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(*Clindro.v1.00 del 14 luglio 1991Una raccolta di chiamate di utilitˆ generale creata da MisterAkko.Basata su Utilities del 14 febbraio 1991 di MacDTSGotchas: il funzionamento di questa unit si basa sull'esistenza dellerisorse di tipo e contenuto definite all'inizio della sezione CONST!!!1.0.1 del 12 ago 91. Usata in StandardAbout la tecnica di technote 1891.0.2 del 15 ott 91. Aggiunti i Marks, velocizzate le interfacce col toolbox. Known bugs: StandardAbout genera caratteri spuri nel dialogo di about. 1.1 del 10 settembre 1993: Aggiunto FindPrefsFolder1.2 del 8 apr 97 Supporto preliminare di Appearance manager Reso pi robusto ErrorAlert che ora pu˜ venire chiamato quando stavamo lavorando in un GWorld 1.5, ferragosto 97. Appearance compliant. Aggiunto NewErrorAlert.*)UNIT Cilindro; INTERFACE USES { List 1 - always include these } Types ,QuickDraw;CONST { *********** Resource IDs ************** } rUtilErrorAlert = 256; { dlg ID used in ErrorAlert } rStdAboutAlert = 257; { dlg ID used for About box. } rUtilStrings = 256; { STR# resource we use for errors. } rExplainStrings = 257; { STR# resource we use for error explanation } kStandardErr = 1; { Generic "An error occured" string. } kNoMenuBar = 2; { Errore 'no menu bar found' per StdMenuSetup} (************ End ResIDs *****************) chBackspace = CHR(8); { ASCII code for Backspace character } chClear = CHR(27); { ASCII code for Clear key (aka ESC) } chDown = CHR(31); { ASCII code for down arrow } chEnd = CHR(4); { ASCII code for the End key } chEnter = CHR(3); { ASCII code for Enter character } chEscape = CHR(27); { ASCII code for Escape (aka Clear) key } chFunction = CHR(16); { ASCII code for any function key } chFwdDelete = CHR($7F); { ASCII code for forward delete } chHelp = CHR(5); { ASCII code for Help key } chHome = CHR(1); { ASCII code for the Home key } chLeft = CHR(28); { ASCII code for left arrow } chPageDown = CHR(12); { ASCII code for Page Down key } chPageUp = CHR(11); { ASCII code for Page Up key } chReturn = CHR(13); { ASCII code for Return character } chRight = CHR(29); { ASCII code for right arrow } chSpace = CHR(32); { ASCII code for Space character } chTab = CHR(9); { ASCII code for Tab character } chUp = CHR(30); { ASCII code for up arrow } { Define these for gQDVersion } kQDOriginal = 0; { Original QuickDraw } kQD8Bit = 1; { 8-bit Color QuickDraw } kQD32Bit = 2; { 32-bit QuickDraw }VAR{ The following global variables are initialized by StardardInitialization to define the environnment. This used to be a single SysEnvRec, but now, all those variables defined in a SysEnvRec can be returned by Gestalt (except sysVRefNum; see FindSysFolder). Note that all the variables below will be correctly initialized whether Gestalt is available or not; the Gestalt glue handles this. } gMachineType: INTEGER; {which machine this is} gSystemVersion: INTEGER; {System version number} gProcessorType: INTEGER; {which CPU this is} gHasFPU: BOOLEAN; {true if machine has an FPU} gQDVersion: INTEGER; {major QD version #; 0 for original, 1 for color QD, 2 for 32-bit QD} gKeyboardType: INTEGER; {which type of keyboard is present} gAppleTalkVersion: INTEGER; {AppleTalk version number} gHasThemes: BOOLEAN; {true if MacOS has the Appearance manager}{ gAppResRef is the applicationÕs resource file reference. I need to save this since I can open other resource files. The current resource file is always gAppResRef unless I momentarily set it to another file to read its resources, and then immediately restore it back.} gAppResRef: INTEGER; {set up by StandardInitialization}{ gInBackground is maintained by our osEvent handling routines. Any part of the program can check it to find out if it is currently in the background.} gInBackground: BOOLEAN; {maintained by StandardInitialization and event loop}{ gAppName holds the name of the application that's running. You can use if for any purpose you'd like. It is also used by StandardAbout if it can't find a string to use for the application name in a resource, so make sure you call InitForStandardAbout if you are going to call StandardAbout. If you call StandardInitialization, this is done for you. } gAppName: Str255;{ gSignature holds the creator signature for the running application. It follows the same rules as those for gAppName. } gSignature: OSType;{ Initial values of these global variables are set to zero or FALSE by MPW's runtime initialization routines. If the Utilities initialization routines have been properly called, then gUtilitiesInited will be true. If it is not true, then the values of the above global variables are invalid. } gUtilitiesInited: BOOLEAN; { La consueta variabile booleana che segnala quando abbiamo finito } gQuit: BOOLEAN;PROCEDURE DeathAlert(errStringIndex, errCode: INTEGER);{ Display an alert that tells the user an error occurred, then exit the program. This routine is used as an ultimate bail-out for serious errors that prohibit the continuation of the application. Errors that do not require the termination of the application should be handled in a different manner. }PROCEDURE ErrorAlert(errStringIndex, errCode: INTEGER);{ Display an alert to inform the user of an error. errStringIndex acts as an index into a STR# resource of error messages. If no errStringIndex is given, i.e. = 0, then use a standard message. BUG NOTE: GetIndString will return a bogus String if the index is not positive. }PROCEDURE NewErrorAlert (alertType, errStringIndex, errorCode: Integer);{ Da usare al posto del vecchio ErrorAlert.Se pu˜, chiama il nuovo StandardAlert di Mac OS 8. Senn˜ si arrangia con ErrorAlert.alertType vale kAlertStopAlert, kAlertNoteAlert, kAlertCautionAlert o kAlertPlainAlerterrStringIndex il numero della stringa dentro STR# 256 (messaggio) e 257 (spiegazione)errorCode il codice Mac OS dell'errore } PROCEDURE ErrorMessage(message: string; errCode: INTEGER);{ Andrebbe usato solo in tempo di debugÉÊ}FUNCTION FindSysFolder (VAR foundVRefNum: INTEGER; VAR foundDirID: LongInt): OSErr;{ FindSysFolder returns the (real) vRefNum, and the DirID of the current system folder. It uses the Folder Manager if present, otherwise it falls back to SysEnvirons. It returns zero on success, otherwise a standard system error.}FUNCTION FindPrefsFolder(VAR foundVRefNum:INTEGER; VAR foundDirID: LongInt): OSErr;{ Same for preferences folder }FUNCTION GetGestaltResult (gestaltSelector: OSType): LongInt;{ GetGestaltResult returns the result value from Gestalt for the specified selector. If Gestalt returned an error GetGestaltResult returns zero. Use of this function is only cool if we don't care whether Gestalt returned an error. In many cases you may need to know the exact Gestalt error code so then this routine would be inappropriate.}FUNCTION GetKFreeSpace(vRefNum: INTEGER): LONGINT;{ Return the amount of free space on the volume in KBytes. This builds a LONGINT based on an unsigned INTEGER, which looks like a negative value to Pascal. -1 is returned as the size if there is an error. }PROCEDURE StandardAbout;{ Shows a standard about box with the name of the application, its version number, a copyright notice, and credits. Most of this information is taking from a standard DITL and the applicationÕs 'vers' resource. The name of the application is taken from GetAppParms }PROCEDURE StandardInitialization(callsToMoreMasters: INTEGER);{ Initializes ÒgInBackGroundÓ to FALSE. Makes the following InitXXX calls: InitGraf, InitFonts, InitWindows, InitMenus, TEInit, InitDialogs, InitCursor. Brings application to front with 3 EventAvail calls. Initializes some variables using Gestalt. Calls TrapExists to initialize ÒgHasWaitNextEventÓ. }PROCEDURE StandardMenuSetup(MBARID, AppleMenuID: INTEGER);{ Installs and draws the menus indicated by 'MBAR'(MBARID). Adds DAÕs to the menu indicated by AppleMenuID by calling AddResMenu. If the menuBar cannot be created, the alert specified by rDeathAlert is displayed. } IMPLEMENTATION USES Appearance, Controls ,Events ,FixMath ,Fonts ,GestaltEqu { (3.2) } ,Memory ,Menus, MixedMode, OSUtils ,Processes ,QDOffscreen ,Resources ,SegLoad ,TextEdit ,TextUtils ,ToolUtils { List 3 - needs List 1/2 types } ,Aliases { (3.2) needs Memory } ,Files ,Script { needs OSUtils, FixMath } ,Windows { needs Events, Controls } { List 4 - needs List 1/2/3 types } ,Dialogs { needs TextEdit, Windows } ,Folders { (3.2) needs Files } ,StandardFile { (3.2) needs Aliases } { List 5 - needs List 1/2/3/4 types } ,Packages, { needs Dialogs, Files, Script, StandardFile (3.2) } TaskMaster3; { Per DoUpdateStuff }VAR gFatalDialog: DialogPtr;{$S UtilMain}FUNCTION LockHandleHigh(theHandle: {UNIV} Handle):SignedByte; BEGIN LockHandleHigh := HGetState(theHandle); MoveHHi(theHandle); HLock(theHandle); END;{$S UtilMain}PROCEDURE ErrorAlert(errStringIndex, errCode: INTEGER); VAR msg1, msg2: Str255; itemHit: INTEGER; loopGDevice, oldGHandle: GDHandle; oldGPort: CGrafPtr; done: Boolean; BEGIN SetCursor(qd.arrow); IF errStringIndex <= 0 THEN errStringIndex := kStandardErr; GetIndString(msg1, rUtilStrings, errStringIndex); IF errCode = noErr THEN ParamText(msg1, '-', '', '') ELSE BEGIN NumToString(errCode, msg2); ParamText(msg1, msg2, '', ''); END; { se eravamo in un GWorld, casino. Rimediamo } GetGWorld (oldGport, oldGHandle); loopGDevice := GetDeviceList; done := FALSE; WHILE (loopGDevice <> NIL) AND NOT done DO BEGIN IF TestDeviceAttribute(loopGDevice, screenDevice) THEN BEGIN SetGWorld (CGrafPtr(gFatalDialog), loopGDevice); done := TRUE END; loopGDevice := GetNextDevice(loopGDevice); END; ShowWindow (gFatalDialog); SelectWindow (gFatalDialog); DrawDialog (gFatalDialog); ModalDialog (NIL,itemHit); HideWindow (gFatalDialog); SetGWorld (oldGport, oldGHandle) END;{$S UtilMain}FUNCTION CilindrosMiniFilterProc (theDialog: DialogPtr; VAR theEvent: EventRecord; VAR itemHit: INTEGER) : BOOLEAN;VAR result: Boolean;BEGIN {$UNUSED itemHit} result := FALSE; { Salvo eccezioni, tutto bene } IF (theEvent.what = updateEvt) AND (theEvent.message <> Longint (theDialog)) THEN IF TMDoUpdateStuff (WindowPtr (theEvent.message), tmEverything) THEN result := TRUE; { handled } CilindrosMiniFilterProc := resultEND;{$S UtilMain}PROCEDURE NewErrorAlert (alertType, errStringIndex, errorCode: Integer);CONST rStandardButtonMsg = 998; rStandardErrorCodeMsg = 999;VAR msg1, msg2, errorNumber: Str255; param: AlertStdAlertParamRec; myFilter: ModalFilterUPP; err: OSErr; dummyHit: Integer;BEGIN InitCursor; IF errStringIndex = 0 THEN errStringIndex := kStandardErr; { Generic error alert } { Fetch error msg, explanation, and code text } GetIndString(msg1, rUtilStrings, errStringIndex); GetIndString(msg2, rExplainStrings, errStringIndex); NumToString (errorCode, errorNumber); IF errorCode <> 0 THEN BEGIN errorNumber := Concat (chReturn, GetString (rStandardErrorCodeMsg)^^, errorNumber); msg2 := Concat (msg2, errorNumber) END; IF gHasThemes THEN BEGIN myFilter := NewModalFilterProc (@CilindrosMiniFilterProc); WITH param DO BEGIN movable := TRUE; helpButton := FALSE; filterProc := myFilter; defaultText := StringPtr(kAlertDefaultCancelText); cancelText := NIL; otherText := NIL; defaultButton := kAlertStdAlertOKButton; cancelButton := 0; position := kWindowDefaultPosition END; err := StandardAlert (alertType, @msg1, @msg2, @param, dummyHit); DisposeRoutineDescriptor (myFilter) END ELSE BEGIN msg1 := Concat (msg1, chReturn, msg2, errorNumber); ErrorMessage (msg1, errorCode) ENDEND;{$S UtilMain}PROCEDURE DeathAlert(errStringIndex, errCode: INTEGER); BEGIN NewErrorAlert (kAlertStopAlert, errStringIndex, errCode); ExitToShell END; {$S UtilMain}PROCEDURE ErrorMessage(message: string; errCode: INTEGER); VAR msg: str255; itemHit: integer; loopGDevice, oldGHandle: GDHandle; oldGPort: CGrafPtr; done: Boolean; BEGIN { se eravamo in un GWorld, casino. Rimediamo } GetGWorld (oldGport, oldGHandle); loopGDevice := GetDeviceList; done := FALSE; WHILE (loopGDevice <> NIL) AND NOT done DO BEGIN IF TestDeviceAttribute(loopGDevice, screenDevice) THEN BEGIN SetGWorld (CGrafPtr(gFatalDialog), loopGDevice); done := TRUE END; loopGDevice := GetNextDevice(loopGDevice); END; NumToString(errCode, msg); ParamText(message, msg, '', ''); ShowWindow (gFatalDialog); SelectWindow (gFatalDialog); DrawDialog (gFatalDialog); ModalDialog (NIL,itemHit); HideWindow (gFatalDialog); SetGWorld (oldGport, oldGHandle) END;{$S UtilMain}FUNCTION FindPrefsFolder(VAR foundVRefNum:INTEGER; VAR foundDirID: LongInt): OSErr; VAR gesResponse: LongInt; envRec: SysEnvRec; myWDPB: WDPBRec; volName: Str255; err: OSErr;BEGIN foundVRefNum := 0; foundDirID := 0; IF (Gestalt (gestaltFindFolderAttr, gesResponse) = noErr) & (BTst (gesResponse, gestaltFindFolderPresent)) THEN { Does Folder Manager exist? } err := FindFolder (kOnSystemDisk, kPreferencesFolderType, kCreateFolder, foundVRefNum, foundDirID) ELSE BEGIN { Gestalt can't give us the answer, so we resort to SysEnvirons } err := SysEnvirons (curSysEnvVers, envRec); IF err = noErr THEN BEGIN myWDPB.ioVRefNum := envRec.sysVRefNum; volName := ''; { Zero volume name } myWDPB.ioNamePtr := @volName; myWDPB.ioWDIndex := 0; myWDPB.ioWDProcID := 0; err := PBGetWDInfoSync (@myWDPB); IF err = noErr THEN BEGIN foundVRefNum := myWDPB.ioWDVRefNum; foundDirID := myWDPB.ioWDDirID END { if noErr } END { if sysenvirons worked } END; { if no folder manager } FindPrefsFolder := errEND;{$S UtilMain}FUNCTION FindSysFolder(VAR foundVRefNum:INTEGER; VAR foundDirID: LongInt): OSErr; VAR gesResponse: LongInt; envRec: SysEnvRec; myWDPB: WDPBRec; volName: Str255; err: OSErr; BEGIN foundVRefNum := 0; foundDirID := 0; IF (Gestalt (gestaltFindFolderAttr, gesResponse) = noErr) & (BTst (gesResponse, gestaltFindFolderPresent)) THEN BEGIN { Does Folder Manager exist? } err := FindFolder (kOnSystemDisk, kSystemFolderType, kDontCreateFolder, foundVRefNum, foundDirID) END ELSE BEGIN { Gestalt can't give us the answer, so we resort to SysEnvirons } err := SysEnvirons (curSysEnvVers, envRec); IF err = noErr THEN BEGIN myWDPB.ioVRefNum := envRec.sysVRefNum; volName := ''; { Zero volume name } myWDPB.ioNamePtr := @volName; myWDPB.ioWDIndex := 0; myWDPB.ioWDProcID := 0; err := PBGetWDInfoSync (@myWDPB); IF err = noErr THEN BEGIN foundVRefNum := myWDPB.ioWDVRefNum; foundDirID := myWDPB.ioWDDirID END END END; FindSysFolder := err END;{$S UtilMain}FUNCTION GetGestaltResult (gestaltSelector: OSType): LongInt; VAR gestaltResult: LongInt; BEGIN IF Gestalt (gestaltSelector, gestaltResult) = noErr THEN GetGestaltResult := gestaltResult ELSE GetGestaltResult := 0 END; {$S UtilMain}FUNCTION GetKFreeSpace(vRefNum: INTEGER): LONGINT; TYPE TwoIntsMakesALong = record case boolean of true: (ints: array [0..1] of integer); false: (long: longint) end; VAR pb: HParamBlockRec; convert: TwoIntsMakesALong; err: OSErr; BEGIN WITH pb DO BEGIN { set up the block for PBHGetVInfo } ioNamePtr := NIL; { we don't care about the name } ioVRefNum := vRefNum; ioVolIndex := 0; { use ioVRefNum only } END; { with } err := PBHGetVInfoSync(@pb); IF (err = noErr) THEN BEGIN convert.ints[0] := 0; convert.ints[1] := pb.ioVFrBlk; GetKFreeSpace := (convert.long * pb.ioVAlBlkSiz) DIV 1024; END ELSE { we couldn't get free space size! } GetKFreeSpace := - 1; END; {$S UtilInit}PROCEDURE InitToolBox; BEGIN InitGraf(@qd.thePort); InitFonts; InitWindows; InitMenus; TEInit; InitDialogs(NIL); InitCursor; END;{$S UtilInit}PROCEDURE InitUtilities;{ InitUtilities sets up some global variables for use by the utilities package. If you call StandardInitialization. } TYPE OSTypePtr = ^OSType; VAR apParam: Handle; bndlResource: Handle; BEGIN gUtilitiesInited := FALSE; { Init all the Gestalt variables } gMachineType := GetGestaltResult (gestaltMachineType); gSystemVersion := GetGestaltResult (gestaltSystemVersion); gProcessorType := GetGestaltResult (gestaltProcessorType); { We only concern ourselves with there being an FPU, not which type it is } gHasFPU := (GetGestaltResult (gestaltFPUType) <> gestaltNoFPU); { We only concern ourselves with the major QD version number 0 for original QD, 1 for 8-bit color QD, and 2 for 32-bit QD } gQDVersion := BAND ((BSR (GetGestaltResult (gestaltQuickdrawVersion), 8)), $FF); gKeyboardType := GetGestaltResult (gestaltKeyboardType); gAppleTalkVersion := GetGestaltResult (gestaltAppleTalkVersion); { Appearance manager from Mac OS 8? } gHasThemes := (GetGestaltResult (gestaltAppearanceAttr) <> 0);{$IFC MAC68K} GetAppParms(gAppName, gAppResRef, apParam);{$ELSEC}{$UNUSED apParam} gAppName := '';{$ENDC} bndlResource := GetIndResource('BNDL', 128); { Bug fix 22 aug 96 } IF (bndlResource <> NIL) THEN gSignature := OSTypePtr(bndlResource^)^ ELSE gSignature := '????'; { Prefetch last chance dialog - it will be there even if out of memory } gFatalDialog := GetNewDialog (rUtilErrorAlert, NIL, WindowPtr(0)); gQuit := FALSE; gInBackground := FALSE; gUtilitiesInited := TRUE; END; {$S UtilInit}PROCEDURE PullApplicationToFront; CONST kBroughtToFront = 3; VAR count: INTEGER; event: EventRecord; ignoreResult: BOOLEAN; BEGIN { This code is necessary to pull the application into the foreground. I use EventAvail because I donÕt want to remove any events the user may have done, such as typing ahead. Until the application has made a few calls (3 seems to be the magic number) to the Event Manager, MultiFinder keeps me in the background. Splashscreens and Alerts will remain in a background layer until we get a few events. This is documented in Tech Note #180.} FOR count := 1 TO kBroughtToFront DO ignoreResult := EventAvail(everyEvent, event); END;{$S UtilMain}PROCEDURE StandardAbout; VAR apNameHndl: StringHandle; versMsgPtr: StringPtr; curVersion: VersRecHndl; apName: Str255; verNum: Str255; itemHit: INTEGER; BEGIN IF NOT gUtilitiesInited THEN { make sure we were inititialized } InitUtilities; apNameHndl := StringHandle(GetResource(gSignature, 0)); IF (apNameHndl = NIL) THEN apName := gAppName ELSE apName := apNameHndl^^; { Per commenti su qs. tecnica vedi technote 189 } curVersion := VersRecHndl(GetResource('vers', 1)); IF curVersion <> NIL THEN WITH curVersion^^ DO BEGIN versMsgPtr := StringPtr(ORD4(@shortVersion[1]) + length (shortVersion)); MoveLeft (versMsgPtr^, verNum, length (versMsgPtr^) + 1); ReleaseResource (handle(curVersion)); END ELSE verNum := '????'; { at least initialize it } ParamText(apName, verNum, '', ''); itemHit := Alert(rStdAboutAlert, NIL) END; { StandardAbout } {$S UtilInit}PROCEDURE StandardInitialization(callsToMoreMasters: INTEGER); VAR count: INTEGER; BEGIN InitToolBox; FOR count := 1 TO callsToMoreMasters DO { allocate master pointer blocks } MoreMasters; PullApplicationToFront; InitUtilities; IF gHasThemes THEN gHasThemes := (RegisterAppearanceClient = 0); { New for appearance } END; { StandardInitialization }{$S UtilInit}PROCEDURE StandardMenuSetup(MBARID, AppleMenuID: INTEGER); VAR menuBar: Handle; BEGIN menuBar := GetNewMBar(MBARID); { read menus into menu bar } IF menuBar = NIL THEN DeathAlert(rUtilStrings, kNoMenuBar); SetMenuBar(menuBar); { install menus } DisposeHandle(menuBar); { E non ReleaseResource! Cfr docs di GetNewMBar } AppendResMenu(GetMenuHandle(AppleMenuID), 'DRVR'); { add to Apple menu } DrawMenuBar; END; { StandardMenuSetup }END.