I have temporary (or forever) stopped developing rainfall
and switched to aiohttp
, which includes a nice high level web framework:
To start off, rainfall is a micro web framework around asyncio (ex tulip), similiar to the cyclone or tornado. Since it is asyncio based, rainfall is fully asyncronous.
Websocket support is work in progress, should be released soon.
As simple as::
pip install rainfall
.. note:: sometimes pip for python 3 is called pip3, but you may have it with other name
Let's create a simple hello world app in example.py file like this::
import asyncio
from rainfall.web import Application, HTTPHandler
class HelloHandler(HTTPHandler):
def handle(self, request):
return 'Hello!'
app = Application(
r'^/$': HelloHandler(),
if __name__ == '__main__':
Now you can run it by::
python3 example.py
And go to in browser, you should see "Hello!"
For documentation go to http://rainfall.readthedocs.org/
More examples here https://github.com/mind1master/rainfall/blob/master/rainfall/tests/app.py
Author: Anton Kasyanov (https://github.com/mind1master/)
Contributors: mksh (https://github.com/mksh)