diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 21f4d4bf..90a82294 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ A growing set of community-developed and maintained servers demonstrates various - **[DevRev](https://github.com/kpsunil97/devrev-mcp-server)** - An MCP server to integrate with DevRev APIs to search through your DevRev Knowledge Graph where objects can be imported from diff. sources listed [here](https://devrev.ai/docs/import#available-sources). - **[Docker](https://github.com/ckreiling/mcp-server-docker)** - Integrate with Docker to manage containers, images, volumes, and networks. - **[Elasticsearch](https://github.com/cr7258/elasticsearch-mcp-server)** - MCP server implementation that provides Elasticsearch interaction. +- **[Everything Search](https://github.com/mamertofabian/mcp-everything-search)** - Fast file searching capabilities across Windows (using [Everything SDK](https://www.voidtools.com/support/everything/sdk/)), macOS (using mdfind command), and Linux (using locate/plocate command). - **[Fetch](https://github.com/zcaceres/fetch-mcp)** - A server that flexibly fetches HTML, JSON, Markdown, or plaintext. - **[FireCrawl](https://github.com/vrknetha/mcp-server-firecrawl)** - Advanced web scraping with JavaScript rendering, PDF support, and smart rate limiting - **[FlightRadar24](https://github.com/sunsetcoder/flightradar24-mcp-server)** - A Claude Desktop MCP server that helps you track flights in real-time using Flightradar24 data.