index 69b24a9..66eb6b6 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
diff --git a/cran-comments.md b/cran-comments.md
index 656abfb..b33010d 100644
--- a/cran-comments.md
+++ b/cran-comments.md
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ a `stringsAsFactors = FALSE` default.
## Test environments
* Local Windows 10 install, R 3.6.2
-* Ubuntu 14.04 (on travis-ci), R-oldrel, R-release, R-devel
+* Ubuntu 14.04 (on travis-ci), R-oldrel, R-release, R-devel
+(confirmed R-devel on Travis was updated to r77865)
## R CMD check results
diff --git a/man/channel_geom.Rd b/man/channel_geom.Rd
index a8dace8..29e9d5b 100644
--- a/man/channel_geom.Rd
+++ b/man/channel_geom.Rd
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/RcppExports.R
-\title{Channel geometry}
-channel_geom(y, B, SS)
-\item{y}{Flow depth [\eqn{L}].}
-\item{B}{Channel bottom width [\eqn{L}].}
-\item{SS}{Channel sideslope [\eqn{L L^{-1}}]. For a rectangular channel, \code{SS = 0}.}
-Named vector:
- \item{A}{Flow area [\eqn{L^2}].}
- \item{P}{Wetted perimeter [\eqn{L}].}
- \item{R}{Hydraulic radius [\eqn{L}].}
- \item{dAdy}{Water surface width [\eqn{L}].}
- \item{dPdy}{First derivative of wetted perimeter w.r.t. flow depth.}
- \item{dRdy}{First derivative of hydraulic radius w.r.t. flow depth.}
- \item{DH}{Hydraulic depth [\eqn{L}].}
- \item{ybar}{Vertical distance from water surface to centroid of flow area [\eqn{L}].}
-Compute geometry relations for trapezoidal channels.
-Channel geometry relations are routinely calculated in numerical solutions of steady,
- gradually-varied and unsteady flows. This function is used extensively by internal
- procedures and is made accessible to the user for convenience.
-channel_geom(1.71, 100, 0) # rectangular channel
-channel_geom(5.79, 6.1, 1.5) # trapezoidal channel with sideslope 3H:2V
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/RcppExports.R
+\title{Channel geometry}
+channel_geom(y, B, SS)
+\item{y}{Flow depth [\eqn{L}].}
+\item{B}{Channel bottom width [\eqn{L}].}
+\item{SS}{Channel sideslope [\eqn{L L^{-1}}]. For a rectangular channel, \code{SS = 0}.}
+Named vector:
+ \item{A}{Flow area [\eqn{L^2}].}
+ \item{P}{Wetted perimeter [\eqn{L}].}
+ \item{R}{Hydraulic radius [\eqn{L}].}
+ \item{dAdy}{Water surface width [\eqn{L}].}
+ \item{dPdy}{First derivative of wetted perimeter w.r.t. flow depth.}
+ \item{dRdy}{First derivative of hydraulic radius w.r.t. flow depth.}
+ \item{DH}{Hydraulic depth [\eqn{L}].}
+ \item{ybar}{Vertical distance from water surface to centroid of flow area [\eqn{L}].}
+Compute geometry relations for trapezoidal channels.
+Channel geometry relations are routinely calculated in numerical solutions of steady,
+ gradually-varied and unsteady flows. This function is used extensively by internal
+ procedures and is made accessible to the user for convenience.
+channel_geom(1.71, 100, 0) # rectangular channel
+channel_geom(5.79, 6.1, 1.5) # trapezoidal channel with sideslope 3H:2V
diff --git a/man/compute_profile.Rd b/man/compute_profile.Rd
index af593aa..a52bf2b 100644
--- a/man/compute_profile.Rd
+++ b/man/compute_profile.Rd
@@ -1,72 +1,84 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/graduallyvariedflow_v2.r
-\title{Gradually-varied flow profiles}
-compute_profile(So, n, Q, y0, Cm, g, B, SS, z0 = 0, x0 = 0, stepdist,
- totaldist)
-\item{So}{Channel slope [\eqn{L L^{-1}}].}
-\item{n}{Manning's roughness coefficient.}
-\item{Q}{Flow rate [\eqn{L^3 T^{-1}}].}
-\item{y0}{The water depth at the control section [\eqn{L}].}
-\item{Cm}{Unit conversion coefficient for Manning's equation. For SI units, Cm = 1.}
-\item{g}{Gravitational acceleration [\eqn{L T^{-2}}].}
-\item{B}{Channel bottom width [\eqn{L}].}
-\item{SS}{Channel sideslope [\eqn{L L^{-1}}].}
-\item{z0}{Elevation reference datum at control section [\eqn{L}]. Default is 0.}
-\item{x0}{Distance reference at control section [\eqn{L}]. Default is 0.}
-\item{stepdist}{The spatial interval used in the Standard step method [\eqn{L}].}
-\item{totaldist}{The total distance upstream (or downstream) to compute the profile [\eqn{L}].}
-data.frame with columns:
- \item{x}{Along-channel distance.}
- \item{z}{Elevation.}
- \item{y}{Flow depth.}
- \item{v}{Flow velocity.}
- \item{A}{Flow area.}
- \item{Sf}{Friction slope.}
- \item{E}{Total energy.}
- \item{Fr}{Froude Number.}
-Compute the gradually-varied flow profile of a prismatic channel.
-Computes the longitudinal water surface profile of a prismatic
- channel using the standard step method by solving the non-linear ODE
- \deqn{\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{S_0 - S_f}{1 - Fr^2}} The standard-step
- method operates by stepping along the channel by a constant distance
- interval, starting from a cross-section where the flow depth is known
- (the control section). The flow depth is computed at the adjacent
- cross-section (target section). The computed value at the target is then
- used as the basis for computing flow depth at the next cross-section, i.e.
- the previous target section becomes the new control section for each step.
- A Newton-Raphson scheme is used each step to compute the flow depth and
- friction slope. Technically, the average friction slope of the control and
- target section is used to compute the flow depth at the target section.
-# example M1 profile
-compute_profile(0.001, 0.045, 250, 2.7, 1.486, 32.2, 100, 0, stepdist = 10, totaldist = 3000)
-# example M2 profile
-compute_profile(0.001, 0.045, 250, 0.64, 1.486, 32.2, 100, 0, stepdist = 10, totaldist = 3000)
-# example S2 profile
-compute_profile(0.005, 0.01, 250, 2.65, 1.486, 32.2, 10, 0, stepdist = 10, totaldist = 2000)
-# example S3 profile
-compute_profile(0.005, 0.01, 250, 0.5, 1.486, 32.2, 10, 0, stepdist = 10, totaldist = 2000)
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/graduallyvariedflow_v2.r
+\title{Gradually-varied flow profiles}
+ So,
+ n,
+ Q,
+ y0,
+ Cm,
+ g,
+ B,
+ SS,
+ z0 = 0,
+ x0 = 0,
+ stepdist,
+ totaldist
+\item{So}{Channel slope [\eqn{L L^{-1}}].}
+\item{n}{Manning's roughness coefficient.}
+\item{Q}{Flow rate [\eqn{L^3 T^{-1}}].}
+\item{y0}{The water depth at the control section [\eqn{L}].}
+\item{Cm}{Unit conversion coefficient for Manning's equation. For SI units, Cm = 1.}
+\item{g}{Gravitational acceleration [\eqn{L T^{-2}}].}
+\item{B}{Channel bottom width [\eqn{L}].}
+\item{SS}{Channel sideslope [\eqn{L L^{-1}}].}
+\item{z0}{Elevation reference datum at control section [\eqn{L}]. Default is 0.}
+\item{x0}{Distance reference at control section [\eqn{L}]. Default is 0.}
+\item{stepdist}{The spatial interval used in the Standard step method [\eqn{L}].}
+\item{totaldist}{The total distance upstream (or downstream) to compute the profile [\eqn{L}].}
+data.frame with columns:
+ \item{x}{Along-channel distance.}
+ \item{z}{Elevation.}
+ \item{y}{Flow depth.}
+ \item{v}{Flow velocity.}
+ \item{A}{Flow area.}
+ \item{Sf}{Friction slope.}
+ \item{E}{Total energy.}
+ \item{Fr}{Froude Number.}
+Compute the gradually-varied flow profile of a prismatic channel.
+Computes the longitudinal water surface profile of a prismatic
+ channel using the standard step method by solving the non-linear ODE
+ \deqn{\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{S_0 - S_f}{1 - Fr^2}} The standard-step
+ method operates by stepping along the channel by a constant distance
+ interval, starting from a cross-section where the flow depth is known
+ (the control section). The flow depth is computed at the adjacent
+ cross-section (target section). The computed value at the target is then
+ used as the basis for computing flow depth at the next cross-section, i.e.
+ the previous target section becomes the new control section for each step.
+ A Newton-Raphson scheme is used each step to compute the flow depth and
+ friction slope. Technically, the average friction slope of the control and
+ target section is used to compute the flow depth at the target section.
+# example M1 profile
+compute_profile(0.001, 0.045, 250, 2.7, 1.486, 32.2, 100, 0, stepdist = 10, totaldist = 3000)
+# example M2 profile
+compute_profile(0.001, 0.045, 250, 0.64, 1.486, 32.2, 100, 0, stepdist = 10, totaldist = 3000)
+# example S2 profile
+compute_profile(0.005, 0.01, 250, 2.65, 1.486, 32.2, 10, 0, stepdist = 10, totaldist = 2000)
+# example S3 profile
+compute_profile(0.005, 0.01, 250, 0.5, 1.486, 32.2, 10, 0, stepdist = 10, totaldist = 2000)
diff --git a/man/conveyance.Rd b/man/conveyance.Rd
index 4d57524..9c9ecdc 100644
--- a/man/conveyance.Rd
+++ b/man/conveyance.Rd
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/RcppExports.R
-\title{Channel conveyance}
-conveyance(n, A, R, Cm)
-\item{n}{Manning's roughness coefficient (dimensionless).}
-\item{A}{Flow area [\eqn{L^2}].}
-\item{R}{Hydraulic radius [\eqn{L}].}
-\item{Cm}{Unit conversion coefficient for Manning's equation. For SI units, Cm = 1.}
-The channel conveyance.
-Calculate the channel conveyance.
-Channel conveyance is routinely calculated in numerical solutions of steady,
- gradually-varied and unsteady flows. This function is used extensively by internal
- procedures and is made accessible to the user for convenience.
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/RcppExports.R
+\title{Channel conveyance}
+conveyance(n, A, R, Cm)
+\item{n}{Manning's roughness coefficient (dimensionless).}
+\item{A}{Flow area [\eqn{L^2}].}
+\item{R}{Hydraulic radius [\eqn{L}].}
+\item{Cm}{Unit conversion coefficient for Manning's equation. For SI units, Cm = 1.}
+The channel conveyance.
+Calculate the channel conveyance.
+Channel conveyance is routinely calculated in numerical solutions of steady,
+ gradually-varied and unsteady flows. This function is used extensively by internal
+ procedures and is made accessible to the user for convenience.
diff --git a/man/critical_depth.Rd b/man/critical_depth.Rd
index e138b04..1bc0c68 100644
--- a/man/critical_depth.Rd
+++ b/man/critical_depth.Rd
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/RcppExports.R
-\title{Critical depth}
-critical_depth(Q, yopt, g, B, SS)
-\item{Q}{Flow rate [\eqn{L^3 T^{-1}}].}
-\item{yopt}{Initial guess for normal depth [\eqn{L}].}
-\item{g}{Gravitational acceleration [\eqn{L T^{-2}}].}
-\item{B}{Channel bottom width [\eqn{L}].}
-\item{SS}{Channel sideslope [\eqn{L L^{-1}}].}
-The critical depth \eqn{y_c} [\eqn{L}].
-Calculate the critical depth.
-The critical depth is the water depth at which a channel
- flow regime will transition from supercritical to subcritical (or vice versa).
- Calculation of the critical depth is based on a specific energy formulation,
- i.e. \deqn{E = y + z + \frac{Q^2}{2gB^2y^2}} where \eqn{y} is the flow depth, \eqn{z} is
- the elevation relative to some datum (assumed to be 0), and the last term
- represents kinetic energy. More specifically, the function operates
- by finding the point where the derivative of specific energy w.r.t. \eqn{y} is zero, i.e.
- \eqn{y = y_c} when \deqn{\frac{dE}{dy} = 1 - \frac{Q^2}{gA^3}\frac{dA}{dy} = 0}.
-critical_depth(250, 2, 32.2, 100, 0) # rectangular channel
-critical_depth(126, 1, 9.81, 6.1, 1.5) # trapezoidal channel with sideslope 3H:2V
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/RcppExports.R
+\title{Critical depth}
+critical_depth(Q, yopt, g, B, SS)
+\item{Q}{Flow rate [\eqn{L^3 T^{-1}}].}
+\item{yopt}{Initial guess for normal depth [\eqn{L}].}
+\item{g}{Gravitational acceleration [\eqn{L T^{-2}}].}
+\item{B}{Channel bottom width [\eqn{L}].}
+\item{SS}{Channel sideslope [\eqn{L L^{-1}}].}
+The critical depth \eqn{y_c} [\eqn{L}].
+Calculate the critical depth.
+The critical depth is the water depth at which a channel
+ flow regime will transition from supercritical to subcritical (or vice versa).
+ Calculation of the critical depth is based on a specific energy formulation,
+ i.e. \deqn{E = y + z + \frac{Q^2}{2gB^2y^2}} where \eqn{y} is the flow depth, \eqn{z} is
+ the elevation relative to some datum (assumed to be 0), and the last term
+ represents kinetic energy. More specifically, the function operates
+ by finding the point where the derivative of specific energy w.r.t. \eqn{y} is zero, i.e.
+ \eqn{y = y_c} when \deqn{\frac{dE}{dy} = 1 - \frac{Q^2}{gA^3}\frac{dA}{dy} = 0}.
+critical_depth(250, 2, 32.2, 100, 0) # rectangular channel
+critical_depth(126, 1, 9.81, 6.1, 1.5) # trapezoidal channel with sideslope 3H:2V
diff --git a/man/demo_shiny.Rd b/man/demo_shiny.Rd
index 0916b88..841ee9d 100644
--- a/man/demo_shiny.Rd
+++ b/man/demo_shiny.Rd
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/shinydemos.r
-\title{Shiny Demonstrations}
-\item{ex}{Example to run.}
-Demonstrate package functionality via Shiny apps
-Demonstrations available:
- \code{"gvf"} Gradually-varied flow.
-# get list of available demos
-# run the gradually-varied flow demo
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/shinydemos.r
+\title{Shiny Demonstrations}
+\item{ex}{Example to run.}
+Demonstrate package functionality via Shiny apps
+Demonstrations available:
+ \code{"gvf"} Gradually-varied flow.
+# get list of available demos
+# run the gradually-varied flow demo
diff --git a/man/froude.Rd b/man/froude.Rd
index 1926c78..58bcb2c 100644
--- a/man/froude.Rd
+++ b/man/froude.Rd
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/RcppExports.R
-\title{Froude Number}
-froude(Q, g, A, DH)
-\item{Q}{Flow rate [\eqn{L^3 T^{-1}}].}
-\item{g}{Gravitational acceleration [\eqn{L T^{-2}}].}
-\item{A}{Flow area [\eqn{L^2}].}
-\item{DH}{Hydraulic depth [\eqn{L}].}
-The Froude Number (dimensionless).
-Calculate the Froude Number.
-The Froude number is a dimensionless measure of bulk flow
- characteristics that represents the relative importance of inertial
- forces and gravitational forces. For open channel flow, the Froude
- number of open channel flow is defined as \deqn{Fr = \frac{v}{\sqrt{gD_H}}}
- where \eqn{v = \frac{Q}{A}} is the flow velocity, \eqn{g} is the gravitational
- acceleration and \eqn{D_H} is the hydraulic depth. The Froude number is related
- to the energy state of the flow and can be used to identify flows as
- either supercritical (\eqn{Fr < 1}) or subcritical (\eqn{Fr > 1}).
-froude(250, 32.2, 171, 1.71) # subcritical flow
-froude(250, 32.2, 57.9, 0.579) # critical flow
-froude(250, 32.2, 45, 0.45) # supercritical flow
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/RcppExports.R
+\title{Froude Number}
+froude(Q, g, A, DH)
+\item{Q}{Flow rate [\eqn{L^3 T^{-1}}].}
+\item{g}{Gravitational acceleration [\eqn{L T^{-2}}].}
+\item{A}{Flow area [\eqn{L^2}].}
+\item{DH}{Hydraulic depth [\eqn{L}].}
+The Froude Number (dimensionless).
+Calculate the Froude Number.
+The Froude number is a dimensionless measure of bulk flow
+ characteristics that represents the relative importance of inertial
+ forces and gravitational forces. For open channel flow, the Froude
+ number of open channel flow is defined as \deqn{Fr = \frac{v}{\sqrt{gD_H}}}
+ where \eqn{v = \frac{Q}{A}} is the flow velocity, \eqn{g} is the gravitational
+ acceleration and \eqn{D_H} is the hydraulic depth. The Froude number is related
+ to the energy state of the flow and can be used to identify flows as
+ either supercritical (\eqn{Fr < 1}) or subcritical (\eqn{Fr > 1}).
+froude(250, 32.2, 171, 1.71) # subcritical flow
+froude(250, 32.2, 57.9, 0.579) # critical flow
+froude(250, 32.2, 45, 0.45) # supercritical flow
diff --git a/man/normal_depth.Rd b/man/normal_depth.Rd
index e525bc0..7edd2d8 100644
--- a/man/normal_depth.Rd
+++ b/man/normal_depth.Rd
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/RcppExports.R
-\title{Normal depth}
-normal_depth(So, n, Q, yopt, Cm, B, SS)
-\item{So}{Channel slope [\eqn{L L^{-1}}].}
-\item{n}{Manning's roughness coefficient.}
-\item{Q}{Flow rate [\eqn{L^3 T^{-1}}].}
-\item{yopt}{Initial guess for normal depth [\eqn{L}].}
-\item{Cm}{Unit conversion coefficient for Manning's equation. For SI units, Cm = 1.}
-\item{B}{Channel bottom width [\eqn{L}].}
-\item{SS}{Channel sideslope [\eqn{L L^{-1}}].}
-The normal depth \eqn{y_n} [\eqn{L}].
-Calculate the normal (equilibrium) depth using Manning's equation.
-The normal depth is the equilibrium depth of a channel for a given
- flow rate, channel slope, geometry and roughness.
- Manning's equation is used to calculate the equilibrium depth. Manning's
- equation for normal flow is defined as \deqn{Q = \frac{C_m}{n} AR^{2/3}S_0^{1/2}}
- where \eqn{Q} is the channel flow, \eqn{S_0} is the channel slope, \eqn{A} is the
- cross-sectional flow area, \eqn{R} is the hydraulic depth and \eqn{C_m} is a conversion factor
- based on the unit system used. This function uses a Newton-Raphson root-finding approach
- to calculate the normal depth, i.e.
- \eqn{y = y_n} when \deqn{f(y) = \frac{A^{5/3}}{P^{2/3}} - \frac{nQ}{C_mS_0^{1/2}} = 0}.
-normal_depth(0.001, 0.045, 250, 3, 1.486, 100, 0) # rectangular channel
-normal_depth(0.0008, 0.013, 126, 5, 1, 6.1, 1.5) # trapezoidal channel with sideslope 3H:2V
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/RcppExports.R
+\title{Normal depth}
+normal_depth(So, n, Q, yopt, Cm, B, SS)
+\item{So}{Channel slope [\eqn{L L^{-1}}].}
+\item{n}{Manning's roughness coefficient.}
+\item{Q}{Flow rate [\eqn{L^3 T^{-1}}].}
+\item{yopt}{Initial guess for normal depth [\eqn{L}].}
+\item{Cm}{Unit conversion coefficient for Manning's equation. For SI units, Cm = 1.}
+\item{B}{Channel bottom width [\eqn{L}].}
+\item{SS}{Channel sideslope [\eqn{L L^{-1}}].}
+The normal depth \eqn{y_n} [\eqn{L}].
+Calculate the normal (equilibrium) depth using Manning's equation.
+The normal depth is the equilibrium depth of a channel for a given
+ flow rate, channel slope, geometry and roughness.
+ Manning's equation is used to calculate the equilibrium depth. Manning's
+ equation for normal flow is defined as \deqn{Q = \frac{C_m}{n} AR^{2/3}S_0^{1/2}}
+ where \eqn{Q} is the channel flow, \eqn{S_0} is the channel slope, \eqn{A} is the
+ cross-sectional flow area, \eqn{R} is the hydraulic depth and \eqn{C_m} is a conversion factor
+ based on the unit system used. This function uses a Newton-Raphson root-finding approach
+ to calculate the normal depth, i.e.
+ \eqn{y = y_n} when \deqn{f(y) = \frac{A^{5/3}}{P^{2/3}} - \frac{nQ}{C_mS_0^{1/2}} = 0}.
+normal_depth(0.001, 0.045, 250, 3, 1.486, 100, 0) # rectangular channel
+normal_depth(0.0008, 0.013, 126, 5, 1, 6.1, 1.5) # trapezoidal channel with sideslope 3H:2V
diff --git a/man/rivr-package.Rd b/man/rivr-package.Rd
index 85323c3..12aeaae 100644
--- a/man/rivr-package.Rd
+++ b/man/rivr-package.Rd
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/graduallyvariedflow_v2.r
-\title{Steady and Unsteady Open-Channel Flow Computation}
-This package is designed as an educational tool for students and
-instructors of undergraduate courses in open channel hydraulics.
-Functions are provided for computing normal and critical depths,
-steady (e.g. backwater curves) and unsteady (flood wave routing)
-flow computations for prismatic trapezoidal channels. See the vignettes
-to get started.
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/graduallyvariedflow_v2.r
+\title{Steady and Unsteady Open-Channel Flow Computation}
+This package is designed as an educational tool for students and
+instructors of undergraduate courses in open channel hydraulics.
+Functions are provided for computing normal and critical depths,
+steady (e.g. backwater curves) and unsteady (flood wave routing)
+flow computations for prismatic trapezoidal channels. See the vignettes
+to get started.
diff --git a/man/route_wave.Rd b/man/route_wave.Rd
index 0eb9c46..d27c67d 100644
--- a/man/route_wave.Rd
+++ b/man/route_wave.Rd
@@ -1,121 +1,135 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/route_wave_v4.r
-\title{Flood wave routing}
-route_wave(So, n, Cm, g, B, SS, initial.condition, boundary.condition,
- downstream.condition, timestep, spacestep, numnodes, monitor.nodes,
- monitor.times, engine = c("Dynamic", "Kinematic"),
- scheme = c("MacCormack", "Lax"), boundary.type = c("QQ", "Qy", "yQ",
- "yy"))
-\item{So}{Channel slope [\eqn{L L^{-1}}].}
-\item{n}{Manning's roughness coefficient.}
-\item{Cm}{Unit conversion coefficient for Manning's equation. For SI units, Cm = 1.}
-\item{g}{Gravitational acceleration [\eqn{L T^{-2}}].}
-\item{B}{Channel bottom width [\eqn{L}].}
-\item{SS}{Channel sideslope [\eqn{L L^{-1}}].}
-\item{initial.condition}{The initial flow rate [\eqn{L^3 T^{-1}}], assumed constant
-throughout the channel.}
-\item{boundary.condition}{Vector specifying the upstream boundary condition
-for the full duration of the model. If \code{engine = "Kinematic"}, values are
-assumed to be flow [\eqn{L^3 T^{-1}}]. If \code{engine = "Dynamic"}, the form of the
-boundary condition is determined by the argument \code{boundary.type}.}
-\item{downstream.condition}{Only used if \code{engine = "Dynamic"}. Vector specifying
-the upstream boundary condition for the full duration of the model. Must be the same
-length as \code{boundary.condition}.}
-\item{timestep}{Temporal resolution of the model. Also the assumed time interval [\eqn{T}]
-between elements of \code{boundary.condition} and \code{downstream.condition}.
-The user is responsible for ensuring numerical stability.}
-\item{spacestep}{the spatial resolution of the model, interpreted as the distance [\eqn{L}]
-between nodes in the model domain. The user is responsible for ensuring numerical stability.}
-\item{numnodes}{The number of nodes used to discretize the channel. The total channel extent is
-computed as \code{spacestep*(numnodes - 1)}.}
-\item{monitor.nodes}{the nodes to be monitored every time step. Specified as a vector of node
-indices, with 1 being the upstream boundary and \code{numnodes} being the downstream boundary.}
-\item{monitor.times}{the time steps at which to monitor every node. Specified as a vector of
-indices of \code{boundary.condition}. Defaults to five equally-spaced time steps including
-the first and last time steps.}
-\item{engine}{The engine to be used for routing the flood wave.
-May be either "Kinematic" or "Dynamic".}
-\item{scheme}{Only used if \code{engine = "Dynamic"}. Specifies whether to use the
-Lax Diffusive scheme or the MacCormack predictor-corrector scheme.}
-\item{boundary.type}{Only used if \code{engine = "Dynamic"}. Specifies what boundary data
-is supplied. Possible characters are If \code{boundary.type = "QQ"}, both \code{boundary.condition}
-and \code{downstream.condition} are assumed to be flows [\eqn{L^3 T^{-1}}]. If
-\code{boundary.type = "Qy"} the upstream boundary is assumed to be flow
-while the downstream boundary is assumed to be depth [\eqn{L}]. Other possibilities
-are \code{"yQ"} and \code{"yy"}.}
-data.frame with columns:
- \item{step}{Time step.}
- \item{node}{Node index.}
- \item{time}{Time since start.}
- \item{distance}{Downstream distance.}
- \item{flow}{Flow rate.}
- \item{depth}{Flow depth.}
- \item{velocity}{Flow velocity.}
- \item{area}{Flow area.}
- \item{monitor.type}{Row refers to a monitored node ("node") or timestep ("timestep").}
-Route a flood wave down a prismatic channel.
-Provides implementations of a Kinematic Wave Model (KWM) and
- a Dynamic Wave Model (DWM) with the choice of two numerical schemes. The MacCormack
- scheme is a second-order accurate predictor-corrector scheme that provides efficient
- flood wave routing. The Lax diffusive scheme can be used to obtain smooth solutions for
- problems with discontinuities in the boundary conditions, e.g. sudden gate closures.
- The DWM implementation uses the Method of Characteristics (MOC) to compute the flow
- regime at the model boundaries, and allows the user to specify boundaries in terms of
- depths and/or flows. the KWM implementation assumes the normal depth at the upstream
- boundary and is only first-order accurate.
-# kinematic wave routing
-times = seq(0, 30000, by = 25)
-floodwave = ifelse(times >= 9000, 250,
- 250 + (750/pi)*(1 - cos(pi*times/(60*75))))
-route_wave(0.001, 0.045, 1.486, 32.2, 100, 0, initial.condition = 250,
- boundary.condition = floodwave, timestep = 25, spacestep = 50,
- numnodes=301, monitor.nodes = c(1, 101, 201, 301),
- monitor.times = seq(1, length(times), by = 10), engine = "Kinematic")
-# dynamic wave routing with zero-gradient downstream condition using MacCormack scheme
-route_wave(0.001, 0.045, 1.486, 32.2, 100, 0, initial.condition = 250,
- boundary.condition = floodwave, downstream.condition = rep(-1, length(times)),
- timestep = 25, spacestep = 500, numnodes = 31, engine = "Dynamic",
- scheme = "MacCormack", monitor.nodes = c(1, 11, 21, 31),
- monitor.times = seq(1, length(times), by = 10))
-# mixed boundary conditions (sudden gate closure) using Lax scheme
-lax = route_wave(0.00008, 0.013, 1, 9.81, 6.1, 1.5,
- initial.condition = 126, boundary.condition = rep(5.79, 2001),
- downstream.condition = rep(0, 2001), timestep = 1, spacestep = 10,
- numnodes = 501, monitor.nodes = c(1, 151, 251, 301, 501),
- monitor.times = c(1, 501, 1001, 1501, 2001),
- engine="Dynamic", scheme="Lax", boundary.type="yQ")
-# extract data for a monitored point
-filter(lax, monitor.type == "node", node == 151)
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/route_wave_v4.r
+\title{Flood wave routing}
+ So,
+ n,
+ Cm,
+ g,
+ B,
+ SS,
+ initial.condition,
+ boundary.condition,
+ downstream.condition,
+ timestep,
+ spacestep,
+ numnodes,
+ monitor.nodes,
+ monitor.times,
+ engine = c("Dynamic", "Kinematic"),
+ scheme = c("MacCormack", "Lax"),
+ boundary.type = c("QQ", "Qy", "yQ", "yy")
+\item{So}{Channel slope [\eqn{L L^{-1}}].}
+\item{n}{Manning's roughness coefficient.}
+\item{Cm}{Unit conversion coefficient for Manning's equation. For SI units, Cm = 1.}
+\item{g}{Gravitational acceleration [\eqn{L T^{-2}}].}
+\item{B}{Channel bottom width [\eqn{L}].}
+\item{SS}{Channel sideslope [\eqn{L L^{-1}}].}
+\item{initial.condition}{The initial flow rate [\eqn{L^3 T^{-1}}], assumed constant
+throughout the channel.}
+\item{boundary.condition}{Vector specifying the upstream boundary condition
+for the full duration of the model. If \code{engine = "Kinematic"}, values are
+assumed to be flow [\eqn{L^3 T^{-1}}]. If \code{engine = "Dynamic"}, the form of the
+boundary condition is determined by the argument \code{boundary.type}.}
+\item{downstream.condition}{Only used if \code{engine = "Dynamic"}. Vector specifying
+the upstream boundary condition for the full duration of the model. Must be the same
+length as \code{boundary.condition}.}
+\item{timestep}{Temporal resolution of the model. Also the assumed time interval [\eqn{T}]
+between elements of \code{boundary.condition} and \code{downstream.condition}.
+The user is responsible for ensuring numerical stability.}
+\item{spacestep}{the spatial resolution of the model, interpreted as the distance [\eqn{L}]
+between nodes in the model domain. The user is responsible for ensuring numerical stability.}
+\item{numnodes}{The number of nodes used to discretize the channel. The total channel extent is
+computed as \code{spacestep*(numnodes - 1)}.}
+\item{monitor.nodes}{the nodes to be monitored every time step. Specified as a vector of node
+indices, with 1 being the upstream boundary and \code{numnodes} being the downstream boundary.}
+\item{monitor.times}{the time steps at which to monitor every node. Specified as a vector of
+indices of \code{boundary.condition}. Defaults to five equally-spaced time steps including
+the first and last time steps.}
+\item{engine}{The engine to be used for routing the flood wave.
+May be either "Kinematic" or "Dynamic".}
+\item{scheme}{Only used if \code{engine = "Dynamic"}. Specifies whether to use the
+Lax Diffusive scheme or the MacCormack predictor-corrector scheme.}
+\item{boundary.type}{Only used if \code{engine = "Dynamic"}. Specifies what boundary data
+is supplied. Possible characters are If \code{boundary.type = "QQ"}, both \code{boundary.condition}
+and \code{downstream.condition} are assumed to be flows [\eqn{L^3 T^{-1}}]. If
+\code{boundary.type = "Qy"} the upstream boundary is assumed to be flow
+while the downstream boundary is assumed to be depth [\eqn{L}]. Other possibilities
+are \code{"yQ"} and \code{"yy"}.}
+data.frame with columns:
+ \item{step}{Time step.}
+ \item{node}{Node index.}
+ \item{time}{Time since start.}
+ \item{distance}{Downstream distance.}
+ \item{flow}{Flow rate.}
+ \item{depth}{Flow depth.}
+ \item{velocity}{Flow velocity.}
+ \item{area}{Flow area.}
+ \item{monitor.type}{Row refers to a monitored node ("node") or timestep ("timestep").}
+Route a flood wave down a prismatic channel.
+Provides implementations of a Kinematic Wave Model (KWM) and
+ a Dynamic Wave Model (DWM) with the choice of two numerical schemes. The MacCormack
+ scheme is a second-order accurate predictor-corrector scheme that provides efficient
+ flood wave routing. The Lax diffusive scheme can be used to obtain smooth solutions for
+ problems with discontinuities in the boundary conditions, e.g. sudden gate closures.
+ The DWM implementation uses the Method of Characteristics (MOC) to compute the flow
+ regime at the model boundaries, and allows the user to specify boundaries in terms of
+ depths and/or flows. the KWM implementation assumes the normal depth at the upstream
+ boundary and is only first-order accurate.
+# kinematic wave routing
+times = seq(0, 30000, by = 25)
+floodwave = ifelse(times >= 9000, 250,
+ 250 + (750/pi)*(1 - cos(pi*times/(60*75))))
+route_wave(0.001, 0.045, 1.486, 32.2, 100, 0, initial.condition = 250,
+ boundary.condition = floodwave, timestep = 25, spacestep = 50,
+ numnodes=301, monitor.nodes = c(1, 101, 201, 301),
+ monitor.times = seq(1, length(times), by = 10), engine = "Kinematic")
+# dynamic wave routing with zero-gradient downstream condition using MacCormack scheme
+route_wave(0.001, 0.045, 1.486, 32.2, 100, 0, initial.condition = 250,
+ boundary.condition = floodwave, downstream.condition = rep(-1, length(times)),
+ timestep = 25, spacestep = 500, numnodes = 31, engine = "Dynamic",
+ scheme = "MacCormack", monitor.nodes = c(1, 11, 21, 31),
+ monitor.times = seq(1, length(times), by = 10))
+# mixed boundary conditions (sudden gate closure) using Lax scheme
+lax = route_wave(0.00008, 0.013, 1, 9.81, 6.1, 1.5,
+ initial.condition = 126, boundary.condition = rep(5.79, 2001),
+ downstream.condition = rep(0, 2001), timestep = 1, spacestep = 10,
+ numnodes = 501, monitor.nodes = c(1, 151, 251, 301, 501),
+ monitor.times = c(1, 501, 1001, 1501, 2001),
+ engine="Dynamic", scheme="Lax", boundary.type="yQ")
+# extract data for a monitored point
+filter(lax, monitor.type == "node", node == 151)
diff --git a/man/waterolympics.Rd b/man/waterolympics.Rd
index d08ecd8..6ae542f 100644
--- a/man/waterolympics.Rd
+++ b/man/waterolympics.Rd
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/route_wave_v4.r
-\title{California Water Olympics}
-\format{A data frame with 40 rows and 3 variables}
-Digitized results from the California Water Olympics. The variables are as follows:
- \item t The time (in seconds) since the start of the model run.
- \item Q The flow rate [\eqn{ft^3 s^{-1}}].
- \item x The distance downstream [\eqn{ft}] at which the hydrograph was recorded.
-The data can be used to validate numerical solutions to flood wave routing for a channel
-under the following conditions:
- \item Channel width is 100 feet.
- \item Channel slope is 0.001.
- \item Channel extent is 150,000 feet.
- \item Channel roughness (Manning's n) is 0.045.
- \item Channel sideslope is 0 (rectangular channel).
- \item Initial flow rate is 250 cfs.
- \item Upstream boundary condition is defined as
- \deqn{Q(t < 9000) = 250 + \frac{750}{\pi}(1 - \cos{\frac{\pi t}{4500}})}
- \deqn{Q(t >= 9000) = 250}
-Sobey, Rodney. "H11: Hydrograph Routing."
- Review of One-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Transport Models. Bay-Delta
- Modeling Forum, 15 June 2001. Web. 13 Mar. 2015.
- .
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/route_wave_v4.r
+\title{California Water Olympics}
+\format{A data frame with 40 rows and 3 variables}
+Digitized results from the California Water Olympics. The variables are as follows:
+ \item t The time (in seconds) since the start of the model run.
+ \item Q The flow rate [\eqn{ft^3 s^{-1}}].
+ \item x The distance downstream [\eqn{ft}] at which the hydrograph was recorded.
+The data can be used to validate numerical solutions to flood wave routing for a channel
+under the following conditions:
+ \item Channel width is 100 feet.
+ \item Channel slope is 0.001.
+ \item Channel extent is 150,000 feet.
+ \item Channel roughness (Manning's n) is 0.045.
+ \item Channel sideslope is 0 (rectangular channel).
+ \item Initial flow rate is 250 cfs.
+ \item Upstream boundary condition is defined as
+ \deqn{Q(t < 9000) = 250 + \frac{750}{\pi}(1 - \cos{\frac{\pi t}{4500}})}
+ \deqn{Q(t >= 9000) = 250}
+Sobey, Rodney. "H11: Hydrograph Routing."
+ Review of One-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Transport Models. Bay-Delta
+ Modeling Forum, 15 June 2001. Web. 13 Mar. 2015.
+ .