Gravitee Component:
- Docker Images :
- Gateway 3.4.2 -
- Management-API 3.4.2 -
- Management-UI 3.4.2 -
- Portal-UI 3.4.2 -
- Dependencies :
- ElasticSearch 7.5.1 -
- MongoDB 3.2.10 -
- Deployments:
- Create graviteeio namespace
- TLS Secret: create your own TLS Secret file from api-tls.yaml.dist
- ElasticSearch : with Single Node, apply elastic.yaml
- MonogDB instance : apply mongodb.yaml
- Pull Chart :
helm repo add graviteeio helm pull graviteeio/apim3 --version "3.0.15"
- Extract :
tar -xvf apim3-3.0.15.tgz
- Create your own values files from template
- Install
helm install -f graviteeio-values.yaml -n graviteeio graviteeio apim3\
- Troubleshooting:
- If you disable the login form and can't sign in to administration console (hidden form), exec this commands from the mongo pod :
mongo graviteeio db.parameters.update({"_id" : "authentication.localLogin.enabled"},{$set:{"value":"true"}});
- After mongodb pod crash (forcing shutdown), the lock file is not deleted and container don'ts restart, add this command to container (by editing deployment):
command: ["/bin/sh"] args: ["-c", "rm -f /var/lib/mongodb/mongod.lock && /usr/bin/mongod -f /etc/mongodb.conf"]
NOTA : For Management and Portal image building, a Confd binary is used, it's loaded from Docker context, builded for armhf with v0.16.0