| ', 'class,colspan,rowspan');
- msg = _('error_grid_get_content_toscreen', {
- message: `${output} `
- });
- } else {
- msg = _('error_grid_get_content_tolog');
- output = Ext.util.Format.stripTags(output).replaceAll('>', '>').replaceAll('<', '<');
- console.error(output);
- }
- } else {
- // With some scenarios, such as when php display_errors = 1 and MODx system setting debug = 0 (reporting off), the reponseText will be empty and the status will be 200
- msg = _('error_grid_get_content_no_msg');
- }
- this.getView().emptyText = `${msg} `;
- this.getView().refresh(false);
- }
+ windows: {},
- ,saveRecord: function(e) {
- e.record.data.menu = null;
- var p = this.config.saveParams || {};
- Ext.apply(e.record.data,p);
- var d = Ext.util.JSON.encode(e.record.data);
- var url = this.config.saveUrl || (this.config.url || this.config.connector);
- MODx.Ajax.request({
- url: url
- ,params: {
- action: this.config.save_action || 'updateFromGrid'
- ,data: d
- }
- ,listeners: {
- success: {
- fn: function(r) {
- if (this.config.save_callback) {
- Ext.callback(this.config.save_callback,this.config.scope || this,[r]);
- }
- e.record.commit();
- if (!this.config.preventSaveRefresh) {
- const gridRefresh = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(() => this.refresh());
- gridRefresh.delay(200);
- }
- this.fireEvent('afterAutoSave',r);
- }
- ,scope: this
- }
- ,failure: {
- fn: function(r) {
- e.record.reject();
- this.fireEvent('afterAutoSave', r);
- }
- ,scope: this
- }
- }
- });
- }
+ protectedIdentifiers: null,
- * Method executed after a record has been edited/saved inline from within the grid
- *
- * @param {Object} response - The processor save response object. See modConnectorResponse::outputContent (PHP)
+ * @property {String} permissionsProviderProp Specifies which property within a record contains
+ * the permissions object ('data' or 'json'). Local grids use Array stores where only the
+ * data *values* are stored in a simple array (record.json); the permissions and other object
+ * data must be stored in record.data. Remote stores, however, store their non-form (derived)
+ * data such as permissions in record.json.
- ,onAfterAutoSave: function(response) {
- if (!response.success && response.message === '') {
- var msg = '';
- if (response.data.length) {
- // We get some data for specific field(s) error but not regular error message
- Ext.each(response.data, function(data, index, list) {
- msg += (msg != '' ? ' ' : '') + data.msg;
- }, this);
- }
- if (Ext.isEmpty(msg)) {
- // Still no valid message so far, let's use some fallback
- msg = this.autosaveErrorMsg || _('error');
- }
- MODx.msg.alert(_('error'), msg);
- }
- }
- ,onChangePerPage: function(tf,nv) {
- if (Ext.isEmpty(nv)) return false;
- nv = parseInt(nv);
- this.getBottomToolbar().pageSize = nv;
- this.store.load({params:{
- start:0
- ,limit: nv
- }});
- }
+ permissionsProviderProp: 'data',
- ,loadWindow: function(btn,e,win,or) {
- var r = this.menu.record;
- if (!this.windows[win.xtype] || win.force) {
- Ext.applyIf(win,{
- record: win.blankValues ? {} : r
- ,grid: this
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:win.success || this.refresh,scope:win.scope || this}
- }
- });
- if (or) {
- Ext.apply(win,or);
- }
- this.windows[win.xtype] = Ext.ComponentMgr.create(win);
- }
- if (this.windows[win.xtype].setValues && win.blankValues !== true && r != undefined) {
- this.windows[win.xtype].setValues(r);
- }
- this.windows[win.xtype].show(e.target);
- }
+ userCanEdit: false,
- ,confirm: function(type,text) {
- var p = { action: type };
- var k = this.config.primaryKey || 'id';
- p[k] = this.menu.record[k];
+ userCanCreate: false,
- MODx.msg.confirm({
- title: _(type)
- ,text: _(text) || _('confirm_remove')
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: p
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:this.refresh,scope:this}
- }
- });
- }
+ userCanDelete: false,
- ,remove: function(text, action) {
- if (this.destroying) {
- return MODx.grid.Grid.superclass.remove.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- var r = this.menu.record;
- text = text || 'confirm_remove';
- var p = this.config.saveParams || {};
- Ext.apply(p,{ action: action || 'remove' });
- var k = this.config.primaryKey || 'id';
- p[k] = r[k];
+ gridMenuActions: [],
- if (this.fireEvent('beforeRemoveRow',r)) {
- MODx.msg.confirm({
- title: _('warning')
- ,text: _(text, r)
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: p
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function() {
- this.removeActiveRow(r);
- },scope:this}
- }
- });
- }
- }
+ /**
+ * @property {Boolean} hasNestedFilters - Indicates whether the top toolbar filter(s) are nested
+ * within a secondary container; they will be nested when they have labels and those labels are
+ * positioned above the filter's input.
+ */
+ hasNestedFilters: false,
- ,removeActiveRow: function(r) {
- if (this.fireEvent('afterRemoveRow',r)) {
- var rx = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- this.getStore().remove(rx);
- }
- }
+ /** @property {Boolean} userHasPermissions Whether user has permissions of any kind to manipulate the current grid's data */
+ userHasPermissions: false,
- ,_loadMenu: function() {
- this.menu = new Ext.menu.Menu(this.config.menuConfig);
- }
+ /** @property {Boolean} userHasSavePermissions Whether user has the general ability to save (to either create or edit) */
+ userHasSavePermissions: false,
- ,_showMenu: function(g,ri,e) {
- e.stopEvent();
- e.preventDefault();
- this.menu.record = this.getStore().getAt(ri).data;
- if (!this.getSelectionModel().isSelected(ri)) {
- this.getSelectionModel().selectRow(ri);
- }
- this.menu.removeAll();
- if (this.getMenu) {
- var m = this.getMenu(g,ri,e);
- if (m && m.length && m.length > 0) {
- this.addContextMenuItem(m);
- }
- }
- if ((!m || m.length <= 0) && this.menu.record.menu) {
- this.addContextMenuItem(this.menu.record.menu);
- }
- if (this.menu.items.length > 0) {
- this.menu.showAt(e.xy);
- }
- }
+ showActionsMenu: null,
- ,_loadStore: function() {
- if (this.config.grouping) {
- this.store = new Ext.data.GroupingStore({
- url: this.config.url
- ,baseParams: this.config.baseParams || { action: this.config.action || 'getList'}
- ,reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({
- totalProperty: 'total'
- ,root: 'results'
- ,fields: this.config.fields
- })
- ,sortInfo:{
- field: this.config.sortBy || 'id'
- ,direction: this.config.sortDir || 'ASC'
- }
- ,remoteSort: this.config.remoteSort || false
- ,remoteGroup: this.config.remoteGroup || false
- ,groupField: this.config.groupBy || 'name'
- ,groupDir: this.config.groupDir || 'ASC'
- ,storeId: this.config.storeId || Ext.id()
- ,autoDestroy: true
- ,listeners: {
- beforeload: function(store, options) {
- const changedGroupDir = store.groupField === store.sortInfo.field && store.groupDir !== store.sortInfo.direction;
- if (changedGroupDir) {
- store.groupDir = store.sortInfo.direction;
- store.baseParams.groupDir = store.sortInfo.direction;
- }
- },
- load: function(store, records, options) {
- const cmp = Ext.getCmp('modx-content');
- if (cmp) {
- cmp.doLayout();
- }
- },
- groupchange: {
- fn: function(store, groupField) {
- store.groupDir = this.config.groupDir || 'ASC';
- store.baseParams.groupDir = store.groupDir;
- store.sortInfo.direction = this.config.sortDir || 'ASC';
- store.load();
- },
- scope: this
- }
- }
- });
- } else {
- this.store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
- url: this.config.url
- ,baseParams: this.config.baseParams || { action: this.config.action || 'getList' }
- ,fields: this.config.fields
- ,root: 'results'
- ,totalProperty: 'total'
- ,remoteSort: this.config.remoteSort || false
- ,storeId: this.config.storeId || Ext.id()
- ,autoDestroy: true
- ,listeners:{
- load: function() {
- const cmp = Ext.getCmp('modx-content');
- if (cmp) {
- cmp.doLayout();
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }
- }
+ // -*-*-* LOADERS *-*-*-
- ,_loadColumnModel: function() {
+ _loadColumnModel: function() {
if (this.config.columns) {
- var c = this.config.columns;
- for (var i=0;i ` : '';
+ } else {
+ // When php display_error is on OR the error is caught and explicity sent from the MODx class triggering the error, responseText should contain error text or possibly an object containing message text
+ try {
+ const responseText = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
+ // In what scenario will responseText be an object with a message property?
+ if (responseText && responseText.message) {
+ output = responseText.message;
+ } catch (e) {
+ output = response.responseText;
+ }
+ }
+ if (output) {
+ if (MODx.config.debug > 0) {
+ output = MODx.util.safeHtml(output, ' | ', 'class,colspan,rowspan');
+ msg = _('error_grid_get_content_toscreen', {
+ message: `${output} `
+ });
+ } else {
+ msg = _('error_grid_get_content_tolog');
+ output = Ext.util.Format.stripTags(output).replaceAll('>', '>').replaceAll('<', '<');
+ console.error(output);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // With some scenarios, such as when php display_errors = 1 and MODx system setting debug = 0 (reporting off), the reponseText will be empty and the status will be 200
+ msg = _('error_grid_get_content_no_msg');
+ }
+ this.getView().emptyText = `${msg} `;
+ this.getView().refresh(false);
+ },
- /**
- * When the field has an editor defined, wrap the (optional) renderer with
- * a special renderer that applies a class and tooltip to indicate the
- * column is editable.
- */
- if (c[i].editor) {
- c[i].renderer = this.renderEditableColumn(c[i].renderer);
+ /**
+ * Executes auto save of the row after edits are complete and optional success callback
+ * @param {Ext.Event} e Extended event data including:
+ * * column
+ * * row
+ * * field (name)
+ * * grid (full grid object)
+ * * record (full Ext record object including store, data, json, etc.)
+ * * originalValue
+ * * value (current)
+ */
+ saveRecord: function(e) {
+ e.record.data.menu = null;
+ const p = this.config.saveParams || {};
+ Ext.apply(e.record.data, p);
+ const
+ data = Ext.util.JSON.encode(e.record.data),
+ url = this.config.saveUrl || (this.config.url || this.config.connector)
+ ;
+ MODx.Ajax.request({
+ url: url,
+ params: {
+ action: this.config.save_action || 'updateFromGrid',
+ data: data
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(response) {
+ if (this.config.save_callback) {
+ Ext.callback(this.config.save_callback, this.config.scope || this, [response]);
+ }
+ e.record.commit();
+ if (!this.config.preventSaveRefresh) {
+ const gridRefresh = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(() => this.refresh());
+ gridRefresh.delay(200);
+ }
+ const
+ /** @var {Object} eventData Plucking only the needed event props to forward in the post-save event */
+ eventData = { field: e.field, originalValue: e.originalValue, value: e.value },
+ responseData = { ...response, eventData }
+ ;
+ this.fireEvent('afterAutoSave', responseData);
+ },
+ scope: this
+ },
+ failure: {
+ fn: function(response) {
+ e.record.reject();
+ this.fireEvent('afterAutoSave', response);
+ },
+ scope: this
- this.cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel(c);
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method executed after a record has been edited/saved inline from within the grid
+ *
+ * @param {Object} response - The processor save response object. See modConnectorResponse::outputContent (PHP)
+ */
+ onAfterAutoSave: function(response) {
+ if (!response.success && response.message === '') {
+ let msg = '';
+ if (response.data.length) {
+ // We get some data for specific field(s) error but not regular error message
+ Ext.each(response.data, function(data, index, list) {
+ msg += (msg !== '' ? ' ' : '') + data.msg;
+ }, this);
+ }
+ if (Ext.isEmpty(msg)) {
+ // Still no valid message so far, let's use some fallback
+ msg = this.autosaveErrorMsg || _('error');
+ }
+ MODx.msg.alert(_('error'), msg);
- }
+ },
- ,renderEditableColumn: function(renderer) {
- return function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) {
- if (renderer) {
- if (typeof renderer.fn === 'function') {
- var scope = (renderer.scope) ? renderer.scope : false;
- renderer = renderer.fn.bind(scope);
- }
+ encodeModified: function() {
+ const p = this.getStore().getModifiedRecords(),
+ rs = {}
+ ;
+ for (let i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
+ rs[p[i].data[this.config.primaryKey || 'id']] = p[i].data;
+ }
+ return Ext.encode(rs);
+ },
- if (typeof renderer === 'function') {
- value = renderer(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store);
+ makeUrl: function() {
+ if (Array.isArray(this.config.urlFilters) && this.config.urlFilters.length > 0) {
+ const s = this.getStore(),
+ p = {
+ a: MODx.request.a
+ };
+ if (MODx.request.id) {
+ p.id = MODx.request.id;
+ }
+ if (MODx.request.key) {
+ p.key = MODx.request.key;
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.config.urlFilters.length; ++i) {
+ if (Object.hasOwn(s.baseParams, this.config.urlFilters[i]) && s.baseParams[this.config.urlFilters[i]]) {
+ if (this.config.urlFilters[i] === 'namespace') {
+ p.ns = s.baseParams[this.config.urlFilters[i]];
+ } else {
+ p[this.config.urlFilters[i]] = s.baseParams[this.config.urlFilters[i]];
+ }
- metaData.css = ['x-editable-column', metaData.css || ''].join(' ');
- return value;
+ return Ext.urlAppend(MODx.config.manager_url, Ext.urlEncode(p).replace(/%2F/g, '/'));
- }
+ },
- ,_showMenu: function(g,ri,e) {
- e.stopEvent();
- e.preventDefault();
- this.menu.recordIndex = ri;
- this.menu.record = this.getStore().getAt(ri).data;
- if (!this.getSelectionModel().isSelected(ri)) {
- this.getSelectionModel().selectRow(ri);
- }
- this.menu.removeAll();
- var m = this.getMenu(g,ri);
- if (m) {
- this.addContextMenuItem(m);
- this.menu.showAt(e.xy);
+ replaceState: function() {
+ if (typeof window.history.replaceState !== 'undefined'
+ && Array.isArray(this.config.urlFilters)
+ && this.config.urlFilters.length > 0
+ ) {
+ window.history.replaceState(this.getStore().baseParams, document.title, this.makeUrl());
- }
+ },
- ,getMenu: function() {
- return this.menu.record.menu;
+ /**
+ * Builds the standard "Creator" column model object. This column displays for
+ * objects that have built-in system values as well as values installed/entered
+ * by Extras and/or Users
+ * @param {String} objectType Identifier for object being worked with
+ * @returns {Object} The configuration for the "Creator" column
+ */
+ getCreatorColumnConfig: function(objectType) {
+ return {
+ header: _('grid_column_creator_header'),
+ dataIndex: 'creator',
+ id: `modx-${objectType}--creator`,
+ width: 70,
+ align: 'center',
+ tooltip: _('grid_column_creator_description'),
+ menuDisabled: true
+ };
- ,addContextMenuItem: function(items) {
- var l = items.length;
- for(var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
- var options = items[i];
- if (options == '-') {
- this.menu.add('-');
- continue;
- }
- var h = Ext.emptyFn;
- if (options.handler) {
- h = eval(options.handler);
- if (h && typeof(h) == 'object' && h.xtype) {
- h = this.loadWindow.createDelegate(this,[h],true);
- }
- } else {
- h = function(itm) {
- var o = itm.options;
- var id = this.menu.record.id;
- var w = Ext.get('modx_content');
- if (o.confirm) {
- Ext.Msg.confirm('',o.confirm,function(e) {
- if (e == 'yes') {
- var a = Ext.urlEncode(o.params || {action: o.action});
- var s = '?id='+id+'&'+a;
- if (w === null) {
- location.href = s;
- } else { w.dom.src = s; }
- }
- },this);
- } else {
- var a = Ext.urlEncode(o.params || {action: o.action});
- var s = '?id='+id+'&'+a;
- if (w === null) {
- location.href = s;
- } else { w.dom.src = s; }
- }
- };
- }
- this.menu.add({
- id: options.id || Ext.id()
- ,text: options.text
- ,scope: this
- ,options: options
- ,handler: h
- });
+ Local Grid, used by:
+ - FC Profile Set Fields, Regions, and TVs grids (3)
+ - Element Properties grid
+ - Element Sources grid
+ - Source Properties
+ - Source Access Permissions
+ - Resource, Resource Groups (security) grid
+ - User, Access Permissions (user-groups)
+ - Dashboard Widget, Dashboards grid (modx-grid-dashboard-widget-dashboards)
+ - Dashboards (modx-grid-dashboard-widget-placements)
+MODx.grid.LocalGrid = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: '',
+ enableColumnMove: true,
+ groupingConfig: {
+ hideGroupedColumn: config.hideGroupedColumn
- }
+ });
+ MODx.grid.LocalGrid.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.LocalGrid, MODx.grid.GridBase, {
+ _loadStore: function() {
+ if (this.config.grouping) {
+ this.store = new Ext.data.GroupingStore({
+ data: this.config.data || [],
+ reader: new Ext.data.ArrayReader({}, this.config.fields || []),
+ sortInfo: this.config.sortInfo || {
+ field: this.config.sortBy || 'name',
+ direction: this.config.sortDir || 'ASC'
+ },
+ groupField: this.config.groupBy || 'name'
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.store = new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
+ fields: this.config.fields,
+ data: this.config.data || []
+ });
+ }
+ return this.store;
+ },
- ,remove: function(config) {
+ /**
+ * @override
+ */
+ remove: function(config) {
if (this.destroying) {
return MODx.grid.LocalGrid.superclass.remove.apply(this, arguments);
- var r = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- if (this.fireEvent('beforeRemoveRow',r)) {
- Ext.Msg.confirm(config.title || '',config.text || '',function(e) {
- if (e == 'yes') {
+ const r = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
+ if (this.fireEvent('beforeRemoveRow', r)) {
+ Ext.Msg.confirm(config.title || '', config.text || '', function(e) {
+ if (e === 'yes') {
- this.fireEvent('afterRemoveRow',r);
+ this.fireEvent('afterRemoveRow', r);
- },this);
+ }, this);
- }
+ },
- ,encode: function() {
- var s = this.getStore();
- var ct = s.getCount();
- var rs = this.config.encodeByPk ? {} : [];
- var r;
- for (var j=0;j'
- + ''
- + ''
- + ''
- + '', {
- compiled: true
- });
- }
- ,actionsColumnRenderer: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) {
- var actions = this.getActions.apply(this, arguments);
- if (this.config.disableContextMenuAction !== true) {
- actions.push({
- text: _('context_menu'),
- action: 'contextMenu',
- icon: 'gear'
- });
- }
- return this._getActionsColumnTpl().apply({
- actions: actions
- });
- }
- ,renderLink: function(v,attr) {
- var el = new Ext.Element(document.createElement('a'));
- el.addClass('x-grid-link');
- el.dom.title = _('edit');
- for (var i in attr) {
- el.dom[i] = attr[i];
- }
- el.dom.innerHTML = Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(v);
- return el.dom.outerHTML;
- }
- ,getActions: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) {
- return [];
- }
- ,onClick: function(e) {
- var target = e.getTarget();
- if (!target.classList.contains('x-grid-action')) return;
- if (!target.dataset.action) return;
- var actionHandler = 'action' + target.dataset.action.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + target.dataset.action.slice(1);
- if (!this[actionHandler] || (typeof this[actionHandler] !== 'function')) {
- actionHandler = target.dataset.action;
- if (!this[actionHandler] || (typeof this[actionHandler] !== 'function')) {
- return;
- }
- }
- var record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- var recordIndex = this.store.indexOf(record);
- this.menu.record = record.data;
- this[actionHandler](record, recordIndex, e);
- },
- actionContextMenu: function(record, recordIndex, e) {
- this._showMenu(this, recordIndex, e);
- }
+Ext.reg('grid-local', MODx.grid.LocalGrid);
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-local', MODx.grid.LocalGrid);
/* grid extensions */
@@ -1767,26 +2064,26 @@ Ext.ux.grid.RowExpander = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
* true to toggle selected row(s) between expanded/collapsed when the enter
* key is pressed (defaults to true).
- expandOnEnter : true,
+ expandOnEnter: true,
* @cfg {Boolean} expandOnDblClick
* true to toggle a row between expanded/collapsed when double clicked
* (defaults to true).
- expandOnDblClick : true,
+ expandOnDblClick: true,
- header : '',
- width : 20,
- sortable : false,
- fixed : true,
+ header: '',
+ width: 25,
+ sortable: false,
+ fixed: true,
hideable: false,
- menuDisabled : true,
- dataIndex : '',
- id : 'expander',
- lazyRender : true,
- enableCaching : true,
+ menuDisabled: true,
+ dataIndex: '',
+ id: 'expander',
+ lazyRender: true,
+ enableCaching: true,
- constructor: function(config){
+ constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, config);
@@ -1830,8 +2127,8 @@ Ext.ux.grid.RowExpander = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
- if(this.tpl){
- if(typeof this.tpl == 'string'){
+ if (this.tpl) {
+ if (typeof this.tpl == 'string') {
this.tpl = new Ext.Template(this.tpl);
@@ -1841,39 +2138,40 @@ Ext.ux.grid.RowExpander = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
this.bodyContent = {};
- getRowClass : function(record, rowIndex, p, ds){
- p.cols = p.cols-1;
- var content = this.bodyContent[record.id];
- if(!content && !this.lazyRender){
+ getRowClass: function(record, rowIndex, p, ds) {
+ p.cols -= 1;
+ let content = this.bodyContent[record.id];
+ if (!content && !this.lazyRender) {
content = this.getBodyContent(record, rowIndex);
- if(content){
+ if (content) {
p.body = content;
return this.state[record.id] ? 'x-grid3-row-expanded' : 'x-grid3-row-collapsed';
- init : function(grid){
+ init: function(grid) {
this.grid = grid;
- var view = grid.getView();
+ const view = grid.getView();
view.getRowClass = this.getRowClass.createDelegate(this);
view.enableRowBody = true;
grid.on('render', this.onRender, this);
grid.on('destroy', this.onDestroy, this);
// @private
onRender: function() {
- var grid = this.grid;
- var mainBody = grid.getView().mainBody;
- mainBody.on('mousedown', this.onMouseDown, this, {delegate: '.x-grid3-row-expander'});
+ const
+ { grid } = this,
+ { mainBody } = grid.getView()
+ ;
+ mainBody.on('mousedown', this.onMouseDown, this, { delegate: '.x-grid3-row-expander' });
if (this.expandOnEnter) {
this.keyNav = new Ext.KeyNav(this.grid.getGridEl(), {
- 'enter' : this.onEnter,
+ enter: this.onEnter,
scope: this
@@ -1884,7 +2182,7 @@ Ext.ux.grid.RowExpander = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
// @private
onDestroy: function() {
- if(this.keyNav){
+ if (this.keyNav) {
delete this.keyNav;
@@ -1893,8 +2191,8 @@ Ext.ux.grid.RowExpander = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
* which means the mainBody won't be available. On the off chance that the plugin
* isn't destroyed with the grid, take care of removing the listener.
- var mainBody = this.grid.getView().mainBody;
- if(mainBody){
+ const { mainBody } = this.grid.getView();
+ if (mainBody) {
mainBody.un('mousedown', this.onMouseDown, this);
@@ -1904,76 +2202,75 @@ Ext.ux.grid.RowExpander = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
onEnter: function(e) {
- var g = this.grid;
- var sm = g.getSelectionModel();
- var sels = sm.getSelections();
- for (var i = 0, len = sels.length; i < len; i++) {
- var rowIdx = g.getStore().indexOf(sels[i]);
+ const g = this.grid,
+ sm = g.getSelectionModel(),
+ sels = sm.getSelections();
+ for (let i = 0, len = sels.length; i < len; i++) {
+ const rowIdx = g.getStore().indexOf(sels[i]);
- getBodyContent : function(record, index){
- if(!this.enableCaching){
+ getBodyContent: function(record, index) {
+ if (!this.enableCaching) {
return this.tpl.apply(record.data);
- var content = this.bodyContent[record.id];
- if(!content){
+ let content = this.bodyContent[record.id];
+ if (!content) {
content = this.tpl.apply(record.data);
this.bodyContent[record.id] = content;
return content;
- onMouseDown : function(e, t){
+ onMouseDown: function(e, t) {
- var row = e.getTarget('.x-grid3-row');
+ const row = e.getTarget('.x-grid3-row');
- renderer : function(v, p, record){
+ renderer: function(v, p, record) {
p.cellAttr = 'rowspan="2"';
return ' ';
- beforeExpand : function(record, body, rowIndex){
- if(this.fireEvent('beforeexpand', this, record, body, rowIndex) !== false){
- if(this.tpl && this.lazyRender){
+ beforeExpand: function(record, body, rowIndex) {
+ if (this.fireEvent('beforeexpand', this, record, body, rowIndex) !== false) {
+ if (this.tpl && this.lazyRender) {
body.innerHTML = this.getBodyContent(record, rowIndex);
return true;
- }else{
- return false;
+ return false;
- toggleRow : function(row){
- if(typeof row == 'number'){
+ toggleRow: function(row) {
+ if (typeof row == 'number') {
row = this.grid.view.getRow(row);
this[Ext.fly(row).hasClass('x-grid3-row-collapsed') ? 'expandRow' : 'collapseRow'](row);
- expandRow : function(row){
- if(typeof row == 'number'){
+ expandRow: function(row) {
+ if (typeof row == 'number') {
row = this.grid.view.getRow(row);
- var record = this.grid.store.getAt(row.rowIndex);
- var body = Ext.DomQuery.selectNode('tr:nth(2) div.x-grid3-row-body', row);
- if(this.beforeExpand(record, body, row.rowIndex)){
+ const record = this.grid.store.getAt(row.rowIndex),
+ body = Ext.DomQuery.selectNode('tr:nth(2) div.x-grid3-row-body', row);
+ if (this.beforeExpand(record, body, row.rowIndex)) {
this.state[record.id] = true;
Ext.fly(row).replaceClass('x-grid3-row-collapsed', 'x-grid3-row-expanded');
this.fireEvent('expand', this, record, body, row.rowIndex);
- collapseRow : function(row){
- if(typeof row == 'number'){
+ collapseRow: function(row) {
+ if (typeof row == 'number') {
row = this.grid.view.getRow(row);
- var record = this.grid.store.getAt(row.rowIndex);
- var body = Ext.fly(row).child('tr:nth(1) div.x-grid3-row-body', true);
- if(this.fireEvent('beforecollapse', this, record, body, row.rowIndex) !== false){
+ const record = this.grid.store.getAt(row.rowIndex),
+ body = Ext.fly(row).child('tr:nth(1) div.x-grid3-row-body', true);
+ if (this.fireEvent('beforecollapse', this, record, body, row.rowIndex) !== false) {
this.state[record.id] = false;
Ext.fly(row).replaceClass('x-grid3-row-expanded', 'x-grid3-row-collapsed');
this.fireEvent('collapse', this, record, body, row.rowIndex);
@@ -1983,33 +2280,34 @@ Ext.ux.grid.RowExpander = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
Ext.preg('rowexpander', Ext.ux.grid.RowExpander);
-//backwards compat
+// backwards compat
Ext.grid.RowExpander = Ext.ux.grid.RowExpander;
-Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn = function (a) {
+Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn = function(a) {
Ext.apply(this, a);
if (!this.id) {
- this.id = Ext.id()
+ this.id = Ext.id();
- this.renderer = this.renderer.createDelegate(this)
+ this.renderer = this.renderer.createDelegate(this);
Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn.prototype = {
- init: function (b) {
+ init: function(b) {
this.grid = b;
- this.grid.on('render', function () {
- var a = this.grid.getView();
- a.mainBody.on('mousedown', this.onMouseDown, this)
+ this.grid.on('render', function() {
+ const a = this.grid.getView();
+ a.mainBody.on('mousedown', this.onMouseDown, this);
}, this);
- this.grid.on('destroy', this.onDestroy, this)
- }, onMouseDown: function (e, t) {
+ this.grid.on('destroy', this.onDestroy, this);
+ },
+ onMouseDown: function(e, t) {
- if (t.className && t.className.indexOf('x-grid3-cc-' + this.id) != -1) {
+ if (t.className && t.className.indexOf(`x-grid3-cc-${this.id}`) !== -1) {
- var a = this.grid.getView().findRowIndex(t);
- var b = this.grid.store.getAt(a);
- var sv = b.data[this.dataIndex];
+ const a = this.grid.getView().findRowIndex(t),
+ b = this.grid.store.getAt(a),
+ sv = b.data[this.dataIndex];
b.set(this.dataIndex, !sv);
this.grid.fireEvent('afteredit', {
grid: this.grid,
@@ -2020,11 +2318,13 @@ Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn.prototype = {
cancel: false
- }, renderer: function (v, p, a) {
+ },
+ renderer: function(v, p, a) {
p.css += ' x-grid3-check-col-td';
- return ' '
- }, onDestroy: function () {
- var mainBody = this.grid.getView().mainBody;
+ return ` `;
+ },
+ onDestroy: function() {
+ const { mainBody } = this.grid.getView();
if (mainBody) {
mainBody.un('mousedown', this.onMouseDown, this);
@@ -2033,7 +2333,115 @@ Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn.prototype = {
Ext.preg('checkcolumn', Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn);
Ext.grid.CheckColumn = Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn;
-Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel=function(a,b){var g=Ext.grid,f=Ext.form;this.grid=a;g.PropertyColumnModel.superclass.constructor.call(this,[{header:this.nameText,width:50,sortable:true,dataIndex:'name',id:'name',menuDisabled:true},{header:this.valueText,width:50,resizable:false,dataIndex:'value',id:'value',menuDisabled:true}]);this.store=b;var c=new f.Field({autoCreate:{tag:'select',children:[{tag:'option',value:'true',html:'true'},{tag:'option',value:'false',html:'false'}]},getValue:function(){return this.el.dom.value=='true'}});this.editors={'date':new g.GridEditor(new f.DateField({selectOnFocus:true})),'string':new g.GridEditor(new f.TextField({selectOnFocus:true})),'number':new g.GridEditor(new f.NumberField({selectOnFocus:true,style:'text-align:left;'})),'boolean':new g.GridEditor(c)};this.renderCellDelegate=this.renderCell.createDelegate(this);this.renderPropDelegate=this.renderProp.createDelegate(this)};Ext.extend(Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel,Ext.grid.ColumnModel,{nameText:'Name',valueText:'Value',dateFormat:'m/j/Y',renderDate:function(a){return a.dateFormat(this.dateFormat)},renderBool:function(a){return a?'true':'false'},isCellEditable:function(a,b){return a==1},getRenderer:function(a){return a==1?this.renderCellDelegate:this.renderPropDelegate},renderProp:function(v){return this.getPropertyName(v)},renderCell:function(a){var b=a;if(Ext.isDate(a)){b=this.renderDate(a)}else if(typeof a=='boolean'){b=this.renderBool(a)}return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(b)},getPropertyName:function(a){var b=this.grid.propertyNames;return b&&b[a]?b[a]:a},getCellEditor:function(a,b){var p=this.store.getProperty(b),n=p.data.name,val=p.data.value;if(this.grid.customEditors[n]){return this.grid.customEditors[n]}if(Ext.isDate(val)){return this.editors.date}else if(typeof val=='number'){return this.editors.number}else if(typeof val=='boolean'){return this.editors['boolean']}else{return this.editors.string}},destroy:function(){Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel.superclass.destroy.call(this);for(var a in this.editors){Ext.destroy(a)}}});
+Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel = function(a, b) {
+ const
+ g = Ext.grid,
+ f = Ext.form
+ ;
+ this.grid = a;
+ g.PropertyColumnModel.superclass.constructor.call(this, [
+ {
+ header: this.nameText,
+ width: 50,
+ sortable: true,
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ id: 'name',
+ menuDisabled: true
+ },
+ {
+ header: this.valueText,
+ width: 50,
+ resizable: false,
+ dataIndex: 'value',
+ id: 'value',
+ menuDisabled: true
+ }
+ ]);
+ this.store = b;
+ const c = new f.Field({
+ autoCreate: {
+ tag: 'select',
+ children: [
+ { tag: 'option', value: 'true', html: 'true' },
+ { tag: 'option', value: 'false', html: 'false' }
+ ]
+ },
+ getValue: function() {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
+ return this.el.dom.value == 'true';
+ }
+ });
+ this.editors = {
+ date: new g.GridEditor(new f.DateField({ selectOnFocus: true })),
+ string: new g.GridEditor(new f.TextField({ selectOnFocus: true })),
+ number: new g.GridEditor(new f.NumberField({ selectOnFocus: true, style: 'text-align:left;' })),
+ boolean: new g.GridEditor(c)
+ };
+ this.renderCellDelegate = this.renderCell.createDelegate(this);
+ this.renderPropDelegate = this.renderProp.createDelegate(this);
+Ext.extend(Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel, Ext.grid.ColumnModel, {
+ nameText: 'Name',
+ valueText: 'Value',
+ dateFormat: 'm/j/Y',
+ renderDate: function(a) {
+ return a.dateFormat(this.dateFormat);
+ },
+ renderBool: function(a) {
+ return a ? 'true' : 'false';
+ },
+ isCellEditable: function(a, b) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
+ return a == 1;
+ },
+ getRenderer: function(a) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
+ return a == 1 ? this.renderCellDelegate : this.renderPropDelegate;
+ },
+ renderProp: function(v) {
+ return this.getPropertyName(v);
+ },
+ renderCell: function(a) {
+ let b = a;
+ if (Ext.isDate(a)) {
+ b = this.renderDate(a);
+ } else if (typeof a == 'boolean') {
+ b = this.renderBool(a);
+ }
+ return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(b);
+ },
+ getPropertyName: function(a) {
+ const b = this.grid.propertyNames;
+ return b && b[a] ? b[a] : a;
+ },
+ getCellEditor: function(a, b) {
+ const
+ p = this.store.getProperty(b),
+ n = p.data.name,
+ val = p.data.value
+ ;
+ if (this.grid.customEditors[n]) {
+ return this.grid.customEditors[n];
+ }
+ if (Ext.isDate(val)) {
+ return this.editors.date;
+ }
+ if (typeof val == 'number') {
+ return this.editors.number;
+ }
+ if (typeof val == 'boolean') {
+ return this.editors.boolean;
+ }
+ return this.editors.string;
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel.superclass.destroy.call(this);
+ // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in, no-restricted-syntax
+ for (const a in this.editors) {
+ Ext.destroy(a);
+ }
+ }
* MODx JSON Grid
@@ -2054,18 +2462,17 @@ Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel=function(a,b){var g=Ext.grid,f=Ext.form;this.grid=a
* [{name: 'key'}, {name: 'value'}]
-MODx.grid.JsonGrid = function (config) {
- config = config || {};
- this.ident = config.ident || 'jsongrid-mecitem' + Ext.id();
+MODx.grid.JsonGrid = function(config = {}) {
+ this.ident = config.ident || `jsongrid-mecitem${Ext.id()}`;
this.hiddenField = new Ext.form.TextArea({
name: config.hiddenName || config.name,
hidden: true
- this.fieldConfig = config.fieldConfig || [{name: 'key'}, {name: 'value'}];
- this.fieldConfig.push({name: 'id', hidden: true});
+ this.fieldConfig = config.fieldConfig || [{ name: 'key' }, { name: 'value' }];
+ this.fieldConfig.push({ name: 'id', hidden: true });
this.fieldColumns = [];
this.fieldNames = [];
- Ext.each(this.fieldConfig, function (el) {
+ Ext.each(this.fieldConfig, function(el) {
header: el.header || _(el.name),
@@ -2084,8 +2491,8 @@ MODx.grid.JsonGrid = function (config) {
scope: this
keyup: {
- fn: function (sb) {
- var record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
+ fn: function(sb) {
+ const record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
if (record) {
record.set(sb.fieldname, sb.el.dom.value);
@@ -2103,7 +2510,7 @@ MODx.grid.JsonGrid = function (config) {
}, this);
Ext.applyIf(config, {
- id: this.ident + '-json-grid',
+ id: `${this.ident}-json-grid`,
fields: this.fieldNames,
autoHeight: true,
store: new Ext.data.JsonStore({
@@ -2111,12 +2518,12 @@ MODx.grid.JsonGrid = function (config) {
data: this.loadValue(config.value)
enableDragDrop: true,
- ddGroup: this.ident + '-json-grid-dd',
+ ddGroup: `${this.ident}-json-grid-dd`,
labelStyle: 'position: absolute',
columns: this.fieldColumns,
disableContextMenuAction: true,
tbar: ['->', {
- text: ' ' + _('add'),
+ text: ` ${_('add')}`,
cls: 'primary-button',
handler: this.addElement,
scope: this
@@ -2128,50 +2535,59 @@ MODx.grid.JsonGrid = function (config) {
- MODx.grid.JsonGrid.superclass.constructor.call(this, config)
+ MODx.grid.JsonGrid.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
Ext.extend(MODx.grid.JsonGrid, MODx.grid.LocalGrid, {
- getMenu: function () {
- var m = [];
- m.push({
+ getMenu: function() {
+ const menu = [];
+ menu.push({
text: _('remove'),
handler: this.removeElement
- return m;
+ return menu;
- getActions: function () {
+ /**
+ * @override
+ */
+ getActions: function() {
return [{
action: 'removeElement',
icon: 'trash-o',
text: _('remove')
- }]
+ }];
- addElement: function () {
- var ds = this.getStore();
- var row = {};
- Ext.each(this.fieldNames, function (fieldname) {
+ addElement: function() {
+ const ds = this.getStore(),
+ row = {};
+ Ext.each(this.fieldNames, function(fieldname) {
row[fieldname] = '';
- row['id'] = this.getStore().getCount();
+ row.id = this.getStore().getCount();
+ // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap
this.getStore().insert(this.getStore().getCount(), new ds.recordType(row));
- removeElement: function () {
- Ext.Msg.confirm(_('remove') || '', _('confirm_remove') || '', function (e) {
+ removeElement: function() {
+ Ext.Msg.confirm(_('remove') || '', _('confirm_remove') || '', function(e) {
if (e === 'yes') {
- var ds = this.getStore();
- var rows = this.getSelectionModel().getSelections();
+ const ds = this.getStore(),
+ rows = this.getSelectionModel().getSelections();
if (!rows.length) {
return false;
- for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
- var id = rows[i].id;
- var index = ds.findBy(function (record) {
- if (record.id === id) {
- return true;
- }
- });
+ for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
+ const
+ { id } = rows[i],
+ index = ds.findBy(function(record) {
+ if (record.id === id) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ })
+ ;
@@ -2179,20 +2595,22 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.JsonGrid, MODx.grid.LocalGrid, {
}, this);
- renderListener: function (grid) {
+ renderListener: function(grid) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new Ext.dd.DropTarget(grid.container, {
copy: false,
- ddGroup: this.ident + '-json-grid-dd',
- notifyDrop: function (dd, e, data) {
- var ds = grid.store;
- var sm = grid.getSelectionModel();
- var rows = sm.getSelections();
+ ddGroup: `${this.ident}-json-grid-dd`,
+ notifyDrop: function(dd, e, data) {
+ const ds = grid.store,
+ sm = grid.getSelectionModel(),
+ rows = sm.getSelections(),
- var dragData = dd.getDragData(e);
+ dragData = dd.getDragData(e);
if (dragData) {
- var cindex = dragData.rowIndex;
- if (typeof (cindex) !== "undefined") {
- for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
+ const cindex = dragData.rowIndex;
+ if (typeof (cindex) !== 'undefined') {
+ for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
ds.insert(cindex, data.selections);
@@ -2206,22 +2624,24 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.JsonGrid, MODx.grid.LocalGrid, {
- loadValue: function (value) {
+ loadValue: function(value) {
value = Ext.util.JSON.decode(value);
if (value && Array.isArray(value)) {
- Ext.each(value, function (record, idx) {
- value[idx]['id'] = idx;
+ Ext.each(value, function(record, idx) {
+ value[idx].id = idx;
} else {
value = [];
return value;
- saveValue: function () {
- var value = [];
- Ext.each(this.getStore().getRange(), function (record) {
- var row = {};
- Ext.each(this.fieldNames, function (fieldname) {
+ saveValue: function() {
+ const value = [];
+ Ext.each(this.getStore().getRange(), function(record) {
+ const row = {};
+ Ext.each(this.fieldNames, function(fieldname) {
if (fieldname !== 'id') {
row[fieldname] = record.data[fieldname];
@@ -2229,43 +2649,6 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.JsonGrid, MODx.grid.LocalGrid, {
}, this);
- },
- _getActionsColumnTpl: function () {
- return new Ext.XTemplate(''
- + ''
- + ''
- + ''
- + '', {
- compiled: true
- });
- },
- actionsColumnRenderer: function (value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) {
- return this._getActionsColumnTpl().apply({
- actions: this.getActions()
- });
- },
- onClick: function (e) {
- var target = e.getTarget();
- if (!target.classList.contains('x-grid-action')) return;
- if (!target.dataset.action) return;
- var actionHandler = 'action' + target.dataset.action.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + target.dataset.action.slice(1);
- if (!this[actionHandler] || (typeof this[actionHandler] !== 'function')) {
- actionHandler = target.dataset.action;
- if (!this[actionHandler] || (typeof this[actionHandler] !== 'function')) {
- return;
- }
- }
- var record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- var recordIndex = this.store.indexOf(record);
- this.menu.record = record.data;
- this[actionHandler](record, recordIndex, e);
Ext.reg('grid-json', MODx.grid.JsonGrid);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/core/modx.grid.local.property.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/core/modx.grid.local.property.js
index 9b5b7a3235f..c06a7f61632 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/core/modx.grid.local.property.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/core/modx.grid.local.property.js
@@ -1,119 +1,142 @@
-MODx.grid.LocalProperty = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- dynProperty: 'xtype'
- ,dynField: 'value'
- ,propertyRecord: [{name: 'name'},{name: 'value'}]
- ,data: []
+MODx.grid.LocalProperty = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ dynProperty: 'xtype',
+ dynField: 'value',
+ propertyRecord: [
+ { name: 'name' },
+ { name: 'value' }
+ ],
+ data: []
- MODx.grid.LocalProperty.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.grid.LocalProperty.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
this.propRecord = Ext.data.Record.create(config.propertyRecord);
- onCellDblClick: function(g,ri,ci,e) {
- var cm = this.getColumnModel();
- if (cm.getColumnId(ci) == this.config.dynField) {
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.LocalProperty, MODx.grid.LocalGrid, {
+ onCellDblClick: function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex, e) {
+ const colModel = this.getColumnModel();
+ if (colModel.getColumnId(colIndex) === this.config.dynField) {
- var r = this.getStore().getAt(ri).data;
- this.initEditor(cm,ci,ri,r);
- this.startEditing(ri,ci);
+ const record = this.getStore().getAt(rowIndex).data;
+ this.initEditor(colModel, colIndex, rowIndex, record);
+ this.startEditing(rowIndex, colIndex);
- }
+ },
- ,initEditor: function(cm,ci,ri,r) {
- cm.setEditable(ci,true);
- var xtype = this.config.dynProperty;
- var o;
- if (r[xtype] == 'list') {
- o = this.createCombo(r);
+ initEditor: function(colModel, colIndex, rowIndex, record) {
+ colModel.setEditable(colIndex, true);
+ const fieldType = record[this.config.dynProperty];
+ let fieldCmp;
+ if (fieldType === 'list') {
+ fieldCmp = this.createCombo(record);
} else {
- var z = {};
- z[xtype] = r[xtype] || 'textfield';
+ const config = {};
+ config[this.config.dynProperty] = fieldType || 'textfield';
try {
- o = Ext.ComponentMgr.create(z);
+ fieldCmp = Ext.ComponentMgr.create(config);
} catch (e) {
- z[xtype] = 'textfield';
- o = MODx.load(z);
+ config[this.config.dynProperty] = 'textfield';
+ fieldCmp = MODx.load(config);
- var ed = new Ext.grid.GridEditor(o);
- cm.setEditor(ci,ed);
- return ed;
- }
+ const editor = new Ext.grid.GridEditor(fieldCmp);
+ colModel.setEditor(colIndex, editor);
+ return editor;
+ },
+ renderDynField: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store, grid) {
+ const
+ { data } = record,
+ fieldType = data[this.config.dynProperty],
+ encodedValue = Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(value),
+ rendererArgs = [encodedValue, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store, grid]
+ ;
+ let renderFn;
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record);
- ,renderDynField: function(v,md,rec,ri,ci,s,g) {
- var r = s.getAt(ri).data;
- var f,idx;
- var oz = v;
- var xtype = this.config.dynProperty;
- if (!r[xtype] || r[xtype] == 'combo-boolean') {
- f = MODx.grid.Grid.prototype.rendYesNo;
- return this.renderEditableColumn(f)(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(v),md,rec,ri,ci,s,g);
- } else if (r[xtype] === 'datefield') {
- f = Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('Y-m-d');
- return this.renderEditableColumn(f)(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(v),md,rec,ri,ci,s,g);
- } else if (r[xtype] === 'password') {
- f = this.rendPassword;
- return this.renderEditableColumn(f)(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(v),md,rec,ri,ci,s,g);
- } else if (r[xtype].substr(0,5) == 'combo' || r[xtype] == 'list' || r[xtype].substr(0,9) == 'modx-combo') {
- var cm = g.getColumnModel();
- var ed = cm.getCellEditor(ci,ri);
- var cb;
- if (!ed) {
- r.xtype = r.xtype || 'combo-boolean';
- cb = this.createCombo(r);
- ed = new Ext.grid.GridEditor(cb);
- cm.setEditor(ci,ed);
- } else if (ed && ed.field && ed.field.xtype == 'modx-combo') {
- cb = ed.field;
+ if (!fieldType || fieldType === 'combo-boolean') {
+ renderFn = MODx.grid.Grid.prototype.rendYesNo;
+ return this.renderEditableColumn(renderFn)(...rendererArgs);
+ }
+ if (fieldType === 'datefield') {
+ renderFn = Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('Y-m-d');
+ return this.renderEditableColumn(renderFn)(...rendererArgs);
+ }
+ if (fieldType === 'password') {
+ renderFn = this.rendPassword;
+ return this.renderEditableColumn(renderFn)(...rendererArgs);
+ }
+ if (fieldType.includes('combo') || fieldType === 'list') {
+ const colModel = grid.getColumnModel();
+ let
+ editor = colModel.getCellEditor(colIndex, rowIndex),
+ comboCmp
+ ;
+ if (!editor) {
+ data.xtype = data.xtype || 'combo-boolean';
+ comboCmp = this.createCombo(data);
+ editor = new Ext.grid.GridEditor(comboCmp);
+ colModel.setEditor(colIndex, editor);
+ } else if (editor?.field?.xtype === 'modx-combo') {
+ comboCmp = editor.field;
- if (r[xtype] != 'list') {
- f = Ext.util.Format.comboRenderer(ed.field);
- return this.renderEditableColumn(f)(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(v),md,rec,ri,ci,s,g);
- } else if (cb) {
- idx = cb.getStore().find(cb.valueField,v);
- rec = cb.getStore().getAt(idx);
- if (rec) {
- oz = rec.get(cb.displayField);
- } else {
- oz = v;
+ if (fieldType !== 'list') {
+ renderFn = Ext.util.Format.comboRenderer(editor.field);
+ return this.renderEditableColumn(renderFn)(...rendererArgs);
+ }
+ if (comboCmp) {
+ const
+ valueIndex = comboCmp.getStore().find(comboCmp.valueField, value),
+ comboRecord = comboCmp.getStore().getAt(valueIndex)
+ ;
+ if (comboRecord) {
+ const displayValue = comboRecord.get(comboCmp.displayField);
+ // override args in upper scope with this combo's value and record
+ rendererArgs[0] = Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(displayValue);
+ rendererArgs[2] = comboRecord;
+ return this.renderEditableColumn()(...rendererArgs);
+ },
- return this.renderEditableColumn()(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(oz),md,rec,ri,ci,s,g);
- }
- ,createCombo: function(p) {
- var obj;
+ createCombo: function(record) {
+ let combo;
try {
- obj = Ext.ComponentMgr.create({ xtype: r.xtype, id: Ext.id() });
- } catch(e) {
+ combo = Ext.ComponentMgr.create({
+ xtype: record.xtype,
+ id: Ext.id()
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
try {
- var flds = p.options;
- var data = [];
- for (var i=0;i data.push([option.name, option.value, option.text]));
+ combo = MODx.load({
+ xtype: 'modx-combo',
+ store: new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
+ fields: ['d', 'v', 't'],
+ data: data
+ }),
+ displayField: 'd',
+ valueField: 'v',
+ mode: 'local',
+ triggerAction: 'all',
+ editable: false,
+ selectOnFocus: false,
+ preventRender: true
} catch (e2) {
- obj = Ext.ComponentMgr.create({ xtype: 'combo-boolean', id: Ext.id() });
+ combo = Ext.ComponentMgr.create({
+ xtype: 'combo-boolean',
+ id: Ext.id()
+ });
- return obj;
+ return combo;
+Ext.reg('grid-local-property', MODx.grid.LocalProperty);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.grid.element.properties.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.grid.element.properties.js
index 92e04f45f6b..dca956a366d 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.grid.element.properties.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.grid.element.properties.js
@@ -1,238 +1,305 @@
-MODx.panel.ElementProperties = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-panel-element-properties'
- ,title: _('properties')
- ,header: false
- ,defaults: { collapsible: false ,autoHeight: true ,border: false }
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('element_properties_desc')+' '
- ,itemId: 'desc-properties'
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-element-properties'
- ,cls:'main-wrapper'
- ,id: 'modx-grid-element-properties'
- ,itemId: 'grid-properties'
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,border: true
- ,panel: config.elementPanel
- ,elementId: config.elementId
- ,elementType: config.elementType
- },{
- layout: 'form'
- ,labelAlign: 'top'
- ,border: false
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,items: [{
- xtype: 'xcheckbox'
- ,boxLabel: _('property_preprocess')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('property_preprocess_msg')
- ,name: 'property_preprocess'
- ,id: 'modx-element-property-preprocess'
- ,inputValue: true
- ,hideLabel: true
- ,checked: config.record.property_preprocess || 0
- ,listeners: {
- 'check':{fn:function() {Ext.getCmp(this.config.elementPanel).markDirty();},scope:this}
+MODx.panel.ElementProperties = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-panel-element-properties',
+ title: _('properties'),
+ header: false,
+ defaults: {
+ collapsible: false,
+ autoHeight: true,
+ border: false
+ },
+ layout: 'form',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('element_properties_desc')} `,
+ itemId: 'desc-properties',
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-element-properties',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ id: 'modx-grid-element-properties',
+ itemId: 'grid-properties',
+ autoHeight: true,
+ border: true,
+ panel: config.elementPanel,
+ elementId: config.elementId,
+ elementType: config.elementType
+ }, {
+ layout: 'form',
+ labelAlign: 'top',
+ border: false,
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ items: [{
+ xtype: 'xcheckbox',
+ boxLabel: _('property_preprocess'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('property_preprocess_msg'),
+ name: 'property_preprocess',
+ inputValue: true,
+ hideLabel: true,
+ checked: config.record.property_preprocess || 0,
+ listeners: {
+ check: {
+ fn: function() {
+ Ext.getCmp(this.config.elementPanel).markDirty();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-element-property-preprocess'
- ,html: _('property_preprocess_msg')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('property_preprocess_msg'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
- MODx.panel.ElementProperties.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.panel.ElementProperties.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.panel.ElementProperties, MODx.Panel);
+Ext.reg('modx-panel-element-properties', MODx.panel.ElementProperties);
-MODx.grid.ElementProperties = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
+MODx.grid.ElementProperties = function(config = {}) {
this.exp = new Ext.grid.RowExpander({
- tpl : new Ext.Template(
+ tpl: new Ext.Template(
'{desc_trans} '
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('properties')
- ,id: 'modx-grid-element-properties'
- ,maxHeight: 300
- ,fields: ['name','desc','xtype','options','value','lexicon','overridden','desc_trans','area','area_trans']
- ,autoExpandColumn: 'value'
- ,sortBy: 'name'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:false})
- ,loadMask: true
- ,lockProperties: true
- ,plugins: [this.exp]
- ,grouping: true
- ,groupBy: 'area_trans'
- ,singleText: _('property')
- ,pluralText: _('properties')
- ,columns: [this.exp,{
- header: _('name')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,width: 200
- ,sortable: true
- ,renderer: this._renderName
- },{
- header: _('type')
- ,dataIndex: 'xtype'
- ,width: 100
- ,renderer: this._renderType
- ,sortable: true
- },{
- header: _('value')
- ,dataIndex: 'value'
- ,id: 'value'
- ,width: 250
- ,renderer: this.renderDynField.createDelegate(this,[this],true)
- ,sortable: true
- },{
- header: _('area')
- ,dataIndex: 'area_trans'
- ,id: 'area'
- ,width: 150
- ,sortable: true
- ,hidden: true
- }]
- ,tbar: [{
- text: _('property_create')
- ,id: 'modx-btn-property-create'
- ,handler: this.create
- ,scope: this
- ,disabled: true
- },{
- text: _('properties_default_locked')
- ,id: 'modx-btn-propset-lock'
- ,handler: this.togglePropertiesLock
- ,enableToggle: true
- ,pressed: true
- ,disabled: MODx.perm.unlock_element_properties ? false : true
- ,scope: this
- },'->',{
- xtype: 'modx-combo-property-set'
- ,id: 'modx-combo-property-set'
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Element/PropertySet/GetList'
- ,showAssociated: true
- ,elementId: config.elementId
- ,elementType: config.elementType
- }
- ,value: 0
- ,listeners: {
- 'select': {fn:this.changePropertySet,scope:this}
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('properties'),
+ id: 'modx-grid-element-properties',
+ maxHeight: 300,
+ fields: [
+ 'name',
+ 'desc',
+ 'xtype',
+ 'options',
+ 'value',
+ 'lexicon',
+ 'overridden',
+ 'desc_trans',
+ 'area',
+ 'area_trans',
+ 'permissions'
+ ],
+ autoExpandColumn: 'value',
+ sortBy: 'name',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({
+ singleSelect: false
+ }),
+ loadMask: true,
+ lockProperties: true,
+ plugins: [this.exp],
+ grouping: true,
+ groupBy: 'area_trans',
+ singleText: _('property'),
+ pluralText: _('properties'),
+ columns: [this.exp, {
+ header: _('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ width: 200,
+ sortable: true,
+ renderer: this._renderName
+ }, {
+ header: _('type'),
+ dataIndex: 'xtype',
+ width: 100,
+ renderer: this._renderType,
+ sortable: true
+ }, {
+ header: _('value'),
+ dataIndex: 'value',
+ id: 'value',
+ width: 250,
+ renderer: this.renderDynField.createDelegate(this, [this], true),
+ sortable: true
+ }, {
+ header: _('area'),
+ dataIndex: 'area_trans',
+ id: 'area',
+ width: 150,
+ sortable: true,
+ hidden: true
+ }],
+ tbar: [{
+ text: _('property_create'),
+ id: 'modx-btn-property-create',
+ handler: this.create,
+ scope: this,
+ disabled: true
+ }, {
+ text: _('properties_default_locked'),
+ id: 'modx-btn-propset-lock',
+ handler: this.togglePropertiesLock,
+ enableToggle: true,
+ pressed: true,
+ disabled: !MODx.perm.unlock_element_properties,
+ scope: this
+ }, '->', {
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-property-set',
+ id: 'modx-combo-property-set',
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Element/PropertySet/GetList',
+ showAssociated: true,
+ elementId: config.elementId,
+ elementType: config.elementType,
+ combo: true
+ },
+ value: 0,
+ listeners: {
+ select: {
+ fn: this.changePropertySet,
+ scope: this
+ }
- },{
- text: _('propertyset_add')
- ,handler: this.addPropertySet
- ,scope: this
- },{
- text: _('propertyset_save')
- ,cls: 'primary-button'
- ,handler: this.save
- ,scope: this
- ,hidden: MODx.request.id ? false : true
- }]
- ,bbar: [{
- text: _('property_revert_all')
- ,id: 'modx-btn-property-revert-all'
- ,handler: this.revertAll
- ,scope:this
- ,disabled: true
- },{
- text: _('import')
- ,handler: this.importProperties
- ,scope: this
- },{
- text: _('export')
- ,handler: this.exportProperties
- ,scope: this
- }]
- ,collapseFirst: false
- ,tools: [{
- id: 'plus'
- ,qtip: _('expand_all')
- ,handler: this.expandAll
- ,scope: this
- },{
- id: 'minus'
- ,hidden: true
- ,qtip: _('collapse_all')
- ,handler: this.collapseAll
- ,scope: this
+ }, {
+ text: _('propertyset_add'),
+ id: 'modx-btn-property-set-add',
+ handler: this.addPropertySet,
+ scope: this
+ }, {
+ text: _('propertyset_save'),
+ id: 'modx-btn-property-set-save',
+ cls: 'primary-button',
+ handler: this.save,
+ scope: this,
+ hidden: !MODx.request.id
+ }],
+ bbar: [{
+ text: _('property_revert_all'),
+ id: 'modx-btn-property-revert-all',
+ handler: this.revertAll,
+ scope: this,
+ disabled: true
+ }, {
+ text: _('import'),
+ id: 'modx-btn-property-import',
+ handler: this.importProperties,
+ scope: this
+ }, {
+ text: _('export'),
+ handler: this.exportProperties,
+ scope: this
+ }],
+ collapseFirst: false,
+ tools: [{
+ id: 'plus',
+ qtip: _('expand_all'),
+ handler: this.expandAll,
+ scope: this
+ }, {
+ id: 'minus',
+ hidden: true,
+ qtip: _('collapse_all'),
+ handler: this.collapseAll,
+ scope: this
- MODx.grid.ElementProperties.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
- this.on('afteredit', this.propertyChanged, this);
- this.on('afterRemoveRow', this.propertyChanged, this);
- this.on('render',function() {
- this.mask = new Ext.LoadMask(this.getEl());
- },this);
+ MODx.grid.ElementProperties.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
- if (this.config.lockProperties) {
- this.on('render',function() {
- this.lockMask = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-lockmask'
- ,el: this.getGridEl()
- ,msg: _('properties_default_locked')
- });
- this.lockMask.toggle();
- },this);
- }
+ // Omitting 'revert' action, as it is effectively the same as 'edit'
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['edit', 'delete'];
+ // Note there are currently no action-specific permissions for Dashboards
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['edit_propertyset', 'save_propertyset']);
+ this.setUserCanCreate(['new_propertyset', 'save_propertyset']);
+ this.setUserCanDelete(['delete_propertyset']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
+ this.on({
+ render: grid => {
+ const buttonsToHide = [];
+ this.mask = new Ext.LoadMask(this.getEl());
+ if (this.config.lockProperties) {
+ this.lockMask = MODx.load({
+ xtype: 'modx-lockmask',
+ el: this.getGridEl(),
+ msg: _('properties_default_locked')
+ });
+ this.lockMask.toggle();
+ }
+ if (!this.userCanCreate) {
+ buttonsToHide.push('modx-btn-property-set-add', 'modx-btn-property-import');
+ }
+ if (!this.userCanEdit) {
+ buttonsToHide.push('modx-btn-property-create', 'modx-btn-property-revert-all');
+ if (!this.userCanCreate) {
+ buttonsToHide.push('modx-btn-property-set-save');
+ }
+ }
+ if (
+ !MODx.perm.unlock_element_properties
+ && !this.id === 'modx-grid-element-properties'
+ ) {
+ buttonsToHide.push('modx-btn-propset-lock');
+ }
+ if (buttonsToHide.length > 0) {
+ buttonsToHide.forEach(btnId => Ext.getCmp(btnId)?.hide());
+ }
+ },
+ beforeedit: e => {
+ if (e.record[this.permissionsProviderProp].isProtected || !this.userCanEditRecord(e.record)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ afteredit: e => {
+ this.propertyChanged();
+ },
+ afterRemoveRow: record => {
+ this.propertyChanged();
+ }
+ });
- defaultProperties: []
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.ElementProperties, MODx.grid.LocalProperty, {
+ defaultProperties: [],
- ,onDirty: function() {
+ onDirty: function() {
if (this.config.panel) {
- }
+ },
- ,_renderType: function(v,md,rec,ri) {
- switch (v) {
- case 'combo-boolean': return _('yesno'); break;
- case 'datefield': return _('date'); break;
- case 'numberfield': return _('integer'); break;
- case 'file': return _('file'); break;
- case 'color': return _('color'); break;
+ _renderType: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex) {
+ switch (value) {
+ case 'combo-boolean': return _('yesno');
+ case 'datefield': return _('date');
+ case 'numberfield': return _('integer');
+ case 'file': return _('file');
+ case 'color': return _('color');
+ // no default
- return _(v);
- }
- ,_renderName: function(v,md,rec,ri) {
- switch (rec.data.overridden) {
+ return _(value);
+ },
+ _renderName: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex) {
+ switch (record.data.overridden) {
case 1:
- return ''+v+''; break;
+ return `${value}`;
case 2:
- return ''+v+'';
+ return `${value}`;
- return ''+v+'';
+ return `${value}`;
- }
+ },
- ,save: function() {
- var d = this.encode();
- var cb = Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set');
- if (!cb) {
+ save: function() {
+ const
+ data = this.encode(),
+ propSetCombo = Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set')
+ ;
+ if (!propSetCombo) {
return true;
- var p = {
- action: 'Element/PropertySet/UpdateFromElement'
- ,id: cb.getValue()
- ,data: d
+ const params = {
+ action: 'Element/PropertySet/UpdateFromElement',
+ id: propSetCombo.getValue(),
+ data: data
if (this.config.elementId) {
- Ext.apply(p,{
- elementId: this.config.elementId
- ,elementType: this.config.elementType
+ Ext.apply(params, {
+ elementId: this.config.elementId,
+ elementType: this.config.elementType
try {
@@ -240,361 +307,425 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.ElementProperties,MODx.grid.LocalProperty,{
this.mask = new Ext.LoadMask(this.getEl());
if (this.mask) { this.mask.show(); }
- } catch (e) { }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
+ } catch (e) {}
- url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,params: p
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.getStore().commitChanges();
- this.changePropertySet(cb);
- this.onDirty();
- if (this.mask) { this.mask.hide(); }
- MODx.msg.status({
- title: _('success')
- ,message: _('save_successful')
- ,dontHide: r.message != '' ? true : false
- });
- },scope:this}
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ params: params,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(response) {
+ this.getStore().commitChanges();
+ this.changePropertySet(propSetCombo);
+ this.onDirty();
+ if (this.mask) { this.mask.hide(); }
+ MODx.msg.status({
+ title: _('success'),
+ message: _('save_successful'),
+ dontHide: !Ext.isEmpty(response.message)
+ });
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,addPropertySet: function(btn,e) {
- this.loadWindow(btn,e,{
- xtype: 'modx-window-element-property-set-add'
- ,record: {
- elementId: this.config.elementId != 0 ? this.config.elementId : ''
- ,elementType: this.config.elementType
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(o) {
- var cb = Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set');
- cb.store.reload({
- callback: function() {
- cb.setValue(o.a.result.object.id);
- this.changePropertySet(cb);
- }
- ,scope: this
- });
- this.onDirty();
- },scope:this}
+ addPropertySet: function(btn, e) {
+ this.loadWindow(btn, e, {
+ xtype: 'modx-window-element-property-set-add',
+ record: {
+ elementId: this.config.elementId !== 0 ? this.config.elementId : '',
+ elementType: this.config.elementType
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(response) {
+ const propSetCombo = Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set');
+ propSetCombo.store.reload({
+ callback: function() {
+ propSetCombo.setValue(response.a.result.object.id);
+ this.changePropertySet(propSetCombo);
+ },
+ scope: this
+ });
+ this.onDirty();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,togglePropertiesLock: function() {
- var ps = Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set').getValue();
- if (ps == 0 || ps == _('default')) {
- Ext.getCmp('modx-btn-propset-lock').setText(this.lockMask.locked ? _('properties_default_unlocked') : _('properties_default_locked'));
+ togglePropertiesLock: function() {
+ const propSetId = Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set').getValue();
+ if (propSetId === 0 || propSetId === _('default')) {
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-btn-propset-lock').setText(this.lockMask.locked
+ ? _('properties_default_unlocked')
+ : _('properties_default_locked'))
+ ;
- }
+ },
- ,toggleButtons: function(v) {
- var btn = Ext.getCmp('modx-btn-property-create');
+ toggleButtons: function(value) {
+ const btn = Ext.getCmp('modx-btn-property-create');
if (btn) {
- Ext.getCmp('modx-btn-property-create').setDisabled(v);
- Ext.getCmp('modx-btn-property-revert-all').setDisabled(v);
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-btn-property-create').setDisabled(value);
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-btn-property-revert-all').setDisabled(value);
- }
+ },
- ,changePropertySet: function(cb) {
- var ps = cb.getValue();
- var lockbtn = Ext.getCmp('modx-btn-propset-lock');
- if (ps == 0 || ps == _('default')) {
+ changePropertySet: function(propSetCombo) {
+ const
+ propSetId = propSetCombo.getValue(),
+ lockbtn = Ext.getCmp('modx-btn-propset-lock')
+ ;
+ if (propSetId === 0 || propSetId === _('default')) {
if (MODx.perm.unlock_element_properties) {
- if (lockbtn) { lockbtn.setDisabled(false); }
+ if (lockbtn) {
+ lockbtn.setDisabled(false);
+ }
if (this.lockMask && this.lockMask.locked) {
} else {
- if (lockbtn) { lockbtn.setDisabled(true); }
- if (this.lockMask) this.lockMask.hide();
+ if (lockbtn) {
+ lockbtn.setDisabled(true);
+ }
+ if (this.lockMask) {
+ this.lockMask.hide();
+ }
- url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Element/PropertySet/Get'
- ,id: ps
- ,elementId: this.config.elementId
- ,elementType: this.config.elementType
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- var s = this.getStore();
- var data = Ext.decode(r.object.data);
- s.removeAll();
- s.loadData(data);
- },scope:this}
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Element/PropertySet/Get',
+ id: propSetId,
+ elementId: this.config.elementId,
+ elementType: this.config.elementType
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(response) {
+ const
+ store = this.getStore(),
+ data = Ext.decode(response.object.data)
+ ;
+ store.removeAll();
+ store.loadData(data);
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,create: function(btn,e) {
- this.loadWindow(btn,e,{
- xtype: 'modx-window-element-property-create'
- ,blankValues: true
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- var rec = new this.propRecord({
- name: r.name
- ,desc: r.desc
- ,desc_trans: r.desc
- ,xtype: r.xtype
- ,options: r.options
- ,value: r.value
- ,lexicon: r.lexicon
- ,overridden: this.isDefaultPropSet() ? 0 : 2
- ,area: r.area
- ,area_trans: r.area
- });
- this.getStore().add(rec);
- this.propertyChanged();
- this.onDirty();
- },scope:this}
+ create: function(btn, e) {
+ this.loadWindow(btn, e, {
+ xtype: 'modx-window-element-property-create',
+ blankValues: true,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(response) {
+ const record = new this.propRecord({
+ name: response.name,
+ desc: response.desc,
+ desc_trans: response.desc,
+ xtype: response.xtype,
+ options: response.options,
+ value: response.value,
+ lexicon: response.lexicon,
+ overridden: this.isDefaultPropSet() ? 0 : 2,
+ area: response.area,
+ area_trans: response.area
+ });
+ this.getStore().add(record);
+ this.propertyChanged();
+ this.onDirty();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,update: function(btn,e) {
- this.loadWindow(btn,e,{
- xtype: 'modx-window-element-property-update'
- ,record: this.menu.record
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- var def = this.isDefaultPropSet();
- var s = this.getStore();
- var rec = s.getAt(this.menu.recordIndex);
- rec.set('name',r.name);
- rec.set('desc',r.desc);
- rec.set('desc_trans', r.desc);
- rec.set('xtype',r.xtype);
- rec.set('options',r.options);
- rec.set('value',r.value);
- rec.set('lexicon',r.lexicon);
- rec.set('overridden',r.overridden == 2 ? 2 : (!def ? 1 : 0));
- rec.set('area',r.area);
- rec.set('area_trans',r.area);
- this.getView().refresh();
- this.onDirty();
- },scope:this}
+ update: function(btn, e) {
+ this.loadWindow(btn, e, {
+ xtype: 'modx-window-element-property-update',
+ record: this.menu.record,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(response) {
+ const
+ isDefaultSet = this.isDefaultPropSet(),
+ store = this.getStore(),
+ record = store.getAt(this.menu.recordIndex)
+ ;
+ record.set('name', response.name);
+ record.set('desc', response.desc);
+ record.set('desc_trans', response.desc);
+ record.set('xtype', response.xtype);
+ record.set('options', response.options);
+ record.set('value', response.value);
+ record.set('lexicon', response.lexicon);
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
+ record.set('overridden', response.overridden === 2 ? 2 : (!isDefaultSet ? 1 : 0));
+ record.set('area', response.area);
+ record.set('area_trans', response.area);
+ this.getView().refresh();
+ this.onDirty();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,revert: function(btn,e) {
- Ext.Msg.confirm(_('warning'),_('property_revert_confirm'),function(e) {
- if (e == 'yes') {
- var ri = this.menu.recordIndex;
- var d = this.defaultProperties[ri];
- if (d) {
- var rec = this.getStore().getAt(ri);
- rec.set('name',d[0]);
- rec.set('desc',d[1]);
- rec.set('desc_trans',d[1]);
- rec.set('xtype',d[2]);
- rec.set('options',d[3]);
- rec.set('value',d[4]);
- rec.set('overridden',0);
- rec.set('area',d[5]);
- rec.set('area_trans',d[5]);
- rec.commit();
+ revert: function(btn, e) {
+ Ext.Msg.confirm(_('warning'), _('property_revert_confirm'), function(e) {
+ if (e === 'yes') {
+ const
+ { recordIndex } = this.menu,
+ propData = this.defaultProperties[recordIndex]
+ ;
+ if (propData) {
+ const record = this.getStore().getAt(recordIndex);
+ record.set('name', propData[0]);
+ record.set('desc', propData[1]);
+ record.set('desc_trans', propData[1]);
+ record.set('xtype', propData[2]);
+ record.set('options', propData[3]);
+ record.set('value', propData[4]);
+ record.set('overridden', 0);
+ record.set('area', propData[5]);
+ record.set('area_trans', propData[5]);
+ record.commit();
- },this);
- }
+ }, this);
+ },
- ,revertAll: function(btn,e) {
- Ext.Msg.confirm(_('warning'),_('property_revert_all_confirm'),function(e) {
- if (e == 'yes') {
+ revertAll: function(btn, e) {
+ Ext.Msg.confirm(_('warning'), _('property_revert_all_confirm'), function(e) {
+ if (e === 'yes') {
- },this);
- }
+ }, this);
+ },
- ,removeMultiple: function(btn,e) {
- var rows = this.getSelectionModel().getSelections();
- var rids = [];
- for (var i=0;i in values, desc */
- for (var i in data) {
- if (data[i][4]) { data[i][4] = data[i][4].replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/</g,'<'); }
- if (data[i][5]) { data[i][5] = data[i][5].replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/</g,'<'); }
- if (data[i][1]) { data[i][1] = data[i][1].replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/</g,'<'); }
- }
- s.loadData(data);
- /* mark fields dirty */
- var recs = s.getRange(0,s.getTotalCount());
- for (var i=0;i {
+ [4, 5, 1].forEach(index => {
+ if (record[index]) {
+ record[index] = record[index].replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/</g, '<');
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ store.loadData(data);
+ const newRecords = store.getRange(0, store.getTotalCount());
+ newRecords.forEach(record => record.markDirty());
+ this.getView().refresh();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
- ,_showMenu: function(g,ri,e) {
- var sm = this.getSelectionModel();
- if (sm.getSelections().length > 1) {
- e.stopEvent();
- e.preventDefault();
- this.menu.removeAll();
- this.addContextMenuItem([{
- text: _('properties_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeMultiple
- ,scope: this
- }]);
- this.menu.show(e.target);
- } else {
- MODx.grid.ElementProperties.superclass._showMenu.call(this,g,ri,e);
- }
- }
+ },
- ,isDefaultPropSet: function() {
- var ps = Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set').getValue();
- return (ps == 0 || ps == _('default'));
- }
- ,getMenu: function() {
- var def = this.isDefaultPropSet();
- var r = this.menu.record;
- var m = [];
- m.push({
- text: _('property_update')
- ,scope: this
- ,handler: this.update
- });
+ isDefaultPropSet: function() {
+ const propSetId = Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set').getValue();
+ return (propSetId === 0 || propSetId === _('default'));
+ },
- if (r.overridden) {
- m.push({
- text: _('property_revert')
- ,scope: this
- ,handler: this.revert
- });
- }
- if ((r.overridden == 2 && !def) || (r.overridden != 1 && def) || (!r.overridden && !def)) {
- m.push({
- text: _('property_remove')
- ,scope: this
- ,handler: this.remove.createDelegate(this,[{
- title: _('warning')
- ,text: _('property_remove_confirm')
- }])
+ getMenu: function() {
+ const
+ isDefaultSet = this.isDefaultPropSet(),
+ model = this.getSelectionModel(),
+ record = model.getSelected(),
+ propIsCustom = record.data.overridden === 2,
+ propIsOverriden = record.data.overridden === 1,
+ propUnchanged = [0, false].includes(record.data.overridden),
+ menu = []
+ ;
+ if (model.getCount() > 1 && this.userCanDelete) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('properties_remove'),
+ handler: this.removeMultiple,
+ scope: this
+ } else {
+ if (this.userCanEdit) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('property_update'),
+ scope: this,
+ handler: this.update
+ });
+ if (propIsOverriden) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('property_revert'),
+ scope: this,
+ handler: this.revert
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (
+ this.userCanDelete
+ && ((!isDefaultSet && (propUnchanged || propIsCustom))
+ || (isDefaultSet && !propIsOverriden))
+ ) {
+ if (menu.length > 0) {
+ menu.push('-');
+ }
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('property_remove'),
+ scope: this,
+ handler: this.remove.createDelegate(this, [{
+ title: _('warning'),
+ text: _('property_remove_confirm')
+ }])
+ });
+ }
+ return menu;
+ },
- return m;
- }
- ,propertyChanged: function() {
- var ep = Ext.getCmp(this.config.panel);
- if (!ep) return false;
- var hf = this.config.hiddenPropField || 'props';
- ep.getForm().findField(hf).setValue('1');
- ep.fireEvent('fieldChange',{
- field: hf
- ,form: ep.getForm()
+ /**
+ * Updates hidden field with the current set of serialized properties to
+ * be persisted to the database. Only applies to an Element's editing panel
+ * (in its Properties tab), not to the standalone Property Sets editor.
+ */
+ propertyChanged: function() {
+ const elementPanel = Ext.getCmp(this.config.panel);
+ if (!elementPanel) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const propsValueField = this.config.hiddenPropField || 'props';
+ elementPanel.getForm().findField(propsValueField).setValue('1');
+ elementPanel.fireEvent('fieldChange', {
+ field: propsValueField,
+ form: elementPanel.getForm()
return true;
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-element-properties', MODx.grid.ElementProperties);
-MODx.grid.ElementPropertyOption = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('property_options')
- ,id: 'modx-grid-element-property-options'
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,maxHeight: 300
- ,width: '100%'
- ,fields: ['text','value','name']
- ,data: []
- ,columns: [{
- header: _('name')
- ,dataIndex: 'text'
- ,width: 150
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' ,allowBlank: false }
- },{
- header: _('value')
- ,dataIndex: 'value'
- ,id: 'value'
- ,width: 250
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' ,allowBlank: true }
- }]
- ,tbar: [{
- text: _('property_option_create')
- ,cls: 'primary-button'
- ,handler: this.create
- ,scope: this
+MODx.grid.ElementPropertyOption = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('property_options'),
+ id: 'modx-grid-element-property-options',
+ autoHeight: true,
+ maxHeight: 300,
+ width: '100%',
+ fields: [
+ 'text',
+ 'value',
+ 'name'
+ ],
+ data: [],
+ columns: [{
+ header: _('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'text',
+ width: 150,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ allowBlank: false
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('value'),
+ dataIndex: 'value',
+ id: 'value',
+ width: 250,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textfield'
+ }
+ }],
+ tbar: [{
+ text: _('property_option_create'),
+ cls: 'primary-button',
+ handler: this.create,
+ scope: this
- MODx.grid.ElementPropertyOption.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
- this.optRecord = Ext.data.Record.create([{name: 'text'},{name: 'value'}]);
+ MODx.grid.ElementPropertyOption.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.optRecord = Ext.data.Record.create([
+ { name: 'text' },
+ { name: 'value' }
+ ]);
- create: function(btn,e) {
- this.loadWindow(btn,e,{
- xtype: 'modx-window-element-property-option-create'
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- var rec = new this.optRecord({
- text: r.text
- ,value: r.value
- });
- this.getStore().add(rec);
- },scope:this}
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.ElementPropertyOption, MODx.grid.LocalGrid, {
+ create: function(btn, e) {
+ this.loadWindow(btn, e, {
+ xtype: 'modx-window-element-property-option-create',
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(response) {
+ const record = new this.optRecord({
+ text: response.text,
+ value: response.value
+ });
+ this.getStore().add(record);
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,getMenu: function() {
+ getMenu: function() {
return [{
- text: _('property_option_remove')
- ,scope: this
- ,handler: this.remove.createDelegate(this,[{
- title: _('warning')
- ,text: _('property_option_remove_confirm')
+ text: _('property_option_remove'),
+ scope: this,
+ handler: this.remove.createDelegate(this, [{
+ title: _('warning'),
+ text: _('property_option_remove_confirm')
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-element-property-options', MODx.grid.ElementPropertyOption);
* @class MODx.window.CreateElementProperty
@@ -602,322 +733,190 @@ Ext.reg('modx-grid-element-property-options',MODx.grid.ElementPropertyOption);
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-window-element-property-create
-MODx.window.CreateElementProperty = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('property_create')
- ,id: 'modx-window-element-property-create'
- ,width: 600
- ,saveBtnText: _('done')
- ,fields: [{
- layout: 'column'
- ,border: false
- ,defaults: {
- layout: 'form'
- ,labelAlign: 'top'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,border: false
- }
- ,items: [{
- columnWidth: .6
- ,items: [{
- fieldLabel: _('name')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('property_name_desc')
- ,name: 'name'
- ,id: 'modx-cep-name'
- ,xtype: 'textfield'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,allowBlank: false
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-cep-name'
- ,html: _('property_name_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- fieldLabel: _('description')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('property_description_desc')
- ,name: 'desc'
- ,id: 'modx-cep-desc'
- ,xtype: 'textarea'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,height: 120
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-cep-description'
- ,html: _('property_description_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
+MODx.window.CreateElementProperty = function(config = {}) {
+ const
+ id = Ext.id(),
+ action = config.isUpdate ? 'update' : 'create'
+ ;
+ this.id = `modx-window-${action}-property-${id}`;
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('property_create'),
+ width: 600,
+ saveBtnText: _('done'),
+ fields: [{
+ layout: 'column',
+ border: false,
+ defaults: {
+ layout: 'form',
+ labelAlign: 'top',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ border: false
+ },
+ items: [{
+ columnWidth: 0.6,
+ items: [{
+ fieldLabel: _('name'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('property_name_desc'),
+ name: 'name',
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ allowBlank: false
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('property_name_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ fieldLabel: _('description'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('property_description_desc'),
+ name: 'desc',
+ xtype: 'textarea',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ height: 120
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('property_description_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- columnWidth: .4
- ,items: [{
- fieldLabel: _('type')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('property_xtype_desc')
- ,name: 'xtype'
- ,id: 'modx-cep-xtype'
- ,xtype: 'modx-combo-xtype'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,listeners: {
- 'select': {fn:function(cb) {
- var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-cep-grid-element-property-options');
- if (!g) return;
- if (cb.getValue() == 'list' || cb.getValue() == 'color') {
- g.show();
- } else {
- g.hide();
- }
- this.syncSize();
- },scope:this}
+ }, {
+ columnWidth: 0.4,
+ items: [{
+ fieldLabel: _('type'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('property_xtype_desc'),
+ name: 'xtype',
+ id: `modx-property-xtype--${this.id}`,
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-xtype',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ listeners: {
+ select: {
+ fn: function(combo) {
+ const optsGrid = Ext.getCmp(`modx-grid--property-options--${this.id}`);
+ if (!optsGrid) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (['list', 'color'].includes(combo.getValue())) {
+ optsGrid.show();
+ } else {
+ optsGrid.hide();
+ }
+ this.syncSize();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-cep-xtype'
- ,html: _('property_xtype_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('lexicon')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('property_lexicon_desc')
- ,name: 'lexicon'
- ,id: 'modx-cep-lexicon'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,allowBlank: true
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-cep-lexicon'
- ,html: _('property_lexicon_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('area')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('property_area_desc')
- ,name: 'area'
- ,id: 'modx-cep-area'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,allowBlank: true
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-cep-area'
- ,html: _('property_area_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('property_xtype_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('lexicon'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('property_lexicon_desc'),
+ name: 'lexicon',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ allowBlank: true
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('property_lexicon_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('area'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('property_area_desc'),
+ name: 'area',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ allowBlank: true
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('property_area_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-element-value-field'
- ,xtypeField: 'modx-cep-xtype'
- ,id: 'modx-cep-value'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-element-property-options'
- ,id: 'modx-cep-grid-element-property-options'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- }]
- ,keys: []
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-element-value-field',
+ xtypeField: `modx-property-xtype--${this.id}`,
+ anchor: '100%'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-element-property-options',
+ id: `modx-grid--property-options--${this.id}`,
+ anchor: '100%'
+ }],
+ keys: []
- MODx.window.CreateElementProperty.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
- this.on('show',this.onShow,this);
+ MODx.window.CreateElementProperty.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.on('show', this.onShow, this);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.CreateElementProperty, MODx.Window, {
submit: function() {
- var v = this.fp.getForm().getValues();
- var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-cep-grid-element-property-options');
- var opt = eval(g.encode());
- Ext.apply(v,{
- options: opt
+ const
+ values = this.fp.getForm().getValues(),
+ optsGrid = Ext.getCmp(`modx-grid--property-options--${this.id}`),
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
+ options = eval(optsGrid.encode())
+ ;
+ Ext.apply(values, {
+ options: options
if (this.fp.getForm().isValid()) {
- if (this.fireEvent('success',v)) {
+ if (this.fireEvent('success', values)) {
return true;
return false;
- }
- ,onShow: function() {
- var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-cep-grid-element-property-options');
- g.getStore().removeAll();
- g.hide();
+ },
+ onShow: function() {
+ const optsGrid = Ext.getCmp(`modx-grid--property-options--${this.id}`);
+ if (!optsGrid) {
+ return;
+ }
+ optsGrid.getStore().removeAll();
+ optsGrid.hide();
+ if (
+ this.config.isUpdate
+ && ['list', 'color'].includes(this.fp.getForm().findField('xtype').getValue())
+ ) {
+ const
+ propsGrid = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-element-properties'),
+ selectedRecord = propsGrid.getSelectionModel().getSelected()
+ ;
+ if (selectedRecord) {
+ const
+ { options } = selectedRecord.data,
+ optionsData = []
+ ;
+ options.forEach(option => optionsData.push([option.text, option.value]));
+ optsGrid.getStore().loadData(optionsData);
+ optsGrid.show();
+ }
+ }
+Ext.reg('modx-window-element-property-create', MODx.window.CreateElementProperty);
* @class MODx.window.UpdateElementProperty
- * @extends MODx.Window
+ * @extends MODx.window.CreateElementProperty
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-window-element-property-update
-MODx.window.UpdateElementProperty = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('property_update')
- ,id: 'modx-window-element-property-update'
- ,width: 600
- ,saveBtnText: _('done')
- ,forceLayout: true
- ,fields: [{
- layout: 'column'
- ,border: false
- ,defaults: {
- layout: 'form'
- ,labelAlign: 'top'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,border: false
- }
- ,items: [{
- columnWidth: .6
- ,items: [{
- fieldLabel: _('name')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('property_name_desc')
- ,name: 'name'
- ,id: 'modx-uep-name'
- ,xtype: 'textfield'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-uep-name'
- ,html: _('property_name_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- fieldLabel: _('description')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('property_description_desc')
- ,name: 'desc'
- ,id: 'modx-uep-desc'
- ,xtype: 'textarea'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,height: 120
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-uep-description'
- ,html: _('property_description_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- }]
- },{
- columnWidth: .4
- ,items: [{
- fieldLabel: _('type')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('property_xtype_desc')
- ,name: 'xtype'
- ,xtype: 'modx-combo-xtype'
- ,id: 'modx-uep-xtype'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,listeners: {
- 'select': {fn:function(cb) {
- var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-uep-grid-element-property-options');
- if (!g) return;
- var v = cb.getValue();
- if (v == 'list' || v == 'color') {
- g.show();
- } else {
- g.hide();
- }
- this.syncSize();
- },scope:this}
- }
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-uep-xtype'
- ,html: _('property_xtype_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('lexicon')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('property_lexicon_desc')
- ,name: 'lexicon'
- ,id: 'modx-uep-lexicon'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,allowBlank: true
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-uep-lexicon'
- ,html: _('property_lexicon_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('area')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('property_area_desc')
- ,name: 'area'
- ,id: 'modx-uep-area'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,allowBlank: true
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-uep-area'
- ,html: _('property_area_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- }]
- }]
- },{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'overridden'
- ,id: 'modx-uep-overridden'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-element-value-field'
- ,xtypeField: 'modx-uep-xtype'
- ,name: 'value'
- ,id: 'modx-uep-value'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- id: 'modx-uep-grid-element-property-options'
- ,xtype: 'modx-grid-element-property-options'
- ,autoHeight: true
- }]
- ,keys: []
+MODx.window.UpdateElementProperty = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('property_update'),
+ isUpdate: true
- MODx.window.UpdateElementProperty.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
- this.on('show',this.onShow,this);
+ MODx.window.UpdateElementProperty.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
- submit: function() {
- var v = this.fp.getForm().getValues();
- var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-uep-grid-element-property-options');
- var opt = eval(g.encode());
- Ext.apply(v,{
- options: opt
- });
- if (this.fp.getForm().isValid()) {
- if (this.fireEvent('success',v)) {
- this.fp.getForm().reset();
- this.hide();
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- ,onShow: function() {
- var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-uep-grid-element-property-options');
- if (!g) return;
- if (this.fp.getForm().findField('xtype').getValue() == 'list' || this.fp.getForm().findField('xtype').getValue() == 'color') {
- g.show();
- } else {
- g.hide();
- }
- g.getStore().removeAll();
- var gp = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-element-properties');
- var rec = gp.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- if (rec) {
- var opt = rec.data.options;
- var opts = [];
- for (var x in opt) {
- if (opt.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
- opts.push([opt[x].text,opt[x].value]);
- }
- }
- g.getStore().loadData(opts);
- }
- this.syncSize();
- this.center();
- }
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.UpdateElementProperty, MODx.window.CreateElementProperty);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-element-property-update', MODx.window.UpdateElementProperty);
* @class MODx.window.CreateElementPropertyOption
@@ -925,32 +924,31 @@ Ext.reg('modx-window-element-property-update',MODx.window.UpdateElementProperty)
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-window-element-property-option-create
-MODx.window.CreateElementPropertyOption = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('property_option_create')
- ,id: 'modx-window-element-property-option-create'
- ,saveBtnText: _('done')
- ,fields: [{
- fieldLabel: _('name')
- ,name: 'text'
- ,id: 'modx-cepo-text'
- ,xtype: 'textfield'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- fieldLabel: _('value')
- ,name: 'value'
- ,id: 'modx-cepo-value'
- ,xtype: 'textfield'
- ,anchor: '100%'
+MODx.window.CreateElementPropertyOption = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('property_option_create'),
+ id: 'modx-window-element-property-option-create',
+ saveBtnText: _('done'),
+ fields: [{
+ fieldLabel: _('name'),
+ name: 'text',
+ id: 'modx-cepo-text',
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ anchor: '100%'
+ }, {
+ fieldLabel: _('value'),
+ name: 'value',
+ id: 'modx-cepo-value',
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ anchor: '100%'
- MODx.window.CreateElementPropertyOption.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.CreateElementPropertyOption.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.CreateElementPropertyOption, MODx.Window, {
submit: function() {
if (this.fp.getForm().isValid()) {
- if (this.fireEvent('success',this.fp.getForm().getValues())) {
+ if (this.fireEvent('success', this.fp.getForm().getValues())) {
return true;
@@ -959,9 +957,7 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.window.CreateElementPropertyOption,MODx.Window,{
return false;
+Ext.reg('modx-window-element-property-option-create', MODx.window.CreateElementPropertyOption);
* Displays a xtype combobox
@@ -971,84 +967,78 @@ Ext.reg('modx-window-element-property-option-create',MODx.window.CreateElementPr
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-combo-xtype
-MODx.combo.xType = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
+MODx.combo.xType = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
store: new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
- fields: ['d','v']
- ,data: [
- [_('textfield'),'textfield']
- ,[_('textarea'),'textarea']
- ,[_('yesno'),'combo-boolean']
- ,[_('date'),'datefield']
- ,[_('list'),'list']
- ,[_('integer'),'numberfield']
- ,[_('file'),'file']
- ,[_('color'),'color']
+ fields: ['d', 'v'],
+ data: [
+ [_('textfield'), 'textfield'],
+ [_('textarea'), 'textarea'],
+ [_('yesno'), 'combo-boolean'],
+ [_('date'), 'datefield'],
+ [_('list'), 'list'],
+ [_('integer'), 'numberfield'],
+ [_('file'), 'file'],
+ [_('color'), 'color']
- })
- ,displayField: 'd'
- ,valueField: 'v'
- ,mode: 'local'
- ,name: 'xtype'
- ,hiddenName: 'xtype'
- ,triggerAction: 'all'
- ,editable: false
- ,selectOnFocus: false
- ,value: 'textfield'
+ }),
+ displayField: 'd',
+ valueField: 'v',
+ mode: 'local',
+ name: 'xtype',
+ hiddenName: 'xtype',
+ triggerAction: 'all',
+ editable: false,
+ selectOnFocus: false,
+ value: 'textfield'
- MODx.combo.xType.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.combo.xType.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.combo.xType, Ext.form.ComboBox);
+Ext.reg('modx-combo-xtype', MODx.combo.xType);
-MODx.form.ElementValueField = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- fieldLabel: _('value')
- ,name: 'value'
- ,xtype: 'textfield'
+MODx.form.ElementValueField = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ fieldLabel: _('value'),
+ name: 'value',
+ xtype: 'textfield'
- MODx.form.ElementValueField.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.form.ElementValueField.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
this.config = config;
- this.on('change',this.checkValue,this);
+ this.on('change', this.checkValue, this);
- checkValue: function(fld,nv,ov) {
- var t = Ext.getCmp(this.config.xtypeField).getValue();
- var v = fld.getValue();
- if (t == 'combo-boolean') {
- v = (v == '1' || v == 'true' || v == 1 || v == true || v == _('yes') || v == 'yes') ? 1 : 0;
- fld.setValue(v);
+Ext.extend(MODx.form.ElementValueField, Ext.form.TextField, {
+ checkValue: function(field, newValue, oldValue) {
+ const xtype = Ext.getCmp(this.config.xtypeField).getValue();
+ if (xtype === 'combo-boolean') {
+ let value = field.getValue();
+ value = [1, '1', true, 'true', _('yes'), 'yes'].includes(value) ? 1 : 0;
+ field.setValue(value);
+Ext.reg('modx-element-value-field', MODx.form.ElementValueField);
-MODx.combo.PropertySet = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- name: 'propertyset'
- ,hiddenName: 'propertyset'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Element/PropertySet/GetList'
- }
- ,displayField: 'name'
- ,valueField: 'id'
- ,fields: ['id','name','description','properties']
- ,editable: false
- ,value: 0
- ,pageSize: 10
+MODx.combo.PropertySet = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ name: 'propertyset',
+ hiddenName: 'propertyset',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Element/PropertySet/GetList',
+ combo: true
+ },
+ displayField: 'name',
+ valueField: 'id',
+ fields: ['id', 'name', 'description', 'properties'],
+ editable: false,
+ value: 0,
+ pageSize: 10
- MODx.combo.PropertySet.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.combo.PropertySet.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.combo.PropertySet, MODx.combo.ComboBox);
+Ext.reg('modx-combo-property-set', MODx.combo.PropertySet);
* @class MODx.window.AddPropertySet
@@ -1056,115 +1046,116 @@ Ext.reg('modx-combo-property-set',MODx.combo.PropertySet);
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-window-element-property-set-add
-MODx.window.AddPropertySet = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('propertyset_add')
- ,id: 'modx-window-element-property-set-add'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,action: 'Element/PropertySet/Associate'
- ,autoHeight: true // makes window grow when the fieldset is toggled
- ,fields: [{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'elementId'
- ,id: 'modx-aps-elementId'
- },{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'elementType'
- ,id: 'modx-aps-elementType'
- },{
- html: _('propertyset_panel_desc')
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
+MODx.window.AddPropertySet = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('propertyset_add'),
+ id: 'modx-window-element-property-set-add',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ action: 'Element/PropertySet/Associate',
+ autoHeight: true, // makes window grow when the fieldset is toggled
+ fields: [{
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'elementId'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'elementType'
+ }, {
+ html: _('propertyset_panel_desc'),
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
- },MODx.PanelSpacer,{
- xtype: 'modx-combo-property-set'
- ,fieldLabel: _('propertyset')
- ,name: 'propertyset'
- ,id: 'modx-aps-propertyset'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Element/PropertySet/GetList'
- ,showNotAssociated: true
- ,elementId: config.record.elementId
- ,elementType: config.record.elementType
- }
- },{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'propertyset_new'
- ,id: 'modx-aps-propertyset-new'
- ,value: false
- },{
- xtype: 'fieldset'
- ,title: _('propertyset_create_new')
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,checkboxToggle: true
- ,collapsed: true
- ,forceLayout: true
- ,id: 'modx-aps-propertyset-new-fs'
- ,listeners: {
- 'expand': {fn:function(p) {
- Ext.getCmp('modx-aps-propertyset-new').setValue(true);
- this.center(); // re-centers window on screen after height changed
- },scope:this}
- ,'collapse': {fn:function(p) {
- Ext.getCmp('modx-aps-propertyset-new').setValue(false);
- this.center(); // re-centers window on screen after height changed
- },scope:this}
+ }, MODx.PanelSpacer, {
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-property-set',
+ fieldLabel: _('propertyset'),
+ name: 'propertyset',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Element/PropertySet/GetList',
+ showNotAssociated: true,
+ elementId: config.record.elementId,
+ elementType: config.record.elementType,
+ combo: true
- ,items: [{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('name')
- ,name: 'name'
- ,id: 'modx-aps-name'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- xtype: 'textarea'
- ,fieldLabel: _('description')
- ,name: 'description'
- ,id: 'modx-aps-description'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,grow: true
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'propertyset_new',
+ id: 'modx-aps-propertyset-new',
+ value: false
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'fieldset',
+ title: _('propertyset_create_new'),
+ autoHeight: true,
+ checkboxToggle: true,
+ collapsed: true,
+ forceLayout: true,
+ listeners: {
+ expand: {
+ fn: function(p) {
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-aps-propertyset-new').setValue(true);
+ this.center();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ },
+ collapse: {
+ fn: function(p) {
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-aps-propertyset-new').setValue(false);
+ this.center();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ },
+ items: [{
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('name'),
+ name: 'name',
+ anchor: '100%'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textarea',
+ fieldLabel: _('description'),
+ name: 'description',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ grow: true
- MODx.window.AddPropertySet.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.AddPropertySet.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.AddPropertySet, MODx.Window);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-element-property-set-add', MODx.window.AddPropertySet);
-MODx.window.ImportProperties = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('import')
- ,id: 'modx-window-properties-import'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,action: 'Element/ImportProperties'
- ,fileUpload: true
- ,saveBtnText: _('import')
- ,fields: [{
- html: _('properties_import_msg')
- ,id: 'modx-impp-desc'
- ,style: 'margin-bottom: 10px;'
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'fileuploadfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('file')
- ,buttonText: _('upload.buttons.upload')
- ,name: 'file'
- ,id: 'modx-impp-file'
- ,anchor: '100%'
+MODx.window.ImportProperties = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('import'),
+ id: 'modx-window-properties-import',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ action: 'Element/ImportProperties',
+ fileUpload: true,
+ saveBtnText: _('import'),
+ fields: [{
+ html: _('properties_import_msg'),
+ style: 'margin-bottom: 10px;',
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'fileuploadfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('file'),
+ buttonText: _('upload.buttons.upload'),
+ name: 'file',
+ id: 'modx-impp-file',
+ anchor: '100%'
- MODx.window.ImportProperties.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
- // Trigger "fileselected" event
- var fp = Ext.getCmp('modx-impp-file');
- var onFileUploadFieldFileSelected = function(fp, fakeFilePath) {
- var fileApi = fp.fileInput.dom.files;
- fp.el.dom.value = (typeof fileApi != 'undefined') ? fileApi[0].name : fakeFilePath.replace("C:\\fakepath\\", "");
- };
- fp.on('fileselected', onFileUploadFieldFileSelected);
+ MODx.window.ImportProperties.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ const
+ fileCmp = Ext.getCmp('modx-impp-file'),
+ onFileUploadFieldFileSelected = function(fileCmp, fakeFilePath) {
+ const fileApi = fileCmp.fileInput.dom.files;
+ fileCmp.el.dom.value = (typeof fileApi != 'undefined')
+ ? fileApi[0].name
+ : fakeFilePath.replace('C:\\fakepath\\', '')
+ ;
+ }
+ ;
+ fileCmp.on('fileselected', onFileUploadFieldFileSelected);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.ImportProperties, MODx.Window);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-properties-import', MODx.window.ImportProperties);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.grid.template.tv.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.grid.template.tv.js
index c24f4a80597..dd74f138ded 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.grid.template.tv.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.grid.template.tv.js
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ MODx.grid.TemplateTV = function(config = {}) {
- 'perm',
@@ -64,10 +63,13 @@ MODx.grid.TemplateTV = function(config = {}) {
sortable: true,
renderer: {
fn: function(value, metadata, record) {
- return this.renderLink(value, {
- href: `?a=element/tv/update&id=${record.data.id}`,
- target: '_blank'
- });
+ return this.userCanEditTv && this.userCanEditRecord(record, 'updateTv')
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=element/tv/update&id=${record.data.id}`,
+ target: '_blank'
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
scope: this
@@ -112,16 +114,22 @@ MODx.grid.TemplateTV = function(config = {}) {
MODx.grid.TemplateTV.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ // In this case, edit grid action indicates ability to edit the TV, not the Template
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['editTv'];
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['edit_template', 'save_template']);
+ this.setUserHasPermissions('editTv', ['edit_tv', 'save_tv']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
this.on('render', this.prepareDDSort, this);
Ext.extend(MODx.grid.TemplateTV, MODx.grid.Grid, {
getMenu: function() {
record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected(),
- permissions = record.data.perm,
menu = []
- if (permissions.indexOf('pedit') !== -1) {
+ if (this.userCanEditTv && this.userCanEditRecord(record, 'updateTv')) {
text: _('edit'),
handler: this.updateTV
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.grid.tv.security.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.grid.tv.security.js
index 297e1247b0d..ffdefc19cb0 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.grid.tv.security.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.grid.tv.security.js
@@ -6,44 +6,60 @@
* @param {Object} config An object of options.
* @xtype modx-grid-tv-security
-MODx.grid.TVSecurity = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- var tt = new Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn({
- header: _('access')
- ,dataIndex: 'access'
- ,width: 40
- ,sortable: false
+MODx.grid.TVSecurity = function(config = {}) {
+ const accessCheckboxCol = new Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn({
+ header: _('access'),
+ dataIndex: 'access',
+ width: 40,
+ sortable: false
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-grid-tv-security'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,showActionsColumn: false
- ,fields: ['id','name','access','menu']
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Element/TemplateVar/ResourceGroup/GetList'
- ,tv: config.tv
- }
- ,saveParams: {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-grid-tv-security',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ showActionsColumn: false,
+ fields: [
+ 'id',
+ 'name',
+ 'access',
+ 'menu'
+ ],
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Element/TemplateVar/ResourceGroup/GetList',
tv: config.tv
- }
- ,width: 800
- ,paging: true
- ,remoteSort: true
- ,plugins: tt
- ,columns: [{
- header: _('name')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,width: 200
- ,sortable: true
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=security/resourcegroup'
- ,target: '_blank'
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },tt]
+ },
+ saveParams: {
+ tv: config.tv
+ },
+ width: 800,
+ paging: true,
+ remoteSort: true,
+ plugins: accessCheckboxCol,
+ columns: [
+ {
+ header: _('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ width: 200,
+ sortable: true,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ return this.userCanEditResourceGroups
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: '?a=security/resourcegroup',
+ target: '_blank'
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ },
+ accessCheckboxCol
+ ]
- MODx.grid.TVSecurity.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.grid.TVSecurity.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['edit_tv', 'save_tv']);
+ this.setUserHasPermissions('editResourceGroups', ['resourcegroup_view', 'resourcegroup_resource_list']);
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.TVSecurity, MODx.grid.Grid);
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-tv-security', MODx.grid.TVSecurity);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.grid.tv.template.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.grid.tv.template.js
index 2acf0adfa10..b7c89383eaa 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.grid.tv.template.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.grid.tv.template.js
@@ -46,10 +46,13 @@ MODx.grid.TemplateVarTemplate = function(config = {}) {
sortable: true,
renderer: {
fn: function(value, metadata, record) {
- return this.renderLink(value, {
- href: `?a=element/template/update&id=${record.data.id}`,
- target: '_blank'
- });
+ return this.userCanEditTemplate && this.userCanEditRecord(record, 'updateTemplate')
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=element/template/update&id=${record.data.id}`,
+ target: '_blank'
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
scope: this
@@ -86,6 +89,9 @@ MODx.grid.TemplateVarTemplate = function(config = {}) {
MODx.grid.TemplateVarTemplate.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['edit_tv', 'save_tv']);
+ this.setUserHasPermissions('editTemplate', ['edit_template', 'save_template']);
Ext.extend(MODx.grid.TemplateVarTemplate, MODx.grid.Grid);
Ext.reg('modx-grid-tv-template', MODx.grid.TemplateVarTemplate);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.panel.property.set.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.panel.property.set.js
index f51af014cf9..0002703bcce 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.panel.property.set.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.panel.property.set.js
@@ -4,60 +4,59 @@
* @param {Object} config An object of config properties
* @xtype modx-panel-property-sets
-MODx.panel.PropertySet = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-panel-property-sets'
- ,cls: 'container'
- ,items: [{
- html: _('propertysets')
- ,xtype: 'modx-header'
- },MODx.getPageStructure([{
- title: _('propertysets')
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,id: 'modx-property-set-form'
- ,border: true
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('propertysets_desc')+' '
- ,id: 'modx-property-set-msg'
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- layout: 'column'
- ,border: false
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,items: [{
- columnWidth: .3
- ,cls: 'left-col'
- ,border: false
- ,layout: 'anchor'
- ,items: [{
- xtype: 'modx-tree-property-sets'
- ,preventRender: true
- ,anchor: '100%'
+MODx.panel.PropertySet = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-panel-property-sets',
+ cls: 'container',
+ items: [{
+ html: _('propertysets'),
+ xtype: 'modx-header'
+ }, MODx.getPageStructure([{
+ title: _('propertysets'),
+ layout: 'form',
+ id: 'modx-property-set-form',
+ border: true,
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('propertysets_desc')} `,
+ id: 'modx-property-set-msg',
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ layout: 'column',
+ border: false,
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ items: [{
+ columnWidth: 0.3,
+ cls: 'left-col',
+ border: false,
+ layout: 'anchor',
+ items: [{
+ xtype: 'modx-tree-property-sets',
+ preventRender: true,
+ anchor: '100%'
- },{
- columnWidth: .7
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,border: false
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,id: 'right-column'
- ,items: []
+ }, {
+ columnWidth: 0.7,
+ layout: 'form',
+ border: false,
+ autoHeight: true,
+ id: 'right-column',
+ items: []
- MODx.panel.PropertySet.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.panel.PropertySet.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
/* load after b/c of safari/ie focus bug */
(function() {
- xtype: 'modx-grid-property-set-properties'
- ,id: 'modx-grid-element-properties'
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-property-set-properties',
+ id: 'modx-grid-element-properties'
}).defer(50, this);
+Ext.extend(MODx.panel.PropertySet, MODx.FormPanel);
+Ext.reg('modx-panel-property-sets', MODx.panel.PropertySet);
* @class MODx.grid.PropertySetProperties
@@ -65,43 +64,50 @@ Ext.reg('modx-panel-property-sets',MODx.panel.PropertySet);
* @param {Object} config An object of config properties
* @xtype modx-grid-property-set-properties
-MODx.grid.PropertySetProperties = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- autoHeight: true
- ,lockProperties: false
- ,tbar: [{
- xtype: 'modx-combo-property-set'
- ,id: 'modx-combo-property-set'
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Element/PropertySet/GetList'
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'select': {fn:function(cb) { Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-element-properties').changePropertySet(cb); },scope:this}
- }
- ,value: ''
- },{
- text: _('property_create')
- ,handler: function(btn,e) {
- if (Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set').value != '') {
- Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-element-properties').create(btn,e);
+MODx.grid.PropertySetProperties = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ autoHeight: true,
+ lockProperties: false,
+ tbar: [{
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-property-set',
+ id: 'modx-combo-property-set',
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Element/PropertySet/GetList',
+ combo: true
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ select: {
+ fn: function(cb) {
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-element-properties').changePropertySet(cb);
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ },
+ value: ''
+ }, {
+ text: _('property_create'),
+ id: 'modx-btn-property-create',
+ handler: function(btn, e) {
+ if (Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set').value !== '') {
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-element-properties').create(btn, e);
} else {
MODx.msg.alert('', _('propertyset_err_ns'));
- }
- ,scope: this
- },'->',{
- text: _('propertyset_save')
- ,cls: 'primary-button'
- ,handler: function() { Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-element-properties').save(); }
- ,scope: this
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }, '->', {
+ text: _('propertyset_save'),
+ id: 'modx-btn-property-set-save',
+ cls: 'primary-button',
+ handler: function() { Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-element-properties').save(); },
+ scope: this
- MODx.grid.PropertySetProperties.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.grid.PropertySetProperties.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.PropertySetProperties, MODx.grid.ElementProperties);
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-property-set-properties', MODx.grid.PropertySetProperties);
* @class MODx.tree.PropertySets
@@ -109,199 +115,232 @@ Ext.reg('modx-grid-property-set-properties',MODx.grid.PropertySetProperties);
* @param {Object} config An object of config properties
* @xtype modx-tree-property-sets
-MODx.tree.PropertySets = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('propertysets')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,action: 'Element/PropertySet/GetNodes'
- ,rootIconCls: 'icon-sitemap'
- ,root_name: _('propertysets')
- ,rootVisible: false
- ,enableDD: false
- ,tbar: ['->', {
- text: _('propertyset_new')
- ,cls: 'primary-button'
- ,handler: this.createSet
- ,scope: this
- }]
- ,useDefaultToolbar: true
+MODx.tree.PropertySets = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('propertysets'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ action: 'Element/PropertySet/GetNodes',
+ rootIconCls: 'icon-sitemap',
+ root_name: _('propertysets'),
+ rootVisible: false,
+ enableDD: false,
+ tbar: ['->', {
+ text: _('propertyset_new'),
+ cls: 'primary-button',
+ handler: this.createSet,
+ hidden: !MODx.perm.new_propertyset || !MODx.perm.save_propertyset,
+ scope: this
+ }],
+ useDefaultToolbar: true
- MODx.tree.PropertySets.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
- this.on('click',this.loadGrid,this);
+ MODx.tree.PropertySets.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.on('click', this.loadGrid, this);
- loadGrid: function(n,e) {
- Ext.getCmp('right-column').enable();
- var ar = n.id.split('_');
- if (ar[0] == 'ps') {
- MODx.Ajax.request({
- url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Element/PropertySet/GetProperties'
- ,id: ar[1]
+Ext.extend(MODx.tree.PropertySets, MODx.tree.Tree, {
+ loadGrid: function(node, e) {
+ const
+ [recordType, setId, elId, elType] = node.id.split('_'),
+ propsGrid = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-element-properties'),
+ propSetCombo = Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set'),
+ setGridData = (response, setId, elId = null, elType = null) => {
+ const
+ data = response.object,
+ store = propsGrid.getStore()
+ ;
+ propsGrid.defaultProperties = data;
+ if (elId && elType) {
+ propsGrid.config.elementId = elId;
+ propsGrid.config.elementType = elType;
+ } else {
+ delete propsGrid.config.elementId;
+ delete propsGrid.config.elementType;
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- var d = r.object;
- var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-element-properties');
- var s = g.getStore();
- g.defaultProperties = d;
- delete g.config.elementId;
- delete g.config.elementType;
- s.removeAll();
- s.loadData(d);
+ store.removeAll();
+ store.loadData(data);
+ propSetCombo.setValue(setId);
+ }
+ ;
+ Ext.getCmp('right-column').enable();
- Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set').setValue(ar[1]);
- },scope:this}
+ if (recordType === 'ps') {
+ MODx.Ajax.request({
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Element/PropertySet/GetProperties',
+ id: setId
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: response => {
+ setGridData(response, setId);
+ }
+ }
- } else if (ar[0] == 'el' && ar[2] && ar[3]) {
+ } else if (recordType === 'el' && elId && elType) {
- url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Element/PropertySet/GetProperties'
- ,id: ar[1]
- ,element: ar[2]
- ,element_class: ar[3]
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- var d = r.object;
- var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-element-properties');
- var s = g.getStore();
- g.defaultProperties = d;
- g.config.elementId = ar[2];
- g.config.elementType = ar[3];
- s.removeAll();
- s.loadData(d);
- Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set').setValue(ar[1]);
- },scope:this}
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Element/PropertySet/GetProperties',
+ id: setId,
+ element: elId,
+ element_class: elType
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: response => {
+ setGridData(response, setId, elId, elType);
+ }
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,createSet: function(btn,e) {
+ createSet: function(btn, e) {
if (!this.winCreateSet) {
this.winCreateSet = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-window-property-set-create'
- ,listeners: {
- 'success':{fn:function() {
- this.refresh();
- Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set').store.reload();
- },scope:this}
+ xtype: 'modx-window-property-set-create',
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.refresh();
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set').store.reload();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,duplicateSet: function(btn,e) {
- var id = this.cm.activeNode.id.split('_');
- var r = this.cm.activeNode.attributes.data;
- r.id = id[1];
- r.new_name = _('duplicate_of',{name:r.name});
+ duplicateSet: function(btn, e) {
+ const
+ [, setId] = this.cm.activeNode.id.split('_'),
+ record = this.cm.activeNode.attributes.data
+ ;
+ record.id = setId;
+ record.new_name = _('duplicate_of', { name: record.name });
if (!this.winDupeSet) {
this.winDupeSet = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-window-property-set-duplicate'
- ,record: r
- ,listeners: {
- 'success':{fn:function() {
- this.refresh();
- Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set').store.reload();
- },scope:this}
+ xtype: 'modx-window-property-set-duplicate',
+ record: record,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.refresh();
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set').store.reload();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- this.winDupeSet.setValues(r);
+ this.winDupeSet.setValues(record);
- }
+ },
- ,updateSet: function(btn,e) {
- var id = this.cm.activeNode.id.split('_');
- var r = this.cm.activeNode.attributes.data;
- r.id = id[1];
+ updateSet: function(btn, e) {
+ const
+ [, setId] = this.cm.activeNode.id.split('_'),
+ record = this.cm.activeNode.attributes.data
+ ;
+ record.id = setId;
if (!this.winUpdateSet) {
this.winUpdateSet = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-window-property-set-update'
- ,record: r
- ,listeners: {
- 'success':{fn:function() {
- this.refresh();
- Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set').store.reload();
- },scope:this}
+ xtype: 'modx-window-property-set-update',
+ record: record,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.refresh();
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set').store.reload();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- this.winUpdateSet.setValues(r);
+ this.winUpdateSet.setValues(record);
- }
+ },
- ,removeSet: function(btn,e) {
- var id = this.cm.activeNode.id.split('_');
- id = id[1];
+ removeSet: function(btn, e) {
+ const [, setId] = this.cm.activeNode.id.split('_');
- text: _('propertyset_remove_confirm')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Element/PropertySet/Remove'
- ,id: id
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function() {
- this.refreshNode(this.cm.activeNode.id);
- var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-element-properties');
- g.getStore().removeAll();
- g.defaultProperties = [];
- Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set').setValue('');
- },scope:this}
+ text: _('propertyset_remove_confirm'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Element/PropertySet/Remove',
+ id: setId
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.refreshNode(this.cm.activeNode.id);
+ const propsGrid = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-element-properties');
+ propsGrid.getStore().removeAll();
+ propsGrid.defaultProperties = [];
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-property-set').setValue('');
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
- ,addElement: function(btn,e) {
- var id = this.cm.activeNode.id.split('_'); id = id[1];
- var t = this.cm.activeNode.text;
- var r = {
- propertysetName: this.cm.activeNode.text
- ,propertyset: id
- };
+ },
+ addElement: function(btn, e) {
+ const
+ [, setId] = this.cm.activeNode.id.split('_'),
+ record = {
+ propertysetName: this.cm.activeNode.text,
+ propertyset: setId
+ }
+ ;
if (!this.winPSEA) {
this.winPSEA = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-window-propertyset-element-add'
- ,record: r
- ,listeners: {
- 'success':{fn:function() { this.refreshNode(this.cm.activeNode.id,true); },scope:this}
+ xtype: 'modx-window-propertyset-element-add',
+ record: record,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.refreshNode(this.cm.activeNode.id, true);
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- this.winPSEA.fp.getForm().setValues(r);
+ this.winPSEA.fp.getForm().setValues(record);
- }
+ },
- ,removeElement: function(btn,e) {
- var d = this.cm.activeNode.attributes;
+ removeElement: function(btn, e) {
+ const { attributes } = this.cm.activeNode;
- text: _('propertyset_element_remove_confirm')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Element/PropertySet/RemoveElement'
- ,element: d.pk
- ,element_class: d.element_class
- ,propertyset: d.propertyset
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function() { this.refreshNode(this.cm.activeNode.id); },scope:this}
+ text: _('propertyset_element_remove_confirm'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Element/PropertySet/RemoveElement',
+ element: attributes.pk,
+ element_class: attributes.element_class,
+ propertyset: attributes.propertyset
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.refreshNode(this.cm.activeNode.id);
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+Ext.reg('modx-tree-property-sets', MODx.tree.PropertySets);
* @class MODx.window.AddElementToPropertySet
@@ -309,60 +348,61 @@ Ext.reg('modx-tree-property-sets',MODx.tree.PropertySets);
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-window-propertyset-element-add
-MODx.window.AddElementToPropertySet = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('propertyset_element_add')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+MODx.window.AddElementToPropertySet = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('propertyset_element_add'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Element/PropertySet/AddElement'
- }
- ,fields: [{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'propertyset'
- },{
- xtype: 'statictextfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('propertyset')
- ,name: 'propertysetName'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-combo-element-class'
- ,fieldLabel: _('class_name')
- ,name: 'element_class'
- ,id: 'modx-combo-element-class'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,listeners: {
- 'select': {fn:this.onClassSelect,scope:this}
+ },
+ fields: [{
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'propertyset'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'statictextfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('propertyset'),
+ name: 'propertysetName',
+ anchor: '100%'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-element-class',
+ fieldLabel: _('class_name'),
+ name: 'element_class',
+ id: 'modx-combo-element-class',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ listeners: {
+ select: { fn: this.onClassSelect, scope: this }
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-combo-elements'
- ,fieldLabel: _('element')
- ,name: 'element'
- ,id: 'modx-combo-elements'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,listeners: {
- 'select': {fn:this.onElementSelect,scope:this}
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-elements',
+ fieldLabel: _('element'),
+ name: 'element',
+ id: 'modx-combo-elements',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ listeners: {
+ select: { fn: this.onElementSelect, scope: this }
- MODx.window.AddElementToPropertySet.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.AddElementToPropertySet.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
- onClassSelect: function(cb) {
- var e = Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-elements');
- var s = e.store;
- s.baseParams.element_class = cb.getValue();
- s.load();
- e.setValue('');
- }
- ,onElementSelect: function(cb) {
- var ec = Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-element-class');
- if (ec.getValue() === '') {
- ec.setValue('MODX\\Revolution\\modSnippet');
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.AddElementToPropertySet, MODx.Window, {
+ onClassSelect: function(classCombo) {
+ const
+ elCombo = Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-elements'),
+ { store } = elCombo
+ ;
+ store.baseParams.element_class = classCombo.getValue();
+ store.load();
+ elCombo.setValue('');
+ },
+ onElementSelect: function(elCombo) {
+ const elType = Ext.getCmp('modx-combo-element-class');
+ if (elType.getValue() === '') {
+ elType.setValue('MODX\\Revolution\\modSnippet');
+Ext.reg('modx-window-propertyset-element-add', MODx.window.AddElementToPropertySet);
* @class MODx.combo.ElementClass
@@ -370,25 +410,24 @@ Ext.reg('modx-window-propertyset-element-add',MODx.window.AddElementToPropertySe
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-combo-element-class
-MODx.combo.ElementClass = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- name: 'element_class'
- ,hiddenName: 'element_class'
- ,displayField: 'name'
- ,valueField: 'name'
- ,fields: ['name']
- ,pageSize: 20
- ,editable: false
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+MODx.combo.ElementClass = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ name: 'element_class',
+ hiddenName: 'element_class',
+ displayField: 'name',
+ valueField: 'name',
+ fields: ['name'],
+ pageSize: 20,
+ editable: false,
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Element/GetClasses'
- MODx.combo.ElementClass.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.combo.ElementClass.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.combo.ElementClass, MODx.combo.ComboBox);
+Ext.reg('modx-combo-element-class', MODx.combo.ElementClass);
* @class MODx.combo.Elements
@@ -396,26 +435,25 @@ Ext.reg('modx-combo-element-class',MODx.combo.ElementClass);
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-combo-elements
-MODx.combo.Elements = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- name: 'element'
- ,hiddenName: 'element'
- ,displayField: 'name'
- ,valueField: 'id'
- ,fields: ['id','name']
- ,pageSize: 20
- ,editable: false
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Element/GetListByClass'
- ,element_class: 'MODX\\Revolution\\modSnippet'
+MODx.combo.Elements = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ name: 'element',
+ hiddenName: 'element',
+ displayField: 'name',
+ valueField: 'id',
+ fields: ['id', 'name'],
+ pageSize: 20,
+ editable: false,
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Element/GetListByClass',
+ element_class: 'MODX\\Revolution\\modSnippet'
- MODx.combo.Elements.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.combo.Elements.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.combo.Elements, MODx.combo.ComboBox);
+Ext.reg('modx-combo-elements', MODx.combo.Elements);
* @class MODx.window.CreatePropertySet
@@ -423,45 +461,43 @@ Ext.reg('modx-combo-elements',MODx.combo.Elements);
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-window-property-set-create
-MODx.window.CreatePropertySet = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('propertyset_create')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+MODx.window.CreatePropertySet = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('propertyset_create'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Element/PropertySet/Create'
- }
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,fields: [{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'id'
- },{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('name')
- ,name: 'name'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,allowBlank: false
- ,maxLength: 50
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-combo-category'
- ,fieldLabel: _('category')
- ,name: 'category'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,allowBlank: true
- },{
- xtype: 'textarea'
- ,fieldLabel: _('description')
- ,name: 'description'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,grow: true
- ,maxLength: 255
- }]
- ,keys: []
+ },
+ autoHeight: true,
+ fields: [{
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'id'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('name'),
+ name: 'name',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ allowBlank: false,
+ maxLength: 50
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-category',
+ fieldLabel: _('category'),
+ name: 'category',
+ anchor: '100%'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textarea',
+ fieldLabel: _('description'),
+ name: 'description',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ grow: true,
+ maxLength: 255
+ }],
+ keys: []
- MODx.window.CreatePropertySet.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.CreatePropertySet.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.CreatePropertySet, MODx.Window);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-property-set-create', MODx.window.CreatePropertySet);
* @class MODx.window.UpdatePropertySet
@@ -469,19 +505,18 @@ Ext.reg('modx-window-property-set-create',MODx.window.CreatePropertySet);
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-window-property-set-update
-MODx.window.UpdatePropertySet = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('propertyset_update')
- ,baseParams: {
+MODx.window.UpdatePropertySet = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('propertyset_update'),
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Element/PropertySet/Update'
- }
- ,autoHeight: true
+ },
+ autoHeight: true
- MODx.window.UpdatePropertySet.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.UpdatePropertySet.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.UpdatePropertySet, MODx.window.CreatePropertySet);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-property-set-update', MODx.window.UpdatePropertySet);
* @class MODx.window.DuplicatePropertySet
@@ -489,36 +524,35 @@ Ext.reg('modx-window-property-set-update',MODx.window.UpdatePropertySet);
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-window-property-set-duplicate
-MODx.window.DuplicatePropertySet = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('propertyset_duplicate')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+MODx.window.DuplicatePropertySet = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('propertyset_duplicate'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Element/PropertySet/Duplicate'
- }
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,fields: [{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'id'
- ,id: 'modx-dpropset-id'
- },{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('new_name')
- ,name: 'name'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,value: _('duplicate_of',{name:config.record.name})
- ,maxLength: 50
- },{
- xtype: 'xcheckbox'
- ,boxLabel: _('propertyset_duplicate_copyels')
- ,hideLabel: true
- ,name: 'copyels'
- ,id: 'modx-dpropset-copyels'
- ,checked: true
+ },
+ autoHeight: true,
+ fields: [{
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'id',
+ id: 'modx-dpropset-id'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('new_name'),
+ name: 'name',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ value: _('duplicate_of', { name: config.record.name }),
+ maxLength: 50
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'xcheckbox',
+ boxLabel: _('propertyset_duplicate_copyels'),
+ hideLabel: true,
+ name: 'copyels',
+ id: 'modx-dpropset-copyels',
+ checked: true
- MODx.window.DuplicatePropertySet.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.DuplicatePropertySet.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.DuplicatePropertySet, MODx.Window);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-property-set-duplicate', MODx.window.DuplicatePropertySet);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.panel.tv.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.panel.tv.js
index 68480d95677..b02049f199d 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.panel.tv.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.panel.tv.js
@@ -1651,7 +1651,11 @@ MODx.grid.ElementSources = function(config = {}) {
Ext.applyIf(config, {
id: 'modx-grid-element-sources',
- fields: ['context_key', 'source', 'name'],
+ fields: [
+ 'context_key',
+ 'source',
+ 'name'
+ ],
showActionsColumn: false,
autoHeight: true,
primaryKey: 'id',
@@ -1659,11 +1663,14 @@ MODx.grid.ElementSources = function(config = {}) {
header: _('context'),
dataIndex: 'context_key',
renderer: {
- fn: function(v, md, record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: `?a=context/update&key=${v}`,
- target: '_blank'
- });
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ return this.userCanEditContexts
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=context/update&key=${value}`,
+ target: '_blank'
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
scope: this
@@ -1676,11 +1683,14 @@ MODx.grid.ElementSources = function(config = {}) {
MODx.grid.ElementSources.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
- this.propRecord = Ext.data.Record.create(['context_key', 'source']);
+ this.propRecord = Ext.data.Record.create([
+ 'context_key',
+ 'source'
+ ]);
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['edit_tv', 'save_tv']);
+ this.setUserHasPermissions('editContexts', ['edit_context', 'save_context']);
-Ext.extend(MODx.grid.ElementSources, MODx.grid.LocalGrid, {
- getMenu: function() {
- return [];
- }
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.ElementSources, MODx.grid.LocalGrid);
Ext.reg('modx-grid-element-sources', MODx.grid.ElementSources);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/fc/modx.grid.fcprofile.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/fc/modx.grid.fcprofile.js
index d397e471b2d..6ceab8488ba 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/fc/modx.grid.fcprofile.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/fc/modx.grid.fcprofile.js
@@ -4,37 +4,39 @@
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration options
* @xtype modx-panel-fc-profiles
-MODx.panel.FCProfiles = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-panel-fc-profiles'
- ,cls: 'container'
- ,defaults: { collapsible: false ,autoHeight: true }
- ,items: [{
- html: _('form_customization')
- ,id: 'modx-fcp-header'
- ,xtype: 'modx-header'
- },MODx.getPageStructure([{
- title: _('profiles')
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,layout: "form"
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('form_customization_msg')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- title: ''
- ,preventRender: true
- ,xtype: 'modx-grid-fc-profile'
- ,cls:'main-wrapper'
+MODx.panel.FCProfiles = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-panel-fc-profiles',
+ cls: 'container',
+ defaults: {
+ collapsible: false,
+ autoHeight: true
+ },
+ items: [{
+ html: _('form_customization'),
+ id: 'modx-fcp-header',
+ xtype: 'modx-header'
+ }, MODx.getPageStructure([{
+ title: _('profiles'),
+ autoHeight: true,
+ layout: 'form',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('form_customization_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ title: '',
+ preventRender: true,
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-fc-profile',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper'
- }],{
+ }], {
id: 'modx-form-customization-tabs'
- MODx.panel.FCProfiles.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.panel.FCProfiles.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.panel.FCProfiles, MODx.FormPanel);
+Ext.reg('modx-panel-fc-profiles', MODx.panel.FCProfiles);
* @class MODx.grid.FCProfile
@@ -42,273 +44,276 @@ Ext.reg('modx-panel-fc-profiles',MODx.panel.FCProfiles);
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-grid-fc-profile
-MODx.grid.FCProfile = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
+MODx.grid.FCProfile = function(config = {}) {
this.sm = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel();
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-grid-fc-profile'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-grid-fc-profile',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Security/Forms/Profile/GetList'
- }
- ,fields: [
+ },
+ fields: [
- 'sets',
- 'perm'
- ]
- ,paging: true
- ,autosave: true
- ,save_action: 'Security/Forms/Profile/UpdateFromGrid'
- ,sm: this.sm
- ,remoteSort: true
- ,columns: [this.sm,{
- header: _('id')
- ,dataIndex: 'id'
- ,width: 40
- ,sortable: true
- },{
- header: _('name')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,width: 200
- ,sortable: true
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=security/forms/profile/update&id=' + record.data.id
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },{
- header: _('description')
- ,dataIndex: 'description'
- ,width: 250
- ,sortable: true
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textarea' }
- },{
- header: _('usergroups')
- ,dataIndex: 'usergroups'
- ,width: 150
- }]
- ,viewConfig: {
- forceFit:true
- ,enableRowBody:true
- ,scrollOffset: 0
- ,autoFill: true
- ,showPreview: true
- ,getRowClass : function(rec, ri, p){
- return rec.data.active ? 'grid-row-active' : 'grid-row-inactive';
+ 'sets'
+ ],
+ paging: true,
+ autosave: true,
+ save_action: 'Security/Forms/Profile/UpdateFromGrid',
+ sm: this.sm,
+ remoteSort: true,
+ columns: [this.sm, {
+ header: _('id'),
+ dataIndex: 'id',
+ width: 40,
+ sortable: true
+ }, {
+ header: _('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ width: 200,
+ sortable: true,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textfield'
+ },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record);
+ return this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=security/forms/profile/update&id=${record.data.id}`
+ });
+ },
+ scope: this
- }
- ,tbar: [
- {
- text: _('create')
- ,scope: this
- ,handler: this.createProfile
- ,cls:'primary-button'
- },{
- text: _('bulk_actions')
- ,menu: [{
- text: _('selected_activate')
- ,handler: this.activateSelected
- ,scope: this
- },{
- text: _('selected_deactivate')
- ,handler: this.deactivateSelected
- ,scope: this
- },{
- text: _('selected_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeSelected
- ,scope: this
- }]
+ }, {
+ header: _('description'),
+ dataIndex: 'description',
+ width: 250,
+ sortable: true,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textarea'
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record);
+ return value;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('usergroups'),
+ dataIndex: 'usergroups',
+ width: 150
+ }],
+ tbar: [
+ this.getCreateButton('profile', 'createProfile'),
+ this.getBulkActionsButton('profile', 'Security/Forms/Profile/RemoveMultiple', 'int', 'activate', 'deactivate'),
- ]
+ ],
+ viewConfig: this.getViewConfig(true, false, true)
+ });
+ MODx.grid.FCProfile.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['edit', 'delete', 'duplicate'];
+ // Note there are currently no action-specific, object-specific permissions for FC Profiles
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['customize_forms', 'save']);
+ this.setUserCanCreate(['customize_forms', 'save']);
+ this.setUserCanDelete(['customize_forms', 'remove']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
+ this.on({
+ render: function() {
+ this.getStore().reload();
+ },
+ beforeedit: function(e) {
+ if (!this.userCanEdit) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
- MODx.grid.FCProfile.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
- this.on('render',function() { this.getStore().reload(); },this);
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.FCProfile, MODx.grid.Grid, {
getMenu: function() {
- var r = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- var p = r.data.perm;
- var m = [];
- if (this.getSelectionModel().getCount() > 1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('selected_activate')
- ,handler: this.activateSelected
- });
- m.push({
- text: _('selected_deactivate')
- ,handler: this.deactivateSelected
- });
- m.push('-');
- m.push({
- text: _('selected_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeSelected
- });
+ const
+ model = this.getSelectionModel(),
+ record = model.getSelected(),
+ menu = []
+ ;
+ if (model.getCount() > 1) {
+ if (this.userCanEdit) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('selected_activate'),
+ handler: this.activateSelected
+ });
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('selected_deactivate'),
+ handler: this.deactivateSelected
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.userCanDelete) {
+ menu.push('-');
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('selected_remove'),
+ handler: this.removeSelected.bind(this, 'profile', 'Security/Forms/Profile/RemoveMultiple')
+ });
+ }
} else {
- if (p.indexOf('pedit') != -1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('edit')
- ,handler: this.updateProfile
- },{
- text: _('duplicate')
- ,handler: this.duplicateProfile
- },'-');
- if (r.data.active) {
- m.push({
- text: _('deactivate')
- ,handler: this.deactivateProfile
+ if (this.userCanEdit) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('edit'),
+ handler: this.updateProfile
+ }, {
+ text: _('duplicate'),
+ handler: this.duplicateProfile
+ }, '-');
+ if (record.data.active) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('deactivate'),
+ handler: this.deactivateProfile
} else {
- m.push({
- text: _('activate')
- ,handler: this.activateProfile
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('activate'),
+ handler: this.activateProfile
- if (p.indexOf('premove') != -1) {
- m.push('-',{
- text: _('delete')
- ,handler: this.confirm.createDelegate(this,['Security/Forms/Profile/Remove','profile_remove_confirm'])
+ if (this.userCanDelete) {
+ menu.push('-', {
+ text: _('delete'),
+ handler: this.confirm.createDelegate(this, ['Security/Forms/Profile/Remove', 'profile_remove_confirm'])
+ return menu;
+ },
- if (m.length > 0) {
- this.addContextMenuItem(m);
- }
- }
- ,createProfile: function(btn,e) {
+ createProfile: function(btn, e) {
if (!this.windows.cpro) {
this.windows.cpro = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-window-fc-profile-create'
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ xtype: 'modx-window-fc-profile-create',
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: this.refresh,
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,updateProfile: function(btn,e) {
- var r = this.menu.record;
- location.href = '?a=security/forms/profile/update&id='+r.id;
- }
+ updateProfile: function(btn, e) {
+ const { record } = this.menu;
+ window.location.href = `?a=security/forms/profile/update&id=${record.id}`;
+ },
- ,duplicateProfile: function(btn,e) {
+ duplicateProfile: function(btn, e) {
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'security/forms/profile/duplicate'
- ,id: this.menu.record.id
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:this.refresh,scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'security/forms/profile/duplicate',
+ id: this.menu.record.id
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: this.refresh,
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,activateProfile: function(btn,e) {
+ activateProfile: function(btn, e) {
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/Forms/Profile/Activate'
- ,id: this.menu.record.id
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:this.refresh,scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/Forms/Profile/Activate',
+ id: this.menu.record.id
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: this.refresh,
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,deactivateProfile: function(btn,e) {
+ deactivateProfile: function(btn, e) {
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/Forms/Profile/Deactivate'
- ,id: this.menu.record.id
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:this.refresh,scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/Forms/Profile/Deactivate',
+ id: this.menu.record.id
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: this.refresh,
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
- ,activateSelected: function() {
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
+ },
+ activateSelected: function() {
+ const selections = this.getSelectedAsList();
+ if (selections === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/Forms/Profile/ActivateMultiple'
- ,profiles: cs
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/Forms/Profile/ActivateMultiple',
+ profiles: selections
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
return true;
- }
- ,deactivateSelected: function() {
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
+ },
+ deactivateSelected: function() {
+ const selections = this.getSelectedAsList();
+ if (selections === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/Forms/Profile/DeactivateMultiple'
- ,profiles: cs
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
- }
- });
- return true;
- }
- ,removeSelected: function() {
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
- MODx.msg.confirm({
- title: _('selected_remove')
- ,text: _('profile_remove_multiple_confirm')
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/Forms/Profile/RemoveMultiple'
- ,profiles: cs
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/Forms/Profile/DeactivateMultiple',
+ profiles: selections
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
return true;
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-fc-profile', MODx.grid.FCProfile);
* @class MODx.window.CreateFCProfile
@@ -316,39 +321,38 @@ Ext.reg('modx-grid-fc-profile',MODx.grid.FCProfile);
* @param {Object} config An object of options.
* @xtype modx-window-fc-profile-create
-MODx.window.CreateFCProfile = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('create')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,action: 'Security/Forms/Profile/Create'
- ,fields: [{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,name: 'name'
- ,fieldLabel: _('name')
- ,id: 'modx-fccp-name'
- ,allowBlank: false
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- xtype: 'textarea'
- ,name: 'description'
- ,fieldLabel: _('description')
- ,id: 'modx-fccp-description'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- xtype: 'xcheckbox'
- ,boxLabel: _('active')
- ,hideLabel: true
- ,name: 'active'
- ,id: 'modx-fccp-active'
- ,inputValue: 1
- ,value: 1
- ,checked: true
- ,anchor: '100%'
- }]
- ,keys: []
+MODx.window.CreateFCProfile = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('create'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ action: 'Security/Forms/Profile/Create',
+ formDefaults: {
+ anchor: '100%',
+ msgTarget: 'under',
+ validationEvent: 'change',
+ validateOnBlur: false
+ },
+ fields: [{
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ name: 'name',
+ fieldLabel: _('name'),
+ allowBlank: false
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textarea',
+ name: 'description',
+ fieldLabel: _('description')
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'xcheckbox',
+ boxLabel: _('active'),
+ hideLabel: true,
+ name: 'active',
+ inputValue: 1,
+ value: 1,
+ checked: true
+ }],
+ keys: []
- MODx.window.CreateFCProfile.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.CreateFCProfile.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.CreateFCProfile, MODx.Window);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-fc-profile-create', MODx.window.CreateFCProfile);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/fc/modx.grid.fcset.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/fc/modx.grid.fcset.js
index c4f95b1c740..68c036c82ee 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/fc/modx.grid.fcset.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/fc/modx.grid.fcset.js
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
MODx.grid.FCSet = function(config = {}) {
this.sm = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel();
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-grid-fc-set'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+ const actionCombo = new MODx.combo.FCAction();
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-grid-fc-set',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Security/Forms/Set/GetList'
- }
- ,fields: [
+ },
+ fields: [
@@ -18,339 +19,381 @@ MODx.grid.FCSet = function(config = {}) {
- 'rules',
- 'perm'
- ]
- ,paging: true
- ,autosave: true
- ,preventSaveRefresh: false
- ,save_action: 'Security/Forms/Set/UpdateFromGrid'
- ,sm: this.sm
- ,remoteSort: true
- ,autoExpandColumn: 'controller'
- ,columns: [this.sm,{
- header: _('id')
- ,dataIndex: 'id'
- ,width: 40
- ,sortable: true
- },{
- header: _('action')
- ,dataIndex: 'action'
- ,width: 200
- ,editable: true
- ,sortable: true
- ,editor: {
- xtype: 'modx-combo-fc-action',
- renderer: true
- }
- },{
- header: _('description')
- ,dataIndex: 'description'
- ,width: 200
- ,editable: true
- ,sortable: true
- ,editor: {
- xtype: 'textarea',
- renderer: true
+ 'rules'
+ ],
+ paging: true,
+ autosave: true,
+ preventSaveRefresh: false,
+ save_action: 'Security/Forms/Set/UpdateFromGrid',
+ sm: this.sm,
+ remoteSort: true,
+ autoExpandColumn: 'controller',
+ columns: [this.sm, {
+ header: _('id'),
+ dataIndex: 'id',
+ width: 40,
+ sortable: true
+ }, {
+ header: _('template'),
+ dataIndex: 'template',
+ width: 150,
+ sortable: true,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ let
+ displayValue = record.json.templatename,
+ linkDescripton = _('set_edit')
+ ;
+ if (Ext.isEmpty(record.json.templatename)) {
+ if (record.json.template > 0) {
+ displayValue = _('template_missing');
+ linkDescripton += `\n${_('template_missing_desc')}`;
+ } else {
+ displayValue = _('template_empty');
+ linkDescripton += `\n${_('template_empty_desc')}`;
+ }
+ }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record);
+ return this.renderLink(displayValue, {
+ href: `?a=security/forms/set/update&id=${record.id}`,
+ title: linkDescripton
+ });
+ },
+ scope: this
- },{
- header: _('template')
- ,dataIndex: 'template'
- ,width: 150
- ,sortable: true
- ,editable: true
- ,editor: {
- xtype: 'modx-combo-template',
- renderer: true
+ }, {
+ header: _('action'),
+ dataIndex: 'action',
+ width: 200,
+ sortable: true,
+ editor: actionCombo,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex) {
+ const actionRecord = actionCombo.findRecord(actionCombo.valueField, value);
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record);
+ return actionRecord ? actionRecord.get(actionCombo.displayField) : value;
+ },
+ scope: this
- },{
- header: _('constraint_field')
- ,dataIndex: 'constraint_field'
- ,width: 200
- ,editable: true
- ,sortable: false
- ,editor: {
- xtype: 'textfield',
- renderer: true
+ }, {
+ header: _('description'),
+ dataIndex: 'description',
+ width: 200,
+ sortable: true,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textarea'
+ },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record);
+ return value;
+ },
+ scope: this
- },{
- header: _('constraint')
- ,dataIndex: 'constraint'
- ,width: 200
- ,editable: true
- ,sortable: false
- ,editor: {
- xtype: 'textfield',
- renderer: true
+ }, {
+ header: _('constraint_field'),
+ dataIndex: 'constraint_field',
+ width: 200,
+ sortable: false,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textfield'
+ },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record);
+ return value;
+ },
+ scope: this
- }]
- ,viewConfig: {
- forceFit:true
- ,enableRowBody:true
- ,scrollOffset: 0
- ,autoFill: true
- ,showPreview: true
- ,getRowClass : function(rec, ri, p){
- return rec.data.active ? 'grid-row-active' : 'grid-row-inactive';
+ }, {
+ header: _('constraint'),
+ dataIndex: 'constraint',
+ width: 200,
+ sortable: false,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textfield'
+ },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record);
+ return value;
+ },
+ scope: this
- }
- ,tbar: [
+ }],
+ tbar: [
+ this.getCreateButton('set', 'createSet'),
+ this.getBulkActionsButton('set', 'Security/Forms/Set/RemoveMultiple', 'int', 'activate', 'deactivate'),
- text: _('create')
- ,cls: 'primary-button'
- ,scope: this
- ,handler: this.createSet
- },{
- text: _('bulk_actions')
- ,menu: [{
- text: _('selected_activate')
- ,handler: this.activateSelected
- ,scope: this
- },{
- text: _('selected_deactivate')
- ,handler: this.deactivateSelected
- ,scope: this
- },{
- text: _('selected_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeSelected
- ,scope: this
- }]
- },{
- text: _('import')
- ,handler: this.importSet
- ,scope: this
+ text: _('import'),
+ handler: this.importSet,
+ scope: this,
+ listeners: {
+ render: {
+ fn: function(btn) {
+ if (!this.userCanEdit) {
+ btn.hide();
+ }
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }
- ]
+ ],
+ viewConfig: this.getViewConfig(true, false, true)
+ });
+ MODx.grid.FCSet.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['edit', 'delete', 'duplicate'];
+ // Note there are currently no action-specific, object-specific permissions for FC Sets
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['customize_forms', 'save']);
+ this.setUserCanCreate(['customize_forms', 'save']);
+ this.setUserCanDelete(['customize_forms', 'remove']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
+ this.on({
+ beforeedit: function(e) {
+ if (!this.userCanEdit) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
- MODx.grid.FCSet.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.FCSet, MODx.grid.Grid, {
getMenu: function() {
- var r = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- var p = r.data.perm;
- var m = [];
- if (this.getSelectionModel().getCount() > 1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('selected_activate')
- ,handler: this.activateSelected
- });
- m.push({
- text: _('selected_deactivate')
- ,handler: this.deactivateSelected
- });
- m.push('-');
- m.push({
- text: _('selected_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeSelected
- });
+ const
+ model = this.getSelectionModel(),
+ record = model.getSelected(),
+ menu = []
+ ;
+ if (model.getCount() > 1) {
+ if (this.userCanEdit) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('selected_activate'),
+ handler: this.activateSelected
+ });
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('selected_deactivate'),
+ handler: this.deactivateSelected
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.userCanDelete) {
+ menu.push('-');
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('selected_remove'),
+ handler: this.removeSelected.bind(this, 'set', 'Security/Forms/Set/RemoveMultiple')
+ });
+ }
} else {
- if (p.indexOf('pedit') != -1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('edit')
- ,handler: this.updateSet
+ if (this.userCanEdit) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('edit'),
+ handler: this.updateSet
- m.push({
- text: _('duplicate')
- ,handler: this.duplicateSet
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('duplicate'),
+ handler: this.duplicateSet
- m.push({
- text: _('export')
- ,handler: this.exportSet
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('export'),
+ handler: this.exportSet
- m.push('-');
- if (r.data.active) {
- m.push({
- text: _('deactivate')
- ,handler: this.deactivateSet
+ menu.push('-');
+ if (record.data.active) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('deactivate'),
+ handler: this.deactivateSet
} else {
- m.push({
- text: _('activate')
- ,handler: this.activateSet
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('activate'),
+ handler: this.activateSet
- if (p.indexOf('premove') != -1) {
- m.push('-',{
- text: _('delete')
- ,handler: this.confirm.createDelegate(this,['Security/Forms/Set/Remove','set_remove_confirm'])
+ if (this.userCanDelete) {
+ menu.push('-', {
+ text: _('delete'),
+ handler: this.confirm.createDelegate(this, ['Security/Forms/Set/Remove', 'set_remove_confirm'])
+ return menu;
+ },
- if (m.length > 0) {
- this.addContextMenuItem(m);
- }
- }
- ,exportSet: function(btn,e) {
- var id = this.menu.record.id;
+ exportSet: function(btn, e) {
+ const { id } = this.menu.record;
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/Forms/Set/Export'
- ,id: id
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- location.href = this.config.url+'?action=Security/Forms/Set/Export&download='+r.message+'&id='+id+'&HTTP_MODAUTH='+MODx.siteId;
- },scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/Forms/Set/Export',
+ id: id
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(response) {
+ window.location.href = `${this.config.url}?action=Security/Forms/Set/Export&download=${response.message}&id=${id}&HTTP_MODAUTH=${MODx.siteId}`;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,importSet: function(btn,e) {
- var r = {
+ importSet: function(btn, e) {
+ const record = {
profile: MODx.request.id
if (!this.windows.impset) {
this.windows.impset = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-window-fc-set-import'
- ,record: r
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(o) {
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ xtype: 'modx-window-fc-set-import',
+ record: record,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: this.refresh,
+ scope: this
+ }
- this.windows.impset.setValues(r);
+ this.windows.impset.setValues(record);
- }
+ },
- ,createSet: function(btn,e) {
- var r = {
- profile: MODx.request.id
- ,active: true
+ createSet: function(btn, e) {
+ const record = {
+ profile: MODx.request.id,
+ active: true
if (!this.windows.cset) {
this.windows.cset = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-window-fc-set-create'
- ,record: r
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ xtype: 'modx-window-fc-set-create',
+ record: record,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: this.refresh,
+ scope: this
+ }
- this.windows.cset.setValues(r);
+ this.windows.cset.setValues(record);
- }
+ },
- ,updateSet: function(btn,e) {
- var r = this.menu.record;
- location.href = '?a=security/forms/set/update&id='+r.id;
- }
+ updateSet: function(btn, e) {
+ const { record } = this.menu;
+ window.location.href = `?a=security/forms/set/update&id=${record.id}`;
+ },
- ,duplicateSet: function(btn,e) {
+ duplicateSet: function(btn, e) {
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'security/forms/set/duplicate'
- ,id: this.menu.record.id
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:this.refresh,scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'security/forms/set/duplicate',
+ id: this.menu.record.id
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: this.refresh,
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,activateSet: function(btn,e) {
+ activateSet: function(btn, e) {
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/Forms/Set/Activate'
- ,id: this.menu.record.id
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:this.refresh,scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/Forms/Set/Activate',
+ id: this.menu.record.id
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: this.refresh,
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,deactivateSet: function(btn,e) {
+ deactivateSet: function(btn, e) {
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/Forms/Set/Deactivate'
- ,id: this.menu.record.id
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:this.refresh,scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/Forms/Set/Deactivate',
+ id: this.menu.record.id
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: this.refresh,
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
- ,activateSelected: function() {
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
+ },
+ activateSelected: function() {
+ const selections = this.getSelectedAsList();
+ if (selections === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/Forms/Set/ActivateMultiple'
- ,sets: cs
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/Forms/Set/ActivateMultiple',
+ sets: selections
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
return true;
- }
- ,deactivateSelected: function() {
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
+ },
+ deactivateSelected: function() {
+ const selections = this.getSelectedAsList();
+ if (selections === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/Forms/Set/DeactivateMultiple'
- ,sets: cs
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
- }
- });
- return true;
- }
- ,removeSelected: function() {
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
- MODx.msg.confirm({
- title: _('selected_remove')
- ,text: _('set_remove_multiple_confirm')
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/Forms/Set/RemoveMultiple'
- ,sets: cs
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/Forms/Set/DeactivateMultiple',
+ sets: selections
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
return true;
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-fc-set', MODx.grid.FCSet);
* @class MODx.window.CreateFCSet
@@ -360,85 +403,85 @@ Ext.reg('modx-grid-fc-set',MODx.grid.FCSet);
MODx.window.CreateFCSet = function(config = {}) {
Ext.applyIf(config, {
- title: _('create')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,action: 'Security/Forms/Set/Create'
- ,width: 600
- ,fields: [{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'profile'
- ,value: MODx.request.id
- },{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,fieldLabel: _('constraint_class')
- ,name: 'constraint_class'
- ,allowBlank: true
- ,value: 'MODX\\Revolution\\modResource'
- },{
- layout: 'column'
- ,border: false
- ,defaults: {
- layout: 'form'
- ,labelAlign: 'top'
- ,border: false
- }
- ,items: [{
- columnWidth: .5
- ,defaults: {
+ title: _('create'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ action: 'Security/Forms/Set/Create',
+ width: 600,
+ fields: [{
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'profile',
+ value: MODx.request.id
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ fieldLabel: _('constraint_class'),
+ name: 'constraint_class',
+ allowBlank: true,
+ value: 'MODX\\Revolution\\modResource'
+ }, {
+ layout: 'column',
+ border: false,
+ defaults: {
+ layout: 'form',
+ labelAlign: 'top',
+ border: false
+ },
+ items: [{
+ columnWidth: 0.5,
+ defaults: {
anchor: '100%',
msgTarget: 'under',
validationEvent: 'change',
validateOnBlur: false
- }
- ,items: [{
- fieldLabel: _('action')
- ,name: 'action_id'
- ,hiddenName: 'action_id'
- ,id: 'modx-fcsc-action'
- ,xtype: 'modx-combo-fc-action'
- ,editable: false
- ,allowBlank: false
- },{
- xtype: 'textarea'
- ,name: 'description'
- ,fieldLabel: _('description')
- ,id: 'modx-fcsc-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'xcheckbox'
- ,boxLabel: _('active')
- ,hideLabel: true
- ,name: 'active'
- ,inputValue: 1
- ,value: 1
- ,checked: true
+ },
+ items: [{
+ fieldLabel: _('action'),
+ name: 'action_id',
+ hiddenName: 'action_id',
+ id: 'modx-fcsc-action',
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-fc-action',
+ editable: false,
+ allowBlank: false
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textarea',
+ name: 'description',
+ fieldLabel: _('description'),
+ id: 'modx-fcsc-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'xcheckbox',
+ boxLabel: _('active'),
+ hideLabel: true,
+ name: 'active',
+ inputValue: 1,
+ value: 1,
+ checked: true
- },{
- columnWidth: .5
- ,defaults: {
+ }, {
+ columnWidth: 0.5,
+ defaults: {
anchor: '100%',
msgTarget: 'under',
validationEvent: 'change',
validateOnBlur: false
- }
- ,items: [{
- xtype: 'modx-combo-template'
- ,name: 'template'
- ,hiddenName: 'template'
- ,fieldLabel: _('template')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('set_template_desc')
- ,id: 'modx-fcsc-template'
- ,baseParams: { action: 'Element/Template/GetList', combo: true }
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-fcsc-template'
- ,html: _('set_template_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('constraint_field')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('set_constraint_field_desc')
- ,name: 'constraint_field'
- ,listeners: {
+ },
+ items: [{
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-template',
+ name: 'template',
+ hiddenName: 'template',
+ fieldLabel: _('template'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('set_template_desc'),
+ id: 'modx-fcsc-template',
+ baseParams: { action: 'Element/Template/GetList', combo: true }
+ }, {
+ xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden',
+ forId: 'modx-fcsc-template',
+ html: _('set_template_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('constraint_field'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('set_constraint_field_desc'),
+ name: 'constraint_field',
+ listeners: {
change: {
fn: function(cmp, newValue, oldValue) {
if (!Ext.isEmpty(newValue)) {
@@ -451,16 +494,16 @@ MODx.window.CreateFCSet = function(config = {}) {
scope: this
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'box' : 'hidden'
- ,html: _('set_constraint_field_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('constraint')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('set_constraint_desc')
- ,name: 'constraint'
- ,listeners: {
+ }, {
+ xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'box' : 'hidden',
+ html: _('set_constraint_field_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('constraint'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('set_constraint_desc'),
+ name: 'constraint',
+ listeners: {
change: {
fn: function(cmp, newValue, oldValue) {
if (!Ext.isEmpty(newValue)) {
@@ -473,19 +516,19 @@ MODx.window.CreateFCSet = function(config = {}) {
scope: this
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'box' : 'hidden'
- ,html: _('set_constraint_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'box' : 'hidden',
+ html: _('set_constraint_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
- }]
- ,keys: []
+ }],
+ keys: []
- MODx.window.CreateFCSet.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.CreateFCSet.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.CreateFCSet, MODx.Window);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-fc-set-create', MODx.window.CreateFCSet);
* @class MODx.window.ImportFCSet
@@ -493,34 +536,33 @@ Ext.reg('modx-window-fc-set-create',MODx.window.CreateFCSet);
* @param {Object} config An object of options.
* @xtype modx-window-fc-set-import
-MODx.window.ImportFCSet = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('import')
- ,id: 'modx-window-fc-set-import'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,action: 'Security/Forms/Set/Import'
- ,fileUpload: true
- ,saveBtnText: _('import')
- ,fields: [{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'profile'
- ,value: MODx.request.id
- },{
- html: _('set_import_msg')
- ,id: 'modx-impset-desc'
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- ,style: 'margin-bottom: 10px;'
- },{
- xtype: 'fileuploadfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('file')
- ,buttonText: _('upload.buttons.upload')
- ,name: 'file'
- ,id: 'modx-impset-file'
- ,anchor: '100%'
+MODx.window.ImportFCSet = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('import'),
+ id: 'modx-window-fc-set-import',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ action: 'Security/Forms/Set/Import',
+ fileUpload: true,
+ saveBtnText: _('import'),
+ fields: [{
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'profile',
+ value: MODx.request.id
+ }, {
+ html: _('set_import_msg'),
+ id: 'modx-impset-desc',
+ xtype: 'modx-description',
+ style: 'margin-bottom: 10px;'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'fileuploadfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('file'),
+ buttonText: _('upload.buttons.upload'),
+ name: 'file',
+ id: 'modx-impset-file',
+ anchor: '100%'
- MODx.window.ImportFCSet.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.ImportFCSet.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.ImportFCSet, MODx.Window);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-fc-set-import', MODx.window.ImportFCSet);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/fc/modx.panel.fcprofile.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/fc/modx.panel.fcprofile.js
index 002b5e6ed8d..5b288d76b24 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/fc/modx.panel.fcprofile.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/fc/modx.panel.fcprofile.js
@@ -4,140 +4,142 @@
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-panel-fc-profile
-MODx.panel.FCProfile = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+MODx.panel.FCProfile = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Security/Forms/Profile/Update'
- }
- ,id: 'modx-panel-fc-profile'
- ,cls: 'container'
- ,class_key: 'MODX\\Revolution\\modFormCustomizationProfile'
- ,bodyStyle: ''
- ,items: [this.getPageHeader(config), MODx.getPageStructure([{
- title: _('profile')
- ,defaults: { border: false ,msgTarget: 'side' }
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,id: 'modx-fcp-form'
- ,labelWidth: 150
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('profile_msg')+' '
- ,id: 'modx-fcp-msg'
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'panel'
- ,border: false
- ,cls:'main-wrapper'
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,items: [{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'id'
- ,id: 'modx-fcp-id'
- ,value: config.record.id || MODx.request.id
- },{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('name')
- ,name: 'name'
- ,id: 'modx-fcp-name'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,maxLength: 191
- ,enableKeyEvents: true
- ,allowBlank: false
- ,value: config.record.name
- ,listeners: {
- 'keyup': {scope:this,fn:function(f,e) {
- Ext.getCmp('modx-header-breadcrumbs').updateHeader(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(f.getValue()));
- }}
+ },
+ id: 'modx-panel-fc-profile',
+ cls: 'container',
+ class_key: 'MODX\\Revolution\\modFormCustomizationProfile',
+ bodyStyle: '',
+ items: [this.getPageHeader(config), MODx.getPageStructure([{
+ title: _('profile'),
+ defaults: { border: false, msgTarget: 'side' },
+ layout: 'form',
+ id: 'modx-fcp-form',
+ labelWidth: 150,
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('profile_msg')} `,
+ id: 'modx-fcp-msg',
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'panel',
+ border: false,
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ layout: 'form',
+ items: [{
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'id',
+ id: 'modx-fcp-id',
+ value: config.record.id || MODx.request.id
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('name'),
+ name: 'name',
+ id: 'modx-fcp-name',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ maxLength: 191,
+ enableKeyEvents: true,
+ allowBlank: false,
+ value: config.record.name,
+ listeners: {
+ keyup: {
+ fn: function(f, e) {
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-header-breadcrumbs').updateHeader(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(f.getValue()));
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- },{
- xtype: 'textarea'
- ,fieldLabel: _('description')
- ,name: 'description'
- ,id: 'modx-fcp-description'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,maxLength: 255
- ,grow: false
- ,value: config.record.description
- },{
- xtype: 'xcheckbox'
- ,fieldLabel: _('active')
- ,name: 'active'
- ,id: 'modx-fcp-active'
- ,inputValue: true
- ,value: config.record.active ? true : false
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,allowBlank: true
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textarea',
+ fieldLabel: _('description'),
+ name: 'description',
+ id: 'modx-fcp-description',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ maxLength: 255,
+ grow: false,
+ value: config.record.description
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'xcheckbox',
+ fieldLabel: _('active'),
+ ctCls: 'display-switch',
+ name: 'active',
+ id: 'modx-fcp-active',
+ inputValue: true,
+ value: Boolean(config.record.active),
+ anchor: '100%'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-fc-set'
- ,cls:'main-wrapper'
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Security/Forms/Set/GetList'
- ,profile: config.record.id
- }
- ,preventRender: true
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-fc-set',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Security/Forms/Set/GetList',
+ profile: config.record.id
+ },
+ preventRender: true
- },{
- title: _('usergroups')
- ,layout: 'anchor'
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('profile_usergroups_msg')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-fc-profile-usergroups'
- ,cls:'main-wrapper'
- ,data: config.record.usergroups || []
- ,preventRender: true
+ }, {
+ title: _('usergroups'),
+ layout: 'anchor',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('profile_usergroups_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-fc-profile-usergroups',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ data: config.record.usergroups || [],
+ preventRender: true
- }],{
+ }], {
id: 'modx-fc-profile-tabs'
- })]
- ,listeners: {
- 'setup': {fn:this.setup,scope:this}
- ,'success': {fn:this.success,scope:this}
- ,'beforeSubmit': {fn:this.beforeSubmit,scope:this}
+ })],
+ listeners: {
+ setup: { fn: this.setup, scope: this },
+ success: { fn: this.success, scope: this },
+ beforeSubmit: { fn: this.beforeSubmit, scope: this }
- MODx.panel.FCProfile.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.panel.FCProfile.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
- initialized: false
+Ext.extend(MODx.panel.FCProfile, MODx.FormPanel, {
+ initialized: false,
- ,setup: function() {
+ setup: function() {
if (!this.initialized) { this.getForm().setValues(this.config.record); }
if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.config.record.name)) {
- this.fireEvent('ready',this.config.record);
+ this.fireEvent('ready', this.config.record);
this.initialized = true;
return true;
- }
+ },
- ,beforeSubmit: function(o) {
- Ext.apply(o.form.baseParams,{
+ beforeSubmit: function(o) {
+ Ext.apply(o.form.baseParams, {
usergroups: Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-fc-profile-usergroups').encode()
- return this.fireEvent('save',{
+ return this.fireEvent('save', {
values: this.getForm().getValues()
- }
+ },
- ,success: function(r) {
+ success: function(r) {
- }
+ },
- ,getPageHeader: function(config) {
+ getPageHeader: function(config) {
return MODx.util.getHeaderBreadCrumbs('modx-fcp-header', [{
text: _('form_customization'),
href: MODx.getPage('security/forms')
+Ext.reg('modx-panel-fc-profile', MODx.panel.FCProfile);
* @class MODx.grid.FCProfileUserGroups
@@ -145,65 +147,79 @@ Ext.reg('modx-panel-fc-profile',MODx.panel.FCProfile);
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-grid-fc-profile-usergroups
-MODx.grid.FCProfileUserGroups = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-grid-fc-profile-usergroups'
- ,fields: ['id','name']
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,stateful: false
- ,columns: [{
- header: _('name')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=security/usergroup/update&id=' + record.data.id
- ,target: '_blank'
- });
- }, scope: this }
- }]
- ,tbar: [{
- text: _('usergroup_create')
- ,cls: 'primary-button'
- ,handler: this.addUserGroup
- ,scope: this
+MODx.grid.FCProfileUserGroups = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-grid-fc-profile-usergroups',
+ fields: [
+ 'id',
+ 'name'
+ ],
+ autoHeight: true,
+ stateful: false,
+ columns: [{
+ header: _('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ const canEditGroups = MODx.perm.usergroup_edit && MODx.perm.usergroup_save;
+ return canEditGroups
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=security/usergroup/update&id=${record.data.id}`,
+ target: '_blank'
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }],
+ tbar: [{
+ text: _('usergroup_create'),
+ cls: 'primary-button',
+ handler: this.addUserGroup,
+ scope: this
- MODx.grid.FCProfileUserGroups.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.grid.FCProfileUserGroups.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
this.fcugRecord = Ext.data.Record.create(config.fields);
- getMenu: function(g,ri) {
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.FCProfileUserGroups, MODx.grid.LocalGrid, {
+ getMenu: function(g, ri) {
return [{
- text: _('usergroup_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeUserGroup
- ,scope: this
+ text: _('usergroup_remove'),
+ handler: this.removeUserGroup,
+ scope: this
- }
+ },
- ,addUserGroup: function(btn,e) {
- this.loadWindow(btn,e,{
- xtype: 'modx-window-fc-profile-add-usergroup'
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- var s = this.getStore();
- var rec = new this.fcugRecord(r);
- s.add(rec);
- },scope:this}
+ addUserGroup: function(btn, e) {
+ this.loadWindow(btn, e, {
+ xtype: 'modx-window-fc-profile-add-usergroup',
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(response) {
+ const
+ store = this.getStore(),
+ record = new this.fcugRecord(response)
+ ;
+ store.add(record);
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,removeUserGroup: function(btn,e) {
- var rec = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- Ext.Msg.confirm(_('usergroup_remove'),_('usergroup_remove_confirm'),function(e) {
- if (e == 'yes') {
- this.getStore().remove(rec);
+ removeUserGroup: function(btn, e) {
+ const record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
+ Ext.Msg.confirm(_('usergroup_remove'), _('usergroup_remove_confirm'), function(e) {
+ if (e === 'yes') {
+ this.getStore().remove(record);
- },this);
+ }, this);
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-fc-profile-usergroups', MODx.grid.FCProfileUserGroups);
* @class MODx.window.AddGroupToProfile
@@ -211,40 +227,41 @@ Ext.reg('modx-grid-fc-profile-usergroups',MODx.grid.FCProfileUserGroups);
* @param {Object} config An object of options.
* @xtype modx-window-fc-profile-add-usergroup
-MODx.window.AddGroupToProfile = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('usergroup_create')
- ,fields: [{
- fieldLabel: _('user_group')
- ,name: 'usergroup'
- ,hiddenName: 'usergroup'
- ,id: 'modx-fcaug-usergroup'
- ,xtype: 'modx-combo-usergroup'
- ,editable: false
- ,allowBlank: false
- ,anchor: '100%'
+MODx.window.AddGroupToProfile = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('usergroup_create'),
+ fields: [{
+ fieldLabel: _('user_group'),
+ name: 'usergroup',
+ hiddenName: 'usergroup',
+ id: 'modx-fcaug-usergroup',
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-usergroup',
+ editable: false,
+ allowBlank: false,
+ anchor: '100%'
- MODx.window.AddGroupToProfile.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.AddGroupToProfile.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.AddGroupToProfile, MODx.Window, {
submit: function() {
- var rec = {};
- rec.id = Ext.getCmp('modx-fcaug-usergroup').getValue();
- rec.name = Ext.getCmp('modx-fcaug-usergroup').getRawValue();
+ const
+ record = {},
+ grid = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-fc-profile-usergroups'),
+ store = grid.getStore(),
+ match = store.findExact('id', record.id)
+ ;
+ record.id = Ext.getCmp('modx-fcaug-usergroup').getValue();
+ record.name = Ext.getCmp('modx-fcaug-usergroup').getRawValue();
- var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-fc-profile-usergroups');
- var s = g.getStore();
- var v = s.findExact('id',rec.id);
- if (v != '-1') {
- MODx.msg.alert(_('error'),_('profile_usergroup_err_ae'));
+ if (match !== -1) {
+ MODx.msg.alert(_('error'), _('profile_usergroup_err_ae'));
return false;
- this.fireEvent('success',rec);
+ this.fireEvent('success', record);
return false;
+Ext.reg('modx-window-fc-profile-add-usergroup', MODx.window.AddGroupToProfile);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/fc/modx.panel.fcset.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/fc/modx.panel.fcset.js
index c02841caf41..4fbd1aed282 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/fc/modx.panel.fcset.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/fc/modx.panel.fcset.js
@@ -6,88 +6,95 @@
MODx.panel.FCSet = function(config = {}) {
Ext.applyIf(config, {
- url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Security/Forms/Set/Update'
- }
- ,id: 'modx-panel-fc-set'
- ,class_key: 'MODX\\Revolution\\modFormCustomizationSet'
- ,cls: 'container'
- ,items: [this.getPageHeader(config), MODx.getPageStructure([{
- title: _('set_and_fields')
- ,xtype: 'panel'
- ,border: false
- ,defaults: { border: false }
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('set_msg')+' '
- ,id: 'modx-fcs-msg'
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- layout: 'form'
- ,id: 'modx-fcs-form'
- ,defaults: {
- anchor: '100%'
- ,msgTarget: 'under'
- ,validationEvent: 'change'
- ,validateOnBlur: false
- }
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,labelWidth: 150
- ,items: [{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'id'
- ,id: 'modx-fcs-id'
- ,value: config.record.id || MODx.request.id
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-combo-fc-action'
- ,fieldLabel: _('action')
- ,name: 'action_id'
- ,hiddenName: 'action_id'
- ,id: 'modx-fcs-action'
- ,allowBlank: false
- ,value: config.record.action
- ,listeners: {
- 'select': {scope:this,fn:function(f,e) {
- Ext.getCmp('modx-header-breadcrumbs').updateHeader(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(f.getRawValue()));
- }}
- }
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-combo-template'
- ,fieldLabel: _('template')
- ,description: _('set_template_desc')
- ,name: 'template'
- ,hiddenName: 'template'
- ,value: config.record.template || 0
- ,lazyInit: false
- ,lazyRender: false
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Element/Template/GetList'
- ,combo: true
+ },
+ id: 'modx-panel-fc-set',
+ class_key: 'MODX\\Revolution\\modFormCustomizationSet',
+ cls: 'container',
+ items: [this.getPageHeader(config), MODx.getPageStructure([{
+ title: _('set_and_fields'),
+ xtype: 'panel',
+ border: false,
+ defaults: { border: false },
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('set_msg')} `,
+ id: 'modx-fcs-msg',
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ layout: 'form',
+ id: 'modx-fcs-form',
+ defaults: {
+ anchor: '100%',
+ msgTarget: 'under',
+ validationEvent: 'change',
+ validateOnBlur: false
+ },
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ labelWidth: 150,
+ items: [{
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'id',
+ id: 'modx-fcs-id',
+ value: config.record.id || MODx.request.id
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-fc-action',
+ fieldLabel: _('action'),
+ name: 'action_id',
+ hiddenName: 'action_id',
+ id: 'modx-fcs-action',
+ allowBlank: false,
+ value: config.record.action,
+ listeners: {
+ select: {
+ fn: function(f, e) {
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-header-breadcrumbs').updateHeader(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(f.getRawValue()));
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- ,listeners: {
- 'select': {fn:this.changeTemplate,scope:this}
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-template',
+ fieldLabel: _('template'),
+ description: _('set_template_desc'),
+ name: 'template',
+ hiddenName: 'template',
+ value: config.record.template || 0,
+ valueNotFoundText: _('template_missing_reassign'),
+ lazyInit: false,
+ lazyRender: false,
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Element/Template/GetList',
+ combo: true
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ select: {
+ fn: this.changeTemplate,
+ scope: this
+ }
- },{
- xtype: 'textarea'
- ,fieldLabel: _('description')
- ,name: 'description'
- ,id: 'modx-fcs-description'
- ,maxLength: 255
- ,grow: false
- ,value: config.record.description
- },{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,fieldLabel: _('constraint_class')
- ,name: 'constraint_class'
- ,value: 'MODX\\Revolution\\modResource'
- ,allowBlank: true
- },{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('constraint_field')
- ,description: _('set_constraint_field_desc')
- ,name: 'constraint_field'
- ,value: config.record.constraint_field
- ,listeners: {
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textarea',
+ fieldLabel: _('description'),
+ name: 'description',
+ id: 'modx-fcs-description',
+ maxLength: 255,
+ grow: false,
+ value: config.record.description
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ fieldLabel: _('constraint_class'),
+ name: 'constraint_class',
+ value: 'MODX\\Revolution\\modResource',
+ allowBlank: true
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('constraint_field'),
+ description: _('set_constraint_field_desc'),
+ name: 'constraint_field',
+ value: config.record.constraint_field,
+ listeners: {
change: {
fn: function(cmp, newValue, oldValue) {
if (!Ext.isEmpty(newValue)) {
@@ -100,13 +107,13 @@ MODx.panel.FCSet = function(config = {}) {
scope: this
- },{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('constraint')
- ,description: _('set_constraint_desc')
- ,name: 'constraint'
- ,value: config.record.constraint
- ,listeners: {
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('constraint'),
+ description: _('set_constraint_desc'),
+ name: 'constraint',
+ value: config.record.constraint,
+ listeners: {
change: {
fn: function(cmp, newValue, oldValue) {
if (!Ext.isEmpty(newValue)) {
@@ -119,125 +126,128 @@ MODx.panel.FCSet = function(config = {}) {
scope: this
- },{
- xtype: 'xcheckbox'
- ,fieldLabel: _('active')
- ,name: 'active'
- ,inputValue: true
- ,value: Boolean(config.record.active)
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'xcheckbox',
+ fieldLabel: _('active'),
+ ctCls: 'display-switch',
+ name: 'active',
+ inputValue: true,
+ value: Boolean(config.record.active)
- },{
- html: ''+_('set_fields_msg')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- id: 'modx-fcs-fields-form'
- ,msgTarget: 'side'
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,layout: 'anchor'
- ,items: [{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-fc-set-fields'
- ,data: config.record.fields || []
- ,preventRender: true
+ }, {
+ html: `${_('set_fields_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ id: 'modx-fcs-fields-form',
+ msgTarget: 'side',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ layout: 'anchor',
+ items: [{
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-fc-set-fields',
+ data: config.record.fields || [],
+ preventRender: true
- },{
- title: _('regions')
- ,border: false
- ,layout: 'anchor'
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('set_tabs_msg')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-fc-set-tabs'
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,data: config.record.tabs || []
- ,preventRender: true
+ }, {
+ title: _('regions'),
+ border: false,
+ layout: 'anchor',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('set_tabs_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-fc-set-tabs',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ data: config.record.tabs || [],
+ preventRender: true
- },{
- title: _('tvs')
- ,border: false
- ,layout: 'anchor'
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('set_tvs_msg')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-fc-set-tvs'
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,data: config.record.tvs || []
- ,preventRender: true
+ }, {
+ title: _('tvs'),
+ border: false,
+ layout: 'anchor',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('set_tvs_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-fc-set-tvs',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ data: config.record.tvs || [],
+ preventRender: true
- }],{
+ }], {
id: 'modx-fc-set-tabs'
- })]
- ,listeners: {
- 'setup': {fn:this.setup,scope:this}
- ,'success': {fn:this.success,scope:this}
- ,'beforeSubmit': {fn:this.beforeSubmit,scope:this}
+ })],
+ listeners: {
+ setup: { fn: this.setup, scope: this },
+ success: { fn: this.success, scope: this },
+ beforeSubmit: { fn: this.beforeSubmit, scope: this }
- MODx.panel.FCSet.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.panel.FCSet.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
- initialized: false
+Ext.extend(MODx.panel.FCSet, MODx.FormPanel, {
+ initialized: false,
- ,setup: function() {
- if (!this.initialized) {this.getForm().setValues(this.config.record);}
+ setup: function() {
+ if (!this.initialized) {
+ this.getForm().setValues(this.config.record);
+ }
- this.fireEvent('ready',this.config.record);
+ this.fireEvent('ready', this.config.record);
this.initialized = true;
return true;
- }
+ },
- ,beforeSubmit: function(o) {
- Ext.apply(o.form.baseParams,{
- fields: Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-fc-set-fields').encode()
- ,tabs: Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-fc-set-tabs').encode()
- ,tvs: Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-fc-set-tvs').encode()
+ beforeSubmit: function(o) {
+ Ext.apply(o.form.baseParams, {
+ fields: Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-fc-set-fields').encode(),
+ tabs: Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-fc-set-tabs').encode(),
+ tvs: Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-fc-set-tvs').encode()
- return this.fireEvent('save',{
+ return this.fireEvent('save', {
values: this.getForm().getValues()
- }
+ },
- ,success: function(r) {
+ success: function(r) {
- }
+ },
- ,changeTemplate: function(cb) {
- if (cb.getValue() != this.config.record.template) {
- Ext.Msg.confirm(_('set_change_template'),_('set_change_template_confirm'),function(e) {
- if (e == 'yes') {
- this.on('success',function() {
- location.href = location.href;
- },this);
+ changeTemplate: function(cb) {
+ if (cb.getValue() !== this.config.record.template) {
+ Ext.Msg.confirm(_('set_change_template'), _('set_change_template_confirm'), function(e) {
+ if (e === 'yes') {
+ this.on('success', function() {
+ window.location.reload();
+ }, this);
} else {
- },this);
+ }, this);
return false;
- }
+ },
- ,getPageHeader: function(config) {
- var profile = config.record.profile;
+ getPageHeader: function(config) {
+ const { profile } = config.record;
return MODx.util.getHeaderBreadCrumbs('modx-fcs-header', [{
text: _('form_customization'),
href: MODx.getPage('security/forms')
- },{
+ }, {
text: _('profile'),
- href: MODx.getPage('security/forms/profile/update&id='+profile)
+ href: MODx.getPage(`security/forms/profile/update&id=${profile}`)
+Ext.reg('modx-panel-fc-set', MODx.panel.FCSet);
* @class MODx.grid.FCSetFields
@@ -245,71 +255,72 @@ Ext.reg('modx-panel-fc-set',MODx.panel.FCSet);
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-grid-fc-set-fields
-MODx.grid.FCSetFields = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
+MODx.grid.FCSetFields = function(config = {}) {
this.vcb = new Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn({
- header: _('visible')
- ,dataIndex: 'visible'
- ,width: 40
- ,sortable: false
+ header: _('visible'),
+ dataIndex: 'visible',
+ width: 40,
+ sortable: false
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-grid-fc-set-fields'
- ,showActionsColumn: false
- ,fields: ['id','action','name','tab','tab_rank','other','rank','visible','label','default_value']
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,grouping: true
- ,groupBy: 'tab_rank'
- ,plugins: [this.vcb]
- ,stateful: false
- ,remoteSort: false
- ,sortBy: 'rank'
- ,sortDir: 'ASC'
- ,hideGroupedColumn: true
- ,groupTextTpl: '{[values.rs[0].data.tab]} ({[values.rs.length]} {[values.rs.length > 1 ? "'+_('fields')+'" : "'+_('field')+'"]})'
- ,columns: [{
- header: _('name')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,width: 200
- },{
- header: _('region')+' ('+_('tab_id')+')'
- ,dataIndex: 'tab'
- ,width: 100
- },{
- header: _('tab_rank')
- ,dataIndex: 'tab_rank'
- ,width: 100
- },this.vcb,{
- header: _('label')
- ,dataIndex: 'label'
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- ,renderer: function(v,md) {
- return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(v);
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-grid-fc-set-fields',
+ showActionsColumn: false,
+ fields: [
+ 'id',
+ 'action',
+ 'name',
+ 'tab',
+ 'tab_rank',
+ 'other',
+ 'rank',
+ 'visible',
+ 'label',
+ 'default_value'
+ ],
+ autoHeight: true,
+ grouping: true,
+ groupBy: 'tab_rank',
+ plugins: [this.vcb],
+ stateful: false,
+ remoteSort: false,
+ sortBy: 'rank',
+ sortDir: 'ASC',
+ hideGroupedColumn: true,
+ groupTextTpl: `{[values.rs[0].data.tab]} ({[values.rs.length]} {[values.rs.length > 1 ? "${_('fields')}" : "${_('field')}"]})`,
+ columns: [{
+ header: _('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ width: 200
+ }, {
+ header: `${_('region')} (${_('tab_id')})`,
+ dataIndex: 'tab',
+ width: 100
+ }, {
+ header: _('tab_rank'),
+ dataIndex: 'tab_rank',
+ width: 100
+ }, this.vcb, {
+ header: _('label'),
+ dataIndex: 'label',
+ editor: { xtype: 'textfield' },
+ renderer: function(value, metaData) {
+ return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(value);
- },{
- header: _('default_value')
- ,dataIndex: 'default_value'
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- ,renderer: function(v,md) {
+ }, {
+ header: _('default_value'),
+ dataIndex: 'default_value',
+ editor: { xtype: 'textfield' },
+ renderer: function(v, md) {
return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(v);
- }]
- ,viewConfig: {
- forceFit:true
- ,enableRowBody:true
- ,scrollOffset: 0
- ,autoFill: true
- ,showPreview: true
- ,getRowClass : function(rec, ri, p){
- return rec.data.visible ? 'grid-row-active' : 'grid-row-inactive';
- }
- }
+ }],
+ viewConfig: this.getViewConfig(false, false, true)
- MODx.grid.FCSetFields.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.grid.FCSetFields.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
this.propRecord = Ext.data.Record.create(config.fields);
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.FCSetFields, MODx.grid.LocalGrid);
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-fc-set-fields', MODx.grid.FCSetFields);
* @class MODx.grid.FCSetTabs
@@ -317,90 +328,95 @@ Ext.reg('modx-grid-fc-set-fields',MODx.grid.FCSetFields);
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-grid-fc-set-tabs
-MODx.grid.FCSetTabs = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
+MODx.grid.FCSetTabs = function(config = {}) {
this.vcb = new Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn({
- header: _('visible')
- ,dataIndex: 'visible'
- ,width: 40
- ,sortable: false
+ header: _('visible'),
+ dataIndex: 'visible',
+ width: 40,
+ sortable: false
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-grid-fc-set-tabs'
- ,showActionsColumn: false
- ,fields: ['id','action','name','form','other','rank','visible','label','type']
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,plugins: [this.vcb]
- ,stateful: false
- ,columns: [{
- header: _('region')+' ('+_('tab_id')+')'
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,width: 100
- },this.vcb,{
- header: _('tab_title')
- ,dataIndex: 'label'
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- }]
- ,viewConfig: {
- forceFit:true
- ,enableRowBody:true
- ,scrollOffset: 0
- ,autoFill: true
- ,showPreview: true
- ,getRowClass : function(rec, ri, p){
- return rec.data.visible ? 'grid-row-active' : 'grid-row-inactive';
- }
- }
- ,tbar: [{
- text: _('create')
- ,cls: 'primary-button'
- ,handler: this.createTab
- ,scope: this
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-grid-fc-set-tabs',
+ showActionsColumn: false,
+ fields: [
+ 'id',
+ 'action',
+ 'name',
+ 'form',
+ 'other',
+ 'rank',
+ 'visible',
+ 'label',
+ 'type'
+ ],
+ autoHeight: true,
+ plugins: [this.vcb],
+ stateful: false,
+ columns: [{
+ header: `${_('region')} (${_('tab_id')})`,
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ width: 100
+ }, this.vcb, {
+ header: _('tab_title'),
+ dataIndex: 'label',
+ editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
+ }],
+ viewConfig: this.getViewConfig(false, false, true),
+ tbar: [{
+ text: _('create'),
+ cls: 'primary-button',
+ handler: this.createTab,
+ scope: this
- MODx.grid.FCSetTabs.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.grid.FCSetTabs.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
this.propRecord = Ext.data.Record.create(config.fields);
- getMenu: function(g,ri) {
- var rec = this.getStore().getAt(ri);
- if (rec.data.type == 'new') {
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.FCSetTabs, MODx.grid.LocalGrid, {
+ getMenu: function(g, ri) {
+ const record = this.getStore().getAt(ri);
+ if (record.data.type === 'new') {
return [{
- text: _('delete')
- ,handler: this.removeTab
- ,scope: this
+ text: _('delete'),
+ handler: this.removeTab,
+ scope: this
return [];
- }
+ },
- ,createTab: function(btn,e) {
+ createTab: function(btn, e) {
if (!this.windows.ctab) {
this.windows.ctab = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-window-fc-set-add-tab'
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- var s = this.getStore();
- var rec = new this.propRecord(r);
- s.add(rec);
- },scope:this}
+ xtype: 'modx-window-fc-set-add-tab',
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(response) {
+ const
+ store = this.getStore(),
+ record = new this.propRecord(response)
+ ;
+ store.add(record);
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,removeTab: function(btn,e) {
- var rec = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- Ext.Msg.confirm(_('delete'),_('tab_remove_confirm'),function(e) {
- if (e == 'yes') {
- this.getStore().remove(rec);
+ removeTab: function(btn, e) {
+ const record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
+ Ext.Msg.confirm(_('delete'), _('tab_remove_confirm'), function(e) {
+ if (e === 'yes') {
+ this.getStore().remove(record);
- },this);
+ }, this);
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-fc-set-tabs', MODx.grid.FCSetTabs);
* @class MODx.grid.FCSetTVs
@@ -408,81 +424,88 @@ Ext.reg('modx-grid-fc-set-tabs',MODx.grid.FCSetTabs);
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-grid-fc-set-tvs
-MODx.grid.FCSetTVs = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
+MODx.grid.FCSetTVs = function(config = {}) {
this.vcb = new Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn({
- header: _('visible')
- ,dataIndex: 'visible'
- ,width: 40
- ,sortable: false
+ header: _('visible'),
+ dataIndex: 'visible',
+ width: 40,
+ sortable: false
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-grid-fc-set-tvs'
- ,showActionsColumn: false
- ,fields: ['id','name','tab','rank','visible','label','default_value','category','default_text']
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,grouping: true
- ,groupBy: 'category'
- ,sortBy: 'rank'
- ,sortDir: 'ASC'
- ,stateful: false
- ,groupTextTpl: '{group} ({[values.rs.length]} {[values.rs.length > 1 ? "'+_('tvs')+'" : "'+_('tv')+'"]})'
- ,plugins: [this.vcb]
- ,hideGroupedColumn: true
- ,columns: [{
- header: _('category')
- ,dataIndex: 'category'
- },{
- header: _('tv_name')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,width: 200
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=element/tv/update&id=' + record.data.id
- ,target: '_blank'
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },this.vcb,{
- header: _('label')
- ,dataIndex: 'label'
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- },{
- header: _('default_value')
- ,dataIndex: 'default_value'
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- ,renderer: function(v) { return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(v); }
- },{
- header: _('original_value')
- ,dataIndex: 'default_text'
- ,editable: false
- },{
- header: _('region')+' ('+_('tab_id')+')'
- ,dataIndex: 'tab'
- ,width: 100
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- },{
- header: _('tab_rank')
- ,dataIndex: 'rank'
- ,width: 70
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- }]
- ,viewConfig: {
- forceFit:true
- ,enableRowBody:true
- ,scrollOffset: 0
- ,autoFill: true
- ,showPreview: true
- ,getRowClass : function(rec, ri, p){
- return rec.data.visible ? 'grid-row-active' : 'grid-row-inactive';
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-grid-fc-set-tvs',
+ showActionsColumn: false,
+ fields: [
+ 'id',
+ 'name',
+ 'tab',
+ 'rank',
+ 'visible',
+ 'label',
+ 'default_value',
+ 'category',
+ 'default_text'
+ ],
+ autoHeight: true,
+ grouping: true,
+ groupBy: 'category',
+ sortBy: 'rank',
+ sortDir: 'ASC',
+ stateful: false,
+ groupTextTpl: `{group} ({[values.rs.length]} {[values.rs.length > 1 ? "${_('tvs')}" : "${_('tv')}"]})`,
+ plugins: [this.vcb],
+ hideGroupedColumn: true,
+ columns: [{
+ header: _('category'),
+ dataIndex: 'category'
+ }, {
+ header: _('tv_name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ width: 200,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ const canEditTvs = MODx.perm.edit_tv && MODx.perm.save_tv;
+ return canEditTvs
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=element/tv/update&id=${record.data.id}`,
+ target: '_blank'
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
- }
+ }, this.vcb, {
+ header: _('label'),
+ dataIndex: 'label',
+ editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
+ }, {
+ header: _('default_value'),
+ dataIndex: 'default_value',
+ editor: { xtype: 'textfield' },
+ renderer: function(v) { return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(v); }
+ }, {
+ header: _('original_value'),
+ dataIndex: 'default_text',
+ editable: false
+ }, {
+ header: `${_('region')} (${_('tab_id')})`,
+ dataIndex: 'tab',
+ width: 100,
+ editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
+ }, {
+ header: _('tab_rank'),
+ dataIndex: 'rank',
+ width: 70,
+ editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
+ }],
+ viewConfig: this.getViewConfig(false, false, true)
- MODx.grid.FCSetTVs.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.grid.FCSetTVs.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
this.propRecord = Ext.data.Record.create(config.fields);
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.FCSetTVs, MODx.grid.LocalGrid, {
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-fc-set-tvs', MODx.grid.FCSetTVs);
* @class MODx.window.AddTabToSet
@@ -490,58 +513,58 @@ Ext.reg('modx-grid-fc-set-tvs',MODx.grid.FCSetTVs);
* @param {Object} config An object of options.
* @xtype modx-window-fc-set-add-tab
-MODx.window.AddTabToSet = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('create')
- ,fields: [{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'container'
- ,value: 'modx-resource-tabs'
- },{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'visible'
- ,value: true
- },{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'type'
- ,value: 'new'
- },{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,name: 'name'
- ,fieldLabel: _('region')+' ('+_('tab_id')+')'
- ,id: 'modx-fcatab-id'
- ,allowBlank: false
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('tab_title')
- ,name: 'value'
- ,id: 'modx-fcatab-name'
- ,allowBlank: false
- ,anchor: '100%'
+MODx.window.AddTabToSet = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('create'),
+ fields: [{
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'container',
+ value: 'modx-resource-tabs'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'visible',
+ value: true
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'type',
+ value: 'new'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ name: 'name',
+ fieldLabel: `${_('region')} (${_('tab_id')})`,
+ id: 'modx-fcatab-id',
+ allowBlank: false,
+ anchor: '100%'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('tab_title'),
+ name: 'value',
+ id: 'modx-fcatab-name',
+ allowBlank: false,
+ anchor: '100%'
- MODx.window.AddTabToSet.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.AddTabToSet.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.AddTabToSet, MODx.Window, {
submit: function() {
- var rec = this.fp.getForm().getValues();
- var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-fc-set-tabs');
- var s = g.getStore();
- var v = s.query('name',rec.name).items;
- if (v.length > 0) {
- MODx.msg.alert(_('error'),_('set_tab_err_ae'));
+ const
+ record = this.fp.getForm().getValues(),
+ grid = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-fc-set-tabs'),
+ store = grid.getStore(),
+ matches = store.query('name', record.name).items
+ ;
+ if (matches.length > 0) {
+ MODx.msg.alert(_('error'), _('set_tab_err_ae'));
return false;
- rec.label = rec.value;
- rec.visible = true;
- rec.type = 'new';
+ record.label = record.value;
+ record.visible = true;
+ record.type = 'new';
- this.fireEvent('success',rec);
+ this.fireEvent('success', record);
return false;
+Ext.reg('modx-window-fc-set-add-tab', MODx.window.AddTabToSet);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/resource/modx.grid.resource.security.local.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/resource/modx.grid.resource.security.local.js
index db27310fdd0..6f6cae30997 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/resource/modx.grid.resource.security.local.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/resource/modx.grid.resource.security.local.js
@@ -4,43 +4,56 @@
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-grid-resource-security
-MODx.grid.ResourceSecurity = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- var ac = new Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn({
- header: _('access')
- ,dataIndex: 'access'
- ,width: 40
- ,sortable: true
- ,hidden: MODx.perm.resourcegroup_resource_edit != 1
+MODx.grid.ResourceSecurity = function(config = {}) {
+ const accessCheckboxCol = new Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn({
+ header: _('access'),
+ dataIndex: 'access',
+ width: 40,
+ sortable: true,
+ hidden: !MODx.perm.resourcegroup_resource_edit
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-grid-resource-security'
- ,fields: ['id','name','access']
- ,showActionsColumn: false
- ,paging: false
- ,remoteSort: false
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,plugins: ac
- ,columns: [{
- header: _('name')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,width: 200
- ,sortable: true
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=security/resourcegroup'
- ,target: '_blank'
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },ac]
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-grid-resource-security',
+ fields: [
+ 'id',
+ 'name',
+ 'access'
+ ],
+ showActionsColumn: false,
+ paging: false,
+ remoteSort: false,
+ autoHeight: true,
+ plugins: accessCheckboxCol,
+ columns: [
+ {
+ header: _('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ width: 200,
+ sortable: true,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ const canEditResourceGroups = MODx.perm.resourcegroup_edit || MODx.perm.resourcegroup_resource_edit;
+ return canEditResourceGroups
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=security/resourcegroup&id=${record.data.id}`,
+ target: '_blank'
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ },
+ accessCheckboxCol
+ ]
- MODx.grid.ResourceSecurity.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.grid.ResourceSecurity.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
this.propRecord = Ext.data.Record.create(config.fields);
- this.on('rowclick',MODx.fireResourceFormChange);
+ this.on('rowclick', MODx.fireResourceFormChange);
this.store.sortInfo = {
field: 'access',
direction: 'DESC'
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.ResourceSecurity, MODx.grid.LocalGrid);
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-resource-security', MODx.grid.ResourceSecurity);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/resource/modx.grid.trash.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/resource/modx.grid.trash.js
index 0849f12cbcb..bbd1e2f814f 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/resource/modx.grid.trash.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/resource/modx.grid.trash.js
@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ MODx.grid.Trash = function(config = {}) {
- 'deletedby_name',
- 'cls'
+ 'deletedby_name'
paging: true,
autosave: true,
@@ -46,7 +45,23 @@ MODx.grid.Trash = function(config = {}) {
dataIndex: 'published',
width: 40,
sortable: true,
- editor: {xtype: 'combo-boolean', renderer: 'boolean'}
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'combo-boolean'
+ },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ /*
+ This field depends on permission other than the typicaledit,
+ thus not using the base setEditableCellClasses() method here
+ */
+ if (!record.json.permissions.publish) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = 'editor-disabled';
+ }
+ return this.rendYesNo(value, metaData);
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
}, {
header: _('trash.deletedon_title'),
dataIndex: 'deletedon',
@@ -61,39 +76,57 @@ MODx.grid.Trash = function(config = {}) {
return record.data.deletedby_name;
tbar: [
+ /*
+ Not using base getBulkActionsButton() method here, as this menu utilizes
+ methods/actions specific to this class not supported by that method
+ */
text: _('bulk_actions'),
+ id: 'modx-btn-bulk-actions',
menu: [{
text: _('trash.selected_purge'),
+ itemId: 'modx-bulk-menu-opt-purge',
handler: this.purgeSelected,
scope: this
}, {
text: _('trash.selected_restore'),
+ itemId: 'modx-bulk-menu-opt-restore',
handler: this.restoreSelected,
scope: this
- }]
- }, {
- text: _('trash.purge_all'),
- id: 'modx-purge-all',
- cls: 'x-btn-purge-all',
+ }],
listeners: {
click: {
- fn: this.purgeAll,
+ fn: function(btn) {
+ const
+ menuOptPurge = btn.menu.getComponent('modx-bulk-menu-opt-purge'),
+ menuOptUndelete = btn.menu.getComponent('modx-bulk-menu-opt-restore')
+ ;
+ if (this.getSelectionModel().getCount() === 0) {
+ menuOptPurge.disable();
+ menuOptUndelete.disable();
+ } else {
+ if (this.userCanPurge) {
+ menuOptPurge.enable();
+ }
+ if (this.userCanUndelete) {
+ menuOptUndelete.enable();
+ }
+ }
+ },
scope: this
+ }, {
+ text: _('trash.purge_all'),
+ id: 'modx-btn-purge-all',
+ cls: 'x-btn-purge-all',
+ handler: this.purgeAll
}, {
text: _('trash.restore_all'),
- id: 'modx-restore-all',
+ id: 'modx-btn-restore-all',
cls: 'x-btn-restore-all',
- listeners: {
- click: {
- fn: this.restoreAll,
- scope: this
- }
- }
+ handler: this.restoreAll
@@ -122,51 +155,88 @@ MODx.grid.Trash = function(config = {}) {
MODx.grid.Trash.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['purge', 'undelete'];
+ this.setUserHasPermissions('purge', ['purge_deleted']);
+ this.setUserHasPermissions('undelete', ['undelete_document']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
+ this.on({
+ render: grid => {
+ const buttonsToHide = [];
+ if (!this.userCanPurge && !this.userCanUndelete) {
+ buttonsToHide.push('modx-btn-bulk-actions', 'modx-btn-purge-all', 'modx-btn-restore-all');
+ } else {
+ const bulkMenu = Ext.getCmp('modx-btn-bulk-actions').menu;
+ if (!this.userCanPurge) {
+ buttonsToHide.push('modx-btn-purge-all');
+ bulkMenu.getComponent('modx-bulk-menu-opt-purge').disable();
+ }
+ if (!this.userCanUndelete) {
+ buttonsToHide.push('modx-btn-restore-all');
+ bulkMenu.getComponent('modx-bulk-menu-opt-restore').disable();
+ }
+ }
+ if (buttonsToHide.length > 0) {
+ buttonsToHide.forEach(btnId => Ext.getCmp(btnId)?.hide());
+ }
+ },
+ beforeedit: function(e) {
+ if (e.field === 'published' && !this.userCanEditRecord(e.record, 'publish')) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ });
Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Trash, MODx.grid.Grid, {
- getMenu: function () {
- var r = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- var p = r.data.cls;
- var m = [];
- if (this.getSelectionModel().getCount() > 1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('trash.selected_purge'),
- handler: this.purgeSelected,
- scope: this
- });
- m.push({
- text: _('trash.selected_restore'),
- handler: this.restoreSelected,
- scope: this
- });
+ getMenu: function() {
+ const
+ model = this.getSelectionModel(),
+ record = model.getSelected(),
+ canPurge = this.userCanPurge && this.userCanDeleteRecord(record, 'purge'),
+ canUndelete = this.userCanUndelete && this.userCanEditRecord(record, 'undelete'),
+ menu = []
+ ;
+ if (model.getCount() > 1) {
+ if (canPurge) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('trash.selected_purge'),
+ handler: this.purgeSelected,
+ scope: this
+ });
+ }
+ if (canUndelete) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('trash.selected_restore'),
+ handler: this.restoreSelected,
+ scope: this
+ });
+ }
} else {
- if (p.indexOf('trashpurge') !== -1) {
- m.push({
+ if (canPurge) {
+ menu.push({
text: _('trash.purge'),
handler: this.purgeResource
- if (p.indexOf('trashundelete') !== -1) {
- m.push({
+ if (canUndelete) {
+ menu.push({
text: _('trash.restore'),
handler: this.restoreResource
- if (m.length > 0) {
- this.addContextMenuItem(m);
- }
+ return menu;
- purgeResource: function () {
+ purgeResource: function() {
minWidth: 500,
title: _('trash.purge_confirm_title'),
text: _('trash.purge_confirm_message', {
- 'list': this.listResources('')
+ list: this.listResources('')
url: this.config.url,
params: {
@@ -174,33 +244,35 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Trash, MODx.grid.Grid, {
ids: this.menu.record.id
listeners: {
- 'success': {
- fn: function (data) {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(data) {
- }, scope: this
+ },
+ scope: this
- 'error': {
- fn: function (data) {
+ error: {
+ fn: function(data) {
title: _('error'),
message: data.message
- }, scope: this
+ },
+ scope: this
- restoreResource: function () {
- var withPublish = '';
+ restoreResource: function() {
+ let withPublish = '';
if (this.menu.record.published) {
withPublish = '_with_publish';
minWidth: 500,
title: _('trash.restore_confirm_title'),
- text: _('trash.restore_confirm_message' + withPublish, {
- 'list': this.listResources('')
+ text: _(`trash.restore_confirm_message${withPublish}`, {
+ list: this.listResources('')
url: this.config.url,
params: {
@@ -208,52 +280,57 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Trash, MODx.grid.Grid, {
id: this.menu.record.id
listeners: {
- 'success': {
- fn: function (data) {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(data) {
- }, scope: this
+ },
+ scope: this
- 'error': {
- fn: function (data) {
+ error: {
+ fn: function(data) {
title: _('error'),
message: data.message
- }, scope: this
+ },
+ scope: this
- purgeSelected: function () {
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
+ purgeSelected: function() {
+ const selections = this.getSelectedAsList();
+ if (selections === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
minWidth: 500,
title: _('trash.purge_confirm_title'),
text: _('trash.purge_confirm_message', {
- 'list': this.listResources('')
+ list: this.listResources('')
url: this.config.url,
params: {
action: 'Resource/Trash/Purge',
- ids: cs
+ ids: selections
listeners: {
- 'success': {
- fn: function (data) {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(data) {
- }, scope: this
+ },
+ scope: this
- 'error': {
- fn: function (data) {
+ error: {
+ fn: function(data) {
title: _('error'),
message: data.message
- }, scope: this
+ },
+ scope: this
@@ -261,52 +338,56 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Trash, MODx.grid.Grid, {
return true;
- restoreSelected: function () {
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
+ restoreSelected: function() {
+ const selections = this.getSelectedAsList();
+ if (selections === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
minWidth: 500,
title: _('trash.restore_confirm_title'),
text: _('trash.restore_confirm_message', {
- 'list': this.listResources('')
+ list: this.listResources('')
url: this.config.url,
params: {
action: 'Resource/Trash/Restore',
- ids: cs
+ ids: selections
listeners: {
- 'success': {
- fn: function (data) {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(data) {
- }, scope: this
+ },
+ scope: this
- 'error': {
- fn: function (data) {
+ error: {
+ fn: function(data) {
title: _('error'),
message: data.message
- }, scope: this
+ },
+ scope: this
return true;
- purgeAll: function () {
- var sm = this.getSelectionModel();
- sm.selectAll();
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
+ purgeAll: function() {
+ const model = this.getSelectionModel();
+ model.selectAll();
+ const selections = this.getSelectedAsList();
+ if (selections === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
minWidth: 500,
title: _('trash.purge_confirm_title'),
text: _('trash.purge_all_confirm_message', {
- 'count': sm.selections.length,
- 'list': this.listResources('')
+ count: model.selections.length,
+ list: this.listResources('')
url: this.config.url,
params: {
@@ -316,11 +397,11 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Trash, MODx.grid.Grid, {
// shown in the trash manager list because of missing reload.
// in that case we would purge something unreviewed/blindly.
// therefore we have to pass all ids which are shown in our list here
- ids: cs
+ ids: selections
listeners: {
- 'success': {
- fn: function (data) {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(data) {
title: _('success'),
message: data.message
@@ -329,32 +410,35 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Trash, MODx.grid.Grid, {
this.refreshEverything(data.total); // no need to refresh if nothing was purged
- }, scope: this
+ },
+ scope: this
- 'error': {
- fn: function (data) {
+ error: {
+ fn: function(data) {
title: _('error'),
message: data.message
- }, scope: this
+ },
+ scope: this
- })
+ });
- restoreAll: function () {
- var sm = this.getSelectionModel();
- sm.selectAll();
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
+ restoreAll: function() {
+ const model = this.getSelectionModel();
+ model.selectAll();
+ const selections = this.getSelectedAsList();
+ if (selections === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
minWidth: 500,
title: _('trash.restore_confirm_title'),
text: _('trash.restore_all_confirm_message', {
- 'count': sm.selections.length,
- 'list': this.listResources('')
+ count: model.selections.length,
+ list: this.listResources('')
url: this.config.url,
params: {
@@ -364,11 +448,11 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Trash, MODx.grid.Grid, {
// shown in the trash manager list because of missing reload.
// in that case we would restore something unreviewed/blindly.
// therefore we have to pass all ids which are shown in our list here
- ids: cs
+ ids: selections
listeners: {
- 'success': {
- fn: function (data) {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(data) {
title: _('success'),
message: data.message
@@ -377,65 +461,67 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Trash, MODx.grid.Grid, {
this.refreshEverything(data.total); // no need to refresh if nothing was purged
- }, scope: this
+ },
+ scope: this
- 'error': {
- fn: function (data) {
+ error: {
+ fn: function(data) {
title: _('error'),
message: data.message
- }, scope: this
+ },
+ scope: this
- })
+ });
- refreshTree: function () {
- var t = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-tree');
- t.refresh();
+ refreshTree: function() {
+ const tree = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-tree');
+ tree.refresh();
- refreshEverything: function (total) {
+ refreshEverything: function(total) {
- refreshRecycleBinButton: function (total) {
+ refreshRecycleBinButton: function(total) {
- listResources: function (separator) {
- separator = separator || '';
+ listResources: function(separator = '') {
// creates a textual representation of the selected resources
// we create a textlist of the resources here to show them again in the confirmation box
- var selections = this.getSelectionModel().getSelections();
- var text = [], t;
- selections.forEach(function (selection) {
- t = selection.data.parentPath + "" + selection.data.pagetitle + " (" + selection.data.id + ")" + "";
+ const
+ selections = this.getSelectionModel().getSelections(),
+ text = []
+ ;
+ let resourceRef;
+ selections.forEach(function(selection) {
+ resourceRef = `${selection.data.parentPath}${selection.data.pagetitle} (${selection.data.id})`;
if (selection.data.published) {
- t = '' + t + '';
+ resourceRef = `${resourceRef}`;
- t = "" + t + " ";
- text.push(t);
+ resourceRef = `${resourceRef} `;
+ text.push(resourceRef);
return text.join(separator);
- renderTooltip: function (value, metadata, record) {
+ renderTooltip: function(value, metadata, record) {
if (value) {
- var preview = ((record.json.pagetitle) ? '' + _('pagetitle') + ': ' + record.json.pagetitle + ' ' : '')
- + ((record.json.longtitle) ? '' + _('long_title') + ': ' + record.json.longtitle + ' ' : '')
- + ((record.data.parentPath) ? '' + _('trash.parent_path') + ': ' + record.data.parentPath + ' ' : '')
- + ((record.json.content) ? '' + _('content') + ': ' + Ext.util.Format.ellipsis(record.json.content.replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi, ''), 100) + ' ' : '');
+ let preview = ((record.json.pagetitle) ? `${_('pagetitle')}: ${record.json.pagetitle} ` : '')
+ + ((record.json.longtitle) ? `${_('long_title')}: ${record.json.longtitle} ` : '')
+ + ((record.data.parentPath) ? `${_('trash.parent_path')}: ${record.data.parentPath} ` : '')
+ + ((record.json.content) ? `${_('content')}: ${Ext.util.Format.ellipsis(record.json.content.replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi, ''), 100)} ` : '');
preview = Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(preview);
- return '' + value + ' ';
- } else {
- return '';
+ return `${value} `;
+ return '';
Ext.reg('modx-grid-trash', MODx.grid.Trash);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.access.context.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.access.context.js
index 3410bc15646..9e2bae55610 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.access.context.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.access.context.js
@@ -6,148 +6,191 @@
* @param {Object} config An object of options.
* @xtype modx-grid-access-context
-MODx.grid.AccessContext = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-grid-access-context'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Security/Access/GetList'
- ,type: config.type || 'MODX\\Revolution\\modAccessContext'
- ,target: config.context_key
- }
- ,fields: ['id','target','target_name','principal_class','principal','principal_name','authority','policy','policy_name','cls']
- ,type: 'modAccessContext'
- ,paging: true
- ,columns: [{
- header: _('context')
- ,dataIndex: 'target_name'
- ,width: 100
- },{
- header: _('user_group')
- ,dataIndex: 'principal_name'
- ,width: 120
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=security/usergroup/update&id=' + record.data.principal
- ,target: '_blank'
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },{
- header: _('authority')
- ,dataIndex: 'authority'
- ,width: 50
- },{
- header: _('policy')
- ,dataIndex: 'policy_name'
- ,width: 175
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=security/access/policy/update&id=' + record.data.policy
- ,target: '_blank'
- });
- }, scope: this }
- }]
- ,tbar: [{
- text: _('create')
- ,cls: 'primary-button'
- ,scope: this
- ,handler: this.createAcl
+MODx.grid.AccessContext = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-grid-access-context',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Security/Access/GetList',
+ type: config.type || 'MODX\\Revolution\\modAccessContext',
+ target: config.context_key
+ },
+ fields: ['id',
+ 'target',
+ 'target_name',
+ 'principal_class',
+ 'principal',
+ 'principal_name',
+ 'authority',
+ 'policy',
+ 'policy_name'
+ ],
+ type: 'modAccessContext',
+ paging: true,
+ columns: [{
+ header: _('context'),
+ dataIndex: 'target_name',
+ width: 100
+ }, {
+ header: _('user_group'),
+ dataIndex: 'principal_name',
+ width: 120,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ return record.json.canEditGroups
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=security/usergroup/update&id=${record.data.principal}`,
+ target: '_blank'
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('authority'),
+ dataIndex: 'authority',
+ width: 50
+ }, {
+ header: _('policy'),
+ dataIndex: 'policy_name',
+ width: 175,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ return record.json.canEditGroups
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=security/access/policy/update&id=${record.data.policy}`,
+ target: '_blank'
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }],
+ tbar: [{
+ text: _('create'),
+ cls: 'primary-button',
+ scope: this,
+ handler: this.createAcl
- MODx.grid.AccessContext.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
- combos: {}
- ,windows: {}
+ MODx.grid.AccessContext.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
- ,getMenu: function() {
- var r = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- var p = r.data.cls;
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['edit', 'delete'];
- var m = [];
- if (this.getSelectionModel().getCount() > 1) {
+ // Note there are currently no action-specific permissions for Access Permissions
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['access_permissions']);
+ this.setUserCanCreate(['access_permissions']);
+ this.setUserCanDelete(['access_permissions']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
- } else {
- if (p.indexOf('pedit') != -1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('edit')
- ,handler: this.editAcl
+ this.on({
+ beforerender: function(grid) {
+ grid.view = new Ext.grid.GridView(grid.getViewConfig(false, false));
+ }
+ });
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.AccessContext, MODx.grid.Grid, {
+ combos: {},
+ windows: {},
+ getMenu: function() {
+ const
+ record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected(),
+ menu = []
+ ;
+ if (this.getSelectionModel().getCount() === 1) {
+ if (this.userCanEdit && this.userCanEditRecord(record)) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('edit'),
+ handler: this.editAcl
- if (p.indexOf('premove') != -1) {
- if (m.length > 0) { m.push('-'); }
- m.push({
- text: _('delete')
- ,handler: this.removeAcl
+ if (this.userCanDelete && this.userCanDeleteRecord(record)) {
+ if (menu.length > 0) {
+ menu.push('-');
+ }
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('delete'),
+ handler: this.removeAcl
- if (m.length > 0) {
- this.addContextMenuItem(m);
+ if (menu.length > 0) {
+ this.addContextMenuItem(menu);
- }
+ },
- ,createAcl: function(itm,e) {
- var r = {
- target: this.config.context_key
- ,principal_class: 'MODX\\Revolution\\modUserGroup'
+ createAcl: function(itm, e) {
+ const record = {
+ target: this.config.context_key,
+ principal_class: 'MODX\\Revolution\\modUserGroup'
if (!this.windows.create_acl) {
this.windows.create_acl = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-window-access-context-create'
- ,record: r
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(o) {
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ xtype: 'modx-window-access-context-create',
+ record: record,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- this.windows.create_acl.setValues(r);
+ this.windows.create_acl.setValues(record);
- }
+ },
- ,editAcl: function(itm,e) {
- var r = this.menu.record;
- Ext.applyIf(r,{
- context: r.target
- ,user_group: r.principal
+ editAcl: function(itm, e) {
+ const { record } = this.menu;
+ Ext.applyIf(record, {
+ context: record.target,
+ user_group: record.principal
if (!this.windows.update_acl) {
this.windows.update_acl = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-window-access-context-update'
- ,acl: r.id
- ,record: r
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:this.refresh,scope:this}
+ xtype: 'modx-window-access-context-update',
+ acl: record.id,
+ record: record,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: this.refresh,
+ scope: this
+ }
- this.windows.update_acl.setValues(r);
+ this.windows.update_acl.setValues(record);
- }
+ },
- ,removeAcl: function(itm,e) {
+ removeAcl: function(itm, e) {
- title: _('ugc_remove')
- ,text: _('access_confirm_remove')
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/Access/RemoveAcl'
- ,id: this.menu.record.id
- ,type: this.config.type || 'modAccessContext'
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:this.refresh,scope:this}
+ title: _('ugc_remove'),
+ text: _('access_confirm_remove'),
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/Access/RemoveAcl',
+ id: this.menu.record.id,
+ type: this.config.type || 'modAccessContext'
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: this.refresh,
+ scope: this
+ }
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-access-context', MODx.grid.AccessContext);
* @class MODx.window.CreateAccessContext
@@ -155,61 +198,59 @@ Ext.reg('modx-grid-access-context',MODx.grid.AccessContext);
* @param {Object} config An object of options.
* @xtype modx-window-access-context-create
-MODx.window.CreateAccessContext = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- var r = config.record;
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('ugc_mutate')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Security/Access/AddAcl'
- ,type: config.type || 'modAccessContext'
- }
- ,type: 'modAccessContext'
- ,acl: 0
- ,fields: [{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'id'
- ,value: r.id || ''
- },{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'target'
- ,value: r.context || ''
- },{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'principal_class'
- ,value: 'MODX\\Revolution\\modUserGroup'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-combo-usergroup'
- ,fieldLabel: _('user_group')
- ,name: 'principal'
- ,hiddenName: 'principal'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,value: r.principal || ''
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Security/Group/GetList'
- ,combo: true
+MODx.window.CreateAccessContext = function(config = {}) {
+ const { record } = config;
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('ugc_mutate'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Security/Access/AddAcl',
+ type: config.type || 'modAccessContext'
+ },
+ type: 'modAccessContext',
+ acl: 0,
+ fields: [{
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'id',
+ value: record.id || ''
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'target',
+ value: record.context || ''
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'principal_class',
+ value: 'MODX\\Revolution\\modUserGroup'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-usergroup',
+ fieldLabel: _('user_group'),
+ name: 'principal',
+ hiddenName: 'principal',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ value: record.principal || '',
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Security/Group/GetList',
+ combo: true
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-combo-policy'
- ,fieldLabel: _('policy')
- ,name: 'policy'
- ,hiddenName: 'policy'
- ,value: r.policy || ''
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('authority')
- ,name: 'authority'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,value: r.authority || ''
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-policy',
+ fieldLabel: _('policy'),
+ name: 'policy',
+ hiddenName: 'policy',
+ value: record.policy || '',
+ anchor: '100%'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('authority'),
+ name: 'authority',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ value: record.authority || ''
- MODx.window.CreateAccessContext.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.CreateAccessContext.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.CreateAccessContext, MODx.Window);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-access-context-create', MODx.window.CreateAccessContext);
* @class MODx.window.UpdateAccessContext
@@ -217,18 +258,16 @@ Ext.reg('modx-window-access-context-create',MODx.window.CreateAccessContext);
* @param {Object} config An object of options.
* @xtype modx-window-access-context-update
-MODx.window.UpdateAccessContext = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- var r = config.record;
- this.ident = config.ident || 'uactx'+Ext.id();
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('ugc_mutate')
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Security/Access/UpdateAcl'
- ,type: config.type || 'modAccessContext'
+MODx.window.UpdateAccessContext = function(config = {}) {
+ this.ident = config.ident || `uactx${Ext.id()}`;
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('ugc_mutate'),
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Security/Access/UpdateAcl',
+ type: config.type || 'modAccessContext'
- MODx.window.UpdateAccessContext.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.UpdateAccessContext.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.UpdateAccessContext, MODx.window.CreateAccessContext);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-access-context-update', MODx.window.UpdateAccessContext);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.access.policy.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.access.policy.js
index 4631ca43d44..c5d5cf9626a 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.access.policy.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.access.policy.js
@@ -7,30 +7,30 @@
* @xtype modx-panel-access-policies
MODx.panel.AccessPolicies = function(config = {}) {
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-panel-access-policies'
- ,bodyStyle: ''
- ,defaults: { collapsible: false, autoHeight: true }
- ,items: [{
- html: _('policies')
- ,id: 'modx-policies-header'
- ,xtype: 'modx-header'
- },{
- layout: 'form'
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('policy_management_msg')+' '
- ,border: false
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-access-policy'
- ,preventRender: true
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-panel-access-policies',
+ bodyStyle: '',
+ defaults: { collapsible: false, autoHeight: true },
+ items: [{
+ html: _('policies'),
+ id: 'modx-policies-header',
+ xtype: 'modx-header'
+ }, {
+ layout: 'form',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('policy_management_msg')} `,
+ border: false
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-access-policy',
+ preventRender: true
- MODx.panel.AccessPolicies.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.panel.AccessPolicies.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.panel.AccessPolicies, MODx.FormPanel);
+Ext.reg('modx-panel-access-policies', MODx.panel.AccessPolicies);
* Loads a grid of modAccessPolicies.
@@ -43,212 +43,252 @@ Ext.reg('modx-panel-access-policies',MODx.panel.AccessPolicies);
MODx.grid.AccessPolicy = function(config = {}) {
const queryValue = this.applyRequestFilter(2, 'query', 'tab', true);
this.sm = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel();
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-grid-access-policy'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-grid-access-policy',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Security/Access/Policy/GetList'
- }
- ,fields: [
+ },
+ fields: [
- 'class',
- 'data',
- 'cls'
- ]
- ,paging: true
- ,autosave: true
- ,save_action: 'Security/Access/Policy/UpdateFromGrid'
- ,remoteSort: true
- ,sm: this.sm
- ,columns: [this.sm,{
- header: _('policy_name')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,width: 200
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' ,allowBlank: false }
- ,sortable: true
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=security/access/policy/update&id=' + record.data.id
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },{
- header: _('description')
- ,dataIndex: 'description'
- ,width: 375
- ,renderer: function(value, metaData, record) {
- return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(record['data']['description_trans']);
+ 'creator'
+ ],
+ paging: true,
+ autosave: true,
+ save_action: 'Security/Access/Policy/UpdateFromGrid',
+ remoteSort: true,
+ sm: this.sm,
+ columns: [this.sm, {
+ header: _('policy_name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ width: 200,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ allowBlank: false
+ },
+ sortable: true,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected]);
+ return this.userCanEditRecord(record)
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=security/access/policy/update&id=${record.data.id}`,
+ title: _('policy_edit')
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
- ,editable: false
- },{
- header: _('policy_template')
- ,dataIndex: 'template_name'
- ,width: 375
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=security/access/policy/template/update&id=' + record.data.template
- ,target: '_blank'
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },{
- header: _('active_permissions')
- ,dataIndex: 'active_of'
- ,width: 100
- ,editable: false
- }]
- ,tbar: [
+ }, {
+ header: _('description'),
+ dataIndex: 'description',
+ width: 375,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textarea'
+ },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected]);
+ return record.json.description_trans || value;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('policy_template'),
+ dataIndex: 'template_name',
+ width: 375,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ const objPermissions = record.json.permissions;
+ return !Ext.isEmpty(objPermissions) && objPermissions.updateTemplate === true
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=security/access/policy/template/update&id=${record.data.template}`,
+ title: _('policy_template_edit'),
+ target: '_blank'
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ },
+ this.getCreatorColumnConfig('policy'),
+ {
+ header: _('active_permissions'),
+ dataIndex: 'active_of',
+ width: 100,
+ editable: false
+ }],
+ tbar: [
+ this.getCreateButton('policy', 'createPolicy'),
- text: _('create')
- ,cls:'primary-button'
- ,scope: this
- ,handler: this.createPolicy
- },{
- text: _('import')
- ,scope: this
- ,handler: this.importPolicy
- },{
- text: _('bulk_actions')
- ,menu: [{
- text: _('selected_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeSelected
- ,scope: this
- }]
+ text: _('import'),
+ scope: this,
+ handler: this.importPolicy,
+ listeners: {
+ render: {
+ fn: function(btn) {
+ if (!this.userCanCreate) {
+ btn.hide();
+ }
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }
+ this.getBulkActionsButton('policy', 'Security/Access/Policy/RemoveMultiple'),
- ]
+ ],
+ viewConfig: this.getViewConfig()
+ });
+ MODx.grid.AccessPolicy.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['edit', 'delete', 'duplicate', 'export'];
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['policy_save', 'policy_edit']);
+ this.setUserCanCreate(['policy_save', 'policy_new']);
+ this.setUserCanDelete(['policy_delete']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
+ this.on({
+ beforeedit: function(e) {
+ if (!this.userCanEdit || e.record.json.isProtected || !this.userCanEditRecord(e.record)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ afteredit: function(e) {
+ this.refresh();
+ }
- MODx.grid.AccessPolicy.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
- editPolicy: function(itm,e) {
- MODx.loadPage('security/access/policy/update', 'id='+this.menu.record.id);
- }
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.AccessPolicy, MODx.grid.Grid, {
+ getMenu: function() {
+ const
+ model = this.getSelectionModel(),
+ record = model.getSelected(),
+ menu = []
+ ;
+ if (model.getCount() > 1) {
+ const records = model.getSelections();
+ if (this.userCanDelete && this.userCanDeleteRecords(records)) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('selected_remove'),
+ handler: this.removeSelected.bind(this, 'policy', 'Security/Access/Policy/RemoveMultiple')
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (this.userCanEdit && this.userCanEditRecord(record)) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('edit'),
+ handler: this.editPolicy
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.userCanCreate && this.userCanDuplicateRecord(record)) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('duplicate'),
+ handler: this.confirm.createDelegate(this, ['Security/Access/Policy/Duplicate', 'policy_duplicate_confirm'])
+ });
+ }
+ if (menu.length > 0) {
+ menu.push('-');
+ }
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('export'),
+ handler: this.exportPolicy
+ });
+ if (this.userCanDelete && this.userCanDeleteRecord(record)) {
+ if (menu.length > 0) {
+ menu.push('-');
+ }
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('delete'),
+ handler: this.confirm.createDelegate(this, ['Security/Access/Policy/Remove', 'policy_remove_confirm'])
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return menu;
+ },
+ editPolicy: function(itm, e) {
+ MODx.loadPage('security/access/policy/update', `id=${this.menu.record.id}`);
+ },
- ,createPolicy: function(btn,e) {
- var r = this.menu.record;
+ createPolicy: function(btn, e) {
+ const { record } = this.menu;
if (!this.windows.apc) {
this.windows.apc = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-window-access-policy-create'
- ,record: r
- ,plugin: this.config.plugin
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ xtype: 'modx-window-access-policy-create',
+ record: record,
+ plugin: this.config.plugin,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,exportPolicy: function(btn,e) {
- var id = this.menu.record.id;
+ exportPolicy: function(btn, e) {
+ const { id } = this.menu.record;
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Export'
- ,id: id
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- location.href = this.config.url+'?action=Security/Access/Policy/Export&download=1&id='+id+'&HTTP_MODAUTH='+MODx.siteId;
- },scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Export',
+ id: id
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(r) {
+ window.location.href = `${this.config.url}?action=Security/Access/Policy/Export&download=1&id=${id}&HTTP_MODAUTH=${MODx.siteId}`;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,importPolicy: function(btn,e) {
- var r = {};
+ importPolicy: function(btn, e) {
+ const record = {};
if (!this.windows.importPolicy) {
this.windows.importPolicy = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-window-policy-import'
- ,record: r
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(o) {
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ xtype: 'modx-window-policy-import',
+ record: record,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(o) {
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- this.windows.importPolicy.setValues(r);
+ this.windows.importPolicy.setValues(record);
- ,getMenu: function() {
- var r = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- var p = r.data.cls;
- var m = [];
- if (this.getSelectionModel().getCount() > 1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('selected_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeSelected
- });
- } else {
- if (p.indexOf('pedit') != -1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('edit')
- ,handler: this.editPolicy
- });
- m.push({
- text: _('duplicate')
- ,handler: this.confirm.createDelegate(this,["Security/Access/Policy/Duplicate","policy_duplicate_confirm"])
- });
- }
- if (m.length > 0) { m.push('-'); }
- m.push({
- text: _('export')
- ,handler: this.exportPolicy
- });
- if (p.indexOf('premove') != -1) {
- if (m.length > 0) m.push('-');
- m.push({
- text: _('delete')
- ,handler: this.confirm.createDelegate(this,["Security/Access/Policy/Remove","policy_remove_confirm"])
- });
- }
- }
- if (m.length > 0) {
- this.addContextMenuItem(m);
- }
- }
- ,removeSelected: function() {
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
- MODx.msg.confirm({
- title: _('selected_remove')
- ,text: _('policy_remove_multiple_confirm')
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/Access/Policy/RemoveMultiple'
- ,policies: cs
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
- }
- });
- return true;
- }
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-access-policy', MODx.grid.AccessPolicy);
* Generates a window for creating Access Policies.
@@ -259,65 +299,60 @@ Ext.reg('modx-grid-access-policy',MODx.grid.AccessPolicy);
* @xtype modx-window-access-policy-create
MODx.window.CreateAccessPolicy = function(config = {}) {
- this.ident = config.ident || 'cacp'+Ext.id();
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('create')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Create'
- ,fields: [{
- fieldLabel: _('name')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('policy_desc_name')
- ,name: 'name'
- ,id: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-name'
- ,xtype: 'textfield'
- ,allowBlank: false
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-name'
- ,html: _('policy_desc_name')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- fieldLabel: _('policy_template')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('policy_desc_template')
- ,name: 'template'
- ,hiddenName: 'template'
- ,id: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-template'
- ,xtype: 'modx-combo-access-policy-template'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-template'
- ,html: _('policy_desc_template')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- fieldLabel: _('description')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('policy_desc_description')
- ,name: 'description'
- ,id: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-description'
- ,xtype: 'textarea'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,height: 50
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-description'
- ,html: _('policy_desc_description')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- name: 'class'
- ,id: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-class'
- ,xtype: 'hidden'
- },{
- name: 'id'
- ,id: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-id'
- ,xtype: 'hidden'
- }]
- ,keys: []
+ this.ident = config.ident || `window--create-policy-${Ext.id()}`;
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('create'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Create',
+ fields: [{
+ fieldLabel: _('name'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('policy_desc_name'),
+ name: 'name',
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ allowBlank: false,
+ anchor: '100%'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('policy_desc_name'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ fieldLabel: _('policy_template'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('policy_desc_template'),
+ name: 'template',
+ hiddenName: 'template',
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-access-policy-template',
+ anchor: '100%'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('policy_desc_template'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ fieldLabel: _('description'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('policy_desc_description'),
+ name: 'description',
+ xtype: 'textarea',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ height: 50
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('policy_desc_description'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ name: 'class',
+ xtype: 'hidden'
+ }, {
+ name: 'id',
+ xtype: 'hidden'
+ }],
+ keys: []
- MODx.window.CreateAccessPolicy.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.CreateAccessPolicy.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.CreateAccessPolicy, MODx.Window);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-access-policy-create', MODx.window.CreateAccessPolicy);
* @class MODx.window.AccessPolicyTemplate
@@ -326,26 +361,37 @@ Ext.reg('modx-window-access-policy-create',MODx.window.CreateAccessPolicy);
* @xtype modx-combo-access-policy-template
MODx.combo.AccessPolicyTemplate = function(config = {}) {
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- name: 'template'
- ,hiddenName: 'template'
- ,fields: ['id','name','description','description_trans']
- ,forceSelection: true
- ,typeAhead: false
- ,editable: false
- ,allowBlank: false
- ,pageSize: 20
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ name: 'template',
+ hiddenName: 'template',
+ fields: [
+ 'id',
+ 'name',
+ 'description',
+ 'description_trans'
+ ],
+ forceSelection: true,
+ typeAhead: false,
+ editable: false,
+ allowBlank: false,
+ pageSize: 20,
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Template/GetList'
- }
- ,tpl: new Ext.XTemplate('{name:htmlEncode}'
- ,' {description_trans:htmlEncode} ')
+ },
+ tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(`
+ {name:htmlEncode}
+ {description_trans:htmlEncode}
+ `)
- MODx.combo.AccessPolicyTemplate.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.combo.AccessPolicyTemplate.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.combo.AccessPolicyTemplate, MODx.combo.ComboBox);
+Ext.reg('modx-combo-access-policy-template', MODx.combo.AccessPolicyTemplate);
* @class MODx.window.ImportPolicy
@@ -354,29 +400,27 @@ Ext.reg('modx-combo-access-policy-template',MODx.combo.AccessPolicyTemplate);
* @xtype modx-window-policy-import
MODx.window.ImportPolicy = function(config = {}) {
- this.ident = config.ident || 'imppol-'+Ext.id();
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('import')
- ,id: 'modx-window-policy-import'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Import'
- ,fileUpload: true
- ,saveBtnText: _('import')
- ,fields: [{
- html: _('policy_import_msg')
- ,id: this.ident+'-desc'
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- ,style: 'margin-bottom: 10px;'
- },{
- xtype: 'fileuploadfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('file')
- ,buttonText: _('upload.buttons.upload')
- ,name: 'file'
- ,id: this.ident+'-file'
- ,anchor: '100%'
+ this.ident = config.ident || `window--import-policy-${Ext.id()}`;
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('import'),
+ id: 'modx-window-policy-import',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Import',
+ fileUpload: true,
+ saveBtnText: _('import'),
+ fields: [{
+ html: _('policy_import_msg'),
+ xtype: 'modx-description',
+ style: 'margin-bottom: 10px;'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'fileuploadfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('file'),
+ buttonText: _('upload.buttons.upload'),
+ name: 'file',
+ anchor: '100%'
- MODx.window.ImportPolicy.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.ImportPolicy.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.ImportPolicy, MODx.Window);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-policy-import', MODx.window.ImportPolicy);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.access.policy.template.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.access.policy.template.js
index 8fee8c4f595..fa5ac267113 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.access.policy.template.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.access.policy.template.js
@@ -7,30 +7,30 @@
* @xtype modx-panel-access-policy-templates
MODx.panel.AccessPolicyTemplates = function(config = {}) {
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-panel-access-policy-templates'
- ,bodyStyle: ''
- ,defaults: { collapsible: false ,autoHeight: true }
- ,items: [{
- html: _('policies')
- ,id: 'modx-policy-templates-header'
- ,xtype: 'modx-header'
- },{
- layout: 'form'
- ,bodyStyle: 'padding: 15px'
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('policy_templates.intro_msg')+' '
- ,border: false
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-access-policy-templates'
- ,preventRender: true
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-panel-access-policy-templates',
+ bodyStyle: '',
+ defaults: { collapsible: false, autoHeight: true },
+ items: [{
+ html: _('policies'),
+ id: 'modx-policy-templates-header',
+ xtype: 'modx-header'
+ }, {
+ layout: 'form',
+ bodyStyle: 'padding: 15px',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('policy_templates.intro_msg')} `,
+ border: false
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-access-policy-templates',
+ preventRender: true
- MODx.panel.AccessPolicyTemplates.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.panel.AccessPolicyTemplates.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.panel.AccessPolicyTemplates, MODx.FormPanel);
+Ext.reg('modx-panel-access-policy-templates', MODx.panel.AccessPolicyTemplates);
* Loads a grid of modAccessPolicyTemplates.
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ Ext.reg('modx-panel-access-policy-templates',MODx.panel.AccessPolicyTemplates);
MODx.grid.AccessPolicyTemplate = function(config = {}) {
const queryValue = this.applyRequestFilter(3, 'query', 'tab', true);
this.sm = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel();
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-grid-access-policy-template'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-grid-access-policy-template',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Template/GetList'
- }
- ,fields: [
+ },
+ fields: [
@@ -58,214 +58,337 @@ MODx.grid.AccessPolicyTemplate = function(config = {}) {
- 'cls'
- ]
- ,paging: true
- ,autosave: true
- ,save_action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Template/UpdateFromGrid'
- ,remoteSort: true
- ,sm: this.sm
- ,columns: [this.sm,{
- header: _('name')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,width: 200
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' ,allowBlank: false }
- ,sortable: true
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=security/access/policy/template/update&id=' + record.data.id
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },{
- header: _('description')
- ,dataIndex: 'description'
- ,width: 375
- ,editable: false
- ,renderer: function(value, metaData, record) {
- return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(record['data']['description_trans']);
+ 'creator'
+ ],
+ paging: true,
+ autosave: true,
+ save_action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Template/UpdateFromGrid',
+ remoteSort: true,
+ sm: this.sm,
+ columns: [this.sm, {
+ header: _('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ width: 200,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ allowBlank: false
+ },
+ sortable: true,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected]);
+ return this.userCanEditRecord(record)
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=security/access/policy/template/update&id=${record.data.id}`,
+ title: _('policy_template_edit')
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
- ,sortable: true
- },{
- header: _('template_group')
- ,dataIndex: 'template_group_name'
- ,width: 375
- ,sortable: true
- },{
- header: _('policy_count')
- ,dataIndex: 'policy_count'
- ,width: 100
- ,editable: false
- ,sortable: true
- },{
- header: _('permissions')
- ,dataIndex: 'total_permissions'
- ,width: 100
- ,editable: false
- ,sortable: true
- }]
- ,tbar: [
+ }, {
+ header: _('description'),
+ dataIndex: 'description',
+ width: 375,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textarea'
+ },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected]);
+ return record.json.description_trans || value;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('template_group'),
+ dataIndex: 'template_group_name',
+ width: 375,
+ sortable: true
+ }, {
+ header: _('policy_count'),
+ dataIndex: 'policy_count',
+ width: 100,
+ editable: false,
+ sortable: true
+ }, {
+ header: _('permissions'),
+ dataIndex: 'total_permissions',
+ width: 100,
+ editable: false,
+ sortable: true
+ },
+ this.getCreatorColumnConfig('policy-template')
+ ],
+ tbar: [
+ this.getCreateButton('policy_template', 'createPolicyTemplate'),
- text: _('create')
- ,cls:'primary-button'
- ,scope: this
- ,handler: this.createPolicyTemplate
- },{
- text: _('import')
- ,scope: this
- ,handler: this.importPolicyTemplate
- },{
- text: _('bulk_actions')
- ,menu: [{
- text: _('selected_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeSelected
- ,scope: this
- }]
+ text: _('import'),
+ scope: this,
+ handler: this.importPolicyTemplate,
+ listeners: {
+ render: {
+ fn: function(btn) {
+ if (!this.userCanCreate) {
+ btn.hide();
+ }
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }
+ }, {
+ /*
+ * Note: Using local this.removeSelected method instead of shared base this.getBulkActionsButton() method here,
+ * as additional validation processing is needed for removal of Policy Templates
+ */
+ text: _('bulk_actions'),
+ menu: [{
+ text: _('selected_remove'),
+ itemId: 'modx-bulk-menu-opt-remove',
+ handler: this.removeSelected,
+ scope: this
+ }],
+ listeners: {
+ render: {
+ fn: function(btn) {
+ if (!this.userCanDelete) {
+ btn.hide();
+ }
+ },
+ scope: this
+ },
+ click: {
+ fn: function(btn) {
+ const
+ removableItems = this.getRemovableItemsFromSelection('int'),
+ menuOptRemove = btn.menu.getComponent('modx-bulk-menu-opt-remove')
+ ;
+ if (removableItems.length === 0) {
+ menuOptRemove.disable();
+ } else {
+ menuOptRemove.enable();
+ }
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }
- ]
+ ],
+ viewConfig: this.getViewConfig()
+ });
+ MODx.grid.AccessPolicyTemplate.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['edit', 'delete', 'duplicate', 'export'];
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['policy_template_save', 'policy_template_edit']);
+ this.setUserCanCreate(['policy_template_save', 'policy_template_new']);
+ this.setUserCanDelete(['policy_template_delete']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
+ this.on({
+ beforeedit: function(e) {
+ if (!this.userCanEdit || e.record.json.isProtected || !this.userCanEditRecord(e.record)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ afteredit: function(e) {
+ this.refresh();
+ }
- MODx.grid.AccessPolicyTemplate.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.AccessPolicyTemplate, MODx.grid.Grid, {
getMenu: function() {
- var r = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- var p = r.data.cls;
- var m = [];
+ const
+ model = this.getSelectionModel(),
+ record = model.getSelected(),
+ menu = []
+ ;
- if (this.getSelectionModel().getCount() > 1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('selected_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeSelected
- });
+ if (model.getCount() > 1) {
+ const records = model.getSelections();
+ if (this.userCanDelete && this.userCanDeleteRecords(records)) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('selected_remove'),
+ handler: this.removeSelected
+ });
+ }
} else {
- if (p.indexOf('pedit') !== -1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('edit')
- ,handler: this.editPolicyTemplate
+ if (this.userCanEdit && this.userCanEditRecord(record)) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('edit'),
+ handler: this.editPolicyTemplate
- m.push({
- text: _('duplicate')
- ,handler: this.confirm.createDelegate(this,["Security/Access/Policy/Template/Duplicate","policy_template_duplicate_confirm"])
+ }
+ if (this.userCanCreate && this.userCanDuplicateRecord(record)) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('duplicate'),
+ handler: this.confirm.createDelegate(
+ this,
+ [
+ 'Security/Access/Policy/Template/Duplicate',
+ 'policy_template_duplicate_confirm'
+ ]
+ )
- if (m.length > 0) { m.push('-'); }
- m.push({
- text: _('export')
- ,handler: this.exportPolicyTemplate
+ if (menu.length > 0) {
+ menu.push('-');
+ }
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('export'),
+ handler: this.exportPolicyTemplate
- if (p.indexOf('premove') !== -1) {
- if (m.length > 0) m.push('-');
- m.push({
+ if (this.userCanDelete && this.userCanDeleteRecord(record)) {
+ if (menu.length > 0) {
+ menu.push('-');
+ }
+ /*
+ * Note: Using local this.removePolicyTemplate method instead of shared base this.remove() method here,
+ * as additional validation processing is needed for removal of Policy Templates
+ */
+ menu.push({
text: _('delete'),
handler: this.removePolicyTemplate
+ return menu;
+ },
- if (m.length > 0) {
- this.addContextMenuItem(m);
- }
- }
- ,createPolicyTemplate: function(btn,e) {
- var r = this.menu.record;
- if (!this.windows.aptc) {
- this.windows.aptc = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-window-access-policy-template-create'
- ,record: r
- ,plugin: this.config.plugin
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ createPolicyTemplate: function(btn, e) {
+ const { record } = this.menu;
+ if (!this.windows.create_policy_template) {
+ this.windows.create_policy_template = MODx.load({
+ xtype: 'modx-window-access-policy-template-create',
+ record: record,
+ plugin: this.config.plugin,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(response) {
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- this.windows.aptc.reset();
- this.windows.aptc.show(e.target);
- }
+ this.windows.create_policy_template.reset();
+ this.windows.create_policy_template.show(e.target);
+ },
- ,importPolicyTemplate: function(btn,e) {
- var r = {};
+ importPolicyTemplate: function(btn, e) {
+ const record = {};
if (!this.windows.importPolicyTemplate) {
this.windows.importPolicyTemplate = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-window-policy-template-import'
- ,record: r
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(o) {
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ xtype: 'modx-window-policy-template-import',
+ record: record,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(response) {
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- this.windows.importPolicyTemplate.setValues(r);
+ this.windows.importPolicyTemplate.setValues(record);
- }
+ },
- ,exportPolicyTemplate: function(btn,e) {
- var id = this.menu.record.id;
+ exportPolicyTemplate: function(btn, e) {
+ const { id } = this.menu.record;
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Template/Export'
- ,id: id
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- location.href = this.config.url+'?action=Security/Access/Policy/Template/Export&download=1&id='+id+'&HTTP_MODAUTH='+MODx.siteId;
- },scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Template/Export',
+ id: id
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(r) {
+ window.location.href = `${this.config.url}?action=Security/Access/Policy/Template/Export&download=1&id=${id}&HTTP_MODAUTH=${MODx.siteId}`;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,editPolicyTemplate: function(itm,e) {
- MODx.loadPage('security/access/policy/template/update', 'id='+this.menu.record.id);
- }
+ editPolicyTemplate: function(itm, e) {
+ MODx.loadPage('security/access/policy/template/update', `id=${this.menu.record.id}`);
+ },
- ,removeSelected: function() {
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
- var store = this.getStore();
- var policiesCount = 0;
- cs.split(',').forEach(function(item){
+ removeSelected: function() {
+ const selectedTemplates = this.getSelectedAsList();
+ if (selectedTemplates === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const
+ store = this.getStore(),
+ selectedTemplatesArr = selectedTemplates.split(','),
+ totalSelected = selectedTemplatesArr.length
+ ;
+ let
+ policiesCount = 0,
+ selectionsProtected = 0,
+ confirmationMessage
+ ;
+ selectedTemplatesArr.forEach(item => {
const record = store.getById(item);
if (record) {
- policiesCount += parseInt(record.data.policy_count);
+ if (!record.json.isProtected) {
+ policiesCount += parseInt(record.data.policy_count, 10);
+ } else {
+ selectionsProtected++;
+ }
- })
+ });
+ if (policiesCount) {
+ confirmationMessage = selectionsProtected > 0
+ ? _('policy_template_remove_multiple_confirm_in_use_ignoring_protected', { 'count-policies': policiesCount, protected: selectionsProtected, 'count-templates': totalSelected })
+ : _('policy_template_remove_multiple_confirm_in_use', { count: policiesCount, total: totalSelected })
+ ;
+ } else {
+ confirmationMessage = _('policy_template_remove_multiple_confirm');
+ }
- title: _('selected_remove')
- ,text: policiesCount ? _('policy_template_remove_multiple_confirm_in_use', {count: policiesCount}) : _('policy_template_remove_multiple_confirm')
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Template/RemoveMultiple'
- ,templates: cs
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ title: _('selected_remove'),
+ text: confirmationMessage,
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Template/RemoveMultiple',
+ templates: selectedTemplates
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(response) {
+ this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
return true;
- }
- ,removePolicyTemplate: function() {
- if (!this.menu.record) return;
+ },
+ removePolicyTemplate: function() {
+ if (!this.menu.record) {
+ return;
+ }
title: _('warning'),
- text: parseInt(this.menu.record.policy_count) ? _('policy_template_remove_confirm_in_use', {count: this.menu.record.policy_count}) : _('policy_template_remove_confirm'),
+ text: parseInt(this.menu.record.policy_count, 10)
+ ? _('policy_template_remove_confirm_in_use', { count: this.menu.record.policy_count })
+ : _('policy_template_remove_confirm'),
url: this.config.url,
params: {
action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Template/Remove',
@@ -274,13 +397,13 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.AccessPolicyTemplate,MODx.grid.Grid,{
listeners: {
success: {
fn: this.refresh,
- scope:this
+ scope: this
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-access-policy-templates', MODx.grid.AccessPolicyTemplate);
* Generates a window for creating Access Policies.
@@ -291,53 +414,50 @@ Ext.reg('modx-grid-access-policy-templates',MODx.grid.AccessPolicyTemplate);
* @xtype modx-window-access-policy-create
MODx.window.CreateAccessPolicyTemplate = function(config = {}) {
- this.ident = config.ident || 'cacpt'+Ext.id();
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('create')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Template/Create'
- ,fields: [{
- fieldLabel: _('name')
- ,name: 'name'
- ,id: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-name'
- ,xtype: 'textfield'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-name'
- ,html: _('policy_template_desc_name')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- fieldLabel: _('template_group')
- ,name: 'template_group'
- ,id: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-template-group'
- ,xtype: 'modx-combo-access-policy-template-group'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,value: 1
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-template-group'
- ,html: _('policy_template_desc_template_group')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- fieldLabel: _('description')
- ,name: 'description'
- ,id: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-description'
- ,xtype: 'textarea'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,height: 50
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-description'
- ,html: _('policy_template_desc_description')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- }]
- ,keys: []
+ this.ident = config.ident || `window-import-policy-template-${Ext.id()}`;
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('create'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Template/Create',
+ fields: [{
+ fieldLabel: _('name'),
+ name: 'name',
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ anchor: '100%'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('policy_template_desc_name'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ fieldLabel: _('template_group'),
+ name: 'template_group',
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-access-policy-template-group',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ value: 1
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('policy_template_desc_template_group'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ fieldLabel: _('description'),
+ name: 'description',
+ xtype: 'textarea',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ height: 50
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('policy_template_desc_description'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }],
+ keys: []
- MODx.window.CreateAccessPolicyTemplate.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.CreateAccessPolicyTemplate.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.CreateAccessPolicyTemplate, MODx.Window);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-access-policy-template-create', MODx.window.CreateAccessPolicyTemplate);
* @class MODx.window.ImportPolicyTemplate
@@ -346,29 +466,27 @@ Ext.reg('modx-window-access-policy-template-create',MODx.window.CreateAccessPoli
* @xtype modx-window-policy-template-import
MODx.window.ImportPolicyTemplate = function(config = {}) {
- this.ident = config.ident || 'imppt-'+Ext.id();
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('import')
- ,id: 'modx-window-policy-template-import'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Template/Import'
- ,fileUpload: true
- ,saveBtnText: _('import')
- ,fields: [{
- html: _('policy_template_import_msg')
- ,id: this.ident+'-desc'
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- ,style: 'margin-bottom: 10px;'
- },{
- xtype: 'fileuploadfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('file')
- ,buttonText: _('upload.buttons.upload')
- ,name: 'file'
- ,id: this.ident+'-file'
- ,anchor: '100%'
+ this.ident = config.ident || `window-import-policy-template-${Ext.id()}`;
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('import'),
+ id: 'modx-window-policy-template-import',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ action: 'Security/Access/Policy/Template/Import',
+ fileUpload: true,
+ saveBtnText: _('import'),
+ fields: [{
+ html: _('policy_template_import_msg'),
+ xtype: 'modx-description',
+ style: 'margin-bottom: 10px;'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'fileuploadfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('file'),
+ buttonText: _('upload.buttons.upload'),
+ name: 'file',
+ anchor: '100%'
- MODx.window.ImportPolicyTemplate.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.ImportPolicyTemplate.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.ImportPolicyTemplate, MODx.Window);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-policy-template-import', MODx.window.ImportPolicyTemplate);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.role.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.role.js
index c3323f3a385..a32c20def67 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.role.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.role.js
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ MODx.grid.Role = function(config = {}) {
- 'perm'
+ 'creator'
paging: true,
autosave: true,
@@ -36,11 +36,27 @@ MODx.grid.Role = function(config = {}) {
width: 150,
sortable: true,
editor: {
- xtype: 'textfield'
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ allowBlank: false,
+ blankText: _('role_err_ns_name'),
+ validationEvent: 'change',
+ validator: function(value) {
+ const
+ grid = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-role'),
+ reserved = this.gridEditor.record.json.reserved.name
+ ;
+ if (grid.valueIsReserved(reserved, value)) {
+ const msg = _('role_err_name_reserved', { reservedName: value });
+ Ext.Msg.alert(_('error'), msg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
renderer: {
fn: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) {
- metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record);
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected]);
return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(value);
scope: this
@@ -49,18 +65,24 @@ MODx.grid.Role = function(config = {}) {
header: _('description'),
dataIndex: 'description',
width: 350,
- editor: { xtype: 'textarea' },
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textarea'
+ },
renderer: {
fn: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) {
- metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record);
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected]);
return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(value);
scope: this
- }, {
+ },
+ this.getCreatorColumnConfig('role'),
+ {
header: _('authority'),
dataIndex: 'authority',
width: 60,
+ align: 'center',
sortable: true,
editor: {
xtype: 'numberfield',
@@ -72,7 +94,8 @@ MODx.grid.Role = function(config = {}) {
renderer: {
fn: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) {
- metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isAssigned]);
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isAssigned, record.json.isProtected], '', false);
return value;
scope: this
@@ -84,7 +107,7 @@ MODx.grid.Role = function(config = {}) {
selectedRecord = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelected(),
roleIsAssigned = selectedRecord.json.isAssigned === 1
- if (roleIsAssigned) {
+ if (!selectedRecord.json.isProtected && roleIsAssigned) {
title: _('warning'),
msg: _('role_warn_authority_locked'),
@@ -98,24 +121,34 @@ MODx.grid.Role = function(config = {}) {
- tbar: [{
- text: _('create'),
- cls: 'primary-button',
- handler: this.createRole,
- scope: this
- }]
+ tbar: [this.getCreateButton('role', 'createRole')],
+ viewConfig: this.getViewConfig(false, false)
MODx.grid.Role.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
- this.on('beforeedit', this.checkCellIsEditable, this);
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['delete'];
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['save_role', 'edit_role']);
+ this.setUserCanCreate(['save_role', 'new_role']);
+ this.setUserCanDelete(['delete_role']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
+ this.on({
+ beforeedit: function(e) {
+ if (!this.userCanEdit || e.record.json.isProtected || (e.field === 'authority' && e.record.json.isAssigned)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ });
Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Role, MODx.grid.Grid, {
getMenu: function() {
record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected(),
- permissions = record.data.perm || '',
menu = []
- if (permissions.indexOf('remove') !== -1) {
+ if (this.userCanDeleteRecord(record)) {
text: _('delete'),
handler: this.remove.createDelegate(this, ['role_remove_confirm', 'Security/Role/Remove'])
@@ -137,6 +170,7 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Role, MODx.grid.Grid, {
Ext.reg('modx-grid-role', MODx.grid.Role);
@@ -160,17 +194,20 @@ MODx.window.CreateRole = function(config = {}) {
fieldLabel: _('name'),
xtype: 'textfield'
}, {
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'box' : 'hidden',
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
html: _('role_desc_name'),
cls: 'desc-under'
}, {
name: 'authority',
fieldLabel: _('authority'),
- xtype: 'textfield',
+ xtype: 'numberfield',
allowNegative: false,
- value: 0
+ value: 0,
+ maxValue: 9999
}, {
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'box' : 'hidden',
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
html: _('role_desc_authority'),
cls: 'desc-under'
}, {
@@ -180,7 +217,8 @@ MODx.window.CreateRole = function(config = {}) {
allowBlank: true,
grow: true
}, {
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'box' : 'hidden',
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
html: _('role_desc_description'),
cls: 'desc-under'
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.group.base.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.group.base.js
index 1a025ae3678..ef78bf52cb1 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.group.base.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.group.base.js
@@ -55,6 +55,14 @@ MODx.grid.UserGroupBase = function UserGroupBase(config = {}) {
MODx.grid.UserGroupBase.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['edit', 'delete'];
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['usergroup_edit', 'usergroup_save']);
+ this.userCanEditAcls = this.userCanEdit;
+ this.setUserCanCreate(['usergroup_create', 'usergroup_save']);
+ this.setUserCanDelete(['usergroup_delete']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
this.addEvents('createAcl', 'updateAcl');
@@ -80,7 +88,9 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.UserGroupBase, MODx.grid.Grid, {
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
- {[ values.permissions.split(',').map(item => '- ' + item.trim() + '
').join('') ]}
+ - {.}
@@ -90,33 +100,23 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.UserGroupBase, MODx.grid.Grid, {
return [this.rowExpander, ...columns];
getMenu: function() {
- const record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected(),
- permissions = record.data.cls,
- menu = []
- ;
+ const menu = [];
if (this.getSelectionModel().getCount() > 1) {
// Currently not allowing bulk actions for this grid
- } else {
- if (permissions.indexOf('pedit') !== -1) {
- menu.push({
- text: _(`access_${this.aclType}_update`),
- handler: this.updateAcl
- });
- }
- if (permissions.indexOf('premove') !== -1) {
- if (menu.length > 0) {
- menu.push('-');
- }
- menu.push({
- text: _(`access_${this.aclType}_remove`),
- handler: this.remove.createDelegate(this, ['confirm_remove', ACL_TYPES_CONFIG[this.aclType].actions.remove])
- });
+ } else if (this.userCanEditAcls) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _(`access_${this.aclType}_update`),
+ handler: this.updateAcl
+ });
+ if (menu.length > 0) {
+ menu.push('-');
+ menu.push({
+ text: _(`access_${this.aclType}_remove`),
+ handler: this.remove.createDelegate(this, ['confirm_remove', ACL_TYPES_CONFIG[this.aclType].actions.remove])
+ });
- if (menu.length > 0) {
- this.addContextMenuItem(menu);
- }
+ return menu;
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.window.UserGroupAclBase, MODx.Window, {
getPermissionsList: function(window, record = {}) {
- permissions = record?.data?.permissions || window.record.permissions,
+ permissions = record?.json?.policyPermissions || window.record.policyPermissions,
permissionsListContainer = window.fp?.getComponent(`${this.idPrefix}-permissions`),
permissionsListCmp = permissionsListContainer?.getComponent(`${this.idPrefix}-permissions-list`),
permissionsListLabelCmp = permissionsListContainer?.getComponent(`${this.idPrefix}-permissions-list-label`)
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.group.category.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.group.category.js
index 189576c9d87..733263cd95d 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.group.category.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.group.category.js
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ MODx.grid.UserGroupCategory = function UserGroupCategory(config = {}) {
- 'permissions',
- 'cls'
+ 'policyPermissions'
columns: this.getColumns([
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.group.context.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.group.context.js
index f977aa85172..5ebd9a811bb 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.group.context.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.group.context.js
@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ MODx.grid.UserGroupContext = function UserGroupContext(config = {}) {
- 'permissions',
- 'cls'
+ 'policyPermissions'
sortBy: 'target',
columns: this.getColumns([
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.group.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.group.js
index 26a56481394..8cc52f1a18f 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.group.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.group.js
@@ -6,161 +6,243 @@
* @param {Object} config An object of options.
* @xtype modx-grid-user-groups
-MODx.grid.UserGroups = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
+MODx.grid.UserGroups = function(config = {}) {
this.exp = new Ext.grid.RowExpander({
- tpl : new Ext.Template(
+ tpl: new Ext.Template(
'{user_group_desc} '
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: ''
- ,id: 'modx-grid-user-groups'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: '',
+ id: 'modx-grid-user-groups',
+ /*
+ url and baseParams are not utilized by the core when this
+ grid is used (only in User > Access Permissions). Should remove
+ if this class is not meant to be somehow used externally (via Extra)
+ */
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Security/Group/GetList'
- }
- ,fields: ['usergroup','name','member','role','rolename','primary_group','rank','user_group_desc']
- ,cls: 'modx-grid modx-grid-draggable'
- ,columns: [this.exp,
- {
- header: _('user_group')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,width: 175
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=security/usergroup/update&id=' + record.data.usergroup
- ,target: '_blank'
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },{
- header: _('role')
- ,dataIndex: 'rolename'
- ,width: 175
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=security/permission'
- ,target: '_blank'
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },{
- header: _('rank')
- ,dataIndex: 'rank'
- ,width: 80
- ,editor: { xtype: 'numberfield', allowBlank: false, allowNegative: false }
- }]
- ,plugins: [new Ext.ux.dd.GridDragDropRowOrder({
- copy: false
- ,scrollable: true
- ,targetCfg: {}
- ,listeners: {
- 'afterrowmove': {fn:this.onAfterRowMove,scope:this}
- ,'beforerowmove': {fn:this.onBeforeRowMove,scope:this}
+ },
+ fields: [
+ 'usergroup',
+ 'name',
+ 'member',
+ 'role',
+ 'rolename',
+ 'primary_group',
+ 'rank',
+ 'user_group_desc'
+ ],
+ cls: 'modx-grid modx-grid-draggable',
+ columns: [
+ this.exp,
+ {
+ header: _('user_group'),
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ width: 175,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ return this.userCanEditGroups
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=security/usergroup/update&id=${record.data.usergroup}`,
+ target: '_blank'
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('role'),
+ dataIndex: 'rolename',
+ width: 175,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ return this.userCanEditRoles
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=security/permission&tab=1&role=${record.data.role}`,
+ target: '_blank'
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('rank'),
+ dataIndex: 'rank',
+ width: 80,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'numberfield',
+ allowBlank: false,
+ allowNegative: false
+ }
- }),
- this.exp]
- ,tbar: [{
- text: _('user_group_user_add')
- ,cls:'primary-button'
- ,handler: this.addGroup
- }]
+ ],
+ plugins: [this.exp],
+ tbar: [
+ this.getCreateButton('user_group_user', 'addGroup', 'userCanEditGroupUsers')
+ ]
- MODx.grid.UserGroups.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
- this.userRecord = new Ext.data.Record.create(['usergroup','name','member','role','rolename','primary_group']);
- this.addEvents('beforeUpdateRole','afterUpdateRole','beforeAddGroup','afterAddGroup','beforeReorderGroup','afterReorderGroup');
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['editGroupUsers'];
+ this.setUserHasPermissions('editGroups', ['usergroup_edit', 'usergroup_save']);
+ this.setUserHasPermissions('editGroupUsers', ['usergroup_user_edit']);
+ this.setUserHasPermissions('editRoles', ['edit_role', 'save_role']);
+ if (this.userCanEditGroupUsers) {
+ config.plugins.push(
+ new Ext.ux.dd.GridDragDropRowOrder({
+ copy: false,
+ scrollable: true,
+ targetCfg: {},
+ listeners: {
+ afterrowmove: {
+ fn: this.onAfterRowMove,
+ scope: this
+ },
+ /**
+ * @deprecated In 3.1, appears to be unused
+ */
+ beforerowmove: {
+ fn: this.onBeforeRowMove,
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ MODx.grid.UserGroups.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.userRecord = new Ext.data.Record.create([
+ 'usergroup',
+ 'name',
+ 'member',
+ 'role',
+ 'rolename',
+ 'primary_group'
+ ]);
+ this.addEvents(
+ 'beforeUpdateRole',
+ 'afterUpdateRole',
+ 'beforeAddGroup',
+ 'afterAddGroup',
+ 'beforeReorderGroup',
+ 'afterReorderGroup'
+ );
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
- _showMenu: function(g,ri,e) {
- e.stopEvent();
- e.preventDefault();
- var m = this.menu;
- m.recordIndex = ri;
- m.record = this.getStore().getAt(ri).data;
- if (!this.getSelectionModel().isSelected(ri)) {
- this.getSelectionModel().selectRow(ri);
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.UserGroups, MODx.grid.LocalGrid, {
+ getMenu: function() {
+ const menu = [];
+ if (this.userCanEditGroupUsers) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('user_role_update'),
+ handler: this.updateRole,
+ scope: this
+ });
+ menu.push('-');
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('user_group_user_remove'),
+ handler: this.remove.createDelegate(this, [{
+ text: _('user_group_user_remove_confirm')
+ }]),
+ scope: this
+ });
- m.removeAll();
- m.add({
- text: _('user_role_update')
- ,handler: this.updateRole
- ,scope: this
- },'-',{
- text: _('user_group_user_remove')
- ,handler: this.remove.createDelegate(this,[{text: _('user_group_user_remove_confirm')}])
- ,scope: this
- });
- m.showAt(e.xy);
- }
+ return menu;
+ },
- ,onBeforeRowMove: function(dt,sri,ri,sels) {
- if (!this.fireEvent('beforeReorderGroup',{dt:dt,sri:sri,ri:ri,sels:sels})) {
+ /**
+ * @deprecated In 3.1, appears to be unused (including the beforeReorderGroup event)
+ */
+ onBeforeRowMove: function(dropTarget, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, selections) {
+ if (!this.fireEvent('beforeReorderGroup', {
+ dt: dropTarget,
+ sri: fromRowIndex,
+ ri: toRowIndex,
+ sels: selections
+ })) {
return false;
return true;
- }
+ },
- ,onAfterRowMove: function(dt,sri,ri,sels) {
- var s = this.getStore();
- var sourceRec = s.getAt(sri);
- var belowRec = s.getAt(ri);
- var total = s.getTotalCount();
+ onAfterRowMove: function(dropTarget, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, selections) {
+ const
+ store = this.getStore(),
+ firstDraggedRecord = store.getAt(fromRowIndex),
+ total = store.getTotalCount()
+ ;
+ firstDraggedRecord.set('rank', fromRowIndex);
+ firstDraggedRecord.commit();
- sourceRec.set('rank',sri);
- sourceRec.commit();
- /* get all rows below ri, and up their rank by 1 */
- var brec;
- for (var x=(ri-1);x'+_('user_management_msg')+''
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-user'
- ,cls:'main-wrapper'
- ,preventRender: true
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-panel-users',
+ cls: 'container',
+ bodyStyle: '',
+ defaults: { collapsible: false, autoHeight: true },
+ items: [{
+ html: _('users'),
+ id: 'modx-users-header',
+ xtype: 'modx-header'
+ }, MODx.getPageStructure([{
+ title: _('users'),
+ layout: 'form',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('user_management_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-user',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ preventRender: true
- MODx.panel.Users.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.panel.Users.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.panel.Users, MODx.FormPanel);
+Ext.reg('modx-panel-users', MODx.panel.Users);
* Loads a grid of User.
@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ Ext.reg('modx-panel-users',MODx.panel.Users);
MODx.grid.User = function(config = {}) {
this.sm = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel();
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Security/User/GetList'
- ,usergroup: MODx.request.usergroup || null
- }
- ,fields: [
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Security/User/GetList',
+ usergroup: MODx.request.usergroup || null
+ },
+ fields: [
@@ -58,104 +58,134 @@ MODx.grid.User = function(config = {}) {
- 'active',
- 'cls'
- ]
- ,paging: true
- ,autosave: true
- ,save_action: 'Security/User/UpdateFromGrid'
- ,autosaveErrorMsg: _('user_err_save')
- ,remoteSort: true
- ,viewConfig: {
- forceFit:true
- ,enableRowBody:true
- ,scrollOffset: 0
- ,autoFill: true
- ,showPreview: true
- ,getRowClass : function(rec){
- return rec.data.active ? 'grid-row-active' : 'grid-row-inactive';
+ 'active'
+ ],
+ paging: true,
+ autosave: true,
+ save_action: 'Security/User/UpdateFromGrid',
+ autosaveErrorMsg: _('user_err_save'),
+ remoteSort: true,
+ viewConfig: {
+ forceFit: true,
+ enableRowBody: true,
+ scrollOffset: 0,
+ autoFill: true,
+ showPreview: true,
+ getRowClass: function(record) {
+ return record.data.active ? 'grid-row-active' : 'grid-row-inactive';
- }
- ,sm: this.sm
- ,columns: [this.sm,{
- header: _('id')
- ,dataIndex: 'id'
- ,width: 50
- ,sortable: true
- },{
- header: _('username')
- ,dataIndex: 'username'
- ,width: 150
- ,sortable: true
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=security/user/update&id=' + record.data.id
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },{
- header: _('user_full_name')
- ,dataIndex: 'fullname'
- ,width: 180
- ,sortable: true
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- ,renderer: Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode
- },{
- header: _('email')
- ,dataIndex: 'email'
- ,width: 180
- ,sortable: true
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- },{
- header: _('active')
- ,dataIndex: 'active'
- ,width: 80
- ,sortable: true
- ,editor: { xtype: 'combo-boolean', renderer: 'boolean' }
- },{
- header: _('user_block')
- ,dataIndex: 'blocked'
- ,width: 80
- ,sortable: true
- ,editor: { xtype: 'combo-boolean', renderer: 'boolean' }
- }]
- ,tbar: [
- {
- text: _('create')
- ,handler: this.createUser
- ,scope: this
- ,cls:'primary-button'
- },{
- text: _('bulk_actions')
- ,menu: [
- {
- text: _('selected_activate')
- ,handler: this.activateSelected
- ,scope: this
- },{
- text: _('selected_deactivate')
- ,handler: this.deactivateSelected
- ,scope: this
- },{
- text: _('selected_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeSelected
- ,scope: this
- }
- ]
+ },
+ sm: this.sm,
+ columns: [this.sm, {
+ header: _('id'),
+ dataIndex: 'id',
+ width: 50,
+ sortable: true
+ }, {
+ header: _('username'),
+ dataIndex: 'username',
+ width: 150,
+ sortable: true,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ return this.userCanEditRecord(record)
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=security/user/update&id=${record.data.id}`,
+ title: _('user_edit_account')
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('user_full_name'),
+ dataIndex: 'fullname',
+ width: 180,
+ sortable: true,
+ editor: { xtype: 'textfield' },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record);
+ return value;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('email'),
+ dataIndex: 'email',
+ width: 180,
+ sortable: true,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textfield'
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record);
+ return value;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('active'),
+ dataIndex: 'active',
+ width: 80,
+ sortable: true,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'combo-boolean'
+ },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ const
+ displayValue = this.rendYesNo(value, metaData),
+ classes = `${metaData.css} ${this.setEditableCellClasses(record)}`
+ ;
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = classes;
+ return displayValue;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('user_block'),
+ dataIndex: 'blocked',
+ width: 80,
+ sortable: true,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'combo-boolean'
+ },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ const
+ displayValue = this.rendYesNo(value, metaData),
+ classes = `${metaData.css} ${this.setEditableCellClasses(record)}`
+ ;
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = classes;
+ return displayValue;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }],
+ tbar: [
+ this.getCreateButton('user', 'createUser'),
+ this.getBulkActionsButton('user', 'Security/User/RemoveMultiple', 'int', 'activate', 'deactivate'),
- xtype: 'modx-combo-usergroup'
- ,itemId: 'filter-usergroup'
- ,emptyText: `${_('user_group')}...`
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Security/Group/GetList'
- ,addAll: true
- }
- ,value: MODx.request.usergroup || null
- ,width: 200
- ,listeners: {
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-usergroup',
+ itemId: 'filter-usergroup',
+ emptyText: `${_('user_group')}...`,
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Security/Group/GetList',
+ addAll: true
+ },
+ value: MODx.request.usergroup || null,
+ width: 200,
+ listeners: {
select: {
- fn: function (cmp, record, selectedIndex) {
+ fn: function(cmp, record, selectedIndex) {
this.applyGridFilter(cmp, 'usergroup');
scope: this
@@ -166,165 +196,153 @@ MODx.grid.User = function(config = {}) {
this.getClearFiltersButton('filter-usergroup, filter-query')
- MODx.grid.User.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.grid.User.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['edit', 'delete', 'duplicate', 'activate'];
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['edit_user', 'save_user']);
+ this.setUserCanCreate(['new_user', 'save_user']);
+ this.setUserCanDelete(['delete_user']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
+ this.on({
+ beforeedit: function(e) {
+ if (!this.userCanEdit || !this.userCanEditRecord(e.record)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.User, MODx.grid.Grid, {
getMenu: function() {
- var r = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- var p = r.data.cls;
- var m = [];
+ const menu = [];
if (this.getSelectionModel().getCount() > 1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('selected_activate')
- ,handler: this.activateSelected
- ,scope: this
- });
- m.push({
- text: _('selected_deactivate')
- ,handler: this.deactivateSelected
- ,scope: this
- });
- m.push('-');
- m.push({
- text: _('selected_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeSelected
- ,scope: this
- });
+ if (this.userCanEdit) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('selected_activate'),
+ handler: this.activateSelected,
+ scope: this
+ });
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('selected_deactivate'),
+ handler: this.deactivateSelected,
+ scope: this
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.userCanDelete) {
+ menu.push('-');
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('selected_remove'),
+ handler: this.removeSelected.bind(this, 'user', 'Security/User/RemoveMultiple')
+ });
+ }
} else {
- if (p.indexOf('pupdate') != -1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('edit')
- ,handler: this.updateUser
+ if (this.userCanEdit) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('edit'),
+ handler: this.updateUser
- if (p.indexOf('pcopy') != -1) {
- if (m.length > 0) m.push('-');
- m.push({
- text: _('duplicate')
- ,handler: this.duplicateUser
+ if (this.userCanCreate) {
+ if (menu.length > 0) { menu.push('-'); }
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('duplicate'),
+ handler: this.duplicateUser
- if (p.indexOf('premove') != -1) {
- if (m.length > 0) m.push('-');
- m.push({
- text: _('delete')
- ,handler: this.removeUser
+ if (this.userCanDelete) {
+ if (menu.length > 0) { menu.push('-'); }
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('delete'),
+ handler: this.removeUser
- if (m.length > 0) {
- this.addContextMenuItem(m);
- }
- }
+ return menu;
+ },
- ,createUser: function() {
+ createUser: function() {
- }
+ },
- ,updateUser: function() {
- MODx.loadPage('security/user/update', 'id='+this.menu.record.id);
- }
+ updateUser: function() {
+ MODx.loadPage('security/user/update', `id=${this.menu.record.id}`);
+ },
- ,duplicateUser: function() {
+ duplicateUser: function() {
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/User/Duplicate'
- ,id: this.menu.record.id
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:this.refresh,scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/User/Duplicate',
+ id: this.menu.record.id
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: { fn: this.refresh, scope: this }
- }
+ },
- ,removeUser: function() {
+ removeUser: function() {
- title: _('delete')
- ,text: _('user_confirm_remove')
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/User/Delete'
- ,id: this.menu.record.id
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:this.refresh,scope:this}
+ title: _('delete'),
+ text: _('user_confirm_remove'),
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/User/Delete',
+ id: this.menu.record.id
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: { fn: this.refresh, scope: this }
- }
- ,activateSelected: function() {
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
+ },
+ activateSelected: function() {
+ const selections = this.getSelectedAsList();
+ if (selections === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/User/ActivateMultiple'
- ,users: cs
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/User/ActivateMultiple',
+ users: selections
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
return true;
- }
- ,deactivateSelected: function() {
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
+ },
+ deactivateSelected: function() {
+ const selections = this.getSelectedAsList();
+ if (selections === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/User/DeactivateMultiple'
- ,users: cs
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
- }
- });
- return true;
- }
- ,removeSelected: function() {
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
- MODx.msg.confirm({
- title: _('selected_remove')
- ,text: _('user_remove_multiple_confirm')
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/User/RemoveMultiple'
- ,users: cs
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/User/DeactivateMultiple',
+ users: selections
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
return true;
- ,rendGender: function(d,c) {
- switch(d.toString()) {
- case '0':
- return '-';
- case '1':
- return _('male');
- case '2':
- return _('female');
- }
- }
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-user', MODx.grid.User);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.recent.resource.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.recent.resource.js
index a64f3929cde..ffddb242ac8 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.recent.resource.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.grid.user.recent.resource.js
@@ -6,72 +6,116 @@
* @param {Object} config An object of options.
* @xtype modx-grid-user-recent-resource
-MODx.grid.RecentlyEditedResourcesByUser = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- var dateFormat = MODx.config.manager_date_format + ' ' + MODx.config.manager_time_format;
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('recent_docs')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Security/User/GetRecentlyEditedResources'
- ,user: config.user
- }
- ,autosave: true
- ,save_action: 'Resource/UpdateFromGrid'
- ,pageSize: 10
- ,fields: ['id','pagetitle','description','editedon','deleted','published','context_key','menu', 'link', 'occurred']
- ,columns: [{
- header: _('id')
- ,dataIndex: 'id'
- ,width: 75
- ,fixed: true
- },{
- header: _('pagetitle')
- ,dataIndex: 'pagetitle'
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=resource/update&id=' + record.data.id
- ,target: '_blank'
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },{
- header: _('editedon')
- ,dataIndex: 'occurred'
- },{
- header: _('published')
- ,dataIndex: 'published'
- ,width: 120
- ,fixed: true
- ,editor: { xtype: 'combo-boolean' ,renderer: 'boolean' }
- }]
- ,paging: true
- ,listeners: {
- afteredit: this.refresh
- ,afterrender: this.onAfterRender
- ,scope: this
+MODx.grid.RecentlyEditedResourcesByUser = function(config = {}) {
+ const dateFormat = `${MODx.config.manager_date_format} ${MODx.config.manager_time_format}`;
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('recent_docs'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Security/User/GetRecentlyEditedResources',
+ user: config.user
+ },
+ autosave: true,
+ save_action: 'Resource/UpdateFromGrid',
+ pageSize: 10,
+ fields: [
+ 'id',
+ 'pagetitle',
+ 'description',
+ 'editedon',
+ 'deleted',
+ 'published',
+ 'context_key',
+ 'menu',
+ 'link',
+ 'occurred'
+ ],
+ columns: [{
+ header: _('id'),
+ dataIndex: 'id',
+ width: 75,
+ fixed: true
+ }, {
+ header: _('pagetitle'),
+ dataIndex: 'pagetitle',
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ return this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=resource/update&id=${record.data.id}`,
+ target: '_blank'
+ });
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('editedon'),
+ dataIndex: 'occurred',
+ renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer(dateFormat)
+ }, {
+ header: _('published'),
+ dataIndex: 'published',
+ width: 120,
+ fixed: true,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'combo-boolean',
+ renderer: 'boolean'
+ }
+ }],
+ paging: true,
+ listeners: {
+ afteredit: this.refresh,
+ afterrender: this.onAfterRender,
+ scope: this
- MODx.grid.RecentlyEditedResourcesByUser.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.grid.RecentlyEditedResourcesByUser.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.RecentlyEditedResourcesByUser, MODx.grid.Grid, {
+ getMenu: function() {
+ const menu = [];
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('resource_overview'),
+ params: {
+ a: 'resource/data',
+ type: 'view'
+ }
+ });
+ if (MODx.perm.edit_document) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('resource_edit'),
+ params: {
+ a: 'resource/update',
+ type: 'edit'
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ menu.push('-');
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('resource_view'),
+ handler: this.preview
+ });
+ return menu;
+ },
preview: function() {
- }
- ,refresh: function() {
- var tree = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-tree');
+ },
+ refresh: function() {
+ const tree = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-tree');
if (tree && tree.rendered) {
- }
+ },
// Workaround to resize the grid when in a dashboard widget
- ,onAfterRender: function() {
- var cnt = Ext.getCmp('modx-content')
- // Dashboard widget "parent" (renderTo)
- ,parent = Ext.get('modx-grid-user-recent-resource');
- if (cnt && parent) {
- cnt.on('afterlayout', function(elem, layout) {
- var width = parent.getWidth();
+ onAfterRender: function() {
+ const
+ contentCmp = Ext.getCmp('modx-content'),
+ grid = Ext.get('modx-grid-user-recent-resource')
+ ;
+ if (contentCmp && grid) {
+ contentCmp.on('afterlayout', function(elem, layout) {
+ const width = grid.getWidth();
// Only resize when more than 500px (else let's use/enable the horizontal scrolling)
if (width > 500) {
@@ -80,4 +124,4 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.RecentlyEditedResourcesByUser,MODx.grid.Grid,{
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-user-recent-resource', MODx.grid.RecentlyEditedResourcesByUser);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.panel.user.group.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.panel.user.group.js
index d1bb58f287a..da842026514 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.panel.user.group.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/security/modx.panel.user.group.js
@@ -4,240 +4,242 @@
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-panel-user-group
-MODx.panel.UserGroup = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-panel-user-group'
- ,cls: 'container form-with-labels'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+MODx.panel.UserGroup = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-panel-user-group',
+ cls: 'container form-with-labels',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Security/Group/Update'
- }
- ,defaults: { collapsible: false ,autoHeight: true }
- ,items: [this.getPageHeader(config),{
- xtype: 'modx-tabs'
- ,defaults: {
- autoHeight: true
- ,border: true
- ,bodyCssClass: 'tab-panel-wrapper'
- ,hideMode: 'offsets'
- }
- ,id: 'modx-usergroup-tabs'
- ,forceLayout: true
- ,deferredRender: false
- ,items: [{
- title: _('general_information')
- ,defaults: {
- border: false
- ,msgTarget: 'side'
- }
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,itemId: 'modx-usergroup-general-panel'
- ,labelAlign: 'top'
- ,labelSeparator: ''
- ,items: [{
- xtype: 'panel'
- ,border: false
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,items: [{
- layout: 'column'
- ,border: false
- ,defaults: {
- layout: 'form'
- ,labelAlign: 'top'
- ,labelSeparator: ''
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,border: false
- }
- ,items: [{
- columnWidth: .6
- ,items: [{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'id'
- ,id: 'modx-usergroup-id'
- ,value: config.record.id
- },{
- name: 'name'
- ,id: 'modx-usergroup-name'
- ,xtype: config.record && (config.record.name === 'Administrator' || config.record.id === 0) ? 'statictextfield' : 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('name')
- ,allowBlank: false
- ,enableKeyEvents: true
- ,disabled: config.record.id === 0
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,listeners: {
- 'keyup': {scope:this,fn:function(f,e) {
- Ext.getCmp('modx-header-breadcrumbs').updateHeader(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(f.getValue()));
- }}
+ },
+ defaults: {
+ collapsible: false,
+ autoHeight: true
+ },
+ items: [this.getPageHeader(config), {
+ xtype: 'modx-tabs',
+ defaults: {
+ autoHeight: true,
+ border: true,
+ bodyCssClass: 'tab-panel-wrapper',
+ hideMode: 'offsets'
+ },
+ id: 'modx-usergroup-tabs',
+ forceLayout: true,
+ deferredRender: false,
+ items: [{
+ title: _('general_information'),
+ defaults: {
+ border: false,
+ msgTarget: 'side'
+ },
+ layout: 'form',
+ itemId: 'modx-usergroup-general-panel',
+ labelAlign: 'top',
+ labelSeparator: '',
+ items: [{
+ xtype: 'panel',
+ border: false,
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ layout: 'form',
+ items: [{
+ layout: 'column',
+ border: false,
+ defaults: {
+ layout: 'form',
+ labelAlign: 'top',
+ labelSeparator: '',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ border: false
+ },
+ items: [{
+ columnWidth: 0.6,
+ items: [{
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'id',
+ id: 'modx-usergroup-id',
+ value: config.record.id
+ }, {
+ name: 'name',
+ xtype: config.record && (config.record.name === 'Administrator' || config.record.id === 0) ? 'statictextfield' : 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('name'),
+ allowBlank: false,
+ enableKeyEvents: true,
+ disabled: config.record.id === 0,
+ anchor: '100%',
+ listeners: {
+ keyup: {
+ fn: function(f, e) {
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-header-breadcrumbs').updateHeader(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(f.getValue()));
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-usergroup-name'
- ,html: _('user_group_desc_name')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- name: 'description'
- ,id: 'modx-usergroup-description'
- ,xtype: 'textarea'
- ,fieldLabel: _('description')
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,grow: true
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-usergroup-description'
- ,html: _('user_group_desc_description')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('user_group_desc_name'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ name: 'description',
+ xtype: 'textarea',
+ fieldLabel: _('description'),
+ anchor: '100%',
+ grow: true
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('user_group_desc_description'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- columnWidth: .4
- ,items: [{
- name: 'parent'
- ,hiddenName: 'parent'
- ,id: 'modx-usergroup-parent'
- ,xtype: 'modx-combo-usergroup'
- ,fieldLabel: _('user_group_parent')
- ,editable: false
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,disabled: config.record.id === 0 || config.record.name === 'Administrator'
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Security/Group/GetList'
- ,addNone: true
- ,exclude: config.record.id
+ }, {
+ columnWidth: 0.4,
+ items: [{
+ name: 'parent',
+ hiddenName: 'parent',
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-usergroup',
+ fieldLabel: _('user_group_parent'),
+ editable: false,
+ anchor: '100%',
+ disabled: config.record.id === 0 || config.record.name === 'Administrator',
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Security/Group/GetList',
+ addNone: true,
+ exclude: config.record.id
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-usergroup-parent'
- ,html: _('user_group_desc_parent')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- name: 'dashboard'
- ,id: 'modx-usergroup-dashboard'
- ,xtype: 'modx-combo-dashboard'
- ,fieldLabel: _('dashboard')
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-usergroup-dashboard'
- ,html: _('user_group_desc_dashboard')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('user_group_desc_parent'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ name: 'dashboard',
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-dashboard',
+ fieldLabel: _('dashboard'),
+ anchor: '100%'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('user_group_desc_dashboard'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- title: _('access_permissions')
- ,itemId: 'modx-usergroup-permissions-panel'
- ,items: [{
- xtype: 'modx-vtabs'
- ,items: [{
- title: _('user_group_context_access')
- ,itemId: 'user-group-context-access'
- ,hideMode: 'offsets'
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,autoWidth: false
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('user_group_context_access_msg')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-user-group-context'
- ,preventRender: true
- ,usergroup: config.record.id
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,listeners: {
- 'afterRemoveRow': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'afteredit': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'updateAcl': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'createAcl': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
+ }, {
+ title: _('access_permissions'),
+ itemId: 'modx-usergroup-permissions-panel',
+ items: [{
+ xtype: 'modx-vtabs',
+ items: [{
+ title: _('user_group_context_access'),
+ itemId: 'user-group-context-access',
+ hideMode: 'offsets',
+ layout: 'form',
+ autoWidth: false,
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('user_group_context_access_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-user-group-context',
+ preventRender: true,
+ usergroup: config.record.id,
+ autoHeight: true,
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ listeners: {
+ afterRemoveRow: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ afteredit: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ updateAcl: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ createAcl: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this }
- },{
- title: _('user_group_resourcegroup_access')
- ,itemId: 'user-group-resourcegroup-access'
- ,hideMode: 'offsets'
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('user_group_resourcegroup_access_msg')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-user-group-resource-group'
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,preventRender: true
- ,usergroup: config.record.id
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,listeners: {
- 'afterRemoveRow': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'afteredit': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'updateAcl': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'createAcl': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
+ }, {
+ title: _('user_group_resourcegroup_access'),
+ itemId: 'user-group-resourcegroup-access',
+ hideMode: 'offsets',
+ layout: 'form',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('user_group_resourcegroup_access_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-user-group-resource-group',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ preventRender: true,
+ usergroup: config.record.id,
+ autoHeight: true,
+ listeners: {
+ afterRemoveRow: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ afteredit: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ updateAcl: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ createAcl: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this }
- },{
- title: _('user_group_category_access')
- ,itemId: 'user-group-category-access'
- ,hideMode: 'offsets'
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('user_group_category_access_msg')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-user-group-category'
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,preventRender: true
- ,usergroup: config.record.id
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,listeners: {
- 'afterRemoveRow': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'afteredit': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'updateAcl': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'createAcl': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
+ }, {
+ title: _('user_group_category_access'),
+ itemId: 'user-group-category-access',
+ hideMode: 'offsets',
+ layout: 'form',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('user_group_category_access_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-user-group-category',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ preventRender: true,
+ usergroup: config.record.id,
+ autoHeight: true,
+ listeners: {
+ afterRemoveRow: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ afteredit: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ updateAcl: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ createAcl: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this }
- },{
- title: _('user_group_source_access')
- ,itemId: 'user-group-source-access'
- ,hideMode: 'offsets'
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('user_group_source_access_msg')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-user-group-source'
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,preventRender: true
- ,usergroup: config.record.id
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,listeners: {
- 'afterRemoveRow': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'afteredit': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'updateAcl': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'createAcl': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
+ }, {
+ title: _('user_group_source_access'),
+ itemId: 'user-group-source-access',
+ hideMode: 'offsets',
+ layout: 'form',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('user_group_source_access_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-user-group-source',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ preventRender: true,
+ usergroup: config.record.id,
+ autoHeight: true,
+ listeners: {
+ afterRemoveRow: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ afteredit: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ updateAcl: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ createAcl: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this }
- },{
- title: _('user_group_namespace_access')
- ,itemId: 'user-group-namespace-access'
- ,hideMode: 'offsets'
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,items: [{
- html: '' + _('user_group_namespace_access_desc') + ' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-user-group-namespace'
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,preventRender: true
- ,usergroup: config.record.id
- ,autoHeight: true
+ }, {
+ title: _('user_group_namespace_access'),
+ itemId: 'user-group-namespace-access',
+ hideMode: 'offsets',
+ layout: 'form',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('user_group_namespace_access_desc')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-user-group-namespace',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ preventRender: true,
+ usergroup: config.record.id,
+ autoHeight: true
- }]
- ,listeners: {
+ }],
+ listeners: {
render: function(vtabPanel) {
- var elCatsPanelKey = vtabPanel.items.keys.indexOf('user-group-category-access'),
+ const
+ elCatsPanelKey = vtabPanel.items.keys.indexOf('user-group-category-access'),
mediaSrcPanelKey = vtabPanel.items.keys.indexOf('user-group-source-access'),
- namespacePanelKey = vtabPanel.items.keys.indexOf('user-group-namespace-access')
+ namespacePanelKey = vtabPanel.items.keys.indexOf('user-group-namespace-access'),
form = Ext.getCmp('modx-panel-user-group').getForm()
- ;
+ ;
if (form.record.id === 0) {
@@ -246,45 +248,46 @@ MODx.panel.UserGroup = function(config) {
- },{
- title: _('users')
- ,itemId: 'modx-usergroup-users-panel'
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('user_group_user_access_msg')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-user-group-users'
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,preventRender: true
- ,usergroup: config.record.id
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,listeners: {
- 'afterRemoveRow': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'updateRole': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'addUser': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
+ }, {
+ title: _('users'),
+ itemId: 'modx-usergroup-users-panel',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('user_group_user_access_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-user-group-users',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ preventRender: true,
+ usergroup: config.record.id,
+ autoHeight: true,
+ listeners: {
+ afterRemoveRow: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ updateRole: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ addUser: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this }
- },{
- title: _('settings')
- ,itemId: 'modx-usergroup-settings-panel'
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('user_group_settings_desc')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-group-settings'
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,preventRender: true
- ,group: config.record.id
- ,autoHeight: true
+ }, {
+ title: _('settings'),
+ itemId: 'modx-usergroup-settings-panel',
+ layout: 'form',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('user_group_settings_desc')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-group-settings',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ preventRender: true,
+ group: config.record.id,
+ autoHeight: true
- }]
- ,listeners: {
+ }],
+ listeners: {
render: function(tabPanel) {
- var usersPanelKey = tabPanel.items.keys.indexOf('modx-usergroup-users-panel'),
+ const
+ usersPanelKey = tabPanel.items.keys.indexOf('modx-usergroup-users-panel'),
settingsPanelKey = tabPanel.items.keys.indexOf('modx-usergroup-settings-panel'),
form = Ext.getCmp('modx-panel-user-group').getForm()
- ;
+ ;
if (form.record.id === 0) {
@@ -294,41 +297,41 @@ MODx.panel.UserGroup = function(config) {
- }]
- ,useLoadingMask: false
- ,listeners: {
- 'setup': {fn:this.setup,scope:this}
- ,'success': {fn:this.success,scope:this}
- ,'beforeSubmit': {fn:this.beforeSubmit,scope:this}
+ }],
+ useLoadingMask: false,
+ listeners: {
+ setup: { fn: this.setup, scope: this },
+ success: { fn: this.success, scope: this },
+ beforeSubmit: { fn: this.beforeSubmit, scope: this }
- MODx.panel.UserGroup.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.panel.UserGroup.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
- initialized: false
- ,setup: function() {
- if (this.initialized || this.config.usergroup === '' || this.config.usergroup == undefined) {
+Ext.extend(MODx.panel.UserGroup, MODx.FormPanel, {
+ initialized: false,
+ setup: function() {
+ if (this.initialized || this.config.usergroup === '' || this.config.usergroup === undefined) {
return false;
- var r = this.config.record;
- this.getForm().setValues(r);
- Ext.getCmp('modx-header-breadcrumbs').updateHeader(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(r.name));
+ const { record } = this.config;
+ this.getForm().setValues(record);
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-header-breadcrumbs').updateHeader(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(record.name));
- this.fireEvent('ready',r);
+ this.fireEvent('ready', record);
this.initialized = true;
- }
- ,beforeSubmit: function(o) {}
- ,success: function(o) {}
- ,getPageHeader: function(config) {
+ },
+ beforeSubmit: function(o) {},
+ success: function(o) {},
+ getPageHeader: function(config) {
return MODx.util.getHeaderBreadCrumbs('modx-user-group-header', [{
text: _('user_group_management'),
href: MODx.getPage('security/permission')
+Ext.reg('modx-panel-user-group', MODx.panel.UserGroup);
* @class MODx.grid.FCProfileUserGroups
@@ -339,153 +342,197 @@ Ext.reg('modx-panel-user-group',MODx.panel.UserGroup);
MODx.grid.UserGroupUsers = function(config = {}) {
/** @var targetTab This grid shows in one of two places as of 3.0.x, in the ACLs summary view, and within a specific group’s ACLs view (in different tabs) */
- targetTab = MODx.request.a === 'security/permission' ? 0 : 2 ,
+ targetTab = MODx.request.a === 'security/permission' ? 0 : 2,
queryValue = this.applyRequestFilter(targetTab, 'query', 'tab', true)
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: ''
- ,id: 'modx-grid-user-group-users'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Security/Group/User/GetList'
- ,usergroup: config.usergroup
- }
- ,paging: true
- ,grouping: true
- ,remoteSort: true
- ,groupBy: 'role_name'
- ,singleText: _('user')
- ,pluralText: _('users')
- ,sortBy: 'authority'
- ,sortDir: 'ASC'
- ,fields: [
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: '',
+ id: 'modx-grid-user-group-users',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Security/Group/User/GetList',
+ usergroup: config.usergroup
+ },
+ paging: true,
+ grouping: true,
+ remoteSort: true,
+ groupBy: 'role_name',
+ singleText: _('user'),
+ pluralText: _('users'),
+ sortBy: 'authority',
+ sortDir: 'ASC',
+ fields: [
- ]
- ,columns: [{
- header: _('username')
- ,dataIndex: 'username'
- ,width: 175
- ,sortable: true
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=security/user/update&id=' + record.data.id
- ,target: '_blank'
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },{
- header: _('role')
- ,dataIndex: 'role_name'
- ,width: 175
- ,sortable: true
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=security/permission'
- ,target: '_blank'
- });
- }, scope: this }
- }]
- ,tbar: [
+ ],
+ columns: [{
+ header: _('username'),
+ dataIndex: 'username',
+ width: 175,
+ sortable: true,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ return this.userCanEditUsers
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=security/user/update&id=${record.id}`,
+ target: '_blank'
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('role'),
+ dataIndex: 'role_name',
+ width: 175,
+ sortable: true,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ return this.userCanEditRoles
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=security/permission&tab=1&role=${record.json.role}`,
+ target: '_blank'
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }],
+ tbar: [
+ /*
+ Because visibility of these buttons is determined by non-standard
+ and differing create permissions, not using base method getCreateButton()
+ here; controlled by render listener below
+ */
- text: _('user_group_update')
- ,cls: 'primary-button'
- ,handler: this.updateUserGroup
- ,hidden: (MODx.perm.usergroup_edit == 0 || config.ownerCt.id != 'modx-tree-panel-usergroup')
- },{
- text: _('user_group_user_add')
- ,cls: 'primary-button'
- ,handler: this.addUser
- ,hidden: MODx.perm.usergroup_user_edit == 0
+ text: _('user_group_update'),
+ id: 'modx-btn-user-group-edit',
+ cls: 'primary-button',
+ handler: this.updateUserGroup
+ }, {
+ text: _('user_group_user_add'),
+ id: 'modx-btn-user-group-add-user',
+ cls: 'primary-button',
+ handler: this.addUser
this.getQueryFilterField(`filter-query-users:${queryValue}`, 'user-group-users'),
- MODx.grid.UserGroupUsers.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
- this.addEvents('updateRole','addUser');
+ MODx.grid.UserGroupUsers.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.addEvents('updateRole', 'addUser');
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['editGroupUsers'];
+ this.setUserHasPermissions('editGroups', ['usergroup_edit', 'usergroup_save']);
+ this.setUserHasPermissions('editGroupUsers', ['usergroup_user_edit']);
+ this.setUserHasPermissions('editRoles', ['edit_role', 'save_role']);
+ this.setUserHasPermissions('editUsers', ['edit_user', 'save_user']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
+ this.on({
+ render: grid => {
+ const buttonsToHide = [];
+ if (!this.userCanEditGroups || grid.ownerCt.id !== 'modx-tree-panel-usergroup') {
+ buttonsToHide.push('modx-btn-user-group-edit');
+ }
+ if (!this.userCanEditGroupUsers) {
+ buttonsToHide.push('modx-btn-user-group-add-user');
+ }
+ if (buttonsToHide.length > 0) {
+ buttonsToHide.forEach(btnId => Ext.getCmp(btnId)?.hide());
+ }
+ }
+ });
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.UserGroupUsers, MODx.grid.Grid, {
getMenu: function() {
- var m = [];
- if (MODx.perm.usergroup_user_edit) {
- m.push({
- text: _('user_role_update')
- ,handler: this.updateRole
+ const menu = [];
+ if (this.userCanEditGroupUsers) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('user_role_update'),
+ handler: this.updateRole
- m.push('-');
- m.push({
- text: _('user_group_user_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeUser
+ menu.push('-');
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('user_group_user_remove'),
+ handler: this.removeUser
- return m;
- }
+ return menu;
+ },
- ,updateUserGroup: function() {
- var id = this.config.usergroup;
- MODx.loadPage('security/usergroup/update', 'id=' + id);
- }
+ updateUserGroup: function() {
+ const id = this.config.usergroup;
+ MODx.loadPage('security/usergroup/update', `id=${id}`);
+ },
- ,updateRole: function(btn,e) {
- var r = this.menu.record;
- r.usergroup = this.config.usergroup;
- r.user = r.id;
+ updateRole: function(btn, e) {
+ const { record } = this.menu;
+ record.usergroup = this.config.usergroup;
+ record.user = record.id;
- this.loadWindow(btn,e,{
- xtype: 'modx-window-user-group-role-update'
- ,record: r
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.refresh();
- this.fireEvent('updateRole',r);
- },scope:this}
+ this.loadWindow(btn, e, {
+ xtype: 'modx-window-user-group-role-update',
+ record: record,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(response) {
+ this.refresh();
+ this.fireEvent('updateRole', response);
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,addUser: function(btn,e) {
- var r = {usergroup:this.config.usergroup};
+ addUser: function(btn, e) {
+ const record = { usergroup: this.config.usergroup };
if (!this.windows['modx-window-user-group-adduser']) {
this.windows['modx-window-user-group-adduser'] = Ext.ComponentMgr.create({
- xtype: 'modx-window-user-group-adduser'
- ,record: r
- ,grid: this
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.refresh();
- this.fireEvent('addUser',r);
- },scope:this}
+ xtype: 'modx-window-user-group-adduser',
+ record: record,
+ grid: this,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(response) {
+ this.refresh();
+ this.fireEvent('addUser', response);
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- this.windows['modx-window-user-group-adduser'].setValues(r);
+ this.windows['modx-window-user-group-adduser'].setValues(record);
- }
+ },
- ,removeUser: function(btn,e) {
- var r = this.menu.record;
+ removeUser: function(btn, e) {
+ const { record } = this.menu;
- title: _('warning')
- ,text: _('user_group_user_remove_confirm') || _('confirm_remove')
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Security/Group/User/Remove'
- ,user: r.id
- ,usergroup: this.config.usergroup
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:this.refresh,scope:this}
+ title: _('warning'),
+ text: _('user_group_user_remove_confirm') || _('confirm_remove'),
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Security/Group/User/Remove',
+ user: record.id,
+ usergroup: this.config.usergroup
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: { fn: this.refresh, scope: this }
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-user-group-users', MODx.grid.UserGroupUsers);
* @class MODx.window.UpdateUserGroupRole
@@ -493,32 +540,31 @@ Ext.reg('modx-grid-user-group-users',MODx.grid.UserGroupUsers);
* @param {Object} config An object of options.
* @xtype modx-window-user-group-role-update
-MODx.window.UpdateUserGroupRole = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-window-user-group-role-update'
- ,title: _('user_group_user_update_role')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,action: 'Security/Group/User/Update'
- ,fields: [{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'usergroup'
- ,value: config.usergroup
- },{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'user'
- ,value: config.user
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-combo-usergrouprole'
- ,id: 'modx-uugr-role'
- ,name: 'role'
- ,fieldLabel: _('role')
+MODx.window.UpdateUserGroupRole = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-window-user-group-role-update',
+ title: _('user_group_user_update_role'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ action: 'Security/Group/User/Update',
+ fields: [{
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'usergroup',
+ value: config.usergroup
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'user',
+ value: config.user
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-usergrouprole',
+ id: 'modx-uugr-role',
+ name: 'role',
+ fieldLabel: _('role')
- MODx.window.UpdateUserGroupRole.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.UpdateUserGroupRole.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.UpdateUserGroupRole, MODx.Window);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-user-group-role-update', MODx.window.UpdateUserGroupRole);
* @class MODx.window.AddUserToUserGroup
@@ -526,49 +572,46 @@ Ext.reg('modx-window-user-group-role-update',MODx.window.UpdateUserGroupRole);
* @param {Object} config An object of options.
* @xtype modx-window-user-group-adduser
-MODx.window.AddUserToUserGroup = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- this.ident = config.ident || 'auug'+Ext.id();
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('user_group_user_add')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,action: 'Security/Group/User/Create'
- ,fields: [{
- fieldLabel: _('user')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('user_group_user_add_user_desc')
- ,name: 'user'
- ,hiddenName: 'user'
- ,id: 'modx-auug-user'
- ,xtype: 'modx-combo-user'
- ,editable: true
- ,typeAhead: true
- ,allowBlank: false
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-user'
- ,html: _('user_group_user_add_user_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- fieldLabel: _('role')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('user_group_user_add_role_desc')
- ,name: 'role'
- ,hiddenName: 'role'
- ,id: 'modx-auug-role'
- ,xtype: 'modx-combo-role'
- ,allowBlank: false
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-role'
- ,html: _('user_group_user_add_role_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- name: 'usergroup'
- ,xtype: 'hidden'
+MODx.window.AddUserToUserGroup = function(config = {}) {
+ this.ident = config.ident || `auug${Ext.id()}`;
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('user_group_user_add'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ action: 'Security/Group/User/Create',
+ fields: [{
+ fieldLabel: _('user'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('user_group_user_add_user_desc'),
+ name: 'user',
+ hiddenName: 'user',
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-user',
+ editable: true,
+ typeAhead: true,
+ allowBlank: false,
+ anchor: '100%'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('user_group_user_add_user_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ fieldLabel: _('role'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('user_group_user_add_role_desc'),
+ name: 'role',
+ hiddenName: 'role',
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-role',
+ allowBlank: false,
+ anchor: '100%'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('user_group_user_add_role_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ name: 'usergroup',
+ xtype: 'hidden'
- MODx.window.AddUserToUserGroup.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.AddUserToUserGroup.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.AddUserToUserGroup, MODx.Window);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-user-group-adduser', MODx.window.AddUserToUserGroup);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/source/modx.panel.source.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/source/modx.panel.source.js
index cec222890e8..396151653e1 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/source/modx.panel.source.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/source/modx.panel.source.js
@@ -4,223 +4,252 @@
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-panel-source
-MODx.panel.Source = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-panel-source'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+MODx.panel.Source = function(config = {}) {
+ let generalIntro = {};
+ if (config.record.reserved) {
+ generalIntro = {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ cls: 'panel-desc',
+ html: _('source_reserved_general_desc')
+ };
+ }
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-panel-source',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Source/Update'
- }
- ,defaults: { collapsible: false ,autoHeight: true }
- ,cls: 'container form-with-labels'
- ,items: [this.getPageHeader(config),{
- xtype: 'modx-tabs'
- ,defaults: {
- autoHeight: true
- ,border: true
- ,bodyCssClass: 'tab-panel-wrapper'
- }
- ,id: 'modx-source-tabs'
- ,forceLayout: true
- ,deferredRender: false
- ,stateful: true
- ,stateId: 'modx-source-tabpanel'
- ,stateEvents: ['tabchange']
- ,getState:function() {
- return {activeTab:this.items.indexOf(this.getActiveTab())};
- }
- ,items: [{
- title: _('general_information')
- ,defaults: { border: false, msgTarget: 'side' }
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,id: 'modx-source-form'
- ,labelWidth: 150
- ,items: [{
- xtype: 'panel'
- ,border: false
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,labelAlign: 'top'
- ,items: [{
- layout: 'column'
- ,border: false
- ,defaults: {
- layout: 'form'
- ,labelAlign: 'top'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,border: false
- }
- ,items: [{
- columnWidth: .65
- ,cls: 'main-content'
- ,items: [{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'id'
- ,id: 'modx-source-id'
- ,value: config.record.id
- },{
- name: 'name'
- ,id: 'modx-source-name'
- ,xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('name')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('source_name_desc')
- ,allowBlank: false
- ,enableKeyEvents: true
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,listeners: {
- 'keyup': {scope:this,fn:function(f,e) {
- Ext.getCmp('modx-header-breadcrumbs').updateHeader(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(f.getValue()));
- }}
+ },
+ defaults: {
+ collapsible: false,
+ autoHeight: true
+ },
+ cls: 'container form-with-labels',
+ items: [this.getPageHeader(config), {
+ xtype: 'modx-tabs',
+ defaults: {
+ autoHeight: true,
+ border: true,
+ bodyCssClass: 'tab-panel-wrapper'
+ },
+ id: 'modx-source-tabs',
+ forceLayout: true,
+ deferredRender: false,
+ stateful: true,
+ stateId: 'modx-source-tabpanel',
+ stateEvents: ['tabchange'],
+ getState: function() {
+ return {
+ activeTab: this.items.indexOf(this.getActiveTab())
+ };
+ },
+ items: [{
+ title: _('general_information'),
+ layout: 'form',
+ id: 'modx-source-form',
+ items: [generalIntro, {
+ xtype: 'panel',
+ border: false,
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ layout: 'form',
+ labelAlign: 'top',
+ items: [{
+ layout: 'column',
+ border: false,
+ defaults: {
+ layout: 'form',
+ labelAlign: 'top',
+ labelSeparator: ''
+ },
+ items: [{
+ columnWidth: 0.65,
+ defaults: {
+ anchor: '100%',
+ msgTarget: 'under'
+ },
+ cls: 'main-content',
+ items: [{
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'id',
+ id: 'modx-source-id',
+ value: config.record.id
+ }, {
+ xtype: config.record.reserved ? 'statictextfield' : 'textfield',
+ name: 'name',
+ id: 'modx-source-name',
+ fieldLabel: _('name'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('source_name_desc'),
+ allowBlank: false,
+ enableKeyEvents: true,
+ listeners: {
+ keyup: {
+ scope: this,
+ fn: function(field, e) {
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-header-breadcrumbs').updateHeader(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(field.getValue()));
+ }
+ }
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-source-name'
- ,html: _('source_name_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- name: 'description'
- ,id: 'modx-source-description'
- ,xtype: 'textarea'
- ,fieldLabel: _('description')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('source_description_desc')
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,grow: true
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-source-description'
- ,html: _('source_description_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('source_name_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ xtype: config.record.reserved ? 'statictextarea' : 'textarea',
+ name: 'description',
+ id: 'modx-source-description',
+ fieldLabel: _('description'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('source_description_desc'),
+ grow: true
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('source_description_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- columnWidth: .35
- ,cls: 'main-content'
- ,items: [{
- name: 'class_key'
- ,hiddenName: 'class_key'
- ,id: 'modx-source-type'
- ,xtype: 'modx-combo-source-type'
- ,fieldLabel: _('source_type')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('source_type_desc')
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-source-type'
- ,html: _('source_type_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ columnWidth: 0.35,
+ defaults: {
+ anchor: '100%',
+ msgTarget: 'under'
+ },
+ cls: 'main-content',
+ items: [{
+ disabled: config.record.reserved,
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-source-type',
+ name: 'class_key',
+ hiddenName: 'class_key',
+ id: 'modx-source-type',
+ fieldLabel: _('source_type'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('source_type_desc')
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('source_type_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- html: ''+_('source_properties.intro_msg')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-source-properties'
- ,preventRender: true
- ,source: config.record.id
- ,defaultProperties: config.defaultProperties
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,listeners: {
- 'afterRemoveRow': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
+ }, {
+ html: `${_('source_properties.intro_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-source-properties',
+ preventRender: true,
+ source: config.record.id,
+ defaultProperties: config.defaultProperties,
+ autoHeight: true,
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ listeners: {
+ afterRemoveRow: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this }
- },{
- title: _('access')
- ,hideMode: 'offsets'
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('source.access.intro_msg')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-source-access'
- ,preventRender: true
- ,source: config.record.id
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,listeners: {
- 'afterRemoveRow': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'updateRole': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'addMember': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
+ }, {
+ title: _('access'),
+ hideMode: 'offsets',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('source.access.intro_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-source-access',
+ preventRender: true,
+ source: config.record.id,
+ autoHeight: true,
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ listeners: {
+ afterRemoveRow: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ updateRole: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ addMember: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this }
- }]
- ,listeners: {
- 'setup': {fn:this.setup,scope:this}
- ,'success': {fn:this.success,scope:this}
- ,'beforeSubmit': {fn:this.beforeSubmit,scope:this}
+ }],
+ listeners: {
+ setup: { fn: this.setup, scope: this },
+ success: { fn: this.success, scope: this },
+ beforeSubmit: { fn: this.beforeSubmit, scope: this }
- MODx.panel.Source.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.panel.Source.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
- initialized: false
+Ext.extend(MODx.panel.Source, MODx.FormPanel, {
+ initialized: false,
- ,setup: function() {
- if (this.initialized) { return false; }
+ setup: function() {
+ if (this.initialized) {
+ return false;
+ }
if (Ext.isEmpty(this.config.record.id)) {
return false;
/* The component rendering is deferred since we are not using renderTo */
- var g,d;
if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.config.record.properties)) {
- g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-source-properties');
- if (g) {
- g.defaultProperties = this.config.defaultProperties;
- g.getStore().loadData(this.config.record.properties);
+ const propsGrid = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-source-properties');
+ if (propsGrid) {
+ propsGrid.defaultProperties = this.config.defaultProperties;
+ propsGrid.getStore().loadData(this.config.record.properties);
if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.config.record.access)) {
- d = this.config.record.access;
- g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-source-access');
- if (g) {
- d = Ext.decode(d);
- if (!Ext.isEmpty(d)) {
- g.defaultProperties = d;
- g.getStore().loadData(d);
+ let { access } = this.config.record;
+ const accessGrid = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-source-access');
+ if (accessGrid) {
+ access = Ext.decode(access);
+ if (!Ext.isEmpty(access)) {
+ accessGrid.defaultProperties = access;
+ accessGrid.getStore().loadData(access);
- this.fireEvent('ready',this.config.record);
+ this.fireEvent('ready', this.config.record);
this.initialized = true;
- }
+ },
- ,beforeSubmit: function(o) {
- var bp = {};
- var sp = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-source-properties');
- if (sp) {
- bp.properties = sp.encode();
+ beforeSubmit: function(o) {
+ const
+ sourceData = {},
+ propsGrid = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-source-properties'),
+ accessGrid = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-source-access')
+ ;
+ if (propsGrid) {
+ sourceData.properties = propsGrid.encode();
- var ap = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-source-access');
- if (ap) {
- bp.access = ap.encode();
+ if (accessGrid) {
+ sourceData.access = accessGrid.encode();
- Ext.apply(o.form.baseParams,bp);
- }
+ Ext.apply(o.form.baseParams, sourceData);
+ },
- ,success: function(o) {
+ success: function(o) {
if (Ext.isEmpty(this.config.record) || Ext.isEmpty(this.config.record.id)) {
- MODx.loadPage('source/update', 'id='+o.result.object.id);
+ MODx.loadPage('source/update', `id=${o.result.object.id}`);
} else {
+ const
+ propsGrid = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-source-properties'),
+ accessGrid = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-source-access')
+ ;
- var wg = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-source-properties');
- if (wg) { wg.getStore().commitChanges(); }
- var ag = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-source-access');
- if (ag) { ag.getStore().commitChanges(); }
+ if (propsGrid) {
+ propsGrid.getStore().commitChanges();
+ }
+ if (accessGrid) {
+ accessGrid.getStore().commitChanges();
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,getPageHeader: function(config) {
+ getPageHeader: function(config) {
return MODx.util.getHeaderBreadCrumbs('modx-source-header', [{
text: _('sources'),
href: MODx.getPage('source')
+Ext.reg('modx-panel-source', MODx.panel.Source);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/source/modx.panel.sources.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/source/modx.panel.sources.js
index 7cce9d4e9a3..11ccc6c4818 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/source/modx.panel.sources.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/source/modx.panel.sources.js
@@ -6,45 +6,47 @@
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration options
* @xtype modx-panel-sources
-MODx.panel.Sources = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-panel-sources'
- ,cls: 'container'
- ,bodyStyle: ''
- ,defaults: { collapsible: false ,autoHeight: true }
- ,items: [{
- html: _('sources')
- ,id: 'modx-sources-header'
- ,xtype: 'modx-header'
- },MODx.getPageStructure([{
- title: _('sources')
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('sources.intro_msg')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-sources'
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,preventRender: true
+MODx.panel.Sources = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-panel-sources',
+ cls: 'container',
+ bodyStyle: '',
+ defaults: {
+ collapsible: false,
+ autoHeight: true
+ },
+ items: [{
+ html: _('sources'),
+ id: 'modx-sources-header',
+ xtype: 'modx-header'
+ }, MODx.getPageStructure([{
+ title: _('sources'),
+ layout: 'form',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('sources.intro_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-sources',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ preventRender: true
- },{
- layout: 'form'
- ,title: _('source_types')
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('source_types.intro_msg')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-source-types'
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,preventRender: true
+ }, {
+ layout: 'form',
+ title: _('source_types'),
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('source_types.intro_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-source-types',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ preventRender: true
- MODx.panel.Sources.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.panel.Sources.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.panel.Sources, MODx.FormPanel);
+Ext.reg('modx-panel-sources', MODx.panel.Sources);
* Loads a grid of Sources.
@@ -56,168 +58,167 @@ Ext.reg('modx-panel-sources',MODx.panel.Sources);
MODx.grid.Sources = function(config = {}) {
this.sm = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel();
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-grid-sources',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Source/GetList'
- }
- ,fields: [
+ },
+ fields: [
- 'cls'
- ]
- ,paging: true
- ,autosave: true
- ,save_action: 'Source/UpdateFromGrid'
- ,remoteSort: true
- ,sm: this.sm
- ,columns: [this.sm,{
- header: _('id')
- ,dataIndex: 'id'
- ,width: 50
- ,sortable: true
- },{
- header: _('name')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,width: 150
- ,sortable: true
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' ,allowBlank: false }
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=source/update&id=' + record.data.id
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },{
- header: _('description')
- ,dataIndex: 'description'
- ,width: 300
- ,sortable: false
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textarea' }
- ,renderer: Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode
- }]
- ,tbar: [
- {
- text: _('create')
- ,handler: {
- xtype: 'modx-window-source-create',
- blankValues: true
+ 'creator'
+ ],
+ paging: true,
+ autosave: true,
+ save_action: 'Source/UpdateFromGrid',
+ remoteSort: true,
+ sm: this.sm,
+ stateful: true,
+ stateId: 'modx-grid-sources-state',
+ columns: [this.sm, {
+ header: _('id'),
+ dataIndex: 'id',
+ width: 50,
+ sortable: true
+ }, {
+ header: _('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ width: 150,
+ sortable: true,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ allowBlank: false,
+ blankText: _('source_err_ns_name'),
+ validationEvent: 'change',
+ validator: function(value) {
+ const grid = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-sources'),
+ reserved = this.gridEditor.record.json.reserved.name
+ ;
+ if (grid.valueIsReserved(reserved, value)) {
+ const msg = _('source_err_name_reserved', { reservedName: value });
+ Ext.Msg.alert(_('error'), msg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
- ,cls:'primary-button'
- },{
- text: _('bulk_actions')
- ,menu: [{
- text: _('selected_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeSelected
- ,scope: this
- }]
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected]);
+ return this.userCanEditRecord(record)
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=source/update&id=${record.data.id}`,
+ title: _('source_edit')
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('description'),
+ dataIndex: 'description',
+ width: 300,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textarea'
+ },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected]);
+ return value;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ },
+ this.getCreatorColumnConfig('source')
+ ],
+ tbar: [
+ this.getCreateButton('source', {
+ xtype: 'modx-window-source-create',
+ blankValues: true
+ }),
+ this.getBulkActionsButton('source', 'Source/RemoveMultiple'),
- ]
+ ],
+ viewConfig: this.getViewConfig()
- MODx.grid.Sources.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
- getMenu: function() {
- var r = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- var p = r.data.cls;
+ MODx.grid.Sources.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
- var m = [];
- if (this.getSelectionModel().getCount() > 1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('selected_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeSelected
- ,scope: this
- });
- } else {
- if (p.indexOf('pupdate') != -1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('edit')
- ,handler: this.updateSource
- });
- }
- if (p.indexOf('pduplicate') != -1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('duplicate')
- ,handler: this.duplicateSource
- });
- }
- if (p.indexOf('premove') != -1 && r.data.id != 1 && r.data.name != 'Filesystem') {
- if (m.length > 0) m.push('-');
- m.push({
- text: _('delete')
- ,handler: this.removeSource
- });
- }
- }
- if (m.length > 0) {
- this.addContextMenuItem(m);
- }
- }
- ,createSource: function() {
- MODx.loadPage('system/source/create');
- }
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['edit', 'delete', 'duplicate'];
- ,updateSource: function() {
- MODx.loadPage('source/update', 'id='+this.menu.record.id);
- }
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['source_save', 'source_edit']);
+ this.setUserCanCreate(['source_save']);
+ this.setUserCanDelete(['source_delete']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
- ,duplicateSource: function(btn,e) {
- MODx.Ajax.request({
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Source/Duplicate'
- ,id: this.menu.record.id
+ this.on({
+ beforeedit: function(e) {
+ if (e.record.json.isProtected || !this.userCanEditRecord(e.record)) {
+ return false;
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:this.refresh,scope:this}
- }
- });
- }
+ }
+ });
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Sources, MODx.grid.Grid, {
- ,removeSource: function() {
- MODx.msg.confirm({
- title: _('delete')
- ,text: _('source_remove_confirm')
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Source/Remove'
- ,id: this.menu.record.id
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:this.refresh,scope:this}
+ getMenu: function() {
+ const
+ record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected(),
+ menu = []
+ ;
+ if (this.userCanEdit && this.userCanEditRecord(record)) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('edit'),
+ handler: this.updateSource
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.userCanCreate && this.userCanDuplicateRecord(record)) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('duplicate'),
+ handler: this.duplicateSource
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.userCanDelete && this.userCanDeleteRecord(record)) {
+ if (menu.length > 0) {
+ menu.push('-');
- });
- }
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('delete'),
+ handler: this.confirm.createDelegate(this, ['Source/Remove', 'source_remove_confirm'])
+ });
+ }
+ return menu;
+ },
- ,removeSelected: function() {
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
+ updateSource: function() {
+ MODx.loadPage('source/update', `id=${this.menu.record.id}`);
+ },
- MODx.msg.confirm({
- title: _('selected_remove')
- ,text: _('source_remove_multiple_confirm')
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Source/RemoveMultiple'
- ,sources: cs
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ duplicateSource: function(btn, e) {
+ MODx.Ajax.request({
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Source/Duplicate',
+ id: this.menu.record.id
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: this.refresh,
+ scope: this
+ }
- return true;
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-sources', MODx.grid.Sources);
* Generates the create Source window.
@@ -228,68 +229,69 @@ Ext.reg('modx-grid-sources',MODx.grid.Sources);
* @xtype modx-window-source-create
MODx.window.CreateSource = function(config = {}) {
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('create')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,action: 'Source/Create'
- ,fields: [{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('name')
- ,name: 'name'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,allowBlank: false
- },{
- xtype: 'textarea'
- ,fieldLabel: _('description')
- ,name: 'description'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,grow: true
- },{
- name: 'class_key'
- ,hiddenName: 'class_key'
- ,xtype: 'modx-combo-source-type'
- ,fieldLabel: _('source_type')
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,allowBlank: false
- ,value: MODx.config.default_media_source_type
- }]
- ,keys: []
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('create'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ autoHeight: true,
+ action: 'Source/Create',
+ formDefaults: {
+ anchor: '100%',
+ validationEvent: 'change',
+ validateOnBlur: false
+ },
+ fields: [{
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('name'),
+ name: 'name',
+ allowBlank: false
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textarea',
+ fieldLabel: _('description'),
+ name: 'description',
+ grow: true
+ }, {
+ name: 'class_key',
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-source-type',
+ fieldLabel: _('source_type'),
+ allowBlank: false,
+ value: MODx.config.default_media_source_type
+ }],
+ keys: []
- MODx.window.CreateSource.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.CreateSource.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.CreateSource, MODx.Window);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-source-create', MODx.window.CreateSource);
MODx.grid.SourceTypes = function(config = {}) {
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Source/Type/GetList'
- }
- ,fields: [
+ },
+ fields: [
- ]
- ,showActionsColumn: false
- ,paging: true
- ,remoteSort: true
- ,columns: [{
- header: _('name')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,width: 150
- ,sortable: true
- ,renderer: Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode
- },{
- header: _('description')
- ,dataIndex: 'description'
- ,width: 300
- ,sortable: false
- ,renderer: Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode
+ ],
+ showActionsColumn: false,
+ paging: true,
+ remoteSort: true,
+ columns: [{
+ header: _('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ width: 150,
+ sortable: true,
+ renderer: Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode
+ }, {
+ header: _('description'),
+ dataIndex: 'description',
+ width: 300,
+ sortable: false,
+ renderer: Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode
- MODx.grid.SourceTypes.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.grid.SourceTypes.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.SourceTypes, MODx.grid.Grid);
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-source-types', MODx.grid.SourceTypes);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.grid.content.type.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.grid.content.type.js
index 16bda8b568a..289f1672ca9 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.grid.content.type.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.grid.content.type.js
@@ -4,35 +4,37 @@
* @param {Object} config An object of options.
* @xtype modx-panel-content-type
-MODx.panel.ContentType = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-panel-content-type'
- ,cls: 'container'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,defaults: { collapsible: false ,autoHeight: true }
- ,items: [{
- html: _('content_types')
- ,xtype: 'modx-header'
- },MODx.getPageStructure([{
- title: _('content_types')
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,itemId: 'form'
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('content_type_desc')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-content-type'
- ,itemId: 'grid'
- ,cls:'main-wrapper'
- ,preventRender: true
+MODx.panel.ContentType = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-panel-content-type',
+ cls: 'container',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ defaults: {
+ collapsible: false,
+ autoHeight: true
+ },
+ items: [{
+ html: _('content_types'),
+ xtype: 'modx-header'
+ }, MODx.getPageStructure([{
+ title: _('content_types'),
+ layout: 'form',
+ itemId: 'form',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('content_type_desc')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-content-type',
+ itemId: 'grid',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ preventRender: true
- MODx.panel.ContentType.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.panel.ContentType.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.panel.ContentType, MODx.FormPanel, {});
+Ext.reg('modx-panel-content-type', MODx.panel.ContentType);
* Loads a grid of content types
@@ -42,115 +44,158 @@ Ext.reg('modx-panel-content-type',MODx.panel.ContentType);
* @param {Object} config An object of options.
* @xtype modx-grid-contenttype
-MODx.grid.ContentType = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- var binaryColumn = new Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn({
- header: _('binary')
- ,dataIndex: 'binary'
- ,width: 40
- ,sortable: true
+MODx.grid.ContentType = function(config = {}) {
+ const binaryColumn = new Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn({
+ header: _('binary'),
+ dataIndex: 'binary',
+ width: 40,
+ sortable: true
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'System/ContentType/GetList'
+ },
+ autosave: true,
+ save_action: 'System/ContentType/UpdateFromGrid',
+ fields: [
+ 'id',
+ 'name',
+ 'mime_type',
+ 'file_extensions',
+ 'icon',
+ 'headers',
+ 'binary',
+ 'description',
+ 'creator'
+ ],
+ paging: true,
+ remoteSort: true,
+ plugins: binaryColumn,
+ columns: [
+ {
+ header: _('id'),
+ dataIndex: 'id',
+ width: 50,
+ sortable: true
+ }, {
+ header: _('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ sortable: true,
+ editor: { xtype: 'textfield' },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected]);
+ return value;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('description'),
+ dataIndex: 'description',
+ width: 200,
+ editor: { xtype: 'textfield' },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected]);
+ return value;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('mime_type'),
+ dataIndex: 'mime_type',
+ width: 80,
+ sortable: true,
+ editor: { xtype: 'textfield' },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected]);
+ return value;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('file_extensions'),
+ dataIndex: 'file_extensions',
+ sortable: true,
+ editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
+ }, {
+ header: _('icon'),
+ dataIndex: 'icon',
+ sortable: false,
+ editor: { xtype: 'textfield' },
+ renderer: this.renderIconField.createDelegate(this, [this], true)
+ },
+ binaryColumn,
+ {
+ dataIndex: 'headers',
+ hidden: true
+ },
+ this.getCreatorColumnConfig('content_types')
+ ],
+ tbar: [
+ this.getCreateButton('content_types', 'newContentType')
+ ]
+ });
+ MODx.grid.ContentType.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['edit', 'delete'];
+ // Note there are currently no action-specific permissions for Content Types
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['content_types']);
+ this.setUserCanCreate(['content_types']);
+ this.setUserCanDelete(['content_types']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
+ this.on({
+ beforerender: function(grid) {
+ grid.view = new Ext.grid.GridView(grid.getViewConfig(false));
+ },
+ beforeedit: function(e) {
+ const skipProtectionFieldList = ['file_extensions', 'icon'];
+ if ((e.record.json.isProtected && !skipProtectionFieldList.includes(e.field)) || !this.userCanEditRecord(e.record)) {
+ return false;
+ }
- ,autosave: true
- ,save_action: 'System/ContentType/UpdateFromGrid'
- ,fields: ['id','name','mime_type','file_extensions','icon','headers','binary','description']
- ,paging: true
- ,remoteSort: true
- ,plugins: binaryColumn
- ,columns: [{
- header: _('id')
- ,dataIndex: 'id'
- ,width: 50
- ,sortable: true
- },{
- header: _('name')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,sortable: true
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- },{
- header: _('description')
- ,dataIndex: 'description'
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- ,width: 200
- },{
- header: _('mime_type')
- ,dataIndex: 'mime_type'
- ,sortable: true
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- ,width: 80
- },{
- header: _('file_extensions')
- ,dataIndex: 'file_extensions'
- ,sortable: true
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- },{
- header: _('icon')
- ,dataIndex: 'icon'
- ,sortable: false
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- ,renderer: this.renderIconField.createDelegate(this,[this],true)
- }, binaryColumn, {
- dataIndex: 'headers'
- ,hidden: true
- }]
- ,tbar: [{
- text: _('create')
- ,cls: 'primary-button'
- ,handler: this.newContentType
- ,scope: this
- }]
- MODx.grid.ContentType.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.ContentType, MODx.grid.Grid, {
getMenu: function() {
- var m = [];
- m.push({
- text: _('edit')
- ,handler: function(btn, e) {
- var window = new MODx.window.CreateContentType({
- record: this.menu.record
- ,title: _('edit')
- ,action: 'System/ContentType/Update'
- ,listeners: {
- success: {
- fn: this.refresh
- ,scope: this
- }
- }
- });
- window.setRecord(this.menu.record);
- window.show(e.target);
- }
- ,scope: this
- });
- m.push({
- text: _('delete')
- ,handler: this.confirm.createDelegate(this,['System/ContentType/Remove',_('content_type_remove_confirm')])
- });
+ const
+ record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected(),
+ menu = []
+ ;
+ if (this.userCanEdit && this.userCanEditRecord(record)) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('edit'),
+ handler: this.updateContentType.createDelegate(this, [record], true)
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.userCanDelete && this.userCanDeleteRecord(record)) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('delete'),
+ handler: this.confirm.createDelegate(this, ['System/ContentType/Remove', _('content_type_remove_confirm')])
+ });
+ }
+ return menu;
+ },
- return m;
- }
+ newContentType: function(btn, e) {
+ const window = new MODx.window.CreateContentType({ grid: this });
+ window.show(e.target);
+ },
- ,newContentType: function(btn, e) {
- var window = new MODx.window.CreateContentType({
- listeners: {
- success: {
- fn: this.refresh
- ,scope: this
- }
- }
- });
+ updateContentType: function(btn, e, record) {
+ const window = new MODx.window.UpdateContentType({ record: record, grid: this });
- }
+ },
- ,renderIconField: function (v, md, rec) {
- return new Ext.XTemplate(' {icon:htmlEncode}').apply(rec.data);
+ renderIconField: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ return new Ext.XTemplate(' {icon:htmlEncode}').apply(record.data);
Ext.reg('modx-grid-content-type', MODx.grid.ContentType);
@@ -163,134 +208,139 @@ Ext.reg('modx-grid-content-type', MODx.grid.ContentType);
* @param {Object} config An object of options.
* @xtype modx-window-content-type-create
-MODx.window.CreateContentType = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- this.ident = config.ident || 'modx-cct'+Ext.id();
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('create')
- ,width: 600
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,action: 'System/ContentType/Create'
- ,bwrapCssClass: 'x-window-with-tabs'
- ,fields: [{
- xtype: 'modx-tabs'
- ,items: [{
- title: _('content_type_main_tab')
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,items: [{
- layout: 'column'
- ,border: false
- ,defaults: {
- layout: 'form'
- ,labelAlign: 'top'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,border: false
- }
- ,items: [{
- columnWidth: .6
- ,defaults: {
- msgTarget: 'under'
- }
- ,items: [{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'id'
- },{
- fieldLabel: _('name')
- ,name: 'name'
- ,id: this.ident+'-name'
- ,xtype: 'textfield'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,allowBlank: false
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: this.ident+'-name'
- ,html: _('name_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- fieldLabel: _('mime_type')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('mime_type_desc')
- ,name: 'mime_type'
- ,id: this.ident+'-mime-type'
- ,xtype: 'textfield'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,allowBlank: false
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: this.ident+'-mime-type'
- ,html: _('mime_type_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
+MODx.window.CreateContentType = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('create'),
+ width: 600,
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ action: 'System/ContentType/Create',
+ bwrapCssClass: 'x-window-with-tabs',
+ fields: [{
+ xtype: 'modx-tabs',
+ items: [{
+ title: _('content_type_main_tab'),
+ layout: 'form',
+ items: [{
+ xtype: 'modx-description',
+ id: 'modx-content-type-general-desc',
+ hidden: !config.isUpdate || !config.record?.json?.isProtected,
+ html: _('content_type_reserved_general_desc')
+ }, {
+ layout: 'column',
+ border: false,
+ defaults: {
+ layout: 'form',
+ labelSeparator: ''
+ },
+ items: [{
+ columnWidth: 0.6,
+ defaults: {
+ msgTarget: 'under',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ validationEvent: 'change',
+ validateOnBlur: false
+ },
+ items: [{
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'id'
+ }, {
+ fieldLabel: _('name'),
+ name: 'name',
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ allowBlank: false,
+ readOnly: (config.isUpdate && config.record.json?.isProtected) || false
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('name_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ fieldLabel: _('mime_type'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('mime_type_desc'),
+ name: 'mime_type',
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ allowBlank: false,
+ readOnly: (config.isUpdate && config.record.json?.isProtected) || false
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('mime_type_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- columnWidth: .4
- ,defaults: {
- msgTarget: 'under'
- }
- ,items: [{
- fieldLabel: _('icon')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('icon_desc')
- ,name: 'icon'
- ,id: this.ident+'-icon'
- ,xtype: 'textfield'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,allowBlank: true
- },{
- fieldLabel: _('file_extensions')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('file_extensions_desc')
- ,name: 'file_extensions'
- ,id: this.ident+'-file-extensions'
- ,xtype: 'textfield'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,allowBlank: true
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: this.ident+'-file-extensions'
- ,html: _('file_extensions_desc')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ columnWidth: 0.4,
+ defaults: {
+ msgTarget: 'under',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ validationEvent: 'change',
+ validateOnBlur: false
+ },
+ items: [{
+ fieldLabel: _('icon'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('icon_desc'),
+ name: 'icon',
+ xtype: 'textfield'
+ }, {
+ fieldLabel: _('file_extensions'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('file_extensions_desc'),
+ name: 'file_extensions',
+ xtype: 'textfield'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('file_extensions_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- xtype: 'xcheckbox'
- ,hideLabel: true
- ,boxLabel: _('binary_desc')
- ,name: 'binary'
- ,hiddenName: 'binary'
- ,id: this.ident+'-binary'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- },{
- fieldLabel: _('description')
- ,name: 'description'
- ,id: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-description'
- ,xtype: 'textarea'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,grow: true
- },{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'headers'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'xcheckbox',
+ hideLabel: true,
+ boxLabel: _('binary_desc'),
+ name: 'binary',
+ hiddenName: 'binary'
+ }, {
+ fieldLabel: _('description'),
+ labelSeparator: '',
+ name: 'description',
+ xtype: 'textarea',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ grow: true,
+ readOnly: (config.isUpdate && config.record.json?.isProtected) || false
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'headers'
- },{
- title: _('content_type_header_tab')
- ,layout: 'anchor'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,items: [{
- xtype: 'modx-content-type-headers-grid'
- ,id: 'headers'
+ }, {
+ title: _('content_type_header_tab'),
+ layout: 'anchor',
+ anchor: '100%',
+ items: [{
+ xtype: 'modx-content-type-headers-grid',
+ id: 'headers'
- }]
- ,keys: []
+ }],
+ keys: []
MODx.window.CreateContentType.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
- this.on('beforeSubmit', this.beforeSubmit, this);
+ this.on({
+ beforeSubmit: this.beforeSubmit,
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.grid.refresh();
+ }
+ }
+ });
-Ext.extend(MODx.window.CreateContentType,MODx.Window, {
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.CreateContentType, MODx.Window, {
setRecord: function(record) {
- var grid = Ext.getCmp('headers')
- ,store = grid.getStore();
+ const
+ grid = Ext.getCmp('headers'),
+ store = grid.getStore()
+ ;
if (record.headers && record.headers.length > 0) {
Ext.each(record.headers, function(header) {
@@ -299,15 +349,16 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.window.CreateContentType,MODx.Window, {
}, this);
- }
+ },
- ,beforeSubmit: function(o) {
- var grid = Ext.getCmp('headers'),
- store = grid.getStore()
- ,records = store.getRange()
- ,form = this.fp.getForm();
- var results = [];
+ beforeSubmit: function(o) {
+ const
+ grid = Ext.getCmp('headers'),
+ store = grid.getStore(),
+ records = store.getRange(),
+ form = this.fp.getForm(),
+ results = []
+ ;
Ext.each(records, function(rec) {
}, this);
@@ -317,78 +368,84 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.window.CreateContentType,MODx.Window, {
return true;
+Ext.reg('modx-window-content-type-create', MODx.window.CreateContentType);
+MODx.window.UpdateContentType = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('edit'),
+ action: 'System/ContentType/Update',
+ isUpdate: true
+ });
+ MODx.window.UpdateContentType.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.setRecord(config.record.data);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.UpdateContentType, MODx.window.CreateContentType, {});
* @param config
* @constructor
-MODx.ContentTypeHeaderGrid = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
+MODx.ContentTypeHeaderGrid = function(config = {}) {
Ext.apply(config, {
- fields: ['id', 'header']
- ,columns: [{
- header: _('content_type_header')
- ,dataIndex: 'header'
- }]
- ,deferredRender: true
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,tbar: [{
- text: _('create')
- ,cls: 'primary-button'
- ,handler: this.add
- ,scope: this
- }]
+ fields: ['id', 'header'],
+ columns: [{
+ header: _('content_type_header'),
+ dataIndex: 'header'
+ }],
+ deferredRender: true,
+ autoHeight: true,
+ tbar: [this.getCreateButton('content_types', 'add', true)]
MODx.ContentTypeHeaderGrid.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
Ext.extend(MODx.ContentTypeHeaderGrid, MODx.grid.LocalGrid, {
- add: function(btn,e) {
- var window = this.loadWindow();
+ add: function(btn, e) {
+ const window = this.loadWindow();
- }
- ,edit: function(btn, e) {
- var record = this.menu.record
- ,window = this.loadWindow(record);
+ },
+ edit: function(btn, e) {
+ const
+ { record } = this.menu,
+ window = this.loadWindow(record)
+ ;
- }
- ,remove: function() {
- var record = this.menu.record
- ,store = this.getStore()
- ,idx = store.find('header', record['header']);
+ },
+ remove: function() {
+ const
+ { record } = this.menu,
+ store = this.getStore(),
+ idx = store.find('header', record.header)
+ ;
- }
+ },
- ,loadWindow: function(record) {
+ loadWindow: function(record) {
return MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-window-content-header'
- ,grid: this
- ,record: record
+ xtype: 'modx-window-content-header',
+ grid: this,
+ record: record
- }
+ },
- ,getMenu: function() {
- var m = [];
- m.push({
- text: _('edit')
- ,handler: this.edit
- ,scope: this
+ getMenu: function() {
+ const menu = [];
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('edit'),
+ handler: this.edit,
+ scope: this
- m.push({
- text: _('delete')
- ,handler: this.remove
- ,scope: this
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('delete'),
+ handler: this.remove,
+ scope: this
- return m;
+ return menu;
Ext.reg('modx-content-type-headers-grid', MODx.ContentTypeHeaderGrid);
@@ -398,39 +455,38 @@ Ext.reg('modx-content-type-headers-grid', MODx.ContentTypeHeaderGrid);
* @param config
* @constructor
-MODx.window.ContentHeader = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
+MODx.window.ContentHeader = function(config = {}) {
Ext.apply(config, {
- title: _('content_type_header_title')
- ,fields: [{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,name: 'header'
- ,fieldLabel: _('content_type_header')
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,allowBlank: false
- }]
- ,closeAction: 'close'
+ title: _('content_type_header_title'),
+ fields: [{
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ name: 'header',
+ fieldLabel: _('content_type_header'),
+ anchor: '100%',
+ allowBlank: false
+ }],
+ closeAction: 'close'
MODx.window.ContentHeader.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
Ext.extend(MODx.window.ContentHeader, MODx.Window, {
submit: function(close) {
- var values = this.fp.getForm().getValues()
- ,store = this.grid.getStore();
+ const
+ values = this.fp.getForm().getValues(),
+ store = this.grid.getStore()
+ ;
if (this.config.record && this.config.record.header) {
// Existing record, let's update it
- var idx = store.find('header', this.config.record.header);
+ const idx = store.find('header', this.config.record.header);
store.insert(idx, new Ext.data.Record({
- header: values['header']
+ header: values.header
} else {
// New record let's add it to the store
store.add(new Ext.data.Record({
- header: values['header']
+ header: values.header
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.grid.context.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.grid.context.js
index 2532e5bfd78..eaf658e8315 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.grid.context.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.grid.context.js
@@ -6,34 +6,37 @@
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration options
* @xtype modx-panel-contexts
-MODx.panel.Contexts = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-panel-contexts'
- ,cls: 'container'
- ,bodyStyle: ''
- ,defaults: { collapsible: false ,autoHeight: true }
- ,items: [{
- html: _('contexts')
- ,id: 'modx-contexts-header'
- ,xtype: 'modx-header'
- },MODx.getPageStructure([{
- title: _('contexts')
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('context_management_message')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-contexts'
- ,cls:'main-wrapper'
- ,preventRender: true
+MODx.panel.Contexts = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-panel-contexts',
+ cls: 'container',
+ bodyStyle: '',
+ defaults: {
+ collapsible: false,
+ autoHeight: true
+ },
+ items: [{
+ html: _('contexts'),
+ id: 'modx-contexts-header',
+ xtype: 'modx-header'
+ }, MODx.getPageStructure([{
+ title: _('contexts'),
+ layout: 'form',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('context_management_message')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-contexts',
+ urlFilters: ['search'],
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ preventRender: true
- MODx.panel.Contexts.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.panel.Contexts.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.panel.Contexts, MODx.FormPanel);
+Ext.reg('modx-panel-contexts', MODx.panel.Contexts);
* Loads a grid of modContexts.
@@ -43,110 +46,175 @@ Ext.reg('modx-panel-contexts',MODx.panel.Contexts);
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-grid-contexts
-MODx.grid.Context = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('contexts')
- ,id: 'modx-grid-context'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+MODx.grid.Context = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('contexts'),
+ id: 'modx-grid-context',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Context/GetList'
- }
- ,fields: [
+ },
+ fields: [
- 'perm',
- 'rank'
- ]
- ,paging: true
- ,autosave: true
- ,save_action: 'Context/UpdateFromGrid'
- ,remoteSort: true
- ,primaryKey: 'key'
- ,columns: [{
- header: _('key')
- ,dataIndex: 'key'
- ,width: 100
- ,sortable: true
- },{
- header: _('name')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,width: 150
- ,sortable: true
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=context/update&key=' + record.data.key
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },{
- header: _('description')
- ,dataIndex: 'description'
- ,width: 575
- ,sortable: false
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textarea' }
- },{
- header: _('rank')
- ,dataIndex: 'rank'
- ,width: 100
- ,sortable: true
- ,editor: { xtype: 'numberfield' }
- }]
- ,tbar: [
- {
- text: _('create')
- ,cls:'primary-button'
- ,handler: this.create
- ,scope: this
+ 'rank',
+ 'creator'
+ ],
+ paging: true,
+ autosave: true,
+ save_action: 'Context/UpdateFromGrid',
+ remoteSort: true,
+ primaryKey: 'key',
+ stateful: true,
+ stateId: 'modx-grid-context-state',
+ columns: [{
+ header: _('key'),
+ dataIndex: 'key',
+ width: 100,
+ sortable: true
+ }, {
+ header: _('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ width: 150,
+ sortable: true,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ allowBlank: false,
+ blankText: _('context_err_ns_name'),
+ validationEvent: 'change',
+ validator: function(value) {
+ const
+ grid = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-context'),
+ reserved = this.gridEditor.record.json.reserved.name
+ ;
+ if (grid.valueIsReserved(reserved, value)) {
+ const msg = _('context_err_name_reserved', {
+ reservedName: value
+ });
+ Ext.Msg.alert(_('error'), msg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected, !(record.json.key === 'web')]);
+ return this.userCanEditRecord(record)
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=context/update&key=${record.data.key}`,
+ title: _('context_edit')
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('description'),
+ dataIndex: 'description',
+ width: 575,
+ sortable: false,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textarea'
+ },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected, !(record.json.key === 'web')]);
+ return value;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ },
+ this.getCreatorColumnConfig('context'),
+ {
+ header: _('rank'),
+ dataIndex: 'rank',
+ width: 100,
+ align: 'center',
+ sortable: true,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'numberfield'
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected, !(record.json.key === 'web')]);
+ return value;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }],
+ tbar: [
+ this.getCreateButton('context'),
- ]
+ ],
+ viewConfig: this.getViewConfig(false)
+ });
+ MODx.grid.Context.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['edit', 'delete', 'duplicate'];
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['save_context', 'edit_context']);
+ this.setUserCanCreate(['save_context', 'new_context']);
+ this.setUserCanDelete(['delete_context']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
+ this.on({
+ beforeedit: function(e) {
+ if (!this.userCanEdit || e.record.json.key === 'mgr' || !this.userCanEditRecord(e.record)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
- MODx.grid.Context.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Context, MODx.grid.Grid, {
getMenu: function() {
- var r = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- var p = r.data.perm;
- var m = [];
- if (p.indexOf('pnew') != -1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('duplicate')
- ,handler: this.duplicateContext
- ,scope: this
+ const
+ record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected(),
+ menu = []
+ ;
+ if (this.userCanCreate && this.userCanDuplicateRecord(record)) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('duplicate'),
+ handler: this.duplicateContext,
+ scope: this
- if (p.indexOf('pedit') != -1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('edit')
- ,handler: this.updateContext
+ if (this.userCanEdit && this.userCanEditRecord(record)) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('edit'),
+ handler: this.updateContext
- if (p.indexOf('premove') != -1) {
- m.push('-');
- m.push({
- text: _('delete')
- ,handler: this.remove
- ,scope: this
+ if (this.userCanDelete && this.userCanDeleteRecord(record)) {
+ if (menu.length > 0) {
+ menu.push('-');
+ }
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('delete'),
+ handler: this.remove,
+ scope: this
- return m;
- }
+ return menu;
+ },
- ,create: function(btn, e) {
+ create: function(btn, e) {
if (this.createWindow) {
this.createWindow = MODx.load({
xtype: 'modx-window-context-create',
- closeAction:'close',
+ closeAction: 'close',
listeners: {
- 'success': {
+ success: {
fn: function() {
@@ -155,34 +223,39 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Context,MODx.grid.Grid,{
- }
+ },
- ,updateContext: function(itm,e) {
- MODx.loadPage('context/update', 'key='+this.menu.record.key);
- }
+ updateContext: function(itm, e) {
+ MODx.loadPage('context/update', `key=${this.menu.record.key}`);
+ },
- ,duplicateContext: function() {
- var r = {
- key: this.menu.record.key
- ,newkey: ''
- };
- var w = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-window-context-duplicate'
- ,record: r
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function() {
- this.refresh();
- var tree = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-tree');
- if (tree) {
- tree.refresh();
+ duplicateContext: function() {
+ const
+ record = {
+ key: this.menu.record.key,
+ newkey: ''
+ },
+ window = MODx.load({
+ xtype: 'modx-window-context-duplicate',
+ record: record,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.refresh();
+ const tree = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-tree');
+ if (tree) {
+ tree.refresh();
+ }
+ },
+ scope: this
- },scope:this}
- }
- });
- w.show();
- }
+ }
+ })
+ ;
+ window.show();
+ },
- ,remove: function(btn, e) {
+ remove: function(btn, e) {
title: _('warning'),
text: _('context_remove_confirm'),
@@ -192,7 +265,7 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Context,MODx.grid.Grid,{
key: this.menu.record.key
listeners: {
- 'success': {
+ success: {
fn: function() {
@@ -200,10 +273,10 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Context,MODx.grid.Grid,{
- }
+ },
- ,afterAction: function() {
- var cmp = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-tree');
+ afterAction: function() {
+ const cmp = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-tree');
if (cmp) {
@@ -211,7 +284,7 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Context,MODx.grid.Grid,{
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-contexts', MODx.grid.Context);
* Generates the create context window.
@@ -221,40 +294,41 @@ Ext.reg('modx-grid-contexts',MODx.grid.Context);
* @param {Object} config An object of options.
* @xtype modx-window-context-create
-MODx.window.CreateContext = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('create')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,action: 'Context/Create'
- ,fields: [{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('context_key')
- ,name: 'key'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,maxLength: 100
- },{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('name')
- ,name: 'name'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,maxLength: 100
- },{
- xtype: 'textarea'
- ,fieldLabel: _('description')
- ,name: 'description'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,grow: true
- },{
- xtype: 'numberfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('rank')
- ,name: 'rank'
- ,allowBlank: true
- ,anchor: '100%'
- }]
- ,keys: []
+MODx.window.CreateContext = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('create'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ action: 'Context/Create',
+ formDefaults: {
+ anchor: '100%'
+ },
+ fields: [{
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('context_key'),
+ name: 'key',
+ maxLength: 100,
+ allowBlank: false,
+ blankText: _('context_err_ns_key')
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('name'),
+ name: 'name',
+ maxLength: 100,
+ allowBlank: false,
+ blankText: _('context_err_ns_name')
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textarea',
+ fieldLabel: _('description'),
+ name: 'description',
+ grow: true
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'numberfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('rank'),
+ name: 'rank'
+ }],
+ keys: []
- MODx.window.CreateContext.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.CreateContext.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.CreateContext, MODx.Window);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-context-create', MODx.window.CreateContext);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.grid.dashboard.widgets.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.grid.dashboard.widgets.js
index aaea2ab9710..eec0924a04f 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.grid.dashboard.widgets.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.grid.dashboard.widgets.js
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ MODx.grid.DashboardWidgets = function(config = {}) {
'{description_trans} '
this.sm = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel();
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-grid-dashboard-widgets',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'System/Dashboard/Widget/GetList'
- }
- ,fields: [
+ },
+ fields: [
@@ -29,135 +29,124 @@ MODx.grid.DashboardWidgets = function(config = {}) {
- 'cls'
- ]
- ,paging: true
- ,remoteSort: true
- ,sm: this.sm
- ,plugins: [this.exp]
- ,columns: [this.exp,this.sm,{
- header: _('id')
- ,dataIndex: 'id'
- ,width: 50
- ,sortable: true
- },{
- header: _('name')
- ,dataIndex: 'name_trans'
- ,width: 150
- ,sortable: true
- ,editable: false
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=system/dashboards/widget/update&id=' + record.data.id
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },{
- header: _('widget_type')
- ,dataIndex: 'type'
- ,width: 80
- ,sortable: true
- },{
- header: _('widget_namespace')
- ,dataIndex: 'namespace'
- ,width: 120
- ,sortable: true
- }]
- ,tbar: [
+ 'creator'
+ ],
+ paging: true,
+ remoteSort: true,
+ sm: this.sm,
+ plugins: [this.exp],
+ columns: [
+ this.exp,
+ this.sm,
- text: _('create')
- ,cls:'primary-button'
- ,handler: this.createDashboard
- ,scope: this
- },{
- text: _('bulk_actions')
- ,menu: [{
- text: _('selected_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeSelected
- ,scope: this
- }]
+ header: _('id'),
+ dataIndex: 'id',
+ width: 50,
+ sortable: true
+ }, {
+ header: _('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name_trans',
+ width: 150,
+ sortable: true,
+ editable: false,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected]);
+ return this.userCanEditRecord(record)
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=system/dashboards/widget/update&id=${record.data.id}`,
+ title: _('dashboard_edit')
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('widget_type'),
+ dataIndex: 'type',
+ width: 80,
+ sortable: true
+ }, {
+ header: _('widget_namespace'),
+ dataIndex: 'namespace',
+ width: 120,
+ sortable: true,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected]);
+ return value;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ this.getCreatorColumnConfig('dashboard')
+ ],
+ tbar: [
+ this.getCreateButton('dashboard', 'createDashboard'),
+ this.getBulkActionsButton('widget', 'System/Dashboard/Widget/RemoveMultiple'),
- MODx.grid.DashboardWidgets.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.grid.DashboardWidgets.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['edit', 'delete'];
+ // Note there are currently no action-specific permissions for Dashboards
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['dashboards']);
+ this.setUserCanCreate(['dashboards']);
+ this.setUserCanDelete(['dashboards']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
+ this.on({
+ beforerender: function(grid) {
+ grid.view = new Ext.grid.GridView(grid.getViewConfig());
+ }
+ });
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.DashboardWidgets, MODx.grid.Grid, {
getMenu: function() {
- var r = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- var p = r.data.cls;
- var m = [];
- if (this.getSelectionModel().getCount() > 1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('selected_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeSelected
- ,scope: this
+ const
+ record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected(),
+ menu = [],
+ canDelete = this.userCanDelete && this.userCanDeleteRecord(record)
+ ;
+ if (this.getSelectionModel().getCount() > 1 && canDelete) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('selected_remove'),
+ handler: this.removeSelected,
+ scope: this
} else {
- if (p.indexOf('pupdate') != -1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('edit')
- ,handler: this.updateWidget
+ if (this.userCanEdit && this.userCanEditRecord(record)) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('edit'),
+ handler: this.updateWidget
- if (p.indexOf('premove') != -1) {
- if (m.length > 0) m.push('-');
- m.push({
- text: _('delete')
- ,handler: this.removeWidget
+ if (canDelete) {
+ if (menu.length > 0) {
+ menu.push('-');
+ }
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('delete'),
+ handler: this.confirm.createDelegate(this, ['System/Dashboard/Widget/Remove', 'widget_remove_confirm'])
- if (m.length > 0) {
- this.addContextMenuItem(m);
- }
- }
+ return menu;
+ },
- ,createDashboard: function() {
+ createDashboard: function() {
- }
- ,updateWidget: function() {
- MODx.loadPage('system/dashboards/widget/update', 'id='+this.menu.record.id);
- }
+ },
- ,removeWidget: function() {
- MODx.msg.confirm({
- title: _('delete')
- ,text: _('widget_remove_confirm')
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'System/Dashboard/Widget/Remove'
- ,id: this.menu.record.id
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:this.refresh,scope:this}
- }
- });
- }
- ,removeSelected: function() {
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
- MODx.msg.confirm({
- title: _('selected_remove')
- ,text: _('widget_remove_multiple_confirm')
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'System/Dashboard/Widget/RemoveMultiple'
- ,widgets: cs
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
- }
- });
- return true;
+ updateWidget: function() {
+ MODx.loadPage('system/dashboards/widget/update', `id=${this.menu.record.id}`);
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-dashboard-widgets', MODx.grid.DashboardWidgets);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.panel.context.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.panel.context.js
index 9a4270cab05..a838c59aaaf 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.panel.context.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.panel.context.js
@@ -4,152 +4,181 @@
* @param {Object} config An object of config properties
* @xtype modx-panel-context
-MODx.panel.Context = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+MODx.panel.Context = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Context/Get'
- }
- ,id: 'modx-panel-context'
- ,cls: 'container'
- ,class_key: 'modContext'
- ,plugin: ''
- ,bodyStyle: ''
- ,items: [this.getPageHeader(config), MODx.getPageStructure([{
- title: _('general_information')
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,defaults: { border: false ,msgTarget: 'side' }
- ,items:[{
- xtype: 'panel'
- ,border: false
- ,cls:'main-wrapper'
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,items: [{
- xtype: 'statictextfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('key')
- ,name: 'key'
- ,width: 300
- ,maxLength: 100
- ,enableKeyEvents: true
- ,allowBlank: true
- ,value: config.context
- ,submitValue: true
- },{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('name')
- ,name: 'name'
- ,width: 300
- ,maxLength: 191
- },{
- xtype: 'textarea'
- ,fieldLabel: _('description')
- ,name: 'description'
- ,width: 300
- ,grow: true
- },{
- xtype: 'numberfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('rank')
- ,name: 'rank'
- ,allowBlank: true
- ,width: 300
- },{
- html: MODx.onContextFormRender
- ,border: false
+ },
+ id: 'modx-panel-context',
+ cls: 'container',
+ class_key: 'modContext',
+ plugin: '',
+ bodyStyle: '',
+ items: [this.getPageHeader(config), MODx.getPageStructure([{
+ title: _('general_information'),
+ autoHeight: true,
+ layout: 'form',
+ defaults: { border: false, msgTarget: 'side' },
+ items: [{
+ xtype: 'modx-description',
+ id: 'modx-context-general-desc',
+ hidden: true,
+ html: ''
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'panel',
+ border: false,
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ layout: 'form',
+ items: [{
+ xtype: 'statictextfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('key'),
+ name: 'key',
+ width: 300,
+ maxLength: 100,
+ enableKeyEvents: true,
+ value: config.context,
+ submitValue: true
+ }, {
+ xtype: config.context === 'mgr' ? 'statictextfield' : 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('name'),
+ name: 'name',
+ width: 300,
+ maxLength: 191
+ }, {
+ xtype: config.context === 'mgr' ? 'statictextarea' : 'textarea',
+ fieldLabel: _('description'),
+ name: 'description',
+ width: 300,
+ grow: true
+ }, {
+ xtype: config.context === 'mgr' ? 'statictextfield' : 'numberfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('rank'),
+ name: 'rank',
+ width: 300
+ }, {
+ html: MODx.onContextFormRender,
+ border: false
- },{
- title: _('context_settings')
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('context_settings_desc')+' '
- ,id: 'modx-context-settings-desc'
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-context-settings'
- ,cls:'main-wrapper'
- ,title: ''
- ,preventRender: true
- ,context_key: config.context
- ,listeners: {
- 'afteredit': {fn:function() { this.markDirty(); },scope:this}
+ }, {
+ title: _('context_settings'),
+ autoHeight: true,
+ layout: 'form',
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('context_settings_desc')} `,
+ id: 'modx-context-settings-desc',
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-context-settings',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ title: '',
+ preventRender: true,
+ context_key: config.context,
+ listeners: {
+ afteredit: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.markDirty();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- },{
- title: _('access_permissions')
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,items:[{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-access-context'
- ,cls:'main-wrapper'
- ,title: ''
- ,preventRender: true
- ,context_key: config.context
- ,listeners: {
- 'afteredit': {fn:function() { this.markDirty(); },scope:this}
+ }, {
+ title: _('access_permissions'),
+ autoHeight: true,
+ items: [{
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-access-context',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ title: '',
+ preventRender: true,
+ context_key: config.context,
+ listeners: {
+ afteredit: {
+ fn: function() {
+ this.markDirty();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }],{
+ }], {
id: 'modx-context-tabs'
- })]
- ,useLoadingMask: true
- ,listeners: {
- 'setup': {fn:this.setup,scope:this}
- ,'success': {fn:this.success,scope:this}
- ,'beforeSubmit': {fn:this.beforeSubmit,scope:this}
+ })],
+ useLoadingMask: true,
+ listeners: {
+ setup: { fn: this.setup, scope: this },
+ success: { fn: this.success, scope: this },
+ beforeSubmit: { fn: this.beforeSubmit, scope: this }
- MODx.panel.Context.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.panel.Context.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
- initialized: false
+Ext.extend(MODx.panel.Context, MODx.FormPanel, {
+ initialized: false,
- ,setup: function() {
+ setup: function() {
if (this.initialized || (this.config.context === '' || this.config.context === 0)) {
return false;
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Context/Get'
- ,key: this.config.context
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.getForm().setValues(r.object);
- Ext.getCmp('modx-header-breadcrumbs').updateHeader(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(r.object.key));
- this.fireEvent('ready');
- MODx.fireEvent('ready');
- this.initialized = true;
- },scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Context/Get',
+ key: this.config.context
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(response) {
+ const record = response.object;
+ this.config.record = record;
+ if (record.isProtected && record.key !== 'web') {
+ const descriptionCmp = Ext.getCmp('modx-context-general-desc');
+ descriptionCmp.update(_('context_reserved_general_desc'));
+ descriptionCmp.show();
+ }
+ this.getForm().setValues(record);
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-header-breadcrumbs').updateHeader(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(record.key));
+ this.fireEvent('ready');
+ MODx.fireEvent('ready');
+ this.initialized = true;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
- ,beforeSubmit: function(o) {
- var r = {};
- var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-context-settings');
- if (g) { r.settings = g.encodeModified(); }
+ },
- Ext.apply(o.form.baseParams,r);
- }
- ,success: function(o) {
- var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-context-settings');
- if (g) { g.getStore().commitChanges(); }
+ beforeSubmit: function(o) {
+ const
+ data = {},
+ settingsCmp = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-context-settings')
+ ;
+ if (settingsCmp) {
+ data.settings = settingsCmp.encodeModified();
+ }
+ Ext.apply(o.form.baseParams, data);
+ },
- var t = parent.Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-tree');
- if (t) { t.refresh(); }
- }
+ success: function(o) {
+ const
+ settingsCmp = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-context-settings'),
+ tree = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-tree')
+ ;
+ if (settingsCmp) {
+ settingsCmp.getStore().commitChanges();
+ }
+ if (tree) {
+ tree.refresh();
+ }
+ },
- ,getPageHeader: function(config) {
+ getPageHeader: function(config) {
return MODx.util.getHeaderBreadCrumbs('modx-context-name', [{
text: _('contexts'),
href: MODx.getPage('context')
+Ext.reg('modx-panel-context', MODx.panel.Context);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.panel.dashboard.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.panel.dashboard.js
index 63e60af2815..bc0199d2a6f 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.panel.dashboard.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.panel.dashboard.js
@@ -4,148 +4,168 @@
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-panel-dashboard
-MODx.panel.Dashboard = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-panel-dashboard'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+MODx.panel.Dashboard = function(config = {}) {
+ let generalIntro = {};
+ if (config.record.reserved) {
+ generalIntro = {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ cls: 'panel-desc',
+ html: _('dashboard_reserved_general_desc')
+ };
+ }
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-panel-dashboard',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'System/Dashboard/Update'
- }
- ,cls: 'container'
- ,defaults: { collapsible: false ,autoHeight: true }
- ,items: [this.getPageHeader(config),{
- xtype: 'modx-tabs'
- ,defaults: {
- autoHeight: true
- ,border: false
- }
- ,id: 'modx-dashboard-tabs'
- ,forceLayout: true
- ,deferredRender: false
- ,stateful: true
- ,stateId: 'modx-dashboard-tabpanel'
- ,stateEvents: ['tabchange']
- ,getState:function() {
- return {activeTab:this.items.indexOf(this.getActiveTab())};
- }
+ },
+ cls: 'container',
+ defaults: {
+ collapsible: false,
+ autoHeight: true
+ },
+ items: [this.getPageHeader(config), {
+ xtype: 'modx-tabs',
+ defaults: {
+ autoHeight: true,
+ border: false
+ },
+ id: 'modx-dashboard-tabs',
+ forceLayout: true,
+ deferredRender: false,
+ stateful: true,
+ stateId: 'modx-dashboard-tabpanel',
+ stateEvents: ['tabchange'],
+ getState: function() {
+ return { activeTab: this.items.indexOf(this.getActiveTab()) };
+ },
// todo: the layout is inconsistent with other panels, refactor the structure
- ,items: [{
- title: _('general_information')
- ,cls: 'form-with-labels'
- ,defaults: { border: false, cls: 'main-wrapper' }
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,id: 'modx-dashboard-form'
- ,labelAlign: 'top'
- ,items: [{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'id'
- ,id: 'modx-dashboard-id'
- ,value: config.record.id
- },{
- layout: 'column'
- ,border: false
- ,defaults: {
- layout: 'form'
- ,labelAlign: 'top'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,border: false
- }
- ,items: [{
- columnWidth: .7
- ,cls: 'main-content'
- ,items: [{
- name: 'name'
- ,id: 'modx-dashboard-name'
- ,xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('name')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('dashboard_desc_name')
- ,allowBlank: false
- ,enableKeyEvents: true
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,listeners: {
- 'keyup': {scope:this,fn:function(f,e) {
- Ext.getCmp('modx-header-breadcrumbs').updateHeader(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(f.getValue()));
- }}
+ items: [{
+ title: _('general_information'),
+ cls: 'form-with-labels',
+ defaults: {
+ border: false,
+ cls: 'main-wrapper'
+ },
+ layout: 'form',
+ id: 'modx-dashboard-form',
+ labelAlign: 'top',
+ items: [generalIntro, {
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'id',
+ id: 'modx-dashboard-id',
+ value: config.record.id
+ }, {
+ layout: 'column',
+ border: false,
+ defaults: {
+ layout: 'form',
+ labelAlign: 'top',
+ labelSeparator: '',
+ border: false
+ },
+ items: [{
+ columnWidth: 0.7,
+ cls: 'main-content',
+ defaults: {
+ msgTarget: 'under',
+ anchor: '100%'
+ },
+ items: [{
+ xtype: config.record.reserved ? 'statictextfield' : 'textfield',
+ name: 'name',
+ fieldLabel: _('name'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('dashboard_name_desc'),
+ allowBlank: false,
+ enableKeyEvents: true,
+ listeners: {
+ keyup: {
+ fn: function(f, e) {
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-header-breadcrumbs').updateHeader(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(f.getValue()));
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-dashboard-name'
- ,html: _('dashboard_desc_name')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- name: 'description'
- ,id: 'modx-dashboard-description'
- ,xtype: 'textarea'
- ,fieldLabel: _('description')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('dashboard_desc_description')
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,grow: true
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-dashboard-description'
- ,html: _('dashboard_desc_description')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('dashboard_name_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ name: 'description',
+ xtype: 'textarea',
+ /**
+ * @todo - Change this xtype to the following once Lexicon-based name/desc is implemented for core dashboard
+ * xtype: config.record.reserved ? 'statictextfield' : 'textfield',
+ */
+ fieldLabel: _('description'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('dashboard_description_desc'),
+ grow: true
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('dashboard_description_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- columnWidth: .3
- ,cls: 'main-content'
- ,items: [{
- name: 'hide_trees'
- ,id: 'modx-dashboard-hide-trees'
- ,xtype: 'xcheckbox'
- ,boxLabel: _('dashboard_hide_trees')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('dashboard_desc_hide_trees')
- ,inputValue: 1
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-dashboard-hide-trees'
- ,html: _('dashboard_desc_hide_trees')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- name: 'customizable'
- ,id: 'modx-dashboard-customizable'
- ,xtype: 'xcheckbox'
- ,boxLabel: _('dashboard_customizable')
- ,description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('dashboard_desc_customizable')
- ,inputValue: 1
- ,checked: true
- },{
- xtype: MODx.expandHelp ? 'label' : 'hidden'
- ,forId: 'modx-dashboard-customizable'
- ,html: _('dashboard_desc_customizable')
- ,cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ columnWidth: 0.3,
+ cls: 'main-content',
+ items: [{
+ name: 'hide_trees',
+ xtype: 'xcheckbox',
+ ctCls: 'display-switch',
+ boxLabel: _('dashboard_hide_trees'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('dashboard_hide_trees_desc'),
+ inputValue: 1
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('dashboard_hide_trees_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
+ }, {
+ name: 'customizable',
+ xtype: 'xcheckbox',
+ ctCls: 'display-switch',
+ boxLabel: _('dashboard_customizable'),
+ description: MODx.expandHelp ? '' : _('dashboard_customizable_desc'),
+ inputValue: 1,
+ checked: true
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'box',
+ hidden: !MODx.expandHelp,
+ html: _('dashboard_customizable_desc'),
+ cls: 'desc-under'
- },{
- html: ''+_('dashboard_widgets.intro_msg')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-dashboard-widget-placements'
- ,preventRender: true
- ,dashboard: config.record.id
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,listeners: {
- 'afterRemoveRow': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'updateRole': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
- ,'addMember': {fn:this.markDirty,scope:this}
+ }, {
+ html: `${_('dashboard_widgets.intro_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-dashboard-widget-placements',
+ preventRender: true,
+ dashboard: config.record.id,
+ autoHeight: true,
+ anchor: '100%',
+ listeners: {
+ afterRemoveRow: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ updateRole: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this },
+ addMember: { fn: this.markDirty, scope: this }
- }]
- ,listeners: {
- 'setup': {fn:this.setup,scope:this}
- ,'success': {fn:this.success,scope:this}
- ,'beforeSubmit': {fn:this.beforeSubmit,scope:this}
+ }],
+ listeners: {
+ setup: { fn: this.setup, scope: this },
+ success: { fn: this.success, scope: this },
+ beforeSubmit: { fn: this.beforeSubmit, scope: this }
- MODx.panel.Dashboard.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.panel.Dashboard.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
- initialized: false
+Ext.extend(MODx.panel.Dashboard, MODx.FormPanel, {
+ initialized: false,
- ,setup: function() {
+ setup: function() {
if (this.initialized) { return false; }
if (Ext.isEmpty(this.config.record.id)) {
@@ -154,45 +174,48 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.panel.Dashboard,MODx.FormPanel,{
- var d = this.config.record.widgets;
- var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-dashboard-widget-placements');
- if (d && g) {
- g.getStore().loadData(d);
+ const
+ { widgets } = this.config.record,
+ placementsGrid = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-dashboard-widget-placements')
+ ;
+ if (widgets && placementsGrid) {
+ placementsGrid.getStore().loadData(widgets);
- this.fireEvent('ready',this.config.record);
+ this.fireEvent('ready', this.config.record);
this.initialized = true;
- }
+ },
- ,beforeSubmit: function(o) {
- var bp = {};
- var wg = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-dashboard-widget-placements');
- if (wg) {
- bp['widgets'] = wg.encode();
+ beforeSubmit: function(o) {
+ const
+ params = {},
+ placementsGrid = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-dashboard-widget-placements')
+ ;
+ if (placementsGrid) {
+ params.widgets = placementsGrid.encode();
- Ext.apply(o.form.baseParams,bp);
- }
+ Ext.apply(o.form.baseParams, params);
+ },
- ,success: function(o) {
+ success: function(o) {
if (Ext.isEmpty(this.config.record) || Ext.isEmpty(this.config.record.id)) {
- MODx.loadPage('system/dashboards/update', 'id='+o.result.object.id);
+ MODx.loadPage('system/dashboards/update', `id=${o.result.object.id}`);
} else {
- var wg = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-dashboard-widget-placements');
+ const wg = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-dashboard-widget-placements');
if (wg) { wg.getStore().commitChanges(); }
- }
+ },
- ,getPageHeader: function(config) {
+ getPageHeader: function(config) {
return MODx.util.getHeaderBreadCrumbs('modx-dashboard-header', [{
text: _('dashboards'),
href: MODx.getPage('system/dashboards')
+Ext.reg('modx-panel-dashboard', MODx.panel.Dashboard);
* @class MODx.grid.DashboardWidgetPlacements
@@ -200,109 +223,139 @@ Ext.reg('modx-panel-dashboard',MODx.panel.Dashboard);
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-grid-dashboard-widget-placements
-MODx.grid.DashboardWidgetPlacements = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
+MODx.grid.DashboardWidgetPlacements = function(config = {}) {
this.exp = new Ext.grid.RowExpander({
- tpl : new Ext.Template(
+ tpl: new Ext.Template(
'{description_trans} '
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-grid-dashboard-widget-placements'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,action: 'system/dashboard/widget/placement/getList'
- ,fields: ['dashboard','widget','rank','name','name_trans','description','description_trans']
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,primaryKey: 'widget'
- ,cls: 'modx-grid modx-grid-draggable'
- ,plugins: [this.exp,new Ext.ux.dd.GridDragDropRowOrder({
- copy: false // false by default
- ,scrollable: true // enable scrolling support (default is false)
- ,targetCfg: {}
- ,listeners: {
- 'afterrowmove': {fn:this.onAfterRowMove,scope:this}
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-grid-dashboard-widget-placements',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ fields: [
+ 'dashboard',
+ 'widget',
+ 'rank',
+ 'name',
+ 'name_trans',
+ 'description',
+ 'description_trans',
+ 'permissions'
+ ],
+ autoHeight: true,
+ primaryKey: 'widget',
+ cls: 'modx-grid modx-grid-draggable',
+ plugins: [this.exp, new Ext.ux.dd.GridDragDropRowOrder({
+ scrollable: true,
+ targetCfg: {},
+ listeners: {
+ afterrowmove: {
+ fn: this.onAfterRowMove,
+ scope: this
+ }
- })]
- ,columns: [this.exp,{
- header: _('widget')
- ,dataIndex: 'name_trans'
- ,width: 600
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=system/dashboards/widget/update&id=' + record.data.widget
- ,target: '_blank'
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },{
- header: _('rank')
- ,dataIndex: 'rank'
- ,width: 80
- ,editor: { xtype: 'numberfield', allowBlank: false, allowNegative: false }
- }]
- ,tbar: [{
- text: _('widget_place')
- ,cls:'primary-button'
- ,handler: this.placeWidget
- ,scope: this
+ })],
+ columns: [this.exp, {
+ header: _('widget'),
+ dataIndex: 'name_trans',
+ width: 150,
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ return this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=system/dashboards/widget/update&id=${record.data.widget}`,
+ target: '_blank'
+ });
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('rank'),
+ dataIndex: 'rank',
+ width: 80,
+ align: 'center',
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'numberfield',
+ allowBlank: false,
+ allowNegative: false
+ }
+ }],
+ tbar: [{
+ text: _('widget_place'),
+ cls: 'primary-button',
+ handler: this.placeWidget,
+ scope: this
- MODx.grid.DashboardWidgetPlacements.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
- this.propRecord = Ext.data.Record.create(['dashboard','widget','rank','name','name_trans','description','description_trans']);
+ MODx.grid.DashboardWidgetPlacements.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.propRecord = Ext.data.Record.create([
+ 'dashboard',
+ 'widget',
+ 'rank',
+ 'name',
+ 'name_trans',
+ 'description',
+ 'description_trans',
+ 'permissions'
+ ]);
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.DashboardWidgetPlacements, MODx.grid.LocalGrid, {
getMenu: function() {
return [{
- text: _('widget_unplace')
- ,handler: this.unplaceWidget
- ,scope: this
+ text: _('widget_unplace'),
+ handler: this.unplaceWidget,
+ scope: this
- }
- ,onAfterRowMove: function(dt,sri,ri,sels) {
- var s = this.getStore();
- var sourceRec = s.data.items[sri];
- var total = s.data.length;
+ },
- sourceRec.set('rank',sri);
- sourceRec.commit();
+ onAfterRowMove: function(dropTarget, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, selections) {
+ const
+ store = this.getStore(),
+ firstDraggedRecord = store.data.items[fromRowIndex],
+ total = store.data.length
+ ;
+ firstDraggedRecord.set('rank', fromRowIndex);
+ firstDraggedRecord.commit();
- /* get all rows below ri, and up their rank by 1 */
- var brec;
- for (var x=(ri-1);x 0
- // Get the rank of the last record
- ? s.data.items[s.data.length - 1].get('rank') + 1
- // Or set it to '0' if no record found
- : 0;
- var fldStore = fld.getStore();
- var fldRi = fldStore.find('id',fld.getValue());
- var rec = fldStore.getAt(fldRi);
- if (id != '' && this.fp.getForm().isValid()) {
- if (this.fireEvent('success',{
- widget: fld.getValue()
- ,dashboard: g.config.dashboard
- ,name: rec.data.name
- ,name_trans: rec.data.name_trans
- ,description: rec.data.description
- ,description_trans: rec.data.description_trans
- ,rank: rank
- })) {
- this.fp.getForm().reset();
- this.hide();
- return true;
- }
- } else {
- MODx.msg.alert(_('error'),_('widget_err_ns'));
- }
- return true;
- }
-MODx.grid.DashboardUserGroups = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-grid-dashboard-usergroups'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,action: 'system/dashboard/group/getList'
- ,fields: ['id','name']
- ,autoHeight: true
- ,primaryKey: 'user'
- ,columns: [{
- header: _('user_group')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,width: 600
- }]
- ,tbar: [{
- text: _('dashboard_usergroup_add')
- ,handler: this.addUserGroup
- ,scope: this
- }]
- });
- MODx.grid.DashboardUserGroups.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
- this.propRecord = Ext.data.Record.create(['id','name']);
- getMenu: function() {
- return [{
- text: _('dashboard_usergroup_remove')
- ,handler: this.remove.createDelegate(this,[{
- title: _('dashboard_usergroup_remove')
- ,text: _('dashboard_usergroup_remove_confirm')
- }])
- ,scope: this
- }];
- }
- ,addUserGroup: function(btn,e) {
- this.loadWindow(btn,e,{
- xtype: 'modx-window-dashboard-usergroup-add'
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(vs) {
- var rec = new this.propRecord(vs);
- this.getStore().add(rec);
- },scope:this}
- }
- });
- var w = Ext.getCmp('modx-window-dashboard-usergroup-add');
- w.reset();
- w.setValues({
- dashboard: this.config.dashboard
- });
- }
-MODx.window.DashboardUserGroupAdd = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- this.ident = config.ident || 'dbugadd'+Ext.id();
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('dashboard_usergroup_add')
- ,frame: true
- ,id: 'modx-window-dashboard-usergroup-add'
- ,fields: [{
- xtype: 'modx-combo-usergroup'
- ,fieldLabel: _('user_group')
- ,name: 'usergroup'
- ,hiddenName: 'usergroup'
- ,id: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-usergroup'
- ,allowBlank: false
- }]
- });
- MODx.window.DashboardUserGroupAdd.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
- submit: function() {
- var f = this.fp.getForm();
- var fld = f.findField('usergroup');
- if (id != '' && this.fp.getForm().isValid()) {
- if (this.fireEvent('success',{
- id: fld.getValue()
- ,name: fld.getRawValue()
+ const
+ // Get the rank of the last record or set it to '0' if no record found
+ rank = store.data.length > 0
+ ? store.data.items[store.data.length - 1].get('rank') + 1
+ : 0,
+ widgetStore = widgetField.getStore(),
+ widgetRowIndex = widgetStore.find('id', selectedWidget),
+ record = widgetStore.getAt(widgetRowIndex)
+ ;
+ if (this.fp.getForm().isValid()) {
+ if (this.fireEvent('success', {
+ widget: widgetField.getValue(),
+ dashboard: widgetsGrid.config.dashboard,
+ name: record.data.name,
+ name_trans: record.data.name_trans,
+ description: record.data.description,
+ description_trans: record.data.description_trans,
+ rank: rank
})) {
return true;
} else {
- MODx.msg.alert(_('error'),_('user_group_err_ns'));
+ MODx.msg.alert(_('error'), _('widget_err_ns'));
return true;
+Ext.reg('modx-window-dashboard-widget-place', MODx.window.DashboardWidgetPlace);
* @class MODx.combo.DashboardWidgets
@@ -486,28 +442,36 @@ Ext.reg('modx-window-dashboard-usergroup-add',MODx.window.DashboardUserGroupAdd)
* @param {Object} config An object of options.
* @xtype modx-combo-dashboard-widgets
-MODx.combo.DashboardWidgets = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- name: 'widget'
- ,hiddenName: 'widget'
- ,displayField: 'name_trans'
- ,editable: true
- ,valueField: 'id'
- ,fields: ['id','name','name_trans','description','description_trans']
- ,pageSize: 20
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'System/Dashboard/Widget/GetList'
- ,combo: true
- }
- ,tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(''
- ,''
- ,' {name_trans:htmlEncode}'
- ,' {description_trans:htmlEncode} '
- ,' ')
+MODx.combo.DashboardWidgets = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ name: 'widget',
+ hiddenName: 'widget',
+ displayField: 'name_trans',
+ editable: true,
+ valueField: 'id',
+ fields: [
+ 'id',
+ 'name',
+ 'name_trans',
+ 'description',
+ 'description_trans'
+ ],
+ pageSize: 20,
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'System/Dashboard/Widget/GetList',
+ combo: true
+ },
+ tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(`
+ {name_trans:htmlEncode}
+ {description_trans:htmlEncode}
+ `)
- MODx.combo.DashboardWidgets.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.combo.DashboardWidgets.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.combo.DashboardWidgets, MODx.combo.ComboBox);
+Ext.reg('modx-combo-dashboard-widgets', MODx.combo.DashboardWidgets);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.panel.dashboards.js b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.panel.dashboards.js
index 1be48b36c5d..99b5f47c06f 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.panel.dashboards.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.panel.dashboards.js
@@ -4,44 +4,46 @@
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-panel-dashboards
-MODx.panel.Dashboards = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-panel-dashboards'
- ,cls: 'container'
- ,defaults: { collapsible: false ,autoHeight: true }
- ,items: [{
- html: _('dashboards')
- ,id: 'modx-dashboards-header'
- ,xtype: 'modx-header'
- },MODx.getPageStructure([{
- layout: 'form'
- ,title: _('dashboards')
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('dashboards.intro_msg')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-dashboards'
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,preventRender: true
+MODx.panel.Dashboards = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-panel-dashboards',
+ cls: 'container',
+ defaults: {
+ collapsible: false,
+ autoHeight: true
+ },
+ items: [{
+ html: _('dashboards'),
+ id: 'modx-dashboards-header',
+ xtype: 'modx-header'
+ }, MODx.getPageStructure([{
+ layout: 'form',
+ title: _('dashboards'),
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('dashboards.intro_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-dashboards',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ preventRender: true
- },{
- layout: 'form'
- ,title: _('widgets')
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('widgets.intro_msg')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-dashboard-widgets'
- ,cls: 'main-wrapper'
- ,preventRender: true
+ }, {
+ layout: 'form',
+ title: _('widgets'),
+ items: [{
+ html: `${_('widgets.intro_msg')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-dashboard-widgets',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ preventRender: true
- MODx.panel.Dashboards.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.panel.Dashboards.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.panel.Dashboards, MODx.FormPanel);
+Ext.reg('modx-panel-dashboards', MODx.panel.Dashboards);
* @class MODx.grid.Dashboards
@@ -52,72 +54,101 @@ Ext.reg('modx-panel-dashboards',MODx.panel.Dashboards);
MODx.grid.Dashboards = function(config = {}) {
const queryValue = this.applyRequestFilter(0, 'query', 'tab', true);
this.sm = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel();
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-grid-dashboards',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'System/Dashboard/GetList',
usergroup: MODx.request.usergroup || null
- }
- ,fields: [
+ },
+ fields: [
- 'cls'
- ]
- ,paging: true
- ,autosave: true
- ,save_action: 'System/Dashboard/UpdateFromGrid'
- ,remoteSort: true
- ,sm: this.sm
- ,columns: [this.sm,{
- header: _('id')
- ,dataIndex: 'id'
- ,width: 50
- ,sortable: true
- },{
- header: _('name')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,width: 150
- ,sortable: true
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' ,allowBlank: false }
- ,renderer: { fn: function(v,md,record) {
- return this.renderLink(v, {
- href: '?a=system/dashboards/update&id=' + record.data.id
- });
- }, scope: this }
- },{
- header: _('description')
- ,dataIndex: 'description'
- ,width: 300
- ,sortable: false
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textarea' }
- }]
- ,tbar: [
- {
- text: _('create')
- ,cls:'primary-button'
- ,handler: this.createDashboard
- ,scope: this
- },{
- text: _('bulk_actions')
- ,menu: [{
- text: _('selected_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeSelected
- ,scope: this
- }]
- },'->',{
- xtype: 'modx-combo-usergroup'
- ,itemId: 'filter-usergroup'
- ,emptyText: _('user_group_filter')
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Security/Group/GetList'
- ,addAll: true
+ 'creator'
+ ],
+ paging: true,
+ autosave: true,
+ save_action: 'System/Dashboard/UpdateFromGrid',
+ remoteSort: true,
+ sm: this.sm,
+ columns: [this.sm, {
+ header: _('id'),
+ dataIndex: 'id',
+ width: 50,
+ sortable: true
+ }, {
+ header: _('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ width: 150,
+ sortable: true,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ allowBlank: false,
+ blankText: _('dashboard_err_ns_name'),
+ validationEvent: 'change',
+ validator: function(value) {
+ const grid = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-dashboards'),
+ reserved = this.gridEditor.record.json.reserved.name
+ ;
+ if (grid.valueIsReserved(reserved, value)) {
+ const msg = _('dashboard_err_name_reserved', { reservedName: value });
+ Ext.Msg.alert(_('error'), msg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
- ,value: MODx.request.usergroup || null
- ,width: 200
- ,listeners: {
+ },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected]);
+ return this.userCanEditRecord(record)
+ ? this.renderLink(value, {
+ href: `?a=system/dashboards/update&id=${record.data.id}`,
+ title: _('dashboard_edit')
+ })
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('description'),
+ dataIndex: 'description',
+ width: 300,
+ sortable: false,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textarea'
+ },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(record, [record.json.isProtected]);
+ return value;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ },
+ this.getCreatorColumnConfig('dashboard')
+ ],
+ tbar: [
+ this.getCreateButton('dashboard', 'createDashboard'),
+ this.getBulkActionsButton('dashboard', 'System/Dashboard/RemoveMultiple'),
+ '->',
+ {
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-usergroup',
+ itemId: 'filter-usergroup',
+ emptyText: _('user_group_filter'),
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Security/Group/GetList',
+ addAll: true
+ },
+ value: MODx.request.usergroup || null,
+ width: 200,
+ listeners: {
select: {
- fn: function (cmp, record, selectedIndex) {
+ fn: function(cmp, record, selectedIndex) {
this.applyGridFilter(cmp, 'usergroup');
scope: this
@@ -128,103 +159,74 @@ MODx.grid.Dashboards = function(config = {}) {
this.getClearFiltersButton('filter-usergroup, filter-query')
- MODx.grid.Dashboards.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.grid.Dashboards.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['edit', 'delete', 'duplicate'];
+ // Note there are currently no action-specific permissions for Dashboards
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['dashboards']);
+ this.setUserCanCreate(['dashboards']);
+ this.setUserCanDelete(['dashboards']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
+ this.on({
+ beforerender: function(grid) {
+ grid.view = new Ext.grid.GridView(grid.getViewConfig());
+ }
+ });
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Dashboards, MODx.grid.Grid, {
getMenu: function() {
- var r = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- var p = r.data.cls;
- var m = [];
- if (this.getSelectionModel().getCount() > 1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('selected_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeSelected
- ,scope: this
+ const
+ record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected(),
+ menu = []
+ ;
+ if (this.userCanEdit && this.userCanEditRecord(record)) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('edit'),
+ handler: this.updateDashboard
- } else {
- if (p.indexOf('pupdate') != -1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('edit')
- ,handler: this.updateDashboard
- });
- }
- if (p.indexOf('pduplicate') != -1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('duplicate')
- ,handler: this.duplicateDashboard
- });
- }
- if (p.indexOf('premove') != -1 && r.data.id != 1 && r.data.name != 'Default') {
- if (m.length > 0) m.push('-');
- m.push({
- text: _('delete')
- ,handler: this.removeDashboard
- });
- }
- if (m.length > 0) {
- this.addContextMenuItem(m);
+ if (this.userCanCreate && this.userCanDuplicateRecord(record)) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('duplicate'),
+ handler: this.duplicateDashboard
+ });
- }
+ if (this.userCanDelete && this.userCanDeleteRecord(record)) {
+ if (menu.length > 0) {
+ menu.push('-');
+ }
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('delete'),
+ handler: this.confirm.createDelegate(this, ['System/Dashboard/Remove', 'dashboard_remove_confirm'])
+ });
+ }
+ return menu;
+ },
- ,createDashboard: function() {
+ createDashboard: function() {
- }
+ },
- ,updateDashboard: function() {
- MODx.loadPage('system/dashboards/update', 'id='+this.menu.record.id);
- }
+ updateDashboard: function() {
+ MODx.loadPage('system/dashboards/update', `id=${this.menu.record.id}`);
+ },
- ,duplicateDashboard: function(btn,e) {
+ duplicateDashboard: function(btn, e) {
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'System/Dashboard/Duplicate'
- ,id: this.menu.record.id
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:this.refresh,scope:this}
- }
- });
- }
- ,removeDashboard: function() {
- MODx.msg.confirm({
- title: _('delete')
- ,text: _('dashboard_remove_confirm')
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'System/Dashboard/Remove'
- ,id: this.menu.record.id
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:this.refresh,scope:this}
- }
- });
- }
- ,removeSelected: function() {
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
- MODx.msg.confirm({
- title: _('selected_remove')
- ,text: _('dashboard_remove_multiple_confirm')
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'System/Dashboard/RemoveMultiple'
- ,dashboards: cs
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'System/Dashboard/Duplicate',
+ id: this.menu.record.id
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: this.refresh,
+ scope: this
+ }
- return true;
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-dashboards', MODx.grid.Dashboards);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/workspace/lexicon/lexicon.grid.js b/manager/assets/modext/workspace/lexicon/lexicon.grid.js
index 6b074fa3c78..8eaa1053c54 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/workspace/lexicon/lexicon.grid.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/workspace/lexicon/lexicon.grid.js
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ MODx.grid.Lexicon = function(config = {}) {
this.topicFilterValue = MODx.util.url.getParamValue('topic') || 'default';
this.namespaceFilterValue = MODx.util.url.getParamValue('ns') || 'core';
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-grid-lexicon'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,fields: [
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-grid-lexicon',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ fields: [
@@ -22,47 +22,56 @@ MODx.grid.Lexicon = function(config = {}) {
- ]
- ,baseParams: {
+ ],
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Workspace/Lexicon/GetList',
namespace: this.namespaceFilterValue,
topic: this.topicFilterValue,
language: this.languageFilterValue
- }
- ,paging: true
- ,autosave: true
- ,save_action: 'Workspace/Lexicon/UpdateFromGrid'
- ,columns: [{
- header: _('name')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,width: 200
- ,sortable: true
- ,renderer: this._renderStatus
- },{
- header: _('value')
- ,dataIndex: 'value'
- ,width: 500
- ,sortable: false
- ,editor: {xtype: 'textarea'}
- ,renderer: this._renderStatus
- },{
- header: _('last_modified')
- ,dataIndex: 'editedon'
- ,width: 125
- }]
- ,tbar: {
+ },
+ paging: true,
+ autosave: true,
+ preventSaveRefresh: false,
+ save_action: 'Workspace/Lexicon/UpdateFromGrid',
+ columns: [{
+ header: _('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ width: 200,
+ sortable: true,
+ renderer: this._renderStatus
+ }, {
+ header: _('value'),
+ dataIndex: 'value',
+ width: 500,
+ sortable: false,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textarea'
+ },
+ renderer: this._renderStatus
+ }, {
+ header: _('last_modified'),
+ dataIndex: 'editedon',
+ width: 125,
+ renderer: this._renderLastModDate
+ }],
+ tbar: {
cls: 'has-nested-filters',
items: [
+ this.getCreateButton('lexicon', 'createEntry'),
- xtype: 'button'
- ,text: _('create')
- ,cls: 'primary-button'
- ,handler: this.createEntry
- ,scope: this
- },{
- text: _('lexicon_revert')
- ,handler: this.reloadFromBase
- ,scope: this
+ text: _('lexicon_revert'),
+ handler: this.reloadFromBase,
+ scope: this,
+ listeners: {
+ render: {
+ fn: function(btn) {
+ if (!this.userCanEdit) {
+ btn.hide();
+ }
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }
@@ -78,8 +87,7 @@ MODx.grid.Lexicon = function(config = {}) {
xtype: 'label',
html: _('namespace')
- },
- {
+ }, {
xtype: 'modx-combo-namespace',
itemId: 'filter-namespace',
hideLabel: true,
@@ -127,8 +135,7 @@ MODx.grid.Lexicon = function(config = {}) {
xtype: 'label',
html: _('language')
- },
- {
+ }, {
xtype: 'modx-combo-language',
itemId: 'filter-language',
hideLabel: true,
@@ -177,8 +184,7 @@ MODx.grid.Lexicon = function(config = {}) {
xtype: 'label',
html: _('topic')
- },
- {
+ }, {
xtype: 'modx-combo-lexicon-topic',
itemId: 'filter-topic',
hideLabel: true,
@@ -219,110 +225,125 @@ MODx.grid.Lexicon = function(config = {}) {
- MODx.grid.Lexicon.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.grid.Lexicon.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['edit'];
+ // Note there are currently no action-specific permissions for Lexicons
+ this.setUserCanCreate(['lexicons']);
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['lexicons']);
+ this.setUserCanDelete(['lexicons']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
- console: null
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Lexicon, MODx.grid.Grid, {
+ console: null,
- ,_renderStatus: function(v,md,rec,ri) {
- switch (rec.data.overridden) {
+ _renderStatus: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex) {
+ switch (record.data.overridden) {
case 1:
- return ''+v+'';break;
+ return `${value}`;
case 2:
- return ''+v+'';
+ return `${value}`;
- return ''+v+'';
+ return `${value}`;
- }
+ },
* @deprecated since 3.0.5. To be removed in future release. Datetime formatting
* now handled in back end processors to provide uniform display across components.
- ,_renderLastModDate: function(value) {
+ _renderLastModDate: function(value) {
return value;
- }
+ },
- ,loadWindow2: function(btn,e,o) {
+ loadWindow2: function(btn, e, o) {
this.menu.record = {
namespace: this.getFilterComponent('filter-namespace').getValue(),
language: this.getFilterComponent('filter-language').getValue()
- if (o.xtype != 'modx-window-lexicon-import') {
+ if (o.xtype !== 'modx-window-lexicon-import') {
this.menu.record.topic = this.getFilterComponent('filter-topic').getValue();
this.loadWindow(btn, e, o);
- }
+ },
- ,reloadFromBase: function() {
- namespace = this.getFilterComponent('filter-namespace').getValue(),
- topic = this.getFilterComponent('filter-topic').getValue(),
- language = this.getFilterComponent('filter-language').getValue(),
- registryTopic = '/workspace/lexicon/reload/';
+ reloadFromBase: function() {
+ const
+ namespace = this.getFilterComponent('filter-namespace').getValue(),
+ topic = this.getFilterComponent('filter-topic').getValue(),
+ language = this.getFilterComponent('filter-language').getValue(),
+ registryTopic = '/workspace/lexicon/reload/'
+ ;
text: _('lexicon_revert_confirm', {
- namespace: namespace
- ,topic: topic
- ,language: language
- })
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Workspace/Lexicon/ReloadFromBase'
- ,register: 'mgr'
- ,topic: registryTopic
- ,namespace: namespace
- ,lexiconTopic: topic
- ,language: language
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {
- fn:function() {
+ namespace: namespace,
+ topic: topic,
+ language: language
+ }),
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Workspace/Lexicon/ReloadFromBase',
+ register: 'mgr',
+ topic: registryTopic,
+ namespace: namespace,
+ lexiconTopic: topic,
+ language: language
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
this.console = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-console'
- ,register: 'mgr'
- ,topic: registryTopic
+ xtype: 'modx-console',
+ register: 'mgr',
+ topic: registryTopic
- this.console.on('complete',function(){
+ this.console.on('complete', function() {
- },this);
+ }, this);
- }
- ,scope:this
+ },
+ scope: this
- }
+ },
- ,revertEntry: function() {
- var p = this.menu.record;
- p.action = 'Workspace/Lexicon/Revert';
+ revertEntry: function() {
+ const { record } = this.menu;
+ record.action = 'Workspace/Lexicon/Revert';
- url: this.config.url
- ,params: p
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: record,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(r) {
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
- ,getMenu: function() {
- var r = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- var m = [];
- if (r.data.overridden) {
- m.push({
- text: _('entry_revert')
- ,handler: this.revertEntry
+ getMenu: function() {
+ const
+ record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected(),
+ menu = []
+ ;
+ if (record.data.overridden) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('entry_revert'),
+ handler: this.revertEntry
- return m;
- }
+ return menu;
+ },
- ,createEntry: function(btn, e) {
+ createEntry: function(btn, e) {
const record = this.menu.record || {};
record.namespace = this.getFilterComponent('filter-namespace').getValue();
@@ -348,64 +369,49 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Lexicon,MODx.grid.Grid,{
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-lexicon', MODx.grid.Lexicon);
-MODx.window.LexiconEntryCreate = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- this.ident = config.ident || 'lexentc'+Ext.id();
- var r = config.record;
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('create')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,action: 'Workspace/Lexicon/Create'
- ,fileUpload: true
- ,fields: [{
- xtype: 'textfield'
- ,fieldLabel: _('name')
- ,id: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-name'
- ,itemId: 'name'
- ,name: 'name'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,msgTarget: 'under'
- ,allowBlank: false
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-combo-namespace'
- ,fieldLabel: _('namespace')
- ,name: 'namespace'
- ,id: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-namespace'
- ,itemId: 'namespace'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,msgTarget: 'under'
- ,allowBlank: false
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-combo-lexicon-topic'
- ,fieldLabel: _('topic')
- ,name: 'topic'
- ,id: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-topic'
- ,itemId: 'topic'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,msgTarget: 'under'
- ,allowBlank: false
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-combo-language'
- ,fieldLabel: _('language')
- ,name: 'language'
- ,id: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-language'
- ,itemId: 'language'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,msgTarget: 'under'
- ,allowBlank: false
- },{
- xtype: 'textarea'
- ,fieldLabel: _('value')
- ,id: 'modx-'+this.ident+'-value'
- ,itemId: 'value'
- ,name: 'value'
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,msgTarget: 'under'
+MODx.window.LexiconEntryCreate = function(config = {}) {
+ this.ident = config.ident || `lexentc${Ext.id()}`;
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('create'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ action: 'Workspace/Lexicon/Create',
+ fileUpload: true,
+ formDefaults: {
+ anchor: '100%',
+ msgTarget: 'under',
+ allowBlank: false
+ },
+ fields: [{
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: _('name'),
+ itemId: 'name',
+ name: 'name'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-namespace',
+ fieldLabel: _('namespace'),
+ name: 'namespace',
+ itemId: 'namespace'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-lexicon-topic',
+ fieldLabel: _('topic'),
+ name: 'topic',
+ itemId: 'topic'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-combo-language',
+ fieldLabel: _('language'),
+ name: 'language',
+ itemId: 'language'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'textarea',
+ fieldLabel: _('value'),
+ itemId: 'value',
+ name: 'value',
+ allowBlank: true
- MODx.window.LexiconEntryCreate.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.LexiconEntryCreate.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.LexiconEntryCreate, MODx.Window);
+Ext.reg('modx-window-lexicon-entry-create', MODx.window.LexiconEntryCreate);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/workspace/namespace/modx.namespace.panel.js b/manager/assets/modext/workspace/namespace/modx.namespace.panel.js
index 90aaaba74e7..f86cad9ec68 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/workspace/namespace/modx.namespace.panel.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/workspace/namespace/modx.namespace.panel.js
@@ -6,34 +6,41 @@
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-panel-namespaces
-MODx.panel.Namespaces = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- id: 'modx-panel-namespaces'
- ,cls: 'container'
- ,bodyStyle: ''
- ,defaults: { collapsible: false ,autoHeight: true }
- ,items: [{
- html: _('namespaces')
- ,id: 'modx-namespaces-header'
- ,xtype: 'modx-header'
- },MODx.getPageStructure([{
- title: _('namespaces')
- ,layout: 'form'
- ,items: [{
- html: ''+_('namespaces_desc')+' '
- ,xtype: 'modx-description'
- },{
- xtype: 'modx-grid-namespace'
- ,cls:'main-wrapper'
- ,preventRender: true
- }]
- }])]
+MODx.panel.Namespaces = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-panel-namespaces',
+ cls: 'container',
+ bodyStyle: '',
+ defaults: {
+ collapsible: false,
+ autoHeight: true
+ },
+ items: [
+ {
+ html: _('namespaces'),
+ id: 'modx-namespaces-header',
+ xtype: 'modx-header'
+ },
+ MODx.getPageStructure([{
+ title: _('namespaces'),
+ layout: 'form',
+ items: [
+ {
+ html: `${_('namespaces_desc')} `,
+ xtype: 'modx-description'
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'modx-grid-namespace',
+ cls: 'main-wrapper',
+ preventRender: true
+ }
+ ]
+ }])
+ ]
- MODx.panel.Namespaces.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.panel.Namespaces.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.panel.Namespaces, MODx.FormPanel);
+Ext.reg('modx-panel-namespaces', MODx.panel.Namespaces);
* Loads a grid for managing namespaces.
@@ -43,121 +50,159 @@ Ext.reg('modx-panel-namespaces',MODx.panel.Namespaces);
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration properties
* @xtype modx-grid-namespace
-MODx.grid.Namespace = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
+MODx.grid.Namespace = function(config = {}) {
this.sm = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel();
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ id: 'modx-grid-namespaces',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Workspace/PackageNamespace/GetList'
- }
- ,fields: [
- 'id',
+ },
+ fields: [
- 'perm'
- ]
- ,anchor: '100%'
- ,paging: true
- ,autosave: true
- ,save_action: 'Workspace/PackageNamespace/UpdateFromGrid'
- ,primaryKey: 'name'
- ,remoteSort: true
- ,sm: this.sm
- ,columns: [this.sm,{
- header: _('name')
- ,dataIndex: 'name'
- ,width: 200
- ,sortable: true
- },{
- header: _('namespace_path')
- ,dataIndex: 'path'
- ,width: 500
- ,sortable: false
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- },{
- header: _('namespace_assets_path')
- ,dataIndex: 'assets_path'
- ,width: 500
- ,sortable: false
- ,editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }
- }]
- ,tbar: [
- {
- text: _('create')
- ,handler: { xtype: 'modx-window-namespace-create' ,blankValues: true }
- ,cls:'primary-button'
- ,scope: this
+ 'perm',
+ 'creator'
+ ],
+ anchor: '100%',
+ paging: true,
+ autosave: true,
+ save_action: 'Workspace/PackageNamespace/UpdateFromGrid',
+ primaryKey: 'name',
+ remoteSort: true,
+ sm: this.sm,
+ columns: [this.sm, {
+ header: _('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ width: 200,
+ sortable: true,
+ // because PK is name, allowing edit is tricky as implemented; leave for now
+ listeners: {
+ click: {
+ fn: function(column, grid, rowIndex, e) {
+ if (e.target.classList.contains('simulated-link')) {
+ this.updateNamespace(e);
+ }
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('namespace_path'),
+ dataIndex: 'path',
+ width: 500,
+ sortable: false,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textfield'
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(
+ record,
+ [record.json.isProtected, record.json.isExtrasNamespace],
+ '',
+ false
+ );
+ return value;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }, {
+ header: _('namespace_assets_path'),
+ dataIndex: 'assets_path',
+ width: 500,
+ sortable: false,
+ editor: {
+ xtype: 'textfield'
+ },
+ renderer: {
+ fn: function(value, metaData, record) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ metaData.css = this.setEditableCellClasses(
+ record,
+ [record.json.isProtected, record.json.isExtrasNamespace],
+ '',
+ false
+ );
+ return value;
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ },
+ this.getCreatorColumnConfig('namespace')
+ ],
+ tbar: [
+ this.getCreateButton('namespace', {
+ xtype: 'modx-window-namespace-create',
+ blankValues: true
+ }),
+ this.getBulkActionsButton('namespace', 'Workspace/PackageNamespace/RemoveMultiple', 'string'),
- ]
+ ],
+ viewConfig: this.getViewConfig()
+ });
+ MODx.grid.Namespace.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['edit', 'delete'];
+ // Note there are currently no action-specific permissions for Namespaces
+ this.setUserCanEdit(['namespaces']);
+ this.setUserCanCreate(['namespaces']);
+ this.setUserCanDelete(['namespaces']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
+ this.on({
+ beforeedit: function(e) {
+ if (!this.userCanEditRecord(e.record) || e.record.json.isProtected || e.record.json.isExtrasNamespace) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
- MODx.grid.Namespace.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.Namespace, MODx.grid.Grid, {
getMenu: function() {
- var r = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
- var p = r.data.perm;
- var m = [];
- if (this.getSelectionModel().getCount() > 1) {
- m.push({
- text: _('selected_remove')
- ,handler: this.removeSelected
- ,scope: this
+ const record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected(),
+ menu = []
+ ;
+ if (this.userCanEdit && this.userCanEditRecord(record)) {
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('edit'),
+ handler: this.updateNamespace
- } else {
- m.push({
- text: _('edit')
- ,handler: this.namespaceUpdate
- });
- if (p.indexOf('premove') != -1 && this.menu.record.name != 'core') {
- m.push({
- text: _('delete')
- ,handler: this.remove.createDelegate(this,['namespace_remove_confirm','Workspace/PackageNamespace/Remove'])
- });
+ }
+ if (this.userCanDelete && this.userCanEditRecord(record)) {
+ if (menu.length > 0) {
+ menu.push('-');
+ menu.push({
+ text: _('delete'),
+ handler: this.remove.createDelegate(this, ['namespace_remove_confirm', 'Workspace/PackageNamespace/Remove'])
+ });
- return m;
- }
+ return menu;
+ },
- ,namespaceUpdate: function(elem, vent) {
- var win = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-window-namespace-update'
- ,record: this.menu.record
- ,listeners: {
- success: {
- fn: this.refresh
- ,scope: this
+ updateNamespace: function(e) {
+ const
+ record = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected().data,
+ window = MODx.load({
+ xtype: 'modx-window-namespace-update',
+ record: record,
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: this.refresh,
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
- });
- win.setValues(this.menu.record);
- win.show(vent.target);
- }
- ,removeSelected: function() {
- var cs = this.getSelectedAsList();
- if (cs === false) return false;
- MODx.msg.confirm({
- title: _('selected_remove')
- ,text: _('namespace_remove_multiple_confirm')
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Workspace/PackageNamespace/RemoveMultiple'
- ,namespaces: cs
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function(r) {
- this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(true);
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
- }
- });
- return true;
+ })
+ ;
+ window.setValues(record);
+ window.show(e.target);
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-namespace', MODx.grid.Namespace);
diff --git a/manager/assets/modext/workspace/package/package.versions.grid.js b/manager/assets/modext/workspace/package/package.versions.grid.js
index eac7118d076..3a4287ce4f5 100644
--- a/manager/assets/modext/workspace/package/package.versions.grid.js
+++ b/manager/assets/modext/workspace/package/package.versions.grid.js
@@ -1,107 +1,150 @@
-MODx.grid.PackageVersions = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
+MODx.grid.PackageVersions = function(config = {}) {
this.exp = new Ext.grid.RowExpander({
- tpl : new Ext.Template(
+ tpl: new Ext.Template(
'{readme} '
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('packages')
- ,id: 'modx-grid-package-versions'
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
- action: 'Workspace/Packages/Version/GetList'
- ,signature: config.signature
- ,package_name: MODx.request.package_name
- }
- ,fields: ['signature','name','version','release','created','updated','installed','state'
- ,'workspace','provider','provider_name','disabled','source'
- ,'readme','menu']
- ,plugins: [this.exp]
- ,pageSize: 20
- ,columns: [this.exp,{
- header: _('name') ,dataIndex: 'name' }
- ,{ header: _('version') ,dataIndex: 'version' }
- ,{ header: _('release') ,dataIndex: 'release' }
- ,{ header: _('installed') ,dataIndex: 'installed' ,renderer: this._rins }
- ,{
- header: _('provider')
- ,dataIndex: 'provider_name'
- ,editable: false
- }]
- ,primaryKey: 'signature'
- ,paging: true
- ,autosave: true
- ,tbar: [{
- text: _('package_versions_purge')
- ,handler: this.purgePackageVersions
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('packages'),
+ id: 'modx-grid-package-versions',
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
+ action: 'Workspace/Packages/Version/GetList',
+ signature: config.signature,
+ package_name: MODx.request.package_name
+ },
+ fields: [
+ 'signature',
+ 'name',
+ 'version',
+ 'release',
+ 'created',
+ 'updated',
+ 'installed',
+ 'state',
+ 'workspace',
+ 'provider',
+ 'provider_name',
+ 'disabled',
+ 'source',
+ 'readme',
+ 'menu'
+ ],
+ plugins: [this.exp],
+ pageSize: 20,
+ columns: [this.exp,
+ {
+ header: _('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'name'
+ }, {
+ header: _('version'),
+ dataIndex: 'version'
+ }, {
+ header: _('release'),
+ dataIndex: 'release'
+ }, {
+ header: _('installed'),
+ dataIndex: 'installed',
+ renderer: this._rins
+ }, {
+ header: _('provider'),
+ dataIndex: 'provider_name',
+ editable: false
+ }],
+ primaryKey: 'signature',
+ paging: true,
+ autosave: true,
+ tbar: [{
+ text: _('package_versions_purge'),
+ handler: this.purgePackageVersions,
+ listeners: {
+ render: {
+ fn: function(btn) {
+ if (!this.userCanDelete) {
+ btn.hide();
+ }
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
+ }
- MODx.grid.PackageVersions.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.grid.PackageVersions.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.gridMenuActions = ['delete'];
+ this.setUserCanDelete(['packages']);
+ this.setShowActionsMenu();
+Ext.extend(MODx.grid.PackageVersions, MODx.grid.Grid, {
_rins: function(value, metaData) {
if (Ext.isEmpty(value) || value.includes(_('not_installed'))) {
metaData.css = 'not-installed';
return value;
- }
+ },
- ,removePriorVersion: function(btn,e) {
- var r = this.menu.record;
+ removePriorVersion: function(btn, e) {
+ const { record } = this.menu;
- title: _('package_version_remove')
- ,text: _('package_version_remove_confirm')
- ,url: this.config.url
- ,params: {
- action: 'Workspace/Packages/Version/Remove'
- ,signature: r.signature
- }
- ,listeners: {
- 'success': {fn:function() {
- if (this.fireEvent('afterRemoveRow',r)) {
- this.removeActiveRow(r);
- }
- },scope:this}
+ title: _('package_version_remove'),
+ text: _('package_version_remove_confirm'),
+ url: this.config.url,
+ params: {
+ action: 'Workspace/Packages/Version/Remove',
+ signature: record.signature
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function() {
+ if (this.fireEvent('afterRemoveRow', record)) {
+ this.removeActiveRow(record);
+ }
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
/* Purge old package versions */
- ,purgePackageVersions: function(btn,e) {
- var topic = '/Workspace/Packages/Purge/';
+ purgePackageVersions: function(btn, e) {
+ const topic = '/Workspace/Packages/Purge/';
- this.loadWindow(btn,e,{
- xtype: 'modx-window-package-versions-purge'
- ,record: {
- packagename: this.config.package_name
- ,topic: topic
- ,register: 'mgr'
- }
- ,listeners: {
- success: {fn: function(o) {
- this.refresh();
- },scope:this}
+ this.loadWindow(btn, e, {
+ xtype: 'modx-window-package-versions-purge',
+ record: {
+ packagename: this.config.package_name,
+ topic: topic,
+ register: 'mgr'
+ },
+ listeners: {
+ success: {
+ fn: function(o) {
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ scope: this
+ }
- }
+ },
/* Load the console */
- ,loadConsole: function(btn,topic) {
+ loadConsole: function(btn, topic) {
this.console = MODx.load({
- xtype: 'modx-console'
- ,register: 'mgr'
- ,topic: topic
+ xtype: 'modx-console',
+ register: 'mgr',
+ topic: topic
- }
+ },
- ,getConsole: function() {
+ getConsole: function() {
return this.console;
+Ext.reg('modx-grid-package-versions', MODx.grid.PackageVersions);
* @class MODx.window.PurgePackageVersions
@@ -109,53 +152,55 @@ Ext.reg('modx-grid-package-versions',MODx.grid.PackageVersions);
* @param {Object} config An object of configuration parameters
* @xtype modx-window-package-versions-purge
-MODx.window.PurgePackageVersions = function(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config,{
- title: _('package_versions_purge')
- ,url: MODx.config.connector_url
- ,baseParams: {
+MODx.window.PurgePackageVersions = function(config = {}) {
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ title: _('package_versions_purge'),
+ url: MODx.config.connector_url,
+ baseParams: {
action: 'Workspace/Packages/Purge'
- }
- ,cls: 'modx-confirm'
- ,defaults: { border: false }
- ,fields: [{
- xtype: 'hidden'
- ,name: 'packagename'
- ,id: 'modx-ppack-package_name'
- ,value: config.packagename
- },{
+ },
+ cls: 'modx-confirm',
+ defaults: { border: false },
+ fields: [{
+ xtype: 'hidden',
+ name: 'packagename',
+ id: 'modx-ppack-package_name',
+ value: config.packagename
+ }, {
html: _('package_versions_purge_confirm')
- }]
- ,saveBtnText: _('package_versions_purge')
+ }],
+ saveBtnText: _('package_versions_purge')
- MODx.window.PurgePackageVersions.superclass.constructor.call(this,config);
+ MODx.window.PurgePackageVersions.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+Ext.extend(MODx.window.PurgePackageVersions, MODx.Window, {
submit: function() {
- var r = this.config.record;
+ const { record } = this.config;
if (this.fp.getForm().isValid()) {
- Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-package-versions').loadConsole(Ext.getBody(),r.topic);
+ Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-package-versions').loadConsole(Ext.getBody(), record.topic);
this.fp.getForm().baseParams = {
- action: 'Workspace/Packages/Purge'
- ,register: 'mgr'
- ,topic: r.topic
+ action: 'Workspace/Packages/Purge',
+ register: 'mgr',
+ topic: record.topic
- waitMsg: _('saving')
- ,scope: this
- ,failure: function(frm,a) {
- this.fireEvent('failure',frm,a);
- var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-package-versions');
+ waitMsg: _('saving'),
+ scope: this,
+ failure: function(frm, a) {
+ this.fireEvent('failure', frm, a);
+ const g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-package-versions');
- }
- ,success: function(frm,a) {
- this.fireEvent('success',{f:frm,a:a});
- var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-package-versions');
+ },
+ success: function(frm, a) {
+ this.fireEvent('success', {
+ f: frm,
+ a: a
+ });
+ const g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-package-versions');
@@ -165,4 +210,4 @@ Ext.extend(MODx.window.PurgePackageVersions,MODx.Window,{
+Ext.reg('modx-window-package-versions-purge', MODx.window.PurgePackageVersions);
diff --git a/manager/controllers/default/security/user/index.class.php b/manager/controllers/default/security/user/index.class.php
index ed940141a0d..cbe0fd24972 100644
--- a/manager/controllers/default/security/user/index.class.php
+++ b/manager/controllers/default/security/user/index.class.php
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ return $this->modx->hasPermission('view_user');
diff --git a/manager/controllers/default/source/update.class.php b/manager/controllers/default/source/update.class.php
index 1af8e61cdfd..d5ceaaaf6b5 100644
--- a/manager/controllers/default/source/update.class.php
+++ b/manager/controllers/default/source/update.class.php
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
@@ -40,18 +43,28 @@ public function checkPermissions() {
* Register custom CSS/JS for the page
* @return void
- public function loadCustomCssJs() {
- $mgrUrl = $this->modx->getOption('manager_url',null,MODX_MANAGER_URL);
- $this->addJavascript($mgrUrl.'assets/modext/widgets/core/modx.grid.local.property.js');
- $this->addJavascript($mgrUrl.'assets/modext/widgets/source/modx.grid.source.properties.js');
- $this->addJavascript($mgrUrl.'assets/modext/widgets/source/modx.grid.source.access.js');
- $this->addJavascript($mgrUrl.'assets/modext/widgets/source/modx.panel.source.js');
- $this->addJavascript($mgrUrl.'assets/modext/sections/source/update.js');
- $this->addHtml('');
+ public function loadCustomCssJs()
+ {
+ $mgrUrl = $this->modx->getOption('manager_url', null, MODX_MANAGER_URL);
+ $this->addJavascript($mgrUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/core/modx.grid.local.property.js');
+ $this->addJavascript($mgrUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/source/modx.grid.source.properties.js');
+ $this->addJavascript($mgrUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/source/modx.grid.source.access.js');
+ $this->addJavascript($mgrUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/source/modx.panel.source.js');
+ $this->addJavascript($mgrUrl . 'assets/modext/sections/source/update.js');
+ $record = $this->modx->toJSON($this->sourceArray);
+ $defaultProps = $this->modx->toJSON($this->sourceDefaultProperties);
+ $pageCmp = <<
+ Ext.onReady(function() {
+ MODx.load({
+ xtype: 'modx-page-source-update',
+ record: {$record},
+ defaultProperties: {$defaultProps}
+ });
+ });
+ $this->addHtml($pageCmp);
@@ -59,14 +72,24 @@ public function loadCustomCssJs() {
* @param array $scriptProperties
* @return mixed
- public function process(array $scriptProperties = []) {
- if (empty($this->scriptProperties['id']) || strlen($this->scriptProperties['id']) !== strlen((integer)$this->scriptProperties['id'])) {
+ public function process(array $scriptProperties = [])
+ {
+ if (empty($this->scriptProperties['id']) || strlen($this->scriptProperties['id']) !== strlen((int)$this->scriptProperties['id'])) {
return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('source_err_ns'));
$this->source = $this->modx->getObject(modMediaSource::class, ['id' => $this->scriptProperties['id']]);
- if (empty($this->source)) return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('source_err_nf'));
+ if (empty($this->source)) {
+ return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('source_err_nf'));
+ }
$this->sourceArray = $this->source->toArray();
+ $coreSources = modMediaSource::getCoreSources();
+ $sourceKey = $this->sourceArray['name'];
+ if (in_array($sourceKey, $coreSources)) {
+ $this->sourceArray['isProtected'] = true;
+ $this->sourceArray['reserved'] = true;
+ }
@@ -75,7 +98,8 @@ public function process(array $scriptProperties = []) {
return [];
- public function getProperties() {
+ public function getProperties()
+ {
$properties = $this->source->getProperties();
$data = [];
foreach ($properties as $property) {
@@ -94,7 +118,8 @@ public function getProperties() {
$this->sourceArray['properties'] = $data;
- public function getDefaultProperties() {
+ public function getDefaultProperties()
+ {
$default = $this->source->getDefaultProperties();
$default = $this->source->prepareProperties($default);
$data = [];
@@ -115,7 +140,8 @@ public function getDefaultProperties() {
return $data;
- public function getAccess() {
+ public function getAccess()
+ {
$c = $this->modx->newQuery(modAccessMediaSource::class);
$c->innerJoin(modMediaSource::class, 'Target');
$c->innerJoin(modAccessPolicy::class, 'Policy');
@@ -131,7 +157,7 @@ public function getAccess() {
'policy_name' => 'Policy.name',
'authority_name' => 'MinimumRole.name',
- $acls = $this->modx->getCollection(modAccessMediaSource::class,$c);
+ $acls = $this->modx->getCollection(modAccessMediaSource::class, $c);
$access = [];
/** @var modAccessMediaSource $acl */
foreach ($acls as $acl) {
@@ -158,15 +184,17 @@ public function getAccess() {
* @return string
- public function getPageTitle() {
- return $this->modx->lexicon('source').': '.$this->sourceArray['name'];
+ public function getPageTitle()
+ {
+ return $this->modx->lexicon('source') . ': ' . $this->sourceArray['name'];
* Return the location of the template file
* @return string
- public function getTemplateFile() {
+ public function getTemplateFile()
+ {
return '';
@@ -174,7 +202,8 @@ public function getTemplateFile() {
* Specify the language topics to load
* @return array
- public function getLanguageTopics() {
+ public function getLanguageTopics()
+ {
return ['source','namespace','propertyset'];
@@ -182,7 +211,8 @@ public function getLanguageTopics() {
* Get the Help URL
* @return string
- public function getHelpUrl() {
+ public function getHelpUrl()
+ {
return 'Media+Sources';
diff --git a/manager/controllers/default/system/dashboards/update.class.php b/manager/controllers/default/system/dashboards/update.class.php
index b7b53781491..88daf5c8c95 100644
--- a/manager/controllers/default/system/dashboards/update.class.php
+++ b/manager/controllers/default/system/dashboards/update.class.php
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
@@ -40,8 +43,9 @@ public function checkPermissions() {
* @return array
- public function process(array $scriptProperties = []) {
- if (empty($this->scriptProperties['id']) || strlen($this->scriptProperties['id']) !== strlen((integer)$this->scriptProperties['id'])) {
+ public function process(array $scriptProperties = [])
+ {
+ if (empty($this->scriptProperties['id']) || strlen($this->scriptProperties['id']) !== strlen((int)$this->scriptProperties['id'])) {
return [];
@@ -52,37 +56,49 @@ public function process(array $scriptProperties = []) {
$this->dashboardArray = $this->dashboard->toArray();
+ $coreDashboards = modDashboard::getCoreDashboards();
+ $dashboardKey = $this->dashboardArray['name'];
+ if (in_array($dashboardKey, $coreDashboards)) {
+ $this->dashboardArray['isProtected'] = true;
+ $this->dashboardArray['reserved'] = true;
+ }
$this->dashboardArray['widgets'] = $this->getWidgets();
return $this->dashboardArray;
* Get all the Widgets placed on this Dashboard
* @return array
- public function getWidgets() {
+ public function getWidgets()
+ {
$c = $this->modx->newQuery(modDashboardWidgetPlacement::class);
'dashboard' => $this->dashboard->get('id'),
'user' => 0,
- $c->sortby('modDashboardWidgetPlacement.rank','ASC');
+ $c->sortby('modDashboardWidgetPlacement.rank', 'ASC');
$placements = $this->modx->getCollection(modDashboardWidgetPlacement::class, $c);
$list = [];
/** @var modDashboardWidgetPlacement $placement */
foreach ($placements as $placement) {
if (!($placement->Widget instanceof modDashboardWidget)) {
if ($placement->Widget->get('lexicon') != 'core:dashboards') {
$widgetArray = $placement->Widget->toArray();
+ // Currently Dashboards do not have action-specific permissions, so hard code them
+ // here to true since view permission is needed to get to this point
+ $widgetArray['permissions'] = [
+ 'edit' => true,
+ 'delete' => true
+ ];
$list[] = [
@@ -91,6 +107,7 @@ public function getWidgets() {
+ $widgetArray['permissions']
return $list;
@@ -100,7 +117,8 @@ public function getWidgets() {
* Get all the User Groups assigned to this Dashboard
* @return array
- public function getUserGroups() {
+ public function getUserGroups()
+ {
$list = [];
$c = $this->modx->newQuery(modUserGroup::class);
@@ -121,9 +139,10 @@ public function getUserGroups() {
* Register custom CSS/JS for the page
* @return void
- public function loadCustomCssJs() {
- $this->addJavascript($this->modx->getOption('manager_url')."assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.panel.dashboard.js");
- $this->addJavascript($this->modx->getOption('manager_url').'assets/modext/sections/system/dashboards/update.js');
+ public function loadCustomCssJs()
+ {
+ $this->addJavascript($this->modx->getOption('manager_url') . "assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.panel.dashboard.js");
+ $this->addJavascript($this->modx->getOption('manager_url') . 'assets/modext/sections/system/dashboards/update.js');
$data = json_encode([
'xtype' => 'modx-page-dashboard-update',
'record' => $this->dashboardArray,
@@ -136,15 +155,17 @@ public function loadCustomCssJs() {
* @return string
- public function getPageTitle() {
- return $this->modx->lexicon('dashboards').': '.$this->dashboardArray['name'];
+ public function getPageTitle()
+ {
+ return $this->modx->lexicon('dashboards') . ': ' . $this->dashboardArray['name'];
* Return the location of the template file
* @return string
- public function getTemplateFile() {
+ public function getTemplateFile()
+ {
return '';
@@ -152,7 +173,8 @@ public function getTemplateFile() {
* Specify the language topics to load
* @return array
- public function getLanguageTopics() {
+ public function getLanguageTopics()
+ {
return ['dashboards','user'];
@@ -160,7 +182,8 @@ public function getLanguageTopics() {
* Get the Help URL
* @return string
- public function getHelpUrl() {
+ public function getHelpUrl()
+ {
return 'Dashboards';