authors | state | discussion |
Josh Wilsdon <> |
abandoned |
This proposal has been abandoned and only remains here for historical reasons.
SnapLinks as they exist now are problematic for garbage collection and rebalancing. They also cause scaling problems as some operations require knowing the state on all shards at a single point in time since links can be anywhere.
This document proposes a solution that would allow the functionality of SnapLinks to maintained, but in a manner that removes the need for crossing shards.
SnapLinks allow Manta customers to create a new name to an existing object in manta. Similar to how hard links work in UNIX and UNIX-like systems.
In order to make a SnapLink to an existing object, one calls the PutSnapLink endpoint on muskie:
PUT /:login/stor/[:directory]/:link
with this request, the caller includes a:
Location: /:login/stor/[:directory]/:object
header which specifies the "source" object (the object to which a new link will be created), and a:
content-type: application/json; type=link
header which indicates that what we're PUTing is a SnapLink.
In muskie the code that handles this operation is in the link.putLinkHandler function.
This will:
- Check that the account of the target owner does not have SnapLinks disabled.
- Ensure the target is not not a root directory.
- Ensure the target is not a directory at all.
- Ensure the parent directories exist for the target object.
- Parse the Location header looking for all the "special" directories (public, stor, jobs, reports) and figure out the sub-path and the owner/login and directory.
- Figure out from the Location's "login" who the owner is of the "source" link (using mahi).
- Ensure the owner of the source object has SnapLinks enabled.
- Load the metadata of the source object and ensure it's a valid object.
- Ensure the caller has access to "GetObject" the object they're trying to create a SnapLink to.
- Create a new metadata object (one that will go in the manta bucket) with all the parameters set appropriately, and the "link" metadata.
- Put the new metadata object into Moray.
At this point we'll have an additional pointer in the manta
bucket on the
target shard, to the same on-disk set of objects as existed in the source
metadata object on its shard.
One of the common use-cases for SnapLinks is to "move" files. Since there is no
command, and no way to actually rename an object, it is possible to create
a new SnapLink to an object and then remove the original object.
Another use for SnapLinks is for versioning to create a "latest" file or similar which can be replaced with a different target allowing clients to use a single target to represent different versions over time.
Both of these use-cases are preserved with this proposal.
There is discussion in RFD
and RFD 143
about SnapLinks and workarounds proposed (some of which have been made) to deal
with the fact that SnapLinks don't work well with the old garbage collection
(that uses manta_delete_log
). There's also discussion in this
of problems including "The Walking Link
which is a theoretical problem that's solely due to the design here where links
share object ids between source and target.
The "old" garbage collection system with manta_delete_log
relied on being able
to take a snapshot of the entire system (all shards) at a point in time, though
this is not actually possible and therefore we need to deal with the "Walking
Link Problem". Looking at all shards was required because when an object was
deleted and added to the manta_delete_log
, it could not actually be cleaned
up until we were sure that there were no SnapLinks on any shard that still
referenced that object.
The current system in production avoids problems with SnapLinks and Garbage Collection only by not using SnapLinks for accounts that need garbage collected. For all other accounts, garbage collection is disabled and when objects are deleted from the metadata tier, they remain on disk in the mako/storage zones.
RFD 162 and other discussion of rebalancing have also necessarily been required to talk about SnapLinks. The reason here is that if we have multiple pointers in the metadata tier to the same objects on the makos, we need to update all of those pointers (potentially on multiple or even all shards) at once in order to actually move the storage.
This becomes complicated very quickly if an object has 10 SnapLinks, we potentially need to update 10 different shards before we can completely move an object from one mako/storage zone to another.
These problems occur because we have two different links potentially in different shards to the same object id on the makos. If we had different object ids when we create a SnapLink, neither rebalancing nor garbage collection would need to concern themselves with what might be going on in more than one shard for a given metadata object.
SnapLinks as implemented now seem to be a poor fit for a system intending to scale as operations on them do not allow horizontal scaling. Any operation that must know about SnapLinks needs to communicate with all shards for any such operation.
Instead of completely eliminating SnapLinks, (which would also solve the scaling problems) this document proposes a change to the implementation of SnapLinks that allows them to be scalable and removes the need for either Garbage Collection or Rebalancing to be concerned with them at all. In fact, with this proposal implemented, nothing should need to ever scan all shards for multiple links to the same object.
The crux of the solution is to change SnapLinks such that they are implemented in terms of actual hard links on the mako, giving each new SnapLink an additional hard link to the same file(s) on disk.
How this is proposed to work is:
Everything in Muskie's putLinkHandler (described above) works as now up to the point where we've validated the source is a valid object and are about to create the new metadata object.
At that point, instead of just inserting a new entry pointing to the same object uuids, we will generate a new object uuid for the new link.
A call will be made to the "sharks" (mako/storage zones) that house the original object and each of these will create a new directory if required (if the target is an owner who has no objects on this node) and then link(source, target) the file.
Once the new link is created, the new metadata object is created with the differences from the original object being a new object uuid and path and potentially a new owner.
The new record will be put into the
bucket as is done now.
With this change, no entries in manta
will have the same object uuid. After
When we delete an object from
, we know we can always put it into themanta_fastdelete_queue
and actually delete the object from disk. We do not need to check any other shards or metadata objects. The code for non-accelerated GC (using themanta_delete_log
bucket) and all the code for per-account SnapLink disabling can be removed. -
When we want to rebalance an object, each "link" to that object will be handled independently without need for the rebalancer to be concerned with the relationship. If you create a link to an object, then repair/rebalance that new object, or want to increase the number of copies of that object, you can do so independently of the original object.
SnapLinks become more like *NIX hard links in that they're not distinguishable by most things from other files. We could also consider removing the special "link" properties and type.
There is no "Walking Link Problem".
Since objects in Manta are immutable, we do not need to worry about problems when there are two hard links to the same object and writing to one unintentially modifies the other.
We've changed an O(n) operation into an O(1) operation which brings the system closer to the stated design principle of scaling horizontally in "every dimension".
Based on the author's current understanding, this should not really have much impact on RFD 155 buckets.
The current plan as listed in that RFD is to not support SnapLinks for now anyway.
However, since the object storage with buckets works the same (just the data is organized differently in the metadata tier), it seems as though it should be straight-forward to have SnapLinks as proposed here also work with buckets if we decide we want them in the future.
The primary changes here as far as other components are concerned would be:
- Files under
in storage zones might have multiple links. - In the metadata tier, each object will have its own ObjectId.
- There will be an additional interface on the mako for creating a link which will be used by muskie/webapi.
- ETag for a HEAD/GET on a SnapLink target object would be different from the source due to the separate ObjectIds (though this is not necessary, see below)
It was pointed out in the GH issue that customers that use the Manta job-based billing are not charged for space used by secondary links to their objects. If we wanted to keep this behavior, we'd need some mechanism to identify links at the point where billing reports are generated.
However, it was subsequently pointed out that there were going to be big billing changes in the near future, and that billing should not be part of the scope of this discussion.
A question was raised about ETags
Currently when you create a SnapLink, in moray the two links will have
different _etag
values in Moray:
moray=# select objectid,_etag From manta where dirname = '/96c4ecc0-89aa-4e15-958f-3f50d5e2a68b/public';
objectid | _etag
09241c22-8da6-c142-d515-e1bb0aab703f | 52D3803A
09241c22-8da6-c142-d515-e1bb0aab703f | A7100205
(2 rows)
However looking at these same two objects with minfo we see instead:
$ minfo ~~/public/plugin.c
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
etag: 09241c22-8da6-c142-d515-e1bb0aab703f
last-modified: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 17:59:57 GMT
access-control-allow-origin: *
durability-level: 2
content-length: 5110
content-md5: U7C89aOfz3X1Gap/uP4C2w==
content-type: text/x-c
date: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 18:06:50 GMT
server: Manta
x-request-id: 3d225429-ae36-446b-bbc3-245e21abf011
x-response-time: 167
x-server-name: 4e32fe68-774b-4a58-9731-ad452e641cd8
connection: keep-alive
x-request-received: 1560362810063
x-request-processing-time: 237
$ minfo ~~/public/plugin2.c
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
etag: 09241c22-8da6-c142-d515-e1bb0aab703f
last-modified: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 18:00:05 GMT
access-control-allow-origin: *
durability-level: 2
content-length: 5110
content-md5: U7C89aOfz3X1Gap/uP4C2w==
content-type: text/x-c
date: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 18:07:02 GMT
server: Manta
x-request-id: 8d642694-64f9-4499-b00d-ab9de1b8b17b
x-response-time: 145
x-server-name: 4e32fe68-774b-4a58-9731-ad452e641cd8
connection: keep-alive
x-request-received: 1560362822628
x-request-processing-time: 183
So we're not getting the _etag
value from the database. Instead we're using
the objectId as the etag:
At the time of this writing none of:
appears to define HEAD
requests at all (what minfo uses), nor do they define
semantics around ETags for HEAD/GET on objects. As such it seems any existing
client that does depend on the current semantics is relying on undocumented
behavior, so it is unclear what might break if suddenly the etag:
header for a
linked object now has a different UUID (the UUID of the new object) where
previously a link had the same UUID.
With Buckets I have been informed that we are also going to be using the objectId as the etag. So this would at least be consistent.
The discussion in the GH
issue suggests
that the intention here was for the ETag to indicate when: "two objects refer
not just to the same contents but the same instance of uploading those contents
-- even across snaplinks". In that case, it seems that it would be correct for
us to be having different etag:
values for separated links since these two are
now independent instances of the object.
As an option, in order to make this match the previous behavior we could combine this with the field mentioned in the "Identifying Links" section below, and have muskie return (pseudocode):
headers.etag = originalObjectId || objectId
instead of setting the etag to the objectId for SnapLinks. If we decide this is critical.
It was raised that when we are doing the upgrade from old SnapLinks (same objectId) to new SnapLinks (different objectIds), that if someone did a GET or HEAD call before the upgrade and stored that ETag somewhere for the duration of the upgrade and then did another GET or HEAD after the upgrade, they'd see a different ETag and it's possible something they are doing would be confused by this.
This would not be a problem if we set the ETag to the originalObjectId as described above as an option.
Several issues related to capacity were raised in the discussion issue. This section attempts to summarize those.
When SnapLinks have been created, and a rebalance occurs it's possible for rebalanced objects to no longer be on the same storage zone (shark/mako). In this case the physical usage of the entire Manta system would be increased by the size of the objects that were moved to new storage zones.
With large objects it has been posited that this could surprise operators. It's also the case that if a manta is full, it might not be possible to do rebalancing since we'd need to have room for the new objects on the target and we should make sure this behavior is clear.
We set a limit on the utilization of a zpool for storage zones. If we're at that limit what should we do when someone tries to SnapLink an object that lives on that storage zone since some (small) amount of space is still needed to make a link?
- create the link anyway (going over the limit)? ** if enough links are created we might hit 100% and really run out of space
- fail to create the link? ** this adds a failure mode to PutSnapLink that doesn't exist now
Currently SnapLink objects in the manta
bucket in Moray have a property:
"createdFrom":"/96c4ecc0-89aa-4e15-958f-3f50d5e 2a68b/public/plugin.c"
that indicates the object they were created from. Unfortunately this is not that useful for our purposes here.
If you create a SnapLink from a SnapLink, it's the source SnapLink's path that's used. So if you do:
- mln ~~/public/object1 ~~/public/object2
- mln ~~/public/object2 ~~/public/object3
the createdFrom
for object3 will show object2's path.
It was suggested that we should have a mechanism for identifying links
I think it might be sufficient here to track the original objectId when making a SnapLink. Though another question is whether we should track both the very first objectId (in the above example would be object1 for both object2 and object3) and the immediate source (object1 for object2 and object2 for object3) or whether one or the other is sufficient here.
This property most likely can live only in the metadata tier and only be available for internal tools and for debugging. It is not expected that it needs to be in the public API or exposed to users in any way.
If we use the originalObjectId and keep that through subsequent SnapLinks, we could mitigate some of the backward incompatible change here.
Since there are likely existing SnapLinks in some installations, we should have a process for "fixing" pre-existing SnapLinks as part of this change.
Similar to what was proposed among the steps in RFD 143, we will need to do an "audit" to find all existing objects that are SnapLinks. If any are found, we'll want to:
- create a new object id for each different name of the object (perhaps allowing oldest to keep the current uuid). Alternatively we could give all of the links a new uuid which could actually be safer depending how we deal with garbage collection while this process is running.
- do a hard link to the new object uuid for each different entry.
- update the metadata to point to the new object id.
this process should be idempotent since at any point the metadata will be
consistent and valid, and if the object was given a new uuid, it will no longer
show up in the next scan, and if it was not, we will be re-running the same
procedure. Care must be taken such that if we fail after creating the link, we
do everything possible to at least add a manta_fastdelete_queue
We will however need to complete this process before we enable the accelerated GC for all objects. Until this is completed, we cannot know when an object is deleted that it doesn't have links.
One option may be that as part of the "upgrade" here could be to disable SnapLinks temporarily globally (at muskie) and also pause garbage collection and then convert all existing SnapLinks as described above. Once this is complete, the upgrade could be completed and garbage-collection could be re-enabled and clean up all objects that were deleted while the conversion was running.
There are probably other ways we could handle this transition and this requires a bit more thought and experimentation.
While looking into the possibilities here I found that the current
putObjectHandler has poor behavior when there are errors talking to "sharks"
MANTA-4286. If there is any error
after data has been written to disk, it will leave garbage around on the storage
zones that will never be cleaned up. We should avoid having that same bug with
this change and ensure that if we fail to create links on any of the "sharks",
we add a manta_fastdelete_queue
entry to cleanup the potentially partially
written object. Since garbage collection is idempotent, this is always safe when
we're going to return an error after we've talked to any "sharks".