Set of PICAXE BASIC routines for control classic LCD 1602 with HD44780 driver.
There is some introduction how to use LCDs with HD44780 driver in the official manual picaxe_manual3 (page 31). But example program is incomprehensible - it is basically a bunch of magical numbers. Therefore I decided to study HD44780 datasheet and write my own routines.
- oficial AXE033 SERIAL/I2C LCD
- easy to use; a bit expensive; also not widely available like LCD 1602 with HD44780
- LCD 1602 with I2C interface
There is the support of 4-bit mode and LCD with one or two lines.
See source code and example programs.
Feel free to modify routines as you need, to add new routines, to remove bugs :)
Tested only with PICAXE 20M2
- lcd_4bm_init
- lcd_init_custom_symbols
- lcd_4bm_send_char
- lcd_clear
- lcd_move_to_col_at_first_line
- lcd_move_to_col_at_second_line
- lcd_move_to_left
- lcd_move_to_right
- lcd_4bm_send_cmd
- lcd_4bm_send
- lcd_pulse_E
- lcd_lsb_to_Dx_pins
- lcd_Msb_to_Dx_pins