diff --git a/table.csv b/table.csv index ecfb090a..2c039aa6 100644 --- a/table.csv +++ b/table.csv @@ -432,6 +432,8 @@ skein1024-1016, multihash, 0xb3df, skein1024-1024, multihash, 0xb3e0, poseidon-bls12_381-a2-fc1, multihash, 0xb401, Poseidon using BLS12-381 and arity of 2 with Filecoin parameters poseidon-bls12_381-a2-fc1-sc, multihash, 0xb402, Poseidon using BLS12-381 and arity of 2 with Filecoin parameters - high-security variant +fil-commitment-unsealed, filecoin, 0xf101, Filecoin piece or sector data commitment merkle node/root (CommP & CommD) +fil-commitment-sealed, filecoin, 0xf102, Filecoin sector data commitment merkle node/root - sealed and replicated (CommR) holochain-adr-v0, holochain, 0x807124, Holochain v0 address + 8 R-S (63 x Base-32) holochain-adr-v1, holochain, 0x817124, Holochain v1 address + 8 R-S (63 x Base-32) holochain-key-v0, holochain, 0x947124, Holochain v0 public key + 8 R-S (63 x Base-32)