I once accidentally kicked off a round of chatbot building at a place where I worked, and accumulated these bots.
They're a bit crufty, because I fixed bugs and added features from the same place I was chatting: a screen session on a vps. But they might be useful to someone, if only as examples of ways to use the included libraries.
Shared functionality for connecting to an IRC channel, listening to events, and defining bot behavior via [recognizer, responder] pairs.
Google-bot using library in look-the-other-way violation of Google's TOS. Supports the following functionality:
^what about Y prints first google result for Y
^homies print channel nicks
^hnsearch Y search hacker news for Y
^what's a Y find wikipedia definition for Y
^who is Y find wikipedia definition for Y
^define Y find wikipedia definition for Y
^where is Y post google maps image of Y
^how do i Y google "how to Y"
^trygif Y tries to google up a gif of Y
^lololol Y used Twilio to robo-call Y :D
Use AFINN sentiment analysis to detect if someone is angry or happy. Contains the following line of code:
if i_feel_you then @maybe @occasionally, => say i_feel_you
Uses OpenCV and Imgur to detect when someone posts a picture, download it, paste a picture of a ham over everyone's faces, and upload it to imgur.
If there's a hash-tag and it's tweet-sized, it gets tweeted.
Use some flight info api or other to let you query airport arrivals by airport code.
Clone, and then create irc_config.coffee
files in the root.
Twitter config should just set module.exports to the hash
that ntwitter
initializes with; irc config, a hash with server
and name
(for username of bot).
MIT licensed but probably not in any shape for reuse.