index a0536eef..73daa4cc 100644
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index 46b078bc..f039c48d 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
# mlr3fselect (development version)
-* Use [fastVoteR](https://github.com/bblodfon/fastVoteR) for feature ranking in `EnsembleFSResult()` objects
-* Add embedded ensemble feature selection `embedded_ensemble_fselect()`
-* Refactor `ensemble_fselect()` and `EnsembleFSResult()`
+* refactor: Use [fastVoteR](https://github.com/bblodfon/fastVoteR) for feature ranking in `EnsembleFSResult()` objects
+* feat: Add embedded ensemble feature selection `embedded_ensemble_fselect()`
+* refactor/perf: `ensemble_fselect()` and `EnsembleFSResult()`
+* feat: Add `c.EnsembleFSResult(...)` and `EnsembleFSResult$combine(...)` methods
# mlr3fselect 1.2.1
diff --git a/R/EnsembleFSResult.R b/R/EnsembleFSResult.R
index fed296f2..73560eee 100644
--- a/R/EnsembleFSResult.R
+++ b/R/EnsembleFSResult.R
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
#' * `x` ([EnsembleFSResult])
#' * `benchmark_result` (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Whether to add the learner, task and resampling information from the benchmark result.
+#' * `c(...)`\cr
+#' ([EnsembleFSResult], ...) -> [EnsembleFSResult]\cr
+#' Combines multiple [EnsembleFSResult] objects into a new [EnsembleFSResult].
#' @references
#' `r format_bib("das1999", "meinshausen2010")`
@@ -166,6 +169,75 @@ EnsembleFSResult = R6Class("EnsembleFSResult",
private$.active_measure = which
+ #' @description
+ #' Combines a second [EnsembleFSResult] into the current object, modifying it **in-place**.
+ #' If the second [EnsembleFSResult] (`efsr`) is `NULL`, the method returns the object unmodified.
+ #'
+ #' Both objects must have the same task features and `measure`.
+ #' If the `inner_measure` differs between the objects or is `NULL` in either, it will be set to `NULL` in the combined object.
+ #' Additionally, the `importance` column will be removed if it is missing in either object.
+ #' If both objects contain a `benchmark_result`, these will be combined.
+ #' Otherwise, the combined object will have a `NULL` value for `benchmark_result`.
+ #'
+ #' This method modifies the object by reference.
+ #' To preserve the original state, explicitly `$clone()` the object beforehand.
+ #' Alternatively, you can use the [c()] function, which internally calls this method.
+ #'
+ #' @param efsr ([EnsembleFSResult])\cr
+ #' A second [EnsembleFSResult] object to combine with the current object.
+ #'
+ #' @return
+ #' Returns the object itself, but modified **by reference**.
+ combine = function(efsr) {
+ if (!is.null(efsr)) {
+ assert_class(efsr, "EnsembleFSResult")
+ # Ensure both objects have the same task features
+ assert_set_equal(private$.features, get_private(efsr)$.features)
+ # Ensure both objects have the same (outer) measure
+ assert_set_equal(private$.measure$id, get_private(efsr)$.measure$id)
+ # Set inner measure to NULL if the measure ids are different or one of them is NULL
+ inner_msr = private$.inner_measure
+ inner_msr2 = get_private(efsr)$.inner_measure
+ result2 = get_private(efsr)$.result
+ if (is.null(inner_msr) || is.null(inner_msr2) || inner_msr$id != inner_msr2$id) {
+ private$.inner_measure = NULL
+ # Remove associated inner measure scores from results
+ if (!is.null(inner_msr)) {
+ private$.result[[sprintf("%s_inner", inner_msr$id)]] = NULL
+ }
+ if (!is.null(inner_msr2)) {
+ result2[[sprintf("%s_inner", inner_msr2$id)]] = NULL
+ }
+ }
+ # remove importance scores if missing in either object
+ has_imp = "importance" %in% names(private$.result)
+ has_imp2 = "importance" %in% names(result2)
+ if (!has_imp || !has_imp2) {
+ if (has_imp) private$.result[["importance"]] = NULL
+ if (has_imp2) result2[["importance"]] = NULL
+ }
+ # Combine results from both objects
+ private$.result = data.table::rbindlist(list(private$.result, result2), fill = FALSE)
+ # Merge benchmark results if available in both objects
+ has_bmr = !is.null(self$benchmark_result)
+ has_bmr2 = !is.null(efsr$benchmark_result)
+ if (has_bmr && has_bmr2) {
+ self$benchmark_result = self$benchmark_result$combine(efsr$benchmark_result)
+ } else {
+ self$benchmark_result = NULL
+ }
+ }
+ invisible(self)
+ },
#' @description
#' Calculates the feature ranking via [fastVoteR::rank_candidates()].
@@ -499,3 +571,20 @@ EnsembleFSResult = R6Class("EnsembleFSResult",
as.data.table.EnsembleFSResult = function(x, ...) {
+#' @export
+c.EnsembleFSResult = function(...) {
+ efsrs = list(...)
+ # Deep clone the first object for initialization
+ init = efsrs[[1]]$clone(deep = TRUE)
+ # If there's only one object, return it directly
+ if (length(efsrs) == 1) {
+ return(init)
+ }
+ # Combine the remaining objects
+ rest = tail(efsrs, -1)
+ Reduce(function(lhs, rhs) lhs$combine(rhs), rest, init = init)
diff --git a/R/embedded_ensemble_fselect.R b/R/embedded_ensemble_fselect.R
index 8852d760..31f35775 100644
--- a/R/embedded_ensemble_fselect.R
+++ b/R/embedded_ensemble_fselect.R
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ embedded_ensemble_fselect = function(
# extract scores on the test sets
scores = bmr$score(measure)
+ # remove `bmr_score` class
+ class(scores) = c("data.table", "data.frame")
set(scores, j = "features", value = features)
set(scores, j = "n_features", value = n_features)
diff --git a/R/ensemble_fselect.R b/R/ensemble_fselect.R
index 12be4636..d59d6049 100644
--- a/R/ensemble_fselect.R
+++ b/R/ensemble_fselect.R
@@ -136,6 +136,8 @@ ensemble_fselect = function(
# extract scores on the test sets
scores = bmr$score(measure)
+ # remove `bmr_score` class
+ class(scores) = c("data.table", "data.frame")
set(scores, j = "features", value = features)
set(scores, j = "n_features", value = n_features)
diff --git a/man/ensemble_fs_result.Rd b/man/ensemble_fs_result.Rd
index dd0239a3..434a0530 100644
--- a/man/ensemble_fs_result.Rd
+++ b/man/ensemble_fs_result.Rd
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ Returns a tabular view of the ensemble feature selection.\cr
\item \code{benchmark_result} (\code{logical(1)})\cr
Whether to add the learner, task and resampling information from the benchmark result.
+\item \code{c(...)}\cr
+(\link{EnsembleFSResult}, ...) -> \link{EnsembleFSResult}\cr
+Combines multiple \link{EnsembleFSResult} objects into a new \link{EnsembleFSResult}.
@@ -119,6 +122,7 @@ Returns the number of times the task was initially resampled in the ensemble fea
\item \href{#method-EnsembleFSResult-print}{\code{EnsembleFSResult$print()}}
\item \href{#method-EnsembleFSResult-help}{\code{EnsembleFSResult$help()}}
\item \href{#method-EnsembleFSResult-set_active_measure}{\code{EnsembleFSResult$set_active_measure()}}
+\item \href{#method-EnsembleFSResult-combine}{\code{EnsembleFSResult$combine()}}
\item \href{#method-EnsembleFSResult-feature_ranking}{\code{EnsembleFSResult$feature_ranking()}}
\item \href{#method-EnsembleFSResult-stability}{\code{EnsembleFSResult$stability()}}
\item \href{#method-EnsembleFSResult-pareto_front}{\code{EnsembleFSResult$pareto_front()}}
@@ -239,6 +243,38 @@ or \code{"outer"} (measure used in test sets, default value).}
+\subsection{Method \code{combine()}}{
+Combines a second \link{EnsembleFSResult} into the current object, modifying it \strong{in-place}.
+If the second \link{EnsembleFSResult} (\code{efsr}) is \code{NULL}, the method returns the object unmodified.
+Both objects must have the same task features and \code{measure}.
+If the \code{inner_measure} differs between the objects or is \code{NULL} in either, it will be set to \code{NULL} in the combined object.
+Additionally, the \code{importance} column will be removed if it is missing in either object.
+If both objects contain a \code{benchmark_result}, these will be combined.
+Otherwise, the combined object will have a \code{NULL} value for \code{benchmark_result}.
+This method modifies the object by reference.
+To preserve the original state, explicitly \verb{$clone()} the object beforehand.
+Alternatively, you can use the \code{\link[=c]{c()}} function, which internally calls this method.
+A second \link{EnsembleFSResult} object to combine with the current object.}
+Returns the object itself, but modified \strong{by reference}.
\subsection{Method \code{feature_ranking()}}{
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_embedded_ensemble_fselect.R b/tests/testthat/test_embedded_ensemble_fselect.R
index eb8b5e7b..189bd06f 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_embedded_ensemble_fselect.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_embedded_ensemble_fselect.R
@@ -62,3 +62,44 @@ test_that("embedded efs works", {
expect_data_table(feature_ranking, nrows = length(task$feature_names))
expect_equal(names(feature_ranking), c("feature", "score", "norm_score", "borda_score"))
+test_that("combine embedded efs results", {
+ task = tsk("sonar")
+ with_seed(42, {
+ efsr1 = embedded_ensemble_fselect(
+ task = task,
+ learners = lrns(c("classif.rpart", "classif.featureless")),
+ init_resampling = rsmp("subsampling", repeats = 2),
+ measure = msr("classif.ce")
+ )
+ })
+ with_seed(43, {
+ efsr2 = embedded_ensemble_fselect(
+ task = task,
+ learners = lrns(c("classif.rpart", "classif.featureless")),
+ init_resampling = rsmp("subsampling", repeats = 3),
+ measure = msr("classif.ce")
+ )
+ })
+ comb1 = efsr1$clone(deep = TRUE)$combine(efsr2)
+ comb2 = c(efsr1, efsr2)
+ expect_class(comb1, "EnsembleFSResult")
+ expect_class(comb2, "EnsembleFSResult")
+ expect_data_table(comb1$result, nrows = 10L)
+ expect_data_table(comb2$result, nrows = 10L)
+ expect_equal(comb1$n_learners, 2L)
+ expect_equal(comb2$n_learners, 2L)
+ expect_equal(get_private(comb1)$.measure$id, "classif.ce")
+ expect_equal(get_private(comb2)$.measure$id, "classif.ce")
+ expect_null(get_private(comb1)$.inner_measure)
+ expect_null(get_private(comb2)$.inner_measure)
+ assert_benchmark_result(comb1$benchmark_result)
+ assert_benchmark_result(comb2$benchmark_result)
+ expect_equal(comb1$benchmark_result$n_resample_results, 4L)
+ expect_equal(comb2$benchmark_result$n_resample_results, 4L)
+ expect_equal(nrow(get_private(comb1$benchmark_result)$.data$data$fact), 10L)
+ expect_equal(nrow(get_private(comb2$benchmark_result)$.data$data$fact), 10L)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_ensemble_fselect.R b/tests/testthat/test_ensemble_fselect.R
index edc9d975..d88cec0f 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_ensemble_fselect.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_ensemble_fselect.R
@@ -219,6 +219,117 @@ test_that("EnsembleFSResult initialization", {
+test_that("combining EnsembleFSResult objects", {
+ selected_features = list(
+ c("V3", "V20"),
+ c("V3", "V5", "V19", "V15"),
+ c("V11", "V7", "V6", "V8"),
+ c("V11"),
+ c("V17", "V2", "V12", "V9", "V1"),
+ c("V11", "V18", "V9")
+ )
+ feats = paste0("V", 1:20)
+ res1 = data.table(
+ resampling_iteration = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3),
+ learner_id = rep(c("lrn1", "lrn2"), 3),
+ n_features = c(2, 4, 4, 1, 5, 3),
+ features = selected_features,
+ classif.ce = runif(6),
+ classif.acc_inner = runif(6) # inner measure has the `_inner` end-fix
+ )
+ # same result, just different learners
+ res2 = data.table(
+ resampling_iteration = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3),
+ learner_id = rep(c("lrn3", "lrn4"), 3),
+ n_features = c(2, 4, 4, 1, 5, 3),
+ features = selected_features,
+ classif.ce = runif(6),
+ classif.acc_inner = runif(6) # inner measure has the `_inner` end-fix
+ )
+ # no `inner_measure`
+ res3 = res2[, -c("classif.acc_inner")]
+ # different `measure`
+ res4 = setnames(copy(res3), "classif.ce", "classif.auc")
+ # different `inner_measure`
+ res5 = setnames(copy(res2), "classif.acc_inner", "classif.ce_inner")
+ # initialize efsr objects
+ m1 = msr("classif.ce")
+ m2 = msr("classif.acc")
+ m3 = msr("classif.auc")
+ efsr1 = EnsembleFSResult$new(res1, features = feats, measure = m1, inner_measure = m2)
+ efsr2 = EnsembleFSResult$new(res2, features = feats, measure = m1, inner_measure = m2)
+ efsr3 = EnsembleFSResult$new(res3, features = feats, measure = m1)
+ efsr4 = EnsembleFSResult$new(res4, features = feats, measure = m3)
+ efsr5 = EnsembleFSResult$new(res5, features = feats, measure = m1, inner_measure = m1)
+ # combine efsr with nothing gives the same object back deep-cloned
+ efsr11 = c(efsr1)
+ assert_class(efsr11, "EnsembleFSResult")
+ expect_equal(efsr1$result$classif.ce, efsr11$result$classif.ce)
+ # combine efsrs with same inner and outer measures
+ comb1 = efsr1$clone(deep = TRUE)$combine(efsr2)
+ comb11 = c(efsr1, efsr2) # same as above
+ # efsr1 doesn't change
+ expect_data_table(efsr1$result, nrows = 6L)
+ expect_equal(efsr1$n_learners, 2L)
+ expect_equal(get_private(efsr1)$.measure$id, "classif.ce")
+ expect_equal(get_private(efsr1)$.inner_measure$id, "classif.acc")
+ # efsr2 doesn't change either
+ expect_data_table(efsr2$result, nrows = 6)
+ expect_equal(efsr2$n_learners, 2)
+ expect_equal(get_private(efsr2)$.measure$id, "classif.ce")
+ expect_equal(get_private(efsr2)$.inner_measure$id, "classif.acc")
+ # combined object has more rows
+ expect_data_table(comb1$result, nrows = 12L)
+ expect_data_table(comb11$result, nrows = 12L)
+ expect_equal(comb1$n_learners, 4L)
+ expect_equal(comb11$n_learners, 4L)
+ expect_equal(get_private(comb1)$.measure$id, "classif.ce")
+ expect_equal(get_private(comb11)$.measure$id, "classif.ce")
+ expect_equal(get_private(comb1)$.inner_measure$id, "classif.acc")
+ expect_equal(get_private(comb11)$.inner_measure$id, "classif.acc")
+ # no `inner_measure` in the 2nd efsr
+ comb2 = efsr1$clone(deep = TRUE)$combine(efsr3)
+ comb22 = c(efsr1, efsr3)
+ expect_equal(get_private(efsr1)$.measure$id, "classif.ce")
+ expect_equal(get_private(efsr1)$.inner_measure$id, "classif.acc")
+ expect_null(get_private(efsr3)$.inner_measure)
+ expect_data_table(comb2$result, nrows = 12L)
+ expect_data_table(comb22$result, nrows = 12L)
+ expect_equal(comb2$n_learners, 4L)
+ expect_equal(comb22$n_learners, 4L)
+ expect_equal(get_private(comb2)$.measure$id, "classif.ce")
+ expect_equal(get_private(comb22)$.measure$id, "classif.ce")
+ expect_null(get_private(comb2)$.inner_measure$id)
+ expect_null(get_private(comb22)$.inner_measure$id)
+ # different (outer) measure => not possible to combine
+ expect_error(efsr1$clone(deep = TRUE)$combine(efsr4))
+ # different `inner_measure`
+ comb3 = efsr1$clone(deep = TRUE)$combine(efsr5)
+ expect_data_table(comb3$result, nrows = 12L)
+ expect_equal(comb3$n_learners, 4L)
+ expect_equal(get_private(comb3)$.measure$id, "classif.ce")
+ expect_null(get_private(comb3)$.inner_measure$id)
+ # `inner_measure`s of the individual objects did not change
+ expect_equal(get_private(efsr1)$.inner_measure$id, "classif.acc")
+ expect_equal(get_private(efsr5)$.inner_measure$id, "classif.ce")
+ # multi-combine works
+ comb_all = c(efsr1, efsr2, efsr3, efsr5)
+ expect_data_table(comb_all$result, nrows = 24L)
+ expect_equal(comb_all$n_learners, 4L)
+ expect_equal(get_private(comb_all)$.measure$id, "classif.ce")
+ expect_null(get_private(comb_all)$.inner_measure$id)
test_that("different callbacks can be set", {
callback_test = callback_batch_fselect("mlr3fselect.test",
on_eval_before_archive = function(callback, context) {