- update go live date for Braze breaking changes from 6/8/2022 to 6/14/2022
- consume initOptions customFlags - this allows a customer to pass a callback to include additional options that mParticle doesn't support in the UI
- Revert to Appboy 2.5.2
- See 2.0.8 update below for upcoming important changes
- Add logging to alert developers of upcoming Braze breaking changes
- Feat - add new Braze clusters
- Feat - Add additional Braze clusters to URL mapping table
- Update Braze to 2.5.2
- Send SKU if forwardSkuAsProductName is set
- Feat - Set event name sent to Braze as user provided pageName
- Bugfix - Respect userId choice in mParticle UI dropdown
- Add version number
- Remove isObject dependency