A simple PHP wrapper for OCRmyPDF
Via Composer:
$ composer require mishagp/ocrmypdf
This library depends on OCRmyPDF. Please see the GitHub repository for instructions on how to install OCRmyPDF on your platform.
use mishagp\OCRmyPDF\OCRmyPDF;
//Return file path of outputted, OCRed PDF
echo OCRmyPDF::make('document.pdf')->run();
//Return file contents of outputted, OCRed PDF
echo OCRmyPDF::make('scannedImage.png')->setOutputPDFPath(null)->run();
Define invocation parameters for ocrmypdf
. See ocrmypdf --help
for a list of available parameters.
Parameters configured via setParam
will override any other parameters or configurations set otherwise.
use mishagp\OCRmyPDF\OCRmyPDF;
//Passing a single parameter with a value
->setParam('-l', 'chi_sim')
//Passing a single parameter without a value
//Passing multiple parameters
->setParam('--title', 'Lorem Ipsum')
->setParam('--keywords', 'Lorem,Ipsum,dolor,sit,amet')
Pass image/PDF data loaded in memory into ocrmypdf
directly via stdin.
use mishagp\OCRmyPDF\OCRmyPDF;
//Using Imagick
$data = $img->getImageBlob();
$size = $img->getImageLength();
//Using GD
imagepng($img, null, 0);
$size = ob_get_length();
$data = ob_get_clean();
->setInputData($data, $size)
Specify a writable path where ocrmypdf
should generate output PDF.
use mishagp\OCRmyPDF\OCRmyPDF;
Define a custom location of the ocrmypdf
executable, if by any reason it is not present in the $PATH
use mishagp\OCRmyPDF\OCRmyPDF;
ocrmypdf-php is released under the AGPL-3.0 License.
Development of ocrmypdf-php is based on the tesseract-ocr-for-php PHP wrapper library for tesseract
developed by thiagoalessio and associated contributors.