All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Support for Astro and Svelte
- Updated to stylelint v15 and Fylgja Stylelint Config v6
- This update droppes stylistic rules that are deprecated by stylelint
- This considered a none breaking change, since we used to only check these rules with the status warning
- Tests to meet new standard for stylelint v15
- Dropped node 14 support, node 16 or higher is now required
- Missing extends for Order lint rules
- The import options for
- Magento LESS
- Magento Hyva
- You can still use the import options as fallback but are now not required
- Lint Order support to the CSS and SCSS rules, not the M2 related rules
- Unset Line length rule for on Tailwind, since
will create a long length
- Add specific syntax support for Luma
- Add specific syntax support for Hyva
- Add specific syntax support for SCSS (without Magento)
- Renamed scss to snowdog for snowdog specific syntax
- Updated Fylgja stylelint to v5.0, this add support for parsing inline styles
- Any Magento rules from index, Use the new specific syntax instead
- tests
rule by removing it- Missing dependencies
support in multi line rules
- Updated Dependencies
- Breaking Change! renamed config for magento to luma, to make it clear that this is for the LESS syntax
- Cleanup SCSS syntax with new version
- Hex values will now trow an error if the not lowercase
- Hex values will now trow an error if used in long syntax
- Make more rules spit warning instead of using null
- Update dependencies
- Changelog is now using the keepachangelog syntax
- Update dependencies
- Rule block-closing-brace-space-before
- Update dependencies
- Improved Formatting
- Rule scss/media-feature-value-dollar-variable, rule already correct in @fylgja
- Unset rule scss/comment-no-empty
- Update dependencies
- Set correct LESS dependency
- snowdog frontools config
- SCSS version to the Fylgja version with unsets
- Update dependencies
- Renamed package
- Update dependencies
- Update dependencies
- See latest changes to getFylgja/stylelint-config
- Make dependency patch version a wildcard
Initial release 🎉