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Connection Manager API


Connection Manager API is a component of the Mojaloop ecosystem that allows an administrator to manage the network configuration and PKI information for the Hub and a set of DFSPs.

It provides a REST API, described using a Swagger/OpenAPI document.

The current version uses both cfssl and openssl as the PKI engines which issue and process CSRs and Certificates. The specific version of cfssl that MCM depends on is kept in the Dockerfile as the value of the branch argument ( as in --branch=v1.3.4 ) and can also be specified as an environment variable ( see CFSSL_VERSION below ).

The API servers uses OAuth2 to implement security, as defined in the OAuth2 implementation doc

Running the server locally

To run the server with all the defaults and no security, the simplest way is to run:

P12_PASS_PHRASE="choose your own password" npm start

The default config requires a mysql db running on the default port.

Once running, you can access the Swagger UI interface

Running the server + db + web UI locally while developing

The API server requires a mysql db. There's also a Web UI

To run them together, you can use the following setup:

  • Clone this repo and the Web UI repo at the same level
  • Use the docker-compose config in this repo to run a mysql DB, the WebUI and the API server
mkdir modusbox
cd modusbox
git clone
git clone
cd connection-manager-api/docker
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Once the docker containers are confirmed to be stable and up, you will need to create the initial HUB environment. From a new terminal session, execute the following;

curl -X POST "http://localhost:3001/api/environments" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"name\": \"DEV\", \"defaultDN\": { \"CN\": \"\", \"O\": \"Modusbox\", \"OU\": \"MCM\" }}"

The UI 'localhost' can now be opened in your local browser.

If you want to start the app with auth enabled:

  1. create a local copy of docker-compose-auth.yml as in:

cp docker-compose-auth.yml docker-compose-auth.local.yml

( docker-compose-auth.local.yml is git-ignored )

  1. Edit docker-compose-auth.local.yml and enter the security details.

  2. Run the bundle with:

docker-compose build && docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-auth.local.yml up


There's a Constants.js file that pulls the values from the environment or uses defaults if not defined.


Environment variable Description Default Value
MCM API server configuration
PORT mcm API HTTP port 3001
Authentication features
AUTH_ENABLED Enables support for OAuth2. 'TRUE' to enable (disabled)
AUTH_2FA_ENABLED Enables two-factor authentication 'TRUE' to enable (disabled)
OAuth2 roles
MTA_ROLE DFSP Admin role 'Application/MTA'
PTA_ROLE HUB Admin Role 'Application/PTA'
EVERYONE_ROLE Authenticated users role 'Internal/everyone'
WSO2 OAuth Service Provider configuration
APP_OAUTH_CLIENT_KEY OAuth2 Client Key. Configured in WSO2 IM Service Provider
APP_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET OAuth2 Client Secret. Configured in WSO2 IM Service Provider
CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME WSO2 Service Provider Public Certificate filename. If the value starts with / it will be read as an absolute path, otherwise as a relative path to the app dir 'resources/wso2carbon-publickey.cert'
EMBEDDED_CERTIFICATE WSO2 Service Provider Public Certificate PEM-encoded string. This one has priority over the previous var
WSO2 OAuth server configuration
OAUTH2_ISSUER OAuth token issuer endpoint. This service will connect to this endpoint to request the JWTs https://WSO2_IM_SERVER:9443/oauth2/token
OAUTH2_TOKEN_ISS JWTs have an iss property. This property is usually the same as the endpoint (OAUTH2_ISSUER), but it may differ for example if there's an HTTP gateway with a different endpoint in between. You can use OAUTH2_TOKEN_ISS to specify the expected value of the iss property. This service validates that the value of the iss property on the JWT it receives on the API calls either is equal to either OAUTH2_ISSUER or OAUTH2_TOKEN_ISS; if there's no match then authentication will fail with a 401.
Database configuration
DATABASE_HOST mysql host localhost
DATABASE_PORT mysql port 3306
DATABASE_USER mysql user mcm
DATABASE_PASSWORD mysql password mcm
DATABASE_SCHEMA mysql schema mcm
DB_RETRIES Times the initial connection to the DB will be retried 10,
RUN_MIGRATIONS If true, run db schema migration at startup. Can always be true as the schema creation is idempotent true,
CURRENCY_CODES Path to file containing all the supported currency codes './data/currencyCodes.json',
DATA_CONFIGURATION_FILE Initial data configuration path. See specific doc './data/sampleConfiguration.json'
WSO2 custom services configuration
TOTP_LABEL a label to be shown with 2FA
TOTP_ISSUER a issuer to be shown with 2FA MCM
WSO2_MANAGER_SERVICE_USER user of WSO2 Manager Service
OAUTH_RESET_PASSWORD_ISSUER URL of reset password issuer (WSO2)
OAUTH_RESET_PASSWORD_AUTH_USER user of WSO2 reset password service (WSO2)
OAUTH_RESET_PASSWORD_AUTH_PASSWORD password of WSO2 reset password service (WSO2)
MCM Internal Certificate Authority configuration
P12_PASS_PHRASE Pass phrase used to save the internal CA Key in the DB.
Support for self-signed certificates on OAuth Server and other TLS client connections
EXTRA_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_FILE_NAME Extra trusted server certificate chain file name ( PEM-encoded, as explained in )
EXTRA_ROOT_CERT_FILE_NAME Extra trusted server root certificate file name
CFSSL_VERSION Expected CFSSL version to use. Should be updated to keep in sync with the cfssl development 1.3.4
CFSSL_COMMAND_PATH cfssl command; it should be just cfssl if it's in the PATH or the full path cfssl


  • Unit testing:
    • run npm run backend:start as a pre-requisite to npm test
    • run npm test. The tests are implemented using mocha. If you need some test certificates, see the test resources readme
  • Smoke testing ( zsh script ): run the script from a tmp directory
  • swagger: see "running the server" below

Functioanl Tests

Refer to README.


js-semistandard-style ( + dangling commas on Objects )

Building a docker image

The server includes a Dockerfile.

There's a set of scripts to build the image and tag it for a local minikube or other environments. Take a look at ./