The original Tak function is defined as:
int tak(int x, int y, int z) {
if (y < x) {
return tak(tak(x-1, y, z), tak(y-1, z, x), tak(z-1, x, y));
} else {
return z;
A version of the Tak function that does one less recursive call is the following:
int tak(int x, int y, int z) {
while (x > y) {
int oldx = x, oldy = y;
x = tak(x - 1, y, z);
y = tak(y - 1, z, oldx);
if (x <= y)
z = tak(z - 1, oldx, oldy);
return z;
By having all three x
, y
and z
variables encrypted, we address the termination problem, as it is not possible to test the termination condition using encrypted values. This is solved by introducing a new variable iter
, which will replaces the two conditions that are based on encrypted values (i.e., while (x > y)
and its counterpart if (x <= y)
). Using the iter
variable, Tak function always runs a maximum number of iterations corresponding to the range of variables x
, y
and z
To prevent unintended changes to the correct results or intermediate variables due to the additional iterations, the algorithm uses the output of function G on input (x > y
), which allows keeping the desired value for each variable.
Each recursive call uses a decreasing input parameter (iter
), which corresponds to the remaining recusion depth, and ensures safe termination of the algorithm.
int tak_unrolled(int x, int y, int z, int iter) {
int sel = gfun(x-y, 1); // sel = x > y;
while (iter--) { // perform fixed iterations
int oldx = (1 - sel) * oldx + sel * x; // update oldx depending on the value of sel
int oldy = (1 - sel) * oldy + sel * y;
x = (1 - sel) * x + sel * tak_unrolled(x - 1, y, z, iter); // keep either x or the result of recursion
y = (1 - sel) * y + sel * tak_unrolled(y - 1, z, oldx, iter);
sel = gfun(x-y, 1); // update sel = x > y;
z = (1 - sel) * z + sel * tak_unrolled(z - 1, oldx, oldy, iter);
return z;
int gfun(int x, int y) {
return (x <= 0) ? 0 : y;
Important: The programmer is responsible to set a correct initial value for the iter
parameter. It can be shown that if x
, y
and z
are in the same range [0, MAX_NUM]
, the minimum value the iterations for correct results is MAX_NUM-1
For example:
#define MAX_NUM 3
int main(void) {
for (int i = 0 ; i <= MAX_NUM ; i++) {
for (int j = 0 ; j <= MAX_NUM ; j++) {
for (int k = 0 ; k <= MAX_NUM ; k++) {
assert(tak(i, j, k) == tak_unrolled(i, j, k, ITERATIONS));
return 0;
The source code of this benchmark is available both in C
as well as CEAL
) format. In CEAL,
denotes a privacy-preserving program. The Cryptoleq architecture supports branching oracles, such as function G, and CEAL
can invoke this function natively using ._G
. For architectures that do not support branching oracles natively, the .c
source code simulates this functionality by defining int gfun(int, int)