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@@ -149,6 +149,9 @@ This documentation is for anyone interested in the Modernisation Platform and it
 - [Terraform](runbooks/terraform.html)
 - [Useful scripts](runbooks/useful-scripts.html)
 - [Oracle License Discovery](runbooks/oracle-license-discovery.html)
+- [Youth Justice Application Framework legacy create account](runbooks/yjaf-account-creation.html)
+- [Youth Justice Application Framework legacy delete account](runbooks/yjaf-delete-account.html)
+- [Youth Justice Application Framework legacy reset password](runbooks/yjaf-password-reset.html)
 ## Getting help
 - [Ask for help](getting-help)
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+owner_slack: "#modernisation-platform"
+title: Duty Rota 
+last_reviewed_on: 2025-01-22
+review_in: 6 months
+# YJAF AWS IAM Account Creation
+This process covers the creation of IAM accounts for the YJAF AWS account.
+This is a semi-automated process. New users are managed in Terraform, however, user credentials are issued manually.
+## Add users to code
+1. Create a module for the new user in [users.tf](https://github.com/ministryofjustice/yjaf-infra-aws-mgmt/blob/main/user-groups/users.tf).
+Example (replace FirstnameSurname with actual user details):
+module "FirstnameSurname" {
+  source   = "../modules/user"
+  username = "FirstnameSurname"
+  tags     = local.tags
+2. Add users new `username` (that you created in step 1) to appropriate list in [env_config](https://github.com/ministryofjustice/yjaf-infra-aws-mgmt/blob/main/env_configs/yjaf-mgmt-users.tfvars) depending on level of access required.
+i2n_devops_members = [
+  "FirstnameSurname",
+This would add the new user `FirstnameSurname` to the `i2n_devops_members` group and allow them specifc permissions. All permissions and policies can be found elsewhere in this repository.
+3. Raise a PR.
+4. On merging the PR an automated Terraform Apply will run.
+After the apply has finished successfully you can access the AWS account to get the users login details for the next steps.
+## Issue login details
+5. Use AWS SSO to access the `Youth Justice Framework Management` account.
+6. Access the IAM console.
+7. Go to the `Users` section.
+8. Click on the new user who was created via Terraform in the previous steps.
+9. Navigate to the `Security credentials` tab.
+10. Click on the `Enable console access` button.
+11. On the next sectionm select `Auto generated password` and ensure the `User must create new password at next sign-in` box is checked. Then click on the `Enable console access` button to save and move on.
+12. The next screen contains the login url, username and password. Make a note of these and provide these details to the new users via email.
+Example email:
+Hi Firstname,
+Please see below for your new Youth Justice AWS console login details:
+Console URL: https://yjaf-mgmt.signin.aws.amazon.com/console
+Username: FirstnameSurname
+Password: **************
+You will be asked to set a new password on first login.
+You will also need to set up 2FA on the account. Please ensure the device name is identical to your Username i.e. FirstnameSurname.
+Any issues please let me know.
+13. Send email to users with new console login details.
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+owner_slack: "#modernisation-platform"
+title: Duty Rota 
+last_reviewed_on: 2025-01-22
+review_in: 6 months
+# YJAF AWS IAM Account Deletion
+This process covers the removal of IAM accounts for the YJAF AWS account.
+The existing pipelines are not able to delete accounts so there are some manual steps before you update and apply the terraform code.
+## Manual steps to delete IAM Account
+1. Access the **Youth Justice Framework Management AWS account** via [SSO](https://moj.awsapps.com/start/#/?tab=accounts).
+2. Go to the IAM Console.
+3. Click on `Users` tab.
+4. Click on the user name you will be deleting.
+5. Click on the `Security Credentials` tab
+6. Go to the `Multi-factor authentication (MFA)` section. Select all devices and click on the `Remove` button.
+7. Then click on the `Delete` button in the top right corner of the UI. You'll need to confirm deletion on the next screen and save changes. The user IAM account will now be deleted.
+## Update [yjaf-infra-aws-mgmt](https://github.com/ministryofjustice/yjaf-infra-aws-mgmt) and apply terraform
+There are two files to update:
+- Remove the user name for the relevant lists in the [yjaf-mgmt-users.tfvars](https://github.com/ministryofjustice/yjaf-infra-aws-mgmt/blob/main/env_configs/yjaf-mgmt-users.tfvars) file.
+- Remove the user module block from the [user.tf](https://github.com/ministryofjustice/yjaf-infra-aws-mgmt/blob/main/user-groups/users.tf) file.
+Raise a PR for changes to be reviewed by the Team. Merge changes to run automated pipelines.
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+owner_slack: "#modernisation-platform"
+title: Duty Rota 
+last_reviewed_on: 2025-01-22
+review_in: 6 months
+# YJAF AWS Account Password Resets
+From time to time we may get requests to the Operations Engineering mailbox for Youth Justice Application Framework (YJAF) AWS IAM account resets.
+This is a manual process that is managed via the console.
+## Steps to reset password
+1. Access the **Youth Justice Framework Management AWS account** via [SSO](https://moj.awsapps.com/start/#/?tab=accounts).
+2. Go to the IAM Console.
+3. Click on `Users` tab.
+4. Click on the user name that requires a password reset.
+5. Click on the `Security Credentials` tab
+6. Click on the `Manage console access` button
+7. Select the `Reset Password` option
+8. Check that `Autogenerated password` is selected and tick the `User must create new password at next sign-in`
+9. Click on the `Reset Password` button to generate a new password
+10. Copy the autogenerated password and email it to the user
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