Last Updated: January 29, 2024 16:45 EST Version: 0.6.7 Status: STABLE 🟢
SHELTR's API provides enterprise-grade, role-based endpoints with map integration, location services, and mobile optimization. Enhanced features include custom markers, offline support, and location-based security.
interface APIConfig {
endpoints: {
production: '',
development: 'http://localhost:5173',
version: 'v1',
timeout: 30000,
retryAttempts: 3,
roleValidation: true,
pathValidation: true,
wsConnection: true,
locationServices: true,
mobileOptimized: true,
monitoring: {
enabled: true,
performance: true,
security: true,
location: true,
mobile: true
interface AuthHeaders {
Authorization: `Bearer ${string}`;
'Content-Type': 'application/json';
'X-Client-Version': string;
'X-Role-Access': UserRole;
'X-Path-Validation': string;
'X-Request-ID': string;
type UserRole = 'super_admin' | 'shelter_admin' | 'donor' | 'participant';
interface AuthEndpoints {
login: 'POST /auth/login',
register: 'POST /auth/register',
logout: 'POST /auth/logout',
session: 'GET /auth/session',
refresh: 'POST /auth/refresh',
verify: 'POST /auth/verify',
resetPassword: 'POST /auth/reset-password',
validateRole: 'POST /auth/validate-role',
validatePath: 'POST /auth/validate-path'
interface NavigationEndpoints {
getRoleRoutes: 'GET /navigation/routes/:role',
validateAccess: 'POST /navigation/validate',
getPathPermissions: 'GET /navigation/permissions/:path',
getUserNavigation: 'GET /navigation/user/:userId'
interface DashboardEndpoints {
analytics: 'GET /dashboard/analytics',
metrics: 'GET /dashboard/metrics',
performance: 'GET /dashboard/performance',
realtime: 'WS /dashboard/realtime',
roleMetrics: 'GET /dashboard/:role/metrics'
interface DonationEndpoints {
create: 'POST /donations/create',
verify: 'POST /donations/verify',
history: 'GET /donations/history',
analytics: 'GET /donations/analytics',
impact: 'GET /donations/impact',
blockchain: 'POST /donations/blockchain/verify'
interface UserEndpoints {
profile: 'GET /users/profile',
update: 'PUT /users/update',
statistics: 'GET /users/statistics',
preferences: 'PATCH /users/preferences',
roles: 'GET /users/roles',
permissions: 'GET /users/permissions',
validateAccess: 'POST /users/validate-access'
interface SuperAdminEndpoints {
systemMetrics: 'GET /admin/metrics',
userManagement: 'GET /admin/users',
securityLogs: 'GET /admin/security/logs',
performanceStats: 'GET /admin/performance',
roleManagement: 'PUT /admin/roles',
systemHealth: 'GET /admin/health',
auditTrails: 'GET /admin/audit'
interface AnalyticsEndpoints {
metrics: 'GET /analytics/metrics',
performance: 'GET /analytics/performance',
security: 'GET /analytics/security',
realtime: 'WS /analytics/realtime',
aiInsights: 'GET /analytics/ai/insights',
blockchain: 'GET /analytics/blockchain'
interface MapEndpoints {
getLocations: 'GET /map/locations',
updateMarker: 'PUT /map/markers/:id',
getNearby: 'GET /map/nearby/:lat/:lng',
searchArea: 'GET /map/search/:bounds',
customMarkers: 'POST /map/markers/custom',
validateLocation: 'POST /map/validate',
getDirections: 'GET /map/directions/:from/:to'
interface MobileEndpoints {
offlineSync: 'POST /mobile/sync',
optimizedAssets: 'GET /mobile/assets/:type',
touchEvents: 'POST /mobile/events',
locationUpdates: 'POST /mobile/location',
pushNotifications: 'POST /mobile/notifications',
cacheManagement: 'POST /mobile/cache'
interface ShelterAdminEndpoints {
locationManagement: 'GET /shelter/locations',
markerCustomization: 'PUT /shelter/markers',
serviceArea: 'GET /shelter/area',
mobileMetrics: 'GET /shelter/mobile/stats',
offlineData: 'GET /shelter/offline/sync'
interface APIResponse<T> {
success: boolean;
data?: T;
error?: APIError;
metadata: {
timestamp: string;
version: string;
requestId: string;
processingTime: number;
roleValidated?: boolean;
pathValidated?: boolean
interface APIError {
code: string;
message: string;
details?: unknown;
timestamp: string;
path: string;
requestId: string;
roleContext?: string;
pathContext?: string
interface SecurityConfig {
rateLimit: {
window: 60000,
max: 100,
burst: 200,
cooldown: 60,
aiProtection: true
cors: {
origins: [
methods: ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'PATCH'],
credentials: true,
secureHeaders: true
monitoring: {
enabled: true,
metrics: true,
alerts: true,
aiDetection: true,
blockchain: true
interface PerformanceMetrics {
responseTime: {
p50: '< 50ms',
p95: '< 100ms',
p99: '< 150ms'
availability: '99.99%',
errorRate: '< 0.01%',
concurrency: {
max: 1000,
sustained: 500
mapLoad: {
p50: '< 80ms',
p95: '< 150ms',
p99: '< 200ms'
mobileResponse: {
p50: '< 40ms',
p95: '< 80ms',
p99: '< 120ms'
locationUpdate: {
p50: '< 30ms',
p95: '< 60ms',
p99: '< 100ms'
interface WebSocketEvents {
DONATION_CREATED: 'donation:created',
DONATION_VERIFIED: 'donation:verified',
METRICS_UPDATED: 'metrics:updated',
USER_ACTIVITY: 'user:activity',
SYSTEM_ALERT: 'system:alert',
ROLE_UPDATED: 'role:updated',
PATH_VALIDATED: 'path:validated',
PERFORMANCE_ALERT: 'performance:alert',
SECURITY_EVENT: 'security:event',
LOCATION_UPDATED: 'location:updated',
MARKER_CHANGED: 'marker:changed',
MOBILE_SYNC: 'mobile:sync',
OFFLINE_UPDATE: 'offline:update'
- Standard: 100 requests per minute
- Authenticated: 200 requests per minute
- Admin: 500 requests per minute
- Burst: 200 requests
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
- Current: v1
- Format: application/vnd.sheltr.v1+json
- Deprecation: 6 months notice
- Legacy Support: 12 months
interface HealthCheck {
'/health': {
status: 'healthy' | 'degraded' | 'unhealthy',
uptime: number,
version: string,
services: Record<string, 'up' | 'down'>,
roleValidation: 'active' | 'inactive',
pathValidation: 'active' | 'inactive',
lastIncident: string | null,
performance: {
cpu: number,
memory: number,
responseTime: number
mapServices: 'active' | 'inactive',
locationTracking: 'active' | 'inactive',
mobileOptimization: 'active' | 'inactive',
offlineSync: 'active' | 'inactive',
mapLoad: number,
locationUpdate: number,
mobileResponse: number
Updated with map integration, location services, and mobile optimization For implementation details, see For architecture overview, see