provides ready-to-use PbRL agents that are easily extensible.
We strive for:
- Training of state-of-the-art PbRL agents on arbitrary environments in a few lines of code.
- An easily extensible agent framework to quickly build your own custom agents on top.
- A clean and well-maintained implementation (in Python).
Note: The project is still in an experimental development phase. The initial feature set is not yet completed and no performance tests have been conducted.
- Simple training of deep PbRL agents on arbitrary Gym environments
- FNN and CNN reward models (implemented in PyTorch)
- Synthetic preference data generation
- Human preference data generation / collection (under development)
- State-of-the-art RL algorithms (via Stable Baselines3)
- TensorBoard support
- Custom environments (Open AI Gym compatible)
- Custom reward models
- Custom PbRL agents with almost no code
- Easy integration of custom components
- High code coverage (> 90%)
- PEP8 code style
- Type hints
- Learning performance benchmarked against state-of-the-art
- Active, ensemble-based query selection
- Advanced reward model pretraining with IRL, intrinsic motivation, ...
- PEBBLE PbRL algorithm
These instructions presume a *nix or OS X operating system.
This framework requires Python 3.6+ and pip
Install pip
with these
installation instructions.
Install the requirements using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
On Windows, you may encounter issues running OpenAI Gym Atari environments. This stack overflow answer could help.
See for an example of how to instantiate and run an agent. When you're at the project's root, use the following to run a default agent from the command line:
python --env_id "CartPole-v1" --reward_model "Mlp" --num_rl_timesteps 200000 --num_pretraining_preferences 100
You can monitor agent training with TensorBoard. Start it with:
tensorboard --logdir=runs
View the output by navigating to https://localhost:6006.
All unit tests in the framework can be run using pytest
It is part of the project's requirements and has therefore already been installed.
Run the tests with:
pytest ./tests/