMN_compiled.odd b/dev/mei-CMN_compiled.odd index babfbb1..dfcec38 100644 --- a/dev/mei-CMN_compiled.odd +++ b/dev/mei-CMN_compiled.odd @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - + @@ -12910,20 +12910,11 @@ - - Attributes that record the version of MEI in use. - - - Specifies a generic MEI version label. - 5.0.0-dev - - - Development version of MEI 5.0.0 - - - - - + Attributes that record the version of MEI in use.Specifies a generic MEI version label.5.0+CMN + MEI 5.0 + + MEI 5.0+CMN + Logical domain attributes. diff --git a/dev/mei-Mensural.rng b/dev/mei-Mensural.rng index 44ee2d7..82ae563 100644 --- a/dev/mei-Mensural.rng +++ b/dev/mei-Mensural.rng @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes" ns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei"> @@ -17705,11 +17705,13 @@ Suggested values include: 1] byte; 2] char; 3] cm; 4] deg; 5] in; 6] issue; 7] f + a:defaultValue="5.0+Mensural"> Specifies a generic MEI version label. - 5.0.0-dev - Development version of MEI 5.0.0 + 5.0 + MEI 5.0 + 5.0+Mensural + MEI 5.0+Mensural diff --git a/dev/mei-Mensural_compiled.odd b/dev/mei-Mensural_compiled.odd index 1afd11d..682f29c 100644 --- a/dev/mei-Mensural_compiled.odd +++ b/dev/mei-Mensural_compiled.odd @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - + @@ -10909,20 +10909,11 @@ - - Attributes that record the version of MEI in use. - - - Specifies a generic MEI version label. - 5.0.0-dev - - - Development version of MEI 5.0.0 - - - - - + Attributes that record the version of MEI in use.Specifies a generic MEI version label.5.0+Mensural + MEI 5.0 + + MEI 5.0+Mensural + Logical domain attributes. diff --git a/dev/mei-Neumes.rng b/dev/mei-Neumes.rng index 07132c8..d61a59c 100644 --- a/dev/mei-Neumes.rng +++ b/dev/mei-Neumes.rng @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes" ns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei"> @@ -17672,11 +17672,13 @@ Suggested values include: 1] byte; 2] char; 3] cm; 4] deg; 5] in; 6] issue; 7] f + a:defaultValue="5.0+Neumes"> Specifies a generic MEI version label. - 5.0.0-dev - Development version of MEI 5.0.0 + 5.0 + MEI 5.0 + 5.0+Neumes + MEI 5.0+Neumes diff --git a/dev/mei-Neumes_compiled.odd b/dev/mei-Neumes_compiled.odd index cebc79d..f6bae16 100644 --- a/dev/mei-Neumes_compiled.odd +++ b/dev/mei-Neumes_compiled.odd @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - + @@ -10688,20 +10688,11 @@ - - Attributes that record the version of MEI in use. - - - Specifies a generic MEI version label. - 5.0.0-dev - - - Development version of MEI 5.0.0 - - - - - + Attributes that record the version of MEI in use.Specifies a generic MEI version label.5.0+Neumes + MEI 5.0 + + MEI 5.0+Neumes + Logical domain attributes. diff --git a/dev/mei-all.rng b/dev/mei-all.rng index bc72cc7..e054c15 100644 --- a/dev/mei-all.rng +++ b/dev/mei-all.rng @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes" ns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei"> @@ -8377,7 +8377,6 @@ TEI Edition Location: https://www.tei-c.org/Vault/P5// Opposing stem directions are required for a beam with @place="mixed". @@ -10953,7 +10933,6 @@ Suggested values include: 1] sustain; 2] soft; 3] sostenuto; 4] silent children. startid attribute or ulx and uly attributes. @@ -13162,7 +13113,6 @@ Suggested values include: 1] smufl + a:defaultValue="5.0"> Specifies a generic MEI version label. - 5.0.0-dev - Development version of MEI 5.0.0 + 5.0 + MEI 5.0 @@ -21808,7 +21689,6 @@ Suggested values include: 1] byte; 2] char; 3] cm; 4] deg; 5] in; 6] issue; 7] f @@ -28249,7 +28080,6 @@ Suggested values include: 1] person; 2] corporation; 3] location; 4] process; 5] @@ -28261,7 +28091,6 @@ Suggested values include: 1] person; 2] corporation; 3] location; 4] process; 5] @@ -28310,7 +28139,6 @@ Suggested values include: 1] person; 2] corporation; 3] location; 4] process; 5] @@ -8377,8 +8377,6 @@ TEI Edition Location: https://www.tei-c.org/Vault/P5// Opposing stem directions are required for a beam with @place="mixed". @@ -10973,8 +10933,6 @@ Suggested values include: 1] sustain; 2] soft; 3] sostenuto; 4] silent children. startid attribute or ulx and uly attributes. @@ -13210,8 +13112,6 @@ Suggested values include: 1] smufl + a:defaultValue="5.0+anyStart"> Specifies a generic MEI version label. - 5.0.0-dev - Development version of MEI 5.0.0 + 5.0 + MEI 5.0 + 5.0+anyStart + MEI 5.0+anyStart + + + The root element must have the @meiversion attribute in order to indicate the MEI version of the snippet. + + + + + If the root element is any other than mei, meiHead, meiCorpus, or music the value of @meiversion must be '5.0+anyStart'. + + @@ -21924,10 +21707,8 @@ Suggested values include: 1] byte; 2] char; 3] cm; 4] deg; 5] in; 6] issue; 7] f + id="mei-att.name-nymref-check_nymrefTarget-constraint-rule-128"> + id="mei-att.noteHeads-head.altsym-check_head.altsymTarget-constraint-rule-129"> + id="mei-att.noteHeads-head.auth-check_head.auth-constraint-rule-130"> + id="mei-att.noteHeads-head.shape-check_headshape_num-constraint-rule-131"> + id="mei-att.origin.timestamp.log-origin.tstamp2-origin.tstamp2_requires_origin.tstamp-constraint-rule-132"> + id="mei-att.partIdent-part-check_part_attr_all-constraint-rule-133"> + id="mei-att.partIdent-partstaff-check_partstaff_attr_all-constraint-rule-134"> + id="mei-att.plist-plist-check_plistTarget-constraint-rule-135"> + id="mei-att.ranging-confidence-check_confidence-constraint-rule-136"> + id="mei-att.responsibility-resp-check_respTarget-constraint-rule-137"> + id="mei-att.source-source-check_sourceTarget-constraint-rule-138"> + id="mei-att.staff.log-def-check_defTarget_staff-constraint-rule-139"> + id="mei-att.startEndId-endid-check_endidTarget-constraint-rule-140"> + id="mei-att.startId-startid-check_startidTarget-constraint-rule-141"> + id="mei-att.stems-stem.sameas-check_stem.sameasTarget-constraint-rule-142"> + id="mei-annot-Check_annot_data-constraint-rule-143"> + id="mei-biblList-checkBiblLabels-constraint-rule-144"> Break, pause, or interruption in the normal tempo of a composition. Typically indicated by "railroad tracks", i.e., two diagonal slashes. + id="mei-caesura-caesura_start-type_attributes_required-constraint-rule-145"> + id="mei-cb-n-check_cb-constraint-rule-146"> Indication of the exact location of a particular note on the staff and, therefore, the other notes as well. + id="mei-clef-Clef_position_lines-constraint-rule-147"> + id="mei-clef-Clef_position_nolines-constraint-rule-148"> + id="mei-contributor-check_contributor_role-constraint-rule-149"> + id="mei-dedicatee-check_dedicatee-constraint-rule-150"> Information about the physical size of an entity; usually includes numerical data. + id="mei-dimensions-check_dimensions-constraint-rule-151"> + id="mei-dir-dir_start-type_attributes_required-constraint-rule-152"> + id="mei-dynam-dynam_start-type_attributes_required-constraint-rule-153"> + id="mei-dynam-dynam_end-type_attributes-constraint-rule-154"> + id="mei-grpSym-check_grpSym_attributes_scoreDef-constraint-rule-155"> + id="mei-grpSym-check_grpSym_attributes_staffDef-constraint-rule-156"> (key accidental) Accidental in a key signature. + id="mei-keyAccid-Check_keyAccidPlacement-constraint-rule-157"> + id="mei-keySig-check_keyAccid_oct-constraint-rule-158"> + id="mei-keySig-check_keySig_editorial-constraint-rule-159"> + id="mei-mei-Check_staff-constraint-rule-160"> + id="mei-name-nameParts-constraint-rule-161"> + id="mei-ornam-ornam_start-type_attributes_required-constraint-rule-162"> + id="mei-phrase-phrase_start-_and_end-type_attributes_required-constraint-rule-163"> + id="mei-phrase-phrase_containing_curve-constraint-rule-164"> Describes a relationship or linkage amongst entities. + id="mei-relation-FRBR_relation-constraint-rule-165"> + id="mei-respStmt-check_respStmt-constraint-rule-166"> + id="mei-rest-Check_restline-constraint-rule-167"> + id="mei-section-Check_sectionexpansion-constraint-rule-168"> + id="mei-staff-checkStaff_n-constraint-rule-169"> + id="mei-staffDef-Check_staffDefn-constraint-rule-170"> + id="mei-staffDef-Check_ancestor_staff-constraint-rule-171"> + id="mei-staffDef-Check_ancestor_staff_lines-constraint-rule-172"> + id="mei-staffDef-Check_clef_position_staffDef-constraint-rule-173"> + id="mei-staffDef-Check_clef_position_staffDef_nolines-constraint-rule-174"> + id="mei-staffDef-Check_tab_strings_lines-constraint-rule-175"> + id="mei-staffDef-Check_tab_strings_nolines-constraint-rule-176"> @@ -28416,8 +28099,6 @@ Suggested values include: 1] person; 2] corporation; 3] location; 4] process; 5] @@ -28429,8 +28110,6 @@ Suggested values include: 1] person; 2] corporation; 3] location; 4] process; 5] @@ -28477,10 +28156,8 @@ Suggested values include: 1] person; 2] corporation; 3] location; 4] process; 5] + id="mei-staffGrp-Check_staffGrp_unique_staff_n_values-constraint-rule-181"> A reference to a previously defined symbol. + id="mei-symbol-symbolDef_symbol_attributes_required-constraint-rule-182"> + id="mei-tempo-tempo_in_header_disallow_most_attrs-constraint-rule-183"> + id="mei-tempo-tempo_start-type_attributes_required-constraint-rule-184"> + id="mei-term-Check_term_dataTarget-constraint-rule-185"> + id="mei-list-list_type_constraint-constraint-rule-186"> + id="mei-att.altSym-altsym-check_altsymTarget-constraint-rule-187"> A curved line that cannot be represented by a more specific element, such as a slur. + id="mei-curve-symbolDef_curve_attributes_required-constraint-rule-188"> + id="mei-line-line_start-_and_end-type_attributes_required-constraint-rule-189"> + id="mei-att.fTrem.vis-beams.float-check_beams.floating-constraint-rule-191"> + @@ -31447,6 +31105,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] coloration; 2] ligature; 3] unknown + @@ -31517,6 +31176,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] coloration; 2] ligature; 3] unknown + @@ -31536,6 +31196,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] coloration; 2] ligature; 3] unknown + @@ -31560,6 +31221,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] coloration; 2] ligature; 3] unknown + @@ -31617,6 +31279,8 @@ Suggested values include: 1] coloration; 2] ligature; 3] unknown + + @@ -31633,6 +31297,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] coloration; 2] ligature; 3] unknown + @@ -31656,8 +31321,8 @@ Suggested values include: 1] coloration; 2] ligature; 3] unknown - + @@ -31684,6 +31349,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] coloration; 2] ligature; 3] unknown + @@ -31713,6 +31379,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] coloration; 2] ligature; 3] unknown + @@ -31750,7 +31417,6 @@ Suggested values include: 1] coloration; 2] ligature; 3] unknown - @@ -31760,7 +31426,9 @@ Suggested values include: 1] coloration; 2] ligature; 3] unknown + + @@ -31816,28 +31484,13 @@ Suggested values include: 1] coloration; 2] ligature; 3] unknown - - - The root element must have the @meiversion attribute in order to indicate the MEI version of the snippet. - - diff --git a/dev/mei-all_anyStart_compiled.odd b/dev/mei-all_anyStart_compiled.odd index c49f507..10a03fc 100644 --- a/dev/mei-all_anyStart_compiled.odd +++ b/dev/mei-all_anyStart_compiled.odd @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - + @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ - + Written accidental values. @@ -13835,11 +13835,24 @@ - Attributes that record the version of MEI in use.Specifies a generic MEI version label.5.0.0-dev - - Development version of MEI 5.0.0 - - + Attributes that record the version of MEI in use. + Require meiversion attribute on the root element. + + + The root element must have the @meiversion attribute in order to indicate the MEI version of the snippet. + + + + + + If the root element is any other than mei, meiHead, meiCorpus, or music the value of @meiversion must be '5.0+anyStart'. + + + Specifies a generic MEI version label.5.0+anyStart + MEI 5.0 + + MEI 5.0+anyStart + Logical domain attributes. @@ -20835,14 +20848,7 @@ - - Require meiversion attribute on the root element. - - - The root element must have the @meiversion attribute in order to indicate the MEI version of the snippet. - - - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dev/mei-all_compiled.odd b/dev/mei-all_compiled.odd index e2778ca..b7be0d3 100644 --- a/dev/mei-all_compiled.odd +++ b/dev/mei-all_compiled.odd @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - + @@ -13856,20 +13856,9 @@ - - Attributes that record the version of MEI in use. - - - Specifies a generic MEI version label. - 5.0.0-dev - - - Development version of MEI 5.0.0 - - - - - + Attributes that record the version of MEI in use.Specifies a generic MEI version label.5.0 + MEI 5.0 + Logical domain attributes. diff --git a/dev/mei-basic.rng b/dev/mei-basic.rng index 7ca4f2b..915bc40 100644 --- a/dev/mei-basic.rng +++ b/dev/mei-basic.rng @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes" ns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei"> @@ -3929,26 +3929,15 @@ Suggested values include: 1] smufl - - - - - - - - - - - - + @@ -4561,6 +4550,17 @@ Suggested values include: 1] smufl specified. + + + + + + + Used to indicate visual appearance. Do not confuse this with the musical term 'color' as used in pre-CMN notation. + + + + @@ -4942,11 +4942,15 @@ Suggested values include: 1] smufl - - Specifies a generic MEI version label. + + Specifies a generic MEI version label. - 5.0.0-dev+basic - This version of MEI. + 5.0 + MEI 5.0 + 5.0+basic + MEI 5.0+basic @@ -6828,6 +6832,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] smufl + @@ -7445,11 +7450,13 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + + @@ -7501,14 +7508,17 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + + + @@ -7520,6 +7530,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + @@ -7527,10 +7538,12 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + + @@ -7546,6 +7559,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + @@ -7571,6 +7585,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + @@ -7611,6 +7626,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + @@ -7618,9 +7634,10 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ - + + @@ -7663,6 +7680,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + @@ -7691,6 +7709,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + @@ -7700,35 +7719,41 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + + + + + + @@ -7744,11 +7769,13 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + + @@ -7756,11 +7783,13 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + + @@ -7782,6 +7811,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + @@ -7798,12 +7828,14 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + + @@ -7816,6 +7848,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + @@ -7847,6 +7880,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + @@ -7886,6 +7920,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + @@ -7897,12 +7932,14 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + + @@ -7911,6 +7948,7 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + @@ -7955,18 +7993,21 @@ Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] subordinate; 3] abbreviated; 4] alternativ + + + diff --git a/dev/mei-basic_compiled.odd b/dev/mei-basic_compiled.odd index 4d883b9..ee2b8af 100644 --- a/dev/mei-basic_compiled.odd +++ b/dev/mei-basic_compiled.odd @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - + @@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ Revisions Laurent Pugin + + Revisions + Klaus Rettinghaus + In collaboration with The MEI Community @@ -36,6 +40,9 @@ Revisions at the MEI Developers Conference, Charlottesville. + + Fixing color attribute and cleanup attribute class references. + @@ -5136,23 +5143,7 @@

The lb element is allowed here in order to facilitate karaoke applications. The func attribute on lb may be used to distinguish true line endings from those of line groups for these applications.

- Division of a poem or song lyrics, sometimes having a fixed length, meter or rhyme scheme; - a stanza. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Division of a poem or song lyrics, sometimes having a fixed length, meter or rhyme scheme; a stanza.

The lb element is allowed here in order to facilitate karaoke applications. The func attribute on lb may be used to distinguish true line endings from those of line groups for these applications.

@@ -5668,6 +5659,17 @@
+ Visual color attributes. + + + Used to indicate visual appearance. Do not confuse this with the musical term 'color' + as used in pre-CMN notation. + + + + + Attributes common to many elements. Attributes shared by events which rely on other events for their existence. For example, a slur/phrase marking must be drawn between or over a group of notes. The slur is therefore a @@ -6022,19 +6024,11 @@ - - Attributes that record the version of MEI in use. - - - Specifies a generic MEI version label. - - - This version of MEI. - - - - - + Attributes that record the version of MEI in use.Specifies a generic MEI version label.5.0 + MEI 5.0 + + MEI 5.0+basic + Attributes that provide information about a measure's conformance to the prevailing meter. @@ -7562,7 +7556,7 @@

The model of this element is based on the pubPlace element of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI).

renderA formatting element indicating special visual rendering, e.g., bold or italicized, of a text word or phrase. - + @@ -8098,11 +8092,11 @@

The startid and endid attributes are used to indicate the chordMember elements on which the barre starts and finishes respectively. The fret at which the barre should be created is recorded by the fret attribute.

Visual domain attributes. + Visual domain attributes. Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8142,15 +8136,15 @@
Visual domain attributes. + Visual domain attributes. Visual domain attributes. - + - Visual domain attributes. + Visual domain attributes. Indicates the number of slashes required to render the appropriate beat repeat symbol. When a single beat consisting of a single note or chord is repeated, the repetition symbol is a single thick, slanting slash; therefore, the value 1 should be used. When the beat @@ -8160,15 +8154,15 @@ - Visual domain attributes. + Visual domain attributes. Visual domain attributes. - Visual domain attributes.Visual domain attributes for chord. The slur, slur.dir, slur.rend, tie, tie.dir, and tie.rend + Visual domain attributes.Visual domain attributes for chord. The slur, slur.dir, slur.rend, tie, tie.dir, and tie.rend attributes here are syntactic sugar for these attributes on each of the chord's individual notes. The values here apply to all the notes in the chord. If some notes are slurred or tied - while others aren't, then the individual note attributes must be used. + while others aren't, then the individual note attributes must be used. Indicates a single, alternative note head should be displayed instead of individual note heads. The highest and lowest notes of the chord usually indicate the upper and lower boundaries of the cluster note head. @@ -8179,7 +8173,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8226,7 +8220,7 @@

If tstamp2 is not provided, then the extender should be drawn based on the value of tstamp2 on the harm ancestor.

Visual domain attributes. + Visual domain attributes. Describes the visual appearance of the fermata; that is, whether it occurs as upright or inverted. @@ -8268,7 +8262,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8280,7 +8274,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + Visual domain attributes. The startho and startvo attributes record the horizontal and @@ -8292,7 +8286,7 @@ the startho, endho, startvo, and endvo attributes, while the placement of the entire rendered mark may be controlled by use of the ho and vo attributes. - + @@ -8332,7 +8326,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8355,7 +8349,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8375,7 +8369,7 @@ lines. Startto and endto describe the start and end points in terms of time; that is, beats. - + @@ -8386,7 +8380,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8396,7 +8390,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8407,7 +8401,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8420,7 +8414,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8430,7 +8424,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8452,7 +8446,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8461,7 +8455,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8478,7 +8472,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8489,7 +8483,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8519,7 +8513,7 @@ allows the full range of values. - + @@ -8539,7 +8533,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8550,7 +8544,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8568,7 +8562,7 @@ - Visual domain attributes. + Visual domain attributes. Visual domain attributes. @@ -8600,7 +8594,7 @@ Visual domain attributes for slur. The vo attribute is the vertical offset (from its normal position) of the entire rendered slur/phrase mark. - + @@ -8659,7 +8653,7 @@ - Visual domain attributes. + Visual domain attributes. Visual domain attributes. @@ -8678,7 +8672,7 @@ lines. Startto and endto describe the start and end points in terms of time; that is, beats. - + @@ -8690,7 +8684,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8704,7 +8698,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8743,7 +8737,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8754,7 +8748,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + @@ -8765,7 +8759,7 @@ Visual domain attributes. - + diff --git a/dev/mei-source_canonicalized.xml b/dev/mei-source_canonicalized.xml index 7c5ca85..505a158 100644 --- a/dev/mei-source_canonicalized.xml +++ b/dev/mei-source_canonicalized.xml @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ - + @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
- Version 5.0.0 + Version 5.0 Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) Council @@ -189,42 +189,54 @@
About version 5.0 -

Release 5.0 of MEI focusses mostly on infrastructure and consistency, with only - limited conceptual changes to the specifications. Perhaps the most important +

Release 5.0 of MEI focuses primarily on the guidelines, development infrastructure, + and consistency, with only limited changes to the specifications. Perhaps the most important additions are the introduction of the MEI Basic customization, and the availability - of an auto-generated PDF version of the Guidelines (see below for both).

+ of an auto-generated PDF version of the Guidelines (see below for more details on both). + The Release Managers for MEI 5.0 were the Technical Co-Chairs, Benjamin W. Bohl and Stefan + Münnich. +

MEI Basic -

As a framework to encode music, MEI offers great flexibility to encode music - documents of various kinds. For scholarly research, this flexibility is necessary - and is one of the greatest strengths of MEI. At the same time, this flexibility - makes it harder to interface with MEI as a data format. Accordingly, MEI has not - seen a great deal of adoption by current score-writing applications. With the - release of MEI 5, a new customization of MEI, called MEI Basic, becomes available, - which addresses this situation by reducing the MEI framework to a subset that - reflects the capabilities of other XML standards in the field. MEI Basic offers - only one approach for each music feature, making it significantly easier to - support in software. We hope that this customization facilitates data interchange, - to share data between MEI-based projects, and to share data between MEI and other - data formats. This way, not every data import and export pipeline to and from MEI - has to deal with the complexities of MEI, and the responsibility to address such - complexities moves from generic tools to each project, which should know best how - their internal data model maps to a shared profile such as MEI Basic. MEI Basic - is a strict subset of MEI, intentionally starting with a relatively small footprint - of supported features. However, the subset of included features may be expanded if - need be.


As a framework to encode music, MEI offers extensive flexibility to encode music + documents of various kinds, and for a wide variety of uses. For scholarly research, + this flexibility is necessary and is one of the greatest strengths of MEI. At the + same time, we recognize that this flexibility presents challenges for broad adoption + of MEI as a notation interchange format. For developers, providing "full" MEI support + is a difficult and time-consuming chore, writing and supporting code for features + which most of their users will not use. Accordingly, MEI has not seen a great deal of adoption + by current score-writing applications.


This is addressed this with the release of MEI 5. We are now offering a new customization of MEI, + MEI Basic, that provides a simplified subset of the MEI framework that + reflects the capabilities of most popular "Common Western Music Notation" score-writing + applications currently in use.


In the full MEI schema there are often multiple ways to encode something. MEI Basic + simplifies this by providing only one approach for each music feature, making it significantly + easier to provide full feature support in software. As noted, MEI Basic only supports + Common Western Music Notation. Many of the more complex encoding mechanisms for + editorial and analytical workflows are also removed in MEI Basic. MEI Basic has a relatively + small footprint of supported features, which may be expanded over time as more software + applications adopt MEI and more use cases are identified. All MEI Basic files are + valid MEI "full" files, meaning MEI Basic files may be expanded and upgraded to MEI "full", + adding more complex features and encoding mechanisms as required.


We hope that this customization facilitates more application adoption, data sharing between + MEI projects, and conversion between MEI and other data formats.

- PDF Guidelines -

With MEI 5, we reintroduce a PDF version of the MEI Guidelines. With a total - of more than 5700 pages, this PDF clearly isn't intended to be printed, but may + Guidelines +

With MEI 5, we re-introduce a PDF version of the MEI Guidelines. With a total + of more than 5,700 pages, this PDF clearly is not intended to be printed, but may serve as a single-file reference to the current release of MEI. The PDF is - interactive, so can be used like the online version of the Guidelines in offline - settings. While the largest part of the PDF is taken up by the formal specification - of the format, there are also more than 370 pages of prose documentation and - examples of how to use the MEI framework for various purposes. The PDF therefore - gives a good impression of the huge effort that went into the development of MEI. - Accordingly, it gives proper credit to all 40+ contributors actively involved in + interactive, so may be offline with working links between sections. While the + largest part of the PDF is taken up by the formal specification of the format, + there are also more than 370 pages of prose documentation and examples of how to + use the MEI framework for various purposes. The PDF therefore gives a good + impression of the huge effort that went into the development of MEI.


The Guidelines have also had several notable contributions, led in large part + by our Interest Groups. These contributions have sought to make some chapters more + clear and consistent, to help newcomers to MEI understand how MEI encoding may be + applied.


In total, we have over 40 contributors actively involved in the preparation of this release of MEI. Many of them are early-career researchers, investing significant time and effort into the MEI Framework. Due to the open nature of this community work, happening alongside conferences, workshops, and @@ -243,41 +255,73 @@ The release technically removes the <fingerprint> element, which has been deprecated for ten years. It also removes the elements <pgHead2> and <pgFoot2>, which are now superseded by the func attribute on - pgHead and pgFoot respectively. Most other changes affect more specific aspects in the model of MEI, usually expressed in - attributes. These can be traced in the detailed Release Notes auto-generated from - the Pull Requests on GitHub. A larger group of changes affects the internal class - structure of MEI only, where significant effort went into improved consistency in - naming things. While this set of changes does not affect end users of MEI during - validation of their files, they may have consequences for local customizations which - reference classes not available anymore. If you have advanced local customizations - based on MEI v4 or older releases, please check that the rules provided still work as - expected under v5. A very helpful addition for this task may be the validation for MEI - customizations, which is now available and used for all customizations officially - provided by MEI.

+ pgHead and pgFoot respectively.


Most other changes affect more specific aspects in the model of MEI, usually + expressed in attributes. These include the refinement of the encoding of key + signatures, with key.sig moved to keysig, keysig.show moved to + keysig.visible, and keysig.showchange and sig.showchange moved to + keysig.cancelaccid and cancelaccid respectively. The instr + attribute is removed from quiet events like rest, + mRest, mSpace and multiRest, + and the visible attribute is also removed from mRest. + Moreover, attributes line.form and line.width on the arpeg + element are aligned with other line-like elements as lform and + lwidth. text.dist on scoreDef and + staffDef is removed in favor of the newly added attributes + dir.dist, reh.dist or tempo.dist. + meter.form="invis" is updated to meter.visible="false", + and the same change applies to form="invis" on meterSig, now replaced + with visible="false". The text-rendition values of letter-spacing + and line-height on rend are moved to separate attributes, that is, + rend="letter-spacing(0.25) line-height(120%)" will be now + letterspacing="0.25" lineheight="120%". Additionally, corrections + are applied to specific attribute values, such as changing Bagpipe on + midi.instrname to Bag_pipe and replacing dblwhole + on head.mod with fences. All changes can be traced in the + detailed Release Notes auto-generated from the Pull Requests on GitHub. A larger + group of changes affects the internal class structure of MEI only, where significant + effort went into improved consistency in naming things. While this set of changes + does not affect end users of MEI during validation of files, they may have + consequences for local customizations which reference classes not available anymore. + If you have advanced local customizations based on MEI v4 or older releases, + please check that the rules provided still work as expected under v5. A very helpful + addition for this task may be the validation for MEI customizations, which is now + available and used for all customizations officially provided by MEI.

Infrastructural changes -

A lot of effort went into an updated workflow on how these release assets are - generated automatically. That setup is explained in great detail in - https://github.com/music-encoding/music-encoding/blob/develop/README.md. - Please also consider https://github.com/music-encoding/music-encoding/blob/develop/CONTRIBUTING.md - and other MarkDown files in the https://github.com/music-encoding/music-encoding repository.


In summary, MEI is now expressed in ODD again, going away from the MarkDown-based - approached used in the preparation of MEI v4 documentation. This reintroduces greater - compatibility with the TEI toolset again. The source code for both the Guidelines and - the Specification is now jointly contained in the https://github.com/music-encoding/music-encoding - repository, which simplifies validation across both parts of MEI. All assets – web +

A lot of effort went into updating the infrastructure for generating releases. These + changes are designed to help improve the development workflow of MEI, improving consistency + and oversight of changes as they are contributed to MEI. Our new setup is explained in + great detail in the project README file. + We have also expanded our Contribution Guidelines + and other documentation files in the music-encoding GitHub repository.


The MEI documentation and guidelines are now expressed in TEI ODD again, + moving away from the MarkDown-based approach used in the preparation of + MEI v4 documentation. This re-introduces greater compatibility with the TEI toolset. + The source code for both the Guidelines and the Specification is now jointly + contained in the music-encoding GitHub repository, + which simplifies validation across both parts of MEI. All assets – web documentation, PDF Guidelines, and schemata – are automatically generated from there. - A multi-platform Docker image for running these processes locally is also provided. + A multi-platform Docker image for running these processes locally is also provided + to help new developers with getting started in contributing to MEI. Setting up these technical workflows has taken considerable effort, but should now simplify future development and releases considerably.


In addition to the main Music Encoding schema and Guidelines, we have also updated + our Sample Encodings and Encoding Tools repositories. Sample Encodings have been updated + to MEI 5.0, and several problems with encodings from older releases have been fixed. In the + Encoding Tools, several bugs were fixed with older upgrade XSLT scripts, and a new XSLT for + upgrading MEI 4 to MEI 5 was added.


To see all of the changes made for this revision, please visit our Git repositories: + + https://github.com/music-encoding/music-encoding + https://github.com/music-encoding/sample-encodings + https://github.com/music-encoding/encoding-tools + +


The editors wish to thank everyone who participated in this process. Of course, + errors and omissions are the sole responsibility of the editors.


To see all of the changes made for this revision, please visit the Git repositories - https://github.com/music-encoding/music-encoding, - https://github.com/music-encoding/encoding-tools, - and https://github.com/music-encoding/sample-encodings.


The editors wish to thank everyone who participated in this process. Of course, - errors are the sole responsibility of the editors.

@@ -338,8 +382,8 @@ Structural Features

The encoding scheme is based on eXtensible Markup Language (XML), a text-based format for representing structured information. It is expressed - as a One Document Does-it-all (ODD) document. For more information on ODD, please refer to


Related or complementary standards, such as theText Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange, the Encoded Archival Description (EAD), MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, existing notation encoding schemes, etc. have been consulted and employed as appropriate. For example, the data + as a One Document Does-it-all (ODD) document. For more information on ODD, please refer to .


Related or complementary standards, such as the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange, the Encoded Archival Description (EAD), MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, existing notation encoding schemes, etc. have been consulted and employed as appropriate. For example, the data model includes a header that is comparable to the TEI header, and TEI and EAD naming conventions and tag structures have been used whenever feasible. However, while some feature names are similar, or even the same, it is @@ -724,7 +768,7 @@

At this point, there is no specific documentation on how to customize MEI with ODD beyond the generic TEI documentation. However, the provided are based on ODD customizations, and may serve as starting point for further project-specific restrictions. They can be found - at https://github.com/music-encoding/music-encoding/tree/develop/customizations. + at https://github.com/music-encoding/music-encoding/tree/v5.0/customizations. In addition, several projects have shared their customizations on GitHub, such as Freischütz Digital or Beethovens Werkstatt.

MEI provides a web service at http://custom.music-encoding.org which allows to @@ -763,7 +807,7 @@

- <mei> + <mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <meiHead> <!-- metadata goes here --> </meiHead> @@ -785,7 +829,7 @@

- <music> + <music xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <!-- description of musical text goes here --> </music> @@ -802,7 +846,7 @@

- <meiCorpus> + <meiCorpus xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <meiHead> <!-- metadata on the corpus goes here --> </meiHead> @@ -844,13 +888,13 @@

- <meiHead> + <meiHead xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <!-- metadata goes here --> </meiHead>


The above examples all carry two attributes on their root elements. While the @xmlns is a general feature of XML and not defined in MEI it is crucial for stating the fact that it is an MEI file you are dealing with. The second attribute is att.meiVersion.


The above examples all carry two attributes on their root elements. While the xmlns is a general feature of XML and not defined in MEI it is crucial for stating the fact that it is an MEI file you are dealing with. The second attribute is att.meiVersion.

@@ -1318,9 +1362,9 @@

- <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> -<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> -<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0.0-dev"> + <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> +<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> +<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <meiHead> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> @@ -1441,9 +1485,9 @@

- <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> -<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> -<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0.0-dev"> + <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> +<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> +<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <meiHead> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> @@ -2760,15 +2804,15 @@

Some of these policy elements carry attributes to support automated processing of certain well-defined editorial decisions; all of them contain a prose description of the editorial principles adopted with respect to the particular feature concerned. Examples of the kinds of questions which these descriptions are intended to answer are given in the list below.

- States how and under what circumstances corrections have been made in the text. corrlevelIndicates the degree of correction applied to the text. methodIndicates the method employed to mark corrections and normalizations. Was the text corrected during or after data capture? If so, were corrections made silently or are they marked using the tags described in chapter 11 Editorial Markup? What principles have been adopted with respect to omissions, truncations, dubious corrections, alternate readings, false starts, repetitions, etc.? + States how and under what circumstances corrections have been made in the text. corrlevel indicates the degree of correction applied to the text. method indicates the method employed to mark corrections and normalizations. Was the text corrected during or after data capture? If so, were corrections made silently or are they marked using the tags described in chapter ? What principles have been adopted with respect to omissions, truncations, dubious corrections, alternate readings, false starts, repetitions, etc.? Describes the scope of any analytic or interpretive information added to the transcription of the music. Has any analytic or ‘interpretive’ information been provided — that is, information which is felt to be non-obvious, or potentially contentious? If so, how was it generated? How was it encoded? - Indicates the extent of normalization or regularization of the original source carried out in converting it to electronic form. methodIndicates the method employed to mark corrections and normalizations. Was the text normalized, for example by regularizing any non-standard enharmonic spellings, etc.? If so, were normalizations performed silently or are they marked using the tags described in chapter 11 Editorial Markup ? What authority was used for the regularization? Also, what principles were used when normalizing numbers to provide the standard values for the value attribute described in section 1.3.4 Names, Dates, Numbers, Abbreviations, and Addresses and what format is used for them? + Indicates the extent of normalization or regularization of the original source carried out in converting it to electronic form. method indicates the method employed to mark corrections and normalizations. Was the text normalized, for example by regularizing any non-standard enharmonic spellings, etc.? If so, were normalizations performed silently or are they marked using the tags described in chapter ? What authority was used for the regularization? Also, what principles were used when normalizing numbers to provide the standard values for the value attribute described in sections and what format is used for them? Describes the principles according to which the musical text has been segmented, for example into movements, sections, etc. How is the musical text segmented? If mdiv and/or section elements have been used to partition the music for analysis, how are they marked and how was the segmentation arrived at? - Specifies the format used when standardized date or number values are supplied. In most cases, attributes bearing standardized values should conform to a defineddatatype. In cases where this is not appropriate, this element may be used to describe the standardization methods underlying the values supplied. + Specifies the format used when standardized date or number values are supplied. In most cases, attributes bearing standardized values should conform to a defined datatype. In cases where this is not appropriate, this element may be used to describe the standardization methods underlying the values supplied.

Experience shows that a full record should be kept of decisions relating to editorial principles and encoding practice, both for future users of the text and for the project which produced the text in the first instance. Any information about the editorial principles applied not falling under one of the above headings may be recorded as additional prose following the special-use elements.

@@ -3812,7 +3856,7 @@

Music for a single player does not have to be marked as solo with the solo attribute.


An ad libitum part, i.e. not essential for the performance of the work, may be marked with the adlib attribute.


An ad libitum part, i.e., not essential for the performance of the work, may be marked with the adlib attribute.

@@ -4444,9 +4488,9 @@ or


Depending on the parent, allowed values for attached.to are either "recto" and "verso" (in case of folium) or "outer.recto", "inner.verso", "inner.recto" and "outer.verso" (in case of bifolium).


Depending on the parent, allowed values for attached.to are either recto and verso (in case of folium) or outer.recto, inner.verso, inner.recto and outer.verso (in case of bifolium).

The exact position of the patch on the underlying surface may be specified using the optional x and y attributes, which are used to specify the distance from the upper left corner of the patch from the upper left corner of the surface it is attached to. At this point, it is not possible to specify rotation.


The (optional) attached.by attribute specifies by which means the patch is attached. Suggested values are: "glue" (patch is glued on surface beneath), "thread" (patch is sewn on surface beneath), "needle" (patch is pinned to the surface beneath), "tape" (patch is taped on surface beneath using an adhesive strip) and "staple" (patch is attached on surface beneath using a staple), but other values may be used as necessary.


The (optional) attached.by attribute specifies by which means the patch is attached. Suggested values are: glue (patch is glued on surface beneath), thread (patch is sewn on surface beneath), needle (patch is pinned to the surface beneath), tape (patch is taped on surface beneath using an adhesive strip) and staple (patch is attached on surface beneath using a staple), but other values may be used as necessary.

While the patch element provides information about the attachment of a patch, the actual patch is encoded as a folium or bifolium child of patch.

@@ -5259,9 +5303,9 @@ or

- <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> -<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> -<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0.0-dev"> + <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> +<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> +<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <meiHead> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> @@ -6683,9 +6727,9 @@ or

- <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> -<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> -<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0.0-dev"> + <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> +<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> +<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <meiHead> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> @@ -7876,9 +7920,9 @@ or

- <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> -<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> -<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0.0-dev"> + <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> +<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> +<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <meiHead> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> @@ -7949,7 +7993,7 @@ or </mei>


Normally, longa rests are vertical strokes occupying two or three spaces in the staff, depending on the mensuration. For instance, in modusminor=3, they take up three spaces; and in modusminor=2, they take two. However, there are situations where both types of longa rests can be present in the same piece, regardless of the modus minor. For this reason, the dur attribute can take on two other values when used within rest elements:


Normally, longa rests are vertical strokes occupying two or three spaces in the staff, depending on the mensuration. For instance, in modusminor="3", they take up three spaces; and in modusminor="2", they take two. However, there are situations where both types of longa rests can be present in the same piece, regardless of the modus minor. For this reason, the dur attribute can take on two other values when used within rest elements:

Two-breve rest @@ -8040,9 +8084,9 @@ or

The last three values are to be used exclusively in Ars antiqua mensural notation, where maior and minor refer to types of semibreves, and duplex refers to a type of longa. Examples of each of these six values are presented below. In these examples, the ‘voice’ staff renders the notes in the code snippet, and the ‘reference’ staff, together with the dotted bar lines, are shown to help to visualize the relative values of the notes in the ‘voice’ staff.

The following example illustrates an alteration (the second brevis) in modus minor perfectus. Notice that the second brevis has doubled its regular value, it has been altered, unlike the first one.

- <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> -<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> -<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0.0-dev"> + <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> +<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> +<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <meiHead> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> @@ -8132,9 +8176,9 @@ or
The same applies to the examples that follow.

The following example illustrates an imperfection (the two longae) in modus minor perfectus with the same longa-brevis-brevis-longa sequence but with an additional dot of division between the two breves (see for more details). Notice that here the longae have been imperfected, unlike the previous example in which they kept the perfect value indicated by the mensuration.

- <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> -<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> -<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0.0-dev"> + <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> +<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> +<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <meiHead> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> @@ -8211,9 +8255,9 @@ or

The following example in modus minor imperfectus illustrates the use of a dot of augmentation following the longa (see for more details). Notice that the longa, which is supposed to be imperfect according to the mensuration, has a perfect value due to the augmentation dot.

- <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> -<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> -<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0.0-dev"> + <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> +<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> +<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <meiHead> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> @@ -8282,9 +8326,9 @@ or

Finally, the following example illustrates the dur.quality values related to the Ars antiqua style, for perfect modus, with the breve equivalents notated in the lower staff for reference (as in the previous examples).

- <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> -<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> -<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0.0-dev"> + <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> +<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> +<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <meiHead> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> @@ -8373,7 +8417,7 @@ or

- Note: In Ars Antiqua, only the longa could be "perfecta" / "imperfecta" and the brevis could have a regular value ("recta") or be "altera". In the Ars nova, principles of imperfection and alteration were extended into the other note levels (brevis-semibrevis and semibrevis-minima). This means that the breves in Ars antiqua do not have a "perfecta" / "imperfecta" quality, and this is why there is no dur.quality attribute for the breves in the previous example. However, the brevis can have a ternary division (indicated by tempus=”3”), being divided either into three (equal) minor semibreves or into a minor-maior pair of semibreves. The encoding also allows for the possibility of encoding a binary division of the breve in Ars antiqua notations: the indication tempus=”2” indicates the breve is divided into two equal semibreves. This is why in this example with tempus="3", the semibreves do have a dur.quality attribute (with values minor or maior).

+ Note: In Ars Antiqua, only the longa could be "perfecta" / "imperfecta" and the brevis could have a regular value ("recta") or be "altera". In the Ars nova, principles of imperfection and alteration were extended into the other note levels (brevis-semibrevis and semibrevis-minima). This means that the breves in Ars antiqua do not have a "perfecta" / "imperfecta" quality, and this is why there is no dur.quality attribute for the breves in the previous example. However, the brevis can have a ternary division (indicated by tempus="3"), being divided either into three (equal) minor semibreves or into a minor-maior pair of semibreves. The encoding also allows for the possibility of encoding a binary division of the breve in Ars antiqua notations: the indication tempus="2" indicates the breve is divided into two equal semibreves. This is why in this example with tempus="3", the semibreves do have a dur.quality attribute (with values minor or maior).

An alternative encoding---removing the dur.quality attributes for notes which lengths are not modified from their default values (i.e., the perfect long and the minor semibreves)---would be:

<!-- mensuration encoded in <staffDef> element indicates @modusminor = 3 and @tempus = 3 --> @@ -8395,13 +8439,13 @@ or
Partial Imperfection -

In opposition to regular imperfection, which is caused by a note of the next smaller degree (e.g., a perfect brevis imperfected by a following/preceding semibrevis), partial imperfection is caused by a note of two or even three orders apart. As an example, consider an imperfect longa made up of two perfect breves. This longa can be ‘partially imperfected’ by a following/preceding semibrevis. This semibrevis causes part of the longa—one of its perfect breves—to be imperfected, taking away one-third of one of its two halves. In this case, the longa’s value changes from 6 semibreves (two perfect breves) into 5 semibreves. Partial imperfection is not supported by the dur.quality attribute—because there can be many cases of partial imperfection, as will be seen in the following examples. To encode a partial imperfection, the num and numbase pair of attributes are used instead. Given the change in the longa’s value from 6 semibreves to 5 semibreves, the corresponding attributes to encode this particular case of partial imperfection would be num="6" and numbase="5" as shown below in the code snippet and its rendering.


In opposition to regular imperfection, which is caused by a note of the next smaller degree (e.g., a perfect brevis imperfected by a following/preceding semibrevis), partial imperfection is caused by a note of two or even three orders apart. As an example, consider an imperfect longa made up of two perfect breves. This longa can be ‘partially imperfected’ by a following/preceding semibrevis. This semibrevis causes part of the longa—one of its perfect breves—to be imperfected, taking away one-third of one of its two halves. In this case, the longa’s value changes from 6 semibreves (two perfect breves) into 5 semibreves. Partial imperfection is not supported by the dur.quality attribute—because there can be many cases of partial imperfection, as will be seen in the following examples. To encode a partial imperfection, the num and numbase pair of attributes are used instead. Given the change in the longa’s value from 6 semibreves to 5 semibreves, the corresponding attributes to encode this particular case of partial imperfection would be num="6" and numbase="5" as shown below in the code snippet and its rendering.

- <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> -<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> -<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0.0-dev"> + <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> +<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> +<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <meiHead> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> @@ -8473,9 +8517,9 @@ or

- <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> -<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> -<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0.0-dev"> + <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> +<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> +<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <meiHead> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> @@ -8549,9 +8593,9 @@ or

- <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> -<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> -<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0.0-dev"> + <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> +<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> +<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <meiHead> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> @@ -8633,9 +8677,9 @@ or

- <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> -<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> -<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0.0-dev"> + <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> +<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> +<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <meiHead> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> @@ -8760,9 +8804,9 @@ or Change in mensuration

The following example illustrates a change in mensuration. In this case, the element mensur is used within the layer element, preceding the stream of notes affected by the new mensuration defined by it.

- <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> -<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> -<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0.0-dev"> + <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> +<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> +<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <meiHead> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> @@ -8815,15 +8859,15 @@ or </mei>


Sesquialtera is frequently used to change the mensuration. The effect of the sesquialtera on the mensuration can be encoded by using the tempus and prolatio attributes of mensur (for example, when changing the tempus to perfect, the effect can be encoded in tempus="3"). The actual sesquialtera can be encoded using num="3", numbase="2", and level to define the note level the sesquialtera is applied to (e.g., level="semibrevis").


Sesquialtera is frequently used to change the mensuration. The effect of the sesquialtera on the mensuration can be encoded by using the tempus and prolatio attributes of mensur (for example, when changing the tempus to perfect, the effect can be encoded in tempus="3"). The actual sesquialtera can be encoded using num="3", numbase="2", and level to define the note level the sesquialtera is applied to (e.g., level="semibrevis").

Implicit mensuration

It is common in Ars antiqua and some Ars nova pieces to have no mensuration signs. In this case, the mensuration—the division levels corresponding to modus maior, modus minor, tempus, and prolatio—is given by the context. The next example shows the incipit of a four-voice piece, Josquin’s Tu solus qui facis mirabilia, where only two of the voices (Cantus and Tenor) have a mensuration sign. The other two (Altus and Bassus) have no mensuration signs, and the mensura is given by the context. Therefore, while only the Cantus and the Tenor have attributes for encoding the mensuration sign (in this case, mensur.sign and mensur.slash), all four voices include attributes to encode the mensura (tempus and prolatio).

- <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> -<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/dev/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> -<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0.0-dev"> + <?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> +<?xml-model href="https://music-encoding.org/schema/5.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> +<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <meiHead> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> @@ -9031,7 +9075,7 @@ or For white mensural notation, this is in reference to the use of void note heads, which became most widely used in the Renaissance period

The values of the notationtype attribute can indicate notation types other than mensural, such as common (Western) music notation, neume notation, and tablature.


The attribute notationsubtype can be used, together with the notationtype attribute, to provide more specificity regarding the type of notation encoded. This attribute can be used, for example, to specify if a piece in black mensural notation (notationtype=mensural.black) is written in Ars antiqua or Ars nova style. Currently, the values allowed in the notationsubtype attribute consist of any sequence of characters provided by the user.


The attribute notationsubtype can be used, together with the notationtype attribute, to provide more specificity regarding the type of notation encoded. This attribute can be used, for example, to specify if a piece in black mensural notation (notationtype="mensural.black") is written in Ars antiqua or Ars nova style. Currently, the values allowed in the notationsubtype attribute consist of any sequence of characters provided by the user.

@@ -10278,7 +10322,7 @@ or

- <music xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="4.0.0"> + <music xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="5.0"> <body> <mdiv> <score> @@ -13142,6 +13186,34 @@ or

When the presumed loss of text arises from an identifiable cause, agent signifies the causative agent. When the presumed loss of text arises from action (partial deletion, etc.) assignable to an identifiable hand, the hand attribute signifies the hand responsible for the action. The reason attribute indicates why the text has to be supplied, e.g., 'overbinding', 'faded ink', 'lost folio', 'omitted in original', etc. The source attribute contains the source of the supplied text. The editor(s) responsible for supplied material may be recorded in the resp attribute. The value of resp must point to one or more identifiers declared in the document header. The cert attribute signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the supplied material.

+ Visual appearance of editorial decisions +

Material added by the editors is often highlighted in the sheet music, either by brackets or small print. In addition to the semantic markup by elements like supplied, the visual appearance can be encoded using the attributes enclose and fontsize, which are available on many elements.



+ Different appearances of editorial articulation + +



+ + <supplied> + <artic enclose="paren" artic="acc" place="above" /> +</supplied> + +



+ + <supplied> + <artic fontsize="small" artic="acc" place="above" /> +</supplied> + +

Additions and Deletions

The add and del elements may be used to record where material has been added or deleted in the source material.

@@ -14197,13 +14269,17 @@ or

- - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + +

With this addition, which can be added to any of the provided customizations of @@ -14216,13 +14292,19 @@ or

- - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Of course it’s possible to allow elements in SVG namespace in other places in MEI @@ -33690,10 +33772,25 @@ or Specifies a generic MEI version label. - 5.0.0-dev + 5.0 - - Development version of MEI 5.0.0 + + MEI 5.0 + + + MEI 5.0+anyStart + + + MEI 5.0+basic + + + MEI 5.0+CMN + + + MEI 5.0+Mensural + + + MEI 5.0+Neumes