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Configure the extension

Magmodules edited this page Jul 21, 2017 · 2 revisions

To configure the Mollie Payment extension you can go to your Magento® 2 admin portal, to ‘Stores’ > ‘Configuration’ > ‘Sales’ > ‘Payment Methods’ > ‘Mollie Payments’ > Select General.

  1. Set ‘Enabled’ to ‘Yes’

  2. Select product in the Product field

  3. Enter the Test and/or API key of your webshop. You can look up both API keys in your [Mollie Dashboard] (

  4. Save the configuration

  5. Configure each payment method you would like to offer in your webshop

  6. Enable only those payment methods that you applied for and for which you have received a confirmation from us

  7. For every payment method you would like to offer, click on the payment method

  8. Clear and refresh the caches after saving the configuration