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1c8c318281\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Thu Feb 3 14:04:08 2022 +0100\n\n Merge tag 'v3.4.5' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit 6ba8af0a74560798bc6fd65dc7f7777651fa942c\nMerge: 8ef1767c07 fd868f8ca0\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Tue Dec 28 12:51:24 2021 +0100\n\n Merge tag 'v3.4.4' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit 8ef1767c0707a93a4d6730875f514943a9233155\nMerge: b43c50afa8 4c7efdba40\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Tue May 25 19:36:32 2021 +0200\n\n Merge tag 'v3.4.0' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit b43c50afa85e844c47e8e5f46de55b56dba2b96b\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Sun Dec 27 12:04:11 2020 +0100\n\n Fix old merges code\n\ncommit 1f47e8f1bf4a67148a4001258827a6803628a6aa\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Sun Dec 27 11:38:47 2020 +0100\n\n Fix for new listener detection\n\ncommit cb085b4c44acc3d57532bfd8edb687c4893e1a8f\nMerge: 92c4d909a0 633d175146\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Sun Dec 27 11:00:43 2020 +0100\n\n Merge tag 'v3.3.0' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit 92c4d909a04202cad3f875ba512884f1f4b4baaf\nMerge: 8126ac030e a583e54023\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Thu Nov 19 22:47:16 2020 +0100\n\n Merge tag 'v3.2.1' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit a583e540232fe7f3c0902dec0ba97252eb4357cc\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Mon Oct 19 15:58:53 2020 +0200\n\n Bump version to 3.2.1\n\ncommit 4ea7193f0a65a28886b954e99733cc42e6b9f572\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Mon Aug 24 18:21:07 2020 +0200\n\n Add support for latest HTTP Signatures spec draft (#14556)\n\n * Add support for latest HTTP Signatures spec draft\n\n https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-httpbis-message-signatures-00.html\n\n - add support for the “hs2019” signature algorithm (assumed to be equivalent\n to RSA-SHA256, since we do not have a mechanism to specify the algorithm\n within the key metadata yet)\n - add support for (created) and (expires) pseudo-headers and related\n signature parameters, when using the hs2019 signature algorithm\n - adjust default “headers” parameter while being backwards-compatible with\n previous implementation\n - change the acceptable time window logic from 12 hours surrounding the “date”\n header to accepting signatures created up to 1 hour in the future and\n expiring up to 1 hour in the past (but only allowing expiration dates up to\n 12 hours after the creation date)\n This doesn't conform with the current draft, as it doesn't permit accounting\n for clock skew.\n This, however, should be addressed in a next version of the draft:\n https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/pull/1235\n\n * Add additional signature requirements\n\n * Rewrite signature params parsing using Parslet\n\n * Make apparent which signature algorithm Mastodon on verification failure\n\n Mastodon uses RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5, which is not recommended for new applications,\n and new implementers may thus unknowingly use RSASSA-PSS.\n\n * Add workaround for PeerTube's invalid signature header\n\n The previous parser allowed incorrect Signature headers, such as\n those produced by old versions of the `http-signature` node.js package,\n and seemingly used by PeerTube.\n\n This commit adds a workaround for that.\n\n * Fix `signature_key_id` raising an exception\n\n Previously, parsing failures would result in `signature_key_id` being nil,\n but the parser changes made that result in an exception.\n\n This commit changes the `signature_key_id` method to return `nil` in case\n of parsing failures.\n\n * Move extra HTTP signature helper methods to private methods\n\n * Relax (request-target) requirement to (request-target) || digest\n\n This lets requests from Plume work without lowering security significantly.\n\ncommit aa98655cf61e732fb3cfe7626347b79189f61b77\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Mon Aug 24 16:56:21 2020 +0200\n\n Fix dereferencing remote statuses not using the correct account (#14656)\n\n Follow-up to #14359\n\n In the case of limited toots, the receiver may not be explicitly part of the\n audience. If a specific user's inbox URI was specified, it makes sense to\n dereference the toot from the corresponding user, instead of trying to find\n someone in the explicit audience.\n\ncommit dd3a86eb04d7445e32df44b66ec34332b78b7902\nAuthor: Tdxdxoz \nDate: Mon Aug 24 20:13:44 2020 +0800\n\n Fix: also use custom private boost icon for detailed status (#14471)\n\n * use custom private boost icon for detail status\n\n * only use className\n\ncommit aea0161e83ba0d154a3b3824e4d14d31773486b0\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Mon Aug 24 14:11:47 2020 +0200\n\n Add support for inlined objects in activity audience (#14514)\n\n * Add support for inlined objects in activity audience\n\n * Add tests\n\ncommit 8b448aecef9495353a1cd18d9e5d95b576cdede2\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Mon Aug 10 01:51:06 2020 +0200\n\n Fix `tootctl media` commands not handling snowflake ids for media_attachments (#14536)\n\ncommit 6db143e424b7566519153e6a0c831cd77ceff227\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sat Aug 8 17:57:56 2020 +0200\n\n Fix crash when failing to load emoji picker (#14525)\n\n Fixes #14523\n\ncommit 3b699f17320de7fc1d1adc40e8edbd8ee58c9d57\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sun Aug 2 18:47:44 2020 +0200\n\n Fix thumbnail color extraction (#14464)\n\n * Fix contrast calculation for thumbnail color extraction\n\n Luminance calculation was using 0-255 RGB values instead of 0-1 sRGB values,\n leading to incorrectly-computed contrast values.\n\n Since we use ColorDiff already, just use its XYZ colorspace conversion code\n to get the value.\n\n * Require at least 3:1 contrast for both accent and foreground colors\n\n * Lower required contrast for the accent color\n\ncommit 1995a5cb34337d18ba305c56715194fbaa68786e\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sun Aug 2 19:03:10 2020 +0200\n\n Fix audio/video player not using CDN_HOST in media paths on public pages (#14486)\n\ncommit 469c4c78a3ce2f7065c7273fd2800f9a39191a21\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sun Aug 2 18:47:09 2020 +0200\n\n Fix audio player on Safari (#14485)\n\ncommit 399c5f09009e05d22e9acd8bb75f3f803b58e365\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sun Aug 2 11:21:10 2020 +0200\n\n Change content-type to be always computed from file data (#14452)\n\n * Change content-type to be always computed from file data\n\n Restore previous behavior, detecting the content-type isn't very\n expensive, and some instances may serve files as application/octet-stream\n regardless of their true type, making fetching media from them fail, while\n it used to work pre-3.2.0.\n\n * Add test\n\ncommit 856cb96a2b4823b62df19f67686921890adfc2f8\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sun Aug 2 11:20:17 2020 +0200\n\n Fix new audio player features not working on Safari (#14465)\n\n Fixes #14462\n\ncommit 58c59af573d7cb285317bdb27d745b38cf045378\nAuthor: Takeshi Umeda \nDate: Tue Aug 25 01:09:46 2020 +0900\n\n Fix an error when file_file_size is nil in tootctl media remove (#14657)\n\ncommit 3f4cceebd66c0e209239bf5a917bbda8de57d189\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sun Aug 30 01:54:30 2020 +0200\n\n Fix videos with near-60 fps being rejected (#14684)\n\n Fix #14668\n\ncommit ce6aaed4325d1a5dc15a799856d26b3d22222633\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Oct 8 00:34:57 2020 +0200\n\n Remove dependency on goldfinger gem (#14919)\n\n There are edge cases where requests to certain hosts timeout when\n using the vanilla HTTP.rb gem, which the goldfinger gem uses. Now\n that we no longer need to support OStatus servers, webfinger logic\n is so simple that there is no point encapsulating it in a gem, so\n we can just use our own Request class. With that, we benefit from\n more robust timeout code and IPv4/IPv6 resolution.\n\n Fix #14091\n\ncommit 8f79ed0487fb17ad59182b49b3fbe46043cbaedd\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sun Sep 13 12:52:17 2020 +0200\n\n Fix reported statuses not being included in warning e-mail (#14778)\n\ncommit 4acfc3ce83a0f7492137ef0a3b0c78cce0773e6e\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sat Aug 1 18:20:37 2020 +0200\n\n Fix handling of Reject Follow when a matching follow relationship exists (#14479)\n\n * Add tests\n\n * Fix handling of Reject Follow when a matching follow relationship exists\n\n Regression from #12199\n\ncommit c98b7751ca6f7c638997c26b0807af5b51915593\nAuthor: Takeshi Umeda \nDate: Tue Sep 1 01:11:27 2020 +0900\n\n Fix limited follower id in fan-out-on-write service (#14709)\n\ncommit 0abfa06b2f4d57363be8690aaf8e8ca3e1bfb221\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sun Aug 30 12:33:59 2020 +0200\n\n Fix inefficiencies in fan-out-on-write service (#14682)\n\ncommit aecdaf5a8c001a6e0e75a20072564de754ab5f8b\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Mon Sep 14 13:04:29 2020 +0200\n\n Do not serve account actors at all in limited federation mode (#14800)\n\n * Do not serve account actors at all in limited federation mode\n\n When an account is fetched without a signature from an allowed instance,\n return an error.\n\n This isn't really an improvement in security, as the only information that was\n previously returned was required protocol-level info, and the only personal bit\n was the existence of the account. The existence of the account can still be\n checked by issuing a webfinger query, as those are accepted without signatures.\n\n However, this change makes it so that unallowed instances won't create account\n records on their end when they find a reference to an unknown account.\n\n The previous behavior of rendering a limited list of fields, instead of not\n rendering the actor at all, was in order to prevent situations in which two\n instances in Authorized Fetch mode or Limited Federation mode would fail to\n reach each other because resolving an account would require a signed query…\n from an account which can only be fetched with a signed query itself. However,\n this should now be fine as fetching accounts is done by signing on behalf of\n the special instance actor, which does not require any kind of valid signature\n to be fetched.\n\n * Fix tests\n\ncommit 8126ac030ee5f65077e0e2ded400a221c6b62016\nMerge: 06b6353483 93dd413a47\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Mon Jul 27 22:21:35 2020 +0200\n\n Merge tag 'v3.2.0' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit 06b635348327823570119362a2f1a7981a898011\nMerge: e0f3a4583c 661f3f26b0\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Wed Jul 15 20:13:00 2020 +0200\n\n Merge tag 'v3.1.5' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit 661f3f26b041dd6f1f0ea646e55616f7139bb957\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Tue Jul 7 15:22:47 2020 +0200\n\n Bump version to 3.1.5\n\ncommit 2d2e3651eee12364b53f658077dae9343aca5e09\nAuthor: Thibaut Girka \nDate: Mon Jun 22 21:09:18 2020 +0200\n\n Fix media attachment enumeration\n\n Signed-off-by: Eugen Rochko \n\ncommit 951e997b26cb5bf93539a22221efda97ad70079e\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Wed Jun 24 00:21:03 2020 +0200\n\n Change rate limits for various paths\n\n - Rate limit login attempts by target account\n - Rate limit password resets and e-mail re-confirmations by target account\n - Rate limit sign-up/login attempts, password resets, and e-mail re-confirmations by IP like before\n\ncommit fa3f78e4bf1b5e2b6e8b11f161dd3c02348bf3d4\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Tue Jun 23 02:57:00 2020 +0200\n\n Fix other sessions not being logged out on password change\n\n While OAuth tokens were immediately revoked, accessing the home\n controller immediately generated new OAuth tokens and \"revived\"\n the session due to a combination of using remember_me tokens and\n overwriting the `authenticate_user!` method\n\ncommit e0f3a4583c68b560425e30306153cf1b8f4dabe0\nMerge: a42a98bc67 b752666e3f\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Fri Feb 21 14:21:59 2020 +0100\n\n Merge tag 'v3.1.1' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit a42a98bc673141efa5f14892578cfc4901d84f65\nMerge: fbaaf24be8 c4118ba71b\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Mon Oct 21 09:14:53 2019 +0200\n\n Merge tag 'v3.0.1' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit fbaaf24be8db9d80b4258ba78b9c7639cc688d33\nMerge: 405d6a71c8 06f906acac\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Sat Aug 10 09:20:44 2019 +0200\n\n Merge tag 'v2.9.3' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit 06f906acace5770fc10f333a203b036c5b72c849\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sat Aug 10 00:08:42 2019 +0200\n\n Bump version to 2.9.3\n\ncommit 80d8ff97e40fef2e6d9fd36c5bda882e92cd49dc\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Thu Aug 8 17:05:50 2019 +0200\n\n Fix “read more” button behing hidden (regression from #11404) (#11522)\n\n * Fix “read more” button behing hidden (regression from #11404)\n\n This has the side-effect of putting the “Read more” button below possibly\n trunctated polls instead of putting the poll below the “Read more”\n\n * Remove dead code\n\ncommit d5963d9401b183336ab0247f5e2ffddc210d95d7\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Aug 8 23:04:19 2019 +0200\n\n Fix crash when saving invalid domain name (#11528)\n\n Fix #7629\n\ncommit b95281b533be43091ecf94268d031f1896c524f1\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Aug 8 23:04:04 2019 +0200\n\n Fix pinned statuses API returning pagination headers (#11526)\n\n Fix #10227\n\ncommit 5432edb5a765eb9621a89caf34b78ece41529374\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Aug 8 23:03:09 2019 +0200\n\n Add GIF and WebP support for custom emojis (#11519)\n\n Fix #11466\n\ncommit 6861534d9ce4e325f4210d985fbb856fb2654b0c\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Aug 8 08:56:55 2019 +0200\n\n Fix \"cancel follow request\" button having unreadable text in web UI (#11521)\n\n Fix #11478\n\ncommit 80e391afcdbe92d5ea4731e1571761561eec987b\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Wed Aug 7 13:58:53 2019 +0200\n\n Improve focus handling with dropdown menus (#11511)\n\n - Focus first item when activated via keyboard\n - When the dropdown menu closes, give back the focus to\n the actual element which was focused prior to opening the menu\n\ncommit c69f190af975d23118ed207280729de4e2472373\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Tue Aug 6 12:08:19 2019 +0200\n\n Fix image uploads being perfectly white when canvas read access is blocked (#11499)\n\n Fixes #11496\n\ncommit cec93c35d8ac2a3e1b9b640773b37b12cbb3c5fe\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Tue Aug 6 11:59:58 2019 +0200\n\n Improve keyboard navigation in privacy dropdown (#11492)\n\n * Trap tab in privacy dropdown\n\n * Give focus back to last focused element when privacy dropdown menu closes\n\n * Actually give back focus to the element that had it before clicking the dropdown\n\ncommit ad6fcb2d9c791c9ac7c17b25221801f75dba644c\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Tue Aug 6 11:59:46 2019 +0200\n\n Improve dropdown menu keyboard navigation (#11491)\n\n * Allow selecting menu items with the space bar in status dropdown menus\n\n * Fix modals opened by keyboard navigation being immediately closed\n\n * Fix menu items triggering modal actions\n\n * Add Tab trapping inside dropdown menu\n\n * Give focus back to last focused element when status dropdown menu closes\n\ncommit d8cf2a0fb69dc4c862921e497103ce8b02fab7fd\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Tue Aug 6 11:59:14 2019 +0200\n\n Fix privacy dropdown active state when dropdown is placed on top of it (#11495)\n\ncommit 21e3671e32c2a88f1b19cb42209c88b45ea07607\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Tue Aug 6 11:59:28 2019 +0200\n\n Trap tab in modals (#11493)\n\ncommit 68da55e50c49faf8d726ec7850376e4112349af1\nAuthor: Jeong Arm \nDate: Mon Aug 5 06:00:38 2019 +0900\n\n Fix timestamp on featured tag (#11477)\n\n It resolves #11338\n\ncommit 3f7614f98a2610771a5ac7677d7f1249b88f165a\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sat Aug 3 19:10:39 2019 +0200\n\n Disable list title validation button when list title is empty (#11475)\n\ncommit c1bc34da04c6c65344dbc13a688c3d15f6aa0372\nAuthor: Jeong Arm \nDate: Sun Jul 28 20:46:04 2019 +0900\n\n Prevent archiving when user set \"noindex\" (#11421)\n\ncommit a0896ae4bf985ec69b8cbc0dd0099a9c188be760\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sat Jul 27 04:41:55 2019 +0200\n\n Remove timestamps from converted images to make them deterministic (#11408)\n\ncommit 91fb945b0ee0b41bbd844531f6058ef38845d85e\nAuthor: Clar Fon \nDate: Fri Jul 26 01:57:27 2019 -0400\n\n Remove pre from version, add extra suffix variable (#11407)\n\ncommit ed27803822d1e63650d168ff111de15b41799b02\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Jul 25 04:17:35 2019 +0200\n\n Change account domain block to clear out notifications and follows (#11393)\n\ncommit 4e4f73b231602d458c7c332929a557ccadfbaad4\nAuthor: Daigo 3 Dango \nDate: Sun Jul 21 18:16:30 2019 -1000\n\n Bind servers to in Procfile (#11378)\n\n * Bind to\n\n * Make Procfile common to main and streaming apps\n\ncommit 9bb23b8d19b84fb40f289dc3d8b15b04d231fcad\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sun Jul 21 18:08:02 2019 +0200\n\n Change locale detection to run once per session (#8657)\n\n Fix #6462\n\ncommit dead24a7733fd24b062d8228ca92ec3f492c39bd\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Fri Jul 19 23:22:35 2019 +0200\n\n Disallow numeric-only hashtags (#11363)\n\n * Add spec covering numeric-only hashtags\n\n * Fix hashtag regex\n\ncommit d8b8c88c221704429fb9ed75b159a18ed824118b\nAuthor: koyu \nDate: Fri Jul 19 03:58:46 2019 +0200\n\n Added logout to dropdown menu (#11353)\n\n * Added logout to dropdown menu\n\n * Triggering build-and-test with empty commit as it seems it failed due to some internal failure\n\n * Looks fine, ready to review\n\n * Added changes from review\n\n * method can be null without any problems\n\n * Also target can be null\n\ncommit ad0866804e35803bbf0975e09cf6c8fca1fa9884\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Fri Jul 19 09:18:23 2019 +0200\n\n Fix avatar animation on hover when not logged in (#11349)\n\ncommit 6c4a196b53bb7d8b8ea8446d5e9c75ea72caab45\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Fri Jul 19 01:44:58 2019 +0200\n\n Fix sanitizing lists contents (#11354)\n\n * Add test\n\n * Fix code for sanitizing nested lists stripping all tags\n\ncommit 28f3b13c63fd5ac5210caaa7b63b94e65aeda6b2\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Jul 18 20:28:05 2019 +0200\n\n Change Dockerfile to bind to instead of docker-compose.yml (#11351)\n\ncommit 8c445c80b5a1b30caf5b57c9ed5e473dd00134f0\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Jul 18 03:02:56 2019 +0200\n\n Fix only one middle dot being recognized in hashtags (#11345)\n\n Fix #10934\n\ncommit 212848b66e69ddb72f488d233b6378f494a5fff5\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Jul 18 03:02:15 2019 +0200\n\n Change language detection to include hashtags as words (#11341)\n\ncommit 227c561064e47304f1da37811eb87c7ade67b792\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Wed Jul 17 19:29:37 2019 +0200\n\n Change terms and privacy policy pages to always be accessible (#11334)\n\n Fix #11328\n\ncommit 2e244b7401daedabbbff771949677adc4beb651f\nAuthor: Daigo 3 Dango \nDate: Mon Jul 15 18:51:36 2019 -1000\n\n Make puma bind address configurable with BIND env var (#11326)\n\ncommit 291d868773fc9805ed81d6843775adcf9222df03\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Mon Jul 15 05:56:35 2019 +0200\n\n Change default interface of web and streaming from to (#11302)\n\ncommit b21c6300433ee233ab7df3389bdda612429c4357\nAuthor: han@highemelry \nDate: Sat Jul 13 01:46:21 2019 +0900\n\n Change the retry limit in error of web push notification (#11292)\n\n - Change the maximum count of retry for web push notification (Default -> 5).\n - In case of high load of subscribe server, the retries will be repeated many times.\n - Because the retries occupy the default queue, maximum retry count should be reduced.\n\ncommit f2795699dd7091f9204bf6a53314387f4752e427\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Tue Jul 2 00:59:53 2019 +0200\n\n Change ActivityPub::DeliveryWorker to not retry HTTP 501 errors (#11233)\n\ncommit d9a024840e8e5ce72072d4bd79a28934cbce62e7\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Mon Jul 1 19:13:30 2019 +0200\n\n Change domain block behaviour to prevent creation of accounts from suspended domains (#11219)\n\ncommit c8bf30df9240bc067289dae64c09f017fc3de039\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sun Jul 28 13:48:05 2019 +0200\n\n Fix animate on hover in poll options without CW (#11404)\n\ncommit 7f9431c3066d6a33835889a6d3c7a4019568360a\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sun Jul 21 18:10:40 2019 +0200\n\n Play animated custom emoji on hover (#11348)\n\n * Play animated custom emoji on hover in status\n\n * Play animated custom emoji on hover in display names\n\n * Play animated custom emoji on hover in bios/bio fields\n\n * Add support for animation on hover on public pages emojis too\n\n * Fix tests\n\n * Code style cleanup\n\ncommit af410c070619dbb1a6684a969de2043163c89f0d\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sun Jul 21 03:40:27 2019 +0200\n\n Display custom emoji in bio field names (#11350)\n\n Already displayed in public pages, but not WebUI\n\ncommit 16f348431b1f8eb034b9b2c042a12fdedce6f411\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sat Jul 6 18:18:08 2019 +0200\n\n Only scroll to the compose form if it's not horizontally in the viewport (#11246)\n\n Avoids jumping the scroll around vertically when giving it focus and\n editing long toots.\n\ncommit 6abd84980310c10d66a0d74324a8b57a9d99889c\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Tue Jul 2 00:36:16 2019 +0200\n\n When deleting & redrafting a poll, fill in closest expires_in (#11203)\n\n Use the smallest preset expires_in such that the new poll would\n not expire before the old one.\n\n In the typical case of a quick delete & redraft, this results in\n using the same poll duration.\n\n Fixes #10567\n\ncommit 99b27a8b4bc41807adeb70aac7ff2ccab8f405d0\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sat Jun 29 18:32:36 2019 +0200\n\n When sending a toot, ensure a CW is only set if the CW field is visible (#11206)\n\n In some occasions, such as the browser or a browser extension auto-filling\n the existing but disabled/hidden CW field, a CW can be set without the user\n knowing.\n\ncommit 39741fa2cd994262bb85af2a2b58402d84aeb4cf\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Wed Jun 26 14:28:36 2019 +0200\n\n Scroll to compose form rather than reply indicator on focus (#11182)\n\ncommit 5b3d70ffa749806976710488ea78e5d01b1b2466\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Fri Jun 28 19:29:11 2019 +0200\n\n Display FTS warning based on actual search term, not the one being typed (#11202)\n\n Follow-up to #11112\n\ncommit 011909262aeacb64e5e12ef890eaa629f85b6d83\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Thu Jun 27 21:12:26 2019 +0200\n\n Add message telling FTS is disabled when no toot can be found because of this (#11112)\n\n * Add message telling FTS is disabled when no toot can be found because of this\n\n Fixes #11082\n\n * Remove info icon and reword message\n\ncommit 69680db8a2fd7f466d11a7a75871fa749f146769\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Tue Jun 25 20:18:15 2019 +0200\n\n Fix unnecessary SQL query performed on unauthenticated requests (#11179)\n\ncommit 6e28da213961ed37cde7b82947b599eac31c925c\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Tue Jun 25 14:45:14 2019 +0200\n\n Apply filters to poll options (#11174)\n\n * Apply filters to poll options in WebUI\n\n Fixes #11128\n\n * Apply filters to poll options server-side\n\n * Add poll options to searchable text\n\ncommit 74982c71b09ecf137e73194aa03a3be4f0ef669f\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Wed Jul 31 09:23:30 2019 +0200\n\n Fix delete regression (#11450)\n\n Regression from ff789a751a1c730e4d808410411196b76caff39c\n\ncommit c83c87fbe2c9586b90c677e24c81d690cade2a02\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Tue Jul 30 13:18:23 2019 +0200\n\n Fix boosting & unboosting preventing a boost from appearing in the TL (#11405)\n\n * Fix boosting & unboosting preventing a boost from appearing in the TL\n\n * Add tests\n\n * Avoids side effects when aggregate_reblogs isn't true\n\ncommit 363afe5e059030e5c8b20f0b2610c1d1a1185749\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Tue Jul 2 16:03:54 2019 +0200\n\n Memoize ancestorIds and descendantIds in detailed status view (#11234)\n\ncommit d588173ab382c22c1092a9d4154afec7a8d89ef0\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sun Jun 30 00:12:38 2019 +0200\n\n Optimize makeGetStatus (#11211)\n\n * Optimize makeGetStatus\n\n Because `ImmutableList.filter` always returns a new object and `createSelector`\n memoizes based on object identity, the selector returned by `makeGetStatus`\n would *always* execute.\n\n To avoid that, we wrap `getFilters` into a new memoizer that memoizes based on\n deep equality, thus returning the same object as long as the filters haven't\n changed, allowing the memoization of `makeGetStatus` to work.\n\n Furthermore, we memoize the compiled regexs instead of recomputing them each\n time the selector is called.\n\n * Fix memoized result being cleared too often\n\n * Make notifications use memoized getFiltersRegex\n\ncommit d1d3684fb5f96d90daf7ebd0173e42db67f270da\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sun Jul 21 18:10:07 2019 +0200\n\n Fix `alerts` booleans not being typecast correctly in push subscription (#11343)\n\n * Fix `alerts` booleans not being typecast correctly in push subscription\n\n Fix #10789\n\n * Fix typo\n\ncommit 6a3876bdaaa7eab08a13f68825681d2d4165ce5a\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Fri Jul 19 23:13:21 2019 +0200\n\n Fix some flash notices/alerts staying on unrelated pages (#11364)\n\ncommit 5cd97c62a0b66739a4936691a7d216303040f773\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Tue Jul 2 11:34:39 2019 +0200\n\n Remove unused StatsD code and expose StatsD as a global variable (#11232)\n\n The instrumentation code was used for StatsD metrics collection\n prior to the switch to the nsa gem and should have been removed\n at that point as it no longer does anything at all\n\ncommit 769bbd511f1463431b6cfd274f672ea4aa14dd28\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Tue Jul 2 01:01:17 2019 +0200\n\n Fix statsd UDP sockets not being cleaned up in Sidekiq (#11230)\n\ncommit 5d79df0273ecb678e8c5a4f97c03e2d6a59b121c\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sun Jun 30 16:11:21 2019 +0200\n\n Fix expiration date of filters being set to “Never” when editing them (#11204)\n\n When editing a custom filter, select the shortest preset duration that\n still covers the remaining time of that filter.\n\n Fixes #9506\n\ncommit 0367ddb62c37bf8987700a71cbc47acc6b756f81\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sun Jun 30 16:10:43 2019 +0200\n\n Fix support for MP4 files that are actually M4V files (#11210)\n\n Resolve #11187\n\ncommit 221110c5d7761427263ac2ada87a06a94bcc9d1f\nAuthor: Georg Gadinger \nDate: Sun Jul 7 18:13:19 2019 +0200\n\n Update fuubar dependency to 2.4.1 (#11248)\n\n See also: thekompanee/fuubar#111\n\ncommit 8904487324fd7dc4fc9818fb975926e9defef42d\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Fri Jul 26 18:55:33 2019 +0200\n\n Fix invites not being disabled upon account suspension (#11412)\n\n * Disable invite links from disabled/suspended users\n\n * Add has_many invites relationship to users\n\n * Destroy unused invites when suspending an account\n\ncommit 678292258449cbdb96f569ecb36fee4c423bd36c\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Thu Jul 11 14:50:27 2019 +0200\n\n Fix BlockService trying to reject incorrect follow request (#11288)\n\n Fixes #11148\n\ncommit 806671755899777dba80cf68136fcec54de07366\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Mon Jul 8 18:17:22 2019 +0200\n\n Fix Status.remote scope matching *all* statuses (#11265)\n\ncommit 5a06f68f0e6573f77d68444b2d3d8eda6c022a9b\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Mon Jul 8 02:24:25 2019 +0200\n\n Fix BackupService crashing when an attachment is missing (#11241)\n\n * Fix BackupService crashing when an attachment is missing\n\n For various reasons such as admin error or out-of-sync media and\n database backups, it might be possible for local attachments to be lost.\n\n This commit allows the BackupService to continue its work even if some media\n file is missing.\n\n * Change error message\n\ncommit aef567cb9d086585de0cf197781e28bbeeb37665\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sat Jul 6 13:54:32 2019 +0200\n\n Fix option to send e-mail notification about account action always being true (#11242)\n\ncommit de747948a155ba38379f1ac9b051377e7fb5519a\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Fri Jun 28 13:52:15 2019 +0200\n\n Fix swiping columns on mobile sometimes failing (#11200)\n\n Fixes #9779\n\ncommit c95ce1f3acbe5d328377cf333cbea0b258bf94c9\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Thu Jun 27 19:41:55 2019 +0200\n\n Fix account URI in UpdatePollSerializer (#11194)\n\n * Fix account URI in UpdatePollSerializer\n\n Fixes #11185\n\n * Add specs\n\ncommit 405d6a71c8899254d2efcf0343683ea8ad154895\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Sun Jun 30 10:55:00 2019 +0200\n\n Fix merge issues\n\ncommit f0a512c7cab0e9a4f15672f32e87fcf8d644328c\nMerge: 1e5b17b88a 66ac1bd063\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Tue Jun 25 19:44:59 2019 +0200\n\n Merge tag 'v2.9.2' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit 1e5b17b88a48230537715a432baf86e59d798974\nMerge: 84c8b1e200 7d92c2c81d\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Mon Jun 3 22:06:36 2019 +0200\n\n Merge tag 'v2.8.4' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit 7d92c2c81d564d2648a362c20bc7914cd377525f\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri May 24 15:35:32 2019 +0200\n\n Bump version to 2.8.4\n\ncommit aa80292170967662e74ea5196bd2773ce4f77c07\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Fri May 24 15:21:42 2019 +0200\n\n Improve streaming server security (#10818)\n\n * Check OAuth token scopes in the streaming API\n\n * Use Sec-WebSocket-Protocol instead of query string to pass WebSocket token\n\n Inspired by https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/issues/1242\n\ncommit 130fbf839b656dfd544bc02aeff5cf52a9f4cd7c\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Thu May 23 20:00:39 2019 +0200\n\n Fix possible race condition when processing statuses (#10815)\n\ncommit 39d1d022de00114d481b1ad522aa7441ad2c56eb\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Thu May 23 15:22:39 2019 +0200\n\n Move signature verification stoplight to the requests themselves (#10813)\n\n * Move signature verification stoplight to the requests themselves\n\n This avoids blocking messages from known keys for 5 minutes when only one fails…\n\n * Put the stoplight on the actual client IP, not a potential reverse proxy\n\ncommit 9a881c70e215e7860ca7c3a653fc43692c793cdd\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Thu May 23 15:00:30 2019 +0200\n\n Retry ActivityPub inbox delivery on HTTP 401 and 408 errors (#10812)\n\n HTTP 401 responses returned by Mastodon's inbox controller may\n be temporary if, for instance, the requesting user's actor/key json\n could not be retrieved in a timely fashion. This changes allow retries\n instead of dropping the message entirely.\n\n Also added HTTP 408 as that error is by nature temporary.\n\ncommit 370ec7e7718868a1bd3d645a98b968471e50a349\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sun May 19 16:46:49 2019 +0200\n\n Bump version to 2.8.3\n\ncommit 9222c26e19ec843d0b1b50b14901983270c9b8b5\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sun May 19 21:40:36 2019 +0200\n\n Fix “invited by” not showing up for invited accounts in admin interface (#10791)\n\ncommit 94439a1da7e585207dacf199c0eb4af2be1fdf7d\nAuthor: Hinaloe \nDate: Mon May 20 01:41:41 2019 +0900\n\n fix `isSubmitting` prop case (#10785)\n\ncommit a6815a757886620315ff0906e175c9d5e5fbb3d8\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sun May 19 13:49:31 2019 +0200\n\n Add post-deployment migration script to delete public-boosts-of-private-toots (#10783)\n\ncommit d587a943a549d7ba5bb8433401390ac665bbdf17\nAuthor: Ben Lubar \nDate: Sat May 18 13:57:45 2019 -0500\n\n add og:image:alt for media attachments in embeds (#10779)\n\ncommit 3c27687a6e1f283ff4f4300b2b07fbc10ba3bba7\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sat May 18 00:28:51 2019 +0200\n\n Prevent from publicly boosting one's own private toots (#10775)\n\ncommit ee17d81b8a4e02b5c72e39922f15634b4352c817\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Wed May 15 06:54:06 2019 +0200\n\n Minor performance improvements and cleanup in formatter (#10765)\n\ncommit 9e95af3391837789a1039c4ea6181588817d3939\nAuthor: Neil Moore \nDate: Wed May 15 00:53:23 2019 -0400\n\n Adds click-able div that expands status (#10733) (#10766)\n\n The clickable div is positioned under the account avatar and covers\n all empty space below it to the end of the status.\n\ncommit 91e25a20ce55a13d533e3f50cf2ad5b2a40a791c\nAuthor: nzws \nDate: Sun May 12 12:15:42 2019 +0900\n\n Fix some colors in light theme (#10754)\n\n * Fix typo in light theme\n\n * Fix background color of empty column\n\ncommit 47e0928c5b7bb87627b0fe768ff89ded787eaffe\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Fri May 10 17:59:57 2019 +0200\n\n Change icon and label depending on whether media is marked as sensitive (#10748)\n\n * Change icon and label depending on whether media is marked as sensitive\n\n * WiP use a checkbox\n\ncommit c407a4edf8e38fa5cb38abd6bfa526376706e084\nAuthor: Maciek Baron \nDate: Thu May 9 21:03:32 2019 +0100\n\n Improve poll link accessibility (#10720)\n\n * Add distinction between hover and active/focus states\n * Resolves #10198\n\ncommit 7a6464bea090d874266441b46dd8570797f6d3b5\nAuthor: Jeong Arm \nDate: Thu May 9 01:01:33 2019 +0900\n\n Bring back crossed eye icon on gallery (#10715)\n\ncommit 9679ec4fcba08aa5db6e8365230bfccfee2baab3\nAuthor: nzws \nDate: Wed May 8 06:53:58 2019 +0900\n\n Fix some colors of high contrast theme (#10711)\n\n * Fix \"nothing here\" text color of high contrast\n\n * Fix counter border color of high contrast\n\ncommit b40dfc124b1fc72a675edff20e79301e92aa789f\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Mon May 6 05:33:56 2019 +0200\n\n Add description on hover in media gallery (#10713)\n\ncommit 84c8b1e200f2c2dfbfb33e4ebc9d92f16b08a7b2\nMerge: a285462db6 2508370f44\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Tue May 7 21:42:11 2019 +0200\n\n Merge tag 'v2.8.2' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit a285462db606257d4b01fbb6223d87b4a7299ec5\nAuthor: Thibaut Girka \nDate: Mon Apr 22 19:10:00 2019 +0200\n\n Do not leak local-only toots to remote mentioned users\n\ncommit 546581d2ba9a5f511430bdad7b6d8a0e99fee750\nMerge: 153385e508 6afab2587d\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Sat Apr 13 23:47:24 2019 +0200\n\n Merge tag 'v2.8.0' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit 153385e508585f45b6cc1a186315de03a16bac70\nMerge: e8012c10be f3eb99aec3\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Tue Feb 19 21:07:43 2019 +0100\n\n Merge tag 'v2.7.2' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit f3eb99aec3c2cd596c0b32fde9eff3be4579b22a\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sun Feb 17 19:56:23 2019 +0100\n\n Bump version to 2.7.2\n\ncommit e5f4af23eff7562901cea1f50f2a83213ff49a58\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sat Feb 16 14:53:27 2019 +0100\n\n Fix crash on public hashtag pages when streaming fails (#10061)\n\ncommit 33e8fa0d76c8d7499ab407b58ab1851b9899ebc1\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sat Feb 16 11:56:09 2019 +0100\n\n Fix mutes, blocks, domain blocks and follow requests not paginating (#10057)\n\n Regression from #9581\n\ncommit 98e38200ab7f238cfe53ea9f6a266b0e3180dec1\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sat Feb 16 05:27:05 2019 +0100\n\n Add vapid_key to the application entity in the REST API (#10058)\n\n Fix #8785\n\ncommit b6a5268e1b66303491efca3a5d1b310442c92e68\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sat Feb 16 05:23:47 2019 +0100\n\n Add registrations attribute to instance entity in REST API (#10060)\n\n Fix #9350\n\ncommit caf145029215f176cd470a4cf011c94e90b9dd8e\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri Feb 15 23:33:25 2019 +0100\n\n Change error graphic to hover-to-play (#10055)\n\n Fix #6060\n\ncommit 584f29e62a6000a6d54ae14aafbda7a4725610eb\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri Feb 15 19:43:09 2019 +0100\n\n Change buttons on timeline preview to open the interaction dialog (#10054)\n\n Fix #9922\n\ncommit 7b59de4f5c4055c1cc24b0ea5dbfa384a0a0ebf3\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri Feb 15 16:08:48 2019 +0100\n\n Change conversations to always show names of other participants (#10047)\n\n Fix #9190\n\ncommit 5aa147b67d7b9e4ef1dc322a1ab1e40bfc35efd2\nAuthor: rinsuki <428rinsuki+git@gmail.com>\nDate: Fri Feb 15 01:03:01 2019 +0900\n\n Fix breaks when opening a reply tree in WebUI (#10046)\n\n fix #10045\n\ncommit 77a71236ade04edfce8dc5ee98a8d2ff7a064e15\nAuthor: Nolan Lawson \nDate: Wed Feb 13 09:52:36 2019 -0800\n\n perf: run node directly when streaming (#10032)\n\ncommit 1ad0d232b3ed1c2005d64f1746ecd2d476379852\nAuthor: Ben Lubar \nDate: Wed Feb 13 18:04:43 2019 -0600\n\n Improve image description user experience (#10036)\n\n * Add image descriptions to searchable post content.\n\n * Allow multi-line image descriptions.\n\n * Request image descriptions in the same query as posts when creating the search index.\n\n (see https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/10036#discussion_r256551624)\n\ncommit 45b2bb464b5ff5b5b5805004a5dc856b495dfc54\nAuthor: nightpool \nDate: Wed Feb 13 21:11:47 2019 -0500\n\n Change robots.txt to exclude only media proxy URLs (#10038)\n\n * Revert \"Change robots.txt to exclude some URLs (#10037)\"\n\n This reverts commit 80161f43510ad9316c60c9b50dd5c09c2dae4d54.\n\n * Let's block media_proxy\n\n /media_proxy/ is a dynamic route used for requesting uncached media, so it's\n probably bad to let crawlers use it\n\n * misleading comment\n\ncommit 637f0007b9535ed988cbe94c9b9b40a8f8e8a24f\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Wed Feb 13 21:28:18 2019 +0100\n\n Change robots.txt to exclude some URLs (#10037)\n\n - Exclude static assets\n - Exclude uploaded files\n - Exclude alternate versions of the profile page\n - Exclude media proxy URLs\n\ncommit 8ad75eea62117f8635de8897c74297a5a8b3bd5c\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri Feb 15 16:08:59 2019 +0100\n\n Fix relay enabling/disabling not resetting inbox availability status (#10048)\n\n Fix #10033\n\ncommit b163368c3e3e3a22c4ef98c0d0cd6c07a2ad13e6\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sun Feb 17 15:16:36 2019 +0100\n\n Fix Announce activities of unknown statuses not fetching those statuses (#10065)\n\n Regression from #9998\n\ncommit 71b831601db2fdc41aaf4ddbe9fd60db109a3153\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sun Feb 17 03:38:25 2019 +0100\n\n Add logging for rejected ActivityPub payloads and add tests (#10062)\n\ncommit e84c7618192b1ba1538e3c0af79acdf604aea5fc\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri Feb 15 18:19:45 2019 +0100\n\n Filter incoming Announce activities by relation to local activity (#10041)\n\n * Filter incoming Announce activities by relation to local activity\n\n Reject if announcer is not followed by local accounts, and is not\n from an enabled relay, and the object is not a local status\n\n Follow-up to #10005\n\n * Fix tests\n\ncommit ef45411c537d37f06b23914135460544d348bfd6\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Wed Feb 13 18:42:47 2019 +0100\n\n Filter incoming Create activities by relation to local activity (#10005)\n\n Reject those from accounts with no local followers, from relays\n that are not enabled, which do not address local accounts and are\n not replies to accounts that do have local followers\n\ncommit 6c11f0f8cf91aa4d0b83a0a9c5a92cfa99dcbfdd\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Wed Feb 13 18:36:23 2019 +0100\n\n Alternative handling of private self-boosts (#9998)\n\n * When self-boosting, embed original toot into Announce serialization\n\n * Process unknown self-boosts from Announce object if it is more than an URI\n\n * Add some self-boost specs\n\n * Only serialize private toots in self-Announces\n\ncommit 737ac4b59df77e43bed71abc6de80bc89f893de1\nAuthor: ysksn \nDate: Sun Feb 3 03:11:38 2019 +0900\n\n Create Redisable#redis (#9633)\n\n * Create Redisable\n\n * Use #redis instead of Redis.current\n\ncommit 17a41e1f779874a270f531086f5576affcdb6cb1\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Feb 14 15:46:42 2019 +0100\n\n Fix hashtag column not subscribing to stream on mount (#10040)\n\n Fix #9895\n\ncommit 5a04861c7f2e98c80f315a19d7eadade044d8aae\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Feb 14 06:27:54 2019 +0100\n\n Add tight rate-limit for API deletions (#10042)\n\n Deletions take a lot of resources to execute and cause a lot of\n federation traffic, so it makes sense to decrease the number\n someone can queue up through the API.\n\n 30 per 30 minutes\n\ncommit 2a1adab7d7824df9fa148a9431e942d6677c1d71\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Wed Feb 13 18:36:40 2019 +0100\n\n Fix style regressions on landing page (#10030)\n\ncommit a46487e895fbba23922888820c6b88ad07ebe56b\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Wed Feb 13 18:34:58 2019 +0100\n\n Fix hashtags select styling in default and high contrast themes (#10029)\n\ncommit f0f657e77c65923e6d77b5f62f7ee8544b4d9e00\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Wed Feb 13 05:30:49 2019 +0100\n\n Fix color of static page links in high contrast theme (#10028)\n\ncommit 1186b9abebc0b92acecebcd020d2f9c17de5d0b3\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Tue Feb 12 22:24:14 2019 +0100\n\n Save IP address used for sign-up, not only sign-in (#10026)\n\n Fixes #9995\n\ncommit 27310a84a43623da8f08832e30e078ce936f6a1d\nAuthor: Franck Zoccolo \nDate: Tue Feb 12 14:48:04 2019 +0100\n\n Add support for IPv6 only MXes in Email validation (#10009)\n\n * Add support for IPv6 only MXes\n\n * Fixed email validator tests\n\ncommit d66267508ac316ffc2756a6677fcbae5a44605c2\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Tue Feb 12 05:10:43 2019 +0100\n\n Move sending account Delete to anyone but the account's followers to the pull̀ queue (#10016)\n\ncommit 41ecf80645d465d67dfee54d3cbb14a825ed8953\nAuthor: Hinaloe \nDate: Tue Feb 12 13:10:31 2019 +0900\n\n Don't focus spiler input when disabled spoiler (#10017)\n\ncommit e1dbdf7377f20ace894ee92cf681542cc4b5eddb\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Mon Feb 11 13:19:59 2019 +0100\n\n Fix timeline jumps (#10001)\n\n * Avoid two-step rendering of statuses as much as possible\n\n Cache width shared by Video player, MediaGallery and Cards at the\n ScrollableList level, pass it down through StatusList and Notifications.\n\n * Adjust scroll when new preview cards appear\n\n * Adjust scroll when statuses above the current scroll position are deleted\n\ncommit d9f0c7fb841bebfa942ddc5b7aae2857eb1381e3\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Wed Feb 6 23:36:43 2019 +0100\n\n Fix IntersectionObserverArticle not hiding some out-of-view items (#9982)\n\n IntersectionObserverArticle is made to save on RAM by avoiding fully rendering\n items that are far out of view. However, it did not work for items spawned\n outside the intersection observer.\n\ncommit 6ea4cd5b86b0f96bfa9cfc904ee2c1adb48079a4\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sat Feb 9 20:13:11 2019 +0100\n\n Fix URL linkifier grabbing full-width spaces and quotations (#9997)\n\n Fix #9993\n Fix #5654\n\ncommit 2a7c091eae68b06ae4ad7c566878a04f9926ac92\nAuthor: Hinaloe \nDate: Sat Feb 9 11:39:38 2019 +0900\n\n Only URLs extract with pre-escaped text (#9991)\n\n * [test] add japanese hashtag testcase\n\n * Only URLs extract with pre-escaped text\n\n ( https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/issues/9989 )\n\ncommit e2afe5fdfba352b35731acf028bad54f32223282\nAuthor: abcang \nDate: Wed Feb 6 10:50:52 2019 +0900\n\n Fix Tombstone.delete_all ArgumentError (#9978)\n\ncommit edde07f5ab235d6ceca95db66bb53161d372f830\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Tue Feb 5 15:11:35 2019 +0100\n\n Hide misleading “You will be sent a confirmation e-mail” hint from admin view (#9973)\n\n Thanks @wryk for noticing this issue.\n\ncommit cd36ff43fd214b6b1447e88457b5a3f56461c1dd\nAuthor: trwnh \nDate: Mon Feb 4 21:46:18 2019 -0600\n\n [UI] Fix whitespace being applied to div instead of p (#9968)\n\n * fix large line breaks\n\n * fix ascii art posts\n\ncommit 5e7c75cfd328af81a557985e1b5b2c70e6c68645\nAuthor: rinsuki <428rinsuki+git@gmail.com>\nDate: Tue Feb 5 07:14:57 2019 +0900\n\n Fix not showing custom emojis in share page emoji picker (#9970)\n\ncommit a742a09530b6bdca78713e14dbab51bc3a56d222\nAuthor: rinsuki <428rinsuki+git@gmail.com>\nDate: Tue Feb 5 06:25:42 2019 +0900\n\n Fix authorized applications list page design (#9969)\n\ncommit fdf819b83e820576164074b6726cb6ffdb4a47f6\nAuthor: Jakub Mendyk \nDate: Sat Feb 2 19:01:18 2019 +0100\n\n Allow most kinds of characters in URL query (fixes #8408) (#8447)\n\n * Allow unicode characters in URL query strings\n\n Fixes #8408\n\n * Alternative approach to unicode support in urls\n\n Adds PoC/idea to approch this problem.\n\ncommit 687a0cbcb036255d02aa1fab5132c51da2adc888\nAuthor: Clar Charr \nDate: Thu Jan 31 07:45:15 2019 -0500\n\n Replace unlock-alt icon with unlock (#9952)\n\ncommit e31970b924a7eaa1279708919b2743a15fb099f0\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri Feb 1 00:15:38 2019 +0100\n\n Fix link color in high-contrast theme, add underlines (#9949)\n\n Improve sorting of default themes in the dropdown\n\ncommit 88a1d0cdb4df422594c3ffb335ad794df4e55ea7\nAuthor: Sam Schlinkert \nDate: Mon Jan 28 16:57:42 2019 -0500\n\n Bumps copyright year in README.md to 2019 (#9939)\n\n This is so incredibly small, but assuming this is a needed change. Might want to check year in other files.\n\ncommit e8012c10be2d0b2f9323e309d0e2dae5b113fb60\nMerge: 20ad8165a0 28866d329b\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Thu Jan 31 11:08:42 2019 +0100\n\n Merge tag 'v2.7.1' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit 20ad8165a0e2589e8a5a7a3b4a2312c62eb6b357\nMerge: e8161a11fc 31e7940de5\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Tue Jan 22 11:56:24 2019 +0100\n\n Merge tag 'v2.7.0' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit e8161a11fc7a9d9413fe4d9aa794ef734522ded0\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Wed Jan 9 11:12:49 2019 +0100\n\n Normalize translations\n\ncommit 4207973809bbf3b22f01a4ce811b8b18029d45df\nMerge: 237952c10d bc3a6dd597\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Wed Jan 9 10:47:10 2019 +0100\n\n Merge tag 'v2.7.0rc1' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit 237952c10d0989ec7510a9ec190baf87cacc40c3\nAuthor: Thibaut Girka \nDate: Tue Nov 13 17:30:15 2018 +0100\n\n Only stream local-only toots to logged-in users\n\ncommit f5f9fc366d554916996aa58f8dcbe10bcaf2fc81\nMerge: b9f0f794db 887f9de6dc\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Fri Dec 7 15:27:23 2018 +0100\n\n Merge tag 'v2.6.5' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit 887f9de6dc12ef405f92b94eeaa775df74ebb1ef\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sun Dec 2 16:52:40 2018 +0100\n\n Bump version to 2.6.5\n\ncommit e625425c8feb611e037c62855845b38ceb4b35c1\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Wed Nov 21 17:02:58 2018 +0100\n\n Include replies to list owner and replies to list members in list statuses (#9324)\n\ncommit f13d08314e1d683fd40b3cb48c667aced222ce28\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sun Dec 2 16:46:13 2018 +0100\n\n Preload common JSON-LD contexts (#9412)\n\n Fixes #9411\n\ncommit 13979a84f93ab07dc002111f9a86eb358260dd00\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri Nov 30 19:54:24 2018 +0100\n\n Bump version to 2.6.4\n\ncommit 82570019ba01ec11b93f62921b3fc92f369ec53c\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri Nov 30 19:16:32 2018 +0100\n\n Remove npm-run-all dependency (#9401)\n\n Fix #9359\n\ncommit a1216e631537b1fbf07f2c8724ac05e757800be6\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri Nov 30 03:08:37 2018 +0100\n\n Bump version to 2.6.3\n\ncommit 34de90c486176992d8bc3d0f5f9f1156509d448c\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Tue Nov 27 19:46:05 2018 +0100\n\n Fix TLS handshake timeout not being enforced (#9381)\n\n Follow-up to #9329\n\ncommit 442f335504129f99bc405539967df628d4701761\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Tue Nov 27 19:15:08 2018 +0100\n\n Skip deliveries to inboxes that have already been marked as unavailable (#9358)\n\ncommit 58108b448159a8796500f2d3441cfe7b1ca99a67\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Tue Nov 27 18:49:37 2018 +0100\n\n Don't count suspended users in user count (#9380)\n\n Fix #7637\n\ncommit cc0c1674f03cfbbe3ee28208429f216db1678731\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Tue Nov 27 18:13:36 2018 +0100\n\n Fix nil error when no DNS addresses are found for host (#9379)\n\ncommit 49f49cf367b6fb8413b1967870a709a5e31c9b71\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Tue Nov 27 12:28:01 2018 +0100\n\n Allow hyphens in the middle of remote user names (#9345)\n\n Fixes #9309\n\n This only allows hyphens in the middle of a username, much like dots,\n although I don't have a compelling reason to do so other than keeping\n the changes minimal.\n\ncommit ec20a5d53aa5d234498d0140ce772cd9f027adfb\nAuthor: Hugo Gameiro \nDate: Tue Nov 27 11:19:12 2018 +0000\n\n add loglevel to ffmpeg in gif upload (#9368)\n\ncommit 404dc97fb013b7f835df65dfc22d07f68e482e23\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri Nov 23 22:32:20 2018 +0100\n\n Bump version to 2.6.2\n\ncommit a2cda74ba3cf6690f257ae612f28e890b7df2237\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Nov 22 20:12:04 2018 +0100\n\n Fix connect timeout not being enforced (#9329)\n\n * Fix connect timeout not being enforced\n\n The loop was catching the timeout exception that should stop execution, so the next IP would no longer be within a timed block, which led to requests taking much longer than 10 seconds.\n\n * Use timeout on each IP attempt, but limit to 2 attempts\n\n * Fix code style issue\n\n * Do not break Request#perform if no block given\n\n * Update method stub in spec for Request\n\n * Move timeout inside the begin/rescue block\n\n * Use Resolv::DNS with timeout of 1 to get IP addresses\n\n * Update Request spec to stub Resolv::DNS instead of Addrinfo\n\n * Fix Resolve::DNS stubs in Request spec\n\ncommit 12bdd7dc5f05e1b9eecf3b56dbcc24cf77bee884\nAuthor: valerauko \nDate: Thu Nov 22 20:49:07 2018 +0900\n\n Ignore JSON-LD profile in mime type comparison (#9179)\n\n Ignore JSON-LD profile in mime type comparison\n\ncommit 15dcb414bf2faaf21a686aa467015d244743c04e\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Tue Nov 20 22:25:32 2018 +0100\n\n Touch account on successful response, change char shown when culled (#9293)\n\n Just the color is not enough change since not everyone uses colored\n terminals.\n Touching the account makes it so that the account is not in the\n threshold window in case of running again\n\ncommit 2c36d357848c7d7cb64da6fd3464306ea6729da7\nAuthor: Alexandre Alapetite \nDate: Tue Nov 20 22:25:04 2018 +0100\n\n WebSub: ATOM before RSS (#9302)\n\n Hello,\n The ATOM feed contains the hub declaration for WebSub, but the RSS\n version does not.\n RSS/ATOM readers will typically pick whichever version comes first, and\n will thus not see the WebSub feature.\n I therefore suggest putting the ATOM version first, as it is more\n feature-rich than its RSS counterpart is.\n\n Clients not compatible with ATOM would not pick it anyway due to the\n different type attribute.\n\n A more complicated alternative would be to declare the WebSub feature in\n the RSS version as well, using something like the following code, and\n ensuring that clients subscribed to the RSS version would receive PuSH\n updates just like those subscribed to the ATOM version.\n\n ````xml\n \n \n \n \n \n \n ```\n\ncommit c0736c466c33473b4db55bf59ed6edc0a0020b27\nAuthor: Dan Hunsaker \nDate: Tue Nov 20 14:24:35 2018 -0700\n\n Update Nginx config for Nanobox apps (#9310)\n\n The Nanobox files have gotten out of sync, a touch, with what Masto needs for Nginx settings. This PR updates them accordingly.\n\ncommit fa02f878fc6fdbc1aae8d3f45e71b4aeb589e7ea\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Mon Nov 19 10:37:57 2018 +0100\n\n Fix filter ID not being a string in REST API (#9303)\n\ncommit ecc58c0f2358ea764c4a4ebd7f9daf4c9143ec7a\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri Nov 16 19:46:23 2018 +0100\n\n Prevent multiple handlers for Delete of Actor from running (#9292)\n\ncommit 6d4438a6ae351e2a8a73c7373c22d28f10838f65\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri Nov 16 15:02:18 2018 +0100\n\n Remove intermediary arrays when creating hash maps from results (#9291)\n\ncommit 01a8ab921e6e2b23cfea834c63b2cd196d15ff0b\nAuthor: mayaeh \nDate: Fri Nov 16 17:47:40 2018 +0900\n\n Fix \"tootctl media remove\" can't count the file size (#9288)\n\n * Fixed an issue where \"tootctl media remove\" can not count the file size.\n\n * Fixed the problem pointed out by codeclimate.\n\ncommit a3ef0761602481515207c0cf93cae0119dff4b25\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Tue Nov 13 14:58:14 2018 +0100\n\n Fix race condition causing shallow status with only a \"favourited\" attribute (#9272)\n\n Fixes #9231\n\ncommit cd8575aef671dd44b4384b79b568f367add43537\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Mon Nov 12 22:07:31 2018 +0100\n\n Fix null error introduced in #9270 (#9275)\n\ncommit 4ce6ed20211b83d36746f61d4fb7dd001339baa1\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Mon Nov 12 18:17:50 2018 +0100\n\n Perform deep comparison for card data when receiving new props (#9270)\n\n Fixes #9226\n\ncommit 886ef1cc384f758944407ac0255afe7d71afc513\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sat Nov 10 23:59:51 2018 +0100\n\n Fix emoji update date processing (#9255)\n\ncommit d06a724b1c097b4e8b7f1fa2591b0753c349a5ad\nAuthor: ThibG \nDate: Sat Nov 10 20:42:04 2018 +0100\n\n Check that twitter:player is valid before using it (#9254)\n\n Fixes #9251\n\ncommit f73b7e77dacd94c1d0c7c4bc0c0227eb3159ad19\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri Nov 9 09:08:01 2018 +0100\n\n Improve ActiveRecord connection in on_worker_boot (#9238)\n\n This is how it looks in the example in the Puma README\n\ncommit 63f168c3bf26f8c336d966b3619307801cab7cab\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Nov 8 21:55:59 2018 +0100\n\n Fix nil error regression from #9229 in tootctl media remove (#9239)\n\n Fix #9237\n\ncommit 0f436de035d848ce481a1d21a774031eef41f10d\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Nov 8 21:08:57 2018 +0100\n\n Add \"Show thread\" link to self-replies (#9228)\n\n Fix #4716\n\ncommit 21fd335dd7722d512962e5f49812b3e9a0cd426f\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Nov 8 21:06:26 2018 +0100\n\n Display amount of freed disk space in tootctl media remove (#9229)\n\n * Display amount of freed disk space in tootctl media remove\n\n Fix #9213\n\n * Fix code style issue\n\ncommit 4b2f2548061cbbe37a98951c01438e327c915c92\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Nov 8 21:06:14 2018 +0100\n\n Fix form validation flash message color and input borders (#9235)\n\n * Fix form validation flash message color and input borders\n\n * Fix typo\n\ncommit b3c29ece478d2e34525b4edb9b4eaed4904b1cb5\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Nov 8 21:06:01 2018 +0100\n\n Fix follow limit validator reporting lower number past threshold (#9230)\n\n * Fix follow limit validator reporting lower number past threshold\n\n * Avoid floating point follow limit\n\ncommit 330401bec0146be9762358c774efe9a58954d8c4\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Nov 8 21:05:42 2018 +0100\n\n Optimize the process of following someone (#9220)\n\n * Eliminate extra accounts select query from FollowService\n\n * Optimistically update follow state in web UI and hide loading bar\n\n Fix #6205\n\n * Asynchronize NotifyService in FollowService\n\n And fix failing test\n\n * Skip Webfinger resolve routine when called from FollowService if possible\n\n If an account is ActivityPub, then webfinger re-resolving is not necessary\n when called from FollowService. Improve options of ResolveAccountService\n\ncommit 5ee4fd46063a2c36d92805ede4b8860065e56dc2\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu Nov 8 07:42:17 2018 +0100\n\n Increase default column width from 330px to 350px (#9227)\n\ncommit 430499fbe12057b833897dada6407c55a0dab048\nAuthor: m.b \nDate: Mon Nov 5 18:54:07 2018 +0100\n\n Update resolve_url_service.rb (#9188)\n\ncommit 449e6e451f6185c44ed3b2d60b56b46b55e52281\nAuthor: Steven Tappert \nDate: Mon Nov 5 18:51:43 2018 +0100\n\n Check for empty \"last_status\" before sorting DM column (#9207)\n\n * Check for empty \"last_status\" before sorting\n\n * Small touchups for codeclimate\n\ncommit b9f0f794db01515c5365ec96150752ba86f5b4f5\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Tue Oct 23 08:42:13 2018 +0200\n\n Change setting wording\n\ncommit 3306fad8036a441ede18b112a7dea8d7751d3dc6\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Tue Oct 23 08:38:13 2018 +0200\n\n Fix wrong configuration fetched\n\ncommit fde9668bae3649a92bed1d7cb2089b6eb0b611b1\nMerge: d42a06fc74 f468bfb830\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Tue Oct 23 08:32:55 2018 +0200\n\n Merge tag 'v2.6.0rc1' into instance_only_statuses\n\ncommit d42a06fc7404f64ada011554cfd7ea7574c769e9\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Mon Oct 1 19:32:47 2018 +0200\n\n Add default federation option to settings\n\ncommit 9d6e005849123baeecc37124a351c1cf75517343\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Mon Oct 1 19:14:36 2018 +0200\n\n Fix issue with toggle in mobile\n\ncommit 5497b5af611a8c5eed14461c3b6fbbd0ead224ec\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Tue Sep 4 18:27:34 2018 +0200\n\n Add local only icon to status page\n\ncommit 469294d2939669ec8acbfaa10a03993bdb178298\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Mon Sep 3 21:47:07 2018 +0200\n\n Hide local statuses from user atom and from unlogged users\n\ncommit 6bef1a8134333efabd9be677273f33e194bd327a\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Sun Aug 26 12:42:32 2018 +0200\n\n Add local_only to admin screens\n\ncommit e1049a94aa4e1a8ed8ec02b25f5ce5bba4f4665f\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Sun Aug 26 12:27:13 2018 +0200\n\n Normalize translations\n ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks remove-unused\n\ncommit b4ae56e82fe8ca4a8e7b1dfd19f84c0af34b69ce\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Fri Aug 24 19:27:12 2018 +0200\n\n Add local_only indicator to detailed status\n\ncommit c963e1548d750dbb8ce0c46b1df268c43fcdec4d\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Fri Aug 24 18:56:11 2018 +0200\n\n Add local_only indicator in the status action bar\n\ncommit f37ca30ea166ee6a9c0e2fdec58ede0e10a7c6b5\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Sat Aug 25 13:27:58 2018 +0200\n\n Add backend support for local_only on status create\n Based off ThibG implementation on glitch #502\n\ncommit 4969ea4f2cb5e48b66797bded55c4256601396f1\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Thu Aug 23 20:35:29 2018 +0200\n\n Base frontend on privacy dropdown\n\ncommit ffaa814bbe202de7e9f594698f6b1297fd950255\nAuthor: Renato \"Lond\" Cerqueira \nDate: Thu Aug 23 19:30:09 2018 +0200\n\n Use backend from glitch-soc for instance-only toots","shortMessageHtmlLink":"添加\"仅本实例可见\"功能 (https://github.com/masto-donte-com-br/mastodon/tree/ins…"}},{"before":null,"after":"ca809dbf6d3bf399d7ce1cfcf02f53ae4c8b66c7","ref":"refs/heads/main-v3.5.5-local-only","pushedAt":"2024-08-11T20:51:56.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"chasedream1129","name":"ChaseDream","path":"/chasedream1129","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/36710631?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"添加quote功能:\n\ncommit 9e99d8e6d67c1b4b667619919c64fb866b8e6b32\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Tue Aug 16 13:46:43 2022 +0900\n\n fixup! Fix quote to be compatible for Mastodon v3.5\n\ncommit bc449c05613babd9f429b37650dd3957499cac6b\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Thu Jan 27 09:53:13 2022 +0900\n\n Change NoteObject's quoteURL to quoteUri and introduced fedibird namespace in @context\n\ncommit f290732b2d61236b78caf0675b0003598269df50\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Thu Feb 24 13:15:34 2022 +0900\n\n Fix quote to be compatible for Mastodon v3.5\n\ncommit 378945b98481d66a70f2c470ce9137553b6130ff\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Wed Feb 23 18:00:46 2022 +0900\n\n Add noopener and noreferrer to quote remote links\n\ncommit 2088fbe112223585ee7a80de2552a89166192b34\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Wed Feb 23 10:01:21 2022 +0900\n\n Remove unneeded code from quote\n\ncommit be246b5ddd24f40839e1b8c79014c5785b325983\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Fri Jul 23 19:55:56 2021 +0900\n\n Fix to dismiss quote where the target post was deleted\n\ncommit eaab810d39d0ad09e401b1137ceaf96c686c200e\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Thu Jan 7 15:56:40 2021 +0900\n\n Fix quote on public stream\n\ncommit e31b4af454f2ec367e2f7f1336ef2f5cb5b99098\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Mon Jan 4 13:39:11 2021 +0900\n\n Fix not hiding quoted unlisted status in non public timeline\n\ncommit a1f5781fcd83a7372047ee2998b187d265946bfa\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Mon Jan 4 09:45:37 2021 +0900\n\n Fix missing frameRate\n\ncommit b23d461f130b36a8e7f5012c4e29acab0c7ae1cd\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Mon Jan 4 04:49:35 2021 +0900\n\n Fix missing reblog_of_quote\n\ncommit 68037da77660f9c11ce53c04ebe49474d9d6f722\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Mon Jan 4 00:28:17 2021 +0900\n\n Fix modal footer to react to quoted posts\n\ncommit a4373dd4d07ce99eba9d0e942b25afc60234762f\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Thu Dec 31 08:27:24 2020 +0900\n\n Fix expand video on public page for quote\n\ncommit d23f3085f3aaed9cd504e32f1adeef9046e752d9\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Sat Dec 19 10:14:10 2020 +0900\n\n fix rtl in quote_indicator\n\ncommit 0c797116145f24a71cd1697d2a6a38ada27b6ae9\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Tue Dec 8 22:58:24 2020 +0900\n\n Fix Open handler in quote media\n\ncommit 78fb5beeb3ec9e8158821806a63f26a1112d531a\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Sun Dec 27 21:53:54 2020 +0900\n\n Add quote button in PiP\n\ncommit 56b644be633b52ad96da95aa2c09ce1ee74796f9\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Sat Jun 6 12:59:45 2020 +0900\n\n Fix to hide mute and blocked quotes\n\ncommit c7f721e8a1bd6ebe3ef4971ca83065c9ae9001ea\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Wed Oct 7 22:28:02 2020 +0900\n\n Fix PictureInPicture to work in quotes\n\ncommit 185ff5d9eb15dc083a0635c5afb9c415c0857722\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Sat Jul 25 19:16:43 2020 +0900\n\n Fix quoted audio\n\ncommit 814b7cf18ed23b5d436bdebe2a5fc36ec437da3c\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Fri Jun 26 07:26:25 2020 +0900\n\n Fix tooltip 'cannot be quoted'\n\ncommit 94a0a4fd88263c4cc9e0c52492aeccc27de21027\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Thu Jun 4 05:28:05 2020 +0900\n\n Fix an avatar icon size of the status quoted on the public page\n\ncommit 02e6ce3ed8907f13eab51e10d6e23c7c135566fd\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Tue Nov 12 14:09:06 2019 +0900\n\n Add \"Show poll\" link to quoted poll\n\ncommit 10b8d3c40a5ec1a45c2951041d7924016365d66b\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Fri Nov 29 12:10:59 2019 +0900\n\n Apply quote by parsing post body\n\ncommit 8c56e189e19acea8fba0476da05895c16d2818eb\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Tue Nov 12 20:20:08 2019 +0900\n\n Compatible with Misskey quote\n\ncommit dceccade71d218c9e4aad9eed6b01a3b093bd5ff\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Mon Feb 24 23:56:04 2020 +0900\n\n Change not to delete the element specified in invisible\n\ncommit 568c40774650f7bb4336d2cf425a32bd56cef330\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Sun Mar 1 19:31:59 2020 +0900\n\n Add index to statuses quote_id\n\ncommit 787524fdf938b8027803bb209f907150413a2625\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Fri Feb 28 07:45:54 2020 +0900\n\n Fix to reject status quotations other than public and unlisted\n\ncommit e1ea799641a64e5ed8bcd8c771b7b1573882ca15\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Mon Feb 24 14:19:46 2020 +0900\n\n Add confirmation of overwriting of input content when quoting\n\ncommit 5fe632994d7e839c6ac741db1ee9e102b834fe78\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Mon Feb 24 12:53:28 2020 +0900\n\n Add feature_quote to instance API\n\ncommit 1f3d824912fe4f8dfb8f39863b31bff915ef985a\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Mon Feb 24 11:36:40 2020 +0900\n\n Fix boost target to be quoted if boosted\n\ncommit 651a8062b34a27b6bf5e45de8ea56b928e58ebe0\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Fri Feb 21 21:49:06 2020 +0900\n\n Fix quote nesting at once, add quote_id\n\ncommit d6267585bd8e621c8f1b58f553ec6fd1b4146772\nAuthor: wakin <8th.mail@gmail.com>\nDate: Sun Sep 29 13:41:03 2019 +0900\n\n remake quote feature\n\ncommit 809b863ecdbf5989c2916e6f47343524f568704f\nAuthor: Genbu Hase \nDate: Sun Apr 8 16:56:25 2018 +0900\n\n [New] Implement a feature of quote\n\ncommit ff9f883e404b8351950d6d6442e80b39ab84f7dd\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Thu Feb 24 14:03:54 2022 +0900\n\n Fix start in flex box to flex-start\n\ncommit 696f7b360882e71ff45b6ddafc8eea17184a0f31\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Mon Nov 14 22:26:24 2022 +0100\n\n Bump version to 3.5.5\n\ncommit b22e1476ca667e1ab83ab26a93203c3f253540af\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Mon Nov 14 22:14:55 2022 +0100\n\n Fix nodes order being sometimes mangled when rewriting emoji (#20677)\n\n * Fix front-end emoji tests\n\n * Fix nodes order being sometimes mangled when rewriting emoji\n\ncommit 105ab8242582c6df02e3693f4620793add5c84f6\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Mon Nov 14 11:23:10 2022 +0100\n\n Bump version to 3.5.4\n\ncommit 2dd8f977e84b67ed073a932accd2fbf4d2f38f3a\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Wed Nov 9 14:21:57 2022 +0100\n\n Fix emoji substitution not applying only to text nodes in backend code\n\n Signed-off-by: Claire \n\ncommit 2db06e1d089404844b632b3a2164c4bd3af24424\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Wed Nov 9 14:16:02 2022 +0100\n\n Fix emoji substitution not applying only to text nodes in Web UI\n\n Signed-off-by: Claire \n\ncommit 063579373e401fdac72b856971ecc01b06065365\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Wed Oct 26 14:58:52 2022 +0200\n\n Fix rate limiting for paths with formats\n\ncommit 1659788de4aa12f78108defb7294a1a23fa363bf\nAuthor: Pierre Bourdon \nDate: Fri Nov 11 07:45:16 2022 +0100\n\n blurhash_transcoder: prevent out-of-bound reads with <8bpp images (#20388)\n\n The Blurhash library used by Mastodon requires an input encoded as 24\n bits raw RGB data. The conversion to raw RGB using Imagemagick did not\n previously specify the desired bit depth. In some situations, this leads\n Imagemagick to output in a pixel format using less bpp than expected.\n This then manifested as segfaults of the Sidekiq process due to\n out-of-bounds read, or potentially a (highly noisy) memory infoleak.\n\n Fixes #19235.\n\ncommit 47eaf85f02e280db8c24cfc4f9bc5a34e99da49e\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Mon Jul 4 11:08:30 2022 +0200\n\n Fix crash when a remote Flag activity mentions a private post (#18760)\n\n * Add tests\n\n * Fix crash when a remote Flag activity mentions a private post\n\ncommit fbcbf7898f000d9d1a21d52e8a8d3ed4602aa7db\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 23:26:15 2022 +0200\n\n Bump version to 3.5.3 (#18530)\n\ncommit 0a1992430db7a859b3b7faa3d9ce4f07734b5fd8\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 23:02:42 2022 +0200\n\n Fix errors when rendering RSS feeds (#18531)\n\ncommit 52f4e834f293c9fdbf5805639d022ac4e3856b75\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:14:47 2022 +0200\n\n Fix concurrent unfollowing decrementing follower count more than once (#18527)\n\ncommit 8a9acbe604667215c9589154d72b3f313755c210\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:08:12 2022 +0200\n\n Fix being able to appeal a strike unlimited times (#18529)\n\n Peculiarity of the `has_one` association is that the convenience\n creation method deletes the previous association even if the new\n one is invalid\n\ncommit c4d2c39a75eccdbc60c3540c259e1e7ea5881ac6\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:08:02 2022 +0200\n\n Fix being able to report otherwise inaccessible statuses (#18528)\n\ncommit 1ff4877945e18820f3e518a1cfbac243da65e1a5\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:06:10 2022 +0200\n\n Fix empty votes arbitrarily increasing voters count in polls (#18526)\n\ncommit 976cd6413e9b2a1531a2ad17945342deaeec538c\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:04:16 2022 +0200\n\n Fix moderator leak in undo_mark_statuses_as_sensitive (#18525)\n\n Signed-off-by: Eugen Rochko \n\n Co-authored-by: 40826d <74816220+40826d@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 9f81b9f29a14093cefcdbf09058ace089cd8e06b\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:04:05 2022 +0200\n\n Fix suspended users being able to access APIs that don't require a user (#18524)\n\ncommit 96129c2f10a82520648f6ae04e585cf797403617\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:03:54 2022 +0200\n\n Fix confirmation redirect to app without `Location` header (#18523)\n\ncommit 3e0e7a1cfb617837ccada330afc13ed804c3c47b\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 20:32:48 2022 +0200\n\n Fix follower and other counters being able to go negative (#18517)\n\ncommit 702b709d9a8df2ed65c54d32d585a4cf5fe13de1\nAuthor: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \nDate: Fri May 27 03:29:28 2022 +0900\n\n Add ES6 compatibility to browserslist (#18519)\n\ncommit d8abc0018f59ed63fb6c5fae2f6081c141a4b978\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 18:43:14 2022 +0200\n\n Remove 3.3.x from supported versions in security policy (#18516)\n\ncommit 088dc0ec5a383006952c0b15508af882a4c1109c\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 18:05:47 2022 +0200\n\n Fix regression in `tootctl search deploy` caused by unloaded attribute (#18514)\n\ncommit a4fa9e23fc1ddb42452bb8f051a31894796c8002\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 17:55:05 2022 +0200\n\n Change \"dangerous\" to \"sensitive\" in privacy policy and web UI (#18515)\n\n Fix #18470\n\ncommit 440eb71310e41d668f00980b73358edd5f8df043\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Thu May 26 15:50:33 2022 +0200\n\n Change unapproved and unconfirmed account to not be accessible in the REST API (#17530)\n\n * Change unapproved and unconfirmed account to not be accessible in the REST API\n\n * Change Account#searchable? to reject unconfirmed and unapproved users\n\n * Disable search for unapproved and unconfirmed users in Account.search_for\n\n * Disable search for unapproved and unconfirmed users in Account.advanced_search_for\n\n * Remove unconfirmed and unapproved accounts from Account.searchable scope\n\n * Prevent mentions to unapproved/unconfirmed accounts\n\n * Fix some old tests for Account.advanced_search_for\n\n * Add some Account.advanced_search_for tests for existing behaviors\n\n * Add some tests for Account.search_for\n\n * Add Account.advanced_search_for tests unconfirmed and unapproved accounts\n\n * Add Account.searchable tests\n\n * Fix Account.without_unapproved scope potentially messing with previously-applied scopes\n\n * Allow lookup of unconfirmed/unapproved accounts through /api/v1/accounts/lookup\n\n This is so that the API can still be used to check whether an username is free\n to use.\n\ncommit 86f4dba47ef26aa8690354948c49009c3fd49960\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 09:16:19 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.17.12 to 7.18.2 (#18512)\n\n Bumps [@babel/preset-env](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-preset-env) from 7.17.12 to 7.18.2.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.18.2/packages/babel-preset-env)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/preset-env\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 77823333bb38a12705af486fa9b69cbd646dbd79\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 09:06:44 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/plugin-transform-runtime from 7.17.12 to 7.18.2 (#18511)\n\n Bumps [@babel/plugin-transform-runtime](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime) from 7.17.12 to 7.18.2.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.18.2/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/plugin-transform-runtime\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit ddddd4c043bd722b7e01a0595cd5f7a606fde281\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 08:41:07 2022 +0900\n\n Bump immutable from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 (#18502)\n\n Bumps [immutable](https://github.com/immutable-js/immutable-js) from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/immutable-js/immutable-js/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/immutable-js/immutable-js/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/immutable-js/immutable-js/compare/v4.0.0...v4.1.0)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: immutable\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 01db33165757042f3d95a6e372a9652b0223c5c2\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 08:06:55 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/plugin-transform-runtime from 7.17.12 to 7.18.0 (#18489)\n\n Bumps [@babel/plugin-transform-runtime](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime) from 7.17.12 to 7.18.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.18.0/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/plugin-transform-runtime\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 2bc5e41b8384b1c62832be2abead47670d169dfa\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 08:06:29 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/runtime from 7.17.9 to 7.18.0 (#18494)\n\n Bumps [@babel/runtime](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-runtime) from 7.17.9 to 7.18.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.18.0/packages/babel-runtime)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/runtime\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 4d48d83b0088f9e039691435407bd3d6e92e6f63\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 08:05:53 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/core from 7.17.12 to 7.18.0 (#18490)\n\n Bumps [@babel/core](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-core) from 7.17.12 to 7.18.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.18.0/packages/babel-core)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/core\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 25dda3061e4308a5005d3a2fef373acffc510a66\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Thu May 26 00:20:30 2022 +0200\n\n Fix unnecessary query on status creation (#17901)\n\ncommit 96f29ce91ad622a0127bc3c3bf2dc503062ed0dc\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Tue May 24 16:33:18 2022 +0200\n\n New Crowdin updates (#18458)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Armenian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Armenian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Armenian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * Run `yarn manage:translations`\n\n * Run `bundle exec i18n-tasks normalize`\n\n Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \n\ncommit e5997a195602624efdb366e9f09ffa377e859580\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Mon May 23 20:38:29 2022 +0200\n\n Fix warning an account outside of a report closing all reports for that account (#18387)\n\n * Fix warning an account outside of a report closing all reports for that account\n\n * Make it clear what actions solve other reports\n\n * Revert \"Make it clear what actions solve other reports\"\n\n This reverts commit ad006de821f72e75480701298d13f0945b509059.\n\ncommit a9b64b24d6c076cb96a66307c07d4f0158dc07da\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sun May 22 22:16:43 2022 +0200\n\n Change algorithm of `tootctl search deploy` to improve performance (#18463)\n\ncommit 54bb659ad14fda8d3427752d2c99716420997d6e\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Sat May 21 15:43:36 2022 +0900\n\n Bump sidekiq from 6.4.1 to 6.4.2 (#18091)\n\n Bumps [sidekiq](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq) from 6.4.1 to 6.4.2.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/blob/main/Changes.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/compare/v6.4.1...v6.4.2)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: sidekiq\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit dfb9e6dab1b119c907dece5555408c9b98ec8f2c\nAuthor: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \nDate: Fri May 20 11:39:05 2022 +0900\n\n Disable transpile to older iOS versions (#18462)\n\ncommit e925b06721057f83f2e3e8e7bdb21f39318b90a2\nAuthor: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \nDate: Fri May 20 02:26:19 2022 +0900\n\n Fix languages dropdown on light theme (#18460)\n\ncommit 9a0fa28993568cb3f106f0ea6457b0ff0f9a132e\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 19 12:58:16 2022 +0200\n\n New Crowdin updates (#18419)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.json (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.json (Japanese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.json (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Asturian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Irish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.json (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.json (Slovak)\n\n * New translations en.json (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.json (English, United Kingdom)\n\n * New translations en.json (Norwegian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Romanian)\n\n * New translations en.json (French)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Bulgarian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Persian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Tamil)\n\n * New translations en.json (Malayalam)\n\n * New translations en.json (Silesian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Taigi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kabyle)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sanskrit)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sardinian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Corsican)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin))\n\n * New translations en.json (Occitan)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kannada)\n\n * New translations en.json (Cornish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sinhala)\n\n * New translations en.json (Breton)\n\n * New translations en.json (Tatar)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kazakh)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico)\n\n * New translations en.json (Bengali)\n\n * New translations en.json (Marathi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Thai)\n\n * New translations en.json (Croatian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)\n\n * New translations en.json (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hindi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Malay)\n\n * New translations en.json (Telugu)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.json (Uyghur)\n\n * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.json (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Greek)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.json (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.json (Indonesian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.json (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.json (Danish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ukrainian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (French)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.json (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.json (Polish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Russian)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * Run `yarn manage:translations`\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Slovenian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Slovenian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Greek)\n\n * New translations en.json (Thai)\n\n * New translations en.json (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Japanese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Japanese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Basque)\n\n * New translations en.yml (German)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.json (Galician)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.json (Korean)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ukrainian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Thai)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (French)\n\n * New translations en.json (Indonesian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * Run `yarn manage:translations`\n\n * Run `bundle exec i18n-tasks normalize`\n\n Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \n\ncommit 679b7158e3cd3881e8cbaf2d2c0c97725b3b5fd9\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Wed May 18 23:29:14 2022 +0200\n\n Change search indexing to use batches to minimize resource usage (#18451)\n\ncommit ded5a0254a4d29a7384ef766a1e92467fe4ebd2b\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 19 03:33:13 2022 +0900\n\n Bump yargs from 17.4.1 to 17.5.1 (#18437)\n\n Bumps [yargs](https://github.com/yargs/yargs) from 17.4.1 to 17.5.1.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/yargs/yargs/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/yargs/yargs/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/yargs/yargs/compare/v17.4.1...v17.5.1)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: yargs\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit ffc2971466417aafe778eddcb1510ea934cef973\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 19 03:30:31 2022 +0900\n\n Bump dotenv from 16.0.0 to 16.0.1 (#18438)\n\n Bumps [dotenv](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv) from 16.0.0 to 16.0.1.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv/compare/v16.0.0...v16.0.1)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: dotenv\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit a918a76bfbdd300e3ef549307706bdfa630f824b\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 19 03:29:53 2022 +0900\n\n Bump glob from 8.0.1 to 8.0.3 (#18440)\n\n Bumps [glob](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob) from 8.0.1 to 8.0.3.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob/blob/main/changelog.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob/compare/v8.0.1...v8.0.3)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: glob\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 6b4e2d5ce686140797dd207b1ba932a86665262f\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 19 03:27:55 2022 +0900\n\n Bump rubocop from 1.28.2 to 1.29.1 (#18433)\n\n Bumps [rubocop](https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop) from 1.28.2 to 1.29.1.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop/compare/v1.28.2...v1.29.1)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: rubocop\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 6048eeed045693be63ad34dc97e98f7b2e519a70\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 19 03:27:02 2022 +0900\n\n Bump faker from 2.20.0 to 2.21.0 (#18434)\n\n Bumps [faker](https://github.com/faker-ruby/faker) from 2.20.0 to 2.21.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/faker-ruby/faker/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/faker-ruby/faker/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/faker-ruby/faker/compare/v2.20.0...v2.21.0)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: faker\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 1a880533acb1a8b6ee11db357d8cb8864f0e05e3\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 18 21:25:23 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12 (#18443)\n\n Bumps [@babel/preset-env](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-preset-env) from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.17.12/packages/babel-preset-env)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/preset-env\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \n\ncommit d842f645d11e99521d1c27a13ce53f97de357d52\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 18 21:16:16 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators from 7.17.9 to 7.17.12 (#18442)\n\n Bumps [@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-plugin-proposal-decorators) from 7.17.9 to 7.17.12.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.17.12/packages/babel-plugin-proposal-decorators)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \n\ncommit a4d7426f10efac27527cb2a9b24b829596d2a1cf\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 18 21:02:31 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/plugin-transform-runtime from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12 (#18441)\n\n Bumps [@babel/plugin-transform-runtime](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime) from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.17.12/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/plugin-transform-runtime\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 82d4a45630028fb9bc8c72db3e5fd3188d807b83\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 18 21:01:58 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/preset-react from 7.16.7 to 7.17.12 (#18436)\n\n Bumps [@babel/preset-react](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-preset-react) from 7.16.7 to 7.17.12.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.17.12/packages/babel-preset-react)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/preset-react\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 9fcef31580075d679c0a66f9a5e99cd1b526a24c\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 18 21:01:23 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/core from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12 (#18439)\n\n Bumps [@babel/core](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-core) from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.17.12/packages/babel-core)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/core\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit e0bdaeab657d9a320aaf506d98ca82d41e7bfdd5\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Tue May 17 14:52:26 2022 +0200\n\n Fix NoMethodError when resolving a link that redirects to a local post (#18314)\n\n * Fix NoMethodError when resolving a link that redirects to a local post\n\n * Fix tests\n\ncommit c78a622ba4bd7fce511e5f079dd6b8deb17f9cef\nAuthor: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \nDate: Tue May 17 17:12:00 2022 +0900\n\n Prevent update to redis 4.1.0 (#18444)\n\ncommit d25015fc5b6c6b31dcf726b02dd0742475d9d9c8\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Mon May 16 20:14:20 2022 +0200\n\n Revert \"Bump redis from 4.0.6 to 4.1.0\" (#18430)\n\ncommit 6c699b17234355598d6d3237e8826adf6f0688f9\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Mon May 16 19:13:36 2022 +0200\n\n Fix preferred posting language returning unusable value in REST API (#18428)\n\ncommit 0cdb07757050825725cac76f1c9cf11cf64acc0a\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Mon May 16 11:18:35 2022 +0200\n\n Add language dropdown to compose in web UI (#18420)\n\ncommit c3fac61f56b3ad63534961f3d3c426cdf8ac6213\nAuthor: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \nDate: Mon May 16 08:00:09 2022 +0900\n\n Fix `Mastodon::RaceConditionError` that occurs when external status is reblogged (#18424)\n\n * Fix `Mastodon::RaceConditionError` that occurs when external status is reblogged\n\n * Replace to `@object`\n\ncommit 95a036c598f54db673e5b4933cc92565ab198efc\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sun May 15 11:04:59 2022 +0200\n\n New Crowdin updates (#18339)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Asturian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Kannada)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sinhala)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Marathi)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Malay)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Croatian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Kazakh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hindi)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Telugu)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Breton)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Uyghur)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Tatar)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Malayalam)\n\n * New translations en.yml (English, United Kingdom)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Swedish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Greek)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Polish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Asturian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Persian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Persian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Persian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Persian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Persian)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Indonesian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Japanese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Japanese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Thai)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.json (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (French)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Greek)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Albanian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Danish)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Polish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Indonesian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (German)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.yml (French)\n\n * New translations en.json (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.yml (French)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hindi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hindi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hindi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Slovenian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.json (English, United Kingdom)\n\n * New translations en.yml (French)\n\n * New translations en.yml (French)\n\n * New translations en.json (French)\n\n * New translations en.json (Croatian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Tatar)\n\n * New translations en.json (Tatar)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hebrew)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hebrew)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Swedish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Slovak)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Slovak)\n\n * New translations en.json (Slovak)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Danish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Polish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Indonesian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Italian)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Polish)\n\n * Run `yarn manage:translations`\n\n * Run `bundle exec i18n-tasks normalize`\n\n Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \n\ncommit 98400a6887f1eb67fb131433bb28a69246800c4c\nAuthor: James Smith <119005+jgsmith@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Sat May 14 04:03:44 2022 -0400\n\n Support STREAMING_API_BASE_URL in Helm Chart (#18408)\n\n This adds a mastodon.streaming.base_url setting in the Helm chart values\n file to allow setting the STREAMING_API_BASE_URL in the Mastodon environnment\n config map.\n\ncommit 42c976fd65486186e3e7d259d1fced20de7be0bb\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sat May 14 06:51:59 2022 +0200\n\n Fix missing string for appeal validation error (#18410)\n\ncommit 6cf57c676550068a59149ca82d63fcb5b5431158\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri May 13 00:02:35 2022 +0200\n\n Refactor how Redis locks are created (#18400)\n\n * Refactor how Redis locks are created\n\n * Fix autorelease duration on account deletion lock\n\ncommit 12535568f7435ed627c37312782f8ca07e83eca9\nAuthor: Jeong Arm \nDate: Fri May 13 05:40:54 2022 +0900\n\n Fix rss view on hashtag (#18406)\n\ncommit bda8345e91b0e1d7b2c0534d09cb53973cb9ab18\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 12 10:54:27 2022 +0900\n\n Bump rails from to 6.1.6 (#18372)\n\n Bumps [rails](https://github.com/rails/rails) from to 6.1.6.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/rails/rails/releases)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/rails/rails/compare/v6.1.5.1...v6.1.6)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: rails\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 2923ca461fec98de6973ac48546e76d4ef4c4bc6\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 12 10:44:41 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @rails/ujs from 6.1.5 to 6.1.6 (#18380)\n\n Bumps [@rails/ujs](https://github.com/rails/rails) from 6.1.5 to 6.1.6.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/rails/rails/releases)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/rails/rails/compare/v6.1.5...v6.1.6)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@rails/ujs\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit a52dc01f301be96b17cbec1032b4defd1848ba88\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 12 10:43:30 2022 +0900\n\n Bump nokogiri from 1.13.4 to 1.13.6 (#18371)\n\n Bumps [nokogiri](https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri) from 1.13.4 to 1.13.6.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/blob/v1.13.6/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/compare/v1.13.4...v1.13.6)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: nokogiri\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 3261d89af638687ff30d6766c46a22bd6f07abfe\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 12 10:42:52 2022 +0900\n\n Bump aws-sdk-s3 from 1.113.2 to 1.114.0 (#18373)\n\n Bumps [aws-sdk-s3](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby) from 1.113.2 to 1.114.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/version-3/gems/aws-sdk-s3/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/commits)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: aws-sdk-s3\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 95555f15b55291b97477465f8d8a7eba526d6522\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:15:04 2022 +0900\n\n Bump jest from 28.0.3 to 28.1.0 (#18377)\n\n Bumps [jest](https://github.com/facebook/jest/tree/HEAD/packages/jest) from 28.0.3 to 28.1.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/facebook/jest/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/facebook/jest/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/facebook/jest/commits/v28.1.0/packages/jest)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: jest\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 68260c0257f45b631e6d14f7d1283ae8766b2fac\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:09:31 2022 +0900\n\n Bump sidekiq-unique-jobs from 7.1.21 to 7.1.22 (#18375)\n\n Bumps [sidekiq-unique-jobs](https://github.com/mhenrixon/sidekiq-unique-jobs) from 7.1.21 to 7.1.22.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/mhenrixon/sidekiq-unique-jobs/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/mhenrixon/sidekiq-unique-jobs/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/mhenrixon/sidekiq-unique-jobs/compare/v7.1.21...v7.1.22)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: sidekiq-unique-jobs\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit a2ef5e321275c301b37b4dfbe82beeb905365271\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:08:27 2022 +0900\n\n Bump array-includes from 3.1.4 to 3.1.5 (#18381)\n\n Bumps [array-includes](https://github.com/es-shims/array-includes) from 3.1.4 to 3.1.5.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/es-shims/array-includes/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/es-shims/array-includes/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/es-shims/array-includes/compare/v3.1.4...v3.1.5)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: array-includes\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 3ca348fa119b2174a708b0402b698a8dea96f98d\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:04:12 2022 +0900\n\n Bump i18n-tasks from 1.0.9 to 1.0.10 (#18370)\n\n Bumps [i18n-tasks](https://github.com/glebm/i18n-tasks) from 1.0.9 to 1.0.10.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/glebm/i18n-tasks/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/glebm/i18n-tasks/blob/main/CHANGES.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/glebm/i18n-tasks/compare/v1.0.9...v1.0.10)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: i18n-tasks\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 593637145ea0ec56c35e17590be5fbd26389edf0\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:02:08 2022 +0900\n\n Bump babel-jest from 28.0.3 to 28.1.0 (#18374)\n\n Bumps [babel-jest](https://github.com/facebook/jest/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-jest) from 28.0.3 to 28.1.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/facebook/jest/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/facebook/jest/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/facebook/jest/commits/v28.1.0/packages/babel-jest)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: babel-jest\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 19216f93b5dbf64ee5ace221945eefc408c51370\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:01:51 2022 +0900\n\n Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 28.0.2 to 28.1.0 (#18379)\n\n Bumps [jest-environment-jsdom](https://github.com/facebook/jest/tree/HEAD/packages/jest-environment-jsdom) from 28.0.2 to 28.1.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/facebook/jest/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/facebook/jest/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/facebook/jest/commits/v28.1.0/packages/jest-environment-jsdom)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: jest-environment-jsdom\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit e7d0bf731efaee24c7c0101d4ff597fab0ee9a59\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:01:16 2022 +0900\n\n Bump capybara from 3.…","shortMessageHtmlLink":"添加quote功能:"}},{"before":null,"after":"142bd5fdb960b5a0ce70dde03a3cf8a7d5c872eb","ref":"refs/heads/main-v3.4.5-local-only","pushedAt":"2024-08-11T20:51:48.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"chasedream1129","name":"ChaseDream","path":"/chasedream1129","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/36710631?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"合并v3.5.5并解决冲突:\n\ncommit 696f7b360882e71ff45b6ddafc8eea17184a0f31\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Mon Nov 14 22:26:24 2022 +0100\n\n Bump version to 3.5.5\n\ncommit b22e1476ca667e1ab83ab26a93203c3f253540af\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Mon Nov 14 22:14:55 2022 +0100\n\n Fix nodes order being sometimes mangled when rewriting emoji (#20677)\n\n * Fix front-end emoji tests\n\n * Fix nodes order being sometimes mangled when rewriting emoji\n\ncommit 105ab8242582c6df02e3693f4620793add5c84f6\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Mon Nov 14 11:23:10 2022 +0100\n\n Bump version to 3.5.4\n\ncommit 2dd8f977e84b67ed073a932accd2fbf4d2f38f3a\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Wed Nov 9 14:21:57 2022 +0100\n\n Fix emoji substitution not applying only to text nodes in backend code\n\n Signed-off-by: Claire \n\ncommit 2db06e1d089404844b632b3a2164c4bd3af24424\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Wed Nov 9 14:16:02 2022 +0100\n\n Fix emoji substitution not applying only to text nodes in Web UI\n\n Signed-off-by: Claire \n\ncommit 063579373e401fdac72b856971ecc01b06065365\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Wed Oct 26 14:58:52 2022 +0200\n\n Fix rate limiting for paths with formats\n\ncommit 1659788de4aa12f78108defb7294a1a23fa363bf\nAuthor: Pierre Bourdon \nDate: Fri Nov 11 07:45:16 2022 +0100\n\n blurhash_transcoder: prevent out-of-bound reads with <8bpp images (#20388)\n\n The Blurhash library used by Mastodon requires an input encoded as 24\n bits raw RGB data. The conversion to raw RGB using Imagemagick did not\n previously specify the desired bit depth. In some situations, this leads\n Imagemagick to output in a pixel format using less bpp than expected.\n This then manifested as segfaults of the Sidekiq process due to\n out-of-bounds read, or potentially a (highly noisy) memory infoleak.\n\n Fixes #19235.\n\ncommit 47eaf85f02e280db8c24cfc4f9bc5a34e99da49e\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Mon Jul 4 11:08:30 2022 +0200\n\n Fix crash when a remote Flag activity mentions a private post (#18760)\n\n * Add tests\n\n * Fix crash when a remote Flag activity mentions a private post\n\ncommit fbcbf7898f000d9d1a21d52e8a8d3ed4602aa7db\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 23:26:15 2022 +0200\n\n Bump version to 3.5.3 (#18530)\n\ncommit 0a1992430db7a859b3b7faa3d9ce4f07734b5fd8\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 23:02:42 2022 +0200\n\n Fix errors when rendering RSS feeds (#18531)\n\ncommit 52f4e834f293c9fdbf5805639d022ac4e3856b75\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:14:47 2022 +0200\n\n Fix concurrent unfollowing decrementing follower count more than once (#18527)\n\ncommit 8a9acbe604667215c9589154d72b3f313755c210\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:08:12 2022 +0200\n\n Fix being able to appeal a strike unlimited times (#18529)\n\n Peculiarity of the `has_one` association is that the convenience\n creation method deletes the previous association even if the new\n one is invalid\n\ncommit c4d2c39a75eccdbc60c3540c259e1e7ea5881ac6\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:08:02 2022 +0200\n\n Fix being able to report otherwise inaccessible statuses (#18528)\n\ncommit 1ff4877945e18820f3e518a1cfbac243da65e1a5\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:06:10 2022 +0200\n\n Fix empty votes arbitrarily increasing voters count in polls (#18526)\n\ncommit 976cd6413e9b2a1531a2ad17945342deaeec538c\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:04:16 2022 +0200\n\n Fix moderator leak in undo_mark_statuses_as_sensitive (#18525)\n\n Signed-off-by: Eugen Rochko \n\n Co-authored-by: 40826d <74816220+40826d@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 9f81b9f29a14093cefcdbf09058ace089cd8e06b\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:04:05 2022 +0200\n\n Fix suspended users being able to access APIs that don't require a user (#18524)\n\ncommit 96129c2f10a82520648f6ae04e585cf797403617\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:03:54 2022 +0200\n\n Fix confirmation redirect to app without `Location` header (#18523)\n\ncommit 3e0e7a1cfb617837ccada330afc13ed804c3c47b\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 20:32:48 2022 +0200\n\n Fix follower and other counters being able to go negative (#18517)\n\ncommit 702b709d9a8df2ed65c54d32d585a4cf5fe13de1\nAuthor: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \nDate: Fri May 27 03:29:28 2022 +0900\n\n Add ES6 compatibility to browserslist (#18519)\n\ncommit d8abc0018f59ed63fb6c5fae2f6081c141a4b978\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 18:43:14 2022 +0200\n\n Remove 3.3.x from supported versions in security policy (#18516)\n\ncommit 088dc0ec5a383006952c0b15508af882a4c1109c\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 18:05:47 2022 +0200\n\n Fix regression in `tootctl search deploy` caused by unloaded attribute (#18514)\n\ncommit a4fa9e23fc1ddb42452bb8f051a31894796c8002\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 17:55:05 2022 +0200\n\n Change \"dangerous\" to \"sensitive\" in privacy policy and web UI (#18515)\n\n Fix #18470\n\ncommit 440eb71310e41d668f00980b73358edd5f8df043\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Thu May 26 15:50:33 2022 +0200\n\n Change unapproved and unconfirmed account to not be accessible in the REST API (#17530)\n\n * Change unapproved and unconfirmed account to not be accessible in the REST API\n\n * Change Account#searchable? to reject unconfirmed and unapproved users\n\n * Disable search for unapproved and unconfirmed users in Account.search_for\n\n * Disable search for unapproved and unconfirmed users in Account.advanced_search_for\n\n * Remove unconfirmed and unapproved accounts from Account.searchable scope\n\n * Prevent mentions to unapproved/unconfirmed accounts\n\n * Fix some old tests for Account.advanced_search_for\n\n * Add some Account.advanced_search_for tests for existing behaviors\n\n * Add some tests for Account.search_for\n\n * Add Account.advanced_search_for tests unconfirmed and unapproved accounts\n\n * Add Account.searchable tests\n\n * Fix Account.without_unapproved scope potentially messing with previously-applied scopes\n\n * Allow lookup of unconfirmed/unapproved accounts through /api/v1/accounts/lookup\n\n This is so that the API can still be used to check whether an username is free\n to use.\n\ncommit 86f4dba47ef26aa8690354948c49009c3fd49960\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 09:16:19 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.17.12 to 7.18.2 (#18512)\n\n Bumps [@babel/preset-env](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-preset-env) from 7.17.12 to 7.18.2.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.18.2/packages/babel-preset-env)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/preset-env\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 77823333bb38a12705af486fa9b69cbd646dbd79\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 09:06:44 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/plugin-transform-runtime from 7.17.12 to 7.18.2 (#18511)\n\n Bumps [@babel/plugin-transform-runtime](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime) from 7.17.12 to 7.18.2.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.18.2/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/plugin-transform-runtime\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit ddddd4c043bd722b7e01a0595cd5f7a606fde281\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 08:41:07 2022 +0900\n\n Bump immutable from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 (#18502)\n\n Bumps [immutable](https://github.com/immutable-js/immutable-js) from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/immutable-js/immutable-js/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/immutable-js/immutable-js/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/immutable-js/immutable-js/compare/v4.0.0...v4.1.0)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: immutable\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 01db33165757042f3d95a6e372a9652b0223c5c2\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 08:06:55 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/plugin-transform-runtime from 7.17.12 to 7.18.0 (#18489)\n\n Bumps [@babel/plugin-transform-runtime](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime) from 7.17.12 to 7.18.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.18.0/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/plugin-transform-runtime\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 2bc5e41b8384b1c62832be2abead47670d169dfa\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 08:06:29 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/runtime from 7.17.9 to 7.18.0 (#18494)\n\n Bumps [@babel/runtime](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-runtime) from 7.17.9 to 7.18.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.18.0/packages/babel-runtime)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/runtime\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 4d48d83b0088f9e039691435407bd3d6e92e6f63\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 08:05:53 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/core from 7.17.12 to 7.18.0 (#18490)\n\n Bumps [@babel/core](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-core) from 7.17.12 to 7.18.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.18.0/packages/babel-core)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/core\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 25dda3061e4308a5005d3a2fef373acffc510a66\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Thu May 26 00:20:30 2022 +0200\n\n Fix unnecessary query on status creation (#17901)\n\ncommit 96f29ce91ad622a0127bc3c3bf2dc503062ed0dc\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Tue May 24 16:33:18 2022 +0200\n\n New Crowdin updates (#18458)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Armenian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Armenian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Armenian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * Run `yarn manage:translations`\n\n * Run `bundle exec i18n-tasks normalize`\n\n Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \n\ncommit e5997a195602624efdb366e9f09ffa377e859580\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Mon May 23 20:38:29 2022 +0200\n\n Fix warning an account outside of a report closing all reports for that account (#18387)\n\n * Fix warning an account outside of a report closing all reports for that account\n\n * Make it clear what actions solve other reports\n\n * Revert \"Make it clear what actions solve other reports\"\n\n This reverts commit ad006de821f72e75480701298d13f0945b509059.\n\ncommit a9b64b24d6c076cb96a66307c07d4f0158dc07da\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sun May 22 22:16:43 2022 +0200\n\n Change algorithm of `tootctl search deploy` to improve performance (#18463)\n\ncommit 54bb659ad14fda8d3427752d2c99716420997d6e\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Sat May 21 15:43:36 2022 +0900\n\n Bump sidekiq from 6.4.1 to 6.4.2 (#18091)\n\n Bumps [sidekiq](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq) from 6.4.1 to 6.4.2.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/blob/main/Changes.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/compare/v6.4.1...v6.4.2)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: sidekiq\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit dfb9e6dab1b119c907dece5555408c9b98ec8f2c\nAuthor: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \nDate: Fri May 20 11:39:05 2022 +0900\n\n Disable transpile to older iOS versions (#18462)\n\ncommit e925b06721057f83f2e3e8e7bdb21f39318b90a2\nAuthor: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \nDate: Fri May 20 02:26:19 2022 +0900\n\n Fix languages dropdown on light theme (#18460)\n\ncommit 9a0fa28993568cb3f106f0ea6457b0ff0f9a132e\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 19 12:58:16 2022 +0200\n\n New Crowdin updates (#18419)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.json (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.json (Japanese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.json (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Asturian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Irish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.json (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.json (Slovak)\n\n * New translations en.json (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.json (English, United Kingdom)\n\n * New translations en.json (Norwegian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Romanian)\n\n * New translations en.json (French)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Bulgarian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Persian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Tamil)\n\n * New translations en.json (Malayalam)\n\n * New translations en.json (Silesian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Taigi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kabyle)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sanskrit)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sardinian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Corsican)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin))\n\n * New translations en.json (Occitan)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kannada)\n\n * New translations en.json (Cornish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sinhala)\n\n * New translations en.json (Breton)\n\n * New translations en.json (Tatar)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kazakh)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico)\n\n * New translations en.json (Bengali)\n\n * New translations en.json (Marathi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Thai)\n\n * New translations en.json (Croatian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)\n\n * New translations en.json (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hindi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Malay)\n\n * New translations en.json (Telugu)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.json (Uyghur)\n\n * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.json (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Greek)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.json (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.json (Indonesian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.json (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.json (Danish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ukrainian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (French)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.json (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.json (Polish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Russian)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * Run `yarn manage:translations`\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Slovenian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Slovenian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Greek)\n\n * New translations en.json (Thai)\n\n * New translations en.json (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Japanese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Japanese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Basque)\n\n * New translations en.yml (German)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.json (Galician)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.json (Korean)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ukrainian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Thai)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (French)\n\n * New translations en.json (Indonesian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * Run `yarn manage:translations`\n\n * Run `bundle exec i18n-tasks normalize`\n\n Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \n\ncommit 679b7158e3cd3881e8cbaf2d2c0c97725b3b5fd9\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Wed May 18 23:29:14 2022 +0200\n\n Change search indexing to use batches to minimize resource usage (#18451)\n\ncommit ded5a0254a4d29a7384ef766a1e92467fe4ebd2b\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 19 03:33:13 2022 +0900\n\n Bump yargs from 17.4.1 to 17.5.1 (#18437)\n\n Bumps [yargs](https://github.com/yargs/yargs) from 17.4.1 to 17.5.1.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/yargs/yargs/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/yargs/yargs/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/yargs/yargs/compare/v17.4.1...v17.5.1)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: yargs\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit ffc2971466417aafe778eddcb1510ea934cef973\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 19 03:30:31 2022 +0900\n\n Bump dotenv from 16.0.0 to 16.0.1 (#18438)\n\n Bumps [dotenv](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv) from 16.0.0 to 16.0.1.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv/compare/v16.0.0...v16.0.1)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: dotenv\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit a918a76bfbdd300e3ef549307706bdfa630f824b\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 19 03:29:53 2022 +0900\n\n Bump glob from 8.0.1 to 8.0.3 (#18440)\n\n Bumps [glob](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob) from 8.0.1 to 8.0.3.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob/blob/main/changelog.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob/compare/v8.0.1...v8.0.3)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: glob\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 6b4e2d5ce686140797dd207b1ba932a86665262f\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 19 03:27:55 2022 +0900\n\n Bump rubocop from 1.28.2 to 1.29.1 (#18433)\n\n Bumps [rubocop](https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop) from 1.28.2 to 1.29.1.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop/compare/v1.28.2...v1.29.1)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: rubocop\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 6048eeed045693be63ad34dc97e98f7b2e519a70\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 19 03:27:02 2022 +0900\n\n Bump faker from 2.20.0 to 2.21.0 (#18434)\n\n Bumps [faker](https://github.com/faker-ruby/faker) from 2.20.0 to 2.21.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/faker-ruby/faker/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/faker-ruby/faker/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/faker-ruby/faker/compare/v2.20.0...v2.21.0)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: faker\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 1a880533acb1a8b6ee11db357d8cb8864f0e05e3\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 18 21:25:23 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12 (#18443)\n\n Bumps [@babel/preset-env](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-preset-env) from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.17.12/packages/babel-preset-env)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/preset-env\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \n\ncommit d842f645d11e99521d1c27a13ce53f97de357d52\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 18 21:16:16 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators from 7.17.9 to 7.17.12 (#18442)\n\n Bumps [@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-plugin-proposal-decorators) from 7.17.9 to 7.17.12.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.17.12/packages/babel-plugin-proposal-decorators)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \n\ncommit a4d7426f10efac27527cb2a9b24b829596d2a1cf\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 18 21:02:31 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/plugin-transform-runtime from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12 (#18441)\n\n Bumps [@babel/plugin-transform-runtime](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime) from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.17.12/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/plugin-transform-runtime\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 82d4a45630028fb9bc8c72db3e5fd3188d807b83\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 18 21:01:58 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/preset-react from 7.16.7 to 7.17.12 (#18436)\n\n Bumps [@babel/preset-react](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-preset-react) from 7.16.7 to 7.17.12.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.17.12/packages/babel-preset-react)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/preset-react\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 9fcef31580075d679c0a66f9a5e99cd1b526a24c\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 18 21:01:23 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/core from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12 (#18439)\n\n Bumps [@babel/core](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-core) from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.17.12/packages/babel-core)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/core\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit e0bdaeab657d9a320aaf506d98ca82d41e7bfdd5\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Tue May 17 14:52:26 2022 +0200\n\n Fix NoMethodError when resolving a link that redirects to a local post (#18314)\n\n * Fix NoMethodError when resolving a link that redirects to a local post\n\n * Fix tests\n\ncommit c78a622ba4bd7fce511e5f079dd6b8deb17f9cef\nAuthor: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \nDate: Tue May 17 17:12:00 2022 +0900\n\n Prevent update to redis 4.1.0 (#18444)\n\ncommit d25015fc5b6c6b31dcf726b02dd0742475d9d9c8\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Mon May 16 20:14:20 2022 +0200\n\n Revert \"Bump redis from 4.0.6 to 4.1.0\" (#18430)\n\ncommit 6c699b17234355598d6d3237e8826adf6f0688f9\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Mon May 16 19:13:36 2022 +0200\n\n Fix preferred posting language returning unusable value in REST API (#18428)\n\ncommit 0cdb07757050825725cac76f1c9cf11cf64acc0a\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Mon May 16 11:18:35 2022 +0200\n\n Add language dropdown to compose in web UI (#18420)\n\ncommit c3fac61f56b3ad63534961f3d3c426cdf8ac6213\nAuthor: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \nDate: Mon May 16 08:00:09 2022 +0900\n\n Fix `Mastodon::RaceConditionError` that occurs when external status is reblogged (#18424)\n\n * Fix `Mastodon::RaceConditionError` that occurs when external status is reblogged\n\n * Replace to `@object`\n\ncommit 95a036c598f54db673e5b4933cc92565ab198efc\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sun May 15 11:04:59 2022 +0200\n\n New Crowdin updates (#18339)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Asturian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Kannada)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sinhala)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Marathi)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Malay)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Croatian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Kazakh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hindi)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Telugu)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Breton)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Uyghur)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Tatar)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Malayalam)\n\n * New translations en.yml (English, United Kingdom)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Swedish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Greek)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Polish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Asturian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Persian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Persian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Persian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Persian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Persian)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Indonesian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Japanese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Japanese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Thai)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.json (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (French)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Greek)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Albanian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Danish)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Polish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Indonesian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (German)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.yml (French)\n\n * New translations en.json (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.yml (French)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hindi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hindi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hindi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Slovenian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.json (English, United Kingdom)\n\n * New translations en.yml (French)\n\n * New translations en.yml (French)\n\n * New translations en.json (French)\n\n * New translations en.json (Croatian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Tatar)\n\n * New translations en.json (Tatar)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hebrew)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hebrew)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Swedish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Slovak)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Slovak)\n\n * New translations en.json (Slovak)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Danish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Polish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Indonesian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Italian)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Polish)\n\n * Run `yarn manage:translations`\n\n * Run `bundle exec i18n-tasks normalize`\n\n Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \n\ncommit 98400a6887f1eb67fb131433bb28a69246800c4c\nAuthor: James Smith <119005+jgsmith@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Sat May 14 04:03:44 2022 -0400\n\n Support STREAMING_API_BASE_URL in Helm Chart (#18408)\n\n This adds a mastodon.streaming.base_url setting in the Helm chart values\n file to allow setting the STREAMING_API_BASE_URL in the Mastodon environnment\n config map.\n\ncommit 42c976fd65486186e3e7d259d1fced20de7be0bb\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sat May 14 06:51:59 2022 +0200\n\n Fix missing string for appeal validation error (#18410)\n\ncommit 6cf57c676550068a59149ca82d63fcb5b5431158\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri May 13 00:02:35 2022 +0200\n\n Refactor how Redis locks are created (#18400)\n\n * Refactor how Redis locks are created\n\n * Fix autorelease duration on account deletion lock\n\ncommit 12535568f7435ed627c37312782f8ca07e83eca9\nAuthor: Jeong Arm \nDate: Fri May 13 05:40:54 2022 +0900\n\n Fix rss view on hashtag (#18406)\n\ncommit bda8345e91b0e1d7b2c0534d09cb53973cb9ab18\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 12 10:54:27 2022 +0900\n\n Bump rails from to 6.1.6 (#18372)\n\n Bumps [rails](https://github.com/rails/rails) from to 6.1.6.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/rails/rails/releases)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/rails/rails/compare/v6.1.5.1...v6.1.6)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: rails\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 2923ca461fec98de6973ac48546e76d4ef4c4bc6\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 12 10:44:41 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @rails/ujs from 6.1.5 to 6.1.6 (#18380)\n\n Bumps [@rails/ujs](https://github.com/rails/rails) from 6.1.5 to 6.1.6.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/rails/rails/releases)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/rails/rails/compare/v6.1.5...v6.1.6)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@rails/ujs\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit a52dc01f301be96b17cbec1032b4defd1848ba88\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 12 10:43:30 2022 +0900\n\n Bump nokogiri from 1.13.4 to 1.13.6 (#18371)\n\n Bumps [nokogiri](https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri) from 1.13.4 to 1.13.6.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/blob/v1.13.6/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/compare/v1.13.4...v1.13.6)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: nokogiri\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 3261d89af638687ff30d6766c46a22bd6f07abfe\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 12 10:42:52 2022 +0900\n\n Bump aws-sdk-s3 from 1.113.2 to 1.114.0 (#18373)\n\n Bumps [aws-sdk-s3](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby) from 1.113.2 to 1.114.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/version-3/gems/aws-sdk-s3/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/commits)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: aws-sdk-s3\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 95555f15b55291b97477465f8d8a7eba526d6522\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:15:04 2022 +0900\n\n Bump jest from 28.0.3 to 28.1.0 (#18377)\n\n Bumps [jest](https://github.com/facebook/jest/tree/HEAD/packages/jest) from 28.0.3 to 28.1.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/facebook/jest/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/facebook/jest/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/facebook/jest/commits/v28.1.0/packages/jest)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: jest\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 68260c0257f45b631e6d14f7d1283ae8766b2fac\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:09:31 2022 +0900\n\n Bump sidekiq-unique-jobs from 7.1.21 to 7.1.22 (#18375)\n\n Bumps [sidekiq-unique-jobs](https://github.com/mhenrixon/sidekiq-unique-jobs) from 7.1.21 to 7.1.22.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/mhenrixon/sidekiq-unique-jobs/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/mhenrixon/sidekiq-unique-jobs/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/mhenrixon/sidekiq-unique-jobs/compare/v7.1.21...v7.1.22)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: sidekiq-unique-jobs\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit a2ef5e321275c301b37b4dfbe82beeb905365271\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:08:27 2022 +0900\n\n Bump array-includes from 3.1.4 to 3.1.5 (#18381)\n\n Bumps [array-includes](https://github.com/es-shims/array-includes) from 3.1.4 to 3.1.5.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/es-shims/array-includes/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/es-shims/array-includes/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/es-shims/array-includes/compare/v3.1.4...v3.1.5)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: array-includes\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 3ca348fa119b2174a708b0402b698a8dea96f98d\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:04:12 2022 +0900\n\n Bump i18n-tasks from 1.0.9 to 1.0.10 (#18370)\n\n Bumps [i18n-tasks](https://github.com/glebm/i18n-tasks) from 1.0.9 to 1.0.10.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/glebm/i18n-tasks/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/glebm/i18n-tasks/blob/main/CHANGES.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/glebm/i18n-tasks/compare/v1.0.9...v1.0.10)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: i18n-tasks\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 593637145ea0ec56c35e17590be5fbd26389edf0\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:02:08 2022 +0900\n\n Bump babel-jest from 28.0.3 to 28.1.0 (#18374)\n\n Bumps [babel-jest](https://github.com/facebook/jest/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-jest) from 28.0.3 to 28.1.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/facebook/jest/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/facebook/jest/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/facebook/jest/commits/v28.1.0/packages/babel-jest)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: babel-jest\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 19216f93b5dbf64ee5ace221945eefc408c51370\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:01:51 2022 +0900\n\n Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 28.0.2 to 28.1.0 (#18379)\n\n Bumps [jest-environment-jsdom](https://github.com/facebook/jest/tree/HEAD/packages/jest-environment-jsdom) from 28.0.2 to 28.1.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/facebook/jest/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/facebook/jest/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/facebook/jest/commits/v28.1.0/packages/jest-environment-jsdom)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: jest-environment-jsdom\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit e7d0bf731efaee24c7c0101d4ff597fab0ee9a59\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:01:16 2022 +0900\n\n Bump capybara from 3.36.0 to 3.37.1 (#18376)\n\n Bumps [capybara](https://github.com/teamcapybara/capybara) from 3.36.0 to 3.37.1.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/teamcapybara/capybara/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/teamcapybara/capybara/blob/master/History.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/teamcapybara/capybara/compare/3.36.0...3.37.1)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: capybara\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit d3c18058d7c722994e653f27be5c01e651d94d5f\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:00:31 2022 +0900\n\n Bump react-select from 5.3.1 to 5.3.2 (#18382)\n\n Bumps [react-select](https://github.com/JedWatson/react-select) from 5.3.1 to 5.3.2.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/JedWatson/react-select/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/JedWatson/react-select/blob/master/docs/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/JedWatson/react-select/compare/react-select@5.3.1...react-select@5.3.2)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: react-select\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit b4d373a3df2752d9f8bdc0d7f02350528f3789b2\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Tue May 10 09:44:35 2022 +0200\n\n Add `limited` attribute to accounts in REST API and a warning in web UI (#18344)\n\ncommit 898fe2fa8e886d62de2bd9b15eb758054216d33d\nAuthor: luzpaz \nDate: Mon May 9 22:58:04 2022 -0400\n\n Fix typo in source `setted`->`set` (#18385)\n\n Found via `codespell -q 3 -S ./CHANGELOG.md,./AUTHORS.md,./config/locales,./app/javascript/mastodon/locales -L ba,keypair,medias,ro`\n\ncommit 662ed53c18b39bb0c89cf18ede3436af15ee3447\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Mon May 9 23:20:19 2022 +0200\n\n Fix block/mute lists showing a follow button when unblocking a user (#18364)\n\n Fixes #601\n\ncommit f714e24ff104c3525a9a31be442364d2be1273fd\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Mon May 9 23:19:11 2022 +0200\n\n Fix redis configuration not being changed by mastodon:setup (#18383)\n\n Fixes #18342\n\ncommit 2b8dc58b7ff7fb708687c08a75c99b3fb30efc49\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Mon May 9 07:43:08 2022 +0200\n\n Change RSS feeds (#18356)\n\n * Change RSS feeds\n\n - Use date and time for titles instead of ellipsized text\n - Use full content in body, even when there is a content warning\n - Use media extensions\n\n * Change feed icons and add width and height attributes to custom emojis\n\n * Fix custom emoji animate on hover breaking\n\n * Fix tests\n\ncommit f17e73da09e6c63665aee4e9731df7808094960e\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Sat May 7 04:50:40 2022 +0200\n\n Fix streaming notifications not using quick filter logic (#18316)\n\n Fixes #18309\n\n The quickFilter logic was used on display and to request new notification\n pages, but not for live updates. The main issue this caused is bump the unread\n notifications count regardless of the quickFilter setting.\n\n Since notifications are re-fetched when changing quickFilter settings, it is\n safe to drop live notifications that do not match the selected filter.\n\ncommit 991353682d96cecd4695e150cb6030613d447844\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Fri May 6 21:41:34 2022 +0200\n\n Fix ambiguous wording on appeal actions (#18328)\n\n Fixes #18322\n\ncommit 5a448d0d7143475dabe315e6038ec27b59e9e6b5\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Fri May 6 21:40:49 2022 +0200\n\n Fix floating action button obscuring last element (#18332)\n\n Fixes #18331\n\n Add some padding below the last element of scrollable lists when the FAB is\n shown in order for users to always be able to fully see the last element.\n\ncommit a53003c6f18cd5b4177810e118b158290131b6ec\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Fri May 6 21:40:20 2022 +0200\n\n Fix account warnings not being recorded in audit log (#18338)\n\n * Fix account warnings not being recorded in audit log\n\n Fixes #18334\n\n * Only record warnings if they are not associated to another action\n\ncommit 9250578e6bfe805e81e65fc5d9684bac3503f189\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri May 6 14:53:22 2022 +0200\n\n New Crowdin updates (#18255)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tatar)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sinhala)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.json (Japanese)\n\n * New translations en.json (French)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hebrew)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hebrew)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hebrew)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hebrew)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hebrew)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hebrew)\n\n * New translations en.json (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hebrew)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hebrew…","shortMessageHtmlLink":"合并v3.5.5并解决冲突:"}},{"before":null,"after":"ca809dbf6d3bf399d7ce1cfcf02f53ae4c8b66c7","ref":"refs/heads/main-v3.5.5-local-only-quote","pushedAt":"2024-08-11T20:51:23.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"chasedream1129","name":"ChaseDream","path":"/chasedream1129","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/36710631?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"添加quote功能:\n\ncommit 9e99d8e6d67c1b4b667619919c64fb866b8e6b32\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Tue Aug 16 13:46:43 2022 +0900\n\n fixup! Fix quote to be compatible for Mastodon v3.5\n\ncommit bc449c05613babd9f429b37650dd3957499cac6b\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Thu Jan 27 09:53:13 2022 +0900\n\n Change NoteObject's quoteURL to quoteUri and introduced fedibird namespace in @context\n\ncommit f290732b2d61236b78caf0675b0003598269df50\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Thu Feb 24 13:15:34 2022 +0900\n\n Fix quote to be compatible for Mastodon v3.5\n\ncommit 378945b98481d66a70f2c470ce9137553b6130ff\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Wed Feb 23 18:00:46 2022 +0900\n\n Add noopener and noreferrer to quote remote links\n\ncommit 2088fbe112223585ee7a80de2552a89166192b34\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Wed Feb 23 10:01:21 2022 +0900\n\n Remove unneeded code from quote\n\ncommit be246b5ddd24f40839e1b8c79014c5785b325983\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Fri Jul 23 19:55:56 2021 +0900\n\n Fix to dismiss quote where the target post was deleted\n\ncommit eaab810d39d0ad09e401b1137ceaf96c686c200e\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Thu Jan 7 15:56:40 2021 +0900\n\n Fix quote on public stream\n\ncommit e31b4af454f2ec367e2f7f1336ef2f5cb5b99098\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Mon Jan 4 13:39:11 2021 +0900\n\n Fix not hiding quoted unlisted status in non public timeline\n\ncommit a1f5781fcd83a7372047ee2998b187d265946bfa\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Mon Jan 4 09:45:37 2021 +0900\n\n Fix missing frameRate\n\ncommit b23d461f130b36a8e7f5012c4e29acab0c7ae1cd\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Mon Jan 4 04:49:35 2021 +0900\n\n Fix missing reblog_of_quote\n\ncommit 68037da77660f9c11ce53c04ebe49474d9d6f722\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Mon Jan 4 00:28:17 2021 +0900\n\n Fix modal footer to react to quoted posts\n\ncommit a4373dd4d07ce99eba9d0e942b25afc60234762f\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Thu Dec 31 08:27:24 2020 +0900\n\n Fix expand video on public page for quote\n\ncommit d23f3085f3aaed9cd504e32f1adeef9046e752d9\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Sat Dec 19 10:14:10 2020 +0900\n\n fix rtl in quote_indicator\n\ncommit 0c797116145f24a71cd1697d2a6a38ada27b6ae9\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Tue Dec 8 22:58:24 2020 +0900\n\n Fix Open handler in quote media\n\ncommit 78fb5beeb3ec9e8158821806a63f26a1112d531a\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Sun Dec 27 21:53:54 2020 +0900\n\n Add quote button in PiP\n\ncommit 56b644be633b52ad96da95aa2c09ce1ee74796f9\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Sat Jun 6 12:59:45 2020 +0900\n\n Fix to hide mute and blocked quotes\n\ncommit c7f721e8a1bd6ebe3ef4971ca83065c9ae9001ea\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Wed Oct 7 22:28:02 2020 +0900\n\n Fix PictureInPicture to work in quotes\n\ncommit 185ff5d9eb15dc083a0635c5afb9c415c0857722\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Sat Jul 25 19:16:43 2020 +0900\n\n Fix quoted audio\n\ncommit 814b7cf18ed23b5d436bdebe2a5fc36ec437da3c\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Fri Jun 26 07:26:25 2020 +0900\n\n Fix tooltip 'cannot be quoted'\n\ncommit 94a0a4fd88263c4cc9e0c52492aeccc27de21027\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Thu Jun 4 05:28:05 2020 +0900\n\n Fix an avatar icon size of the status quoted on the public page\n\ncommit 02e6ce3ed8907f13eab51e10d6e23c7c135566fd\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Tue Nov 12 14:09:06 2019 +0900\n\n Add \"Show poll\" link to quoted poll\n\ncommit 10b8d3c40a5ec1a45c2951041d7924016365d66b\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Fri Nov 29 12:10:59 2019 +0900\n\n Apply quote by parsing post body\n\ncommit 8c56e189e19acea8fba0476da05895c16d2818eb\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Tue Nov 12 20:20:08 2019 +0900\n\n Compatible with Misskey quote\n\ncommit dceccade71d218c9e4aad9eed6b01a3b093bd5ff\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Mon Feb 24 23:56:04 2020 +0900\n\n Change not to delete the element specified in invisible\n\ncommit 568c40774650f7bb4336d2cf425a32bd56cef330\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Sun Mar 1 19:31:59 2020 +0900\n\n Add index to statuses quote_id\n\ncommit 787524fdf938b8027803bb209f907150413a2625\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Fri Feb 28 07:45:54 2020 +0900\n\n Fix to reject status quotations other than public and unlisted\n\ncommit e1ea799641a64e5ed8bcd8c771b7b1573882ca15\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Mon Feb 24 14:19:46 2020 +0900\n\n Add confirmation of overwriting of input content when quoting\n\ncommit 5fe632994d7e839c6ac741db1ee9e102b834fe78\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Mon Feb 24 12:53:28 2020 +0900\n\n Add feature_quote to instance API\n\ncommit 1f3d824912fe4f8dfb8f39863b31bff915ef985a\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Mon Feb 24 11:36:40 2020 +0900\n\n Fix boost target to be quoted if boosted\n\ncommit 651a8062b34a27b6bf5e45de8ea56b928e58ebe0\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Fri Feb 21 21:49:06 2020 +0900\n\n Fix quote nesting at once, add quote_id\n\ncommit d6267585bd8e621c8f1b58f553ec6fd1b4146772\nAuthor: wakin <8th.mail@gmail.com>\nDate: Sun Sep 29 13:41:03 2019 +0900\n\n remake quote feature\n\ncommit 809b863ecdbf5989c2916e6f47343524f568704f\nAuthor: Genbu Hase \nDate: Sun Apr 8 16:56:25 2018 +0900\n\n [New] Implement a feature of quote\n\ncommit ff9f883e404b8351950d6d6442e80b39ab84f7dd\nAuthor: noellabo \nDate: Thu Feb 24 14:03:54 2022 +0900\n\n Fix start in flex box to flex-start\n\ncommit 696f7b360882e71ff45b6ddafc8eea17184a0f31\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Mon Nov 14 22:26:24 2022 +0100\n\n Bump version to 3.5.5\n\ncommit b22e1476ca667e1ab83ab26a93203c3f253540af\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Mon Nov 14 22:14:55 2022 +0100\n\n Fix nodes order being sometimes mangled when rewriting emoji (#20677)\n\n * Fix front-end emoji tests\n\n * Fix nodes order being sometimes mangled when rewriting emoji\n\ncommit 105ab8242582c6df02e3693f4620793add5c84f6\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Mon Nov 14 11:23:10 2022 +0100\n\n Bump version to 3.5.4\n\ncommit 2dd8f977e84b67ed073a932accd2fbf4d2f38f3a\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Wed Nov 9 14:21:57 2022 +0100\n\n Fix emoji substitution not applying only to text nodes in backend code\n\n Signed-off-by: Claire \n\ncommit 2db06e1d089404844b632b3a2164c4bd3af24424\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Wed Nov 9 14:16:02 2022 +0100\n\n Fix emoji substitution not applying only to text nodes in Web UI\n\n Signed-off-by: Claire \n\ncommit 063579373e401fdac72b856971ecc01b06065365\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Wed Oct 26 14:58:52 2022 +0200\n\n Fix rate limiting for paths with formats\n\ncommit 1659788de4aa12f78108defb7294a1a23fa363bf\nAuthor: Pierre Bourdon \nDate: Fri Nov 11 07:45:16 2022 +0100\n\n blurhash_transcoder: prevent out-of-bound reads with <8bpp images (#20388)\n\n The Blurhash library used by Mastodon requires an input encoded as 24\n bits raw RGB data. The conversion to raw RGB using Imagemagick did not\n previously specify the desired bit depth. In some situations, this leads\n Imagemagick to output in a pixel format using less bpp than expected.\n This then manifested as segfaults of the Sidekiq process due to\n out-of-bounds read, or potentially a (highly noisy) memory infoleak.\n\n Fixes #19235.\n\ncommit 47eaf85f02e280db8c24cfc4f9bc5a34e99da49e\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Mon Jul 4 11:08:30 2022 +0200\n\n Fix crash when a remote Flag activity mentions a private post (#18760)\n\n * Add tests\n\n * Fix crash when a remote Flag activity mentions a private post\n\ncommit fbcbf7898f000d9d1a21d52e8a8d3ed4602aa7db\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 23:26:15 2022 +0200\n\n Bump version to 3.5.3 (#18530)\n\ncommit 0a1992430db7a859b3b7faa3d9ce4f07734b5fd8\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 23:02:42 2022 +0200\n\n Fix errors when rendering RSS feeds (#18531)\n\ncommit 52f4e834f293c9fdbf5805639d022ac4e3856b75\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:14:47 2022 +0200\n\n Fix concurrent unfollowing decrementing follower count more than once (#18527)\n\ncommit 8a9acbe604667215c9589154d72b3f313755c210\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:08:12 2022 +0200\n\n Fix being able to appeal a strike unlimited times (#18529)\n\n Peculiarity of the `has_one` association is that the convenience\n creation method deletes the previous association even if the new\n one is invalid\n\ncommit c4d2c39a75eccdbc60c3540c259e1e7ea5881ac6\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:08:02 2022 +0200\n\n Fix being able to report otherwise inaccessible statuses (#18528)\n\ncommit 1ff4877945e18820f3e518a1cfbac243da65e1a5\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:06:10 2022 +0200\n\n Fix empty votes arbitrarily increasing voters count in polls (#18526)\n\ncommit 976cd6413e9b2a1531a2ad17945342deaeec538c\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:04:16 2022 +0200\n\n Fix moderator leak in undo_mark_statuses_as_sensitive (#18525)\n\n Signed-off-by: Eugen Rochko \n\n Co-authored-by: 40826d <74816220+40826d@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 9f81b9f29a14093cefcdbf09058ace089cd8e06b\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:04:05 2022 +0200\n\n Fix suspended users being able to access APIs that don't require a user (#18524)\n\ncommit 96129c2f10a82520648f6ae04e585cf797403617\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 22:03:54 2022 +0200\n\n Fix confirmation redirect to app without `Location` header (#18523)\n\ncommit 3e0e7a1cfb617837ccada330afc13ed804c3c47b\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 20:32:48 2022 +0200\n\n Fix follower and other counters being able to go negative (#18517)\n\ncommit 702b709d9a8df2ed65c54d32d585a4cf5fe13de1\nAuthor: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \nDate: Fri May 27 03:29:28 2022 +0900\n\n Add ES6 compatibility to browserslist (#18519)\n\ncommit d8abc0018f59ed63fb6c5fae2f6081c141a4b978\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 18:43:14 2022 +0200\n\n Remove 3.3.x from supported versions in security policy (#18516)\n\ncommit 088dc0ec5a383006952c0b15508af882a4c1109c\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 18:05:47 2022 +0200\n\n Fix regression in `tootctl search deploy` caused by unloaded attribute (#18514)\n\ncommit a4fa9e23fc1ddb42452bb8f051a31894796c8002\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 26 17:55:05 2022 +0200\n\n Change \"dangerous\" to \"sensitive\" in privacy policy and web UI (#18515)\n\n Fix #18470\n\ncommit 440eb71310e41d668f00980b73358edd5f8df043\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Thu May 26 15:50:33 2022 +0200\n\n Change unapproved and unconfirmed account to not be accessible in the REST API (#17530)\n\n * Change unapproved and unconfirmed account to not be accessible in the REST API\n\n * Change Account#searchable? to reject unconfirmed and unapproved users\n\n * Disable search for unapproved and unconfirmed users in Account.search_for\n\n * Disable search for unapproved and unconfirmed users in Account.advanced_search_for\n\n * Remove unconfirmed and unapproved accounts from Account.searchable scope\n\n * Prevent mentions to unapproved/unconfirmed accounts\n\n * Fix some old tests for Account.advanced_search_for\n\n * Add some Account.advanced_search_for tests for existing behaviors\n\n * Add some tests for Account.search_for\n\n * Add Account.advanced_search_for tests unconfirmed and unapproved accounts\n\n * Add Account.searchable tests\n\n * Fix Account.without_unapproved scope potentially messing with previously-applied scopes\n\n * Allow lookup of unconfirmed/unapproved accounts through /api/v1/accounts/lookup\n\n This is so that the API can still be used to check whether an username is free\n to use.\n\ncommit 86f4dba47ef26aa8690354948c49009c3fd49960\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 09:16:19 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.17.12 to 7.18.2 (#18512)\n\n Bumps [@babel/preset-env](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-preset-env) from 7.17.12 to 7.18.2.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.18.2/packages/babel-preset-env)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/preset-env\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 77823333bb38a12705af486fa9b69cbd646dbd79\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 09:06:44 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/plugin-transform-runtime from 7.17.12 to 7.18.2 (#18511)\n\n Bumps [@babel/plugin-transform-runtime](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime) from 7.17.12 to 7.18.2.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.18.2/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/plugin-transform-runtime\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit ddddd4c043bd722b7e01a0595cd5f7a606fde281\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 08:41:07 2022 +0900\n\n Bump immutable from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 (#18502)\n\n Bumps [immutable](https://github.com/immutable-js/immutable-js) from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/immutable-js/immutable-js/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/immutable-js/immutable-js/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/immutable-js/immutable-js/compare/v4.0.0...v4.1.0)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: immutable\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 01db33165757042f3d95a6e372a9652b0223c5c2\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 08:06:55 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/plugin-transform-runtime from 7.17.12 to 7.18.0 (#18489)\n\n Bumps [@babel/plugin-transform-runtime](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime) from 7.17.12 to 7.18.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.18.0/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/plugin-transform-runtime\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 2bc5e41b8384b1c62832be2abead47670d169dfa\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 08:06:29 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/runtime from 7.17.9 to 7.18.0 (#18494)\n\n Bumps [@babel/runtime](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-runtime) from 7.17.9 to 7.18.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.18.0/packages/babel-runtime)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/runtime\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 4d48d83b0088f9e039691435407bd3d6e92e6f63\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 26 08:05:53 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/core from 7.17.12 to 7.18.0 (#18490)\n\n Bumps [@babel/core](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-core) from 7.17.12 to 7.18.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.18.0/packages/babel-core)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/core\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 25dda3061e4308a5005d3a2fef373acffc510a66\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Thu May 26 00:20:30 2022 +0200\n\n Fix unnecessary query on status creation (#17901)\n\ncommit 96f29ce91ad622a0127bc3c3bf2dc503062ed0dc\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Tue May 24 16:33:18 2022 +0200\n\n New Crowdin updates (#18458)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Armenian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Armenian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Armenian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * Run `yarn manage:translations`\n\n * Run `bundle exec i18n-tasks normalize`\n\n Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \n\ncommit e5997a195602624efdb366e9f09ffa377e859580\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Mon May 23 20:38:29 2022 +0200\n\n Fix warning an account outside of a report closing all reports for that account (#18387)\n\n * Fix warning an account outside of a report closing all reports for that account\n\n * Make it clear what actions solve other reports\n\n * Revert \"Make it clear what actions solve other reports\"\n\n This reverts commit ad006de821f72e75480701298d13f0945b509059.\n\ncommit a9b64b24d6c076cb96a66307c07d4f0158dc07da\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sun May 22 22:16:43 2022 +0200\n\n Change algorithm of `tootctl search deploy` to improve performance (#18463)\n\ncommit 54bb659ad14fda8d3427752d2c99716420997d6e\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Sat May 21 15:43:36 2022 +0900\n\n Bump sidekiq from 6.4.1 to 6.4.2 (#18091)\n\n Bumps [sidekiq](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq) from 6.4.1 to 6.4.2.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/blob/main/Changes.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/compare/v6.4.1...v6.4.2)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: sidekiq\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit dfb9e6dab1b119c907dece5555408c9b98ec8f2c\nAuthor: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \nDate: Fri May 20 11:39:05 2022 +0900\n\n Disable transpile to older iOS versions (#18462)\n\ncommit e925b06721057f83f2e3e8e7bdb21f39318b90a2\nAuthor: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \nDate: Fri May 20 02:26:19 2022 +0900\n\n Fix languages dropdown on light theme (#18460)\n\ncommit 9a0fa28993568cb3f106f0ea6457b0ff0f9a132e\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Thu May 19 12:58:16 2022 +0200\n\n New Crowdin updates (#18419)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.json (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.json (Japanese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.json (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Asturian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Irish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.json (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.json (Slovak)\n\n * New translations en.json (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.json (English, United Kingdom)\n\n * New translations en.json (Norwegian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Romanian)\n\n * New translations en.json (French)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Bulgarian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Persian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Tamil)\n\n * New translations en.json (Malayalam)\n\n * New translations en.json (Silesian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Taigi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kabyle)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sanskrit)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sardinian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Corsican)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin))\n\n * New translations en.json (Occitan)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kannada)\n\n * New translations en.json (Cornish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sinhala)\n\n * New translations en.json (Breton)\n\n * New translations en.json (Tatar)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kazakh)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico)\n\n * New translations en.json (Bengali)\n\n * New translations en.json (Marathi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Thai)\n\n * New translations en.json (Croatian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk)\n\n * New translations en.json (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)\n\n * New translations en.json (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hindi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Malay)\n\n * New translations en.json (Telugu)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.json (Uyghur)\n\n * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.json (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Greek)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.json (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.json (Indonesian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.json (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.json (Danish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ukrainian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (French)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.json (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.json (Polish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Russian)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * Run `yarn manage:translations`\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Slovenian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Slovenian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Greek)\n\n * New translations en.json (Thai)\n\n * New translations en.json (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.json (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Japanese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Japanese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Basque)\n\n * New translations en.yml (German)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.json (Galician)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.json (Korean)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ukrainian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Thai)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (French)\n\n * New translations en.json (Indonesian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * Run `yarn manage:translations`\n\n * Run `bundle exec i18n-tasks normalize`\n\n Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \n\ncommit 679b7158e3cd3881e8cbaf2d2c0c97725b3b5fd9\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Wed May 18 23:29:14 2022 +0200\n\n Change search indexing to use batches to minimize resource usage (#18451)\n\ncommit ded5a0254a4d29a7384ef766a1e92467fe4ebd2b\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 19 03:33:13 2022 +0900\n\n Bump yargs from 17.4.1 to 17.5.1 (#18437)\n\n Bumps [yargs](https://github.com/yargs/yargs) from 17.4.1 to 17.5.1.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/yargs/yargs/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/yargs/yargs/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/yargs/yargs/compare/v17.4.1...v17.5.1)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: yargs\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit ffc2971466417aafe778eddcb1510ea934cef973\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 19 03:30:31 2022 +0900\n\n Bump dotenv from 16.0.0 to 16.0.1 (#18438)\n\n Bumps [dotenv](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv) from 16.0.0 to 16.0.1.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv/compare/v16.0.0...v16.0.1)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: dotenv\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit a918a76bfbdd300e3ef549307706bdfa630f824b\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 19 03:29:53 2022 +0900\n\n Bump glob from 8.0.1 to 8.0.3 (#18440)\n\n Bumps [glob](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob) from 8.0.1 to 8.0.3.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob/blob/main/changelog.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob/compare/v8.0.1...v8.0.3)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: glob\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 6b4e2d5ce686140797dd207b1ba932a86665262f\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 19 03:27:55 2022 +0900\n\n Bump rubocop from 1.28.2 to 1.29.1 (#18433)\n\n Bumps [rubocop](https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop) from 1.28.2 to 1.29.1.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop/compare/v1.28.2...v1.29.1)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: rubocop\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 6048eeed045693be63ad34dc97e98f7b2e519a70\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 19 03:27:02 2022 +0900\n\n Bump faker from 2.20.0 to 2.21.0 (#18434)\n\n Bumps [faker](https://github.com/faker-ruby/faker) from 2.20.0 to 2.21.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/faker-ruby/faker/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/faker-ruby/faker/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/faker-ruby/faker/compare/v2.20.0...v2.21.0)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: faker\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 1a880533acb1a8b6ee11db357d8cb8864f0e05e3\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 18 21:25:23 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12 (#18443)\n\n Bumps [@babel/preset-env](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-preset-env) from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.17.12/packages/babel-preset-env)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/preset-env\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \n\ncommit d842f645d11e99521d1c27a13ce53f97de357d52\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 18 21:16:16 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators from 7.17.9 to 7.17.12 (#18442)\n\n Bumps [@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-plugin-proposal-decorators) from 7.17.9 to 7.17.12.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.17.12/packages/babel-plugin-proposal-decorators)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \n\ncommit a4d7426f10efac27527cb2a9b24b829596d2a1cf\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 18 21:02:31 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/plugin-transform-runtime from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12 (#18441)\n\n Bumps [@babel/plugin-transform-runtime](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime) from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.17.12/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/plugin-transform-runtime\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 82d4a45630028fb9bc8c72db3e5fd3188d807b83\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 18 21:01:58 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/preset-react from 7.16.7 to 7.17.12 (#18436)\n\n Bumps [@babel/preset-react](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-preset-react) from 7.16.7 to 7.17.12.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.17.12/packages/babel-preset-react)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/preset-react\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 9fcef31580075d679c0a66f9a5e99cd1b526a24c\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 18 21:01:23 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @babel/core from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12 (#18439)\n\n Bumps [@babel/core](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-core) from 7.17.10 to 7.17.12.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/babel/babel/commits/v7.17.12/packages/babel-core)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@babel/core\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit e0bdaeab657d9a320aaf506d98ca82d41e7bfdd5\nAuthor: Claire \nDate: Tue May 17 14:52:26 2022 +0200\n\n Fix NoMethodError when resolving a link that redirects to a local post (#18314)\n\n * Fix NoMethodError when resolving a link that redirects to a local post\n\n * Fix tests\n\ncommit c78a622ba4bd7fce511e5f079dd6b8deb17f9cef\nAuthor: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \nDate: Tue May 17 17:12:00 2022 +0900\n\n Prevent update to redis 4.1.0 (#18444)\n\ncommit d25015fc5b6c6b31dcf726b02dd0742475d9d9c8\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Mon May 16 20:14:20 2022 +0200\n\n Revert \"Bump redis from 4.0.6 to 4.1.0\" (#18430)\n\ncommit 6c699b17234355598d6d3237e8826adf6f0688f9\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Mon May 16 19:13:36 2022 +0200\n\n Fix preferred posting language returning unusable value in REST API (#18428)\n\ncommit 0cdb07757050825725cac76f1c9cf11cf64acc0a\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Mon May 16 11:18:35 2022 +0200\n\n Add language dropdown to compose in web UI (#18420)\n\ncommit c3fac61f56b3ad63534961f3d3c426cdf8ac6213\nAuthor: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \nDate: Mon May 16 08:00:09 2022 +0900\n\n Fix `Mastodon::RaceConditionError` that occurs when external status is reblogged (#18424)\n\n * Fix `Mastodon::RaceConditionError` that occurs when external status is reblogged\n\n * Replace to `@object`\n\ncommit 95a036c598f54db673e5b4933cc92565ab198efc\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sun May 15 11:04:59 2022 +0200\n\n New Crowdin updates (#18339)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Asturian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Kannada)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Sinhala)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Marathi)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Malay)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Croatian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Kazakh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Estonian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hindi)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Telugu)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Breton)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Uyghur)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Tatar)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Malayalam)\n\n * New translations en.yml (English, United Kingdom)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Swedish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Greek)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Polish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Asturian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Persian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Persian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Persian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Persian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Persian)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Indonesian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Japanese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Japanese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Thai)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.json (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (French)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.json (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Ido)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Italian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Greek)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Icelandic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Albanian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Danish)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Polish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Indonesian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (German)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.yml (French)\n\n * New translations en.json (Galician)\n\n * New translations en.yml (French)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Arabic)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hindi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hindi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Hindi)\n\n * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Slovenian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hungarian)\n\n * New translations en.json (English, United Kingdom)\n\n * New translations en.yml (French)\n\n * New translations en.yml (French)\n\n * New translations en.json (French)\n\n * New translations en.json (Croatian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)\n\n * New translations en.json (Tatar)\n\n * New translations en.json (Tatar)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hebrew)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Hebrew)\n\n * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Russian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Swedish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Turkish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Welsh)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Latvian)\n\n * New translations en.json (Slovak)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Slovak)\n\n * New translations en.json (Slovak)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Czech)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Portuguese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Afrikaans)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.json (Esperanto)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Danish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese)\n\n * New translations en.yml (German)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Kurmanji (Kurdish))\n\n * New translations en.yml (Polish)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Indonesian)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Korean)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Italian)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)\n\n * New translations en.yml (Polish)\n\n * Run `yarn manage:translations`\n\n * Run `bundle exec i18n-tasks normalize`\n\n Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi \n\ncommit 98400a6887f1eb67fb131433bb28a69246800c4c\nAuthor: James Smith <119005+jgsmith@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Sat May 14 04:03:44 2022 -0400\n\n Support STREAMING_API_BASE_URL in Helm Chart (#18408)\n\n This adds a mastodon.streaming.base_url setting in the Helm chart values\n file to allow setting the STREAMING_API_BASE_URL in the Mastodon environnment\n config map.\n\ncommit 42c976fd65486186e3e7d259d1fced20de7be0bb\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Sat May 14 06:51:59 2022 +0200\n\n Fix missing string for appeal validation error (#18410)\n\ncommit 6cf57c676550068a59149ca82d63fcb5b5431158\nAuthor: Eugen Rochko \nDate: Fri May 13 00:02:35 2022 +0200\n\n Refactor how Redis locks are created (#18400)\n\n * Refactor how Redis locks are created\n\n * Fix autorelease duration on account deletion lock\n\ncommit 12535568f7435ed627c37312782f8ca07e83eca9\nAuthor: Jeong Arm \nDate: Fri May 13 05:40:54 2022 +0900\n\n Fix rss view on hashtag (#18406)\n\ncommit bda8345e91b0e1d7b2c0534d09cb53973cb9ab18\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 12 10:54:27 2022 +0900\n\n Bump rails from to 6.1.6 (#18372)\n\n Bumps [rails](https://github.com/rails/rails) from to 6.1.6.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/rails/rails/releases)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/rails/rails/compare/v6.1.5.1...v6.1.6)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: rails\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 2923ca461fec98de6973ac48546e76d4ef4c4bc6\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 12 10:44:41 2022 +0900\n\n Bump @rails/ujs from 6.1.5 to 6.1.6 (#18380)\n\n Bumps [@rails/ujs](https://github.com/rails/rails) from 6.1.5 to 6.1.6.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/rails/rails/releases)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/rails/rails/compare/v6.1.5...v6.1.6)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: \"@rails/ujs\"\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit a52dc01f301be96b17cbec1032b4defd1848ba88\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 12 10:43:30 2022 +0900\n\n Bump nokogiri from 1.13.4 to 1.13.6 (#18371)\n\n Bumps [nokogiri](https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri) from 1.13.4 to 1.13.6.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/blob/v1.13.6/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/compare/v1.13.4...v1.13.6)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: nokogiri\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 3261d89af638687ff30d6766c46a22bd6f07abfe\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Thu May 12 10:42:52 2022 +0900\n\n Bump aws-sdk-s3 from 1.113.2 to 1.114.0 (#18373)\n\n Bumps [aws-sdk-s3](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby) from 1.113.2 to 1.114.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/version-3/gems/aws-sdk-s3/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/commits)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: aws-sdk-s3\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 95555f15b55291b97477465f8d8a7eba526d6522\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:15:04 2022 +0900\n\n Bump jest from 28.0.3 to 28.1.0 (#18377)\n\n Bumps [jest](https://github.com/facebook/jest/tree/HEAD/packages/jest) from 28.0.3 to 28.1.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/facebook/jest/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/facebook/jest/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/facebook/jest/commits/v28.1.0/packages/jest)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: jest\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 68260c0257f45b631e6d14f7d1283ae8766b2fac\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:09:31 2022 +0900\n\n Bump sidekiq-unique-jobs from 7.1.21 to 7.1.22 (#18375)\n\n Bumps [sidekiq-unique-jobs](https://github.com/mhenrixon/sidekiq-unique-jobs) from 7.1.21 to 7.1.22.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/mhenrixon/sidekiq-unique-jobs/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/mhenrixon/sidekiq-unique-jobs/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/mhenrixon/sidekiq-unique-jobs/compare/v7.1.21...v7.1.22)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: sidekiq-unique-jobs\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit a2ef5e321275c301b37b4dfbe82beeb905365271\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:08:27 2022 +0900\n\n Bump array-includes from 3.1.4 to 3.1.5 (#18381)\n\n Bumps [array-includes](https://github.com/es-shims/array-includes) from 3.1.4 to 3.1.5.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/es-shims/array-includes/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/es-shims/array-includes/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/es-shims/array-includes/compare/v3.1.4...v3.1.5)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: array-includes\n dependency-type: direct:production\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 3ca348fa119b2174a708b0402b698a8dea96f98d\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:04:12 2022 +0900\n\n Bump i18n-tasks from 1.0.9 to 1.0.10 (#18370)\n\n Bumps [i18n-tasks](https://github.com/glebm/i18n-tasks) from 1.0.9 to 1.0.10.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/glebm/i18n-tasks/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/glebm/i18n-tasks/blob/main/CHANGES.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/glebm/i18n-tasks/compare/v1.0.9...v1.0.10)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: i18n-tasks\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-patch\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 593637145ea0ec56c35e17590be5fbd26389edf0\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:02:08 2022 +0900\n\n Bump babel-jest from 28.0.3 to 28.1.0 (#18374)\n\n Bumps [babel-jest](https://github.com/facebook/jest/tree/HEAD/packages/babel-jest) from 28.0.3 to 28.1.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/facebook/jest/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/facebook/jest/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/facebook/jest/commits/v28.1.0/packages/babel-jest)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: babel-jest\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit 19216f93b5dbf64ee5ace221945eefc408c51370\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:01:51 2022 +0900\n\n Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 28.0.2 to 28.1.0 (#18379)\n\n Bumps [jest-environment-jsdom](https://github.com/facebook/jest/tree/HEAD/packages/jest-environment-jsdom) from 28.0.2 to 28.1.0.\n - [Release notes](https://github.com/facebook/jest/releases)\n - [Changelog](https://github.com/facebook/jest/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)\n - [Commits](https://github.com/facebook/jest/commits/v28.1.0/packages/jest-environment-jsdom)\n\n ---\n updated-dependencies:\n - dependency-name: jest-environment-jsdom\n dependency-type: direct:development\n update-type: version-update:semver-minor\n ...\n\n Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] \n\n Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\n\ncommit e7d0bf731efaee24c7c0101d4ff597fab0ee9a59\nAuthor: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>\nDate: Wed May 11 04:01:16 2022 +0900\n\n Bump capybara from 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