Inspired by SO answer and its source - thesis Evaluierung des Einsatzes von Scala bei der Entwicklung für die Android-Plattform by Meiko Rachimow.
trait TraitB; trait TraitC; trait TraitDBase
abstract class ClassABase
class ClassA extends ClassABase with TraitB with TraitC
trait TraidD extends TraitDBase
trait TraitI { self: TraitC => }
class ClassK(val count: Int, cache: Int)
class ClassJ(var field: Option[Int])
class ClassL { lazy val sum = (1 to 1000000).sum }
class ClassF {
import ClassF._
def instanceMethod: Double = 0
object ClassF {
def staticMethod: ClassF = null
Please remember that most of following language properties are not supported by Dia2Scala. This sub-page is about notation, not currently supported features (it might be implemented in future though).
abstract class ClassG[T <: Any] {
def process: T
object ClassG {
def method[S](x: Seq[S]): S = x.head
class ClassGChild extends ClassG[Int] {
def process = 2
class ClassH[T <: { def op: String }](val data: T) {
def applyOp: String = data.op
println(ClassG.method(Seq("a", "b")))
println(new ClassGChild().process)
println(new ClassH(new { def op = "Whoo" }).applyOp)