From a code challenge:
We want you to develop a small single page app, that shows us all the information related to a character from the Star Wars universe. Basically, the user submits the name of the character he is looking for, in order to see all the relevant information in a dedicated area.
- API link:
- Live character search.
- Character related information displayed in dedicated area, upon selection.
- Custom debouncing hook to limit requests while typing.
- Request cancelation to prevent race conditions.
- Simple caching mechanism using the localStorage API. Each keyword:results pair is stored.
- Results arrow navigation.
Note: The search button is decorative. Search is performed automatically during typing.
- Download and install the latest LTS version of Node.js.
- Open a terminal in root directory and run
npm install
, to install all the necessary node modules. - When finished run
npm start
to start the development server. - Open a browser and visit 'localhost:3000'.
- Open a terminal in root directory and run
npm run-script build
- Once project building is finished, run
npm install -g serve
to install a local static file server. - Run
serve -s build
to start the app. - Visit localhost:5000 (see instructions in terminal).
Important Note: Before you run any tests, make sure the app is running on http://localhost:3000. If the app is not running, follow the steps mentioned in the above section.
To run all test suites, open a terminal in root directory and type npm test