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ET to ATOS File Transfer

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This gem is intended to be used in the Employment Tribunal JADU Replacement project. It keeps the ATOS interface separate with the goal of being able to use it as a standalone rack app OR just mount it inside a rails app..

Installation - For use as a mountable engine inside another rails application

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'et_atos_file_transfer'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install et_atos_file_transfer

Running Standalone

First, clone this repository into et_atos_file_transfer


cd et_atos_file_transfer/rails_container


Then, setup the following environment variables


SECRET_KEY_BASE - Just make up a random 128 character hex string

DB_HOST - Must be the same as for the API service (defaults to localhost) DB_USERNAME - Must be the same as for the API service (defaults to postgres) DB_PASSWORD - Must be the same as for the API service (defaults to postgres) DB_PORT - Must be the same as for the API service (defaults to 5432)

AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT - Must be the same as for the API service (defaults to the azurite standard development account) AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY - Must be the same as for the API service (defaults to the azurite standard development key) AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER - Must be the same as for the API service (defaults to et_api_container the same as the API)


AZURE_STORAGE_BLOB_FORCE_PATH_STYLE - Used in development / test environments to specify that that container name is part of the path instead of a subdomain AZURE_STORAGE_BLOB_HOST - Used in development / test environments to point to the azurite server

./bin/rails s


Currently, the application relies on the following from the app where it is mounted

  1. Active Record
  2. Active Storage
  3. ExportedFile model


To Mount Into Rails App

In your config/routes.rb

  mount EtAtosFileTransfer, at: '/atos_api'


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.