2.3.0 (2023-11-13)
- feat: Add feature flag for sending ecommerce summary events
- feat: Support other5-other10 IDs
- feat: Add support for EU Data Center
- Generate bundle that was not included in 2.0.7 release
- fix: Map impression and promotion events to align with server
feat: Add includeEmailAsUserProperty and no longer set userIdentities as user properties to align with server
- Previously the web kit set non-customerid user identities as user properties. This was not consistent with the server, and so this functionality has been removed from web SDK v2.
build: Update eslint/prettier config, fix linting errors
- Update Amplitude SDK to 7.2.1
- Bugfix - Check window for node environments
- Remove build file from root directory
- Bugfix - remove isTesting variable
- Feat: Support sending objects as custom attributes to Amplitude
- Update Amplitude SDK version to 6.2.0
- Update test configuration
- Modify rollup settings - build dist files