WeatherTop is a web app that allows registered users to submit real-time weather reports. The application facilitates submission of data and provides weather analytics for each station.
- User authentication enables registered members to log in and submit weather reports.
- Users can submit weather readings, including time and date, latitude, longitude, wind chill, wind compass, temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit, wind in Beaufort scale, and atmospheric pressure.
- Users have the ability to sign up, log in, and manage stations. This includes adding or removing weather stations and associated readings.
- Users can use button Auto Generate Reading to fetch weather conditions of the station based on latitude and longitude. Use of OpenWeatherMap API.
- Users can update their log in details.
- Users can display a map of all the locations in the dashboard
- Users can add a Frappe chart of the week's temperature trend for the location.
- App deployed in Glitch