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Releases: mixpanel/mixpanel-js

Config option for extra request headers

22 May 19:52
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Set option xhr_headers to pass extra headers with each request (for instance, to authenticate through a proxy):

mixpanel.init('MY-TOKEN', {
  xhr_headers: {
    'X-Foo': 'Bar',
    'X-Baz': 'Qux',

GDPR improvements

04 May 22:00
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  • Add cookie_prefix option to GDPR opt-out utils, allowing customization of cookie name
  • Automatically delete user profile and charge data on GDPR opt-out (if specified)

GDPR opt in/out utility methods

24 Apr 17:20
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Add set of opt in/out utility methods in preparation for GDPR See for details

Remove obsolete autotrack event count metrics

06 Apr 23:42
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Better error-handling and server-side support

21 Mar 23:34
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  • Exceptions when decoding JSON now throw a real SyntaxError rather than a Plain Old JavaScript Object.
  • Loading the SDK and running basic operations (init, identify, track) no longer causes exceptions in non-browser environments (although it doesn't actually send tracking calls over the network). This is useful for allowing mixpanel-js code to run unmodified in contexts like server-side rendering and non-browser tests.

Prevent Autotrack collecting attrs from input, textarea, select, contenteditable elements

28 Feb 19:25
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Bug fix for Autotrack inadvertently removing form.inputs in certain cases

02 Feb 16:49
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v2.16.0 made it possible for replace to be called on an input element if it has id="name" or name="id". This revision guards against this by ensuring type is string before calling any replace.

Prevent Autotrack collecting attrs from password or hidden fields

01 Feb 17:05
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Always track via HTTPS.

18 Jan 01:12
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Previously, track calls to would be made using whatever protocol the page was loaded with. Now they will always use HTTPS.

people.unset() and miscellaneous fixes

11 Nov 00:05
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The library now supports people.unset(); see for documentation.

NB: If using the embed code "snippet" for your mixpanel installation, please upgrade to the latest snippet to use people.unset() safely.

Other fixes:

  • Identify Chrome OS correctly (for $os property)
  • Bugfix: register_once() no longer overwrites previously-registered but falsey values
  • Stub parts of DOM API when loading in non-browser environments (thanks @gfx)
  • Log full "Implementation error" exceptions when DEBUG mode is on