All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
v1.1 (16, Sep, 2019)
v1.1b2 (14, Sep, 2019)
- Fix Long symble issue(#58) (thanks @northernbird and @ta9ya)
v1.1b1 (6, Sep, 2019)
- Add conversions: kya, kyu, kyo
- Rewording README document
v1.1a1 (8, Jul, 2019)
- pytest: now run on project root without tox, by generating dictionary as a test fixture.
- tox: run tox test with installed dictionary instead of a generated fixture.
- Optimize kana conversion function.
- Move to src and to tests
- Version naming follows PEP386.
- Sometimes fails to insert space after punctuation(#79).
- Special case in kana-roman passport conversion such as 'etchu' etc.