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Manlio Morini edited this page Apr 26, 2024 · 15 revisions

Generally speaking migrating code from Vita isn't too hard: Ultra has a simpler interface but the backbone structure is similar in many respects.

Many of the examples have been ported to Ultra and are a good starting point for understanding the differences.

General aspects

  • The majority of class specializations have their own namespace. So instead of vita::de_problem, vita::de_search, vita::de_individual, ultra::src_search you should use ultra:de::problem, ultra:de::search, ultra::de::individual, ultra::src::search.

  • You usually haven't to specify template arguments since they're automatically deduced:

    vita::de_search<decltype(neg_rastrigin)> search(prob, neg_rastrigin);

    is now the simpler:

    de::search search(prob, neg_rastrigin);
  • environment class has been renamed to parameters and parameters have been grouped by category. E.g.

    environment env;
    env.p_mutation = 0.6;
    env.tournament_size = 3;


    parameters params;
    params.evolution.p_mutation = 0.6;
    params.evolution.tournament_size = 3;
  • Return results of a search are contained in a different structure (search_stats defined in kernel/search.h). So, for example, the usual access to the best individual / fitness changes from:

    const auto res(;
    const auto solution(;
    const auto value(;


    const auto res(;
    const auto solution(res.best_individual);
    const auto value(*;

    Note that scores contained in the search_stats struct are optional values hence the * to get the fitness.

  • The threshold for identifying successful runs isn't specified anymore in the environment / parameters structure but is passed to the search::run member functions:

    environment env; = -0.5;
    // ...
    src_search s(prob);
    const auto result(;

    should be replaced with

    model_measurements<double> threshold; = -0.5;
    // ...
    src::search s(prob);
    const auto result(, threshold));

Differences deriving from design choices

Concurrency-related aspects

  • All the search strategies can be used enabling multiple layers / subgroups (prob.params.population.init_subgroups > 1). Evolution happens in parallel for every subgroup. Many algorithms take advantage of this organization to explore different search spaces, possibly using different parameters; anyway the can be executed in single thread mode.

    ALPS, otherwise, is conceived to exchange information among subgroups and, even if started with a single layer, will add further layers during the evolution (thus enabling concurrency).

    Concurrency is a great performance boost but makes evolution non-repeatable.

Fitness-related changes

  • There isn't anymore a fixed type for representing fitness. User can employ the type more appropriate for the specific task provided that it satisfies the Fitness concept. However a fitnd class is available for filling the gap.



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