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File metadata and controls

115 lines (93 loc) · 5.21 KB


Interacts with Packer. The template argument must generally be a pkr.json template, pkr.hcl template, or a directory containing Packer templates and configs.


  • Packer CLI binary executable >= 1.7

Uses Packer to build an artifact from a template or template directory.
  bin:      '/usr/bin/packer', // optional location of packer install
  except:   ['source.*.foo', '*', 'baz'], // optional builder names to ignore during build (mutually exclusive with only)
  force:    false, // optional force a build to continue if artifacts exist and deletes existing artifacts
  only:     ['source.*.foo', '*', 'baz'], // optional builder names to build (mutually exclusive with except)
  onError:  'default', // optional 'default' cleanup, 'abort', 'ask', or 'run-cleanup-provisioner'
  template: '/path/to/template.pkr.json', // location of packer template file or templates directory
  var:      ['foo':'bar', 'bar':'baz'], // optional variable setting
  varFile: '/path/to/variables.json' // optional location of variables file


Uses Packer to check for properly canonically formatted code.

  bin:       '/usr/bin/packer', // optional location of packer install
  check:     false, // optional check template and return an error if file is not formatted correctly (cannot be used with `write`)
  diff:      false, // optional present a diff if the template is not formatted correctly
  recursive: false, // optional also process files in subdirectories
  template:  '/path/to/template_dir', // location of packer templates directory
  write:     true // optional write changes directly to files that are not formatted directly (cannot be used with `check`)


Uses Packer to install all the missing plugins required in a Packer template directory.

  bin:     '/usr/bin/packer', // optional location of packer install
  dir:     '/path/to/template_dir', // location of packer templates directory
  upgrade: false // optional update installed plugins to the latest available version within the specified constraints

packer.inspect(String template, String bin = '/usr/bin/packer')

Inspects a template and parses and outputs the components a template defines.

packer.inspect('/path/to/template.pkr.json', '/usr/local/bin/packer')

packer.parse(String template)

Provides a thin wrapper around HCL4j for inputting a Packer template or config, and returning a Map representing the parsed HCL2. Note this requires local installation of the HCL4j dependency, and therefore the agent must have sufficient permissions to do so.

parsedMap = packer.parse('/path/to/template.pkr.hcl')


Uses Packer to install the most recent compatible Packer plugin matching the version constraint. When the version parameter is omitted, then the most recent version will be installed. packer.init() with a config file is generally recommended instead of this method.

  bin:     '/usr/bin/packer', // optional location of packer install
  plugin:  '',
  force:   false, // optional force reinstallation of plugins
  version: 'v1.2.3', // optional version of plugin to install


Uses Packer to remove all Packer plugins matching the version constraint for the current OS and architecture. When the version parameter is omitted all installed versions will be removed. packer.init() with a config file is generally recommended instead of this method.

  bin:     '/usr/bin/packer', // optional location of packer install
  plugin:  '',
  version: 'v1.2.3', // optional version of plugin to install


Uses Packer to interact with plugins and display information about them.

  bin:     '/usr/bin/packer', // optional location of packer install
  command: 'installed', // one of 'installed' or 'required'
  dir:     '/path/to/template_dir', // location of directory with packer config (required for 'required' command)


evalData and warnUndeclVar require Packer version >= 1.8.5

Uses Packer to validate a build template or template directory.

  bin:           '/usr/bin/packer', // optional location of packer install
  evalData:      false, // optional evaluate datasources during validation
  except:   ['source.*.foo', '*', 'baz'], // optional builder names to ignore during build (mutually exclusive with only)
  only:     ['source.*.foo', '*', 'baz'], // optional builder names to build (mutually exclusive with except)
  syntaxOnly:    false, // optional only check syntax and do not verify config
  template:      '/path/to/template.pkr.hcl', // // location of packer template file or templates directory
  var:           ['foo':'bar', 'bar':'baz'], // optional variable setting
  varFile:       '/path/to/variables.json' // optional location of variables file
  warnUndeclVar: true, // optional warn on user variable files containing undeclared variables