The multibase base10 prefix is the character 9
A byte array is encoded to multibase base10 by prefixing its base10 encoding
with the character 9
A byte array is encoded to base10 by:
- Counting the number of leading 0 bytes (Z).
- Interpreting the rest of the byte array as a big-endian unsigned integer (N).
- Concatenating a length Z string of '0' characters with the decimal representation of N.
A multibase base10 encoding is decoded by first dropping the multibase prefix
(which must be 9
The remaining characters are then converted to a byte array by:
- Counting the number of leading '0' characters (Z).
- Interpreting the rest of the character sequence as a base10 unsigned integer (N).
- Concatenating a length Z array of NULL (0x00) bytes with N encoded as a big-endian unsigned integer.
Byte Array <-> Base10 Multibase:
[0x00, 0x01]
[0x00, 0x00, 0xff]
[0x01, 0x00]
[0x00, 0x01, 0x00]