Welcome to Mozilla’s Global Sprint, a distributed work/collaboration sprint on open projects from around the world! 🎊 💯 🌍
Every issue in this repository represents a project seeking contribution. Click on links in the issues to explore each project’s own repository and find ways to contribute. Or see this list of all issues, across all projects in the sprint.
Projects need developers, UX and visual designers, game designers, writers, QA testers, project management help, community input, and more… Anyone, with any skill set, can find a way to pitch in.
You can contribute virtually, from your home or office— or head to one of our 60+ local sprint sites worldwide during the event to hang out work and network with other collaborators. Register here for virtual or local participation. During the Sprint, you can stay connected with other Sprinters and sites via videoconferencing and daily demo calls, and in the Global Sprint Gitter Chat.
This year’s event is May 10 and 11, but you don’t have to wait for the Sprint to get started! Find a project, introduce yourself to the community, and start exploring issues now! And be sure to check out more info about the Sprint and the concept of a better, healthier Internet, which each of these open projects supports.
Need more help getting started? Check out our Guides for Participants, Project Leads, and Site Hosts.
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Global Sprint website 🎉!
This is the web presence for Mozilla's Global Sprint. June 1-2, 2017.
This documents is a set of guidelines for contributing to this website on GitHub. These are guidelines, not rules. This guide is meant to make it easy for you to get involved.
This project adheres to a code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to zannah@mozillafoundation.org.
Once you've identified one of the issues above that you feel you can contribute to, you're ready to make a change to the project repository!
- Fork this repository. This makes your own version of this project you can edit and use.
- Make your changes! You can do this in the GitHub interface on your own local machine. Once you're happy with your changes...
- Submit a pull request. This opens a discussion around your project and lets the project lead know you are proposing changes.
First time contributing to open source? Check out this free series, How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub.
You'll need to install Jekyll, Ruby and Bundler to run this site locally.
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve
- Open http://localhost:4000/global-sprint/ in your favourite browser!
This repository is currently maintained by @acabunoc and @zee-moz.
Notice a mistake? Please file any bugs, requests, or questions in our issue tracker